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Flow direction patterns have been determined by imbrication measurements of pumice and lithic fragments of the Handa pyroclastic flow deposit, in order to estimate the source vent location and to analyze the flow behavior. The pyroclastic flow deposit studied is dacitic in composition, 2 km2 in volume, and >32,300 Y.B.P. in age. Flow directions from 52 outcrops indicate a source vent located within the area of recent lava domes of Kuju Volcano. The distribution of the pyroclastic flow deposit and the flow direction patterns determined by imbrication suggest that the pyroclastic flow accurately followed the topographic relief at the time of eruption. The presence of imbrication indicates the change of flow-regime from turbulent condition to laminar condition according to the distance from the source vent. Imbrication is visible within the lower-half reaches of the pyroclastic flow distribution, where the pyroclastic flow had developed the laminar flow characteristics of a dense gravity current.  相似文献   

Seven Pliocene volcanoes, one of which is described in detail, occur in the northern part of the Kenya Rift. They have low-angle, shield like forms, and comprise lavas, pumice tuffs and ash-flow tuffs almost wholly of trachytic composition. Each volcano possesses a structurally complex source zone in which plugs, dykes and pumice tuffs are concentrated and in which clearly defined craters and calderas are uncommon. By contrast, the flank zones are stratiform with slopes of about 5° and are composed of lavas and ash-flow sheets erupted in a highly fluid condition. The volcanoes range up to 50 km in diameter and are elongated parallel to the general trend of the rift reflecting a tectonic control on the distribution of the vents and their products. This combination of morphological, structural and compositional features suggests that the volcanoes are of a type not described before. Notes on the petrography of the lavas are included and it is suggested that the trachytes are petrogenetically related to alkali basalts, compositionally similar to those which form the substrate to the trachyte volcanoes.  相似文献   

Flow directions are estimated from the measurement of the magnetic fabric of 106 samples, collected at 18 sites in four welded tuff units in the central San Juan Mountains of southern Colorado. The estimates assume that the tuffs generally flowed directly away from the extrusive vents and that the lineations of magnetic grains within the tuffs represent the flow direction at individual sites. Errors in the estimation may arise from topographic variation, rheomorphism (post-emplacement mass flow) within the tuff, and other factors. Magnetic lineation is defined as the site mean anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility maximum azimuth. A test on the flow directions for individual units is based on the projection of lineation azimuths and their intersection within or near the known source caldera for the tuff. This test is positive for the four units examined. Paleomagnetic results for these tuffs are probably reliable indicators of the geomagnetic field direction in southwest Colorado, during the time (28.2–26.5 Ma) of emplacement.  相似文献   

This study concludes that the elongation axis (K 1) of the ellipsoid of anisotropic magnetic susceptibility (AMS) is a suitable proxy for flow axis in ashflow tuffs. 153 oriented samples (176 specimens) were studied from 18 sites in the 1.1 Ma Tshirege member of the Bandelier Tuff. These sites are distributed around the Valles caldera at distances of 5–25 km outside of the rim.K 1 axes correlate well with postulated radial flow axes at 13 sites.K 1 also agrees with measured geological flow indicators, mainly imbricated larger clasts, at 7 sites. At 2 of the 5 sites where significant disagreement is seen between theoretical radial flow directions and measuredK 1 axes, theK 1 axes correspond well with geological flow indicators, indicating that the divergence of flow from the predicted radial flow pattern is real. Two major topographic buttresses are suggested as the cause of flow divergence for the Tshirege ash flows: the San Pedro buttress northwest of the caldera, and the San Miguel buttress in the southeast. In situK 1 axes plunge about 7° toward the source at two-thirds of the sites; therefore the plunge ofK 1 is a plausible in situ indicator for thedirection of flow. Multiple flow zones in sections of several meters thickness indicate changes of flow direction that are both rapid and large during ash-flow emplacement. These observations raisre the question of how best to represent ‘mean’ flow directions in ash-flow sheets: by eigenvector methods, by vector-sum methods, or by modes. A method for measuring imbrication of larger clasts using apparent dips in vertical joints is outlined. Imbrication, determined in this way at one-third of the sites, dips toward the source, i.e., up-flow. The minimum (K 3) axis of the AMS ellipsoid correlates with the flow foliation rather than with the larger clast imbrication. The flow axes of ash flows correspond with theK 1 axes, not with the declination ofK 3 axes as suggested by some authors. Initial dip of the sampled ash flows is not large and does not affect the paleomagnetic remanence direction, which is reversed with a mean ofD=173.5°,I=-38.4°, α95=3.4°N=18. This mean is not different at the 95% confidence level from that of earlier workers. The mean pole, at 098.0°E, 74.8°N,A 95=3.3°,N=18, is about 15° far-sided relative to the expected time-averaged geomagnetic pole, suggesting a history of emplacement too short to adequately average secular variation.  相似文献   

