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To understand the characteristics of macrobenthic structures and the relationship between environment and benthic assemblages in jellyfish bloom, we studied the macrobenthos and related environmental factors in the coastal waters of the Yellow Sea and East China Sea. Data were collected during two seasonal cruises in April and August of 2011, and analyzed with multivariate statistical methods. Up to 306 macrobenthic species were registered from the research areas, including 115 species of Polychaeta, 78 of Crustacea, 61 of Mollusca, 30 of Echinodermata, and 22 of other groups. Nine polychaete species occurred at frequencies higher than 25% from the sampling stations: Lumbrineris longifolia, Notomastus latericeus, Nin6e palmata, Ophelina acuminata, Nephtys oligobranchia, Onuphis geophiliformis, Glycera chirori, Terebellides stroemii, and Aricidea fragilis. Both the average biomass and abundance of macrobenthos are higher in August (23.8 g/m^2 and 237.7 ind./m^2) than those in April (11.3 g/m^2 and 128 ind./m^2); the dissimilarity ofmacrobenthic structures among stations is as high as 70%. In terms of the dissimilarity values, we divided the stations into four clusters in spring and eight in summer. The ABC curve shows that the macrofauna communities in high jellyfish abundance were not changed. Canonical correspondence analysis showed that depth, temperature, median grain size, total organic carbon of sediment and total nitrogen in sediment were important factors affecting the macrozoobenthic community in the study area.  相似文献   

The available data on tidal currents spanning periods greater than six months for the continental shelf of the East China Sea (26°30.052′N, 122°35.998′E) were analyzed using several methods. Tidal Current Harmonic Analysis results demonstrated that semi-diurnal tides dominated the current movement. The tidal currents of the principal diurnal and semidiurnal rotated clockwise with depth, with the deflection of the major semi-axes to the right in the upper layer and to the left in the lower layer. The vertical structures of two principal semi-diurnal constituents-M2 and S2-were similar, which indicates that the tidal currents are mainly barotropic in this area. The main features of the variation of the four principal tidal constituents with depth demonstrate that the currents in this region are influenced by the upper and lower boundary layers. Therefore, the tidal constituents of the shallow water are similar. Different vertical modes were calculated based on the Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) analysis of the Eastern and Northern components of the tidal currents, with a variance contribution for the zero-order model of at least 90%. The variance contribution of the baroclinic model is minimal, which further reveals a strong barotropic character for the tidal currents of this region.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton pigment patterns and community composition were investigated in the northern South China Sea using high-performance liquid chromatography and the CHEMTAX software from February 11 to 23, 2009. We recognized four different vertical distribution patterns of pigments: chlorophyll a (Chl a)-like type, divinyl chlorophyll a (DV Chl a) type, even distribution type, and surface type. The average value of ratios of accessory photo-protective pigments (APP) to accessory photo-synthetic pigments was 0.89±0.63 in the upper 50 m and 0.16±0.06 below 50 m depth. With increasing depth, APP decreased and photo-synthetically active radiation was attenuated. There was an obvious succession in the phytoplankton community from inshore to the open sea. Diatoms were dominant in the inshore region, while pelagophytes, Prochlorococcus, cyanobacteria and prymnesiophytes were dominant in the open sea. The vertical distribution of phytoplankton also differed greatly from inshore to the open sea. In the coastal and shelf region, diatoms were important components in the whole water column. Cyanobacteria also had a high abundance at the Subsurface Chlorophyll a Maxima (SCM) in the shelf region. In the slope and open sea, Prochlorococcus and cyanobacteria were important groups above the SCM, while pelagophytes dominated below the SCM.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton pigment patterns and community composition were investigated in the northern South China Sea using high-performance liquid chromatography and the CHEMTAX software from February 11 to 23, 2009. We recognized four different vertical distribution patterns of pigments: chlorophyll a (Chl a)-like type, divinyl chlorophyll a (DV Chl a) type, even distribution type, and surface type. The average value of ratios of accessory photo-protective pigments (APP) to accessory photo-synthetic pigments was 0.8...  相似文献   

