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花岗岩浆形成定位机制的思考与研究进展   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
陈国能  王勇  陈震  彭卓伦 《岩石学报》2017,33(5):1489-1497
花岗岩(广义)是陆壳的标志,也是地球岩石圈区别于其它行星岩石圈的标志。文章介绍了行星探测和大洋调查等方面的成果对花岗岩形成的地质约束:行星从岩浆表壳向岩石表壳转换过程以及现代地幔过程,均没有产生有规模意义的花岗岩;花岗岩及其所标志的陆壳,应是星球出现水圈和沉积岩之后的产物;花岗岩在地球岩石圈二维空间上的平均生长速率,大约为485×10~3km~2/Myr;岩浆主要来自地壳岩石的部分熔融(深熔)。在此基础上,文章介绍了深熔作用方面的研究进展,讨论了部分熔融岩石的流变行为与其内熔体比的关系,并比较了岩浆侵入模型与岩浆对流模型在解释花岗岩形成定位机制方面的异同。侵入模型的困难之一来自岩体与源区分离。由于源区位于岩体下方且远离岩体,因而是不可观察的,除非岩体及其与源区之间的岩石因风化或构造被剥蚀殆尽。文章最后介绍了"深熔-对流"模型的研究进展。该模型认为"源区"与"定位区间"是统一的,当"源区"岩石的熔体比例超过流变学的临界熔体比,岩石转变为"脏"岩浆;"脏"岩浆层内的重力分异诱发热对流,后者引起"顶蚀作用",导致重熔界面(MI)或固-液转换界面(SLT)不断向上移动和岩浆层的逐渐增厚。基本认识是:熔区内的热对流是深熔作用能够形成大规模花岗岩浆的必要条件;没有对流,陆壳岩石的部分熔融只能产生混合岩,不能产生岩基规模的花岗岩。  相似文献   

胶东地区金矿巨量金质来源一直是学界争论的焦点,很难找到有说服力的直接证据。在没有其它更有效的直接证明巨量金质来源的情况下,本文通过胶北隆起主要地质体新鲜岩石大量微量元素地球化学数据的变化规律,间接得出中生代壳幔岩浆的混合反应是巨量金质来源的关键,即郭家岭和伟德山两期壳幔岩浆的混合反应和演化可能是巨量金质来源的主要形成机制,同时更是热量供给源,而玲珑花岗岩可能是少量金质的提供者和主要赋矿地质体。胶东地区金矿主要成矿时间(130~105Ma)与郭家岭(130~125Ma)和伟德山(126~108Ma)两期花岗岩浆演化结晶时间完全吻合,说明其关系密切,岩浆混合反应和冷凝期,岩浆热液上升运移沉淀成矿。该区中生代地质体对早前寒武纪的地球化学环境有一定的继承性,中生代地壳混合了大量地幔物质,Au丰度偏高,平均为1.31×10-9,为地球化学高背景场。  相似文献   

The main anatectic granite of the Velay complex is unique among major French Massif Central Hercynian granitoids in that rather than having an entirely lower crustal source, it formed by mixing between partial melts of the meta-igneous lower crust and ‘upper crustal’ country rock schists and orthogneisses. The geochemical variations in the Velay main anatectic granites cannot, however, be explained by mixing alone as their compositions range to lower SiO2, with higher Al2O3, Fe2O3 and TiO2 and lower Na2O and CaO, than either end member in mixing. The variations are interpreted as being due to the presence of up to 35% restite in minimum melts of country rock compositions. Primary restites form equilibrium assemblages represented by biotite, ilmenite and surmicaceous enclaves which consist of biotite ± apatite, zircon and almandine. The main anatectic granites more rarely contain schist and gneiss enclaves, quartz resisters and plagioclase restites. Secondary restites are mainly represented by cordierite, and possibly K-feldspar, which formed by recrystallisation of primary biotite-rich restites. The unique characteristics of the Velay main anatectic granites are likely to be due, in part, to its late formation close to the end of the Hercynian orogeny. The metasedimentary lower crust may have become too refractory to yield large volumes of melt following partial melting to form the other major Massif Central granitoids. The heat necessary for partial melting at higher crustal levels was transferred from the lower crust by the intrusion of I-type granites and low volume diorites from the mantle. Upper crustal anatexis was mainly controlled by muscovite breakdown reactions (< 830 to 850 °C) and the liberation of water due to the recrystallisation of biotite to cordierite. The temperatures necessary for biotite breakdown were only achieved locally and resulted in the formation of high-LREE granites.  相似文献   

