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Theoretical and Applied Climatology - Satellite-based precipitation (SBP) is emerging as a reliable source for high-resolution rainfall estimates over the globe. However, uncertainty in SBP is...  相似文献   

This study presents the spatial analysis of daily rainfall intensity and concentration index over Peninsular Malaysia. Daily rainfall data from 50 rainfall stations are used in this study. Due to the limited number of stations, the geostatistical method of ordinary kriging is used to compute the values of daily rainfall concentration and intensity and to map their spatial distribution. The resultant analysis of rainfall concentration indicated that the distribution of daily rainfall is more regular over the west, northwest and southwest regions compared to the east. Large areas of the eastern Peninsula display an irregularity in distribution of daily rainfall. In terms of number of rainy days, analysis of daily rainfall confirms that a large number of rainy days across the Peninsula arise from low-intensity events but only contribute a small percentage of total rain. On the other hand, a low frequency of rainy days with high-intensity events contributes the largest percentage of total rain. The results indicated that the total rain in eastern areas is mainly contributed by the high-intensity events. This finding explains the occurrence of a large number of floods and soil erosions in these areas. Therefore, precautionary measures should be taken earlier to prevent any massive destruction of property and loss of life due to the hazards. These research findings are of considerable importance in providing enough information to water resource management, climatologists and agriculturists as well as hydrologists for planning their activities and modelling processes.  相似文献   

依据东北地区1961-2009年71个气象台站月平均气温、降水资料,运用标准化降水指数(SPI)与相对湿润度指数等干旱指标分析了东北地区5-9月的干旱趋势。结果表明:1961-2009年,东北大部分地区在5-9月呈干旱化趋势,仅在黑龙江大兴安岭北部、黑龙江西南部以及黑龙江与吉林的东部交界处表现为湿润化;东北三省干湿震荡主要周期大约为22-24a,近49a发生了4次干湿交替,突变年为1976及1996年。就干旱发生范围而言,近49a东北地区干旱面积呈上升趋势,以1996年为分界线,农作物干旱受灾比在吉林增幅最大,辽宁次之,黑龙江最小,采用SPI与相对湿润度指数评价东北地区干旱较符合实际。就干旱发生频率而言,高值区主要集中在东北西部,特别是黑龙江的齐齐哈尔与大庆地区、吉林的白城地区及辽宁的朝阳地区。干旱与极端干旱的发生频率在1981-1990年较低,在2001-2009年最高,而极端干旱发生频率增加幅度明显高于一般干旱。  相似文献   

Statistical distributions of extreme dry spell in Peninsular Malaysia   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Statistical distributions of annual extreme (AE) series and partial duration (PD) series for dry-spell event are analyzed for a database of daily rainfall records of 50 rain-gauge stations in Peninsular Malaysia, with recording period extending from 1975 to 2004. The three-parameter generalized extreme value (GEV) and generalized Pareto (GP) distributions are considered to model both series. In both cases, the parameters of these two distributions are fitted by means of the L-moments method, which provides a robust estimation of them. The goodness-of-fit (GOF) between empirical data and theoretical distributions are then evaluated by means of the L-moment ratio diagram and several goodness-of-fit tests for each of the 50 stations. It is found that for the majority of stations, the AE and PD series are well fitted by the GEV and GP models, respectively. Based on the models that have been identified, we can reasonably predict the risks associated with extreme dry spells for various return periods.  相似文献   

