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We present stellar photometry of two HST/WFPC2 fields situated at the far periphery of the poststarburst galaxy NGC 1569. Their F606W and F814W images have been taken from the HST data archive. Judging by the obtained color-magnitude diagrams, we suggest presence of the old disk population (old red giants) of NGC 1569, which extends as far as Field I at 6 kpc from the galaxy center. We use the tip of the red giant branch to estimate the galaxy distance. There are two possible solutions, one leading to a short distance, D = 1.95 ± 0.2 Mpc, and the other one to a longer distance, D = 2.8 ± 0.2 Mpc.  相似文献   

Morphological and spectral studies of the nucleus and immediately surrounding regions of the galaxy Kaz 73 are reported. The observations were made on the 2.6 m telescope at the Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory in combination with the multi-pupil VAGR spectrograph. Isophotes are constructed for monochromatic images in the Hα, [NII]λ 6584, and [SII]λ6731 lines. It is shown that the surface brightness of the nucleus in monochromatic images of these lines increases rapidly from the edge to the center, with an increase of 5m for the Hα line. The nucleus of Kaz 73 is found to rotate clockwise about its axis, which is perpendicular to the direction of the arms of the galaxy. The extent of the nucleus in the direction of the arms is found to be a consequence of its rotation; that is, the nucleus is flattened in the direction of the poles. Overall, the nucleus of Kaz 73 has all the kinematic features of an entire galaxy. The masses of the nucleus and its gaseous component are determined to be 6.5⋅108 M• and 1.9⋅104 M•, respectively.__________Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 48, No. 2, pp. 291–301 (May 2005).  相似文献   

We examine the XMM X-ray spectrum of the low-ionisation nuclear emission-line region (LINER)-AGN NGC 7213, which is best fit with a power law, Kα emission lines from Fe i, Fe xxv and Fe xxvi and a soft X-ray collisionally ionised thermal plasma with kT = 0.18+0.03−0.01 keV. We find a luminosity of 7× 10−4 LEdd, and a lack of soft X-ray excess emission, suggesting a truncated accretion disc. NGC 7213 has intermediate X-ray spectral properties, between those of the weak AGN found in the LINER M 81 and higher luminosity Seyfert galaxies. This supports the notion of a continuous sequence of X-ray properties from the Galactic Centre through LINER galaxies to Seyferts, likely determined by the amount of material available for accretion in the central regions. This work is based on observations obtained with XMM-Newton, an ESA science mission with instruments and contributions directly funded by ESA Member States and the USA (NASA).  相似文献   

We present a study of the origin of infrared (IR) emission in the optically normal, infrared luminous galaxy NGC 4418. By decomposing the stellar absorption features and continua in the range of 3600-8000 A from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey into a set of simple stellar populations, we derive the stellar properties for the nuclear region of NGC 4418. We compare the observed infrared luminosity with the one derived from the starburst model, and find that star-forming activity contributes only 7% to the total IR emission, that as the IR emission region is spatially very compact, the most possible source for the greater part of the IR emission is a deeply embedded AGN, though an AGN component is found to be unnecessary for fitting the optical spectrum.  相似文献   

We present evidence for a new morphologically defined form of small-scale substructure in the Coma cluster, which we call galaxy aggregates. Aggregates are dominated by a central galaxy, which is on average 5 mag brighter than the smaller aggregate members, nearly all of which lie to one side of the central galaxy. We have found three such galaxy aggregates: two dominated by the S0 galaxies RB 55 and RB 60, and one by the starbursting SBb NGC 4858.   RB 55 and 60 are both equidistant between the two dominant D galaxies NGC 4874 and 4889, while NGC 4858 is located near the large E0 galaxy NGC 4860. All three central galaxies have redshifts consistent with Coma cluster membership. We describe the spatial structures of these unique objects, and suggest several possible mechanisms to explain their origin. These include: chance superpositions from background galaxies, interactions between other galaxies and with the cluster gravitational potential, and ram pressure. We conclude that the most probable scenario of creation is an interaction with the cluster through its gravitational potential.  相似文献   

The relevance of interaction to the presence of Seyfert or starburst activity in the nuclei of galaxies is examined. We focus the attention on the close environments of spectroscopically selected samples of Seyfert-1, Seyfert-2 and starburst galaxies. In particular the results of a statistical procedure aimed at finding physical pairs are tested with redshift measurements of the identified pairs. Seyfert and starburts galaxies show an excess of physical companions compared to normal galaxies. This excess tends to increase as one moves from Seyfert to starburst galaxies.  相似文献   

