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利用国家气象信息中心2013年发布的逐日均一化气温资料,对沈阳站资料均一化处理前后平均气温和极端气温指数序列的线性趋势及其城市化影响偏差进行了比较评价。结果表明:1)资料均一化处理对日最高气温及其衍生的极端气温指数序列趋势估计的影响较弱,但对日最低气温及其衍生的极端气温指数序列趋势估计具有显著影响。2)经资料均一化处理后,平均气温序列中的城市化影响偏差有所增大,平均最低气温序列中的城市化影响偏差增大尤其明显;与冷事件有关的极端气温指数序列的城市化影响偏差数值有所减小,与暖事件有关的极端气温指数序列的城市化影响偏差数值有所增加。3)资料均一化处理有效纠正了因迁站等原因造成的地面气温观测记录中的非均一性,但却在很大程度上还原了城市站地面气温观测记录中的城市化影响偏差。  相似文献   

当前的地面气候观测资料普遍存在非气候性因素导致的非均一性,对气候变化监测和研究结论可靠性造成重要影响。结合观测台站的历史沿革数据,使用ACMANT和Pairwise Comparisons方法以及RHtest V4软件,对北京地区20个台站均一化前的月平均气温序列进行了非均一性检验和订正,最后评估了均一化对北京地区气温序列变化趋势及其城市化偏差估算的影响。结果表明:除元数据中记录的断点外,无元数据记录的断点也会对序列的趋势变化造成明显影响,其中乡村站最显著;经过订正,1958—2018年整个北京地区、乡村站以及城市站增温趋势分别为0.27℃/(10 a)、0.10℃/(10 a)和0.32℃/(10 a),较订正前分别上升了0.03℃/(10 a)、0.06℃/(10 a)和0.02℃/(10 a)。利用均一化资料估算,1958—2018年北京观象台的城市化影响为0.24℃/(10 a),城市化贡献率为70.2%,评估结果较前人结论有所降低。可见,在现有的北京地区气温资料序列中,仍可能存在较明显的非均一性和未被记录的断点,对区域平均气温趋势估算具有显著影响。  相似文献   

为明确近60 a来在近对流层自由大气底部这一特定高度上河南省中岳嵩山气温变化特征,在对河南省登封气象站月平均气温数据均一化的基础上,采用该站均一化数据构建嵩山站月平均气温模拟模型,对1990—2002年缺测数据插补,建立中岳嵩山高山国家基准气候站1956—2017年时间序列连续的月平均气温资料,采用线性回归对其进行气温变化趋势分析。结果表明:均一化处理对登封站月平均气温因台站迁移的非自然因素引起的非均一性取得了明显的校正效果。均一化后,1969—2017年登封站年平均气温由显著上升速率0.218℃/10 a增至0.310℃/10 a。利用独立数据对模型进行验证表明,总体上,嵩山站各月平均气温推算模型模拟值与实测值的线性相关系数和斜率分别为0.999和0.989(n=204,P < 0.01);1—12月各月模型验证检验参数的平均值相关系数为0.958、均方根误差为11.7%、平均绝对偏差为0.3℃、平均偏差为0.1℃、拟合指数为0.973、模拟效率为0.900,模型具有较好的模拟效果。1956—2017年嵩山站年平均气温增温显著,其速率为0.223℃/10 a。四季之间,以春季增温速率最大,为0.350℃/10 a;冬季和秋季次之;夏季增温不显著。各月之间,以2月增温速率最大,达0.445℃/10 a。  相似文献   

为深入了解气象探测环境对气温观测数据的影响,利用2017年北京市观象台(54511)与南海子站(A1274)逐小时地面气象要素数据,分析两站气温差异以及因站点探测环境导致的日照、风速和降水对两站气温差异的影响。结果表明:2017年两站气温差异较明显,年平均气温54511站比A1274站高0.75℃;两站逐月平均气温54511站全年高于A1274站,两站差值7月最低为0.60℃,9月最高为1.09℃;两站平均日最高气温较接近,平均日最低气温差异较大,54511站较A1274站高1.24℃;两站气温的日变化特征相似,呈单峰分布,54511站气温日较差低于A1274站。两站小时气温差值随着日照时长和强度的增加而增加,短波辐射效应最强的10-14时和长波辐射效应最强的19-23时两站气温差值与当日白天直接辐射曝辐量的相关系数分别为0.459和0.601;水平风速对两站气温差值的影响较大。水平风速超过5 m·s-1时,两站气温差小于0.1℃;当水平风速不超过1 m·s-1时,两站观测气温差值达到1.28℃;降水天气下两站的气温差值小于非降水天气,出现降水时次54511站平均气温仅比A1274站高0.2℃。两站相距4.3 km,气候均一,测站周边2 km范围内建设用地占比54511站比A1274站高约30%,植被占比低28%,水体占比相差不大。另外,54511站附近的五环路具有低反射率和高热容的特征,白天能够吸收太阳辐射储存较多的热量,这些热量在夜间释放,可能是两站探测环境对太阳辐射吸收的差异决定了两站温差受太阳辐射和风速的影响较大,而受降水影响较小。  相似文献   