新疆萨瓦亚尔顿金矿区发育含矿和无矿石英脉,无矿石英、含矿石英及主要载金矿物黄铁矿所含包裹体捕获的流体成分有明显差异,分别代表了成矿前、成矿早阶段和主成矿阶段的流体特征。早阶段成矿物质沉淀的主要机制为流体不混溶作用,形成含矿石英、含钠矿物和部分黄铁矿等;主成矿阶段则以流体浓缩及流体混合为主要机制,形成大量黄铁矿等载金矿物。萨瓦亚尔顿金矿的成矿流体成分特征与世界造山型的中温热液脉状金矿类似,尤其是与乌兹别克南天山造山带的穆龙套金矿类似,表明其为较典型的穆龙套式的造山型金矿床。Ⅺ、Ⅱ矿化带流体成分特征与矿化最好的Ⅳ带类似,勘探前景较好;相反,Ⅰ矿化带与Ⅳ带差异明显,不宜作为勘探重点。  相似文献   

麻山杂岩的变质-混合岩化作用和花岗质岩浆活动   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
在黑龙江佳木斯地块麻山杂岩中可分别有高级和中级变质作用部分,两处均可见混合岩化作用。通过混合岩浅色脉体或花岗质脉体中的长石自形晶、斜长石周围的钠长石净边、黑云母向角闪石的转化等现象表明混合岩化作用主要表现为深部岩浆的注入,而不仅是高级变质之后的近原地深熔作用所致,高级变质与相关的深熔作用所致混合岩化在区域上的分布是有限的,集中于西麻山的高级区;而注入式混合岩化是普遍的,其产出可遍布所有麻山杂岩的出露区,在麻粒岩相和角闪岩相部位均可出现。早期麻粒岩相变质与后期混合岩化作用应是相互独立的构造或热事件;注入式混合岩化引起了中级变质作用和高级区的退变质作用,注入混合岩化作用的时代约为500Ma;中级变质作用是注入混合岩化的结果,而不是混合岩化的原因。与注入混合岩相关的花岗岩虽然表现出一些S型花岗岩的特征,但根据矿物组合、地化性质的综合分析,更可能是富钾及钾长石斑晶的钙碱性花岗岩类,属于I型花岗岩,形成于挤压向引张转化的过程中。麻山杂岩的变质与混合岩化特征表明,以西伯利亚古陆为中心的南部边缘发生了与冈瓦纳陆块内泛非事件类似的构造活动,只不过这里的规模略小,在变质之后迅速发生了构造体系的转换,而形成大量花岗质岩浆活动。  相似文献   