Abell 85 is a cD cluster of galaxies with the redshift of 0.055 in the southern hemisphere. Based on the spectroscopic data obtained by predecessors and the data of the SDSS (Sloan Digital Sky Survey), 370 member galaxies of the cluster are sieved by means of the 3σ method and their dynamical states are analyzed. From the spatial distribution and the local line-of-sight velocity distribution of these member galaxies it is found that this cluster of galaxies contains 4 clear substructures and they are just in the process of pairwise coalescence. This shows that the cluster Abell 85 is in the actively dynamical state, far from reaching the dynamical equilibrium.  相似文献   

We present a result of cross-correlating the Infrared Astronomical Satellite Faint Source Catalogue with the spectroscopic catalogues of galaxies in the Fourth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, the Final Data Release of the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey (2dFGRS) and the Second Data Release of the 6dF Galaxy Survey. We have identified 324 ultraluminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs) including 190 newly discovered ULIRGs, and two hyperluminous infrared galaxies. Adding these new ULIRGs, we increase the number of known ULIRGs by about 30 per cent. The reliability of the cross-correlation is estimated using the likelihood ratio method. The incompleteness of our sample introduced by the identification procedure in this study is estimated to be about 5 per cent. Our sample covers the redshift range of   z = 0.037–0.517  with a median redshift of     , which is larger than that     of the sample of previously known ULIRGs.  相似文献   

We present a study of the dwarf elliptical galaxy NGC 855 using the narrow-band Hα and Spitzer data. Both the Hα and Spitzer IRAC images confirm star-forming activity in the center of NGC 855. We obtained a star formation rate (SFR) of 0.022 and 0.025Mo yr^-1, respectively, from the Spitzer IRAC 8.0 μm and MIPS 24 #m emission data. The HI observation suggests that the star-forming activity might be triggered by a minor merger. We also find that there is a distinct IR emission region in 5.8 and 8.0 μm bands, located at about 10" away from the nucleus of NGC 855. Given the strong 8.0 μm but faint Hα emission, we expect that it is a heavily obscured star-forming region, which needs to be confirmed by further optical spectroscopic observations.  相似文献   

Fifty-three spectrograms in the optical region (3700–7300 Å) with the spectral resolution ~8 Å have been obtained for the Seyfert nucleus of the galaxy NGC 3227 with the 6-m telescope on January 1977, while the nucleus was in the historically important epoch of its extreme maximum brightness. Width of the slit was 1″, length of the box during the spectra measurements was 1.5″. Data obtained by us and those compiled from literature showed that profiles of the Balmer lines Hα, Hβ and Hγ are different, evidencing that the gas emitting these lines is highly self-absorbed. It was shown that narrow components of the profiles revealed by Rubin and Ford kept their positions (radial velocities) over 25 years. The components showed intensity variations compared to the central one from minimum to maximum of the nucleus brightness. The same variations were observed by us earlier in the emission line profiles of the NGC 7469 nucleus spectrum. Narrow profile components can reflect long-lived flows or jets in the broad line region (BLR). Obtained facts evidenced that long-lived gas streams and flows causing narrow components of broad line profiles presented not only when BLR of accretion disc is strong but when BLR of accretion disc declined. Blue bump at radial velocity of ?5000 km/s in Hγ profile was revealed in spectra of high states of the nucleus, which disappeared in low state. One of the interpretations of this event can be in the framework of a model of one-sided or two-sided gas ejection during the high state of the nucleus, positive radial velocities of which being screened out by a circumnuclear disk.  相似文献   

We used multi-component profiles to model the Hβ and [OⅢ]λλ4959,5007 lines of SDSS J143030.22-001115.1, a narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy (NLS1) in a sample of 150 NLS1 candidates selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), Early Data Release (EDR). After subtracting the Hβ contribution from narrow line regions (NLRs), we found that its full width half maximum (FWHM) of broad Hβ line is nearly 2900km s~(-1) , significantly larger than the customarily adopted criterion of 2000 km s~(-1) . With its weak Fe Ⅱ multiples, we believe that SDSS J143030.22-001115.1 should not be classified as a genuine NLS1. When we calculate the virial black hole masses of NLS1s, we should use the Hβ linewidth after subtracting the NLR component.  相似文献   

