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Abstract— Previous studies of unmelted micrometeorites (>50 μm) recovered from Antarctic ice have concluded that chondrules, which are a major component of chondritic meteorites, are extremely rare among micrometeorites. We report the discovery of eight micrometeorites containing chondritic igneous objects, which strongly suggests that at least a portion of coarse‐grained crystalline micrometeorites represent chondrule fragments. Six of the particles are identified as composite micrometeorites that contain chondritic igneous objects and fine‐grained matrix. These particles suggest that at least some coarse‐grained micrometeorites (cgMMs) may be derived from the same parent bodies as fine‐grained micrometeorites. The new evidence indicates that, contrary to previous suggestions, the parent bodies of micrometeorites broadly resemble the parent asteroids of chondrulebearing carbonaceous chondrites.  相似文献   

Abstract— We report the discovery of presolar silicate, oxide (hibonite), and (possibly) SiC grains in four Antarctic micrometeorites (AMMs). The oxygen isotopic compositions of the eighteen presolar silicate (and one oxide) grains found are similar those observed previously in primitive meteorites and interplanetary dust particles, and indicate origins in oxygen‐rich red giant or asymptotic giant branch stars, or in supernovae. Four grains with anomalous C isotopic compositions were also detected. 12C/13C as well as Si ratios are similar to those of mainstream SiC grains; the N isotopic composition of one grain is also consistent with a mainstream SiC classification. Presolar silicate grains were found in three of the seven AMMs studied, and are heterogeneously distributed within these micrometeorites. Fourteen of the 18 presolar silicate grains and 3 of the 4 C‐anomalous grains were found within one AMM, T98G8. Presolar silicate‐bearing micrometeorites contain crystalline silicates that give sharp X‐ray diffractions and do not contain magnesiowüstite, which forms mainly through the decomposition of phyllosilicates and carbonates. The occurrence of this mineral in AMMs without presolar silicates suggests that secondary parent body processes probably determine the presence or absence of presolar silicates in Antarctic micrometeorites.  相似文献   

Abstract— The mineral compositions of 250 micrometeorites have been studied and olivines and low-calcium pyroxenes with crystals larger than 5 μm have been analyzed. While magnesium-rich grains dominate, the Fa content of olivine may reach 50% and the Fs content of pyroxene may reach 26%. The Ca and Mn of the olivine show no consistent trends with increasing Fe, but Cr shows a negative correlation. For low-Ca pyroxene, Al and Cr contents are generally higher than in pyroxenes of equilibrated chondrites but similar to those of highly unequilibrated chondrites. Calcium-bearing pyroxene, feldspar and chromite are rare in the micrometeorites which were selected because of their high Mg, Si, Fe and their low Ca and Al content. All these minerals are found as coarse-grained particles often with adhering iron-rich scoria or as clasts in fine-grained or scoriaceous micrometeorites. Apart from a few particles which could be the debris of ordinary chondrites, most micrometeorites probably come from a common source similar, but not identical to carbonaceous chondrites, as shown by their lower Ni and S content and their different oxygen isotopic composition assuming two measurements performed on olivine grains prove to be typical.  相似文献   

Abstract– We report a multi‐wavelength Raman spectroscopy study of carbonaceous matter in 38 Antarctic micrometeorites (AMMs) from the 2006 CONCORDIA collection. The particles were selected as a function of their degree of thermal alteration developed during the deceleration in the atmosphere. These samples range from unmelted (fine‐grained—Fg; ultracarbonaceous—UCAMMs) to partially melted AMMs (scorias—Sc) and completely melted particles (cosmic spherules—CS). More than half of the analyzed AMMs contain a substantial amount of polyaromatic carbonaceous matter with a high degree of disorder. The proportion of particles where carbon is not detected increase from the Fg to the Fg‐Sc and to the Sc‐AMMs, and no carbon is detected in CS. In addition, the spectral characteristics of the G and D bands of the carbonaceous matter in Sc‐AMMs plot apart from the trend formed by the data from Fg‐AMMs and UCAMMs. These results suggest that oxidation processes occurred during the deceleration of the particles in the atmosphere. In Fg‐AMMs and UCAMMs, the spectral characteristics of the G and D bands reveal the high degree of disorder of the carbonaceous matter, precluding a long duration thermal metamorphism on the parent body and suggesting that AMMs have a connection with C1–C2 chondrites. The Raman parameters of the deuterium‐rich carbonaceous matter of UCAMMs do not differ from that of Fg‐AMMs. Using a 244 nm excitation, we detected the cyanide (–CN) functional group for the first time in a UCAMM, reinforcing the likely cometary origin of this type of micrometeorites.  相似文献   