Lithic-rich breccias are described from within a sequence of young (2000–3000 yrs B.P.) scoria and ash flow deposits erupted from Mount Misery and an older pumice and ash flow deposit (ignimbrite) on St. Kitts. Cross sections constructed through pyroclastic flow fans in well-exposed sea cliffs 4–6 km from the vent show that the lithic breccias are lensoid deposits which seem to occur as channel-shaped accumulations (up to > 20 m thick and > 150 m wide) within flow units. The best-developed example infills a deeply incised channel cut into older flow units. The coarsest lithic breccias are clast supported and fines depleted and grade laterally and vertically through finer-grained, matrix-supported breccias into scoria and ash flow deposits. Coarse scoria-concentration zones mainly occur at the tops of scoria and ash flow units but also at the bases, and gas-segregation pipes are common. The lithic breccias are a type of body-concentration deposit as they pass laterally into normal scoria and ash flow deposits and, where best developed, clearly occur above a reversely graded basal shear zone or layer. Grain-size studies indicate the lithic breccias and parent flows are strongly fines depleted and were highly fluidized. We suggest this may be a feature of many Lesser Antillean pyroclastic flows because of increased turbulence-induced fluidization resulting from a high degree of surface roughness caused by the steep (up to 40 °) irregular slopes, densely vegetated sinuous gullies of the tropical volcanoes, and ingestion and ignition of large amounts of lush vegetation. Accumulation of batches of lithics concentrated in the highly fluidized flows began at the break in slope where flows moved from gullies across hydraulic jumps onto the outer coastal flanks. The accumulations of breccias continued to move and be channelled down the central parts of the flows. Initially, on crossing onto the lower slopes, some of these flows seem to have had very powerfully erosive, nondepositional heads, and in the extreme example a deep channel as long as 1–2 km may have cut through underlying flow units at least as far as the present coastline. Much of the overriding remainder of the flow then drained away laterally. Thin, fine-grained ash flow deposits may form a marginal overbank facies to the pyroclastic flow fans.  相似文献   

 Coarse, co-ignimbrite lithic breccia, Ebx, occurs at the base of ignimbrite E, the most voluminous and widespread unit of the Kos Plateau Tuff (KPT) in Greece. Similar but generally less coarse-grained basal lithic breccias (Dbx) are also associated with the ignimbrites in the underlying D unit. Ebx shows considerable lateral variations in texture, geometry and contact relationships but is generally less than a few metres thick and comprises lithic clasts that are centimetres to a few metres in diameter in a matrix ranging from fines bearing (F2: 10 wt.%) to fines poor (F2: 0.1 wt.%). Lithic clasts are predominantly vent-derived andesite, although clasts derived locally from the underlying sedimentary formations are also present. There are no proximal exposures of KPT. There is a highly irregular lower erosional contact at the base of ignimbrite E at the closest exposures to the inferred vent, 10–14 km from the centre of the inferred source, but no Ebx was deposited. From 14 to <20 km from source, Ebx is present over a planar erosional contact. At 16 km Ebx is a 3-m-thick, coarse, fines-poor lithic breccia separated from the overlying fines-bearing, pumiceous ignimbrite by a sharp contact. This grades downcurrent into a lithic breccia that comprises a mixture of coarse lithic clasts, pumice and ash, or into a thinner one-clast-thick lithic breccia that grades upward into relatively lithic-poor, pumiceous ignimbrite. Distally, 27 to <36 km from source Ebx is a finer one-clast-thick lithic breccia that overlies a non-erosional base. A downcurrent change from strongly erosional to depositional basal contacts of Ebx dominantly reflects a depletive pyroclastic density current. Initially, the front of the flow was highly energetic and scoured tens of metres into the underlying deposits. Once deposition of the lithic clasts began, local topography influenced the geometry and distribution of Ebx, and in some cases Ebx was deposited only on topographic crests and slopes on the lee-side of ridges. The KPT ignimbrites also contain discontinuous lithic-rich layers within texturally uniform pumiceous ignimbrite. These intra-ignimbrite lithic breccias are finer grained and thinner than the basal lithic breccias and overlie non-erosional basal contacts. The proportion of fine ash within the KPT lithic breccias is heterogeneous and is attributed to a combination of fluidisation within the leading part of the flow, turbulence induced locally by interaction with topography, flushing by steam generated by passage of pyroclastic density currents over and deposition onto wet mud, and to self-fluidisation accompanying the settling of coarse, dense lithic clasts. There are problems in interpreting the KPT lithic breccias as conventional co-ignimbrite lithic breccias. These problems arise in part from the inherent assumption in conventional models that pyroclastic flows are highly concentrated, non-turbulent systems that deposit en masse. The KPT coarse basal lithic breccias are more readily interpreted in terms of aggradation from stratified, waning pyroclastic density currents and from variations in lithic clast supply from source. Received: 21 April 1997 / Accepted: 4 October 1997  相似文献   