Measurements of pH,total alkalinity(TA),partial pressure of CO2(pCO2) and air-sea CO2 flux(FCO2) were conducted for the inner continental shelf of the East China Sea(ECS) during August 2011.Variations in pCO2 distribution and FCO2 magnitude during the construction of the Three Gorges Dam(TGD)(2003-2009),and the potential effects of the TGD on the air-sea CO2 exchange were examined.Results showed that the ECS acts as an overall CO2 sink during summer,with pCO2 ranging from 107 to 585 μatm and an average FCO2 of-6.39 mmol/(m2·d).Low pCO2(<350 μatm) levels were observed at the central shelf(28°-32°N,123°-125.5°E) where most CO2-absorption occurred.High pCO2(>420 μatm) levels were found in the Changjiang estuary and Hangzhou Bay which acted as the main CO2 source.A negative relationship between pCO2 and salinity(R2=0.722 0) in the estuary zone indicated the predominant effect of the Changjiang Diluted Water(CDW) on the seawater CO2 system,whereas a positive relationship(R2=0.744 8) in the offshore zone revealed the influence of the Taiwan Current Warm Water(TCWW).Together with the historical data,our results indicated that the CO2 sink has shown a shift southwest while FCO2 exhibited dramatic fluctuation during the construction of the TGD,which is located in the middle reaches of the Changjiang.These variations probably reflect fluctuation in the Changjiang runoff,nutrient import,phytoplankton productivity,and sediment input,which are likely to have been caused by the operations of the TGD.Nevertheless,the potential influence of the TGD on the CO2 flux in the ECS is worthy of further study.  相似文献   

Bottom temperature variation (BTV) is a serious problem in determining the thermal gradient and heart flow of the sediments in shallow seas. The water depth of the East China Sea shelf is mostly below 150m, and the heat flow measurement is strongly affected by BTV. Following a statistical algorithm, we rechecked the temperature and thermal conductivity data of the cruises KX90-1 and KX91-1, carried out by a cooperation program of China and Japan, and calculate the heat flow in a site without long-term temperature record. The calculated heat flow in the site was 58.6±3.6 mW/m2, being just within the range of the drill heat flow value of East China Sea shelf. The inversed amplitude spectrum of BTV has a peak in frequency of 1/10 per year, and the annual component is also an important part. Comparison with two lakes of Lake Greifensee and Lac Leman (i.e. Lake Geneva), which are in different water depth, revealed that with increasing water depth, the peak of amplitude spectrum moved towards low frequency components. The heat flow values calculated in this paper and from petroleum bore hole in East China Sea shelf are much more close to that in southeast China than in Okinawa Trough. Supported by the National High Technology R&D Program of China (2004 AA616060)  相似文献   

This paper investigates the size distribution of submarine landslides on the middle continental slope of the East China Sea (ECS) using the size of the landslide source regions. Geomorphometric mapping is used to identify 102 mass movements from multibeam bathymetric data and to extract morphological information about the head scarps and side walls. These mass movements have areas ranging between 0.06 km2 and 15.51 km2 and volumes between 0.002 km3 and 2 km3. The area vs volume relationship of these failure scarps is approximately linear, suggesting a fairly uniform failure thickness in each event with scarce deep excavating landslides. The cumulative area distribution of the slope failures can be described by an inverse power law. The submarine landslides on the mid-ECS continental slope could be considered as a large-scale self-organizing system because they have the characteristics of a dissipative system in a critical state.  相似文献   

The 454 sequencing method was used to detect bacterial diversity and community structure in the East China Sea. Overall, 149 067 optimized reads with an average length of 454 nucleotides were obtained from 17 seawater samples and five sediment samples sourced in May 2011. A total of 22 phyla, 34 classes, 74 orders, 146 families, and 333 genera were identified in this study. Some of them were detected for the first time from the East China Sea. The estimated richness and diversity indices were both higher in the sediment samples compared with in the seawater samples. All the samples were divided by their diversity indices into four regions. Similarity analysis showed that the seawater samples could be classified into six groups. The groups differed from each other and had unique community structure characteristics. It was found that different water masses in the sampling areas may have had some influence on the bacterial community structure. A canonical correspondence analysis revealed that seawater samples in different areas and at different depths were affected by different environmental parameters. This study will lay the foundation for future research on microbiology in the East China Sea.  相似文献   

lmooUcrI0NSuspendedrnatter(SM)wasanimPortantsubjeCtofstudyincomPrehensiveoasnographicsurveyinChinaintheendofthel950s.Inthel97ds,somesdentistSpeonjo,l974,Yatomoto,l979,EInery,l978)studndextenSiveynoncombustiblematterandgrainsizedistributionsinSManditSreintionshiptoupwelling.Inthel980s,TotaIsuspendedmatternyM)distributionintheEastChinaSea(Ees)wasinvestisatalduringtheChinaisjointstudyonsedhedynaAnesthere.YangZuosheng(l992)distaltherelationbeweenthemacrostrUctureofSMtIansportanddistrib…  相似文献   

