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采用NCAR/PSU研制的非静力双向嵌套的仔尺度模式MM5,模拟了热带气旋碧丽斯(2000)从热带弱低压发展为热带风暴及台风的过程.分析表明非对称流在低层发展并通过涡动通量项向对称流转换,使得热带弱低压快速发展达到热带风暴强度.进一步的分析表明:涡动通量项不仅依赖于非对称流的强度,还取决于非对称流型.当非对称流场为气旋式流入或反气旋式流出时,非对称动量向对称动量转换,非对称流减弱,轴对称流加强;反之,当非对称流场为反气旋式流入或气旋式流出时,动量由对称流向非对称流转换.  相似文献   

The rainfall processes during the formation of tropical cyclone(TC) Durian(2001) were investigated quantitatively using the three-dimensional(3 D) WRF-based precipitation equation. The rain rate(PS) decreased slightly as the TC approached to formation, and then increased as Durian began to intensify. The rate of moisture-related processes(QWV) in the equation contributed around 80% to PSbefore TC genesis, and made more contribution during and after TC genesis. The rate of hydrometeor-related processes(QCM) contributed about 20% before TC formation, followed by less contribution during and after TC formation. QWVwere dominated by the 3 D moisture flux advection rate(QWVA), while the surface evaporation rate(QWVE) also played an important role. Just before TC genesis, moisture from QWVAand QWVEhelped the local atmosphere moisten(negative QWVL). QCMwere determined by the 3 D hydrometeor advection rates(QCLAand QCIA) and the local change rates of hydrometeors(QCLLand QCIL). During TC formation, QCMlargely decreased and then reactivated as Durian began to intensify, accompanied by the development of TC cloud. Both the height and the strength of the net latent heating center associated with microphysical processes generally lowered before and during TC genesis, resulting mainly from lessening deposition and condensation. The downward shift of the net latent heating center induced a more bottom-heavy upward mass flux profile, suggesting to promote lower-tropospheric convergence in a shallower layer, vorticity amplification and TC spin-up.  相似文献   

Convectively coupled equatorial Rossby waves(ERW)modulate tropical cyclone activities over tropical oceans.This study presents a survey of the statistical relationship between intraseasonal ERWs and tropical cyclone genesis(TCG)over major global TC basins using four-decade-long outgoing longwave radiation(OLR)and TC best-track datasets.Intraseasonal ERWs are identified from the OLR anomalies using an empirical orthogonal function(EOF)analysis method without imposing equatorial symmetry.We find that westward-propagating ERWs are most significant in four tropical ocean basins over the summer hemisphere and that ERWs exhibit similar northeast-southwest(southeast-northwest)tilted phase lines in the northern(southern)hemisphere,with an appreciable poleward advance of wave energy in most TC basins.The EOF-based ERW indices quantitatively show that ERWs significantly modulate TC genesis.The convectively active(suppressed)phases of ERWs coincide with increased(reduced)TCG occurrences.The TCG modulation by ERWs achieves the maximum where the ERWs propagate through the climatological TCG hotspots.As a result,the total number of TCG occurrences in the TC basins varies significantly according to the ERW phase.The ERW-TCG relationship is significant over the northwestern Pacific Ocean,northeastern Pacific Ocean,and the northern Indian Ocean during the northern summer seasons.In the southern summer season,the ERW-TCG relationship is significant over the southern Indian Ocean,Indonesian-Australia basin,and the southwestern Pacific Ocean.However,ERW activities are weak in the main TC development region of the Atlantic Ocean;and the impact on Atlantic TCG appears to be insignificant.  相似文献   

郑倩  高猛 《应用气象学报》2022,33(5):594-603
该文提出一种西北太平洋热带气旋年生成活动的客观预测模型。研究大尺度环境因子对西北太平洋热带气旋年生成频次的作用,使用最小角回归算法对初始14个预测因子进行选择和降维,将资料集分为训练集(1979—2015年)和验证集(2016—2020年),建立随机森林回归模型预测热带气旋年生成频次。分析环境因子对西北太平洋热带气旋生成位置的作用,使用逐步回归算法筛选影响显著的预测因子,建立局部泊松回归模型预测热带气旋生成空间位置的概率。结果表明:随机森林回归模型可以预测西北热带气旋频次的主要变化和趋势,揭示环境因子对西北太平洋热带气旋年生成频次的影响。局部泊松回归模型对于气旋生成位置概率有一定预测能力。利用随机森林回归模型和局部泊松回归模型模拟1979—2020年西北太平洋热带气旋生成,结果与观测基本一致,可见模型可为热带气旋危险性分析提供参考。  相似文献   

