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Summary The summer monsoon rainfall over Orissa, a state of eastern India, shows characteristic intraseasonal and interannual variability, due to interaction of basic westerly flow with orography and the synoptic scale monsoon disturbances including low-pressure systems and cyclonic circulations extending upto mid-tropospheric level (LPSC). These systems normally develop over the north Bay of Bengal and move west-northwestwards along the monsoon trough. The essence of this study is to find out the main features of the intraseasonal variability of daily monsoon rainfall over Orissa in relation to synoptic systems like LPSC and its implication on the interannual variation of rainfall. For this purpose, the actual and mean daily rainfall data of 31 uniformly distributed stations, six homogeneous regions and Orissa as a whole during monsoon season (June–September) over a period of 20 years (1980–1999) are subjected to auto-correlation and power spectrum analyses. The actual and average daily scores of significant EOFs and actual daily occurrence along with daily probability of occurrence of the LPSC influencing rainfall over Orissa during the same period are also subjected to auto-correlation and power spectrum analyses. The intraseasonal variation of monsoon rainfall over Orissa and different homogeneous regions is dominated by the synoptic mode (3–9 days) of variation due to the similar mode of variation in the occurrence of LPSC influencing the rainfall. The seasonal rainfall and hence the interannual variation depends on the intraseasonal variation of rainfall modulated with the synoptic mode of variation in the occurrence of the LPSC. The occurrence of LPSC over the northwest (NW) Bay/NW and adjoining northeast (NE) Bay and its subsequent movement and persistence over Orissa and east Madhya Pradesh & Chhattisgarh in synoptic mode (3–6 days) alongwith absence of similar mode in the occurrence of the LPSC over NE Bay, Gangetic West Bengal (GWB) in the north and west central (WC) Bay to the south leads to excess rainfall over different homogeneous regions and Orissa as a whole. The reverse is the case in deficient years over Orissa and all homogeneous regions except southwest Orissa. The occurrence of the LPSC over GWB in synoptic mode (about 5 days) alongwith absence of synoptic mode in the occurrence of the LPSC over NW Bay leads to deficient rainfall year over southwest Orissa. Correspondence: U. C. Mohanty, Centre for Atmospheric Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110016, India  相似文献   

Surface pressure and summer monsoon rainfall over India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The relationship between the all-India summer monsoon rainfall and surface pressure over the Indian region has been examined to obtain a useful predictor for the monsoon rainfall. The data series of all-India monsoon rainfall and the mean pressures of three seasons before and after the monsoon season as well as the winter-to-spring pressure tendency (MAM-DJF) at 100 stations for the period 1951-1980 have been used in the analysis. The all-India monsoon rainfall is negatively correlated with the pressure of the spring (MAM) season preceding the monsoon and winter-to-spring seasonal difference as pressure tendency (MAM-DJF), at almost all the stations in India, and significantly with the pressures over central and northwestern regions. The average mean sea level pressure of six stations (Jodhpur, Ahmedabed, Bombay, Indore, Sagar and Akola) in the Western Central Indian (WCI) region showed highly significant (at 1% level) and consistent CCs of -0.63 for MAM and -0.56 for MAM-DJF for the period 1951–1980. Thus, the pre-monsoon seasonal pressure anomalies over WCI could provide a useful parameter for the long-range forecasting scheme of the Indian monsoon rainfall.  相似文献   

Summary The relationship between the surface air pressure field during the pre-monsoon months and the Indian summer monsoon rainfall is analysed using climate data from 105 stations situated in Eurasia between 0°–60° N and 20°–100° E. Moreover, grid-point data for the whole northern hemisphere are used. Pressure during April over an area around 50° N and 35° E is found to show a significant negative correlation with the subsequent monsoon rainfall. During May the pressure over a large part of the study area south of 40° N shows a significant correlation with its highest value in the heat low region over Pakistan. It is assumed that monitoring of pressure variations over this region may be useful in predicting monsoon rainfall, particularly the rainfall during the first half of the season. Certain limitations of the climate data in this region are also discussed.With 5 Figures  相似文献   

