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Middle and Upper Devonian deposits from the Aouinet Ouenine Formation in the southern Ghadames Basin of western Libya provide a well exposed example of a deltaic complex containing both progradational and transgressive facies. Progradational facies comprise both laterally accreting and incised distributary channels overlying prodelta deposits. Also present is a progradational beach environment showing build-up from an offshore shelf through nearshore shelf to shoreface and foreshore sub-environments. Over-lying these progradational facies are transgressive tidal-flat, washover-fan, foreshore and nearshore deposits.The characteristics and interrelationships of the different facies are explained by two sedimentation models: progradational facies existed contemporaneously during phases of active sediment supply whereas the transgressive facies existed contemporaneously during periods of diminished or absent detrital influx.  相似文献   

The Upper Cretaceous Juniper Ridge Conglomerate (JRC) near Coalinga, California, provides a rare, high-quality exposure of a submarine channel to overbank transition. The facies architecture of the JRC comprises a thick, predominantly mudstone sequence overlain by a channellized conglomerate package. Conglomeratic bounding surfaces truncate successions of interbedded turbiditic sandstones and mudstones both vertically and laterally. Thick-bedded, massive sandstones are interbedded with conglomerates. Facies architecture, palaeocurrent indicators, slump features, sandstone percentages and sandstone bed thickness trends lead to the interpretation that these elements comprise channel and overbank facies. A vertical sequence with conglomerate at the base, followed by thick-bedded sandstone, and capped by interbedded turbiditic sandstone and mudstone form a fining-upward lithofacies association that is interpreted as a single channel-fill/overbank system. Three similar lithofacies associations can be related to autocyclic processes of thalweg migration and submarine fan aggradation or to allocyclically driven changes in sediment calibre.  相似文献   

陆架边缘三角洲研究进展及实例分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
自上世纪90年代以来,发育在大陆架边缘的一种特殊类型的三角洲(shelf-edge delta),因其厚度大,分布面积广,储层物性好,常常与陆坡深水扇体伴生,成藏条件好等特点而引起了广泛关注,成为当前国际沉积学界研究的热点和油气勘探新领域。陆架边缘三角洲一般形成于相对海平面下降或低位时期,主要受控于物源供给、可容纳空间和气候变化,并受到陆坡构造活动影响;也可发育在高位时期,受到波浪与潮汐的影响。前人提出了利用陆架边缘迁移轨迹预测深水沉积和基于陆架斜坡发育模式预测深水沉积的模型,即强烈抬升的陆架边缘迁移轨迹、强烈加积的陆架斜坡发育模式,对应的深水区物质传输体系为泥质;水平—轻微下降的陆架边缘迁移轨迹、强烈前积的陆架斜坡发育模式,预示着大量砂体被搬运至深水区;轻微抬升的陆架边缘迁移轨迹、加积与前积的陆架斜坡发育模式,暗示深水沉积砂体发育介于上述二者陆架边缘迁移与深水扇预测模式之间。陆架边缘三角洲—深水扇规模砂体毗邻优质烃源岩,具备多种类型的油气运移通道,成藏条件良好,是油气勘探的有利领域。实例分析表明:渐新世珠海组沉积时期构造相对稳定,在古珠江充足的供源条件下,南海北坡珠江口盆地鹤山凹陷发育陆架边缘三角洲并伴随陆架不断向海迁移而不断进积,S型前积体不断向海迁移,并在晚期发育下切谷及大型盆底扇沉积。鹤山凹陷珠海组沉积时期发育水平—轻微下降的陆架边缘迁移轨迹,对应于强烈前积的陆架斜坡发育模式,在珠海组沉积晚期发育较大规模叠合连片深水扇富砂沉积体系,是研究区极好的潜在油气勘探目标。  相似文献   