 Non-welded, lithic-rich ignimbrites, hereintermed the Roque Nublo ignimbrites, are the most distinctive deposits of the Pliocene Roque Nublo group, which forms the products of second magmatic cycle on Gran Canaria. They are very heterogeneous, with 35–55% volume lithic fragments, 15-30% mildly vesiculated pumice, 5–7% crystals and 20–30% ash matrix. The vitric components (pumice fragments and ash matrix) are largely altered and transformed into zeolites and subordinate smectites. The Roque Nublo ignimbrites originated from hydrovolcanic eruptions that caused rapid and significant erosion of vents thus incorporating a high proportion of lithic clasts into the eruption columns. These columns rapidly became too dense to be sustained as vertical eruption columns and were transformed into tephra fountains which fed high-density pyroclastic flows. The deposits from these flows were mainly confined to palaeovalleys and topographic depressions. In distal areas close to the coast line, where these palaeovalleys widened, most of the pyroclastic flows expanded laterally and formed numerous thin flow units. The combined effect of the magma–water interaction and the high content of lithic fragments is sufficient to explain the characteristic low emplacement temperature of the Roque Nublo ignimbrites. This fact also explains the transition from pyroclastic flows into lahar deposits observed in distal facies of the Roque Nublo ignimbrites. The existence of hydrovolcanic eruptions generating high-density pyroclastic flows, unable to efficiently separate the water vapour from the vitric components during transport, also accounts for the intense zeolitic alteration in these deposits. Received: 5 November 1996 / Accepted: 3 March 1997  相似文献   

Contemporaneous Plinian eruptions of rhyolite pumice from Glass Mountain and Little Glass Mountain during the last 1100 years B.P. were followed by extrusion of lava flows. 1.2 km of material was erupted and 10% by volume is tephra. All of the tephra deposits consist of very poorly sorted coarse ash and lapilli that are mostly pumice pyroclasts.Eruptive sequences, chemical composition and petrographic character of the rhyolites at Little Glass Mountain and Glass Mountain suggest that they came from the same magma body. The 1:9 ratio of tephra to lavas is typical of small silicic magma chambers. Eruption from a small chamber, 4–6 km deep, at vents 15 km apart is possible if magma rose along cone sheets with dips of 45–60°. The caldera rim and arcuate lines of vents near it may represent the surface expression of several concentric cone sheets.Pumice pyroclasts erupted at Glass Mountain and Little Glass Mountain may have formed in the following manner: (1) vesicle growth and coalescence beginning at 1–2 km depths; (2) elongation of the vesicles by flow within the cone sheets; (3) disruption of the vesiculated magma when it reached the surface by an expansion wave passing down through it; and (4) eruption of comminution products as pumice pyroclasts. Plinian activity at Little Glass Mountain and Glass Mountain continued until the volatile-rich top of the magma chamber had been depleted.  相似文献   

