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20世纪,越来越多的证据使人们意识到,吸入含石棉的灰尘会使从事与石棉有关的几种职业(如石棉采矿、造船和石棉产品组装)的工人患上几种严重的呼吸道疾病(石棉沉着病,肺癌和mesotheliuma)。为此已经制定了若干规定,以控制工人们在特殊的制造、采矿和其他工作地点与石棉尘埃的接触。比较间接的是控制和管理"天然产生的石棉"(NOA),这一问题近年来也引起了管理机构、健康机构和居民团体的注意。NOA包括在自然状态下原地找到的被描述为石棉的矿物,例如在基岩或土壤中的这种矿物。NOA之所以引起关注,是因为如果含石棉的岩石受到自然侵蚀或人类活动(例如修路、城市开挖、农业、采矿、压碎和碾磨)的影响,就有可能暴露并变成空中尘埃的微小纤维。天然石棉矿床的规模差异很大,从薄的四散的细脉一直到大的矿体。它们的地理分布与地质条件直接有关。石棉产出的地质背景是含镁丰富的主岩,这些岩石受到低压低温的变质作用蚀变而成。已知的容矿主岩包括变质的和已被交代的超基性岩(尤其是蛇纹岩)、一些基性火成岩、变质白云岩和变质的铁建造。石棉形状的角闪石在几种热液蚀变型的碱性火成侵入体中也能作为副矿物存在。石棉形成于可预见和可鉴别的地质环境。这种认识是一种信息,而这种信息使公众健康机构可以执行有情报根据的屏蔽和管理规划。第一步是在区域的或国家规模的尺度上确定和描述已知的(报道过的)石棉矿床。第二步是对容纳已知石棉矿的单位进行填图,以划定可能的其他石棉矿化的范围。这种地质研究使有关机构对遇到石棉的可能性做出规划,而尽量节省在不太可能遇到石棉矿的地区的管理费用。对石棉地质条件的认识可以事先应用于岩石和土壤的挖掘项目,而不管挖掘的规模有多大。这种对石棉管理的科学探索能有助于缓解对挖掘所发现的自然石棉矿床的连续不断地做出反应。因此,通过对很可能含有石棉矿床的地区做填图,规划者可开发出一些控制尘埃的程序,这些程序适用于工人和附近居民最容易暴露于空气携带的石棉的地区。  相似文献   

Abstract Compositions of actinolite, hornblende and cummingtonite, together with pyroxene and plagioclase, are studied in basic intrusions in the Dalradian of north-east Scotland, and the Glen Scaddle complex in the West Moine. Amphibolitization is due to influx of water from the country rocks. Pyroxene compositions are found to have adjusted to the regional metamorphic environment. Owing to the difficulty of diffusion of Al and Si, calcic amphiboles are zoned and commonly contain quartz blebs. Discontinuities in zoning give rise to actinolite-hornblende pairs. Compared with north-east Scotland, disequilibrium is less strong in the Glen Scaddle area: in the latter, plagioclase compositions have been greatly changed, Na partition between hornblende and plagioclase is close to equilibrium, the maximum Al content of hornblende is lower and zoning patterns are more consistent. The Fe/Mg ratio in calcic amphiboles varies with Al content, while approaching equilibrium partition with other minerals. Both zoning patterns and Fe/Mg partition with cummingtonite suggest that Fe/Mg of the calcic amphiboles increases more strongly with increasing (Alvi+Fe3+) than can be explained simply by substitution of Al,Fe3+ for Mg on M2. Model reactions for amphibole formation are constructed. Cummingtonite formed at lower chemical potential of CaO than actinolite: Ca was exchanged for Mg,Fe between orthopyroxene-derived and clinopyroxene-derived local systems. Both cummingtonite and actinolite were formed because of kinetic constraints, as intermediate reaction products: actinolite-hornblende pairs represent disequilibrium. This work suggests that many occurrences of actinolite with hornblende, where the minerals are zoned, may also be due to diffusion kinetics.  相似文献   

