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Two cruises for multi-discipline investigation were conducted in October and November,1998 in Daya Bay to collect: (1) samples from five levels including sea-surface microlayer (SML), subsurface (SSL), surface, body (mid-column) and bottom water; and (2) observational data on chlorephylla and notri-eras, and important factors such as turbidity, BOD, COD, TN, TP and phytoplanklon. Results showed that there was no enrichment of chlorophyll-a in the SML, but quite notable enrichment of some organic matter and nutrients. Compared with the findings in earlier researches, PO4^-P and SiO3-Si have decreased, and the N/P ratio has increased obviously to even more than 100 in the SML. It is concluded preliminarily that PO4-P and SiO3-Si mainly determine phytoplankton growth in Daya Bay at present.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the spatial and seasonal distribution character of dissolved and paniculate trace metals in the anoxic seawater of Saanich Inlet, B.C., Canada. The study showed that concentration of dissolved and paniculate trace metals in anoxic seawater is closely related to (1) the concentration of H2S and the depth of the O2-H2S interface, (2) the exchange of seawater in Saanich Inlet with outside seawater, (3) biotic action, and (4) the flushing event. The study was based in part on the ratio between trace metals and nutrients. There was a steep change in the concentration of dissolved trace metals at the O2-H2S interface. The concentration of dissolved trace metals in the H2S-controlled zone was dependent on the H2S there. The suspended matter in Saanich Inlet comes from the Hero Strait seawater, phytoplankton production and resuspension of flushed-up sediments. The concentration of particulate trace metals was rather low in Saanich Inlet and tended to increase with depth. The total concentra  相似文献   

Aerosol samples were collected with a Sierrer Model 235 cascade impactor in the marine atmosphere over the Kuroshio area in consecutive four seasons from 1987 to 1988. Na, G, Al, V, and water soluble and acid soluble Mn, Fe, Pb, Cu, V, Cd were determined by neutron activation analysis and atomic absorption spectrophotometry, respectively. Seawater source chemical species in the aerosols appeared in high content in large over 3.6um diameter particles, and crustal source vanadium appeared in 3.6um diameter particles, but pollution source vanadium appeared in less than 0.52um diameter particles. Trace metals in the aerosols mostly had the highest concentration of water soluble metals on fine particles, and acid soluble metals on large particles. The concentrations of trace metals in the aerosols were higher in autumn and winter, lower in spring and summer.  相似文献   

The finite-element method was used to simulate the currents of Jiaozhou Bay and the nearcoast areas, and then established the model of the transport and diffusion of suspended particulate matter there. The transport and diffusion of dredged matter near the discharging field were estimated ; and the results were used to analyze the effects of the suspended particulate matter on the marine environment.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONDredgedmatterisamixtureofmuddysandandmarinewater,andinitiallyvariesnormallyindensityfrom 1 .2to 1 .5g cm3accordingtothedredgeequipmentemployedandtheseabedproper ty.Afterdredgedmatteronaboathasbeendischargedatafixedpoint,itssettlingpropertiescanbe…  相似文献   

Heavy metal is a main pollutant in the marine ecosystem . so study on the effect of heavy metal on phytoplankton is important . Algae (Chaetoceros sp . , Dunaliella sp . ., Dicrateria zhanjiangenis Hu . var . sp .) were laboratory cultured to observe the effect of heavy metals on their growth . The effect of different metal ion concentration , the detoxication effect of complexation agents and the growth of algae in different media and different nutrition levels were studied to evaluate the effect of metal speciation . It is proved that trace amount of heavy metals can stimulate the growth of algae cells but that high concentration is lethal . The sequence of toxicity is Cd2+>Zn2+>Pb2+ . In ordinary nutrition conditions , the detoxication sequence of complexation agents to Chaetoceros sp . is EDTA > sodium salicylate > sodium oxalate > sodium citrate > sulfanilic acid > O-phenanthroline . This is in good conformity with the stability constant sequence of these agents with copper and good evidence that t  相似文献   

In this paper, the contents and various forms of Cd, Cu, Zn and Pb in the sediments of the Xiangjiang River have been investigated. The presentation of this paper focuses on the various forms and characteristics of the heavy metals in the column sediments at Xiawan Port of Zhuzhou, which has been severely polluted by a metallurgical plant.The forms of the heavy metals discussed in this paper are: The concentration of the exchangeable forms of Cd, Cu, Zn and Pb, in the forms of carbonates and Fe/ Mn oxide in water, the combination of Cu with organic matter and form, and the proportion of the residue form at each section have been studied.  相似文献   

A method is described for determining dimethylI sulfide (DMS) in seawater. DMS was first extractedfrom the seawater using organic reagent, then reverse-extracted by 5% HgCl2. In the laboratory DMS wasreleased by concentrated HCI and finally measured by GC-FPD. The limit of detection me O.05 ng ofS. Measurements of DMS along surface transects and on wtital profibe across the EaSt China Sca (Ers)continental sheif showed tha itS conodIations of S in the surface seawater ranged from 64-180 ng/L andthat itS vertical djstribuion was divided into 3 trpes. Model talculations of a stagnant film show a DMSflux of 10.6 umol/m_2d the air-sea inteIha.  相似文献   

In 1979—1982, considerable research works on physical sciences of the oceans were done by Chinese scientists and some fruitful results were achieved. In the following, a brief account is given of the achievements in the studies of currents and circulation, hydrographic characteristics and watermasses, tides and sea level, surface waves, storm surges, air-sea interaction, numerical modelling, estuarine and coastal research, marine chemistry, marine acoustics and marine optics.  相似文献   

ImODUcrroNTheVertchrateepidennisisinintirnatecontaCtwiththeenvironmentandre~environmentaladaptions.TheepidermisofterreStrialanbolsiskeratinedwhilethatofamPhibiousandaquaticfonnsisrelataltomucus-produCti0n.Theepidennisadsasafi-nalbatherbetweentheorganismanditsenvironmentandoneofitSrnainfunCtionsistoproteCttheorganismagainstextemalpathogens.lnadditiontoIneCanicalproedonofthebody,theepidertnisofamPhibiansandfishescansededinsandotherantibacterialpeptidesthathelpinthebonedefenSeoftheanhal(Su…  相似文献   

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