利用RHtest软件结合台站元数据对广州1908—2019年平均气温进行非均一性检验和订正,结果显示在1912、1928、1942、1988、1995、2004和2010年有7个显著的非均一间断点,订正后升温速率为1.39℃/(100 a),较订正前显著增加,具有准50 a和准3 a的显著周期。运用DB16正交小波分析其多时间尺度变化特征,结果显示方差贡献最大的是趋势分量,其次是准3 a和准6 a周期分量。趋势分量从20世纪40年代开始呈现持续的升温趋势;20世纪80年代中期至20世纪末的快速增暖是准50 a和准20 a周期分量的上升期叠加于趋势分量的结果;1998—2014年增暖停滞特征是准50 a、准20 a和准10 a这3个年代际周期分量的降温位相叠加在趋势分量上引起的。  相似文献   

MODIS反照率产品在模拟北京气温中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
地表反照率是制约地表能量收支平衡的基本因子,其变化会影响气温和降水等气象要素,进而影响区域乃至全球的气候。文中使用WRF模式,设计两组反照率敏感试验,探讨地表反照率参数对近地面2处气温模拟精度的影响。结果表明:(1)当北京地区地表反照率增大(减小)0.05时,气温相应降低(升高)0.1~0.5 K,气温变化从城区到郊区有一个明显的降幅,感热通量和潜热通量也相应减小(增大),且变幅主要为0~13 W/m2;(2)将控制试验和MODIS反照率敏感试验模拟结果与实况对比分析发现,两种试验的模拟结果偏低,但应用卫星反照率产品后,气温升高约0.2~0.7 K,更接近实际,即应用MODIS反照率产品替换WRF模式中原有反照率能进一步提高气温的模拟精度。  相似文献   

Theoretical and Applied Climatology - Land surface temperature (LST) is a significant factor in surface energy balance and global climatology studies. Land cover (LC) and elevation are two factors...  相似文献   

作为时间序列非线性的一个重要指标,从NCEP再分析得到日气温异常的时间不可逆性(TI)与观测站的相比几乎一致地被高估了.因为非线性与可预报性/极端事件之间有着密切的关系,除了高估的TI外,这些大气测度也可能被高估.本文结果表明:NCEP再分析的日最低和最高气温异常序列的内在可预报性,预报技巧和极端事件发生次数也几乎一致...  相似文献   

By construction, the time series for radiative forcing that are used to run the 20c3m experiments, which are implemented by climate models, impart non-stationary movements (either stochastic or deterministic) to the simulated time series for global surface temperature. Here, we determine whether stochastic or deterministic trends are present in the simulated time series for global surface temperature by examining the time series for radiative forcing. Statistical tests indicate that the forcings contain a stochastic trend against the alternative hypothesis that the series are trend stationary with a one-time structural change. This result is consistent with the economic processes that impart a stochastic trend to anthropogenic emissions and the physical processes that integrate emissions in the atmosphere. Furthermore, the stochastic trend in the aggregate measure of radiative forcing also is present in the simulated time series for global surface temperature, which is consistent with the relation between these two variables that is represented by a zero dimensional energy balance model. Finally, we propose that internal weather variability imposed on the stochastic trend in radiative forcings is responsible for statistical results, which gives the impression that global surface temperature is trend stationary with a one-time structural change. We conclude that using the ideas of stochastic trends, cointegration, and error correction can generate reliable conclusions regarding the causes of changes in global surface temperature during the instrumental temperature record.  相似文献   

通过对雷山县1961-2005年各项温度指标进行统计分析,并利用Mann-Kendall突变检验方法对各项温度指标进行检验,得出:雷山县气温变化不明显,年平均气温、年极端最高气温及春、秋、冬季的平均气温都没有发生突变现象,年平均最低气温在1985年开始发生了暖突变,夏季平均气温在1964年开始发生了冷突变.  相似文献   

