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Plant stomata play a key role in the redistribution of energy received on vegetated land into sensible and latent heat. As a result, they have a considerable impact on the atmospheric planetary boundary layer, the hydrologic cycle, the climate, and the weather. Current parameterizations of the stomatal mechanism in state-of-the-art atmospheric models are based on empirical relations that are established at the leaf scale between stomatal conductance and environmental conditions. In order to evaluate these parameterizations, an experiment was carried out on a potato field in New Jersey during the summer of 1989. Stomatal conductances were measured within a small homogeneous area in the middle of the potato field and under a relatively broad range of atmospheric conditions. A large variability of stomatal conductances was observed. This variability, which was associated with the variability of micro-environmental and physiological conditions that is found even in a homogeneous canopy, cannot be simulated explicitly on the scale of a single agricultural field and,a fortiori, on the scale of atmospheric models. Furthermore, this variability could not be related to the environmental conditions measured at a height of 2 m above the plant canopy simultaneously with the conductances, reinforcing the concept of scale decoupling suggested by Jarvis and McNaughton (1986) and McNaughton and Jarvis (1991). Thus, for atmospheric modeling purposes, a parameterization of stomatal conductance at the canopy scale using external environmental forcing conditions seems more appropriate than a parameterization based on leaf-scale stomatal conductance, as currently adopted in state-of-the-art atmospheric models. The measured variability was characterized by a lognormal probability density function (pdf) that remained relatively stable during the entire measuring period. These observations support conclusions by McNaughton and Jarvis (1991) that, unlike current parameterizations, a parameterization of plant stomata applied on a field (or larger) scale, might not require inclusion of the complex relations found at the leaf scale between stomata and their microenvironment.  相似文献   

In this study, the International Center for Theoretical Physics Regional Climate Model version 3 (RegCM3) was used to investigate the sensitivity of the simulation of the West African monsoon using four different cumulus and closures parameterization schemes of Anthes Kuo (AK), Grell and Fristish Chappell (GFC), Grell and Arakawa Schubert (GAS), and MIT-Emmanuel (EM) while maintaining other physical packages unchanged. The contrasting monsoon years of 1993 and 1999, which were dry and wet years, respectively, were simulated. The model was integrated from a period of 5 months, starting from May 1 to September 30 of each year using the European Centre for Medium-Range-Weather Forecast (ECMWF) Reanalysis data (ERA40) as input boundary conditions. The 6-hourly reanalysis data were used to provide the lateral boundary conditions, and the observed weekly Reynolds Sea Surface Temperature interpolated to 6 h was used as the lower boundary forcing. The results show that in West Africa, monsoon precipitations are sensitive to the choice of cumulus parameterization and closure schemes. None of the schemes is able to simulate the monsoon rainfall accurately, and furthermore, there is little difference in behavior among schemes between dry and wet years. The spatial features of precipitation are not identical among schemes, although they all show a northward shift of the rain bands, giving a very wet Sahel and dry Guinean Coast. The GFC and EM schemes are able to capture the diurnal cycle of precipitation and the zonal averages of stratiform rain fractions as observed in the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM), although they overestimated rainfall amounts. The most important deficiencies, however, cannot be attributed to the schemes. In particular, the northward shift of both the rain band and the AEJ in RegCM3 is the result of unrealistic soil moisture resulting from the way albedo is parameterized, leading to an excessive northward penetration of monsoon flow. A sensitivity study showed that an adjustment of initial albedo values over the Sahel improved the simulation, and in particular the position of rain bands and of the AEJ.  相似文献   

采用中尺度数值模式WRF3.8.1,以2010年03号台风"灿都"为研究个例,采取控制变量的思想设计YSU、MYJ、QNSE、MYNN2四组不同边界层方案进行模拟试验,通过比较模拟和实况台风路径、MSLP(Minimun sea level pressure)和MSW(Maximum surface wind),发现四组试验的模拟结果与实况都有一定的差异,路径偏差相似,强度均偏弱。总体而言,边界层方案为YSU的试验WRF_YSU模拟效果最佳。对试验WRF_YSU引入雷达观测资料后的同化试验(WRF_YSURD)后发现WRF_YSURD试验对台风强度的模拟结果有显著改善。通过进一步的诊断发现,不同边界层方案及是否进行雷达资料的同化会造成五组模拟试验中台风的散度、涡度及风场等的模拟结果不同,从而造成台风范围内的水汽场不同,进而影响最终的台风强度和路径模拟结果。  相似文献   