Magmatic augites reacted with high temperature aqueous solutions to form secondary calcic pyroxenes during the subsolidus cooling of the Skaergaard intrusion. Secondary, hydrothermal clinopyroxenes replace wall rock igneous augites at the margins of veins filled with calcic amphibole. These veins are up to several millimeters wide and tens of meters in length. Hydrothermal clinopyroxenes are a ubiquitous and characteristic phase in the earliest veins throughout the Layered Series of the intrusion, and occur rarely in late veins that, in some places, crosscut the early veins. Associated secondary phases in early veins include amphiboles ranging in composition from actinolite to hornblende, together with biotite, Fe-Ti oxides and calcic plagioclase. Hydrothermal clinopyroxenes in late veins may be associated with actinolite, hornblende, biotite, magnetite and albite.Hydrothermal clinopyroxenes are depleted in Fe, Mg and minor elements, and enriched in Ca and Si relative to igneous augites in the Layered Series gabbros. Secondary vein pyroxenes are similar in composition to calcic pyroxenes from amphibolite facies metamorphic rocks. Clinopyroxene solvus thermometry suggests minimum temperatures of equilibration of between 500° and 750° C. These temperatures, combined with numerical transport models of the intrusion, suggest that vein clinopyroxenes could have formed during 20,000 to 60,000 year time intervals associated with a maximum in the fluid flux through fractures in the Layered Series.  相似文献   

In recent years, the high incidence of harmful health effects through inhalation of airborne asbestos from amphibole-bearing rock mélanges has been thoroughly documented. Here, we present a field-based, multi-scale geological approach aimed at illustrating the occurrence of amphibole fibrous mineralisation in an ophiolitic suite from the Ligurian Alps (Italy) and discussing the implication on in situ determination of the asbestos hazard. The rock mélange is composed of plurimetre-sized blocks of different lithotypes (metagabbro, serpentinite, chloritoschist) juxtaposed by the meaning of tectonic structures. The geological-structural survey revealed that the fibrous mineralisation is localised in specific structural sites of the rock volume, including veins and schistosity. Both micro-chemical and crystal structure analyses on selected fibrous samples revealed that actinolite fibres grow in veins within the metagabbro and in chloritoschists, while fibrous tremolite occurs in serpentinite schistosity. The morphological features of these amphibole fibres have been analysed in TEM images and used for classifying them as “asbestiform” or “non-asbestiform”. The results show that the asbestos hazard determination is not unequivocally identified when different procedures for asbestos fibre identification and classification are applied. This may have impact on normatives and regulations in defining environmental hazards due to asbestos occurrence.  相似文献   

Abstract Crystal-chemical relationships between coexisting sodic and calcic amphiboles have been studied in eclogitic metagabbros from the Aosta Valley, Western Alps. Textural analysis gives evidence of three successive high-pressure parageneses:
1. Pre-kinematic high-grade blueschist assemblages, preserved as polymineralic inclusions in garnet cores and made of glaucophane and actinolite (stage A).
2. Synkinematic eclogite assemblages, composed of garnet + omphacite + glaucophane ± actinolite ± white mica ° Clinozoisite + quartz + rutile (stage B).
3. Post-kinematic epitactic overgrowths of barroisitic amphibole on glaucophane and actinolite (stage C).
P–T conditions of the eclogitic metamorphism have been estimated at around 500–550°C, 16 kbar.
Glaucophane and actinolite coexist as discrete grains in stage A and B assemblages. This texture and the chemistry of the amphiboles unambiguously denotes the existence of a miscibility gap between sodic and calcic amphiboles (from NaM4= 0.80 in actinolite to NaM4= 1.70 in glaucophane at T = 500–550°C). A comparison with published analyses allows a new solvus along the glaucophane–actinolite join to be drawn.
The later barroisitic amphibole (stage C) exhibits strong chemical zonation indicating disequilibrium growth. This amphibole cannot either be used to define a miscibility gap with glaucophane or actinolite or be considered as an intermediate stage between these two end-members.  相似文献   