The Penjom gold deposit lies on the eastern side of the Raub‐Bentong Suture line within the Central Belt of Permo‐Triassic rocks, near Kuala Lipis, Pahang, Malaysia. The geology of the deposit is dominated by a sequence of fine‐ to coarse‐grained rhyolitic to rhyodacitic tuff, tuff‐breccia and a minor rhyolitic–rhyodacitic volcanic series, associated with argillaceous marine sedimentary rocks consisting of shale with subordinate shalely limestone of Padang Tungku Formation and Pahang Volcanic Series. Fine‐ to coarse‐grained tonalite and quartz porphyry intruded this unit. The main structural features of the area are north–south‐trending left‐lateral strike‐slip faults and their subsidiaries, which generally strike north–south and dip moderately to the east (350°–360°/40°–60°). Mineralization at the Penjom gold deposit is structurally controlled and also erratic laterally and vertically. The gold mineralization can be categorized as (i) gold associated with carbonate‐rich zones hosted within dilated quartz veins carrying significant amount of sulfides; (ii) gold disseminated within stockwork of quartz–carbonate veins affiliated with tonalite; and (iii) gold often associated with arsenopyrite and pyrite in quartz–carbonate veins and stringers hosted within shear zones of brittle–ductile nature in all rock types and in brittle fractured rhyodacitic volcanic rocks. Sphalerite, chalcopyrite, tetrahedrite and pyrrhotite are the minerals accompanying the early stage of gold mineralization. These minerals also suffered from local brittle deformation. However, most of the gold mineralization took place after the deposition of these sulfides. Galena appears somewhat towards the end of gold mineralization, whereas tellurium and bismuth accompanied gold contemporaneously. The gold mineralization occurred most probably due to the metamorphogenic deformational origin concentrated mostly in the shear zone. The mineralization is strongly controlled by the wall rock (e.g. graphitic shale), the sulfide minerals and fluid–rock interaction.  相似文献   

马鞍桥金矿床产于西秦岭造山带商丹断裂带南缘的E-W向脆-韧性剪切带中,矿体定位受剪切带控制并集中于变形强烈的部位,赋矿围岩为泥盆系浅变质沉积建造。出露于矿区的香沟花岗斑岩脉发生蚀变和金矿化,但未达工业品位。矿化岩石和矿石的铅同位素比值与地层接近,而与香沟花岗岩相异,暗示矿石铅不可能来自花岗岩。碳-氧同位素组成特征显示,成矿流体来源于碳酸盐地层或相似岩石建造的变质或改造脱水作用;从成矿早阶段经主阶段到晚阶段,成矿流体的δ18O及δD值逐渐降低,指示成矿流体从早阶段的变质热液或地层改造热液向晚阶段的大气降水热液演化。马鞍桥金矿分布于大陆内部造山带中,成矿作用与始于印支晚期的陆内造山作用有关,后者以陆内俯冲、推覆叠置和陆壳变质变形等为特点。马鞍桥金矿床地质特征和同位素地球化学组成与阳山超大型金矿床相似,应为类卡林型金矿床或属介于造山型和卡林型之间的过渡类型金矿床。  相似文献   

大别造山带中生代岩浆岩的物质来源和成因机制,是大陆碰撞造山带研究的热点和前沿问题之一.本文通过对北大别椒子岩和沙村岩体的早白垩世基性岩进行全岩的主量、微量元素特别是Pb-Sr-Nd同位素研究,探讨了北大别基性岩的岩浆源区性质及下地壳的贡献.椒子岩基性岩的(87Sr/86Sr);的范围为0.7072~0.7075,εNd(t)范围为-10.4~11.9;椒子岩和沙村基性岩的(206Pb/204Pb)i为16.464~17.394,(207Pb/204Pb)i为15.349~15.453,(208Pb/204Pb)i为37.338~37.976.这样的同位素组成显示岩浆源区中下地壳物质的贡献显著;尤其Pb同位素特征表明下地壳贡献来自大别造山带自身的下地壳.下地壳物质的参与可能与拆沉有关.  相似文献   

