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本文通过分析1957~2002年平流层爆发性增温(SSW)的环流特征,研究平流层爆发性增温可能对我国天气气候的影响.平流层爆发性增温发生后平流层高纬地区有异常的环流变化,但是这种变化并不仅局限于平流层内部,其产生的环流异常能够向下传播,并对对流层的天气和气候产生影响.研究发现,平流层出现强爆发性增温后,平流层异常温度场和位势高度场在中、高纬度形成AO型振荡并向下传播,使得对流层低层西伯利亚高压增强、阿留申低压加深,500 hPa东亚大槽加深且偏西,导致东亚冬季风增强,我国北部大部分地区气温偏低.而在爆发性增温前,强行星波扰动使得东亚大槽加深,西伯利亚高压和阿留申低压同时增强,也可能导致东亚冬季风偏强.El Nio可能激发出强行星波,有利于强SSW事件的发生.通过上述的两个过程可能造成东亚冬季风的加强,这将会对"El Nio事件通过对流层过程而引起东亚冬季风减弱"的结论有一定影响. 因此,ENSO事件影响东亚冬季风及中国的天气气候存在不止一种途径,具体影响情况应该是几种途径的综合结果.  相似文献   

实验室声发射实验数据服务系统的构建   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
在岩石变形声发射研究中,为了更好地探究声发射的物理特征,需要不断发展声发射数据的采集和处理技术。地震动力学国家重点实验室的声发射观测系统的记录能力在成倍提升,实验中产生的数据量也大幅增加,这对声发射数据存储、处理和系统地开展岩石变形声发射实验提出了挑战。针对用户的不同需求,文中构建的基于网络的实验室声发射实验数据服务系统不仅实现了数据积累,还实现了数据处理方法的积累和共享。加之与设备无关的声发射数据访问接口的实现,降低了数据访问与处理的门槛,提高了数据的使用率和处理效率。该系统能够满足科研和程序开发用户的需要,能够减少现有工作模式中存在的弊端,可以将其解决方案推广,应用于其它实验数据,提高科研工作效率  相似文献   

正2017年12月11日,联合国副秘书长兼联合国环境署执行主任埃里克·索尔海姆(Erik Solheim)访问清华大学并做客"清华论坛",作了题为"参与全球环境治理,青年人,你准备好了吗?"主题报告。此次会议由清华大学环境学院院长、院士贺克斌主持。报告从全球环境治理的良好前景出发,探讨青年的需求,鼓励年轻一代在促进全球环境治理和2030年可持续发展议程方面应对新的挑战,发挥  相似文献   

代数重建算法中的投影访问顺序对重建图像的收敛速度和精度有很大的影响。针对三维锥束代数重建算法,比较了几种投影序列排序方案的重建图像收敛速度:顺序访问方案,多水平级排序方案,素数分解排序方案,加权距离排序方案。通过仿真实验得到的实验结果表明:在三维锥束ART算法中按照后三种投影序列排序方案排序后的图像重建比顺序访问方案的收敛速度快,并且WDS排序方案的收敛速度最好。  相似文献   

使用MATLAB获取地震前兆数据库中观测数据   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
地震前兆数据库中的观测数据具有极高的科研及应用价值.MATLAB作为具有强大功能的科学计算及分析平台是地震前兆数据分析的得力工具.虽然如此,但MATLAB提供的数据库工具箱并不能完全操控基于ORACLE的前兆数据库.因此,直接通过MATLAB获取前兆观测数据进行后续的前兆统计及分析工作受到了影响.本文首先介绍了主流的数据库访问机制以及在MATLAB中如何实现以这些机制对前兆数据库进行访问并指出了其中的缺陷;然后,给出了通过组件对象模型(COM)的访问方式获取前兆观测数据的方法;最后,给出了使用该方法进行函数封装后,在实际应用中的实例的全部源代码.通过本文提供的方法,台站工作人员或科研人员可以快速、方便的通过MATLAB获取前兆数据库中的相关信息进行科研及日常管理工作.  相似文献   