The Quilalar Formation and correlative Mary Kathleen Group in the Mount Isa Inlier, Australia, conformably overlie rift-related volcanics and sediments and non-conformably overlie basement rocks. They represent a thermal-relaxation phase of sedimentation between 1780 and 1740 Ma. Facies analysis of the lower siliciclastic member of the Quilalar Formation and the coeval Ballara Quartzite permits discrimination of depositional systems that were restricted areally to either N-S-trending marginal platform or central trough palaeogeographic settings. Four depositional systems, each consisting of several facies, are represented in the lower Quilalar Formation-Ballara Quartzite; these are categorized broadly as storm-dominated shelf (SDS), continental (C), tide-dominated shelf (TDS) and wave-dominated shoreline (WDS). SDS facies consist either of black pyritic mudstone intervals up to 10 m thick, or mudstone and sandstone associated in 6–12-m-thick, coarsening-upward parasequences. Black mudstones are interpreted as condensed sections that developed as a result of slow sedimentation in an outer-shelf setting starved of siliciclastic influx. Vertical transition of facies in parasequences reflects flooding followed by shoaling of different shelf subenvironments; the shoreface contains evidence of subaerial exposure. Continental facies consist of fining-upward parasequences of fluvial origin and tabular, 0·4–4-m-thick, aeolian parasequences. TDS facies are represented by stacked, tabular parasequences between 0·5 and 5 m thick. Vertical arrangement of facies in parasequences reflects flooding and establishment of a tidal shelf followed by shoaling to intertidal conditions. WDS facies are preserved in 0·5–3-m-thick, stacked, tabular parasequences. Vertical transition of facies reflects initial flooding with wave reworking of underlying arenites along a ravinement surface, followed by shoaling from lower shoreface to foreshore conditions. Parasequences are stacked in retrogradational and progradational parasequence sets. Retrogradational sets consist of thin SDS parasequences in the trough, and C, TDS and probably WDS parasequences on the platforms. Thick SDS parasequences in the trough, and TDS, subordinate C and probably WDS parasequences on the platforms make up progradational parasequence sets. Depositional systems are associated in systems tracts that make up 40–140-m-thick sequences bounded by type-2 sequence boundaries that are disconformities. Transgressive systems tracts consist of C, TDS and probably WDS depositional systems on the platforms and the SDS depositional system and suspension mudstone deposits in the trough. The transgressive systems tract is characterized by retrogradational parasequence sets and developed in response to accelerating rates of sea-level rise following lowstand. Condensed-section deposits in the trough, and the thickest TDS parasequences on the platforms reflect maximum rates of sea-level rise and define maximum flooding surfaces. Highstand systems tract deposits are progradational. Early highstand systems tracts are represented by TDS and probably WDS depositional systems on the platforms and suspension mudstone deposits in the trough and reflect decreasing rates of sea-level rise. Later highstand systems tracts consist of the progradational SDS depositional system in the trough and, possibly, thin continental facies on the platforms. This stage of sequence development is related to slow rates of sea-level rise, stillstand and slow rates of fall. Lowstand deposits of shelf-margin systems tracts are not recognized but may be represented by shoreface deposits at the top of progradational SDS parasequence sets.  相似文献   

Strongly progradational regressive stacks of shallow marine sandstones are ubiquitous in modern and ancient coastal depositional systems. Many ancient examples form prolific hydrocarbon and freshwater reservoirs in the subsurface. One of the best areas in the world to study progradational shallow marine successions is the Campanian Book Cliffs of Utah and Colorado, where the Desert Member to Lower Castlegate Sandstone interval served as a foundational data set for early sequence stratigraphic models. A strongly progradational stack of 17 parasequences comprises the Desert–Castlegate interval. Parasequences are 6·5 to 20·7 m thick. Normally regressive coarsening-upward successions are abundant, as are flat-topped, rooted foreshore sandstones. Conformable facies contacts mark the transition between the laterally adjoining nearshore terrestrial and shallow marine deposits which are genetically, temporally and spatially linked. The width of the shoreface to inner shelf facies belts varies from 4·8 to 19·9 km per parasequence, with a mean of 12·6 km. Solitary tongue shoreline trajectories are all very low to low angle ascending regressive, varying from +0·0004° to +0·171°. Stacked shoreline system trajectories are also dominantly low angle ascending regressive, with only two descending regressive trajectories, one of which intersects the depositional slope. The predominance of ascending regressive shoreline trajectories and normal regression, rarity of high frequency sequence boundaries, regressive surfaces of marine erosion and descending regressive shoreline trajectories, and absence of third-order sequence boundaries, incised valley fill deposits and no prolonged and regionally extensive sediment bypass, all point towards increasing sediment supply as the dominant driver of the Desert–Castlegate stratal architectures, while reduced accommodation (i.e. decreasing tectonic subsidence) played a secondary role.  相似文献   