邓格庄金矿是胶东牟平-乳山成矿带第二大石英脉型金矿床,其空间产出受断裂构造、荆山群变质地层和岩浆活动联合制约。对不同类型蚀变岩和不同阶段金脉体流体包裹体研究表明:包裹体可划分为液相包裹体(Ⅰ)、气相包裹体(Ⅱ)、含液体CO_2包裹体(Ⅲ)和含子矿物包裹体(Ⅳ)四类。从热液蚀变期到主成矿期,包裹体的种类增多,数量增多,主成矿期可见Ⅲ和Ⅳ型包裹体。激光拉曼探针分析结果显示成矿流体的气相成分类型包括CO_2-CH_4-H_2O、CO_2-H_2O、CO_2-CO_2和CO_2-CH_4四种,以CO_2为主,H_2O次之,主成矿期出现了少量的CH_4,成矿流体总体属CO_2-H_2O-NaCl体系。成矿流体完全均一温度变化范围为177~361℃,峰值240~280℃;盐度为1.7%~16.3%NaCleqv,密度变化范围为0.65~0.97g/cm~3;表明该矿床属于中低温、中低盐度、中低密度热液脉型矿床,成矿流体为酸性、弱酸性,且富含CO_2、CH_4等还原性质的热液体系。从热液蚀变期到成矿期各个阶段成矿温度、盐度、密度总体显示降低趋势。邓格庄金矿石英的δD值为-87.6‰~-80.7‰,δ18O_(H_2 O)值为5.87‰~7.49‰;δ13C_(V-PDB)值为-3.6‰~0.7‰,δ18O_(V-SMOW)值为1.3‰~9.1‰;δ34S值的变化范围在8.4‰~10.8‰之间;表明成矿流体来源于深部流体,以岩浆水为主,少量的大气降水参与了成矿过程。流体包裹体及C-H-O-S同位素研究,并结合地质特征,表明邓格庄金矿是与白垩系岩浆岩有关的,受断裂构造控制,并以大面积钾长石化为特征标志的中温岩浆热液型矿床,充填作用和混合作用可能是金矿成矿物质大规模沉淀的机制。  相似文献   

内蒙乌拉山金矿控矿条件及成矿作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
乌拉山金矿是华北地台北缘中西部地区近年来探明的有一定远景的金矿床。该矿床受大桦背岩体、韧性剪切带、脆性断裂构造和乌拉山群变质岩系等多种条件所控制,矿体呈脉状产出,成矿具有多期多阶段性,成矿时代较华北地台东缘金矿床早,为晚华力西期,其类型为中深成脉状金矿床  相似文献   

对个旧锡矿的玄武岩和花岗岩进行了载锡能力的高温高压实验岩石学研究。结果表明:无论是花岗质还是玄武质岩浆,Sn4+都可以大量置换岩浆中的Si4+,形成富锡岩浆;个旧花岗质岩浆载锡最多可达约36%,而个旧玄武质岩浆载锡亦可达14.9%以上;当富锡的花岗质岩浆冷却时,岩浆将会出溶呈液滴状的锡的硫化物,表明花岗岩与锡矿有着直接的成因联系;而富锡玄武质岩浆由于快速淬火,且形成温度较高,不利于形成锡的矿物,但是所形成的玄武岩仍具备形成锡矿源层的条件。因此,锡矿的成矿地质体并不单一,花岗质与玄武质岩浆均可能成矿,关键在于岩浆在其形成或运移过程中,是否从源区或围岩之中获得大量的锡。  相似文献   