In this article, the authors used the Weather Research and Forecast model to investigate the sensitivity of tropical cyclone Bilis' total precipitation to ambient water vapor content. The tropical cycl...  相似文献   

Tropical cyclone (TC) activities in the North Indian Ocean (NIO) peak in May during the pre-monsoon period, but the TC frequency shows obvious inter-annual variations. By conducting statistical analysis and dynamic diagnosis of long-term data from 1948 to 2016, the relationship between the inter-annual variations of Indian Ocean SST and NIO TC genesis frequency in May is analyzed in this paper. Furthermore, the potential mechanism concerning the effect of SST anomaly on TC frequency is also investigated. The findings are as follows: 1) there is a broadly consistent negative correlation between NIO TC frequency in May and SST in the Indian Ocean from March to May, with the key influencing area located in the southwestern Indian Ocean (SWIO); 2) the anomalies of SST in SWIO (SWIO-SST) are closely related to a teleconnection pattern surrounding the Indian Ocean, which can significantly modulate the high-level divergence, mid-level vertical motion and other related environmental factors and ultimately influence the formation of TCs over the NIO; 3) the increasing trend of SWIO-SST may play an essential role in the downward trend of NIO TC frequency over the past 69 years.  相似文献   

The physical processes associated with changes in the convective structure of an idealized tropical cyclone (TC) during landfall on a beta-plane were studied using the fifth-generation Pennsylvania State University--National Center for Atmospheric Research Mesoscale Model, version 3 (MM5). The simulation results suggested that the suppression of moisture supply and increased friction acted to enhance the convection from the left and front quadrants of the TC to the front and right of the TC during different periods of landfall. When surface moisture flux was turned off, convection in other parts of the quadrant was clearly suppressed and the total rainfall was reduced. When surface friction was increased, precipitation showed a marked increase after the TC made landfall. Wetter air at low and intermediate levels, and drier air at high levels around the onshore side of the coastline led to a high value of convective available potential energy (CAPE). Consequently, convection was enhanced immediately downstream of this area when the surface moisture flux was cut off. When surface friction was increased, the physical process was similar prior to landfall. After landfall, increased convergence at the onshore side of the land resulted in enhanced convection in front of the TC. Consistent with previous findings, our results suggest that during landfall the TC structure changes from one of thermodynamic symmetry to asymmetry due to differential moisture flux between the land and sea surface. The asymmetry of the thermodynamic structure, which can be explained by the distribution of CAPE, causes an asymmetric rainfall structure.  相似文献   

大陆高压对强热带风暴碧利斯内陆强降水影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
强热带风暴碧利斯 (0604)(简称碧利斯) 登陆后造成极其严重的灾害。对该次强降水过程诊断分析发现,除强盛的西南季风外,深厚的大陆高压也起着重要作用。自高层向低层逐渐加强的大陆高压,其东南侧深厚的偏东北气流,与碧利斯登陆后西北象限的东北风相叠加,配合强盛的西南季风,使得碧利斯残涡以及槽区得以长时间维持。涡度收支表明:长时间维持的台风槽,其低层强烈的辐合效应,对暴雨区低涡发展作用显著,致使中尺度对流系统不断发展而造成内陆连续强降水。数值试验表明:在强盛西南季风背景下,大陆高压的增强东伸,不仅能够提供高空强辐散,而且能增强碧利斯西北象限东北风,使得登陆后减弱的碧利斯残涡和台风槽得以长时间维持,致使内陆暴雨区各层涡度增加而导致暴雨维持与增幅。  相似文献   