高精度数据采集器网络通讯功能的实现   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
经过“九五”数字化改造,地震前兆台站的数据通信基本上采用有线信道实现。随着网络通信技术的进步和发展,为地震台站的数据通信开辟了一条新的途径。通过对数据采集器进行改造,不仅精度有了提高,而且也支持网络通讯和一些常用的服务。通过网络,仪器作为一个服务器可以通过多种客户端软件进行访问。并对高精度数据采集器实现网络通讯进行了介绍,展示了通过多种客户端访问仪器、传输前兆数据、监控仪器状态和跟踪实时产出数据等等。希望这些试验能够为网络通讯技术在地震前兆仪器中的使用摸索了一些经验。  相似文献   

从前兆区域台网对台网及节点子台前兆数据库使用维护的需要着手,系统分析前兆数据库使用中几类常见故障,给出应对解决方案,并详细介绍了区域台网数据库备份及故障后台站数据库数据恢复的方法。突破地震前兆数据库传统冷备份的局限,引入逻辑备份的方法,实现了数据信息库间传输,为提升台网数据库维护能力发挥了较好的作用。  相似文献   

本文通过清代历史文献资料考证和现场人物访问、地貌及震害地质调查,将原定于金州镇的1861年金州6级地震震中迁至新金县普兰店以东的惠屯附近,两地相距约42公里  相似文献   

20 0 3年 1月 14— 2 1日 ,俄罗斯科学院高温研究所科学站谢洛契可夫所长、祖博维奇教授一行 2人应邀对新疆地震局进行了为期 8天的工作访问。访问期间外宾考察了水磨沟地震台、乌鲁木齐形变站、库尔勒地震台、吐鲁番地震局 ,中外专家就地震地质、地球动力学、地球物理、台站观测等相关领域进行了学术交流 ,并根据双边协议进行了 GPS观测数据的交换。通过本次访问 ,双方科学工作者增进了相互了解 ,并愿意在更多领域以多种形式进行交流合作 ,以求取长补短、共同发展 ,努力促进两国地科技的进步俄罗斯科学院高温研究所专家访问新疆地震局$新…  相似文献   

对2005年改版后的江苏防震减灾网站访问流量进行多方位的统计,并通过统计数据对地震专业网站浏览者的情况做全面的分析,从而为地震专业网站今后的开发平台和发展方向提供有效的依据。  相似文献   

The dacite to andesite zoned Mateare Tephra is the fallout of a predominantly plinian eruption from Chiltepe peninsula at the western shore of Lake Managua that occurred 3000–6000 years ago. It comprises four units: Unit A of high-silica dacite is stratified, ash-rich lapilli fallout generated by unsteady subplinian eruption pulses affected by minor water access to the conduit and conduit blocking by degassed magma. Unit B of less silicic dacite is well sorted, massive pumice lapilli fallout from the main, steady plinian phase of the eruption. Unit C is andesitic fallout that is continuous from unit B except for the rapid change in chemical composition, which had little influence on the ongoing eruption except for a minor transient reduction of the discharge rate and access of water to the conduit. After this, discharge rate re-established to a strong plinian eruption that emplaced the main part of unit C. This was again followed by water access to the conduit which increased through upper unit C. The lithic-rich lapilli to wet ash fallout of unit D is the product of the fully phreatomagmatic terminal phase of the eruption. A massive well-sorted sand layer, the Mateare Sand, replaces laterally variable parts of unit A and lowermost part of unit B in outcrops up to 32 m above present lake level. The corresponding interval missing in the primary fallout can be identified by comparing the composition of pumice entrained in the sand, and pumice from the local base of unit B on top of the sand, with the compositional gradient in undisturbed fallout. The amount of fallout entrained in the sand decreases with distance to the lake. The Mateare Sand occurs at elevations well above beach levels and its widespread continuous distribution defies a fluviatile origin. Instead, it was produced by lake tsunamis triggered by eruption pulses during the initial unsteady phase of activity. Such tsunamis could threaten areas not affected by fallout, and represent a hazard of particular importance in Nicaragua where two large lakes host several explosive volcanoes.  相似文献   

