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The prediction of high extremes in sustained water level is very important for coastal engineering design and planning. The recorded historical water level datasets in Colombo, Sri Lanka, are not long enough for the traditional frequency analysis in predicting extreme water levels, such as 50-, 100- and 200-year extreme water levels. In this study, the integrated ADCIRC + SWAN hydrodynamic model and Monte Carlo model have been applied to predict extreme water level in Colombo station of Sri Lanka. The meteorological driving forces of cyclone storm surge are simulated by Monte Carlo stochastic model. The calibrated ADCIRC model with SWAN wave model is used to simulate the potential surge setups with the driving forces generated by Monte Carlo model. By ranking the maximum high water levels in each storm surge procedure, the estimation on extreme high water levels for the desired return period is proposed in this study. The estimated extreme high water levels with return period of 50, 100 and 200 years are 1.28, 1.40 and 1.50 m correspondingly. The estimated extreme high water levels are recommended for engineering design and planning.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》1986,1(2):287-300
Weathering of a granulite-amphibolite facies phosphatic marble from Eppwala, Sri Lanka is described. During the weathering process, apatite is concentrated to an exploitable grade. Primary metamorphic phosphates in the marble from Sri Lanka are hydroxyapatite, as indicated by EPMA and XRD. Weathered phosphates and weathered crystalline products are composd of carbonate fluorapatite, crandellite, wardite, fluellite, kaolinite, goethite and gibbsite. DTA, SIM, SIMS and SAM show the presence of amorphous materials, such as oxides of Fe, Al, Si, Al + Si, and S, on the surface of weathered phosphate. Using SEM, TEM, EDX and electron diffraction techniques, the presence of these amorphous and crystalline materials with several transitions have been clearly identified in weathered phosphate. Secondary crystalline phosphate, consisting of P, Ca and Fe, has partially developed on the surface of the primary phosphate. Recrystallization of phosphate occurred during weathering and calcite dissolution, with nucleation and precipitation of secondary phosphates. The lattice images of hydroxyapatite are gradually increased from 8.3 to 9.1Åbasal spacings during weathering.  相似文献   

A co-existing cordierite—almandine assemblage is described from the pelitic metasedimentary rocks of the Precambrian granulite-facies terrain of Sri Lanka. The chemical control on this assemblage is demonstrated, as has been observed in granulite-facies terrains elsewhere. The previous view of a low-pressure origin of cordierite in pelitic rocks, and the subdivision of the central granulite-facies belt of Sri Lanka based thereon, is hence doubtful.  相似文献   

Two indexes of productivity — labour productivity and capital productivity — have been employed to measure and map productivity patterns of manufacturing industries in Sri Lanka. There exist extensive regional differences in the levels of productivity. Regression results show that the spatial variation of labour productivity is positively related to capital intensity and the level of urbanization and is negatively related to the nature of enterprises. Capital intensity and level of urbanisation have a negative influence on the capital productivity. The selected five variables in the regression analyses explain 65% of the spatial variation of labour productivity and 39% of capital productivity.  相似文献   

Geology and the origin of the corundum-bearing skarn at Bakamuna,Sri Lanka   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A corundum-bearing skarn deposit was discovered in the Bakumuna area. The geology, petrology, and geochemistry of the deposit were studied. The skarn deposit comprises three mineralogically different zones, and the corundum is chiefly mineralized in the outermost zone. The deposit formed by the reaction of late magmatic fluids with the marble which eventually enriched the fluids with Al, causing Al2O3 to precipitate as corundum.  相似文献   

Quaternary sediment deposits are well exposed along the eastern coastal margin of Sri Lanka. Systematic trace fossil studies along with sediment characteristics have been carried out for the first time to interpret the paleoenvironment that prevailed during Quaternary sedimentation in eastern Sri Lanka. The trace fossils Thalassinoides, Skolithos and Polykladichnus have been recognized about 5m above the present mean sea level. Features of the major trace fossil, Thalassinoides, indicate that it was formed by Thalassinidean shrimp Calianassa. Isolated, vertical to steeply inclined, cylindrical to sub cylindrical tubes with thin internal wall lining and inner wall striations of Skolithos and Polykladichnus show that they were formed by polychaetes. The typical characteristic of Polykladichnus isY-shaped branching with slight enlargement at junctions. Morphology and association of burrows as well as mineralogy, grain size and roundness of sediments indicate that the environment prevailed was marine soft grounds of the intertidal zone. Presence of preserved fine-scale features of burrows indicate that the bioturbated sandy tidal flat was suddenly exposed to the tropical environment due to sea level regression in Quaternary periods. Due to the microbial activities of wall linings, burrows were preserved and it was supported by other microbial activities that produced secondary iron bearing minerals that suffered subsequent oxidation. The bio-origination of red sediments of eastern coastal area of the present study can be used to interpret the debatable origin of the red beds found in northwestern and southeastern coastal areas of the island.  相似文献   