1996年长江中下游、2002年华中南部以及2006年华南沿海地区出现了显著洪涝,并均伴随强季节内降水活动。在30–60天和10–20天这两个时间尺度上,季节内降水异常均与亚洲季风区大气季节内振荡密切相关。本文选取亚洲季风区大气季节内振荡的关键要素作为预报因子,应用贝叶斯小波频段方案对季节内降水进行了预报时效为15天的延伸期预测。该方案对这三年的季节内降水中心的预测水平均较好,预测与观测的季节内降水相关系数均在0.6以上。  相似文献   

The performance of a dynamical seasonal forecast system is evaluated for the prediction of summer monsoon rainfall over the Indian region during June to September (JJAS). The evaluation is based on the National Centre for Environmental Prediction’s (NCEP) climate forecast system (CFS) initialized during March, April and May and integrated for a period of 9 months with a 15 ensemble members for 25 years period from 1981 to 2005. The CFS’s hindcast climatology during JJAS of March (lag-3), April (lag-2) and May (lag-1) initial conditions show mostly an identical pattern of rainfall similar to that of verification climatology with the rainfall maxima (one over the west-coast of India and the other over the head Bay of Bengal region) well simulated. The pattern correlation between verification and forecast climatology over the global tropics and Indian monsoon region (IMR) bounded by 50°E–110°E and 10°S–35°N shows significant correlation coefficient (CCs). The skill of simulation of broad scale monsoon circulation index (Webster and Yang; WY index) is quite good in the CFS with highly significant CC between the observed and predicted by the CFS from the March, April and May forecasts. High skill in forecasting El Nino event is also noted for the CFS March, April and May initial conditions, whereas, the skill of the simulation of Indian Ocean Dipole is poor and is basically due to the poor skill of prediction of sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies over the eastern equatorial Indian Ocean. Over the IMR the skill of monsoon rainfall forecast during JJAS as measured by the spatial Anomaly CC between forecast rainfall anomaly and the observed rainfall anomaly during 1991, 1994, 1997 and 1998 is high (almost of the order of 0.6), whereas, during the year 1982, 1984, 1985, 1987 and 1989 the ACC is only around 0.3. By using lower and upper tropospheric forecast winds during JJAS over the regions of significant CCs as predictors for the All India Summer Monsoon Rainfall (AISMR; only the land stations of India during JJAS), the predicted mean AISMR with March, April and May initial conditions is found to be well correlated with actual AISMR and is found to provide skillful prediction. Thus, the calibrated CFS forecast could be used as a better tool for the real time prediction of AISMR.  相似文献   

By using the monthly ERA-40 reanalysis data and observed rainfall data, we investigated the effect of the Indian summer monsoon (ISM) on the South Asian High (SAH) at 200 hPa, and the role played by the SAH in summer rainfall variation over China. It is found that in the interannual timescale the east–west shift is a prominent feature of the SAH, with its center either over the Iranian Plateau or over the Tibetan Plateau. When the ISM is stronger (weaker) than normal, the SAH shifts westward (eastward) to the Iranian Plateau (Tibetan Plateau). The east–west position of SAH has close relation to the summer rainfall over China. A westward (eastward) location of SAH corresponds to less (more) rainfall in the Yangtze-Huai River Valley and more (less) rainfall in North China and South China. A possible physical process that the ISM affects the summer rainfall over China via the SAH is proposed. A stronger (weaker) ISM associated with more (less) rainfall over India corresponds to more (less) condensation heat release and anomalous heating (cooling) in the upper troposphere over the northern Indian peninsula. The anomalous heating (cooling) stimulates positive (negative) height anomalies to its northwest and negative (positive) height anomalies to its northeast in the upper troposphere, causing a westward (eastward) shift of the SAH with its center over the Iranian Plateau (Tibetan Plateau). As a result, an anomalous cyclone (anticyclone) is formed over the eastern Tibetan Plateau and eastern China in the upper troposphere. The anomalous vertical motions in association with the circulation anomalies are responsible for the rainfall anomalies over China. Our present study reveals that the SAH may play an important role in the effect of ISM on the East Asian summer monsoon.  相似文献   