High resolution stratigraphical analysis divides a rock succession into the basic genetic units of stratigraphy which are here termed small scale stratigraphical cycles. Each cycle records the sedimentological response to an episode of shallowing and deepening. Assuming that these changes in water depth reflect changes in the shoreline position, they can be considered as regressive/transgressive episodes. Each cycle comprises a regressive and transgressive facies tract which will be variably proportioned; in some examples a facies tract may only be represented by a hiatal surface of no deposition, erosion and/or bypass. In the Annot Sandstones of south-east France, variations in facies types, proportions and associations can be demonstrated both laterally and vertically through the succession. First, it is demonstrated that facies variations occur within regressive or transgressive facies tracts as a function of the stratigraphical stacking pattern of the cycles (i.e. landward, vertical or seaward stacked); this is termed ‘vertical facies differentiation’. Second, the proportions of facies tracts and their constituent facies types within an individual cycle vary between more landward and more seaward palaeogeographical locations; this is termed ‘lateral facies differentiation'. The upper Eocene/lower Oligocene Annot sandstones outcrop in the Maritime Alps of south-east France, within the thin skinned outer fold and thrust belt of the Alpine arc. The sandstones are well exposed in the area of the Col de la Cayolle on the north-west margin of the Argentera Massif, where lithostratigraphical correlations are possible over 3·5 km in a NNW/SSE direction, perpendicular to the edge of the depositional basin. Traditionally, these outcrops have been interpreted as deep marine turbidite lobe sediments; this study reflects a significant reinterpretation of this succession as having been deposited in a shallow marine environment. Seven sedimentary sections were measured through the succession, which is divided into 10 small scale stratigraphical cycles. These cycles are described in terms of eight facies which are separated into their transgressive or regressive facies tracts. In eight of the 10 cycles, the regressive facies tracts reflect the progradation of storm influenced braid deltas over shelf muds and silts. In two of the 10 cycles, the regressive facies tracts reflect barrier inlet and wash-over sands interfingering with back barrier deposits. These latter two cycles are located within landward stepping cycle sets; this is an example of vertical facies differentiation. Transgressive facies tracts locally reworked the upper surface of the regressive facies tract and also comprise barrier and back barrier deposits. The facies succession within each cycle varies according to its position with respect to the palaeoshoreline. The more landward portion of an individual cycle comprises a deltaic shoaling upward succession, culminating in coarse distributary channel conglomerates, overlain by a transgressive barrier/inlet system with extensive back barrier deposits. Beyond the delta front, the more seaward equivalent of individual cycles comprises an erosive base, with aggradational massive pebbly sandstones sitting directly upon offshore heterolithics; these sandstones are interpreted as hyperconcentrated fluvial efflux into the nearshore environment. This grades upward into offshore heterolithics and graded storm deposits representing the products of ravinement, which are then overlain by shelf mudstones. In summary, the more landward portions of cycles preserve predominantly regressive facies tracts, whereas the more seaward portions preserve aggradational to retrogradational strata of the transgressive facies tract; this is an example of lateral facies differentiation.  相似文献   

珠江口盆地荔湾3-1气田珠江组深水扇沉积相分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
根据已钻井取芯段岩相分析,从荔湾3-1气田珠江组深水扇沉积体系中划分出巨厚层和厚层块状砂岩相、厚层正粒序砂岩相、厚层逆粒序砂岩相、平行—板状斜层理砂岩相、滑塌变形砂岩相、薄层砂岩夹层相、薄层(粉)砂岩与泥岩互层相、厚层粉砂岩相、厚层泥岩相和层状深水灰岩相等10种岩相类型和识别出砂岩相组合、泥岩相组合、(粉)砂岩与泥岩互...  相似文献   

