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The first 10 years (1973–1982) of atmospheric CO2 measurements at Barrow, Alaska, by the NOAA/GMCC program are described. The paper updates and extends the Barrow CO2 record presented in Tellus (1982). The data are given in final form, based on recent calibrations of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, with selected values identified as representative of large, spacescale conditions. Analyses of the data show: (1) a long-term CO2 average increase of 1.3 ppm per year, but with large year-to-year variations in that growth rate; (2) a suggestion, not statistically significant, of a secular increase in the amplitude of the annual cycle, presumably a reflection of global-scale biospheric variability; and (3) good absolute agreement between the Barrow results and those from four neighboring high latitude sites between 50 and 82°N.  相似文献   

Events in the stably stratified lower atmospheric boundary layer within the first several hundreds of meters at Barrow, Alaska were recorded from 27 March to 5 April 1990 using an acoustic sounder (sodar), a tethered balloon, radiosondes, and an instrumented meteorological tower. These events include ground-based and low-level inversion layers, gravity waves, breaking waves, and multiple-layer structures. Even though these events are commonly found in a stable boundary layer, it is perhaps surprising to find them in such a slowly changing environment and over a terrain that is essentially devoid of immediate orographic influence.Visiting Scientist at Wave Propagation Laboratory, NOAA/ERL 325 Broadway, Boulder, CO, 80303, U.S.A.  相似文献   

Measurements at Barrow during the second Arctic Gas and Aerosol Sampling Program (AGASP-II), conducted in April 1986, showed no rapid long-range transport from lower-latitude source regions to Barrow, and only limited vertical transport from above the boundary layer to the surface. New aerosol size distribution measurements in the 0.005–0.1 m diameter size range using a Nuclepore-filter diffusion battery apparatus showed a median diameter of about 0.01 m during times of high condensation nucleus (CN) concentrations. Aerosol black carbon concentrations exceeding 400 ng m–3 were detected at the surface and were more strongly correlated with CN concentrations than with aerosol scattering extinction (sp), suggesting that aerosol carbon was generally associated with small particles rather than large particles. Measurements at Barrow during AGASP-I, conducted in March–April 1983, showed a series of aerosol events detected at the ground that were caused by rapid long-range transport paths to the vicinity of Barrow from Eurasia. These events were strongly correlated with aerosol loading in the vertical column (optical depth).  相似文献   

Summary Snow albedo is determined from the ratio of out-going to incoming solar radiation using three years of broadband shortwave radiometer data obtained from the Barrow, Alaska, Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) site. These data are used for the evaluation of various types of snow-albedo parameterizations applied in numerical weather prediction or climate models. These snow-albedo parameterizations are based on environmental conditions (e.g., air or snow temperature), snow related characteristics (e.g., snow depth, snow age), or combinations of both. The ARM data proved to be well suited for snow-albedo evaluation purposes for a low-precipitation tundra environment. The evaluation confirms that snow-age dependent parameterizations of snow albedo work well during snowmelt, while parameterizations considering meteorological conditions often perform better during snow accumulation. Current difficulties in parameterizing snow albedo occur for long episodes of snow-event free conditions and episodes with a high frequency of snow events or strong snowfall. In a further step, the first two years of the ARM albedo dataset is used to develop a snow-albedo parameterization, and the third year’s data serves for its evaluation. This parameterization considers snow depth, wind speed, and air temperature which are found to be significant parameters for snow-albedo modeling under various conditions. Comparison of all evaluated snow-albedo parameterizations with this new parameterization shows improved snow-albedo prediction. Correspondence: Nicole M?lders, Geophysical Institute and College of Natural Science and Mathematics, University of Alaska Fairbanks, 903 Koyukuk Drive, P.O. Box 757320, Fairbanks, AK 99775-7320, USA  相似文献   