An Early Palaeozoic (Ordovician ?) metamudstone sequence near Wojcieszow, Kaczawa Mts, Western Sudetes, Poland, contains numerous metabasite sills, up to 50 m thick. These subvolcanic rocks are of within-plate alkali basalt type. Primary igneous phases in the metabasites, clinopyroxene (salite) and kaersutite, are veined and partly replaced by complex metamorphic mineral assemblages. Particularly, the kaersutite is corroded and rimmed by zoned sodic, sodic–calcic and calcic amphiboles. The matrix is composed of actinolite, pycnochlorite, albite (An ≤ 0.5%), epidote (Ps 27–33), titanite, calcite, opaques and, occasionally, biotite, phengite and stilpnomelane. The sodic amphiboles are glaucophane to crossite in composition with NaB from 1.9 to 1.6. They are rimmed successively by sodic–calcic and calcic amphiboles with compositions ranging from magnesioferri-winchite to actinolite. No compositions between NaB= 0.92 and NaB= 1.56 have been ascertained. The textures may be interpreted as representing a greenschist facies overprint on an earlier blueschist (or blueschist–greenschist transitional) assemblage. The presence of glaucophane and no traces of a jadeitic pyroxene + quartz association indicate pressures between 6 and 12 kbar during the high-pressure episode. Temperature is difficult to assess in this metamorphic event. The replacement of glaucophane by actinolite + chlorite + albite, with associated epidote, allows restriction of the upper pressure limit of the greenschist recrystallization to <8 kbar, between 350 and 450°C. The mineral assemblage representing the greenschist episode suggests the P–T conditions of the high-pressure part of the chlorite or lower biotite zone. The latest metamorphic recrystallization, under the greenschist facies, may have taken place in the Viséan.  相似文献   

Using continental-margin volcanic belts of East Asia as an example, the petrography and geochemistry of acid volcanic and subvolcanic rocks are considered. Cotectoid and eutectoid types are distinguished among them. The eutectoid type is characterized by a disequilibrium mineralogical composition, which includes phenocrysts of early “gabbro” paragenesis (pyroxenes, calcic plagioclase, occasional olivine and amphibole) and “granite” paragenesis (K-Na feldspar, quartz, biotite) and groundmass corresponding to dry quartz-feldspathic eutectics. A linear correlation is noted between the amount of phenocrysts of gabbro paragenesis and SiO2 content. The entire petrochemical diversity of the eutectoid-type rocks is determined by the quantitative proportions between the gabbro paragenesis and bulk composition. The cotectoid rocks are dominated by sparsely-phyric and aphyric rocks lacking melanocratic inclusions and xenogenic minerals. In the cotectoid-type rocks, the compositions of the phenocrysts and groundmass are complementary with the bulk rocks composition, indicating their equilibrium cotectic crystallization.  相似文献   

Abstract Sodic amphiboles are common in Franciscan type II and type III metabasites from Cazadero, California. They occur as (1) vein-fillings, (2) overgrowths on relict augites, (3) discrete tiny crystals in the groundmass, and (4) composite crystals with metamorphic Ca–Na pyroxenes in low-grade rocks. They become coarse-grained and show strong preferred orientation in schistose high-grade rocks. In the lowest grade, only riebeckite to crossite appears; with increasing grade, sodic amphibole becomes, first, enriched in glaucophane component, later coexists with actinolite, and finally, at even higher grade, becomes winchite. Actinolite first appears in foliated blueschists of the upper pumpellyite zone. It occurs (1) interlayered on a millimetre scale with glaucophane prisms and (2) as segments of composite amphibole crystals. Actinolite is considered to be in equilibrium with other high-pressure phases on the basis of its restricted occurrence in higher grade rocks, textural and compositional characteristics, and Fe/Mg distribution coefficient between actinolite and chlorite. Detailed analyses delineate a compositional gap for coexisting sodic and calcic amphiboles. At the highest grade, winchite appears at the expense of the actinolite–glaucophane pair. Compositional characteristics of Franciscan amphiboles from Ward Creek are compared with those of other high P/T facies series. The amphibole trend in terms of major components is very sensitive to the metamorphic field gradient. Na-amphibole appears at lower grade than actinolite along the higher P/T facies series (e.g. Franciscan and New Caledonia), whereas reverse relations occur in the lower P/T facies series (e.g. Sanbagawa and New Zealand). Available data also indicate that at low-temperature conditions, such as those of the blueschist and pumpellyite–actinolite facies, large compositional gaps exist between Ca- and Na-amphiboles, and between actinolite and hornblende, whereas at higher temperatures such as in the epidote–amphibolite, greenschist and eclogite facies, the gaps become very restricted. Common occurrence of both sodic and calcic amphiboles and Ca–Na pyroxene together with albite + quartz in the Ward Creek metabasites and their compositional trends are characteristic of the jadeite–glaucophane type facies series. In New Caledonia blueschists, Ca–Na pyroxenes are also common; Na-amphiboles do not appear alone at low grade in metabasites, instead, Na-amphiboles coexist with Ca-amphiboles throughout the progressive sequence. However, for metabasites of the intermediate pressure facies series, such as those of the Sanbagawa belt, Japan and South Island, New Zealand, Ca–Na pyroxene and glaucophane are not common; sodic amphiboles are restricted to crossite and riebeckite in composition and clinopyroxenes to acmite and sodic augite, and occur only in Fe2O3-rich metabasites. The glaucophane component of Na-amphibole systematically decreases from Ward Creek, New Caledonia, through Sanbagawa to New Zealand. This relation is consistent with estimated pressure decrease employing the geobarometer of Maruyama et al. (1986). Similarly, the decrease in tschermakite content and increase in NaM4 of Ca-amphiboles from New Zealand, through Sanbagawa to New Caledonia is consistent with the geobarometry of Brown (1977b). Therefore, the difference in compositional trends of amphiboles can be used as a guide for P–T detail within the metamorphic facies series.  相似文献   