基于欧洲中期天气预报中心(European Centre for Medium-range weather Forecasts, ECMWF)模式的预报数据和北京地区气象站点的观测数据,使用两种机器学习算法(线性回归和梯度提升回归树)对站点的体感温度进行误差订正,并采用均方根误差(Root Mean Square Error, RMSE)对预报效果进行评估,进一步与传统订正方法模式输出统计(Model Output Statistics, MOS)得到的订正结果进行对比。结果表明:线性回归、梯度提升回归树、 MOS和ECMWF预报得到的平均RMSE分别为3.12、3.06、3.45、4.06℃,即机器学习算法明显优于MOS和ECMWF模式原始预报。机器学习订正方法不仅在平原地区取得了较好的效果,在高海拔站点的订正效果更加突出,为北京冬奥会复杂山地条件下赛事正常运行提供了一定的技术保障。  相似文献   

Summary A novel multi-timescale analysis method, Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD), is used to diagnose the variation of the annual mean temperature data of the global, Northern Hemisphere (NH) and China from 1881 to 2002. The results show that: (1) Temperature can be completely decomposed into four timescales quasi-periodic oscillations including an ENSO-like mode, a 6–8-year signal, a 20-year signal and a 60-year signal, as well as a trend. With each contributing ration of the quasi-periodicity discussed, the trend and the 60-year timescale oscillation of temperature variation are the most prominent. (2) It has been noticed that whether on century-scale or 60-year scales, the global temperature tends to descend in the coming 20 years. (3) On quasi 60-year timescale, temperature abrupt changes in China precede those in the global and NH, which provides a denotation for global climate changes. Signs also show a drop in temperature in China on century scale in the next 20 years. (4) The dominant contribution of CO2 concentration to global temperature variation is the trend. However, its influence weight on global temperature variation accounts for no more than 40.19%, smaller than those of the natural climate changes on the rest four timescales. Despite the increasing trend in atmospheric CO2 concentration, the patterns of 20-year and 60-year oscillation of global temperature are all in falling. Therefore, if CO2 concentration remains constant at present, the CO2 greenhouse effect will be deficient in counterchecking the natural cooling of global climate in the following 20 years. Even though the CO2 greenhouse effect on global climate change is unsuspicious, it could have been excessively exaggerated. It is high time to re-consider the trend of global climate changes.  相似文献   

基于集合平方根滤波方法(En SRF)同化方法和NOAH陆面模式的WRF-En SRF陆面同化系统,同化了江苏省70个自动站资料进行试验,研究加入不同的同化资料(地表温度、10 cm土壤温度、20 cm土壤温度)及初始扰动强度的大小对陆面数据同化系统性能的影响,以及对不同区域(降水大值区和降水小值区)的分析场进行效果对比,并且检验了同化系统在一次典型的梅雨锋暴雨的同化效果,证明了这个系统的有效性和可行性。对于资料选取试验,比较全场平均的同化时刻分析场模拟观测相对真实观测的均方根误差可以得到:同化地表温度资料并且初始扰动强度1 K的时候同化效果最理想。对于选定的降水大值区和降水小值区来讲,降水大值区的土壤温度和土壤湿度分析场更加接近于真实场。运用于一次梅雨锋暴雨的同化实验,对于最后一个同化时次的分析场作为背景场做集合预报,最终证明预报结果是有效的。土壤温度、土壤湿度、地表温度和近地面风场的预报结果都较用NCEP再分析资料直接做预报作为控制试验的结果有不同程度的改进。这说明该系统应用于实际同化中的性能较为良好,可以应用于实际土壤湿度与温度的预报。  相似文献   

West-central Uganda, a biodiversity hotspot on the eastern edge of central equatorial Africa (CEA), is a region coping with balancing food security needs of a rapidly growing human population dependent on subsistence agriculture with the conservation of critically endangered species. Documenting and understanding rainfall trends is thus of critical importance in west-central Uganda, but sparse information exists on rainfall trends in CEA during the past several decades. The recently created African Rainfall Climatology version 2 (ARC2) dataset has been shown to perform satisfactorily at identifying rainfall days and estimating seasonal rainfall totals in west-central Uganda. Therefore, we use ARC2 data to assess rainfall trends in west-central Uganda and other parts of equatorial Africa from 1983–2012. The core variables examined were three-month rainfall variables for west-central Uganda, and annual rainfall variables and seasonal rainfall totals for a transect that extended from northwestern Democratic Republic of the Congo to southern Somalia. Significant decreases in rainfall in west-central Uganda occurred for multiple three-month periods centered on boreal summer, and rainfall associated with the two growing seasons decreased by 20 % from 1983–2012. The drying trend in west-central Uganda extended westward into the Congo rainforest. Rainfall in CEA was significantly correlated with the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) at the annual scale and during boreal summer and autumn. Two other possible causes of the decreasing rainfall in CEA besides North Atlantic Ocean sea-surface temperatures (e.g., AMO), are the warming of the Indian Ocean and increasing concentrations of carbonaceous aerosols over tropical Africa from biomass burning.  相似文献   

