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北极地区面积辽阔、自然条件恶劣,但富含油气。北极含油气盆地以被动陆缘盆地为主。侏罗系烃源岩发育最广,侏罗系砂岩是普遍发育的区域优质储层,白垩系泥页岩是区域性盖层。以成藏组合为单元评价了环北极11个盆地,其他13个盆地参考USGS评价结果。评价结果显示,环北极24个盆地待发现原油资源量149亿t(包括凝析油40亿t),待发现天然气资源量46万亿m3。其中,叶尼赛—哈坦加次盆(东西伯利亚盆地)待发现油气资源量最大,其次为东巴伦支海盆地、喀拉海次盆(西西伯利亚盆地)、麦肯齐盆地和东格陵兰盆地;待发现原油资源主要分布在俄罗斯、美国等国家,待发现天然气资源则主要分布在俄罗斯。近年来,挪威东巴伦支海台地是北极油气勘探最为活跃的地区。  相似文献   

文中以成藏组合为评价单元,对不同勘探程度的评价单元(盆地),确定不同的资源评价方法和计算参数,采用蒙特卡罗法进行资源量汇总,评价出了全球主要含油气盆地(195个)的石油待发现资源量为8 620亿桶,待发现天然气资源量为4 765万亿立方英尺;研制了全球不同储量管理体系下的四种储量增长模型,计算了全球已发现油气田到2030年的储量值及增长量,预计到2030年全球石油剩余可采储量为2.82万亿桶,天然气剩余可采储量为10 460万亿立方英尺;评价结果表明,目前全球常规石油可采资源量为3.66万亿桶,天然气可采资源量为16 110万亿立方英尺;全球常规待发现油气资源在地域、国家、盆地类型、层系分布上极为不均衡。随着地质理论的不断丰富和勘探技术的进步,深海、超深海、北极海域和陆上难进入的沙漠、高寒等地区将成为未来的油气接替领域。  相似文献   

位于北极地区的阿拉斯加北坡盆地(North Slope Basin, Alaska)是全球最具有勘探潜力的盆地之一。对该盆地进行科学研究,有助于提升对北极地区含油气远景的认知,对于我国在该地区能源战略的制定具有基础性意义。本文基于埃信华迈(IHS Markit)最新数据资料,在盆地油气地质特征分析的基础上,进行含油气系统和成藏组合划分与研究。以成藏组合为评价单元,对盆地待发现油气资源量进行评估,并优选出有利勘探区带。结果表明,阿拉斯加北坡盆地已发现油气藏主要分布于巴罗(Barrow)穹隆,该构造单元内的油气储量占盆地总储量的77.3%;油气主要储于白垩系和三叠系储集层,两者分别储集了盆地内44.0%和45.8%的油气储量。盆地内主要发育中生界复合含油气系统、新生界含油气系统和石炭系含油气系统。中生界复合含油气系统可划分出古近系—新近系、白垩系、侏罗系、三叠系和石炭系5个成藏组合。盆地平均待发现可采资源量为36943.8 MMbbl(百万桶,1桶=158.98 L)石油、79711.6 Bcf(十亿立方英尺,1英尺=30.48 cm)天然气和262.1 MMbbl凝析油,合计50491....  相似文献   

欧洲作为20世纪70年代世界重要油气产区之一和世界重要油气消费区,近20年地区油气年度新增探明储量逐年下降,评价其油气待发现资源潜力,对判断未来地区油气发展前景和世界油气供需格局意义重大。据评价结果,欧洲14个盆地、38个成藏组合累计原油待发现可采资源量48.45亿t、天然气5.41万亿m3、凝析油7.8亿t,分别占全球待发现油气资源总量的4.8%和4.0%,未来油气资源前景不乐观。挪威是该地区未来最大常规油气潜力国。  相似文献   

杨文采 《地质论评》2016,62(4):62041161-62041163
正中国陆上39%的剩余石油资源和57%的剩余天然气资源分布在深层。深层石油地质资源量约153.81亿吨,天然气约16.52万亿立方米。但深层油气资源的探明率较低,分别为12%和6.3%,远低于石油总体探明率35.5%和天然气探明率17.9%的水平。以上数据表明我国深层油气资源相当丰富,勘探潜力巨大。利用三维地震勘探技术,在美国西  相似文献   

中国作为煤炭资源大国,拥有丰富的煤层气资源,国内专家估算,埋深2000米以浅的全国煤层气总资源量约为35万亿立方米,约相当于450亿吨标准煤,与我国常规天然气的资源量相当,集中分布在华北和西北地区,其中华北地区占57%、西剑匕地区占33%、华南地区占8%、东北地区占2%。勘探开发和利用煤层气对于缓解我国油气资源短缺,改善能源结构,减少瓦斯灾害,加速改善我国天然气工业的落后面貌,对于开拓下一个世纪后备能源,实现国民经济可持续发展具有重要的战略意义。  相似文献   