Predicting tropical cyclone(TC) genesis is of great societal importance but scientifically challenging. It requires fineresolution coupled models that properly represent air-sea interactions in the atmospheric responses to local warm sea surface temperatures and feedbacks, with aid from coherent coupled initialization. This study uses three sets of highresolution regional coupled models(RCMs) covering the Asia-Pacific(AP) region initialized with local observations and dynamically downscaled coup...  相似文献   

大气环流及南极海冰变异与热带风暴生成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李曾中 《气象》1995,21(1):19-22

登陆台风等熵面位涡演变的数值模拟研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
季亮  费建芳 《气象》2009,35(3):66-72
选取1997年第11号台风温妮为研究个例,通过中尺度模式MM5模拟再现了该台风登陆后经历初期减弱、变性及变性后再次发展的演变过程.引入Ertel等熵面位涡收支方程,深入分析了登陆台风结构演变的过程中绝热与非绝热作用对对流层低层位涡局地变化的影响.研究表明:台风温妮深入内陆的过程中,对流层低层台风中心西北侧位涡增长,且大值中心不再与台风中心重合;由于摩擦和非绝热加热的存在,对流层低层位涡不守恒,其局地变化主要决定于位涡的水平平流(守恒项)、位涡的垂直平流、加热的垂直微分(非守恒项)的分布;台风温妮变性前后,对流层低层位涡的守恒性逐渐减弱,非守恒项尤其是加热的垂直微分对位涡的局地增长的正贡献不断增强直至占有主导地位.  相似文献   

Although it is well known that the tropical easterly jet(TEJ)has a significant impact on summer weather and climate over India and Africa,whether the TEJ exerts an important impact on tropical cyclone(TC)activity over the western North Pacific(WNP)remains unknown.In this study,we examined the impact of the TEJ on the interannual variability of TC genesis frequency over the WNP in the TC season(June-September)during 1980-2020.The results show a significant positive correlation between TC genesis frequency over the WNP and the jet intensity in the entrance region of the TEJ over the tropical western Pacific(in brief WP_TEJ),with a correlation coefficient as high as 0.66.The intensified WP_TEJ results in strong ageostrophic northerly winds in the entrance region and thus upper-level divergence to the north of the jet axis over the main TC genesis region in the WNP.This would lead to an increase in upward motion in the troposphere with enhanced low-level convergence,which are the most important factors to the increases in low-level vorticity,mid-level humidity and low-level eddy kinetic energy,and the decreases in sea level pressure and vertical wind shear in the region.All these changes are favorable for TC genesis over the WNP and vice versa.Further analyses indicate that the interannual variability of the WP_TEJ intensity is likely to be linked to the local diabatic heating over the Indian Ocean-western Pacific and the central Pacific El Ni?o-Southern Oscillation.  相似文献   

This study compares the atmosphere-only HighResMIP simulations from FGOALS-f3-H(FGOALS) and MRIAGCM3-2-S(MRI) with respect to tropical cyclone(TC) characteristics over the Western North Pacific(WNP) for the July–October months of 1985–2014. The focus is on investigating the role of the tropical easterly jet over the Western Pacific(WP_TEJ) in modulating the simulation biases in terms of their climatological distribution and interannual variability of WNP TC genesis frequency(TCGF) based on the a...  相似文献   

Tropical cyclone genesis potential index(GPI) is a useful metric for gauging the performance of global climate models in the simulation of tropical cyclone(TC) genesis.The performance of LASG/IAP AGCM GAMIL2.0 in the simulation of GPI over the western North Pacific(WNP) is assessed in this paper.Since GPI depends on large scale environmental factors including low-level vorticity at 850 hPa,relative humidity at 700 hPa,vertical wind shear between 850 and 200 hPa,maximum potential intensity(MPI),and vertical velocity,the bias of GPI simulation is discussed from the perspective of thermal and dynamical factors.The results are compared with the ECMWF reanalysis data(ERA40).The analyses show that both the climatological spatial pattern and seasonal cycle of GPI over the WNP are reasonably simulated by GAMIL2.0,but due to the overestimation of relative humidity,the simulated GPI extends to 170°E,about 10°east to that in the reanalysis data.It is demonstrated that the bias in the simulation of monsoon trough,which is about 5°north to the reanalysis,leads to an overestimation of GPI during May-June and September-October,but an underestimation during July-August.Over the WNP,the response of GPI to ENSO is well captured by GAMIL2.0,including the eastward(westward) shift of TC genesis location during El Nin o(La Nin a) years.However,the anomalous convective center associated with El Nin o shifts westward about 20°in comparison to ERA40,which leads to the biases in both vertical velocity and relative humidity.These eventually result in the westward deflection of the boundary between the positive and negative GPI centers along 20°-30°N.The results from this study provide useful clues for the future improvement of GAMIL2.0.  相似文献   