As part of the second Arctic Gas and Aerosol Sampling Program (AGASP II) continuous measurements of atmospheric aerosol black carbon (BC) were made at the NOAA/GMCC observatory at Barrow, Alaska (71°19N, 156°36W) during the period March 21–April 22, 1986. Black carbon is produced only by incomplete combustion of carbonaceous materials and so is a particularly useful atmospheric indicator of anthropogenic activities. The BC data have been analyzed together with the concurrent measurements of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and condensation nuclei (CN) that are routinely made at the observatory. All four species showed elevated and highly variable concentrations due to local human activities, principally in the township of Barrow, 7 km to the southwest, and at the DEW Line radar installation 1 km to the northwest. We distinguish between those periods of the record that are affected by local activities and those that are not, on the basis of the short-term (periods of up to 1 hour) variability of the continuous CO2 and CN records, with large short-term variabilities indicating local sources. We identified seven periods of time (events) with durations ranging from 13 to 37 hours when the BC, CO2, and CH4 concentrations changed smoothly over time, were highly correlated with each other, and were not influenced by local activities. These events had BC/CO2 ratios in the range (50–103)×10–6. These ratios are dimensionless since we convert the CO2 concentrations to units of ng m–3 of carbon. Such values of BC/CO2 are characteristic of the combustion effluent from large installations burning heavy fuel oil or coal, automobiles, and domestic-scale natural gas usage. We conclude that these events are indicative of air masses that have been polluted with combustion emissions in a distant location and then transported to the Arctic. In the absence of species-selective loss mechanisms, these air masses will maintain their combustion effluent signatures during the transport. The BC/CO2 ratios found for the local combustion activities are consistent with those expected from known combustion processes.  相似文献   

An intensive approach to Barrow, Alaska’s adaptations to climate change and variability during recent decades suggests reconsideration of the interconnected roles of science, policy, and decision-making structures. First, profound uncertainties are inherent in unique interactions among the many natural and human factors affecting Barrow’s vulnerability. Science cannot significantly reduce these uncertainties through extensive approaches, but intensive approaches can reconstruct and update local trends, clarify the underlying dynamics, and harvest experience for policy purposes. Second, sound policies to reduce Barrow’s vulnerability to coastal erosion and flooding must incorporate these profound uncertainties and the multiple values of the community. Minimizing vulnerability to climate change is only one of the community’s interests, and must compete with other interests for limited time, attention, funds and other resources. Third, the community itself is in the best position to understand its own context, to decide on sound policies, and to take responsibility for those decisions. In short, local context matters in science, policy, and decision-making structures for adaptation to climate change and variability. Overall, cognitive constraints may be the most important human dimension of climate change. Factoring the global problem into more tractable local problems would make the most of our cognitive capacity.  相似文献   

This study attempts to understand the variations in the radiation and surface energy budget parameters during days of occurrence and non occurrence of convective activity such as thunderstorms at Ranchi (23°25??N, 85°26??E), India using the special experimental data sets obtained during pre-monsoon month of May, 2008. For this purpose five continuous thunderstorm days (TD) of varying intensity, along with three non-thunderstorm days (NTD) preceding the TD are considered. Thunderstorms occurred at site are multi-cellular in nature. Change of wind direction and strong gusty winds are noticed in TD cases. Pre-dominant wind direction is south westerly for the TD; it is northwesterly during NTD. Sudden drop of air temperature and rise of relative humidity and rise/drop in atmospheric pressure is noticed during TD are found to be proportional to the intensity of thunderstorm event. More partitioning of net radiation (QN) is in to latent heat flux (QE) and the contribution of sensible heat flux (QH) and soil heat flux (QG) are same during TD. But in the NTD more partitioning of QN is in to QH followed by QG that of QE. Significant differences in radiation and energy budget components are noticed during TD and NTD events.  相似文献   

利用新疆昌吉佃坝绿洲区陆气相互作用观测站2020年3—11月的地表辐射观测数据和同期的天气现象观测记录数据,定量分析昌吉绿洲区不同时间尺度和不同天气条件下的地表辐射变化特征。结果表明:(1)辐射分量日均值和日峰值时间有季节性差异,特殊天气现象对辐射通量有影响。(2) 地表辐射月曝辐量随季节变化显著。(3) 地表反照率月平均日变化季节性明显,晴天时地表反照率呈平滑的“U形”曲线,非晴天时曲线变化皆不规则、不平滑。(4)不同天气下辐射分量有独特日变化特征,轻雾、雨天、大风、扬沙、多云天等典型天气会给辐射分量带来不同程度的衰减,雨天、大风和多云天气衰减最为明显。  相似文献   

The Urban Heat Island Effect at Fairbanks, Alaska   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Summary  Using climatic data from Fairbanks and rurally situated Eielson Air Force Base in Interior Alaska, the growth of the Fairbanks heat island was studied for the time period 1949 – 1997. The climate records were examined to distinguish between a general warming trend and the changes due to an increasing heat island effect. Over the 49-year period, the population of Fairbanks grew by more than 500%, while the population of Eielson remained relatively constant. The mean annual heat island observed at the Fairbanks International Airport grew by 0.4 °C, with the winter months experiencing a more significant increase of 1.0 °C. Primary focus was directed toward long-term heat island characterization based on season, wind speed, cloud cover, and time of day. In all cases, the minima temperatures were affected more than maxima and periods of calm or low wind speeds, clear winter sky conditions, and nighttime exhibited the largest heat island effects. Received August 17, 1998 Revised March 26, 1999  相似文献   