In this study, the improved high-resolution regional climate model of the China National Climate Center (RegCM_NCC) is used to examine the sensitivity of the simulated circulation and rainfall during the South China Sea summer monsoon (SCSSM) period during 1998 in an effort to compare to other cumulus param- eterization schemes. The investigation has indicated that the model is capable of simulating the seasonal march of the SCSSM and that the results were very sensitive to the choice of cumulus parameterization schemes. It seems that the Kuo cumulus parameterization scheme simulates the process of the SCSSM onset reasonably well, which can reproduce the onset timing and dramatic changes before and after the onset, especially the upper- and lower-level wind-fields. However, there are still some discrepancies between the simulations and observations. For example, the model can not completely simulate the intensity of the rainfall or the location of the western Pacific subtropical high as well as the feature of the rapid northward propagation of seasonal rain belt.  相似文献   

Sensitivity of a coupled climate model to canopy interception capacity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The canopy interception capacity is a small but key part of the surface hydrology, which affects the amount of water intercepted by vegetation and therefore the partitioning of evaporation and transpiration. However, little research with climate models has been done to understand the effects of a range of possible canopy interception capacity parameter values. This is in part due to the assumption that it does not significantly affect climate. Near global evapotranspiration products now make evaluation of canopy interception capacity parameterisations possible. We use a range of canopy water interception capacity values from the literature to investigate the effect on climate within the climate model HadCM3. We find that the global mean temperature is affected by up to ?0.64 K globally and ?1.9 K regionally. These temperature impacts are predominantly due to changes in the evaporative fraction and top of atmosphere albedo. In the tropics, the variations in evapotranspiration affect precipitation, significantly enhancing rainfall. Comparing the model output to measurements, we find that the default canopy interception capacity parameterisation overestimates canopy interception loss (i.e. canopy evaporation) and underestimates transpiration. Overall, decreasing canopy interception capacity improves the evapotranspiration partitioning in HadCM3, though the measurement literature more strongly supports an increase. The high sensitivity of climate to the parameterisation of canopy interception capacity is partially due to the high number of light rain-days in the climate model that means that interception is overestimated. This work highlights the hitherto underestimated importance of canopy interception capacity in climate model hydroclimatology and the need to acknowledge the role of precipitation representation limitations in determining parameterisations.  相似文献   

A 5-level spectral AGCM (ImPKU-5LAGCM) is used to examine the sensitivity of the simulated results of the summer monsoon rainfall and circulation in East Asia to different cumulus parameterization schemes in the climatological-mean case and in the cases of weak and strong Asian summer monsoons,respectively. The results simulated with the Arakawa-Schubert's(hereafter A-S's), Kuo's and Manabe's cumulus parameterization schemes show that these simulated distributions of the summer monsoon rainfall and circulation in East Asia depend strongly on the cumulus parameterization schemes either in the climatological-mean case or in the cases of weak and strong Asian summer monsoons. From the simulated results, it might be shown that the Kuo scheme appears to be more suitable for the simulation of the summer monsoon rainfall and circulation in East Asia than the A-S scheme or the Manabe scheme, although the A-S scheme is somewhat better in the simulations of the tropical rainfall. This might be due to that the Kuo's cumulus parameterization scheme is able to reflect well the characteristics of rainfall cloud system in the East Asian summer monsoon region, where the rainfall system used to be a mixing of cumulus and stratus.  相似文献   