该文给出了热带气旋暖心垂直倾斜度参数FTC-VGP(TC vertical gradient parameter) 的定义。使用卫星微波遥感的温度垂直分布以及热带气旋最佳路径数据等资料,对2009—2011年典型热带气旋的暖心垂直倾斜度进行计算,并研究其与气旋强度变化的关系。结果表明:暖心垂直倾斜度参数FTC-VGP变化与气旋自身强度变化有较好的对应性,该参数的变化能够明显地指示气旋强度增强、减弱以及强度突变, 能够指示环境场变化 (冷空气侵入) 等;其与气旋强度变化的周期不同,在强度增强或减弱阶段,倾斜度参数是经过快速适应性调整才完成了对热带气旋变化过程的贡献。因此,FTC-VGP参数的计算和研究结果实现了对于热带气旋内部三维结构特征的定量描述,可以准确把握热带气旋强度和变化趋势,并对热带气旋的监测、预报具有一定业务参考价值。  相似文献   

利用太阳黑子相对数、拉萨站气温距平、相关海区海温距平、南极海冰面积资料,计算和分析前期太阳黑子活动、高原热状况、海洋行为和南极海冰变异与影响广西的热带气旋频数的关系,提出一个预测概念模型.  相似文献   

Dvorak技术估测热带气旋强度研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在常规观测资料稀少的热带洋面上,卫星云图是监测热带气旋的主要工具。Dvorak技术通过一系列经验规则,将热带气旋在卫星云图中表现出来的云系结构特征及特定的参数同其发展强度联系起来。介绍了利用Dvorak技术估测热带气旋强度的研究背景和原理方法,总结了国内外在该领域的研究进展及其存在的优势和不足,指出Dvorak技术是目前业务化估测热带气旋强度的主要工具,同时展望了该技术未来的发展方向。  相似文献   

耿慧 《气象》1996,22(2):48-49
热带气旋路径相似预报在目前的业务预报中仍占有很重要的地位,本系统采用各种历史资料及实时资料,结合主要天气系统和500hPa数值预报形势场,选取热气旋路径0小时、24小时、48小时的相似个例,即它不但可以用实况场选取热带气旋的相似过程,而且可以根据数值预报形势场(包括预报热带低压位置)来动态的选取相似过程。  相似文献   

李开奇 《气象》2000,26(6):8-11
热带气旋在移动过程中,环境气压场和其自身内力等都在发生变化。假设这些影响热带气旋的力之和随时间的变化在某一时段内是张性的,从而导出热带气旋的路径曲线方程。分析方程,得逞以热带气旋移动的三个基本规律。通过实例计算,可以看到方程曲线与实际路径几乎一致的个例验证结果,并有意义地证实一些人们以前的研究成果。  相似文献   

大尺度背景下西北太平洋热带气旋的统计分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用大尺度再分析资料和静止卫星云图资料,对1995-2004年西北太平洋热带气旋(TC)形成的大尺度环流背景进行了分类研究。在这10a期间,有27.5%的西北太平洋TC形成于赤道辐合带,45.6%形成于季风槽,10.1%形成于东风波,10.4%形成于热带对流层上部槽,6.3%形成于斜压性扰动条件下。统计分析表明,斜压性扰动背景下形成的TC在生命史、强度方面均明显弱于其他情况,平均生命史为108.60h,平均强度为39.250kn,其余4种情况平均生命史约为200h,平均强度为70~80kn。季风槽情况下形成的TC每3个就有一个会登陆我国,其次是东风波情况下的TC,斜压性扰动背景下形成的TC必须在南海附近生成才有可能登陆我国。  相似文献   

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