Summary A simple surface energy budget model is developed and validated for an aboriginal rock art site in Western Australia. The thermal regime of the rock face is strongly dependent on the sky view factor for a vertical surface element and the sensible and latent heat fluxes are shown to be relatively unimportant. Using climatological data, the model is extended to form the basis for appropriate environmental management and conservation of the rock art.
Zusammenfassung Es wird ein einfaches Oberflächenenergiebilanzmodell für eine Höhle mit Felszeichnungen der Eingeborenen in Westaustralien entwickelt und überprüft. Das thermische Regime der Felsoberfläche wird vom Bildwinkel des Himmels für ein vertikales Oberflächenelement dominiert, während sich die Flüsse fühlbarer und latenter Wärme als unbedeutend erwiesen. Die Berücksichtigung von klimatologischen Daten ermöglicht es, damit die Grundlagen für geeignete Umweltund Konservierungsmaßnahmen für das Kunstwerk zu schaffen.

With 4 Figures  相似文献   

The radiation budget in a regional climate model   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
The long- and short-wave components of the radiation budget are among the most important quantities in climate modelling. In this study, we evaluated the radiation budget at the earth??s surface and at the top of atmosphere over Europe as simulated by the regional climate model CLM. This was done by comparisons with radiation budgets as computed by the GEWEX/SRB satellite-based product and as realised in the ECMWF re-analysis ERA40. Our comparisons show that CLM has a tendency to underestimate solar radiation at the surface and the energy loss by thermal emission. We found a clear statistical dependence of radiation budget imprecision on cloud cover and surface albedo uncertainties in the solar spectrum. In contrast to cloud fraction errors, surface temperature errors have a minor impact on radiation budget uncertainties in the long-wave spectrum. We also evaluated the impact of the number of atmospheric layers used in CLM simulations. CLM simulations with 32 layers perform better than do those with 20 layers in terms of the surface radiation budget components but not in terms of the outgoing long-wave radiation and of radiation divergence. Application of the evaluation approach to similar simulations with two additional regional climate models confirmed the results and showed the usefulness of the approach.  相似文献   


One of the main concerns regarding a decrease in stratospheric ozone is the consequential increasein the amount of ultraviolet (UV) radiation that reaches the lower atmosphere and the Earth's surface. Radiationat UV wavelengths where ozone absorbs strongly is detrimental to most biological species, including humanbeings, so a decrease in stratospheric ozone could have a significant impact on the biosphere. This concern hasled to a significant increase in surface UV radiation research over the last two decades since the ratification ofthe Montreal Protocol. Studies include investigations into understanding the complicated absorption and scatteringprocesses involved in the radiative transfer of UV through the atmosphere as well as research on theimpacts of changes in UV radiation. Factors affecting surface UV radiation will be discussed, resources used tostudy surface UV radiation will be described and progress made in our understanding of surface UV radiationover the past two decades will be reviewed.  相似文献   

Summary Knowledge of how energy budget components vary with time, vegetation type and stage of development and field size is important if we are to increase our understanding of the energy budget on a regional scale. The aim of this study was to quantify the seasonal and diurnal variation of energy budget components of a 2.6 ha short-rotation stand. Measurements were made using a thermometer interchange system for gradient and Bowen ratio estimations. Energy storage in soil, air and biomass was determined from temperature and humidity measurements. The partitioning of available energy between sensible and latent heat fluxes changed drastically at the beginning of the season. From the first half of May until the second half of June the maximum (noon) latent heat flux increased by a factor of 3, the total storage decreased by a factor of 2 and the sensible heat flux decreased by a factor of 4.5, while net radiation was unchanged. The vapour pressure deficit was similar during these periods but the leaf area index increased from about zero to three. On a mean monthly basis, the sensible heat flux was negative (directed towards the surface) from June to October, i.e., during most of the season. Heat was supplied to the atmosphere only at the beginning of the season for this type of short-rotation stand. Heat storage in air and biomass was significant on an hourly basis, especially in mornings and evenings when it could be of the same order as the net radiation. It was concluded that the development stage of the short-rotation stand had a large influence on how the energy was distributed between the convective fluxes. It was also concluded that storage in air and biomass had to be accounted for if precise estimates of energy balance on a shorter (hourly) time scale were required.With 5 Figures  相似文献   