Summary  The interannual variability of the Indian summer monsoon (June–September) rainfall is examined in relation to the stratospheric zonal wind and temperature fluctuations at three stations, widely spaced apart. The data analyzed are for Balboa, Ascension and Singapore, equatorial stations using recent period (1964–1994) data, at each of the 10, 30 and 50 hPa levels. The 10 hPa zonal wind for Balboa and Ascension during January and the 30 hPa zonal wind for Balboa during April are found to be positively correlated with the subsequent Indian summer monsoon rainfall, whereas the temperature at 10 hPa for Ascension during May is negatively correlated with Indian summer monsoon rainfall. The relationship with stratospheric temperatures appears to be the best, and is found to be stable over the period of analysis. Stratospheric temperature is also significantly correlated with the summer monsoon rainfall over a large and coherent region, in the north-west of India. Thus, the 10 hPa temperature for Ascension in May appears to be useful for forecasting summer monsoon rainfall for not only the whole of India, but also for a smaller region lying to the north-west of India. Received July 30, 1999 Revised March 17, 2000  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) on the diurnal cycle of rainfall over the western Maritime Continent during the austral summer. For this purpose, cyclostationary empirical orthogonal function analysis is applied to the tropical rainfall measuring mission rain rate and the Japanese Reanalysis-25 data for the period 1998–2008. The real-time multivariate MJO index by Wheeler and Hendon (Mon Wea Rev 132:1917–1932, 2004) is adopted to define the intensity and the phase of MJO. It is demonstrated that the hourly maximum rain rate over the domain tends to increase when convectively active phase of MJO approaches the Maritime Continent. In contrast, the hourly maximum rain rate tends to decrease when convectively suppressed phase of MJO resides over the region. The changes in the rain rate due to MJO differ over the ocean and the land. This difference is the greatest when the MJO is in the mature stage. Throughout the day during this stage, terrestrial rain rates show minimum values while diurnally varying oceanic rain rates record maximum values. Thus, precipitation becomes more intense in the morning over the Java Sea and is weakened in the evening over Borneo and Sumatra during the mature stage of MJO. During the decaying stage of MJO over the Maritime Continent, the diurnal cycle of precipitation weakens significantly over the ocean but only weakly over land. Analyses suggest that the anomalous lower level winds accompanied by MJO interact with the monsoonal flow over the Maritime Continent. Westerlies induced by MJO convection in the mature stage are superimposed on the monsoonal westerlies over the equator and increase wind speed mainly over the Java Sea due to the blocking effect of orography. Mountainous islands induce flow bifurcation, causing near-surface winds to converge mainly over the oceanic channels between two islands. As a result, heat flux release from the ocean to the atmosphere is enhanced by the increased surface wind resulting in instability as described in the wind-induced surface heat exchange mechanism. This may contribute to heavy rainfall over the Java Sea in the morning during the mature stage. On the other hand, convergence and vertical velocity over the islands, which play important roles in inducing nighttime rainfall, tend to be weak in the evening during the mature stage of MJO. Strong westerlies arising from MJO and the seasonal flow during the mature stage tend to interrupt convergence over islands. This interruption of convergence by MJO gives rise to decreased rain rates over the land regions.  相似文献   

Summary In this paper, we have tried to understand the ENSO, MJO and Indian summer monsoon rainfall relationships from observation as well as from coupled model results. It was the general feeling that El-Niño years are the deficient in Indian monsoon rainfall and converse being the case for the La-Niña years. Recent papers by several authors noted the failure of this relationship. We find that the model output does confirm a breakdown of this relationship. In this study we have seen that a statistically defined modified Indian summer monsoon rainfall (MISMR) index, a linearly regressed ISMR index and dynamical Webster index (WBSI), shows an inverse relationship with ENSO index during the entire period of integration (1987 to 1999). It is also seen from this study that the amplification of the MJO signals were large and the ENSO signals were less pronounced during the years of above normal ISMR. The MJO signal amplitudes were small and ENSO signals were strong during the years of deficient ISMR. It has been noted that here is a time lag between the MJO and ENSO signal in terms of their modulation aspect. If time lag is added with the ENSO signal then both signals maintain the amplitude modulation theory. A hypothesis is being proposed here to define a relationship between MJO and ENSO signals for the entire period between 1987 and 1999.Received September 18, 2002; revised November 22, 2002; accepted December 20, 2002 Published online: May 8, 2003  相似文献   