The processes of long‐range granitic magma transfer from mid‐ and lower crustal anatectic zones to upper crustal pluton emplacement sites remain controversial in the literature. This is partly because feeder networks that could have accommodated this large‐scale magma transport remain elusive in the field. Existing granite ascent models are based largely on numerical and theoretical studies that seek to demonstrate the viability of fracture‐controlled magma transport through dykes or self‐propagating hydrofractures. In most cases, the models present very little supporting field evidence, such as sufficiently voluminous near‐ or within‐source magma accumulations, to support their basic premises. We document large (deca‐ to hectometre‐scale), steeply dipping and largely homogeneous granite lenses in suprasolidus (~5 kbar, ~750 °C) mid‐crustal rocks in the Damara Belt in Namibia. The lenses are surrounded by and connected to shallowly dipping networks of stromatic leucogranites in the well‐layered gneisses of the deeply incised Husab Gorge. The outcrops define a four‐stage process from (i) the initial formation and growth of large, subvertical magma‐filled lenses as extension fractures developed at high angles to the subhorizontal regional extension in relatively competent wall‐rock layers. This stage is followed by (ii) the simultaneous lateral inflation and (iii) subcritical vertical growth of the lenses to a critical length that (iv) promotes fracture destabilization, buoyancy‐driven upward fracture mobilization and, consequently, vertical magma transport. These field observations are compared with existing numerical models and are used to constrain, by referring to the dimensions of the largest preserved inflated leucogranite lens, an estimate of the minimum fracture length (~100 m) and volume (~2.4 × 105 m3) required to initiate buoyancy‐driven brittle fracture propagation in this particular mid‐crustal section. The critical values and field relationships compare favourably with theoretical models of magma ascent along vertical self‐propagating hydrofractures which close at their tails during propagation. This process leaves behind subtle wake‐like structures and thin leucogranite trails that mark the path of magma ascent. Reutilization of such conduits by repeated inflation and drainage is consistent with the episodic accumulation and removal of magma from the mid‐crust and is reflected in the sheeted nature of many upper crustal granitoid plutons.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal variations in alpine vegetation cover have been analyzed between 1982 and 2001 in the source regions of the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers on the Tibetan Plateau. The analysis was done using a calibrated-NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetative Index) temporal series from NOAA-AVHRR images. The spatial and temporal resolutions of images are 8 km and 10 days, respectively. In general, there was no significant trend in alpine vegetation over this time period, although it continued to degrade severely in certain local areas around Zhaling and Eling Lakes, in areas north of these lakes, along the northern foot of Bayankala Mountain in the headwaters of the Yellow River, in small areas in the Geladandong region, in a few places between TuoTuohe and WuDaoliang, and in the QuMalai and Zhiduo belts in the headwaters of the Yangtze River. Degradation behaves as vegetation coverage reduced, soil was uncovered in local areas, and over-ground biomass decreased in grassland. The extent of degradation ranges from 0 to 20%. Areas of 3×3 pixels centered on Wudaoliang, TuoTuohe, QuMalai, MaDuo, and DaRi meteorological stations were selected for statistical analysis. The authors obtained simple correlations between air temperature, precipitation, ground temperature and NDVI in these areas and constructed multivariate statistical models, including and excluding the effect of ground temperature. The results show that vegetation cover is sensitive to variations in temperature, and especially in the ground temperature at depths of ∼40 cm. Permafrost is distributed widely in the study area. The resulting freezing and thawing are related to ground temperature change, and also affect the soil moisture content. Thus, degradation of permafrost directly influences alpine vegetation growth in the study area.  相似文献   