We describe the stratigraphy, chronology, and grain size characteristics of the white trachytic tuff (WTT) of Roccamonfina Volcano (Italy). The pyroclastic rock was emplaced between 317 and 230 Ma BP during seven major eruptive events (units A to G) and three minor events (units BC, CD, and DE). These units are separated by paleosol layers and compositionally well-differentiated pyroclastic successions. Stratigraphic control is favored by the occurrence at the base of major units of marker layers. Four WTT units (1 to 4) occur within the central caldera. These are not positively correlated with specific extracaldera units.The source of most of the WTT units was the central caldera. Units B and C were controlled by the western wall of the caldera, whereas units D and E were able to overcome this barrier, spreading symmetrically along the flanks of MC. The maximum pumice size (MP) of units increases with distance from the caldera, whereas the maximum lithic size (ML) decreases. MP and ML of the marker layer of unit D (MKDa–MKDp) do not show any systematic variations with respect to the central caldera. In contrast, the thickness of surge MKDa decreases with distance from the source, and MKDp accumulates to the north of MC probably controlled, respectively, by mobility-transport power and by wind blowing northwards.The grain size characteristics of the WTT deposits are used for classifying the units. There is no systematic variation of the grain size as a function of stratigraphic height either among units or within single units. Large variation of components in subunit E1, with repetitive alternation of pyroclastic flow to surge through fallout vs. surge deposits, suggests that the process of eruption took place in a complex or piecemeal fashion.Pumice concentration zones (PCZ) occur at all WTT levels on the volcano, but they are much thicker and pumice clasts are much larger within the central caldera. These were probably originated by the disruption of lava (flow or dome) to pumice fragments and fine ash due to sudden depressurization and interaction with lake waters of the molten lava. Local basal PCZ are, in some cases, similar to the lapilli-rich “layer 1P” that has been described elsewhere, and may have been deposited from currents transitional between pyroclastic surge and flow. Other basal PCZ formed in response to small undulations in the substrate, or can be originated by fallout. Lenticular PCZ within ignimbrite interiors and tops are interpreted to record marginal pumice levees and pumice rafts, some of which were buried by subsequant pyroclastic flows.Lithic concentration zones (LCZ) also occur at various stratigraphic height within the extracaldera ignimbrites, whereas intracaldera LCZ are absent, probably due to the fact that ignimbrite currents are strongly energetic and erosive near vent. LCZ at the top of basal inversely graded layers are formed by mechanical sieving or dispersive pressure in response to variable velocity gradients and particle concentration gradients (a segregation process). Coarse LCZ and coarse lithic breccias (LB), that reside in the interior or tops of pyroclastic flows and that occur in medial to distal areas, are interpreted to be the result of slugs of lithic-rich debris introduced by vent collapse or rockslides into the moving pyroclastic flows along their flow paths. These LCZ become mixed to varying degrees due to differential densities and velocities relative to the pyroclastic flows (desegregation processes).  相似文献   

A model is presented for the emplacement of intermediate volume ignimbrites based on a study of two 6 km3 volume ignimbrites on Roccamonfina Volcano, Italy. The model considers that the flows were slow moving, and quickly deflated from turbulent to non-turbulent conditions. Yield strength and density increased whereas fluidisation decreased with time and runout of the pyroclastic flows. In proximal locations, on the caldera rim, heterogeneous exposures including discontinuous lithic breccias, stratified and cross-stratified units interbedded with massive ignimbrite suggest deposition from turbulent flows. In medial locations thick, massive ignimbrite occurs associated with three types of co-ignimbrite lithic breccia which we interpret as being emplaced by non-turbulent flows. Multiple grading of different breccia/lithic concentration types within single flow units indicates that internal shear occurred producing overriding or overlapping of the rear of the flow onto the slower-moving front part. This overriding of different parts of non-turbulent pyroclastic flows could be caused by at least two different mechanisms: (1) changes in flow regime, such as hydraulic jumps that may occur at breaks in slope; and (2) periods of increased discharge rate, possibly associated with caldera collapse, producing fresh pulses of lithic-rich material that sheared onto the slower-moving part of the flow in front.We propose that ground surge deposits enriched in pumice compared with their associated ignimbrite probably formed by a flow separation mechanism from the top and front of the pyroclastic flow. These turbulent clouds moved ahead of the non-turbulent lower part of the flow to form stratified pumice-rich deposits. In distal regions well-developed coarse, often clast-supported, pumice concentrations zones and coarse intra-flow-unit lithic concentrations occur within the massive ignimbrite. We suggest that the flows were non-turbulent, possessed a relatively high yield strength and may have moved by plug flow prior to emplacement.  相似文献   