A comparative study has been conducted to investigate the skill of four convection parameterization schemes, namely the Anthes–Kuo (AK), the Betts–Miller (BM), the Kain–Fritsch (KF), and the Grell (GR) schemes in the numerical simulation of an extreme precipitation episode over eastern Peninsular Malaysia using the Pennsylvania State University—National Center for Atmospheric Research Center (PSU-NCAR) Fifth Generation Mesoscale Model (MM5). The event is a commonly occurring westward propagating tropical depression weather system during a boreal winter resulting from an interaction between a cold surge and the quasi-stationary Borneo vortex. The model setup and other physical parameterizations are identical in all experiments and hence any difference in the simulation performance could be associated with the cumulus parameterization scheme used. From the predicted rainfall and structure of the storm, it is clear that the BM scheme has an edge over the other schemes. The rainfall intensity and spatial distribution were reasonably well simulated compared to observations. The BM scheme was also better in resolving the horizontal and vertical structures of the storm. Most of the rainfall simulated by the BM simulation was of the convective type. The failure of other schemes (AK, GR and KF) in simulating the event may be attributed to the trigger function, closure assumption, and precipitation scheme. On the other hand, the appropriateness of the BM scheme for this episode may not be generalized for other episodes or convective environments.  相似文献   

Contrary to the belief that Peninsular Malaysia experiences wet condition throughout the year, prolonged dry condition has lately become a recurrent phenomenon in this region. As a result, country's agricultural sector and water resources have been under severe constraints from this situation. To get a clearer picture of the dry condition in Peninsular Malaysia, the Standardised Precipitation Index, based on the data of monthly rainfall from 50 stations, is derived. Spatial analysis is used to illustrate the percentage of occurrences of dry and very dry events. To evaluate the potential risk due to the dry conditions, we modelled the joint distribution of severity and duration of dry condition by means of bivariate copula. Several copula models were tested, and the model, which best represents the relationship between severity and duration, is determined using Akaike information criterion. Based on the results, the return period for the drought severity, based on the longest duration of drought at each station, can be estimated. This enables the drought risk to be calculated, thus planning on the measures to minimise the impact of a prolonged drought to the societies, which can be done by the relevant authorities.  相似文献   

利用陕西省96个气象站1971-2005年月平均气温、降水资料,计算各气象站35 a逐月帕默尔干旱指数(PDSI)和降水距平百分率.对比分析表明:PDSI不是采用简单的时段平均,它考虑因子全面,除降水外,还考虑蒸散、气温等综合因素,并引入气候适宜值的概念,因此计算结果与实际基本吻合,能反映出干旱过程,具有更大的时空尺度.在夏季高温蒸发较大的地区,PDSI比降水距平百分率描述干旱强度更准确.  相似文献   

The analysis of the daily rainfall occurrence behavior is becoming more important, particularly in water-related sectors. Many studies have identified a more comprehensive pattern of the daily rainfall behavior based on the Markov chain models. One of the aims in fitting the Markov chain models of various orders to the daily rainfall occurrence is to determine the optimum order. In this study, the optimum order of the Markov chain models for a 5-day sequence will be examined in each of the 18 rainfall stations in Peninsular Malaysia, which have been selected based on the availability of the data, using the Akaike’s (AIC) and Bayesian information criteria (BIC). The identification of the most appropriate order in describing the distribution of the wet (dry) spells for each of the rainfall stations is obtained using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov goodness-of-fit test. It is found that the optimum order varies according to the levels of threshold used (e.g., either 0.1 or 10.0 mm), the locations of the region and the types of monsoon seasons. At most stations, the Markov chain models of a higher order are found to be optimum for rainfall occurrence during the northeast monsoon season for both levels of threshold. However, it is generally found that regardless of the monsoon seasons, the first-order model is optimum for the northwestern and eastern regions of the peninsula when the level of thresholds of 10.0 mm is considered. The analysis indicates that the first order of the Markov chain model is found to be most appropriate for describing the distribution of wet spells, whereas the higher-order models are found to be adequate for the dry spells in most of the rainfall stations for both threshold levels and monsoon seasons.  相似文献   

Theoretical and Applied Climatology - This study evaluated the skills of global climate models (GCMs) of the fifth and sixth Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5 and CMIP6) in simulating...  相似文献   