据报道,在1996年至2000年间,我国将投入1000多亿元人民币用于新疆油气资源勘探开发和石油化工基地建设。预测石油天然气地质含量在300亿吨以上,约占我国陆上油气资源总量的1/3。至1996年,新疆已累计发现42个油气田,探明石油储量20多亿吨,探明天然气储量3567亿立方米。规划到本世纪末,新疆原油年产量达到2400万吨,天然气年产量达到40立方米。  相似文献   

伊拉克油气资源丰富,探明石油储量超过1125亿桶,天然气储量110万亿立方英尺。中国2001年石油进口量的55%来自中东,中东局势紧张,会直接影响中国石油的稳定供应。通过详细分析伊拉克石油资源状况,结合中国实际情况,探讨其对中国能源安全战略的影响,认为中国在摸清家底,加强国内油气地质勘查工作,包括全国油气资源战略选区工作,提高石油地质储量,增加国内生产能力的同时,应积极拓展中亚—俄罗斯、中东—北非和南美石油市场,实现原油进口地区的多元化,以降低对中东石油进口的依赖程度。  相似文献   

北极地区丰富的油气资源近年来引发全世界的广泛关注。评估结果显示,北极油气资源分布不均,主要集中在俄罗斯、美国阿拉斯加、挪威、加拿大和丹麦格陵兰。不同国家和地区北极油气资源勘探开发特点不同,在新形势下可能还会发生变化。中国是油气消费大国和进口大国,俄罗斯北极地区已日渐成为中国重要油气供应地之一。综合分析几个主要北极国家北极油气开发利用现状和未来发展前景,与中国目前参与北极油气开发利用的情况,对未来中国如何参与北极油气资源开发利用提出建议,将俄罗斯作为中国北极油气开发的长期合作伙伴,与其开展项目投资、技术入股、航道建设等多个方面的合作。   相似文献   

北极地区油气资源潜力大,且油气勘探开发尚处于初期,是未来国内外油气工业发展的重要战略领域。文中综合运用全球领先信息服务公司埃信华迈(IHS)和美国地质调查局(USGS)的最新资料及已有研究成果,对北极地区的盆地类型和油气资源分布规律展开研究。结果表明:北极地区至少发育35个沉积盆地,具体划分为裂谷盆地(5个)、被动大陆边缘盆地(16个)、克拉通盆地(5个)、前陆盆地(5个)和大洋盆地(4个)。裂谷盆地是北极地区油气最富集的盆地类型,发现油气探明和控制可采储量(简称2P储量)441.12×108 t油当量,占北极地区油气总储量的74.6%,其次为前陆盆地、被动大陆边缘盆地和克拉通盆地。北极地区大部分油气储于白垩系、侏罗系和二叠系的碎屑岩储集层,仅有小部分油气储于石炭系和泥盆系碳酸盐岩储集层,且不同国家、不同含油气盆地的主力储集层存在明显差异。北极地区的油气主要源自侏罗系和白垩系的烃源岩,三叠系和泥盆系烃源岩次之。此外,复合圈闭是北极地区油气藏的主要圈闭类型,其次是构造圈闭。北极地区盆地类型和油气宏观分布规律的研究将为中国石油公司在北极地区的长远发展奠定基础。   相似文献   

The world’s present demand for oil and gas is still in a rapid growth period, and traditional oil and gas resources account for more than 60% of the global oil and gas supply. The Americas is the world’s second largest production and consumption center of liquid fuel, and is also the world’s largest natural gas producer. In 2016, the Americas had 85.3 billion tons of proven oil reserves and 18.7 trillion m3 of proven natural gas reserves, which account for 35.4% and 10.0% of world’s total reserves, respectively. It produced 1267.1 Mt of oil and 1125.4 billion m3 of natural gas, which account for 28.9% and 31.7% of the world’s total production, respectively. The crude oil and natural gas reserves are mainly distributed in the U.S., Canada and Venezuela. The U.S. is the earliest and most successful country in shale gas exploration and development, and its shale gas is concentrated in the southern, central and eastern U.S., including the Marcellcus shale, Barnett shale, EagleFord shale, Bakken shale, Fayettevis shale, Haynsvill shale, Woodford shale and Monterey/Santos shale. The potential oil and gas resources in the Americas are mainly concentrated in the anticline and stratigraphic traps in the Middle-Upper Jurassic slope deposition of the North Slope Basin, the Paleozoic Madsion group dolomite and limestone in the Williston Basin, dominant stratigraphic traps and few structural traps in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin, the Eocene structural-stratigraphic hydrocarbon combination, structural-unconformity traps and structural hydrocarbon combination, and the Upper Miocene stratigraphic-structural hydrocarbon combination in the Maracaibo Basin of Venezuela, the stratigraphic-structural traps and fault horst, tilting faulted blocks and anticlines related to subsalt structure and basement activity in the Campos Basin, the subsalt central low-uplift belt and supra-salt central low-uplift belt in the Santos Basin of Brazil, and the structural-stratigraphic traps in the Neuquen Basin of Argentina. In addition, the breakthrough of seismic subsalt imaging technology makes the subsalt deepwater sea area of eastern Barzil an important oil and gas potential area.  相似文献   

The Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road Initiative, abbreviated as the Belt and Road Initiative, is a primary development strategy of China’s future international cooperation. Especially, the energy resource cooperation, including oil and gas resources cooperation, is an important part of this initiative. The Belt and Road has undergone complicated geological evolution, and contains abundant mineral resources such as oil, gas, coal, uranium, iron, copper, gold and manganese ore resources. Among these, Africa holds 7.8% of the world’s total proven oil reserves. The oil and gas resources in Africa are relatively concentrated, with an overall low exploration degree and small consumption demand. Nigeria and Libya contain the most abundant oil resources in Africa, accounting for 2.2% and 2.9% of the world’s total reserves, respectively. Nigeria and Algeria hold the richest natural gas resources in Africa, occupying 2.8% and 2.4% of the world’s total reserves, respectively. Africa’s oil and gas resources are mainly concentrated in Egypt, Sultan and Western Sahara regions in the northern Africa, and the Gulf of Guinea, Niger River and Congo River area in the western Africa. The Russia–Central Asia area holds rich petroleum resources in Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. The potential oil and gas areas include the West Siberia Basin, East Siberia Basin and sea continental shelf in Russia, the northern and central Caspian Basin in Kazakhstan, the right bank of the Amu-Darya Basin, the East Karakum uplift and the South Caspian Basin in Turkmenistan, and the Amu–Daria Basin, Fergana Basin, Afghan–Tajik Basin and North Ustyurt Basin in Uzbekistan. The Middle East oil and gas resources are mainly distributed in the Zagros foreland basin and Arabian continental margin basin, and the main oil-producing countries include Saudi Arabia, Iran and Iraq. The Asia Pacific region is a new oil and gas consumption center, with rapid growth of oil and gas demand. In 2012, this region consumed about 33.6% of the world’s total oil consumption and 18.9% of the world’s total natural gas consumption, which has been ranked the world’s largest oil and gas consumption center. The oil and gas resources are concentrated in China, Indosinian, Malaysia, Australia and India. The abundant European proven crude oil reserves are in Norway, Britain and Denmark and also rich natural gas resources in Norway, Holland and Britain. Norway and Britain contain about 77.5% of European proven oil reserves, which accounts for only 0.9% of the world’s proven reserves. The Europe includes main petroliferous basins of the Voring Basin, Anglo–Dutch Basin, Northwest German Basin, Northeast German–Polish Basin and Carpathian Basin. According to the analysis of source rocks, reservoir rocks, cap rocks and traps for the main petroliferous basins, the potential oil and gas prospecting targets in the Belt and Road are mainly the Zagros Basin and Arabic Platform in the Middle East, the East Barents Sea Basin and the East Siberia Basin in Russia–Central Asia, the Niger Delta Basin, East African rift system and the Australia Northwest Shelf. With the development of oil and gas theory and exploration technology, unconventional petroleum resources will play an increasingly important role in oil and gas industry.  相似文献   

In recent years, much attention has been paid to nontraditional hydrocarbon sources. Today the portion of nontraditional gas in the world extraction is 15% or 450 billion cubic meters, which hat makes up the volume of total gas exports from Russia. As is known, the easy-prospecting oil has been already found. The innovative technologies in geophysics, drilling, and excavation and the increased extraction coefficient expect further development and industrial compliance with these requirements. Based on calculations, the world oil reserves are now one trillion of stock tank barrels and one trillion barrels have been already extracted. The evergrowing demand for energy gives rise to the necessity of searching for and extracting more oil resources, and both these aspects are unique problems. The search for profitable petroleum deposits has become more and more difficult even in the leading companies. The increment of the world resources is a key vital question; therefore, the elaboration of criteria for the discovery of nontraditional deposits take on special significance in the economic respect. The authors are working out a conception that will be a guideline for future finding of the richest oil deposits in active geodynamic zones. For the first time, we suggest the polygenic formation model of the planet’s bituminous belts.  相似文献   