Pyroclastic deposits exposed in the caldera walls of Santorini Volcano (Greece), contain several prominent horizons of coarse-grained andesitic spatter and cauliform volcanic bombs. These deposits can be traced around most of the caldera wall. They thicken in depressions and are intimately associated with ignimbrite and co-ignimbrite lithic lag breccias. They are interpreted as a proximal facies of pyroclastic flow deposits. Evidence for a flow origin includes the presence of a fine-grained pumiceous matrix, flow deformation of ductile spatter clasts, exceedingly coarse grain sizes several kilometres from any plausible vent, imbrication of flattened spatter clasts, intimate interbedding with normal pyroclastic flow deposits and the presence of inversely graded basal layers. The deposits contain hydrothermally altered, rounded lithic ejecta including gabbro nodules. The andesitic ejecta and the fine matrix are typically moderately to poorly vesicular indicating that magmatic gas had a subordinate role in the eruptive process. The andesitic clasts contain abundant angular lithic inclusions and some clasts are themselves formed of pre-existing agglutinate. We propose that these eruptions occurred when external water gained access to the vents, causing large-scale explosions which formed pyroclastic flows rich in coarse, semifluid but poorly vesicular ejecta. We postulate that large volumes of coarse pyroclastic ejecta and degassed lava accumulated in a deep crater prior to being disrupted by these large explosions to form pyroclastic flows.  相似文献   

We distinguish three eruptive units of pyroclastic flows (T1, T2, and T3; T for trass) within the late Quaternary Laacher See tephra sequence. These units differ in the chemical/mineralogical composition of the essential pyroclasts ranging from highly differentiated phonolite in T1 to mafic phonolite in T3. T1 and T2 flows were generated during Plinian phases, and T3 flows during a late Vulcanian phase. The volume of the pyroclastic flow deposits is about 0.6 km3. The lateral extent of the flows from the source vent decreases from > 10 km (T1) to < 4.5 km (T3). In the narrow valleys north of Laacher See, the total thickness of the deposits exceeds 60 m.At least 19 flow units in T1, 6 in T2, and 4 in T3 can be recognized at individual localities. Depositional cycles of 2 to 5 flow units are distinguished in the eruptive units. Thickness and internal structure of the flow units are strongly controlled by topography. Subfacies within flow units such as strongly enriched pumice and lithic concentration zones, dust layers, lapilli pipes, ground layers, and lithic breccias are all compositionally related to each other by enrichment or depletion of clasts depending on their size and density in a fluidized flow. While critical diameters of coarse-tail grading were found to mark the boundary between the coarse nonfluidized and the finer fluidized grain-size subpopulations, we document the second boundary between the fluidized and the very fine entrained subpopulations by histograms and Rosin-Rammler graphs. Grain-size distribution and composition of the fluidized middle-size subpopulations remained largely unchanged during transport.Rheological properties of the pyroclastic flows are deduced from the variations in flow-unit structure within the valleys. T1 flows are thought to have decelerated from 25 m/s at 4 km to < 15 m/s at 7 km from the vent; flow density was probably 600–900 kg/m3, and viscosity 5–50 P. The estimated yield strength of the flows of 200– > 1000 N/m2 is consistent with the divergence of lithic size/distance curves from purely Newtonian models; the transport of lithics must be treated as in a Bingham fluid. The flow temperature probably decreased from T1 (300°–500°C) to T3 (<200°C).A large-scale longitudinal variation in the flow units from proximal through medial to distal facies dominantly reflects temporal changes during the progressive collapse of an eruption column. Only a small amount of fallout tephra was generated in the T1 phase of eruption. The pyroclastic flows probably formed from relatively low ash fountains rather than from high Plinian eruption columns.  相似文献   