The boreal summer intraseasonal oscillation (BSISO) of the Asian summer monsoon (ASM) is one of the most prominent sources of short-term climate variability in the global monsoon system. Compared with the related Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) it is more complex in nature, with prominent northward propagation and variability extending much further from the equator. In order to facilitate detection, monitoring and prediction of the BSISO we suggest two real-time indices: BSISO1 and BSISO2, based on multivariate empirical orthogonal function (MV-EOF) analysis of daily anomalies of outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) and zonal wind at 850 hPa (U850) in the region 10°S–40°N, 40°–160°E, for the extended boreal summer (May–October) season over the 30-year period 1981–2010. BSISO1 is defined by the first two principal components (PCs) of the MV-EOF analysis, which together represent the canonical northward propagating variability that often occurs in conjunction with the eastward MJO with quasi-oscillating periods of 30–60 days. BSISO2 is defined by the third and fourth PCs, which together mainly capture the northward/northwestward propagating variability with periods of 10–30 days during primarily the pre-monsoon and monsoon-onset season. The BSISO1 circulation cells are more Rossby wave like with a northwest to southeast slope, whereas the circulation associated with BSISO2 is more elongated and front-like with a southwest to northeast slope. BSISO2 is shown to modulate the timing of the onset of Indian and South China Sea monsoons. Together, the two BSISO indices are capable of describing a large fraction of the total intraseasonal variability in the ASM region, and better represent the northward and northwestward propagation than the real-time multivariate MJO (RMM) index of Wheeler and Hendon.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This study focuses on the intraseasonal variation of the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) simulated by IAP AGCM 4.0, the fourth-generation atmospheric general circulation model recently developed at the Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. In general, the model simulates the intraseasonal evolution of the EASM and the related rain belt. Besides, the model also simulates the two northward jumps of the westem Pacific subtropical high (WPSH), which are closely related to the convective activities in the warm pool region and Rossby wave activities in high latitudes. Nevertheless, some evident biases in the model were found to exist. Due to a stronger WPSH, the model fails to simulate the rain belt in southern China during May and June. Besides, the model simulates a later retreat of the EASM, which is attributed to the overestimated land-sea thermal contrast in August. In particular, the timing of the two northward jumps of the WPSH in the model is not coincident with the observation, with a later jump by two pentads for the first jump and an earlier jump by one pentad for the second, i.e., the interval between the two jumps is shorter than the observation. This bias is mainly ascribed to a shorter oscillating periodicity of convection in the tropical northwestern Pacific.  相似文献   

Summary ?Nepal, lying in the southern periphery of the Tibetan Plateau receives about 80% of the total annual rainfall during summer monsoon (June–September). Rainfall analysis shows that summer monsoon is more active in the southern part of Nepal but in the high Himalayas and Trans-Himalayan region other weather systems like western disturbances are also as effective as monsoon in giving rainfall. The influence of Southern Oscillation (SO) in Nepal monsoon rainfall is found to be very significant. The years with significant negative (positive) Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) have less (more) rainfall in most of the cases during the 32-year period. This relationship is also found to vary with time. The years with deficient rainfall are associated most of the times with negative departure of SOI and the composite chart during these occasions shows about 95% area of Nepal experiencing below normal rainfall. Likewise at the time of positive departure of SOI, most of the region (94%) experienced above normal rainfall. There is a good relation between SOI and rainfall over Nepal during monsoon. The correlation coefficient between Nepal monsoon rainfall and monthly SOI shows a statistically significant in-phase relationship during and after monsoon but poor relation during the months prior to monsoon season. These results suggest that monsoon plays an active and effective role on the interannual variability including SOI. Received December 28, 1999/Revised May 22, 2000  相似文献   

Summary In this paper, multilayered feedforward neural networks trained with the error-back-propagation (EBP) algorithm have been employed for predicting the seasonal monsoon rainfall over India. Three network models that use, respectively, 2, 3 and 10 input parameters which are known to significantly influence the Indian summer monsoon rainfall (ISMR) have been constructed and optimized. The results obtained thereby are rigorously compared with those from the statistical models. The predictions of network models indicate that they can serve as a potent tool for ISMR prediction.  相似文献   