王咏薇  伍见军  杜钦  高阳华 《气象学报》2013,71(6):1130-1145
目前,耦合在WRF模式中的城市冠层方案包括单层冠层方案(UCM),多层冠层方案(BEP)以及考虑室内外大气能量交换的多层冠层方案(BEP+BEM)。不同方案计算过程及参数设置不尽相同,这些方案能否适应高密度建筑物复杂下垫面的城市气象环境的模拟?建筑物形态参数对于城市气象因子模拟的敏感性如何?为回答上述问题,选取建筑物高密度城市——重庆为研究对象,以2006年重庆高温伏旱天气为背景,采用高分辨率(333 m×333 m)的地理信息系统数据替换WRF模式中默认的美国地质调查局(USGS)静态数据,对WRF中的3种城市冠层方案进行了模拟评估,并进行建筑物形态参数变化对气象因子影响的敏感试验。结果表明:(1)BEP+BEM、BEP、UCM方案模拟值与城区内10个站点2 m高气温观测值的均方差和平均误差分别为1.3、1.4、2.1和-0.5、-0.8、-1.4℃,单层冠层方案相对较差,BEP+BEM方案最好。模拟值普遍略低于观测值。位于密集建筑物周边的2 m高气温模拟值与自动站观测吻合相对较好,而中国国家基本站的观测值与模拟值相比,观测值偏低,靠近水体的模拟结果相对较差;(2)建筑物高度及密度参数的变化对城市近地层气温产生明显的影响,当建筑物高度增高时,由于短波遮蔽作用的影响,白天气温降低最大达到0.4℃,而夜间由于辐射截陷作用增强,气温明显升高,最大可达0.7℃。建筑物间距缩小,导致白天近地面气温降低,夜晚则升高,且夜间变化幅度更大;(3)当调整建筑物高度及密度参数分别为:高度20%(15 m)+60%(20 m)+20%(25 m),间距20 m时,城区内观测站点2 m高气温观测值与模拟值的均方根误差从1.3℃减小到0.6℃,提高了模式的模拟性能。  相似文献   

The sensitivity of the simulation of tropical cyclone(TC) size to microphysics schemes is studied using the Advanced Hurricane Weather Research and Forecasting Model(WRF). Six TCs during the 2013 western North Pacific typhoon season and three mainstream microphysics schemes–Ferrier(FER), WRF Single-Moment 5-class(WSM5) and WRF Single-Moment6-class(WSM6)–are investigated. The results consistently show that the simulated TC track is not sensitive to the choice of microphysics scheme in the early simulation, especially in the open ocean. However, the sensitivity is much greater for TC intensity and inner-core size. The TC intensity and size simulated using the WSM5 and WSM6 schemes are respectively higher and larger than those using the FER scheme in general, which likely results from more diabatic heating being generated outside the eyewall in rainbands. More diabatic heating in rainbands gives higher inflow in the lower troposphere and higher outflow in the upper troposphere, with higher upward motion outside the eyewall. The lower-tropospheric inflow would transport absolute angular momentum inward to spin up tangential wind predominantly near the eyewall, leading to the increment in TC intensity and size(the inner-core size, especially). In addition, the inclusion of graupel microphysics processes(as in WSM6) may not have a significant impact on the simulation of TC track, intensity and size.  相似文献   

The potential impacts of CO2-induced climate change on terrestrial carbon storage was estimated using the Holdridge Life-Zone Classification and four climate change scenarios derived from general circulation models. Carbon values were assigned to life-zones and their associated soils from published studies. All four scenarios suggest an increase in area occupied by forests although details of predicted patterns vary among the scenarios. There is a poleward shift of the forested zones, with an increase in the areal extent of tropical forests and a shift of the boreal forest zone into the region currently occupied by tundra. Terrestrial carbon storage increased from 0.4% (8.5 Gt) to 9.5% (180.5 Gt) above estimates for present conditions. These changes represent a potential reduction of 4 to 85 ppm on elevated atmospheric CO2 levels.  相似文献   