Based on survey data from April to May 2009, distribution and its influential factors of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) over the continental slopes of the Yellow Sea (YS) and East China Sea (ECS) are discussed. Influenced by the Changjiang (Yangtze) River water, alongshore currents, and the Kuroshio current off the coast, DIN concentrations were higher in the Changjiang River estuary, but lower (<1 μmol/L) in the northern and eastern YS and outer continental shelf area of the ECS. In the YS, the thermocline formed in spring, and a cold-water mass with higher DIN concentration (about 11 μmol/L) formed in benthonic water around 123.2°E. In Changjiang estuary (around 123°E, 32°N), DIN concentration was higher in the 10 m layer; however, the bottom DIN concentration was lower, possibly influenced by mixing of the Taiwan Warm Current and offshore currents.  相似文献   

ImODUcrIONThepoolofdissolvedorganicrnatter,eva1uatalasdissolvedorganiccarbonpoC),hasbostudndforrnanyycars(Med,l964,SkopintSevCtal.,l966).Continentalmar-ginshavedrihypotheSedtobeasirnPortanttothemarinecarbonbiogeochdricalCy-desasthedeepsea(Walsh,l99l),butinmostdiscussions,onlyexportofparticulateorganieswasconsidetal.HighconcentIationofDOCincoastalwatershasaspedlroleinexportingcarbonfromcontinentalmarginstotheopenocean.UndelstandingtheroleoftheoceanmarginsintheglobalcarbonCycAsdependsla…  相似文献   

A method is described for determining dimethylI sulfide (DMS) in seawater. DMS was first extractedfrom the seawater using organic reagent, then reverse-extracted by 5% HgCl2. In the laboratory DMS wasreleased by concentrated HCI and finally measured by GC-FPD. The limit of detection me O.05 ng ofS. Measurements of DMS along surface transects and on wtital profibe across the EaSt China Sca (Ers)continental sheif showed tha itS conodIations of S in the surface seawater ranged from 64-180 ng/L andthat itS vertical djstribuion was divided into 3 trpes. Model talculations of a stagnant film show a DMSflux of 10.6 umol/m_2d the air-sea inteIha.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONMorethanadecadehaspassedsincebacteriawasrecognizedasquantitativelyimportantcon sumersoforganiccarboninmarinefoodwebsandmarineecosystems (Fuhrman ,1 992 ) .ThebasicinformationonthesignificanceofthemicrobialfoodwebwaspresentedbyPomeroy ( 1 974 ) ,whopie…  相似文献   

The status of fishery stocks in the coastal waters of China is far from ideal, mainly due to climate change and the impacts of human activities (e.g., pollution and overfishing). Thus, the restoration and protection of fishery resources have become critical and complex. The stability and balanced structure of the fish community is a basic foundation for the protection of fishery resources. Based on data collected from bottom trawls by the R/V Beidou in continental shelf of the East China Sea in November 2006 and February 2007, changes in the composition and diversity of fish species and functional groups were analyzed. The research area was divided into offshore waters and inshore waters by the two-way indicator species analysis (TWIA). The results showed that the dominant species were different between offshore waters and inshore waters and also varied with the survey time. The most abundant family was Sciaenidae and Teraponidae in November 2006, Sciaenidae, Engraulidae and Triglidae were most abundant in February 2007. The species belonged mainly to mobile piscivores (G6), benthivores/piscivores (G4), benthivores (G3) and planktivores (G1), and the dominant species in November 2006 were commercial species (e.g. Larimichthys polyactis and Trichiurus japonicus), but small-sized species were dominant in February 2007 (e.g., Harpadon nehereus, Benthosema pterotum, Champsodon capensis, and Acropoma japonicum). The species diversity showed a similar trend as the functional group diversity. Stations with higher diversity were mainly distributed in inshore waters in February 2007, whereas higher diversity was found in offshore waters in November 2006. The highest biomass and species number were found in G6 group, followed by the G4, G5 and G1 groups. The distribution of the number of individuals of each functional group showed the opposite trend as that of the biomass distribution. In addition, the size spectra were mainly concentrated around 3–29 cm, and the individual number of fish species gradually decreased with the increase in body size, but the relative biomass showed a moderate fluctuation in each size class. These changes showed that species with faster growth rate and earlier maturity age became dominant in continental shelf of the East China Sea. So the variations in biological characteristics of fish should be fully considered in maintaining sustainable utilization of fishery resource.  相似文献   