SeismicmomenttensorrepresentationsandradiationpaternsinunboundedmediawithelipsoidalcavitiesdrivenbylowfrequencypressurePI...  相似文献   

In order to constrain the moment tensor solution of an explosive seismic event recorded on Arenal volcano, Costa Rica, we perform tests using synthetic data. These data are generated using a 3D model including the topography of the volcano and the best estimation of the velocity model available for Arenal. Solutions for (i) the moment tensor components, and (ii) the moment tensor plus single forces, are analyzed. When noisy data and mislocated sources are used in the inversion, spurious single forces are easily generated in the solution for the moment tensor components plus single forces. Forces also appear when the inversion is performed using an explosive event recorded on Arenal in 2005. Synthetic tests indicate that these forces might be spurious. However the mechanism is correctly retrieved by the inversion in both solutions. The ability to recover the explosive mechanism for the 2005 event combined with the interpretative aids from the synthetics tests will enable us to invert for the large variation in events observed on Arenal.  相似文献   

A study on the seismic response of massive flexible strip-foundations embedded in layered soils and subjected to seismic excitation is presented. Emphasis is placed on the investigation of the system response with the aid of a boundary element–finite element formulation proper for the treatment of such soil–structure interaction problems. In the formulation, the boundary element method (BEM) is employed to overcome the difficulties that arise from modeling the infinite soil domain, and the finite element method (FEM) is applied to model the embedded massive flexible strip-foundation. The numerical solution for the soil–foundation system is obtained by coupling the FEM with the BEM through compatibility and equilibrium conditions at the soil–foundation and soil layer interfaces. A parametric study is conducted to investigate the effects of foundation stiffness and embedment on the seismic response.  相似文献   

2019年3月21日江苏盐城响水化工厂发生爆炸,造成了巨大的人员伤亡和财产损失.人们很关心这次爆炸的规模以及它相当于多大当量的炸药爆炸.随着观测资料的增多与地震学方法的发展,利用地震学方法估算爆炸当量成为可能.本文收集了广岛核爆事件、美国化学爆炸试验、长白山人工震源勘探、朝鲜六次核试爆资料和前人研究成果,讨论了爆炸当量与爆炸所产生地震震级的关系,计算了爆炸能量转换地震波能量的比例.当某次爆炸发生时,如果其产生的地震事件被台站记录到,我们可以估算地震波的能量.进而根据地震波能量在爆炸总能量中的比例,估算爆炸事件释放的能量.本研究估计江苏响水爆炸事故所释放炸药量约为2.8~8.5tTNT炸药.  相似文献   

This paper emphasizes the fact that tsunamis can occur in continental lakes and focuses on tsunami triggering by processes related to volcanic eruptions and instability of volcanic edifices. The two large lakes of Nicaragua, Lake Managua and Lake Nicaragua, host a section of the Central American Volcanic Arc including several active volcanoes. One case of a tsunami in Lake Managua triggered by an explosive volcanic eruption is documented in the geologic record. However, a number of events occurred in the past at both lakes which were probably tsunamigenic. These include massive intrusion of pyroclastic flows from Apoyo volcano as well as of flank-collapse avalanches from Mombacho volcano into Lake Nicaragua. Maar-forming phreatomagmatic eruptions, which repeatedly occurred in Lake Managua, are highly explosive phenomena able to create hugh water waves as was observed elsewhere. The shallow water depth of the Nicaraguan lakes is discussed as the major limiting factor of tsunami amplitude and propagation speed. The very low-profile shores facilitate substantial in-land flooding even of relatively small waves. Implications for conceiving a possible warning system are also discussed.  相似文献   