Abstract— We have investigated the texture, bulk chemistry, mineralogy, as well as the anhydrous minerals oxygen isotopic composition of 67 small Antarctic micrometeorites (AMMs) collected at Cap Prudhomme, Antarctica, and belonging to the currently poorly studied size fraction 25–50 μm. When compared to larger (50–400 μm) micrometeorites collected at the same site in Antarctica with the same techniques, no significant differences are found between the two populations. We therefore conclude that the population of Cap Prudhomme AMMs is homogeneous over the size range 25–400 μm. In contrast, small AMMs have different textures, mineralogy, and oxygen isotopic compositions than those of stratospheric interplanetary dust particles (IDPs). Because small AMMs (<50 μm) overlap in size with IDPs, the differences between these two important sources of micrometeorites can no longer be attributed to a variation of the micrometeorite composition with size. Physical biases introduced by the collection procedures might account for these differences.  相似文献   

Abstract— We discuss the relationship between large cosmic dust that represents the main source of extraterrestrial matter presently accreted by the Earth and samples from comet 81P/Wild 2 returned by the Stardust mission in January 2006. Prior examinations of the Stardust samples have shown that Wild 2 cometary dust particles contain a large diversity of components, formed at various heliocentric distances. These analyses suggest large‐scale radial mixing mechanism(s) in the early solar nebula and the existence of a continuum between primitive asteroidal and cometary matter. The recent collection of CONCORDIA Antarctic micrometeorites recovered from ultra‐clean snow close to Dome C provides the most unbiased collection of large cosmic dust available for analyses in the laboratory. Many similarities can be found between Antarctic micrometeorites and Wild 2 samples, in terms of chemical, mineralogical, and isotopic compositions, and in the structure and composition of their carbonaceous matter. Cosmic dust in the form of CONCORDIA Antarctic micrometeorites and primitive IDPs are preferred samples to study the asteroid‐comet continuum.  相似文献   

Abstract– Eight saponite‐rich micrometeorites with very similar mineralogy were found from the recent surface snow in Antarctica. They might have come to Earth as a larger meteoroid and broke up into pieces on Earth, because they were recovered from the same layer and the same location of the snow. Synchrotron X‐ray diffraction (XRD) analysis indicates that saponite, Mg‐Fe carbonate, and pyrrhotite are major phases and serpentine, magnetite, and pentlandite are minor phases. Anhydrous silicates are entirely absent from all micrometeorites, suggesting that their parental object has undergone heavy aqueous alteration. Saponite/serpentine ratios are higher than in the Orgueil CI chondrite and are similar to the Tagish Lake carbonaceous chondrite. Transmission electron microscope (TEM) observation indicates that serpentine occupies core regions of fine‐grained saponite, pyrrhotite has a low‐Ni concentration, and Mg‐Fe carbonate shows unique concentric ring structures and has a mean molar Mg/(Mg + Fe) ratio of 0.7. Comparison of the mineralogy to hydrated chondrites and interplanetary dust particles (IDPs) suggests that the micrometeorites are most similar to the carbonate‐poor lithology of the Tagish Lake carbonaceous chondrite and some hydrous IDPs, but they show a carbonate mineralogy dissimilar to any primitive chondritic materials. Therefore, they are a new variant of saponite‐rich micrometeorite extracted from a primitive hydrous asteroid and recently accreted to Antarctica.  相似文献   