This study concludes that the elongation axis (K 1) of the ellipsoid of anisotropic magnetic susceptibility (AMS) is a suitable proxy for flow axis in ashflow tuffs. 153 oriented samples (176 specimens) were studied from 18 sites in the 1.1 Ma Tshirege member of the Bandelier Tuff. These sites are distributed around the Valles caldera at distances of 5–25 km outside of the rim.K 1 axes correlate well with postulated radial flow axes at 13 sites.K 1 also agrees with measured geological flow indicators, mainly imbricated larger clasts, at 7 sites. At 2 of the 5 sites where significant disagreement is seen between theoretical radial flow directions and measuredK 1 axes, theK 1 axes correspond well with geological flow indicators, indicating that the divergence of flow from the predicted radial flow pattern is real. Two major topographic buttresses are suggested as the cause of flow divergence for the Tshirege ash flows: the San Pedro buttress northwest of the caldera, and the San Miguel buttress in the southeast. In situK 1 axes plunge about 7° toward the source at two-thirds of the sites; therefore the plunge ofK 1 is a plausible in situ indicator for thedirection of flow. Multiple flow zones in sections of several meters thickness indicate changes of flow direction that are both rapid and large during ash-flow emplacement. These observations raisre the question of how best to represent mean flow directions in ash-flow sheets: by eigenvector methods, by vector-sum methods, or by modes. A method for measuring imbrication of larger clasts using apparent dips in vertical joints is outlined. Imbrication, determined in this way at one-third of the sites, dips toward the source, i.e., up-flow. The minimum (K 3) axis of the AMS ellipsoid correlates with the flow foliation rather than with the larger clast imbrication. The flow axes of ash flows correspond with theK 1 axes, not with the declination ofK 3 axes as suggested by some authors. Initial dip of the sampled ash flows is not large and does not affect the paleomagnetic remanence direction, which is reversed with a mean ofD=173.5°,I=-38.4°, 95=3.4°N=18. This mean is not different at the 95% confidence level from that of earlier workers. The mean pole, at 098.0°E, 74.8°N,A 95=3.3°,N=18, is about 15° far-sided relative to the expected time-averaged geomagnetic pole, suggesting a history of emplacement too short to adequately average secular variation.  相似文献   

The 35 × 20 km Cerro Galán resurgent caldera is the largest post-Miocene caldera so far identified in the Andes. The Cerro Galán complex developed on a late pre-Cambrian to late Palaeozoic basement of gneisses, amphibolites, mica schists and deformed phyllites and quartzites. The basement was uplifted in the early Miocene along large north-south reverse faults, producing a horst-and-graben topography. Volcanism began in the area prior to 15 Ma with the formation of several andesite to dacite composite volcanoes. The Cerro Galán complex developed along two prominent north-south regional faults about 20 km apart. Dacitic to rhyodacitic magma ascended along these faults and caused at least nine ignimbrite eruptions in the period 7-4 Ma (K-Ar determinations). These ignimbrites are named the Toconquis Ignimbrite Formation. They are characterised by the presence of basal plinian deposits, many individual flow units and proximal co-ignimbrite lag breccias. The ignimbrites also have moderate to high macroscopic pumice and lithic contents and moderate to low crystal contents. Compositionally banded pumice occurs near the top of some units. Many of the Toconquis eruptions occurred from vents along a north-south line on the western rim of the young caldera. However, two of the ignimbrites erupted from vents on the eastern margin. Lava extrusions occurred contemporaneously along these north-south lines. The total D.R.E. volume of Toconquis ignimbrite exceeds 500 km3.Following a 2-Ma dormant period a single major eruption of rhyodacitic magma formed the 1000-km3 Cerro Galán ignimbrite and the caldera. The ignimbrite (age 2.1 Ma on Rb-Sr determination) forms a 30–200-m-thick outflow sheet extending up to 100 km in all directions from the caldera rim. At least 1.4 km of welded intracaldera ignimbrite also accumulated. The ignimbrite is a pumice-poor, crystal-rich deposit which contains few lithic clasts. No basal plinian deposit has been identified and proximal lag breccias are absent. The composition of pumice clasts is a very uniform rhyodacite which has a higher SiO2 content but a lower K2O content than the Toconquis ignimbrites. Preliminary data indicate no evidence for compositional zonation in the magma chamber. The eruption is considered to have been caused by the catastrophic foundering of a cauldron block into the magma chamber.Post-caldera extrusions occurred shortly after eruption along both the northern extension of the eastern boundary fault and the western caldera margin. Resurgence also occurred, doming up the intracaldera ignimbrite and sedimentary fill to form the central mountain range. Resurgent doming was centred along the eastern fault and resulted in radial tilting of the ignimbrite and overlying lake sediments.  相似文献   