The interdecadal variations of the summer monsoon rainfall over South China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary This paper is to promote a further understanding of the interdecadal variations of the summer monsoon rainfall over South China (SCMR). With this focus, we will specifically aim at better understanding possible mechanism responsible for such an interdecadal variation relationship between the SCMR and El Ni?o/Southern Oscillation (ENSO). In many of the previous studies on precipitation, the datasets used are satellite observations or gridded reanalyzed data due to the lack of long-term reliable observations over the marginal seas of the Asian continent. Such an approach could lead to possible errors in the results. In this work, several representative stations with long-term rain-gauge observations are chosen to reduce such uncertainty. The study of the interdecadal variabilities of SCMR indicates that there is a strong linkage between SCMR and ENSO on the interdecadal variations. These results agree well with those from previous studies that the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) and ENSO are not independent of each other, the interannual and interdecadal variations of tropical Pacific Sea Surface temperatures (SSTs) could affect the interdecadal variations of the SCMR, and the incorporating information on the PDO/ENSO could improve the long-term prediction of the SCMR.  相似文献   

利用NOAA向外长波辐射(OLR)、NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和CN05.1降水资料,研究了南亚和东亚热带夏季风强度年际变化关系,及其强弱不同配置对中国夏季降水的影响。结果表明:南亚和东亚热带夏季风强度变化之间存在同相和反相两种配置,定义的强度同相和反相变化指数可以很好地表征该关系。同相变化模态可能与海温异常时的强El Nino(La Nina)影响有关,其反相变化模态受El Nino(La Nina)以及印度洋海盆一致模的影响,同时西太平洋副热带高压和伊朗高压位置东西偏移和强度变化也影响着不同配置的出现。两者不同配置时,对中国夏季降水的影响不同。当变化呈同相偏强时,夏季中国东部地区降水为“中间少南北多”的雨型。当变化呈反相,东亚热带夏季风偏强南亚夏季风偏弱时,夏季中国东部地区降水为“一致偏少”雨型。  相似文献   

The prediction of Indian summer monsoon rainfall (ISMR) on a seasonal time scales has been attempted by various research groups using different techniques including artificial neural networks. The prediction of ISMR on monthly and seasonal time scales is not only scientifically challenging but is also important for planning and devising agricultural strategies. This article describes the artificial neural network (ANN) technique with error- back-propagation algorithm to provide prediction (hindcast) of ISMR on monthly and seasonal time scales. The ANN technique is applied to the five time series of June, July, August, September monthly means and seasonal mean (June + July + August + September) rainfall from 1871 to 1994 based on Parthasarathy data set. The previous five years values from all the five time-series were used to train the ANN to predict for the next year. The details of the models used are discussed. Various statistics are calculated to examine the performance of the models and it is found that the models could be used as a forecasting tool on seasonal and monthly time scales. It is observed by various researchers that with the passage of time the relationships between various predictors and Indian monsoon are changing, leading to changes in monsoon predictability. This issue is discussed and it is found that the monsoon system inherently has a decadal scale variation in predictability. Received: 13 March 1999 / Accepted: 31 August 1999  相似文献   

The Madden-Julian oscillation (MJO) skeleton model is a low-order model for intraseasonal oscillations that, in an extended form, includes off-equatorial and antisymmetric components. Previous studies of this extended model have used an idealized background state and forcing terms. In the current study, observation-based estimates of these forcing terms and background state are used. Linear solutions to the extended model with this observation-based forcing consist of both equatorially-symmetric convective events and events with a meridional tilt reminiscent of composites of the boreal summer intraseasonal oscillation (BSISO) in observational studies. Solutions to a nonlinear stochastic form of the model exhibit realistic precipitation mean and variance and intraseasonal variability throughout much of the tropics. These solutions contain several types of events, including meridionally-tilted convective activity that moves both northward and eastward. Solutions to both forms of the model also indicate that this BSISO-like convective activity is coupled to activity over the eastern Pacific. A discussion of these features and their agreement with previous observational studies of the BSISO is given.  相似文献   

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