A time-dependent, three-dimensional finite difference model is presented for simulating the stratifiedYellow Sea and northem East China Sea. The mode is forced by time-dependent observed wind, surfaceflux of heat, and tidal turbulence. With this model, momentum and temperature distribution can be computed,and an approximation for the sub-grid scale effects is introduced by the use of mass and momentumexchange coefficients. The vertical exchanges are quite dependent on these assumed coefficents, whichare complicated functions of the turbulence energy of tide and wind, of the stratified strength and otherfactors. This model was applied to describe the mechanics of the variations in strength and thickness ofthe thermocline covering almost the whole Yellow Sea and northern East Chna Sea in summer. Comparisonsof the computed output with obtained survey data led to some important conclusions.  相似文献   

东海中部夏季鱼类群落结构及其多样性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据2008年8月东海区主要渔场重要渔业资源调查资料,分析东海中部鱼类的种类组成、区系特征、多样性等群落结构特征。结果表明:共调查捕获鱼类88种,其中暖水种59种,占67.0%;暖温种29种,占33.0%。相对重要性指数(IRI)值大于500的优势种鱼类共有5种,分别为带鱼、刺鲳、小黄鱼、六斑刺鲀和鳄齿鱼;种类丰富度指数变动范围为0.10~2.31,平均为0.88;Shannon-Wiener多样度指数变动范围为0.01~1.86,平均为0.87;种类均匀度指数变动范围为0.01~0.92,平均为0.41;东海中部夏季鱼类多样性指数与往年相比有下降的趋势。  相似文献   

A 700-year record (1.0–1.5 a resolution) of the East Asian winter monsoon (EAWM), based on grain-size analysis and AMS14C dating of Core EC2005 from the inner-shelf mud wedge of the East China Sea (ECS), was compared with the Dongge stalagmite δ18O record during the mid-Holocene. The upper muddy section of Core EC2005 has been formed mainly by suspended sediments derived from the Changjiang (Yangtze) River mouth since 7.3 ka BP. High precipitation and a strengthened EAWM might have played key roles in the high sedimentation rate (1 324–1 986 cm/ka) between 5.9–5.2 ka BP. The EAWM strengthened when the Asian summer monsoon weakened, especially around 5 500 a BP, which corresponded to a worldwide cold event. The EAWM during the mid-Holocene shows statistically significant solar periodicities at 62 and 11 a. The 5 500 a BP cold event might be resulted from orbital forcing and changes in solar activity.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONThegenusPraebebaliawasestablishedbyRathbun ,1 91 1 .Itscarapaceisbroaderthanlongaslongasbroad ,orslightlylongerthanbroad ;theposteriorborderisusuallyarmedwithaspineortu bercleoneachside ,thehepaticandintestinalregionsaredistinctlyelevated ;thechel…  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the phytoplankton community structures of reservoirs of different trophic status, located in a cold region. Physical and chemical variables and the phytoplankton communities were investigated in two reservoirs (Xiquanyan Reservoir and Taoshan Reservoir) in Northeast China in 2009. The two reservoirs showed strong seasonal fluctuations in their physical and chemical composition. Results of the trophic status index indicated that Xiaquanyan Reservoir was mesotrophic, whilst Taoshan Reservoir was eutrophic. Diatoms were the dominant phytoplankton group in Xiquanyan Reservoir throughout all seasons of the study, while in Taoshan Reservoir, diatoms dominated in spring, and cyanobacteria dominated in summer and autumn. This difference was resulted from differences in local environmental factors, including nutrients and hydrology. This study suggests that in mesotrophic reservoirs, nutrients played a key role in controlling seasonal phytoplankton successions, whereas in eutrophic reservoirs water temperature was the key factor in a cold region. Notably, the dominant species in summer in the Taoshan Reservoir was Microcystis, which may produce toxins depending on the ambient conditions, and presenting a risk of local toxin contamination.  相似文献   

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