The 0.196 Ma, lithic-rich Abrigo Ignimbrite on Tenerife, Canary Islands contains localised massive, coarse pumice-rich ignimbrite lobes (MPRILs). They typically form low ridges up to 2 m high with axes parallel to the flow direction, and, in cross-section, they range from symmetrical to asymmetrical and highly skewed lobate bedforms generally with flat bases. The major components are rounded pebble- to cobble-sized phonolitic pumice clasts within an ignimbritic matrix of ash, fine lithics and minor crystals, which varies from lithic-rich to lithic-poor. Commonly, there is a vertical increase in pumice concentration from matrix-supported texture at the base to clast-supported at the top, accompanied by an increase in pumice clast size. MPRILs often thin and grade laterally perpendicular to current flow into planar pumice concentration zones. They occur at one or more stratigraphic levels as either solitary lobes associated with flat topography or as multiple onlapping lobes or within a laterally complex stratified pumice-rich ignimbrite facies (LCSPIs) near palaeotopographic highs.MPRILs are original depositional features, not erosional in origin and are derived from a larger pyroclastic flow. It is likely that pumice was segregated to the upper and outer regions of the parent flow causing a significant rheological contrast with the lower lithic-rich zone. The more pumice-rich parts are interpreted to have detached from the parent flow as it decelerated onto gentler slopes or interacted with topographic highs and raced ahead as mobile derivative pyroclastic flows. The flow-parallel ridge shape of MPRILs may be a result of fingering within these flows or concentration of pumice within the intermediary clefts. Deposition occurred “en masse” at the termination of the flow front. The resultant lobate deposits were then overridden and mantled by normal ignimbrite facies from either a later flow pulse or the following main part of the parent flow.  相似文献   

Schmincke andSwanson (1967) explained laminar flowage structures as indicators for flow direction of pyroclastic flows that show a radial flow pattern away from the source. Several other authors have reported similar examples, but the influence of pre-flow topographic relief has not been analyzed. Flow lineations were measured for the Ata pyroclastic flow deposit, southwestern Japan. This deposit has covered an undulating basement topography. Preferred orientation of crystals and lithic fragments were measured on thin sections cut parallel to sedimentary layering. The following three factors which control the flow lineation have been recognized. 1) Flow lineations oriented radially away from the source, as described by previous authors, were obtained only for samples collected from the surface of the pyroclastic flow plateau where the basement valleys were nearly filled by earlier flow units. 2) Lineations near the floor of narrow valleys were parallel to the strike of the valley. 3) Flow lineations near the wall of valleys tend to be parallel to the dip of the valley walls. These data suggest that the initial radial movement of pyroclastic flows from the source gradually changes direction to parallel the strike of deep valleys due to confining effect of valley wall. Flows which are trapped within a valley, tends to move towards the bottom of the valley just prior to the final settlement. After the basement topographic relief has been filled up with earlier flow units, the later flows maintain their original radial movement until final settlement.  相似文献   

Detailed stratigraphic analysis of the Green Tuff of Pantelleria shows that this formation can be divided into several members designateda throughh from base to top. These members have a coherent pattern when traced from outcrop to outcrop throughout the island shedding light on their origin. Only memberg completely mantles the entire island. The distribution of the other members is controlled by prevailing wind direction or by topography. Membera is entirely of fall origin. Membersc ande are of fall and/or surge type. Membersb,d, andh have the characteristics of thin welded ash-flow tuffs. Membersf andg are ash-flow tuffs with textural characteristics of compound cooling units. Most of the ash-flow tuffs exhibit characteristics of ignimbrites: vertical fluidization pipes, local concentrations of lithic lapilli, imbrication of clasts, and valley ponding. Memberg is unusual in that it is highly-welded, exhibits large-scale rheomorphic structures, contains huge lithic clasts, and has near-vertical foliation where it adheres to cliffs and caldera walls.Granulometric data from the members identified in the field as ignimbrites confirms this conclusion, as do density profiles through the various members.  相似文献   