This study examined commercial talc deposits in the U.S. and their amphibole-asbestos content. The study found that the talc-forming environment directly influenced the amphibole and amphibole-asbestos content of the talc deposit. Large talc districts in the U.S. have mined hydrothermal talcs that replaced dolostone. Hydrothermal talcs, created by siliceous fluids heated by magmas at depth, consistently lack amphiboles as accessory minerals. In contrast, mineable talc deposits that formed by contact or regional metamorphism consistently contain amphiboles, locally as asbestiform varieties. Examples of contact metamorphic deposits occur in Death Valley, California; these talc-tremolite deposits contain accessory amphibole-asbestos. Talc bodies formed by regional metamorphism always contain amphiboles, which display a variety of compositions and habits, including asbestiform. Some industrial mineral deposits are under scrutiny as potential sources of accessory asbestos minerals. Recognizing consistent relations between the talc-forming environment and amphibole-asbestos content may be used in prioritizing remediation or monitoring of abandoned and active talc mines.  相似文献   

中国夕卡岩矿床中的角闪石   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
赵一鸣  李大新 《矿床地质》2003,22(4):345-359
文章综合分析研究了中国21个夕卡岩矿床中的130个角闪石的成分分析数据。根据夕卡岩类型及其伴生金属矿化的不同,把角闪石分为4大类:钙夕卡岩中的角闪石多属钙角闪石,包括绿钙闪石、铁角闪石、镁绿钙闪石、铁浅闪石、阳起石、铁阳起石、铁镁钙闪石和铁韭闪石等;镁夕卡岩中的角闪石以透闪石为主,局部有浅闪石或韭闪石;锰质夕卡岩中的角闪石有锰质阳起石、锰质透闪石、锰直闪石和锰镁闪石;碱质夕卡岩中的角闪石属钠-钙角闪石或钠角闪石类,包括钠透闪石、镁亚铁钠闪石、亚铁钠闪石、镁铝钠闪石和镁钠闪石。碳酸盐围岩和有关侵入岩的成分对角闪石的类型、成分及其伴生金属矿化起重要的作用。  相似文献   