Giant micrometeorites (MMs; 400–2000 µm) are exceedingly rare and scientifically valuable. Three‐dimensional nondestructive characterization by X‐ray computed tomography (X‐CT) provides information on the petrography and thus petrogenesis of MMs and serves as a guide to maximize subsequent multi‐analytical studies on such precious planetary materials. Here, we discuss the results obtained by X‐CT on 22 giant MMs and the classification based on their 3‐D density contrast images. Scoriaceous and unmelted MMs have distinct porosity ranges (10–40 vol% versus 0–25 vol%, respectively). We observe a porosity variation inside scoriaceous MMs, which allows their atmospheric entry flight history to be resolved. For the first time, spinning entry is explicitly demonstrated for four partially melted MMs. Furthermore, we are able to resolve the thermal gradient in a single particle, based on porosity variation (seen as a progressive increase in pore abundance and size with higher peak temperatures). Moreover, we explore parent body alteration through the 3‐D analysis of pores distribution, showing that shock fabrics are either absent or weakly developed in our data set. Finally, owing to the detection of pseudomorphic chondrules, we estimate that the intensively aqueously altered C1 or CI‐like material could represent 18% of the MM flux at this size fraction (400–1000 µm).  相似文献   

Abstract— The noble gases He, Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe were measured in 27 individual Antarctic micrometeorites (AMMs) in the size range 60 to 250 μm that were collected at the Dome Fuji Station. Eleven of the AMMs were collected in 1996 (F96 series) and 16 were collected in 1997 (F97 series). One of the F97 AMMs is a totally melted spherule, whereas all other particles are irregular in shape. Noble gases were extracted using a Nd‐YAG continuous wave laser with an output power of 2.5‐3.5 W for ?5 min. Most particles released measurable amounts of noble gases. 3He/4He ratios are determined for 26 AMMs ((0.85‐9.65) × 10?4). Solar energetic particles (SEP) are the dominant source of helium in most AMMs rather than solar wind (SW) and cosmogenic He. Three samples had higher 3He/4He ratios compared to that of SW, showing the presence of spallogenic 3He. The Ne isotopic composition of most AMMs resembled that of SEP as in the case of helium. Spallogenic 21Ne was detected in three samples, two of which had extremely long cosmic‐ray exposure ages (> 100 Ma), calculated by assuming solar cosmic‐ray (SCR) + galactic cosmic‐ray (GCR) production. These two particles may have come to Earth directly from the Kuiper Belt. Most AMMs had negligible amounts of cosmogenic 21 Ne and exposure ages of <1 Ma. 40Ar/36Ar ratios for all particles (3.9–289) were lower than that of the terrestrial atmosphere (296), indicating an extraterrestrial origin of part of the Ar with a very low 40Ar/36Ar ratio plus some atmospheric contamination. Indeed, 40Ar/36Ar ratios for the AMMs are higher than SW, SEP, and Q‐Ar values, which is explained by the presence of atmospheric 40Ar. The average 38Ar/36Ar ratio of 24 AMMs (0.194) is slightly higher than the value of atmospheric or Q‐Ar, suggesting the presence of SEP‐Ar which has a relatively high 38Ar/36Ar ratio. According to the elemental compositions of the heavy noble gases, Dome Fuji AMMs can be classified into three groups: chondritic (eight particles), air‐affected (nine particles), and solar‐affected (eight particles). The eight AMMs classified as chondritic preserve the heavy noble gas composition of primordial trapped component due to lack of atmospheric adsorption and solar implantation. The average of 129Xe/132Xe ratio for the 16 AMMs not affected by atmospheric contamination (1.05) corresponds to the values in matrices of carbonaceous chondrites (?1.04). One AMM, F96DK038, has high 129Xe/132Xe in excess of this ratio. Our results imply that most Dome Fuji AMMs originally had chondritic heavy noble gas compositions, and carbonaceous chondrite‐like objects are appropriate candidate sources for most AMMs.  相似文献   

Abstract— We report the discovery of four large (>50 μm) cosmic spherules (CSs) and a single scoriaceous micrometeorite (SMM) that contain evidence for the separation of immiscible Fe-Ni-S liquids during atmospheric entry heating. The particles contain segregated Fe-rich regions dominated by either Ni-S-bearing Fe-oxides or iron sulphides and have textural relations that suggest these separated from the silicate portions of the particles as metallic liquids. The oxides, which may be hydrous, are thought to result from alteration of metal and sulphide. The compositions of the silicate portions of the CSs are equivalent to spherules without Fe-rich regions, implying that metallic liquids are exsolved during the heating of most spherules, but completely separate. The single SMM has a very different composition from other scoriaceous particles, and the occurrence of an exsolved metallic liquid probably indicates extreme reduction during entry heating. The pyrolysis of carbonaceous materials is the most likely explanation for reduction and suggests that the precursor material of this particle was unusually C-rich. This SMM might be, therefore, an appropriate candidate for a large melted anhydrous or smectite interplanetary dust particle (IDP). The exsolution of immiscible Fe-Ni-S liquids during entry heating will result in systematic changes in the compositions of the remaining silicate melt.  相似文献   