利用2016年6月—2017年5月ECMWF降水极端天气指数(EFI)预报资料,分析了降水EFI与不同量级强降水、降水气候百分位在浙江的关系。结果表明:总体而言,浙江省降水EFI与实况降水存在明显的正相关关系。随着EFI阈值的增加,暴雨发生频次先增加后减少,而且暴雨发生的概率随着EFI阈值的增加而增大。综合考虑TS、BS评分,EFI阈值随着预报时效的延长而减小;随着降水量级的增加而增大。降水EFI值与降水气候百分位存在明显的正相关关系,当EFI值较高时,预示着较大的几率出现极端降水,此时可参考当地相对应的气候百分位的降水量来估计降水。  相似文献   

热带气旋远距离暴雨(TRP)往往成为高影响天气,是业务预报难点。本文用地面、探空观测资料、雷达遥感资料以及NCEP一日四次0.5°×0.5°再分析资料,对2018年第22号台风“山竹”登陆广东期间在长江三角洲(简称长三角)地区引起的远距离暴雨过程进行分析。结果表明:(1)这是一次发生在副热带高压(简称副高)控制范围内的热带气旋远距离暴雨,低层受台风倒槽影响。(2)这次过程第一阶段暴雨主要是在强的对流不稳定条件下,由对流层低层“山竹”倒槽中的辐合线触发对流产生,同时对流层高层“山竹”的极向流出汇入加大了中纬度西风风速,在长三角地区上空产生辐散,有利于上升运动的维持。第二阶段,对流不稳定条件有所减弱,但前一阶段强回波产生的低层偏北外出气流与东南风形成辐合线,辐合线上还有中γ尺度的涡旋产生,又促进了对流发展。850 hPa台风倒槽北端形成一个低涡,500 hPa副高边缘发展出一个短波槽,暴雨的动力条件更为有利。(3)长三角的3个强降水中心分别在长江口、杭州湾北岸的嘉兴沿海及宁波沿海,都是在水陆边界附近。(4)远距离暴雨区的涡度收支诊断发现:暴雨的初始扰动主要由近地层水平辐合辐散项提供,850 hPa的水平辐合辐散项和扭曲项共同作用形成和加强低涡,并通过垂直运动上传使中层700~500 hPa附近涡度增长,进而发展出500 hPa短波槽。850 hPa涡度来自于台风倒槽和副高边缘的偏南急流。(5)在这次远距离暴雨过程中,台风“山竹”与海上西太平洋副高之间形成偏南低空急流,向长三角输送水汽,这与典型TRP事件相似。不同之处在于:典型TRP中暴雨的初始扰动一般由西风槽提供,而这次过程主要由低空台风倒槽和偏南急流提供,涡度上传形成高空短波槽,是不同于典型TRP事件的一个物理过程。  相似文献   

This paper discusses patterns of annual and monthly precipitation variability at seven weather stations in east central Europe (1851–2007). Precipitation patterns were compared to three simple regional indices of atmospheric circulation, i.e., western circulation, southern circulation and the cyclonicity (C) index and a relationship between precipitation and the North Atlantic Oscillation index was identified. Correlations of the monthly records and multiple regression, using a principal components’ analysis, helped determine the statistical significance of the dependence of precipitation on the circulation indices. The Mann–Kendall test revealed no trend to change in any of the precipitation series, but a certain spatial regularity could be discerned in the phase of the annual periodic component. A common feature of the variability in central European annual precipitation is the dry period identified in the 1980s and the first half of the 1990s. In the northern part of the region, above-average precipitation was noted from the 1960s through to the mid-1970s as a result of the frequent prevalence of depressions. South of the divide, the wettest period was recorded at the turn of 1930s/1940s. After a number of very wet years in the last decade of the twentieth century and the beginning of the twenty-first century, precipitation began to fall at all of the region’s weather stations. The C index is the strongest circulation-linked factor influencing precipitation in central Europe and it accounts for more than 40% of the variance in spatially averaged wintertime precipitation.  相似文献   

官晓军  潘宁  黄待静  王琦  李玲 《气象学报》2021,79(3):414-427
应用1961—2017年中国气象局热带气旋最佳路径数据集、国家地面气象观测站日降水观测资料和2015年8月—2017年12月欧洲中期天气预报中心(ECMWF)集合预报系统降水极端预报指数(EFI)数据,根据百分位法定义台风影响期间福建省各站点的台风极端降水阈值,采用最小阈值法剔除台风极端降水时EFI箱线图中的异常值,保...  相似文献   