甘肃花牛山铅锌银矿床位于中亚造山带中段的甘肃北山地区。本文在详细的野外观察和室内鉴定的基础上,将花牛山铅锌银矿床成矿阶段划分为石英-毒砂-黄铁矿(第Ⅰ成矿阶段)和石英-多金属硫化物(第Ⅱ成矿阶段)两个阶段;进一步将黄铁矿划分为三种类型,分别为第一种类型的胶状黄铁矿(Py0)、第二种类型的热液叠加交代特征的黄铁矿(Py Ⅰ)及第三种类型的热液黄铁矿(PyⅡ)。黄铁矿、磁黄铁矿的原位硫同位素研究表明,成矿从早到晚硫化物δ~(34)S值呈递增的规律,具有逐渐向岩浆硫演化的趋势;胶状黄铁矿δ~(34)S值为-9.37‰~-8.10‰,具有沉积(生物成因)硫的特征;成矿第Ⅰ阶段硫化物δ~(34)S值为-9.03‰~-7.03‰,成矿第Ⅱ阶段硫化物δ~(34)S值为-5.77‰~-4.88‰,成矿阶段具有沉积硫与岩浆硫混合来源的特征。黄铁矿、磁黄铁矿的原位铅同位素研究表明,成矿期硫化物的~(206)Pb/~(204) Pb值、~(207)Pb/~(204) Pb值、~(208) Pb/~(204) Pb值以及μ、ω等铅同位素特征值组成范围较窄,铅源为与岩浆作用有关的壳幔混合来源,且与壳幔混合来源的晚三叠世花岗岩中长石铅及其控制的矽卡岩型金矿硫化物铅同位素组成类似。黄铁矿原位微量元素研究表明,胶状黄铁矿(Py0) Co/Ni和S/Se 比值分别为0.004~0.34和3.43 × 10~4~34.84 × 10~4,Se含量为1.558 × 10~(-6)~15.82 × 10~(-6),表现为沉积成因黄铁矿的特征。具有热液叠加交代特征Py Ⅰ的Co/Ni和S/Se 比值分别为0.05~3.38、0.05 ×10~4~5.38 ×10~4,Se含量为10.09 × 10~(-6)~1070 × 10~(-6),数值分布范围广,总体上有别于沉积成因黄铁矿,类似于热液成因黄铁矿的特征。热液黄铁矿(Py Ⅱ)的Co/Ni和S/Se 比值分别为0.60-68.88、1.46 × 10~4~9.15 × 10~4,Se含量为5.938 × 10~(-6)-35.91 × 10~(-6),表现为热液成因的特征。综上研究,认为花牛山矿床经历了南华纪-震旦纪沉积胶状黄铁矿形成期和晚三叠世岩浆热液成矿期,胶状黄铁矿在成矿过程中提供了部分硫,成矿金属物质主要来自晚三叠世岩浆成矿热液,并认为矿床成因为岩浆热液型矿床。  相似文献   

In the source regions of the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers of China, glaciers, frozen ground, the hydrological system, and alpine vegetation have changed over the past decades years. Climatic causes of these variations have been analyzed using mean monthly air temperature and monthly precipitation between 1956 and 2000, and monthly evaporation from φ20 evaporation pans between 1961 and 1996. In the source region of the Yangtze River, lower temperature and plentiful precipitation during the 1960s and continuing into the early 1980s triggered a glacier advance that culminated in the early 1990s, while a robust temperature increase and precipitation decrease since 1986 has forced glaciers to retreat rapidly since 1995. Permafrost degradation is another consequence of the climatic warming. The variations in the hydrological system and alpine vegetation are controlled mainly by the climate during the warm season. Warmer and drier summer climate is the major cause of a degradation of the vegetation, desiccation of the high-cold marshland, a decrease in the areas and numbers of lakes and rivers in the middle and north source regions of the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers, and a reduction in surface runoff in the source region of the Yangtze River for the last 20 years. The causes of eco-environmental change in Dari area, near the outlet from the source area of the Yellow River, are different from those elsewhere in the study area. A noticeable reduction in runoff in the source region of the Yellow River and degradation of alpine vegetation in Dari area are closely related to the permafrost degradation resulting from climate warming.  相似文献   