Abstract— Over 100 000 large interplanetary dust particles in the 50–500 μm size range have been recovered in clean conditions from ~600 tons of Antarctic melt ice water as both unmelted and partially melted/dehydrated micrometeorites and cosmic spherules. Flux measurements in both the Greenland and Antarctica ice sheets indicate that the micrometeorites deliver to the Earth's surface ~2000× more extraterrestrial material than brought by meteorites. Mineralogical and chemical studies of Antarctic micrometeorites indicate that they are only related to the relatively rare CM and CR carbonaceous chondrite groups, being mostly chondritic carbonaceous objects composed of highly unequilibrated assemblages of anhydrous and hydrous minerals. However, there are also marked differences between these two families of solar system objects, including higher C/O ratios and a very marked depletion of chondrules in micrometeorite matter; hence, they are “chondrites-without-chondrules.” Thus, the parent meteoroids of micrometeorites represent a dominant and new population of solar system objects, probably formed in the outer solar system and delivered to the inner solar system by the most appropriate vehicles, comets. One of the major purposes of this paper is to discuss applications of micrometeorite studies that have been previously presented to exobiologists but deal with the synthesis of prebiotic molecules on the early Earth, and more recently, with the early history of the solar system.  相似文献   

Abstract— Due to their small size, the mineralogical and chemical properties of micrometeorites (MMs) are not representative of their parent bodies on the centimeter to meter scales that are used to define parent body groups through the petrological study of meteorites. Identifying which groups of MM are derived from the same type of parent body is problematic and requires particles to be rigorously grouped on the basis of mineralogical, textural, and chemical properties that reflect the fundamental genetic differences between meteorite parent bodies, albeit with minimal bias towards preconceived genetic models. Specifically, the interpretation of MMs requires a rigorous and meaningful classification scheme. At present the classification of MMs is, however, at best ambiguous. A unified petrological‐chemical classification scheme is proposed in the current study and is based on observations of several thousand MMs collected from Antarctic ice.  相似文献   

Abstract— From November 1998 to January 1999, the 39th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition (JARE) conducted a large‐scale micrometeorite collection at 3 areas in the meteorite ice field around the Yamato Mountains, Antarctica. The Antarctic micrometeorites (AMMs) collected were ancient cosmic dust particles. This is in contrast with the Dome Fuji AMMs, which were collected previously from fresh snows in 1996 and 1997 and which represent modern micrometeorites. To determine the noble gas concentrations and isotopic compositions of individual AMMs, noble gas analyses were carried out using laser‐gas extraction for 35 unmelted Yamato Mountains AMMs and 3 cosmic spherules. X‐ray diffraction analyses were performed on 13 AMMs before the noble gas measurement and mineral compositions were determined. AMMs are classified into 4 main mineralogical groups, defined from the heating they suffered during atmospheric entry. Heating temperatures of AMMs, inferred from their mineral compositions, are correlated with 4He concentrations and reflect the effect of degassing during atmospheric entry. Jarosite, an aqueous alteration product, is detected for 4 AMMs, indicating the aqueous alteration during long‐time storage in Antarctic ice. Jarosite‐bearing AMMs have relatively low concentrations of 4He, which is suggestive of loss during the alteration. High 3He/4He ratios are detected for AMMs with high 20Ne/4He ratios, showing both cosmogenic 3He and preferential He loss. SEP (solar energetic particles)‐He and Ne, rather than the solar wind (SW), were dominant in AMMs, presumably showing a preferential removal of the more shallowly implanted SW by atmospheric entry heating. The mean 20Ne/22Ne ratio is 11.27 ± 0.35, which is close to the SEP value of 11.2. Cosmogenic 21Ne is not detected in any of the particles, which is probably due to the short cosmic ray exposure ages. Ar isotopic compositions are explained by 3‐component mixing of air, Q, and SEP‐Ar. Ar isotopic compositions can not be explained without significant contributions of Q‐Ar. SEP‐Ne contributed more than 99% of the total Ne. As for 36Ar and 38Ar, the abundance of the Q component is comparable to that of the SEP component. 84Kr and 132Xe are dominated by the primordial component, and solar‐derived Xe is almost negligible.  相似文献   