Apatite occurs in the zeolite to greenschist facies metamorphic rocks of the Otago Schist, South Island, New Zealand, as both a groundmass constituent and as a hydrothermal phase hosted in metamorphic quartz veins. Groundmass apatite from low-grade rocks, ranging from the zeolite facies to the pumpellyite–actinolite zone, has chloride contents ranging from 0–1.4 wt%, and fluoride contents ranging from 2.2–4.2 wt%, whilst groundmass apatite from the greenschist facies (chlorite to biotite zone) is virtually pure fluorapatite. Vein apatite from all grades is also fluorapatite with little or no chloride. This difference in composition is interpreted as resulting from the preservation of the primary magmatic compositions of detrital Cl-apatite grains, out of equilibrium with the metamorphic fluid, at low grades, whilst higher-grade groundmass apatite and neoformed apatite in quartz veins have compositions in equilibrium with an aqueous metamorphic fluid. The presence of detrital Cl-bearing apatite during the early stages of metamorphism may constitute a significant reservoir of Cl, given the low porosities of compacted sediments undergoing prograde metamorphism. Calculations indicate that the release of Cl from detrital apatite in the Otago Schist, as a result of re-equilibration of apatite with the pore fluid, may have had a significant effect on the salinity of the metamorphic fluid.  相似文献   

The Susunai Complex of southeast Sakhalin represents a subduction-related accretionary complex of pelitic and basic rocks. Two stages of metamorphism are recognized: (1) a local, low- P / T  event characterized by Si-poor calcic amphiboles; (2) a regional, high- P / T  event characterized by pumpellyite, actinolite, epidote, sodic amphibole, sodic pyroxene, stilpnomelane and aragonite. The major mineral assemblages of the high- P / T  Susunai metabasites contain pumpellyite+epidote+actinolite+chlorite, epidote+actinolite+chlorite, epidote+Na-amphibole+Na-pyroxene+chlorite+haematite. The Na- amphibole is commonly magnesioriebeckite. The Na-pyroxene is jadeite-poor aegirine to aegirine-augite. Application of empirically and experimentally based thermobarometers suggests peak conditions of T  =250–300 °C, P= 4.7–6 kbar. Textural relationships in Susunai metabasite samples and a petrogenetic grid calculated for the Fe3+-rich basaltic system suggest that pressure and temperature increased during prograde metamorphism.  相似文献   

Metabasites were sampled from rock series of the subducted margin of the Indian Plate, the so-called Higher Himalayan Crystalline, in the Upper Kaghan Valley, Pakistan. These vary from corona dolerites, cropping out around Saif-ul-Muluk in the south, to coesite–eclogite close to the suture zone against rocks of the Kohistan arc in the north. Bulk rock major- and trace- element chemistry reveals essentially a single protolith as the source for five different eclogite types, which differ in fabric, modal mineralogy as well as in mineral chemistry. The study of newly-collected samples reveals coesite (confirmed by in situ Raman spectroscopy) in both garnet and omphacite. All eclogites show growth of amphiboles during exhumation. Within some coesite-bearing eclogites the presence of glaucophane cores to barroisite is noted whereas in most samples porphyroblastic sodic–calcic amphiboles are rimmed by more aluminous calcic amphibole (pargasite, tschermakite, and edenite). Eclogite facies rutile is replaced by ilmenite which itself is commonly surrounded by titanite. In addition, some eclogite bodies show leucocratic segregations containing phengite, quartz, zoisite and/or kyanite. The important implication is that the complex exhumation path shows stages of initial cooling during decompression (formation of glaucophane) followed by reheating: a very similar situation to that reported for the coesite-bearing eclogite series of the Tso Morari massif, India, 450 km to the south-east.  相似文献   