We present the results of a study of galaxy activity in two merging binary clusters (A168 and A1750) using the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) data supplemented with the data in the literature. We have investigated the merger histories of A168 and A1750 by combining the results from a two-body dynamical model and X-ray data. In A168, two subclusters appear to have passed each other and to be coming together from the recent maximum separation. In A1750, two major subclusters appear to have started interaction and to be coming together for the first time. We find an enhanced concentration of the galaxies showing star formation (SF) or active galactic nuclei (AGN) activity in the region between two subclusters in A168, which were possibly triggered by the cluster merger. In A1750, we do not find any galaxies with SF/AGN activity in the region between two subclusters, indicating that two major subclusters are in the early stage of merging.  相似文献   

We present simultaneous X-ray and optical B - and V -band light curves of the Seyfert Galaxy NGC 3783 spanning 2 years. The flux in all bands is highly variable and the fluctuations are significantly correlated. As shown before by Stirpe et al. the optical bands vary simultaneously, with a delay of less than 1.5 d but both B and V bands lag the X-ray fluctuations by 3–9 d. This delay points at optical variability produced by X-ray reprocessing and the value of the lag places the reprocessor close to the broad-line region. A power spectrum analysis of the light curve, however, shows that the X-ray variability has a power-law shape bending to a steeper slope at a time-scale of ∼2.9 d while the variability amplitude in the optical bands continues to grow towards the longest time-scale covered, ∼300 d. We show that the power spectra together with the small value of the time delay are inconsistent with a picture where all the optical variability is produced by X-ray reprocessing, though the small amplitude, rapid optical fluctuations might be produced in this way. We detect larger variability amplitudes on long time-scales in the optical bands than in the X-rays. This behaviour adds to similar results recently obtained for at least three other active galactic nuclei and indicates a separate source of long-term optical variability, possibly accretion rate or thermal fluctuations, in the optically emitting accretion disc.  相似文献   

Determining the internal kinematics of a galaxy from planetary nebulae (PN) is usually a two-step process in which the candidate PN are first identified in a target galaxy and then, in a follow-up run, spectra are obtained. We have implemented a new technique in which two dispersed images at the wavelength of the [O  iii ] emission line at 5007 A˚ are combined to yield positions, magnitudes and velocities of the PN population in a single step. A reduction in observing time of about a factor of 2 is attainable. We present here the proof-of-principle results.  相似文献   

We present UBVI surface photometry over a 20.5' × 20.5' area of the late-type spiral galaxy NGC 300. We have derived isophotal maps, surface brightness profiles, ellipticity profiles, position angle profiles, and color profiles. By merging our I-band measurements with those of Boker et al. based on Hubble Space Telescope observations, we have obtained combined I-band surface brightness profiles for the region 0.02" < r < 500" and have decomposed the profiles into three components: a nucleus, a bulge, and an exponential disk.  相似文献   

Morphological and spectral studies of the galaxies Kaz 69 and Kaz 460 are reported. The observations were made on the 2.6-m telescope at the Byurakan Observatory using the VAGR multiaperture spectrograph. Isophotes of monochromatic images of the Hα, [NII] λ6584, and [SII] λ6717 lines are constructed. Densifications I and II are found to rotate with north-south oriented axes of rotation. The two densifications (“knots”) have all the kinematic and spectral properties of individual galaxies. It is assumed that Kaz 139 and the densifications I and II were ejected from the nucleus of Kaz 460 at different times, with Kaz 139 probably having been ejected first, although they may all have been ejected simultaneously with different velocities. Along with Kaz 460, these objects form a physical group of galaxies and, at the same time, are a consequence of the activity of the nucleus of Kaz 460. __________ Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 50, No. 3, pp. 415–426 (August 2007).  相似文献   

The optical spectrum of SDSS J022119.84 + 005628.4 (R. A. = 02h 21m 19.84s, Dec = 00°56' 28.4", J2000; z = 0.399785 ± 0.000558) is analyzed by multi-component profile modelling. The small flux ratio of [OⅢ]NC/Hβ (=0.78) and FWHM(HβBC) = 1778.1 ±85.9 km s-1 led us to identify SDSS J022119.84 + 005628.4 as a Narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy with RFe= 1.4-1.0+1.0 and intermediate radio loudness, logR = 1.93. The continuum low jump at the Balmer limit might be contributed by a starburst component, which suggests that the object is a relatively young AGN with star-formation activity in its inner region. This provides a useful observational test of the AGN evolution. The low flux ratio of the narrow components, [OⅢ]/Hβ = 1.62, and the prominent [OⅡ]γ3727 emission, [OⅡ]/[OⅢ] = 2.24, suggests that there should be a group of AGNs different from Seyfert 2s when their broad line regions are obscured by the torus on the line of sight. A possible orientation effect is suggested to interpret the observed Seyf  相似文献   

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