Abstract– We have examined the relationship between natural thermoluminescence (TL) and 26Al in 120 Antarctic meteorites in order to explore the orbital history and terrestrial ages of these meteorites. Our results confirm the observations of Hasan et al. (1987) which were based on 23 meteorites. For most meteorites there was a positive correlation between natural TL and 26Al, reflecting their similarity in decay rate under Antarctic conditions and thus in terrestrial age. For a small group with low TL and high 26Al a small perihelion was proposed. Within this group, natural TL decreases with terrestrial age as determined by 36Cl measurements, although the rate of TL decay is faster (half‐life approximately 10 ka) and the ages that can be determined are smaller (<200 ka) than for most meteorites. The faster decay rate and lower natural TL levels are a reflection of recent exposure to higher radiation doses and higher temperatures, since this history would populate less stable TL traps with smaller electron densities. We sort the 120 meteorites by perihelion and terrestrial age. The normal perihelion group range up to approximately 1000 ka and the small perihelion group range up to approximately 200 ka. An intermediate perihelion group tends to have short terrestrial ages (20–60 ka). There is acceptable agreement between most (34 out of 43) of our present terrestrial age estimates and those determined by isotopic means, the exceptions reflecting complex irradiation histories, long burial times in the Antarctic, or other issues.  相似文献   

Abstract— We report noble gas data for 37 H chondrites collected from the Allan Hills by EUROMET in the 1988–1989 field season. Among these are 16 specimens with high levels (>100 krad) of natural thermoluminescence (NTL), originally interpreted as signaling their derivation from a single meteoroid with an orbit that became Earth‐crossin‐100 ka ago. One of these 16 is an H3 chondrite with a cosmic‐ray exposure age of ~33 Ma and clearly represents a separate fall. The other 15 H4–6 chondrites derive from three separate meteoroids, each of which is represented by a five or six member group. These groups have mean exposure ages of 3.7, 4.1, and 6.6 Ma: the middle‐group members all contain solar Ne. The two younger groups also seem to each include a few H chondrites with normal NTL levels. Measurements of cosmogenic 10Be (1.5 Ma), 26AI (710 ka), and 36CI (301 ka) in 14 of the high‐NTL chondrites indicate that all reflect a simple irradiation history. In contrast, many of a different (38 member) randomly selected suite of Antarctic H chondrites seem to have different cosmic‐ray irradiation histories. The 3.7 and 6.6 Ma groups from the 37 member Allan Hills suite come from about 5–30 and about 5–10 cm depths in 80–125 and 60–125 cm radius meteoroids, respectively.  相似文献   

Abstract— We present numerical calculations of the peak temperatures experienced by micrometeorites during atmospheric entry. Results are given for particle diameters between 2 and 50 μm and for entry velocities between 10 and 25 km/s. A material density of 2 g/cm3 and an entry angle of 45° are used for the calculation, but the results presented here can be easily reinterpreted for other densities and for vertical entry.  相似文献   

Abstract— Miono et al. (1990) and Miono and Nakanishi (1994) have proposed that the build‐up of natural thermoluminescence (TL) in a drained layer directly below the meteorite fusion crust can be used to determine terrestrial ages of meteorites in the 40 to 200 ka range. We have measured the natural TL of the drained layer of 15 meteorites. The data indicate that this technique could be used to determine terrestrial ages of meteorites with ages <200 ka, after which TL equilibrium is reached. Comparison of TL build‐up with terrestrial ages for a suite of Antarctic meteorites suggests that the meteorites have been exposed to temperatures of 0 to 5 °C. The close correspondence between natural TL levels and surface exposure TL growth curves suggest that Allan Hills meteorites with ages <200 ka have spent a significant portion of their terrestrial history exposed on the ice surface, rather than being buried in the ice sheet. The technique is, however, sensitive to thermal history; and, for Antarctic meteorites with terrestrial ages <200 ka, natural TL of the drained zone largely reflects exposure on the ice surface.  相似文献   