The Middle Triassic–Lower Cretaceous (pre-Late Albian) succession of Arif El-Naga anticline comprises various distinctive facies and environments that are connected with eustatic relative sea-level changes, local/regional tectonism, variable sediment influx and base-level changes. It displays six unconformity-bounded depositional sequences. The Triassic deposits are divided into a lower clastic facies (early Middle Triassic sequence) and an upper carbonate unit (late Middle- and latest Middle/early Late Triassic sequences). The early Middle Triassic sequence consists of sandstone with shale/mudstone interbeds that formed under variable regimes, ranging from braided fluvial, lower shoreface to beach foreshore. The marine part of this sequence marks retrogradational and progradational parasequences of transgressive- and highstand systems tract deposits respectively. Deposition has taken place under warm semi-arid climate and a steady supply of clastics. The late Middle- and latest Middle/early Late Triassic sequences are carbonate facies developed on an extensive shallow marine shelf under dry-warm climate. The late Middle Triassic sequence includes retrogradational shallow subtidal oyster rudstone and progradational lower intertidal lime-mudstone parasequences that define the transgressive- and highstand systems tracts respectively. It terminates with upper intertidal oncolitic packstone with bored upper surface. The next latest Middle/early Late Triassic sequence is marked by lime-mudstone, packstone/grainstone and algal stromatolitic bindstone with minor shale/mudstone. These lower intertidal/shallow subtidal deposits of a transgressive-systems tract are followed upward by progradational highstand lower intertidal lime-mudstone deposits. The overlying Jurassic deposits encompass two different sequences. The Lower Jurassic sequence is made up of intercalating lower intertidal lime-mudstone and wave-dominated beach foreshore sandstone which formed during a short period of rising sea-level with a relative increase in clastic supply. The Middle-Upper Jurassic sequence is represented by cycles of cross-bedded sandstone topped with thin mudstone that accumulated by northerly flowing braided-streams accompanying regional uplift of the Arabo–Nubian shield. It is succeeded by another regressive fluvial sequence of Early Cretaceous age due to a major eustatic sea-level fall. The Lower Cretaceous sequence is dominated by sandy braided-river deposits with minor overbank fines and basal debris flow conglomerate.  相似文献   

Marginal marine deposits of the John Henry Member, Upper Cretaceous Straight Cliffs Formation, were deposited within a moderately high accommodation and high sediment supply setting that facilitated preservation of both transgressive and regressive marginal marine deposits. Complete transgressive–regressive cycles, comprising barrier island lagoonal transgressive deposits interfingered with regressive shoreface facies, are distinguished based on their internal facies architecture and bounding surfaces. Two main types of boundaries occur between the transgressive and regressive portions of each cycle: (i) surfaces that record the maximum regression and onset of transgression (bounding surface A); and (ii) surfaces that place deeper facies on top of shallower facies (bounding surface B). The base of a transgressive facies (bounding surface A) is defined by a process change from wave‐dominated to tide‐dominated facies, or a coaly/shelly interval indicating a shift from a regressive to a transgressive regime. The surface recording such a process change can be erosional or non‐erosive and conformable. A shift to deeper facies occurs at the base of regressive shoreface deposits along both flooding surfaces and wave ravinement surfaces (bounding surface B). These two main bounding surfaces and their subtypes generate three distinct transgressive – regressive cycle architectures: (i) tabular, shoaling‐upward marine parasequences that are bounded by flooding surfaces; (ii) transgressive and regressive unit wedges that thin basinward and landward, respectively; and (iii) tabular, transgressive lagoonal shales with intervening regressive coaly intervals. The preservation of transgressive facies under moderately high accommodation and sediment supply conditions greatly affects stratigraphic architecture of transgressive–regressive cycles. Acknowledging variation in transgressive–regressive cycles, and recognizing transgressive successions that correlate to flooding surfaces basinward, are both critical to achieving an accurate sequence stratigraphic interpretation of high‐frequency cycles.  相似文献   

The Upper Cretaceous part of the Great Valley Sequence provides a unique opportunity to study deep-marine sedimentation within an arc-trench gap. Facies analysis delineates submarine fan facies similar to those described from other ancient basins. Fan models and facies of Mutti and Ricci-Lucchi allow reconstruction of the following depositional environments: basin plain, outer fan, midfan, inner fan, and slope. Basin plain deposits are characterized by hemipelagic mudstone with randomly interbedded thin sandstone beds exhibiting distal turbidite characteristics. Outer fan deposits are characterized by regularly interbedded sandstone and mudstone, and commonly exhibit thickening-upward (negative) cycles that constitute depositional lobes. The sandstone occurs as proximal to distal turbidites without channeling. Midfan deposits are characterized by the predominance of coarse-grained, thick, channelized sandstone beds that commonly are amalgamated. Thinning-upward (positive) cycles and braided channelization also are common. Inner fan deposits are characterized by major channel-fill complexes (conglomerate, pebbly sandstone, and pebbly mudstone) enclosed in mudstone and siltstone. Positive cycles occur within these channel-fill complexes. Much of the fine-grained material consists of levee (overbank) deposits that are characterized by rhythmically interbedded thin mudstone and irregular sandstone beds with climbing and starved ripples. Slope deposits are characterized by mudstone with little interbedded sandstone; slumping and contortion of bedding is common. Progressions of fan facies associations can be described as retrogradational and progradational suites that correspond, respectively, to onlapping and offlapping relations in the basin. The paleoenvironments, fan facies associations, and tectonic setting of the Late Cretaceous fore-arc basin are similar to those of modern arc—trench systems.  相似文献   