A direct time domain boundary element method is presented based on the Stokes fundamental solutions, discretized in both time and space, and an efficient time step-by-step solution that minimizes the accumulation of errors. A non-singular numerical integration procedure, in the Cauchy sense, is proposed for the generation of the associated influence matrices. This methodology is shown to be efficient for the solution of a number of computationally intensive problems in the area of soil–structure interaction. In addition, an algorithm for the direct calculation of the response of massive foundations to externally applied forces and/or obliquely incident seismic waves is introduced. The accuracy and computational efficiency of the proposed methodologies is established through a number of comparison studies.  相似文献   

采用JSP、Java和JavaScript方法,将Oracle数据库中存储已发生的地震相关信息和实时地震信息,与Google地图结合,进行信息发布技术研究.通过对Google地图API接口的调用,快速、有效的将地图、影像及地震信息发布在网站上,减少数据更新费用,避免软件安装问题,只需IE浏览器就可以为领导和公众提供良好...  相似文献   

The effectiveness of explosive action, simultaneous with HF discharge lightning, has been studied for controlled modification of ionospheric plasma on large spatial scales and for ELF emission generation in the Earth’s magnetosphere. The solution of the MHD equations of slightly ionized plasma, modeling explosive action on radio-frequency discharge under the conditions of the lower ionosphere, has been presented. It has been established that geomagnetic field disturbance in the explosion central region can be about the undisturbed field value, which confirms the effectiveness of the proposed technique.  相似文献   

Fuji volcano is the largest active volcano in Japan, and consists of Ko-Fuji and Shin-Fuji volcanoes. Although basaltic in composition, small-volume pyroclastic flows have been repeatedly generated during the Younger stage of Shin-Fuji volcano. Deposits of those pyroclastic flows have been identified along multiple drainage valleys on the western flanks between 1,300 and 2,000 m a.s.l., and have been stratigraphically divided into the Shin-Fuji Younger pyroclastic flows (SYP) 1 to 4. Downstream debris flow deposits are found which contain abundant material derived from the pyroclastic flow deposits. The new14C ages for SYP1 to SYP4 are 3.2, 3.0, 2.9, and 2.5 ka, respectively, and correspond to a period where explosive summit eruptions generated many scoria fall deposits mostly toward the east. The SYP1 to SYP4 deposits consist of two facies: the massive facies is about 2 m thick and contains basaltic bombs of less than 50 cm in size, scoria lapilli, and fresh lithic basalt fragments supported in an ash matrix; the surge facies is represented by beds 1 to 15 cm thick, consisting mainly of ash with minor amount of fine lapilli. The bombs and scoria are 15 to 30% in volume within the massive facies. The ashes within the SYP deposits consist largely of comminuted basalt lithics and crystals that are derived from the Middle-stage lava flows exposed at the western flanks. SYP1 to SYP4 were only dispersed down the western flanks. The reason for this one-sided distribution is the asymmetric topography of the edifice; the western slopes of the volcano are the steepest (over 34 degrees). Most pyroclastic materials cannot rest stably on the slopes steeper than 33 degrees. Therefore, ejecta from the explosive summit eruptions that fell on the steep slopes tumbled down the slopes and were remobilized as high-temperature granular flows. These flows consisted of large pyroclastics and moved as granular avalanches along the valley bottom. Furthermore, the avalanching flows increased in volume by abrasion from the edifice and generated abundant ashes by the collision of clasts. The large amount of the fine material was presumably available within the transport system as the basal avalanches propagated below the angle of repose. Taking the typical kinetic friction coefficient of small pyroclastic flows, such flows could descend the western flanks where scattered houses are below 1,000 m a.s.l. A similar type of pyroclastic flow could result if explosive summit eruptions occur in the future.Editorial responsibility: R Cioni  相似文献   

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