GM(1,1)气候预测系统的降水预测检验   总被引:1,自引:6,他引:1  
梁玉琼  梁健 《广东气象》2007,29(3):24-25,44
选用华南区域15个代表站的降水历史资料,建立GM(1,1)气候预测系统,使用国家气象局统一的短期气候预测评分方法,对该系统的年、季、月雨量进行预测及检验。结果表明,近6年各月的月雨量预测总平均评分为69.4,且各年平均评分基本稳定,近4年月雨量预测评分均在70分以上,接近主观预测水平,同时对月雨量极值有较好的预测能力。近10年的年、季雨量预测评分分别为82.4和70.1,近3年的季雨量预测评分在70分以上,近4年的年雨量预测评分在90分以上,接近主观预测水平。因此GM(1,1)气候预测系统对华南区域降水的短期气候预测具有较好的参考意义。  相似文献   

基于T/2分数间隔的SEI双模式盲均衡算法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用NCEP/NCAR 1°×1°最后分析资料(final analysis,FNL)计算“圣帕”台风螺旋度,探讨各垂直层上水平螺旋度与强降水时间演变的关系、水平螺旋度与强降水落区的关系以及垂直螺旋度时间演变与强降水发生、发展的关系。结果表明,700 hPa螺旋度最能反映强降水时间演变,正螺旋度大值中心附近与暴雨落区一致,同区域内螺旋度中心值的强弱与该区域内降水的强弱关系密切;若垂直方向上高低层的螺旋度同时由负值转为正值,则强降水发生,反之降水减弱、停止;对于预报台风强降水时效,水平螺旋度远比垂直螺旋度、散度、垂直速度具有更多有效预报时间;对于预报台风强降水落区,垂直螺旋度比水平螺旋度更具有优势,若能利用垂直螺旋度对水平螺旋度预报强降水作出订正可能将有助于提高台风强降水预报准确率。  相似文献   

A semi-operational real time short-term climate prediction system has been developed in the Center of Climate and Environment Prediction Research (CCEPRE), Institute of Atmospheric Physics / Chinese Academy of Sciences. The system consists of the following components: the AGCM and OGCM and their coupling, initial conditions and initialization, practical schemes of anomaly prediction, ensemble prediction and its standard deviation, correction of GCM output, and verification of prediction. The experiences of semi-operational real-time prediction by using this system for six years 1989-1994) and of hindcasting for 1980-1989 are reported. It is shown that in most cases large positive and negative anomalies of summer precipitation resulting in disastrous climate events such as severe flood or drought over East Asia can be well predicted for two seasons in advance, although the quantitatively statistical skill scores are only satisfactory due to the difficulty in correctly predicting the signs of small anomalies. Some methods for removing the systematic errors and introducing corrections to the GCM output arc suggested. The sensitivity of pre-diction to the initial conditions and the problem of ensemble prediction are also discussed in the paper  相似文献   

为探讨相似路径台风“摩羯”(1814)和“温比亚”(1818)影响南通降水的差异原因,从天气形势、物理量场等方面进行分析,利用水汽通量、假相当位温、湿位涡、垂直螺旋度等物理量对降水进行诊断,得到以下主要结论:1)两台风移动路径主要受副热带高压和冷空气的影响,副热带高压边缘气流为主要引导气流。两台风均有追随200 hPa辐散中心移动的趋势。2)较强冷空气的侵入、鞍形场中的缓慢移动、强正涡度和强盛上升运动、强水汽输送且低空长时间水汽辐合、大气斜压性增强和风垂直切变增大均是台风“温比亚”造成南通更强降水的原因。3)水汽通量辐合增强,低层正涡度中心、强上升运动,低层假相当位温大值区叠加上空假相当位温梯度带,垂直螺旋度增大与正值发展高度均与台风强降水有明显对应。  相似文献   

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