A thick Upper Ordovician shelf sequence was developed in the northern Gondwana margin (southernmost exposures of the Central Iberian Zone). Integrated sedimentologic and stratigraphic studies allow distinction between pedogenetic processes (Facies association C), shoreline deposits (Facies association S), proximal to distal shelf (Facies association L, H1, H2, H3) and outer shelf zone or open marine environments (Facies association M, Mo). The vertical distribution of facies is characterized by the presence of regressive high frequency sequences (partial shelf progradational sequences), affected by the presence of catastrophic phenomena (storms). These sequences, in turn, can be classified into higher‐order transgressive (T)–regressive (R) cycles. Two second‐order T‐R megacycles (MC. Ord‐2 and MC. Sil‐1) limited by a major sequence boundary are identified. Traces of emersion (palaeokarsts and palaeosols) are detected along the sequence boundary, and these are related to the eustatic sea‐level fall that occurred during the Ashgillian. The MC. Ord‐2 and MC. Sil‐1 megacycles extend respectively from the Middle Arenig to the Ashgillian and from Late Ashgillian to the Late Llandovery. Major transgressive peaks occurred at the Llanvirn and at the Middle Llandovery (Aeronian). The vertical distribution of the facies delineates successive genetically related units in relation to relative sea‐level changes. Within the upper part of the first megacycle (MC. Ord‐2) six third‐order cycles are proposed (Lla‐1, Car‐1, Car‐2, Car‐3, Car‐4, Ash‐1), in which a transgressive and a regressive interval can be distinguished. Within the lower part of the second megacycle (MC. Sil‐1) two transgressive–regressive third‐order cycles are proposed (Lly‐1, Lly‐2). Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Facies, geometry and key internal stratigraphic surfaces from eight Cretaceous and Eocene clastic shoreline tongues have been documented. The regressive parts of all the studied tongues represent storm‐wave influenced strandplains, deltas or fan‐deltas, and the regressive shoreline trajectories varied from descending to ascending. The transgressive parts of the tongues are dominated by either estuarine or coastal‐plain deposits. The distance from the coeval, up‐dip non‐marine deposits to the basinward pinchout of amalgamated shoreface sandstones, measured along depositional dip, is here termed the sand pinchout distance. The study shows that the angle of regressive‐to‐transgressive turnaround (defined by the angle between the regressive and subsequent transgressive shoreline trajectories) and the process regime during turnaround largely control the sand‐pinchout distance. The amount of transgressive erosion can also partly control the pinchout distance, but this parameter was comparable for the different examples presented here. If the type of depositional system at turnaround and the depth of transgressive erosion are constant, small angles of turnaround are associated with large pinchout distances, whereas larger angles of turnaround result in smaller pinchout distances. The model developed allows sand‐pinchout distance to be predicted, using data for the landward parts of shoreline tongues. The dataset also shows that steeply rising (aggrading) shoreline trajectories tend to produce more heterolithic sandstone tongues than those formed by lower‐angle trajectories.  相似文献   