Abstract— The elemental compositions of 200 interplanetary dust particles (IDPs) collected in the stratosphere have been determined by energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis. The results reasonably define the normal compositional range of chondritic interplanetary dust particles averaging 10 micrometers in size, and constitute a database for comparison with individual IDPs, meteorites, and spacecraft data from comets and asteroids. The average elemental composition of all IDPs analyzed is most similar to that of CI chondrites, but the data show that there are small yet discernable differences between mean IDP composition and the CI norm. Individual particles were classified into broad morphological groups, and the two major groups show unambiguous compositional differences. The “porous” group is a close match to bulk CI abundances, but the “smooth” group has systematic Ca and Mg depletions, and contains stoichiometric “excess” oxygen consistent with the presence of hydrous phases. Similar depletions of Ca and Mg in CI and CM matrix have been attributed to leaching, and by analogy we suggest that particles in the smooth group have also been processed by aqueous alteration. The occurrence of carbonates, magnetite framboids, and layer silicates provides additional evidence that at least a significant number of the smooth-class IDPs have been substantially processed by aqueous activity. The presence or absence of aqueous modification in members of a particle sub-class is an important clue to the origin. Although it cannot be proven, we hypothesize that extensive aqueous activity only occurs in asteroids and that, accordingly, the smooth class of IDPs has an asteroidal origin. If both comets and asteroids are major sources of interplanetary dust, then by default the porous particles are inferred to be dominated by cometary material.  相似文献   

Abstract– On the basis of morphological and petrographic characteristics, eight “giant” unmelted micrometeorites in the 300–1100 μm size range were selected from the Transantarctic Mountain micrometeorite collection, Victoria Land, Antarctica. Mineralogical and geochemical data obtained by means of scanning electron microscopy, electron probe microanalyses, and synchrotron X‐ray diffraction allow their classification as chondritic micrometeorites. The large size of the micrometeorites increases considerably the amount of mineralogical and geochemical information compared to micrometeorites in smaller size fractions, therefore allowing a better definition of their parent material. A large variety of material is observed: five micrometeorites are related to unequilibrated and equilibrated ordinary chondrite, one to CV chondrite, one to CM chondrite, and one to CI chondrite parent materials. Besides reporting the first occurrence of a CV‐like micrometeorite, our study shows that the abundance of chondritic material supports observations from recent studies on cosmic spherules that a large part of the micrometeorite flux in this size range is of asteroidal origin.  相似文献   

We report the mineralogy and texture of magnetite grains, a magnetite‐dolomite assemblage, and the adjacent mineral phases in five hydrated fine‐grained Antarctic micrometeorites (H‐FgMMs). Additionally, we measured the oxygen isotopic composition of magnetite grains and a magnetite‐dolomite assemblage in these samples. Our mineralogical study shows that the secondary phases identified in H‐FgMMs have similar textures and chemical compositions to those described previously in other primitive solar system materials, such as carbonaceous chondrites. However, the oxygen isotopic compositions of magnetite in H‐FgMMs span a range of ?17O values from +1.3‰ to +4.2‰, which is intermediate between magnetites measured in carbonaceous and ordinary chondrites (CCs and OCs). The δ18O values of magnetites in one H‐FgMM have a ~27‰ mass‐dependent spread in a single 100 × 200 μm particle, indicating that there was a localized control of the fluid composition, probably due to a low water‐to‐rock mass ratio. The ?17O values of magnetite indicate that H‐FgMMs sampled a different aqueous fluid than ordinary and carbonaceous chondrites, implying that the source of H‐FgMMs is probably distinct from the asteroidal source of CCs and OCs. Additionally, we analyzed the oxygen isotopic composition of a magnetite‐dolomite assemblage in one of the H‐FgMMs (sample 03‐36‐46) to investigate the temperature at which these minerals coprecipitated. We have used the oxygen isotope fractionation between the coexisting magnetite and dolomite to infer a precipitation temperature between 160 and 280 °C for this sample. This alteration temperature is ~100–200 °C warmer than that determined from a calcite‐magnetite assemblage from the CR2 chondrite Al Rais, but similar to the estimated temperature of aqueous alteration for unequilibrated OCs, CIs, and CMs. This suggests that the sample 03‐36‐46 could come from a parent body that was large enough to attain temperatures as high as the OCs, CIs, and CMs, which implies an asteroidal origin for this particular H‐FgMM.  相似文献   

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