Abstract: Sri Lanka has the richest archaeological sites in Asia. Jethawanarama Complex, one of the valuable sites in the country, is suffering from deterioration due to weathering. Monuments were built mainly from stones (granitic gneiss and marble) and clay bricks. The present study aimed to categorize weathering forms and interpret the recently-developing weathering processes. The growing of lichens on surfaces and the development of saline conditions are the major threats on the survival of monuments other than the typical weathering processes of tropical climates Morinite (NaCa2Al2[PO4)]2[F,OH]5·2H2O) is identified as a weathering product of monuments and is generated from lichens.  相似文献   

The ratios of the carbon isotopes 13C and 12C of twenty-four graphite samples from Bogala Mine, Sri Lanka have been determined. The graphites are isotopically very similar (mean value ?7.76? °13CPDB; range <2?). Three models for the biogenic or abiogenic origin of the graphite deposit are discussed.  相似文献   

The apatite-bearing carbonate rocks at Eppawala, Sri Lanka occur as massive, discontinuous bodies in a Precambrian, high-grade metamorphic terrain, which weather to form economically important phosphate deposits. The ore bodies at Eppawala contain =42% P 2O 5, and citric acid solubility of different components varies from 4 to 6%. The parent rocks are mainly made up of calcite, dolomite and apatite, with lesser amounts of ilmenite, magnetite, pyrite, forsterite, phlogopite, enstatite, magnesite, diopside, tremolite and spinel. Most of minerals show an euhedral habit, with a wide range of crystal sizes (from a few millimetres to several decimetres). The Eppawala rocks are characterised by low silica (=0.41%), high phosphorous (=10.58%) and high strontium content (2,960–6,819 ppm). Concentrations of light rare-earth elements in these rocks are comparably higher than those of marbles. The REE fractionation of these rocks is pronounced, and La/Yb ratios vary between 14 and 43. Both apatite and calcite show markedly elevated strontium levels (=0.6%). The d 13C PDB and d 18O SMOW values of the carbonates are in the range of –3.4 to –2.2 and 7.7 to 16.4‰ respectively. The euhedral habit, as well as the presence of major quantities of apatite and considerable amounts of iron-bearing minerals suggest that the ore host rock has genetic links to an igneous source rather than to an intensely metamorphosed limestone. The higher light REE contents of the rocks, compared to marbles, also argue against a metamorphic or sedimentary origin. The Sr/Mn and Ce/La ratios in the apatite are ~40 and ~2 respectively, suggesting that they were formed in a carbonatite magma. The markedly increased REE concentrations in the bulk chemistry of the rocks have been shown to be mainly controlled by the content of phosphate minerals. Compared to most carbonatites, the Eppawala rocks are generally depleted in selected trace elements, particularly Ba, Nb, Th, V, U and Zr. This depletion may be due to either a primary infertility of the parent magma with regard to such trace elements, or it is a result of fractional crystallisation during the rock formation. The stable isotope ratios do not plot within the defined "mantle carbonatite box", but still lie within the broader range of carbonatitic rocks. With these data at hand, it can be readily argued that the mode of occurrence, petrography and geochemistry of the Eppawala apatite-bearing carbonates provide conclusive evidence of their carbonatitic origin.  相似文献   

Oil and Gas production always ties with drawing out of naturally-occurring radionuclides deposited beneath the earth, which are referred to as “NORM”. Understanding the prevailing background levels of these elements in the sub-surface reservoir rock formations will be beneficial to all stakeholders, more importantly to regulatory authorities of the country.The drill cutting samples from 5 m sampling intervals of natural gas reservoir sand section in the depth range 3025m to 3095m from deep water exploratory well “CLPL- Dorado 91 H/1z” drilled in the Mannar basin offshore Sri Lanka were tested in the laboratory using high-resolution Gamma-ray detectors.Test results revealed that the activity concentration of 40K, 210Pb,226Ra and 232Th levels and the calculated outdoor annual effective dose rate varies between considerably lower range when compared with the global standard limits.NORM concentration ranges of the sedimentary rocks within the tested section were recorded on the lower side, when the test results compared with the International Atomic Energy Agency published data on NORM concentration ranges of the sedimentary rocks found elsewhere in the world. Study results proved that there is no harmful public exposure of NORM by disposing these drill cuttings to environment or storing at any site location as it is. Also, it can be predicted that there will be very low level of NORM contaminations occur, if Dorado reservoir taken in to the production stage and well operations conducted with proper solid control mechanisms in future.  相似文献   

The Kandy lake, situated in the heart of Sri Lanka's second largest city with a population of nearly 120,000, has been monitored to probe the extent of heavy metal pollution. Although the lake is a source of drinking water to the city, a large number of effluent canals drain into the lake carrying a continuous flow of industrial and domestic waste matter. A total of 66 surface water samples were analyzed for their Fe2+, total Fe, total V, SO 4 2− , Cd2+, and Pb2+ contents. Pb and Cd were found in high concentrations averaging 150 μg/l and 77 μg/l, respectively, and exhibit a marked positive correlation with each other (r=+0.94). Vehicular emissions and industrial waste matter contribute largely to the Pb and Cd contents of the lake, the anthropogenic influence outweighing the contributions made by geological materials. All field observations and laboratory experiments indicate a tendency of the Kandy Lake towards eutrophicity.  相似文献   