The lower part of the Cretaceous Sego Sandstone Member of the Mancos Shale in east‐central Utah contains three 10‐ to 20‐m thick layers of tide‐deposited sandstone arranged in a forward‐ and then backward‐stepping stacking pattern. Each layer of tidal sandstone formed during an episode of shoreline regression and transgression, and offshore wave‐influenced marine deposits separating these layers formed after subsequent shoreline transgression and marine ravinement. Detailed facies architecture studies of these deposits suggest sandstone layers formed on broad tide‐influenced river deltas during a time of fluctuating relative sea‐level. Shale‐dominated offshore marine deposits gradually shoal and become more sandstone‐rich upward to the base of a tidal sandstone layer. The tidal sandstones have sharp erosional bases that formed as falling relative sea‐level allowed tides to scour offshore marine deposits. The tidal sandstones were deposited as ebb migrating tidal bars aggraded on delta fronts. Most delta top deposits were stripped during transgression. Where the distal edge of a deltaic sandstone is exposed, a sharp‐based stack of tidal bar deposits successively fines upward recording a landward shift in deposition after maximum lowstand. Where more proximal parts of a deltaic‐sandstone are exposed, a sharp‐based upward‐coarsening succession of late highstand tidal bar deposits is locally cut by fluvial valleys, or tide‐eroded estuaries, formed during relative sea‐level lowstand or early stages of a subsequent transgression. Estuary fills are highly variable, reflecting local depositional processes and variable rates of sediment supply along the coastline. Lateral juxtaposition of regressive deltaic deposits and incised transgressive estuarine fills produced marked facies changes in sandstone layers along strike. Estuarine fills cut into the forward‐stepped deltaic sandstone tend to be more deeply incised and richer in sandstone than those cut into the backward‐stepped deltaic sandstone. Tidal currents strongly influenced deposition during both forced regression and subsequent transgression of shorelines. This contrasts with sandstones in similar basinal settings elsewhere, which have been interpreted as tidally influenced only in transgressive parts of depositional successions.  相似文献   

The Lower Jurassic Mashabba Formation crops out in the core of the doubly plunging Al-Maghara anticline, North Sinai, Egypt. It represents a marine to terrestrial succession deposited within a rift basin associated with the opening of the Neotethys. Despite being one of the best and the only exposed Lower Jurassic strata in Egypt, its sedimentological and sequence stratigraphic framework has not been addressed yet. The formation is subdivided informally into a lower and upper member with different depositional settings and sequence stratigraphic framework. The sedimentary facies of the lower member include shallow-marine, fluvial, tidal flat and incised valley fill deposits. In contrast, the upper member consists of strata with limited lateral extension including fossiliferous lagoonal limestones alternating with burrowed deltaic sandstones. The lower member contains three incomplete sequences (SQ1-SQ3). The depositional framework shows transgressive middle shoreface to offshore transition deposits sharply overlain by forced regressive upper shoreface sandstones (SQ1), lowstand fluvial to transgressive tidal flat and shallow subtidal sandy limestones (SQ2), and lowstand to transgressive incised valley fills and shallow subtidal sandy limestones (SQ3). In contrast, the upper member consists of eight coarsening-up depositional cycles bounded by marine flooding surfaces. The cycles are classified as carbonate-dominated, siliciclastic-dominated, and mixed siliciclastic-carbonate. The strata record rapid changes in accommodation space. The unpredictable facies stacking pattern, the remarkable rapid facies changes, and chaotic stratigraphic architecture suggest an interplay between allogenic and autogenic processes. Particularly syndepositional tectonic pulses and occasional eustatic sea-level changes controlled the rate and trends of accommodation space, the shoreline morphology, the amount and direction of siliciclastic sediment input and rapid switching and abandonment of delta systems.  相似文献   

The Cutro Terrace is a mixed marine to continental terrace, where deposits up to 15 m thick discontinuously crop out in an area extending for ca 360 km2 near Crotone (southern Italy). The terrace represents the oldest and highest terrace of the Crotone area, and it has been ascribed to marine isotope stage 7 (ca 200 kyr bp ). Detailed facies and sequence‐stratigraphic analyses of the terrace deposits allow the recognition of a suite of depositional environments ranging from middle shelf to fluvial, and of two stacked transgressive–regressive cycles (Cutro 1 and Cutro 2) bounded by ravinement surfaces and by surfaces of sub‐aerial exposure. In particular, carbonate sedimentation, consisting of algal build‐ups and biocalcarenites, characterizes the Cutro 1 cycle in the southern sector of the terrace, and passes into shoreface and foreshore sandstones and calcarenites towards the north‐west. The Cutro 2 cycle is mostly siliciclastic and consists of shoreface, lagoon‐estuarine, fluvial channel fill, floodplain and lacustrine deposits. The Cutro 1 cycle is characterized by very thin transgressive marine strata, represented by lags and shell beds upon a ravinement surface, and thicker regressive deposits. Moreover, the cycle appears foreshortened basinwards, which suggests that the accumulation of its distal and upper part occurred during forced regressive conditions. The Cutro 2 cycle displays a marked aggradational component of transgressive to highstand paralic and continental deposits, in places strongly influenced by local physiography, whereas forced regressive sediments are absent and probably accumulated further basinwards. The maximum flooding shoreline of the second cycle is translated ca 15 km basinward with respect to that of the first cycle, and this reflects a long‐term regressive trend mostly driven by regional uplift. The stratigraphic architecture of the Cutro Terrace deposits is the result of the interplay between regional uplift and high amplitude, Late Quaternary glacio‐eustatic changes. In particular, rapid transgressions, linked to glacio‐eustatic rises that outpaced regional uplift, favoured the accumulation of thin transgressive marine strata at the base of the two cycles. In contrast, the combined effect of glacio‐eustatic falls and regional uplift led to high‐magnitude forced regressions. The superposition of the two cycles was favoured by a relatively flat topography, which allowed relatively complete preservation of stratal geometries that record large shoreline displacements during transgression and regression. The absence of a palaeo‐coastal cliff at the inner margin of the terrace supports this interpretation. The Cutro Terrace provides a case study of sequence architecture developed in uplifting settings and controlled by high‐amplitude glacio‐eustatic changes. This case study also demonstrates how the interplay of relative sea‐level change, sediment supply and physiography may determine either the superposition of cycles forming a single terrace or the formation of a staircase of terraces each recording an individual eustatic pulse.  相似文献   