Summary The large desert regions over North Africa are of particular importance to our climate and are therefore modelled numerically as part of sensitivity studies. The result of these models needs verification, but diagnostic studies of atmospheric energetics also require accurate values of the radiation budget at the upper boundary of the climate system.The radiation anomaly above Northern Africa is now established from various satellite data. However, it is suspected that there are serious errors caused in particular by angular and temporal sampling. A sample of NIMBUS-7 ERB—measurements (16.–30. June 1979) was therefore reanalysed, including the missing diurnal cycle which was reconstructed from the corresponding METEOSAT measurements. These more complete data on diurnal cycles change the results on outgoing thermal fluxes and net radiation by up to almost 60 Wm–2, thus changes of the sign of net radiation also occur over several regions.
Zusammenfassung Die ausgedehnten Wüstengebiete in Nordafrika sind von großer Wichtigkeit für unser Klima und daher Gegenstand zahlreicher numerischer Empfindlichkeitsstudien. Entsprechende Modellergebnisse können mit Hilfe von Messungen der Strahlungsbilanz am Oberrand der Atmosphäre verifiziert werden. Messungen dienen aber auch als Eingangsdaten für diagnostische Untersuchungen der Energietransporte in der Atmosphäre.Die Strahlungsanomalität über Nordafrika ist mittlerweile durch zahlreiche Satellitenmessungen bestätigt. Jedoch beinhalten ältere Studien z.T. Fehler auf Grund der Nichtberücksichtigung der speziellen Eigenschaften der Stichprobenentnahme durch das Satelliteninstrument. Aus diesem Grund wurde ein Datensatz des NIMBUS-7 ERB Experimentes (16.–30. Juni 1979) neu ausgewertet unter zusätzlicher Verwendung von METEOSAT-1-Messungen, um den Tagesgang der Strahlungsparameter berücksichtigen zu können. Diese zusätzlichen Daten bewirken Änderungen im kurz- und langwelligen Fluß sowie in dem daraus resultierenden Nettofluß von bis zu 60 Wm–2, was für einige Gebiete eine Vorzeichenumkehr des Nettoflusses bedeutet.

With 11 Figures  相似文献   

Summary The effect of clouds on longwave radiation budget at the top and base of the atmosphere is studied by using the HIRS2/MSU-retrieved temperature and humidity fields, and cloud fields and the International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project-produced fields. Detailed studies are carried out at four selected sites: one at Equatorial Eastern Pacific (ITCZ) area, one at Libyan Desert (Libya), one at Ottawa, Montreal (Ottawa), and one at central Europe (Europe). The monthly mean differences in outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) (the ISCCP-based OLR minus the HIRS2-based OLR), ranging from –2.8 Wm–2 at ITCZ to –15.4 Wm–2 at Ottawa, are less than the monthly mean differences in surface downward flux, ranging from –2.7 Wm–2 at Libya to 40.6 Wm–2 at the ITCZ. The large differences in surface downward flux are mainly due to large differences in cloud amount and moisture in the low levels of the atmosphere.Monthly mean OLR and surface downward flux can be derived either (1) from instantaneous temperature, humidity, and cloud fields over a month period or (2) from monthly mean temperature, humidity, and cloud fields. The monthly mean OLR and surface downward flux derived from the first approach is compared with the second. The differences in OLR are small, ranging from –0.05 Wm–2 to 6.2 Wm–2, and the differences in surface downward flux is also small, ranging from 0.4 Wm–2 to 6.4 Wm–2.List of Acronyms AVHRR Advanced Very High Resolution radiometer - ERB Earth Radiation Budget - ERBE Earth Radiation Budget Experiment - FGGE First Global GARP Experiment - GARP Global Atmospheric Research Program - GCM General Circulation Model - GISS Goddard Institute for Space Studies - GLA Goddard Laboratory for Atmospheres - GMS Geostationary Meteorological Satellite - GOES Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite - HIRS2 High Resolution Infrared Radiation Sounder/2 - ISCCP International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project - IR Infrared - MSU Microwave Sounding Unit - NFOV Narrow Field of View - NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - NESDIS National Environmental Satellite Data Information Service - TOVS TIROS Operational Vertical Sounder With 4 Figures  相似文献   

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