The geochemical distribution of rubidium and strontium in the central granulite belt of Sri Lanka, where many of the gem deposits are found, was studied. The Rb-Sr ratios, particularly in the stream sediments, were found to be useful in delineating gem-bearing areas from the non gem-bearing or low potential areas. Among the main gem minerals that are mined at present are corundum, spinel, zircon and tourmaline. It was observed that higher Rb-Sr ratios correspond to high gem potential and, even within areas of good potential, barren areas could be delineated using these ratios. During pegmatite formation, Rb is enriched, and there is a marked depletion of Sr yielding a high Rb-Sr ratio. Pegmatites, granites and other magmatic bodies are associated with gem formation under granulite facies conditions and, when used in conjunction with geology, structure, and mineralogy, the Rb-Sr ratio could be used effectively to delineate target areas for further exploration.  相似文献   

Incipient charnockite formation at Kurunegala in Sri Lanka is characterized by the growth of orthopyroxene at the expense of amphibole and biotite in an originally homogeneous gneiss. Mineral equilibria in the charnockite assemblage record pressure-temperature (P-T) conditions of 738±60° C and 6.9±1.2 kbar at-17.0±1.2 log fO2 and aH2O=0.18±0.16. Wholerock trace-element and isotopic measurements show that charnockite formation was accompanied by a systematic depletion of Sm>Rb>Pb>U>Sr>Nd, with a fractionation of Rb/Sr, Sm/Nd and Th/U ratios, and crystallization of the charnockite assemblage at 535±5 Ma. Major element (Fe–Mg–Ca) and Sm–Nd equilibration between minerals occurred at 524±9 Ma, whereas, Pb and Rb–Sr underwent continued exchange to 501±5 Ma and 486±1 Ma, respectively. Trace-element data for both amphibolite and charnockite minerals show that depletion on a whole-rock scale can be accounted for either by changes in mineral modes or trace-element abundances, within the immediate area of dehydration. The fractionation of Sm/Nd on a whole-rock scale is controlled by the breakdown of amphibole, without the growth of a major new host-phase for Sm in the charnockite. Rubidium and Sr are dependent on the relative behaviour of biotite, plagioclase and alkali-feldspar. Modelling of dehydration-melting involving the breakdown of amphibole, biotite, and alkali-feldspar reproduces the observed Sm/Nd and Rb/Sr fractionation, and indicates the loss of small melt fractions, on a cm scale, from the charnockite. These observations suggest that partial melting is the most plausible means of effecting both the dehydration and depletion that accompanies charnockite formation.  相似文献   

从海啸波作用下岸滩演变、床沙组成变化、建筑物周围淘刷和数值模拟研究4个方面,总结分析了国内外的研究现状和最新进展,指出可控环境下的实验和数值模拟研究相对较少、床沙组成变化缺乏关注、建筑物周围局部冲刷机理认识不足、缺少多尺度数值模拟计算等是当前研究存在的主要不足。在特大型波浪水槽内开展实验研究、发展多尺度混合数学模型、完善海啸波作用下的泥沙输移计算理论等是未来研究取得突破的关键方向。  相似文献   

Organic constituents present in the Muthurajawela peat deposit of Sri Lanka, have been investigated. Here, we report the variations with depth of sitosterol and sitostane (stigmastane), which were found to be major constituents of extracts and, hence, were selected to study the process of diagenesis.These two compounds were present in anomalous concentrations in the middle horizon of the depth profile.Considering the stratigraphy and sterol concentrations, it can be concluded that the middle horizon resulted from a sudden terrestrial input, which could have been due to a Pleistocene or Quaternary environmental change.  相似文献   

The Lunawa Estuary has been selected as a model for studying the long-term diagnoss of tropical estuarine pollution and its impact on ecosystems. Surface and short-core sediments from the Lunawa Estuary were collected, and analyzed for total organic carbon (TOC), nitrogen, sulfur and hydrocarbon contents, hydrogen index and other related sediment properties. Water quality and surface sediment data indicate that the Lunawa Estuary is presently an anoxic water body. The upper part of the sediment cores, characterized by very high TOC values of more than 10%, and absence of bioturbation along with strong laminations indicate anoxic water since 1970 AD, determined by 14 C dating. However, before 1970 AD, lower TOC content and presence of bioturbation and homogenous sediments with animal traces suggest the presence of oxic bottom water and thus a much better physicochemical condition. The lower part of the cores may also suggest the influence of gradual global warming. Regular laminations in the upper portions of the cores probably resulted from monsoon pulses with material preserved under anoxic condition.  相似文献   

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