Summary During the Hartheim Experiment (HartX) 1992 conducted in the upper Rhine Valley, Germany, three different methods were used to measure sap flow in Scots pine trees via heating of water transported in the xylem: (1) constant heating applied radially in the sapwood (Granier-system-G), (2) constant heating of a stem segment (ermák-system-C), and (3) regulated variable heating of a stem segment that locally maintains a constant temperature gradient in the trunk (ermák/Schulze-system-CS). While the constant heating methods utilize changes in the induced temperature gradient to quantify sap flux, the CS-system estimates water flow from the variable power requirement to maintain a 2 or 3 degree Kelvin temperature gradient over a short distance between inserted electrodes and reference point. The C- and CS-systems assume that all transported water is encompassed and equally heated by the electrodes. In this case, flux rate is determined from temperature difference or energy input and the heat capacity of water. Active sapwood area need not be determined exactly. In contrast, the G-system requires an empirical calibration of the sensors that allows conversion of temperature difference into sap flow density. Estimates of sapwood area are used to calculate the total flux. All three methods assume that the natural fluctuation in temperature of the trunk near the point of insertion of heating and sensing elements is the same as that where reference thermocouples are inserted.Using all three systems, 24 trees were simultaneously monitored during the HartX campaign. Tree size within the stand ranged between 18 and 61 cm circumference at breast height, while sample trees ranged between 24 and 55 cm circumference. The smallest trees could only be measured by utilizing the G-system. Sap flow rates of individual trees measured at breast height increased rapidly in the morning along with increases in irradiance and vapor pressure deficit (D), decreased slowly during the course of the afternoon with continued increase inD, and decreased more slowly during the night.Ignoring potential effects introduced by the different methods, maximum flow rates of individual trees ranged between 0.5 and 2.5 kg H2O h–1 tree–1 or 0.3 and 0.6 mm h–1 related to projected crown area of trees and daily sums of sap flow for individual trees varied between 4.4 and 24 kg H2O tree–1 d–1 or 1.1 and 6.0 mm d–1. Maximum sap flow rates per sapwood area of trees varied least for the G-system (11–17 g cm–2 h–1) and was of similar magnitude as the C- (8–21 g cm–2 h–1) and CS-system (4–14 g cm–2 h–1).Regressions of total tree conductance (g t ) derived from sap flow estimates demonstrated the same linear increase of conductance with increasing irradiance, however decrease of conductance with increasingD under non-limiting light conditions was different for the three systems with strongest reduction ofg t measured with the CS-system followed by the C- and G-system. This led to different estimates of daily sap flow rates especially during the second part of the measurement period.Variation in sap flow rates is explained on the basis of variation in leaf area index of individual trees, heterogeneity in soil conditions, and methodological differences in sap flow measurements. Despite the highly uniform plantation forest at the scale of hectares, the heterogeneity in tree size and soil depth at the scale of square meters still make it difficult to appropriately and efficiently select sample trees and to scale-up water flux from individual trees to the stand level.With 5 Figures  相似文献   

为探究陆气系统对于冠层截留过程敏的感性,研究基于NCAR CAM-CLM陆气耦合模式探讨了截留参数对于全球陆地蒸发、降水、径流及气温的可能影响,揭示了冠层截留与植被光合作用之间的潜在联系。通过GLEAMv3.0a陆面蒸散发数据评估了CLM4.5冠层截留方案,并指出该方案高估了低茎叶面积指数植被的冠层蒸发,而低估了高茎叶面积指数植被的冠层蒸发。在CLM4.5中引入冠层截留偏差校正方案则可在一定程度上提高了全球林区冠层蒸发和陆面蒸散发的模拟能力。  相似文献   

周晶  刘蕾  霍飞  鲍婷婷 《气象科学》2018,38(3):342-350
利用中尺度数值模式WRF,分别选用新旧两种下垫面资料和不同城市冠层模型设计试验,以江苏一次秋末高温天气个例(2014年11月20—21日)为背景,研究城市化进程对气温的影响和可能机制。将模式结果与江苏国家气象观测站和地面加密区域自动站观测资料进行对比,并分析3组试验结果发现:(1)采用BEP城市方案对2 m气温、2 m相对湿度和10 m风速等物理量的日变化模拟最优。(2)相比USGS数据,MODIS较新地表覆盖变化数据能更真实反映研究区域当前地表类型分布情况,且能提高近地面风温湿要素空间分布的模拟。(3)分析不同试验模拟的地表能量平衡过程差异,发现相比UCM单层城市冠层方案,BEP多层城市冠层方案在白天能更好模拟出城市地区的温度升高以及相对应的地表感热通量和地面热通量的增加。  相似文献   

Varga  Ákos János  Breuer  Hajnalka 《Climate Dynamics》2020,55(9-10):2849-2866

In this study, the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model is used to produce short-term regional climate simulations with several configurations for the Carpathian Basin region. The goal is to evaluate the performance of the model and analyze its sensitivity to different physical and dynamical settings, and input data. Fifteen experiments were conducted with WRF at 10 km resolution for the year 2013. The simulations differ in terms of configuration options such as the parameterization schemes, the hydrostatic and non-hydrostatic dynamical cores, the initial and boundary conditions (ERA5 and ERA-Interim reanalyses), the number of vertical levels, and the length of the spin-up period. E-OBS dataset 2 m temperature, total precipitation, and global radiation are used for validation. Temperature underestimation reaches 4–7 °C for some experiments and can be reduced by certain physics scheme combinations. The cold bias in winter and spring is mainly caused by excessive snowfall and too persistent snow cover, as revealed by comparison with satellite-based observations and a test simulation without snow on the surface. Annual precipitation is overestimated by 0.6–3.8 mm day−1, with biases mainly accumulating in the period driven by large-scale weather processes. Downward shortwave radiation is underestimated all year except in the months dominated by locally forced phenomena (May to August) when a positive bias prevails. The incorporation of downward shortwave radiation to the validation variables increased the understanding of underlying problems with the parameterization schemes and highlighted false model error compensations.