Two lines of subvolcanic complexes crop out in northern Namaqualand and southern South West Africa. The older Precambrian age complexes contain rocks belonging to the Richtersveld Suite and they form a belt that runs northwards for at least 125 km. Some of the lavas, tuffs and agglomerates that were extruded from the vents above these complexes have been preserved as intercalated layers in the Stinkfontein Formation. A second chain of intrusives known as the Kuboos line extends in a northeasterly direction for 160 km from Swarbank near the coast in Namaqualand to Bremen in southern South West Africa. Inland from the coast along this Kuboos line the intrusive bodies are found emplaced at progressively higher crustal levels. In the southwest they are coarse grained plutonic bodies while in the northeast they consist of plugs, stocks and ring-dykes. Rocks belonging to both the Richtersveld and Kuboos suites crop out at Bremen where the two lines of subvolcanic intrusive meet. The intrusive and extrusive rocks of both the Richtersveld and Kuboos suites are described and their genesis is discussed.  相似文献   

The 2.08-Ma Cerro Galán Ignimbrite (CGI) represents a >630-km3 dense rock equivalent (VEI 8) eruption from the long-lived Cerro Galán magma system (∼6 Ma). It is a crystal-rich (35–60%), pumice (<10% generally) and lithic-poor (<5% generally) rhyodacitic ignimbrite, lacking a preceding plinian fallout deposit. The CGI is preserved up to 80 km from the structural margins of the caldera, but almost certainly was deposited up to 100 km from the caldera in some places. Only one emplacement unit is preserved in proximal to medial settings and in most distal settings, suggesting constant flow conditions, but where the pyroclastic flow moved into a palaeotopography of substantial valleys and ridges, it interacted with valley walls, resulting in flow instabilities that generated multiple depositional units, often separated by pyroclastic surge deposits. The CGI preserves a widespread sub-horizontal fabric, defined by aligned elongate pumice and lithic clasts, and minerals (e.g. biotite). A sub-horizontal anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility fabric is defined by minute magnetic minerals in all localities where it has been analysed. The CGI is poor in both vent-derived (‘accessory’) lithics and locally derived lithics from the ground surface (‘accidental’) lithics. Locally derived lithics are small (<20 cm) and were not transported far from source points. All data suggest that the pyroclastic flow system producing the CGI was characterised throughout by high sedimentation rates, resulting from high particle concentration and suppressed turbulence at the depositional boundary layer, despite being a low aspect ratio ignimbrite. Based on these features, we question whether high velocity and momentum are necessary to account for extensive flow mobility. It is proposed that the CGI was deposited by a pyroclastic flow system that developed a substantial, high particle concentration granular under-flow, which flowed with suppressed turbulence. High particle concentration and fine-ash content hindered gas loss and maintained flow mobility. In order to explain the contemporaneous maintenance of high particle concentration, high sedimentation rate at the depositional boundary layer and a high level of mobility, it is also proposed that the flow(s) was continuously supplied at a high mass feeding rate. It is also proposed that internal gas pressure within the flow, directed downwards onto the substrate over which the flow was passing, reduced the friction between the flow and the substrate and also enhanced its mobility. The pervasive sub-horizontal fabric of aligned pumice, lithic and even biotite crystals indicates a consistent horizontal shear force existed during transport and deposition in the basal granular flow, consistent with the existence of a laminar, shearing, granular flow regime during the final stages of transport and deposition.  相似文献   

The chronology of deposits of the 1976 eruption of Augustine volcano, which produced pyroclastic falls, pyroclastic flows, and lava domes, is determined by correlating the stratigraphy with published records of seismicity, plume observations, and distant ash falls. Three thin air-fall ash beds (unit A1, A2 and A3) correlate with events near the beginning of the 1976 eruption on 22 and 23 January. On 24 January a small-volume, ash-cloud-surge deposit (unit S) accumulated over the north half of Augustine Island. A series of pumiceous pyroclastic flows represented by the lobate pumiceous deposits (unit F) occurred on 24 January and locally melted the snowpack to cause small pumice-laden floods. A thin ash bed (unit A4) was deposited on 24 January, and the main plinian eruption (unit P) occurred on 25 January. In middle to late February and again in mid April, lava domes were extruded at the summit accompanied by incandescent block-and-ash flows down the north flank. A hut near the north coast of the island was mechanically and thermally damaged by the small-volume ash-cloud surge of unit S before the eruption of the pumice flow of unit F; the metal roof was then penetrated by lithic fragments of the plinian fall of 25 January. Explosive eruptions in the early stage of an eruption-like that which deposited unit S — are important hazards at Augustine Island, as are infrequent debris avalanches and attendant tsunamis.deceased on 18 May 1980  相似文献   

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