冷成彪  齐有强 《地质学报》2017,91(10):2256-2272
冷水坑银铅锌矿田位于江西省贵溪市,是我国重要的银铅锌矿集区。矿田中产有两类特征迥异的矿体,一类为赋存于花岗斑岩体内的细脉浸染状-大脉状矿体,另一类为产于火山碎屑岩夹层中的块状硫化物矿体。然而,目前关于两类矿体的成因及联系还存在争议。本文采用激光剥蚀电感耦合等离子体质谱仪对两类矿体中的闪锌矿和方铅矿进行了微区原位成分的测试,试图根据它们的微量元素特征约束矿床的成因问题。分析结果表明,产于细脉浸染状-大脉状矿体中的闪锌矿具有相对较高的Fe、Mn、Pb、Ag、Cu、Sb、Sn和Tl含量,而产于层控块状硫化物矿体中的闪锌矿具有相对略高的Cd含量。两类矿体中方铅矿的微量元素也存在一定差别,前者具有相对较高的Ag、Sb、Sn和Au含量,而后者具有相对较高的Cd、Bi、Se和Tl。通过与国内外不同成因类型铅锌矿床的综合对比,我们发现冷水坑矿田的闪锌矿具有较低的Zn/Cd比(66~131)、Cd/Fe比(0.06~0.31)和Co含量(多数10×10~(-6)),以及相对较高的Sn含量(多数1×10~(-6)),这些特征与火山成因块状硫化物矿床中闪锌矿的特征十分类似,表明它们可能具有类似成因。此外,我们的研究结果表明冷水坑矿田闪锌矿中Fe、Cd、Ag、Sb和Tl等元素主要以类质同象的形式存在,而Cu、Pb和Sn等元素主要以显微包裹体的形式存在。方铅矿中的Ag、Sb、Cd、Sn和Tl等元素以类质同象的形式存在,而Mn、Bi和Se等元素可能以显微包裹体的形式存在。此外,基于闪锌矿-方铅矿共生矿物对的Cd分配系数温度计,获得层控块状硫化物矿体的形成温度为238~246℃,而细脉浸染状-大脉状矿体的形成温度略低,为209~224℃,前者闪锌矿中相对较低的Fe和Mn含量,可能由氧逸度的影响造成。综上所述,我们认为冷水坑矿田两类矿体具有相同的成因机制,成矿流体和成矿物质都主要来自深部岩浆热液,温度、围岩性质及氧逸度是控制两类矿床金属硫化物微量元素差别的重要因素。  相似文献   

对黑龙江省东部五星Cu-Ni-Pt-Pd矿床的矿体和与成矿有关的镁铁质杂岩的PGE-Au以及铁族、亲铜元素的地球化学特征研究表明:它们均以亏损Cr、IPGE和富集Ni、Co、Cu、Pt和Pd(Pt  相似文献   

辽东裂谷白云金矿载金黄铁矿Re-Os定年及其地质意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
白云金矿是辽东裂谷区内重要的大型金矿之一,长期以来缺少直接的年代学数据。本次对白云金矿不同矿石类型中的8件载金黄铁矿进行了Re-Os同位素定年,获得其等时线年龄为225.3±7.0 Ma(MSWD=5.8),187Os/188Os初始值为2.1±2.8。结合前人的研究成果及本次年代学研究得出:白云金矿形成于印支期,其成矿物质主要为壳源,白云金矿是与印支期岩浆活动有关的热液矿床;其形成构造背景可能为受蒙古–鄂霍次克大洋向南北两侧俯冲之后的陆内后碰撞造山环境。本次研究也为今后在辽东裂谷区寻找与印支期岩浆活动有关的矿床提供了依据。  相似文献   

Elizabeth Y. Anthony   《Lithos》2005,80(1-4):61-74
This review, in honor of Ilmari Haapala's retirement, reflects on lessons learned from studies of three granitic systems in western North America: (1) Mesoproterozoic samples from west Texas and east New Mexico; (2) Laramide granitic systems associated with porphyry-copper deposits in Arizona; and (3) granites of the Colorado Mineral Belt. The studies elucidate relationships amongst tectonic setting, source material, and magma chemistry.

Mesoproterozoic basement samples are from two different felsic suites with distinct elemental and isotopic compositions. The first suite, the “plutonic province”, is dominantly magnesian, calc-alkalic to alkali-calcic, and metaluminous. It has low K2O/Na2O and Rb/Sr, and Nd model ages of 1.56 to 1.40 Ga. The second suite, the “Panhandle igneous complex”, is magnesian, metaluminous, alkalic, and is part of the Mesoproterozoic belt of magmatism that extends from Finland to southwestern United States. Samples from the Panhandle igneous complex demonstrate three episodes of magmatism: the first pulse was intrusion of quartz monzonite at 1380 to 1370 Ma; the second was comagmatic epizonal granite and rhyolite at 1360 to 1350 Ma. Both of these rock types are high-K to slightly ultra-high-K. The third pulse at 1338 to 1330 Ma was intrusion of ultra-high-K quartz syenite. Nd model ages (1.94 to 1.52 Ga) are distinct from those of the “plutonic province” and systematically older than crystallization ages, implying a substantial crustal input to the magmas.

