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针对物探测量作业中经常会遇到密林、峡谷、窄沟等遮挡严重的不良环境,导致可视卫星数减少、卫星信号不稳定,进而造成定位结果精度下降、作业效率降低等问题。本文提出了使用多系统兼容的高灵敏度BD930板卡作为接收机主板,给出了板卡的控制方法。研制出了一款实时动态定位手簿软件,并且利用网络通信技术搭建了差分数据链,多次在实际物探测量作业环境下对整个测量系统的性能进行了测试。结果表明,该系统在一定程度上提高了RTK适应困难环境的能力,所搭建的差分数据链使测量作业更加便捷、高效,能够满足工程应用的需要。 相似文献
城市三维管网的可视化及其系统功能 总被引:23,自引:2,他引:23
阐明了三维管网几何建模的原理,介绍了基于该技术的城市三维管网的可视化过程及几种加快图形显示的方法和管网系统的功能。该三维管网建模关键技术对于解决复杂的城市三维管网可视化快速建模提供了一种新思路,是建立三维管网系统的前提。 相似文献
从美苏分别提出了建设GPS、GLONASS到今天,当代GNSS全球导航卫星系统工程诞生已近半个世纪。半个世纪以来,GNSS深深地改变了人类的军事斗争、经济社会和日常生活方式;面向人类文明未来的发展进步和智能时代新需求,GNSS仍然需要进一步创新转型。本文系统梳理了当代GNSS的发展进步和启示,研究了智能时代需要的GNSS深度转型方向,提出了GNSS转型发展的方案构想,供广大GNSS设计者和建设者参考。 相似文献
车载式三维信息采集系统中多坐标系统转换实现 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2
863课题“近景目标三维测量技术”中,扫描仪极坐标系统如何向当地坐标系统转换是系统急需解决的关键问题之一。课题中涉及到多个坐标系统,本文提出一种多坐标系统转换方法,通过建立起多个坐标系统之间的转换关系,最终实现扫描仪坐标系统向当地坐标系统转换。实验结果表明,转换方法可靠,可满足系统精度要求。 相似文献
针对GNSS多频多系统的定位模式使得整周模糊度的维数急剧增加,导致很难快速准确地固定所有模糊度,引起显著RTK定位偏差的问题,提出一种基于卡尔曼滤波的GPS/BDS/Galileo组合部分模糊度固定方法:对原始误差方程进行参数重组,将窄巷模糊度组合形成宽巷以及超宽巷模糊度;采用多重约束检验取整超宽巷、宽巷模糊度并依次对待估参数进行更新;对窄巷模糊度子集进行筛选,缩小模糊度的搜索空间;结合历元间差分,提供当前历元先验位置解,对模糊度进行检验。经实验表明:在长距离静态实验中,该算法在定位精度E、N和U方向上相较于常规部分模糊度固定分别提升32%、42%和28%。在模糊度固定正确率和收敛速度方面也有显著的提升,且随着基线长度的增加其优势越明显;在短距离动态实验中,该算法在较为复杂的城市道路中定位精度、可靠性以及重收敛速度同样具有出色的表现。 相似文献
Photogeomorphic studies of the Andaman coast reveal several landforms suggestive of coastal emergence and submergence in the recent past. Elevated reefel terrace, planation surfaces and escarpments indicate that the west coast is rising associated with a corresponding tilt of the islands in general to the east. Offshore structures in the west coast shelf and a few exposed structures in the main land are recommended for future exploration. 相似文献
India's coastline is under tremendous pressure. The current processes of development are becoming a threat to the ecology and livelihoods housed on the coast. If left unchecked, there will not be much of a coast left for our future generations. GIS provides tremendous opportunities to map spatial information for better decision‐making. Government agencies generate maps, but they are localized and inaccessible, preventing an actual assessment of the damage that is already happening to our coast. The Coastal Area Mapping Project (CAMP) envisions creating a collaborative GIS platform using open source technologies. CAMP's vision is to use Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) for collaboration and cocreation and collective problem solving. CAMP foresees a vision for India's coastline where power is equalized among all constituencies (Government, corporations, media, communities, civil societies, etc.), by capturing the big picture and patterns, thus enabling the creation of strategies for stewardship of India's coastline for human wellbeing, coastal protection and sustainable coastal development. 相似文献
随着社会各界对大比例尺空间数据的获取、共享、建库和应用等方面要求的提高,基于MGE平台开发的广州市勘测信息系统,其图形与属性数据分离管理的数据管理模式在数据安全性、数据共享以及数据动态更新等方面已经不能满足当前数据服务的要求,面临升级与改造。文章针对广州市城市勘测信息系统的现状特点,提出了广州市城市勘测信息系统升级的解决方案。 相似文献
土地督察制度,自国务院2006年颁布确立以来,至今已有8年的时间。不可否认,在这一段时间里,土地督察制度的确在一些层面上发挥了一定的作用。然而,与之对应,不可避免地,土地督察制度在实践过程中也暴露出了相当的疏漏和缺陷。以下,结合中国土地督察制度的进程,详细分析土地督察制度所存在的问题。针对这些问题,进一步研究讨论,提出可行性的改进建议,希望能够对中国土地督察制度的未来发展提供参考和借鉴。 相似文献
本文介绍了自动测量一体化系统AMIS的主要功能以及在港口湾水库大坝基准网复测中的应用实例,并与传统测量法进行了对比,表明AMIS系统是进行各种控制网测量等的理想系统. 相似文献
Shoreline Change Analysis along the Coast of South Gujarat,India, Using Digital Shoreline Analysis System 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Manik Mahapatra R. Ratheesh A. S Rajawat 《Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing》2014,42(4):869-876
Shoreline changes along the south Gujarat coast has been analyzed by using USGS Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) version 4.3. Multi-temporal satellite images pertaining to 1972, 1990, 2001 and 2011 were used to extract the shoreline. The High water line (HTL) is considered as shoreline and visual interpretation of satellite imageries has been carried out to demarcate the HTL based on various geomorphology and land use & land cover features. The present study used the Linear Regression Method (LRR) to calculate shoreline change rate. Based on the rate of shoreline changes, the coastal stretches of study area has been classified in to high erosion, low erosion, stable, low accretion and high accretion coast. The study found that about 69.31 % of the South Gujarat coast is eroding, about 18.40 % of coast is stable and remaining 12.28 % of the coast is accreting in nature. Field investigation was carried out which confirmed the coastal erosion/accretion derived from the analysis. The high erosion area are mostly found along the Umergaon (near Fansa, Maroli, Nargol, Varili river mouth, Umergaon light house) and Pardi (Kolak, Udwara)Taluka in Valsad district. Stable coastal length of the study area is 21.59 km and mostly found in Nani Dandi and near Onjal. High accretion (3.70 %) was only found near Hajira and low accretion (8.58 %) are distributed the study area. The main causes of coastal erosion of the study area were the strong tidal currents accompanied by wave action and reduced the sediment load of the river. 相似文献