北京城市化发展对温度、相对湿度和降水的影响   总被引:23,自引:4,他引:19  
利用1961~2000年北京13个台站的气候观测资料及北京统计年鉴资料,分析了过去40年北京城区、郊区的气温、相对湿度和降水等气候因子的年际、季节变化趋势,结合北京城市化进程中人口、基本设施投资额、房屋施工面积和道路面积等城市发展数据的年际变化进行分析.结果表明:在这40年中,北京城区、郊区的年平均温度都呈明显上升趋势,城区比郊区上升幅度快,热岛强度也在不断加强,其中以城区最低温度上升最为明显,并且热岛强度与北京人口等城市发展数据的年际变化有较强的相关性.城区年平均相对湿度总体呈下降趋势,郊区则略有上升;本地年均降水量呈下降趋势,城区下降幅度比郊区明显,并且波动性增强.各气候因子的季节变化趋势总体上与年平均变化趋势一致,个别季节变化趋势受城市化及季节自身因素影响,与年平均变化趋势有所差异.过去40年北京城区、郊区的气候演变趋势及与城市发展数据的关系表明,城市的快速发展和城市化进程的加快已经对北京局地气候变化产生了重要的影响.  相似文献   

自动站与人工站数据对比分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
杨祎  冉国辉 《贵州气象》2005,29(6):41-42
由于仪器工作原理、数据观测时间以及数据采样方式与样本数的不同,人工站与自动站观测的数据存在着明显的差异。通过两组数据的对比分析,对误差原因进行了初步诊断,认为自动站对气象要素的反映更接近实际。  相似文献   

Air temperature trend and the impact on winter wheat phenology in Romania   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Air temperature variability and trends in Romania were analysed using monthly, seasonal, and annual datasets. Temperature data of winter wheat season were also analysed. The Mann-Kendall test, Sen’s slope estimate, the sequential version of the Mann-Kendall test, the Pettitt test and spatial and temporal hierarchical cluster analyses were used. First, the datasets were checked for changing points. The 106-year period was divided into two long periods of 100 years each to verify the importance of a very short interval in changing of general trends; after that it was divided into three shorter periods of 35–36 years each. The main conclusions are as follows: the 6 years making up the difference between the two long periods are very important in the context of the recent global warming; the three shorter periods analysis indicate some fluctuations rather than continuous warming. The latest short period is the most relevant for global warming. Spatial hierarchical cluster analysis indicated the existence of two distinctive groups. One of them, which includes stations in the south-east part of the country, seems to be influenced by the Black Sea surface temperature. Temporal hierarchical cluster analysis reveals that annual data series have the closest relation with the summer data series. Further, the impact of temperature changes on winter wheat phenology was determined using a phenology simulation performed with the model from the Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer v. platform. Earlier occurrences of anthesis and maturity were noticed for several regions in the country.  相似文献   

大气科学研究对地表气温观测精度有高达0.1℃甚至0.05℃的需求。然而,现有的地表气温观测仪器受到太阳直接辐射、下垫面反射辐射、长波辐射和散射辐射等影响,辐射误差可达1℃。本文设计了一种基于导流装置的地表气温观测仪器。首先,利用计算流体动力学(Computational Fluid Dynamics,CFD)方法量化该仪器在各种环境条件下的辐射误差;然后,在此基础上,利用极限学习机(Extreme Learning Machine,ELM)方法拟合可针对多变量变化的辐射误差订正方程;最后,为验证该仪器的观测精度,进行了外场比对实验。在实验过程中,以076B型强制通风气温观测仪器的测量值作为温度基准。实验结果表明,该仪器的平均辐射误差和最大辐射误差分别为0.07℃和0.15℃。该仪器辐射误差的实验测量值与订正方程提供的辐射误差订正值之间的平均偏移量、均方根误差和相关系数分别为0.033℃、0.028℃和0.703。  相似文献   

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