The Zvishavane Ultramafic Complex (ZUC) in the south central part of the Zimbabwe craton is comprised of coarse-grained serpentinites, metadunites and metagabbros and hosts Africa's largest reserves, and largest mine, of high-grade chrysotile asbestos. Magnesiohornblende, actinolite, plagioclase (An0.6–41.9), augite, diopside and clinozoisite constitute the mineralogy of the ZUC. Forsteritic olivine (>Fo90) was altered to form chrysotile and antigorite minerals, although some primary olivines are preserved. Contents of Al2O3 range from <1 to >2.5 wt% at TiO2 values of <0.7 wt% consistent with an island arc setting for the ZUC that originated from tholeiitic magmas. The Zvishavane Ultramafic Complex was metamorphosed at relatively high temperatures (542-779 °C) and low pressures (1.2-2kbars), consistent with contact metamorphism. Intrusion of several granitic batholiths relatively close to the ZUC likely triggered hydrothermal fluid migration which metamorphosed the ZUC. The associated asbestos deposits likely formed during hydrothermal circulation events. Zoned amphiboles, the occurrence of magnesiohornblende and actinolite, as well as cross-cutting serpentine veins are consistent with at least two stages of alteration and/or metamorphism of the ZUC. The lack of a thrust contact between the ZUC and its country rocks is consistent with the ZUC having intruded into the host Zvishavane Gneiss Complex and possibly acted as a feeder to the nearby Mberengwa greenstone belt (MGB). However, the occurrence of near end-member forsteritic olivine, the presence of zoned amphiboles, and faulting within the ZUC are all suggestive of an ophiolitic origin although forsteritic olivines also occur in intrusive layered complexes. Metamorphism of the ZUC, ascribed to intrusion of multiple batholiths and possibly the MGB, likely led to the formation of ZUC chrysotile asbestos deposits.  相似文献   

The chemistry and phase relations of calcic and sodic amphiboles in the Ouégoa blueschists are investigated. The first appearance of sodic amphiboles is controlled by bulkrock chemistry. Sodic amphibole appears first in weakly-metamorphosed pumpellyite metabasalts prior to the crystallization of lawsonite but does not crystallize in pelitic schists until the middle of the lawsonite zone; sodic amphibole continues as an apparently stable phase in rocks of all bulk compositions into, and throughout, the highest-grade rocks in the district. Calcic amphibole is widespread in metabasalts of the lawsonite and epidote zones and also occurs in metasediments of appropriate composition. Coexisting pairs of calcic and sodic amphiboles are common in metabasalts but they have also been found in some metasediments. A grunerite-riebeckite pair is described.Electron-probe analyses of 120 amphiboles from representative rock-types are presented in graphical form. Sodic amphiboles show an increased Mg/(Mg+Fe) ratio with increasing metamorphic grade. Sodic amphiboles in pelitic schists are ferroglaucophane in the lawsonite zone and crossite and glaucophane in the epidote zone. Sodic amphiboles in metabasalts are iron-rich crossites in weakly-metamorphosed rocks and more-magnesian crossites and glaucophanes in the lawsonite and epidote zones. The abrupt increase in Mg/(Mg+Fe) ratio in sodic amphiboles at the epidote isograd is attributed to the crystallization of epidote and almandine which take the place of lawsonite and spessartine of the lawsonite zone. Calcic amphiboles are fibrous actinolites in the lawsonite zone and grade with increasing Al and Na/Ca ratio into prismatic blue-green hornblendes (barroisites) in the upper epidote zone. In calcic amphiboles, increasing metamorphic grade effects the coupled substitution of (Na+Al) for (Ca+Mg) and a small increases in Fe/Mg ratio; octahedrally and tetrahedrally coordinated Al increases in an approximately 11 ratio. Both the calcic and the sodic amphiboles show an increase in A-site occupancy with increasing metamorphic grade. In two-amphibole assemblages Ti, Mn and K are concentrated in the calcic amphibole.The textural and chemical relations between coexisting calcic and sodic amphiboles are discussed. If the calcic and sodic amphiboles are an equilibrium pair then the data collected from the Ouégoa amphiboles gives a picture of a very asymmetric solvus in the system glaucophane-actinolite-hornblende, i.e. steep-sided to glaucophane and with a gentle slope to the calcic amphibole field; there is no indication of any termination of the solvus under the pressure-temperature conditions of crystallization of the Ouégoa schists.  相似文献   