德阳须家河组四段沉积相特征和砂体分布规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孝泉—新场—合兴场地区上三叠统须家河组四段以发育扇三角洲沉积体系为主,其砂体成因类型为扇三角洲前缘水下辫状分流河道(含砾)中—粗粒砂岩夹少量碎屑流沉积砾岩。须家河组四段可划分为1个长期、3个中期和18个短期基准面旋回层序,主要砂体合并为6套砂组。各砂组分布与由基准面变化引起的可容纳空间和沉积物供给量比值密切相关:低位体系域沉积期,基准面上升缓慢,沉积物供给(远)大于可容纳空间,沉积作用以主动进积为主,砂体不断向湖盆方向推进;湖侵体系域沉积期,基准面快速上升,沉积物供给量逐渐减少而(远)小于可容纳空间,沉积作用由进积逐渐转入加积和退积;高位体系域沉积期,基准面由缓慢上升逐渐进入到快速下降,可容纳空间由缓慢增加突变为迅速减小,而沉积物供给由小于或略等于可容纳空间逐渐变为(远)大于可容纳空间,沉积作用由弱进积、加积迅速变为强迫进积。  相似文献   

Strata of the Bardas Blancas Formation (lower Toarcian–lower Bajocian) are exposed in northern Neuquén Basin. Five sections have been studied in this work. Shoreface/delta front to offshore deposits predominate in four of the sections studied exhibiting a high abundance of hummocky cross-stratified, horizontally bedded and massive sandstones, as well as massive and laminated mudstones. Shell beds and trace fossils of the mixed Skolithos-Cruziana ichnofacies appear in sandstone beds, being related with storm event deposition. Gravel deposits are frequent in only one of these sections, with planar cross-stratified, normal graded and massive orthoconglomerates characterizing fan deltas interstratified with shoreface facies. A fifth outcrop exhibiting planar cross-stratified orthoconglomerates, pebbly sandstones with low-angle stratification and laminated mudstones have been interpreted as fluvial channel deposits and overbank facies. The analysis of the vertical distribution of facies and the recognition of stratigraphic surfaces in two sections in Río Potimalal area let recognized four transgressive–regressive sequences. Forced regressive events are recognized in the regressive intervals. Comparison of vertical distribution of facies also shows differences in thickness in the lower interval among the sections studied. This would be related to variations in accommodation space by previous half-graben structures. The succession shows a retrogradational arrangement of facies related with a widespread transgressive period. Lateral variation of facies let recognize the deepening of the basin through the southwest.  相似文献   