不同边界层方案对一次华北暴雨数值模拟的敏感性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以2010年8月17—19日华北地区的暴雨事件为研究对象,采用中尺度数值模式WRF,通过8个数值实验测试暴雨事件模拟结果对不同边界层方案的敏感性。结果表明,采用不同边界层方案的模拟结果存在明显差异。分辨率为12 km时,7个边界层方案实验均模拟出类似观测的四处较强降水,但模拟得到的降水强度和强降水中心位置与实况有所差异,NOPBL实验模拟的雨带收缩,降水相对其他模拟实验较少且更为集中。分辨率为4 km时,采用边界层方案的7个实验均可见小尺度降水结构,模拟出较多虚假降水中心,而在NOPBL试验中降水的小尺度结构不明显。检验表明:分辨率为12 km时,MYJ试验的TS评分、相关系数和误差分析等整体表现最优,分辨率为4 km时,Bou Lac试验整体表现最优。与NOPBL试验相比,加入MYJ边界层方案后,模拟的水汽输送增加、上升运动及涡散度绝对值增大。  相似文献   

陆地生态系统碳汇显著降低大气CO2浓度上升和全球变暖的速率,受人类活动和气候变化的影响,陆地生态系统碳通量具有强烈的时空变化,其估算结果仍存在较大的不确定性,不同因子的贡献尚不清晰。为此,利用遥感驱动的陆地生态系统过程模型BEPS模拟分析了1981—2019年全球陆地生态系统碳通量的时空变化特征,评价了大气CO2浓度、叶面积指数(Leaf Area Index, LAI)、氮沉降、气候变化对全球陆地生态系统碳收支变化的贡献。1981—2019年全球陆地生态系统总初级生产力(Gross Primary Productivity, GPP)、净初级生产力(Net Primary Productivity, NPP)和净生态系统生产力(Net Ecosystem Productivity, NEP)的平均值分别为115.3、51.3和2.7 Pg·a-1(以碳质量计,下同),上升速率分别为0.47、0.21和0.06 Pg·a-1。全球大部分区域GPP和NPP显著增加,NEP显著上升(p<0.05)...  相似文献   


The direct assimilation of satellite radiances is now operational in a few forecast centres, providing global temperature (T) and moisture (Q) information. The critical parameters which influence the quality of the resulting analysis are mainly the selection of channels, the respective errors of the background field and radiance observations, and the quality of the radiative transfer model. These various aspects are studied from sensitivity experiments based on 1‐D variational assimilations using the ensemble of 19 infrared channels (HIRS) of the NOAA‐14 satellite.

It is shown that significant improvements in the retrievals would be obtained if the radiance observation error (measurement plus radiative transfer), currently estimated to be about equal to that of the background (in radiance units), were decreased. This could in principle be achieved by improving the forward radiative transfer model (RTM). Two RTMs suitable for radiance assimilation are compared in terms of analyzed increments, Jacobians, brightness temperature and equivalent background error. Important differences are noted for all of these interrelated measures. The existence of air‐mass dependent biases of fast radiative transfer models of the order of 1.5 K is confirmed in several channels from additional comparison with a line‐by‐line model. The importance of correctly specifying surface emissivity and the effective angle for downward calculations is demonstrated.

The paper also evaluates, in some detail, the impact of uncertainties on the background error covariance matrix. The uncertainty on the skin temperature (TJ error affects mostly the retrieval of that parameter; it has a modest impact on the T and Q profiles in the low troposphere. The uncertainty on the Q‐Q elements has more impact than that on the T‐T elements. Off‐diagonal elements of the background error covariance matrix are very important as they impose smoothness and level‐to‐level consistency, especially for Q retrievals. Finally, Ts‐T correlations, often ignored, could result in significant improvements in the retrieval of temperature at low levels. Research issues are discussed in the conclusion.  相似文献   

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