Gold mineralisation in the White River area, 80 km south of the highly productive Klondike alluvial goldfield, is hosted in amphibolite facies gneisses in the same Permian metamorphic pile as the basement for the Klondike goldfield. Hydrothermal fluid which introduced the gold was controlled by fracture systems associated with middle Cretaceous to early Tertiary extensional faults. Gold deposition occurred where highly fractured and chemically reactive rocks allowed intense water–rock interaction and hydrothermal alteration, with only minor development of quartz veins. Felsic gneisses were sericitised with recrystallisation of hematite and minor arsenic mobility, and extensively pyritised zones contain gold and minor arsenic (ca 10 ppm). Graphitic quartzites (up to 5 wt.% carbon) caused chemical reduction of mineralising fluids, with associated recrystallisation of metamorphic minerals (graphite, pyrrhotite, pyrite, chalcopyrite) in host rocks and veins, and introduction of arsenic (up to 1 wt.%) to form arsenopyrite in veins and disseminated through host rock. Veins have little or no hydrothermal quartz, and up to 19 wt.% carbon as graphite. Late-stage oxidation of arsenopyrite in some graphitic veins has formed pharmacosiderite. Gold is closely associated with disseminated and vein sulphides in these two rock types, with grades of up to 3 ppm on the metre scale. Other rock types in the White River basement rocks, including biotite gneiss, hornblende gneiss, pyroxenite, and serpentinite, have not developed through-going fracture systems because of their individual mineralogical and rheological characteristics, and hence have been little hydrothermally altered themselves, have little hydrothermal gold, and have restricted flow of fluids through the rock mass. Some small post-metamorphic quartz veins (metre scale) have been intensely fractured and contain abundant gold on fractures (up to 40 ppm), but these are volumetrically minor. The style of gold mineralisation in the White River area is younger than, and distinctly different from, that of the Klondike area. Some of the mineralised zones in the White River area resemble, mineralogically and geochemically, nearby coeval igneous-hosted gold deposits, but this resemblance is superficial only. The White River mineralisation is an entirely new style of Yukon gold deposit, in which host rocks control the mineralogy and geochemistry of disseminated gold, without quartz veins.  相似文献   

When asbestos fibres become airborne, they can be inhaled into the lungs, where they may cause significant health problems. The latter includes progressive pulmonary fibrosis (asbestosis), pleural disease (effusion and pleural plaques) and malignancies such as bronchogenic carcinoma and malignant mesothelioma. The term asbestos applies to a group of hydrated fibrous mineral silicates including those belonging to the serpentine group of phyllosilicates (chrysotile) and amphiboles. However, only the ‘asbestiform varieties’ of amphiboles such as grunerite (amosite), riebeckite (crocidolite), anthophyllite, tremolite and actinolite are regarded as asbestos (s.s.). This implies that ‘non-asbestiform varieties’ of such minerals, that nevertheless generate acicular cleavage fragments, cannot be regarded as asbestos s.s. We argue that a discussion on the term asbestos goes beyond mere semantics, because for environmental regulatory bodies, the definition of a term can make the difference between classifying a mineral as harmful or non-harmful. A case of mesothelioma in the small mining town of La Higuera, northern Chile, may shed some light into this matter, because this form of cancer is almost always caused by exposure to asbestos. The town hosts about 20,000 t of fine-grained tailings left behind after flotation of Cu sulphides during 1950–1979. The ore was extracted from actinolite-rich, copper-iron vein deposits. We show that, if a ‘non-asbestiform variety’ of amphibole (e.g. La Higuera actinolite) is finely ground, it will cleave to asbestos-like acicular crystals and as such has the potential to induce similar health hazards to those posed by asbestos (s.s.).  相似文献   

The Serra da Graciosa Granites and Syenites comprise five distinct plutons in the Brasiliano/Pan-African Graciosa A-type Province, southern Brazil. Six petrographic series can be identified in these plutons: (1) Alkaline series 1, composed of amphibole-bearing alkali feldspar syenites with varied mafic mineralogy and quartz contents, from alkali feldspar syenites with calcic amphibole, clinopyroxene, olivine and allanite to alkali feldspar quartz syenites with sodic–calcic amphibole and chevkinite–perrierite and to alkali feldspar granites with sodic amphibole; (2) Alkaline series 2, characterized by amphibole-bearing alkali feldspar granites, with limited modal variations but amphibole compositions also varying from calcic to sodic; (3) Alkaline series 3, of limited occurrence, which includes alkali feldspar syenites with olivine and clinopyroxene and no amphibole; (4) Aluminous series 1, of widespread occurrence, with various petrographic facies of biotite granites with amphibole; (5) Aluminous series 2, characterized by alkali feldspar granites with biotite and only minor amphibole; (6) Monzodiorites, typically with biotite, calcic amphibole and augitic clinopyroxene, partially mingled with granitic magmas. The mafic minerals present are, in general, Fe-rich with correspondingly low Mg and Al contents. In Alkaline series 1, amphiboles crystallized in progressively more oxidizing and alkaline conditions, while in Alkaline series 2, the initial conditions were somewhat more oxidizing and shifted to reducing in the final stages. In Aluminous series 1 and Aluminous series 2, amphiboles are calcic and comparatively homogeneous. The amphiboles in the monzodioritic rocks, while also homogeneous, are more Mg-rich and show compositions quite distinct from the calcic varieties in the other associations, and this is also the case for clinopyroxene. Mg# in biotite decreases from the monzodioritic rocks to Aluminous series 1 and further to Aluminous series 2. Contrasting evolution of the various associations suggests that several coeval magmatic series are present in the Serra da Graciosa granites.  相似文献   