The Lower Cretaceous (Albian) upper Blairmore Group is part of a thick clastic wedge that formed adjacent to the rising Cordillera in south-western Alberta. Regional transgressive intervals are superimposed on the overall regressive succession. Alluvial conglomerates, sandstones and mudstones were deposited in east-north-eastward draining fluvial systems, orientated transverse to the basin axis. Five facies associations have been identified: igneous pebble conglomerate, thick sandstone, interbedded lenticular sandstone and mudstone, thick mudstone with thin sandstone interlayers, and fossiliferous sandstone and mudstone. The facies associations are interpreted as gravelly fluvial channels, sandy fluvial channels, sand-dominated floodplains, mud-dominated floodplains, and marine shoreline deposits, respectively. Five types of palaeosols are recognized in the upper Blairmore Group based on lithology, the presence of pedogenic features (clay coatings, root traces, ferruginous nodules, slickensides, carbonate nodules) and degree of horizonization. The regional distribution of the various types of palaeosols enables a refinement of the palaeoenvironmental reconstruction permitting an assessment of the controls on floodplain evolution. In source-proximal areas, palaeosol development was inhibited by high rates of sedimentation. In source-distal locations, poor drainage resulting from high watertables, low topography and lower rates of sedimentation also inhibited palaeosol development. The best-developed palaeosols (containing Bt horizons) occur in intermediate alluvial plain positions (tectonic hinge zone) where the floodplains were most stable due to a balance between sedimentation, erosion and subsidence rates. Extrapolating from the upper Blairmore Group suggests that the tectonic hinge zone of continental foreland basins can be established by palaeosol analysis. At the hinge zone, soil development is controlled primarily by climate and tectonics and their effect on sediment supply, whereas closer to the palaeoshoreline, relative sea level fluctuations, resulting in poor drainage, may have a more significant influence.  相似文献   

二连盆地吉尔嘎朗图凹陷是一个陆相断陷聚煤盆地,下白垩统赛汉塔拉组是其主要含煤地层,作者利用岩心、钻孔资料对其岩相类型、沉积相、层序地层及聚煤作用特征进行研究。(1)赛汉塔拉组主要由砂砾岩、砂岩、粉砂岩、泥岩、碳质泥岩及厚层褐煤组成,发育扇三角洲平原相、扇三角洲前缘相、辫状河三角洲平原相、辫状河三角洲前缘相、滨浅湖相,分别属于扇三角洲沉积体系、辫状河三角洲沉积体系和湖泊沉积体系。(2)识别出2种层序界面:不整合面和下切谷冲刷面,将赛汉塔拉组划分为2个三级层序。从层序Ⅰ到层序Ⅱ,煤层厚度逐渐增大,聚煤作用逐渐增强。(3)在滨浅湖环境下厚煤层主要形成于湖侵体系域早期,在扇/辫状河三角洲环境下厚煤层主要形成于湖侵体系域晚期,煤层厚度在凹陷中部最大,向西北和东南方向均变小。聚煤作用明显受基底沉降作用影响,可容空间增加速率与泥炭堆积速率相平衡,从而形成了区内巨厚煤层。  相似文献   

Clinoform surfaces are routinely used to mark transitions from shallow waters to deep basins. This concept represents a valuable tool for screening potential reservoir intervals in frontier basins where limited data are available. Variations in the character of clinoform geometries and shoreline and shelf‐edge trajectories are indicators of a range of different factors, such as palaeobathymetry, changes in relative sea‐level and sediment supply. Applications of conceptual and generalized models might, however, lead to erroneous assumptions about the supply of coarse‐grained material to the delta front and basin when superficial similarities between clinoform geometries are not treated holistically. The present study examines the mudstone‐dominated Middle Triassic Kobbe Formation – a potential hydrocarbon reservoir interval in the Barents Sea, where prodeltaic to deltaic deposits can be examined in cores, well logs and two‐dimensional and three‐dimensional seismic data. Despite pronounced acoustic impedance contrast to the surrounding shale, channel belt networks are not observed close to the platform edge in seismic datasets, even at maximum regressive stages. However, sub‐seismic prodeltaic deposits observed on the shallow platform indicate that prodeltaic deposits were sourced directly from the delta plain. Clinoform surfaces with different geometries and scale are observed basinward of the palaeoplatform edge of underlying progradational sequences, correlative to mudstone‐dominated prodeltaic core sections. Results indicate that platform‐edge deltas developed at discrete sites in the basin due to normal regression, but the positions of these deltas are not directly relatable to variations in clinoform geometries. Transitions from third‐order to fourth‐order clinoform geometries record discrete transgressive–regressive cycles but are not necessarily good indicators of sandstone deposition. Because of prolonged periods with high accommodation, channel avulsions were frequent and only very fine‐grained sandstone was deposited in heterolithic units at the delta front. Sandstones with good reservoir properties are predominantly found along basin margins.  相似文献   

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