油气地质学的若干问题   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
:2 0世纪世界开采了 115 0亿t石油 ,64万亿m3 天然气 ,如此大量的油气开发是与油气地质的新理论出现并应用于勘探密切相关。 19世纪 70年代出现海相生油论 ,2 0世纪一直在发展和完善 ,其在油气勘探开发中起了重大作用。 2 0世纪 2 0年代开始形成的陆相生油理论 ,对中国石油工业的发展起了重大作用 ,1999年产油 1.60亿t,使中国从“贫油国”而成为世界第五产油大国。2 0世纪 4 0年代煤成气理论形成 ,使勘探天然气理论从仅与腐泥型源岩有关的“一元论” ,发展于既与腐殖型煤系源岩也与腐泥型源岩相关的“二元论” ,促进了天然气工业大发展。世界产气第一大国俄罗斯探明天然气储量 75 %是煤成气 ,中国近期天然气储量大幅度增长是以煤成气为支撑的 ,2 0 0 0年全国气层气储层的 64%是煤成气。天然气水合物是非常规气 ,较一致估计资源量在 2 .0×10 16 2 .1× 10 16 m3 ,相当于当前已探明的化石燃料总含碳量的 2倍 ,被认为可能是 2 1世纪的替代能源 ,潜力大。但由于地质的、成藏的、富集的、开发的和环境的诸多问题未深入研究或有待解决 ,目前未开发利用。  相似文献   

“一带一路”国家钾盐及硼资源分布规律与开采技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着中国经济快速发展,对钾盐和硼矿的需求快速增加。世界钾盐资源主要集中在北美洲和欧洲。在参阅大量资料后,初步估算"一带一路"国家地区钾盐资源量(以K2O当量计算)约112×10~8t,主要分布在柴达木盆地、塔里木盆地、呵叻盆地(含沙空那空盆地)、中亚盆地、死海盆地和涅帕盆地。硼矿资源73%的储量和70%的储量基础分布于美国、土耳其、俄罗斯和哈萨克斯坦,"一带一路"国家中硼资源主要分布于俄罗斯、土耳其、哈萨克斯坦、塞尔维亚等国家。据美国地质调查局2014年公布的数据,世界探明硼储量约2.43×10~8t,"一带一路"地区探明硼储量约1.46×10~8t,约占世界探明硼储量的69.5%。对"一带一路"国家钾盐矿和硼矿资源分布做了详细统计,对典型矿床的地质特征进行了简单的概括,介绍了钾盐和硼矿的开发技术,讨论了中国利用境外钾盐及硼资源的首选地区,为中国企业"走出去"提供有益信息。  相似文献   

基于对全球主要地质时期构造、沉积演化、盆地类型和主要成藏期的地质研究,评价全球重油和油砂资源潜力,进而指出有利勘探方向.据CNPC(2011)评价结果:全球重油地质资源量为42 712亿桶,可采资源量为7 147亿桶,油砂地质资源量为66 945亿桶,可采资源量为7 095亿桶;主要分布在北美、南美、俄罗斯和高加索地区,产区集中于北美和南美.以构造域进行划分,全球重油和油砂主要富集在科迪勒拉褶皱造山带、喜马拉雅阿尔卑斯褶皱造山带、西伯利亚地台周缘山系和乌拉尔山前四个大型构造带,盆地类型以克拉通和前陆为主,以斜坡降解、抬升破坏型两种模式成藏.未来重油和油砂勘探主要集中在3类地区:1)资源落实程度较高、勘探程度高的美洲地区;2)资源潜力大、勘探程度低的俄罗斯东西伯利亚盆地、伏尔加乌拉尔盆地;3)资源潜力大、尚未引起注意的中东地区.  相似文献   

世界主要古代钾盐找矿实践与中国找钾对策   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
世界钾盐资源/储量为2153.99亿t(K2O),主要钾盐矿床产于古代海相地层。38%的矿床是石油勘探中发现的,19%是在研究基础上发现的,15%是在岩盐矿勘探中发现的,其他占28%。国外钾盐找矿经验显示,很多钾盐矿床,从线索的发现或提出找钾目标,通常需要经历20~30年的研究与勘探,才最终获得突破或查明资源量。我国找钾工作,首先应充分利用石油勘探取得的资料,研究石油钻井岩心矿物学与化学特征,同时,开展大型盐岩矿床的含钾性研究等,重视成钾理论研究与成矿预测分析,就可能获得找钾的新突破。有关部门还应制订长期的钾盐地质研究与找矿勘探计划,同时兼探油气等共生资源,这样可以大大提高找矿效率。  相似文献   

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