Actinolite, hornblende and biotite coexisting in greenschist mafic metagreywackes have been analysed with the electron microprobe to obtain information on their chemical relationship during metamorphism. As in some other parts of the world, the two calcic amphiboles coexist in the greenschist facies because of a miscibility gap between them which is observed under conditions of low-pressure regional metamorphism; it is thought that the two amphiboles are in equilibrium, or at least that the actinolite participated in hornblendeforming reactions. Contact metamorphism by granitic intrusives of these metagreywackes has converted them to hornblende hornfelses with the assemblage hornblende, andesine, quartz, biotite±cummingtonite; the hornblendes of the hornfelses are found to have compositions between actinolite and hornblende of the greenschists, and frequently show fine exsolution lamellae of cummingtonite as a result of oversaturation in this component. The distribution of Fe-Mg between hornblende and biotite changes from the greenschist to the hornblende hornfels facies, and the K D is probably dependent on AlVI in the hornblende.  相似文献   

A major gold province of the world exists in the Proterozoic Birimian and Tarkwaian supracrustal rocks of West Africa. The bulk of the gold comes from the primary lode occurrences of the Birimian rocks of Ghana (formerly The Gold Coast). Birimian lithofacies is characterised by subaqueous fine-grained sediments with bimodal volcanic material. Metasedimentary rocks include phyllites and metawackes. Metavolcanic rocks are predominantly tholeiitic basalts. Komatiites and banded iron formations (BIF) are absent.Gold is in 5 parallel, evenly spaced, more than 300 km long, northeast-trending volcanic belts separated by basins containing pyroclastic and meta-sedimentary units. The most prominent is the Ashanti volcanic “greenstone” belt, which hosts the Ashanti Goldfields Corporation mines at Obuasi (more than 800,000 kg Au since 1896), the Billiton Bogosu Gold mine at Bogosu, and the State Gold Mining Corporation mines at Prestea, Bibiani and Konongo.Gold, ranging from 2 to 30 ppm, is in quartz veins of laterally extensive major orebodies which deeply penetrate fissures and shear zones at contacts between metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks. The veins consists mainly of quartz with carbonate minerals, green sericite, carbonaceous partings and metallic sulfides and arsenides of Fe, As, Zn, Au, Cu, Sb, and Pb. Gold occurs in carbonate fillings in fractured quartz veins. Country rocks, which contain rutile, anatase and granular masses of leucoxene, along ore channels, have been hydrothermally altered to carbonates, sericite, silica and sulfide minerals. Fluid inclusion evidences suggest that mineral deposition took place at about 350°C and 140 bar from dilute aqueous solutions. Timing deduced from ore textures, however, show complex multi-stage mineralization events, with higher temperature minerals commonly having formed later than lower temperature ones. Geochemical studies of materials produced by tropical processes, especially soils, are essential in prospecting poorly exposed terranes of west Africa. Trace and major element distributions at mines and mineral occurrences can indicate mineralization otherwise difficult to detect.This paper highlights the features of the Ghanaian gold deposits that may aid the current search for new deposits along the gold belts. Exploration based on geochemistry is highly important, but should be integrated with data from accompanying geological, lithologic, mineralogical, and structural studies.  相似文献   

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