At the Sierrita porphyry-copper deposit in the Mazatzal Province of southeastern Arizona, trace element, Sr, and Nd isotopic compositions were determined for a suite of andesitic and rhyolitic rocks (67 Ma) intruded by granodiorite and granite. Isotopic composition and chemical evolution are well correlated throughout the suite. Andesite has the least negative initial εNd (−4.3) and lowest 87Sr/86Sri (0.7069). It is also the oldest and chemically most primitive, having low concentrations of Rb, SiO2, and high concentrations of transition elements. These parameters change through the system to the youngest unit (granite), which has the most negative εNd (−8.5), the highest 87Sr/86Sri (0.7092), and is chemically most evolved. Correlation between chemical and Nd isotopic evolution probably resulted from a continuous process of progressive assimilation, in which mafic magmas invade and incorporate continental crust. Deposits in Arizona with εNd values more negative than the −8.5 of Sierrita lie in the older Yavapai province in the northwestern part of the state. The difference in the most negative epsilon Nd implies that Nd isotopic signature is sensitive to the age of the Precambrian domain.

The granites from the Colorado Mineral Belt were emplaced during the transition from Laramide convergence to mid-Tertiary extension. Three different groups of granites are recognized. The first is Laramide and was formed during assimilation-fractional crystallization involving lower crustal mafic source materials; the second and third groups are mid-Tertiary and represent intracrustal melting of heterogeneous sources. This change in source regions and melt regimes in transition from convergence to extension is fundamental to the Mesozoic and Cenozoic evolution of western North America.  相似文献   

Several types of felsic granitoid rocks have been recognized, intrusive in both the mantle and the crustal sequence of the Semail ophiolite. Several models have been proposed for the source of this suite of tonalites, granodiorites, trondhjemites intrusions, however their genesis is still not clearly understood. The sampled Dadnah tonalites that intruded in the mantle section of the Semail ophiolite display arc-type geochemical characteristics, are high siliceous, low-potassic, metaluminous to weakly peraluminous, enriched in LILE, show positive peaks for Ba, Pb, Eu, negative troughs for U, Ti and occur with low δ18OH2O, moderate εSr and negative εNd values. They have crystallized at temperatures that range from ∼550 °C to ∼720 °C and pressure ranging from 4.4 kbar to 6.5 kbar. The isotopic ages from our tonalite samples range between 98.6 Ma and 94.9 Ma, slightly older and overlapping with the age of the metamorphic sole. Our field observations, mineralogical, petrological, geochemical, isotopic and melt inclusion data suggest that the Dadnah tonalites formed by partial melting (∼10%–15% continuous or ∼12% batch partial melting), accumulation of plagioclase, fractional crystallization (∼55%–57%), and interaction with their host harzburgites. These tonalites were the end result of partial melting and subsequent contamination and mixing of ∼4% oceanic sediments with ∼96% oceanic lithosphere from the subducted slab. This MORB-type slab melt composed from ∼97% recycled oceanic crust and ∼3% of the overlying mantle.We suggest that a possible protolith for these tonalites was the basaltic lavas from the subducted oceanic slab that melted during the initial stages of the supra-subduction zone (SSZ), which was forming synchronously to the spreading ridge axis. The tonalite melts mildly modified due to low degree of mixing and interaction with the overlying lithospheric mantle. Subsequently, the Dadnah tonalites emplaced at the upper part of the mantle sequence of the Semail ophiolite and are geochemically distinct from the other mantle intrusive felsic granitoids to the south.  相似文献   

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