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This study integrated surface and subsurface stratigraphic data with geophysical logs and hydrogeologic data in order to characterize the hydraulic properties of the Silurian dolomite in northeastern Wisconsin. Silurian stratigraphy consists of predictable alternations of characteristic facies associations. A vertical profile of hydraulic conductivity, obtained from short-interval packer tests in a core hole that penetrates a majority of the Silurian section, indicates that hydraulic conductivity ranges over five orders of magnitude (10–1 to 10–6 cm/s). Matrix conductivity is generally low and varies with texture; the finer-grained restricted-marine and transitional facies being less permeable than the coarser-grained open-marine facies. High-conductivity values are generally associated with bedding-plane fractures, and fracture frequency is greater in the restricted-marine facies. High-flow features in 16 wells were identified using fluid-temperature/resistivity and heat-pulse flowmeter logs. Natural-gamma logs were used to identify the stratigraphic position of flow features in each well and to correlate flow features to specific stratigraphic horizons. By combining stratigraphic, geophysical, and hydrogeologic data, 14 high-permeability zones within the Silurian aquifer have been identified and correlated in wells more than 16 km apart. These zones parallel bedding, appear most pronounced at contacts between contrasting lithologies, and are most abundant in restricted-marine lithologies. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

A small-scale hydrogeological study was conducted in a fractured carbonate-rock aquifer located in a quarry to relate groundwater flow to the fracture network. The field study in the St-Eustache quarry, which integrates structural surveys, well logging and hydraulic tests, showed that the most important features that affect groundwater flow in the sedimentary aquifer are high hydraulic conductivity horizontal bedding planes. Vertical fractures are abundant in the quarry and throughout the region, but they have a minor effect on groundwater flow. To have a significant impact on the flow regime and lead to vertical groundwater flow, the permeability of all vertical joints need to be enhanced compared to what was generally observed at the site. Such an increase in permeability could potentially occur where dissolution and fracturing is more intense or at stress release locations such as near the surface in the quarry.  相似文献   

A 5-year aquifer storage and recovery trial at Andrews Farm in South Australia involving the injection of more than 250 ML (250,000 m3) of fresh but turbid stormwater into a brackish limestone aquifer over 4 years and recovery of 150 ML in the fifth provided the opportunity to evaluate rates of clogging and unclogging and the potential to recover water suitable for irrigation supplies. Results reveal there is some clogging by injected sediment, but only to a relatively small degree considering the high suspended solid concentrations and moderate aquifer transmissivity. This clogging was offset by increased matrix porosity through calcite dissolution and by routine well redevelopments after each 40 ML of injection. No significant microbial clogging occurred. Breakthrough responses at three observation wells and the proportion of injectant in the recovered water were determined from chloride data. Temperature and caliper profiles clearly indicate the heterogeneous nature of the aquifer that is attributed, in part, to sand removal during the initial well development. The recovery efficiency was greater than 60%. The trial demonstrates that urban stormwater containing high and variable particulate levels, which receives only passive pre-treatment and is not disinfected, can be used to freshen a heterogeneous brackish aquifer to create a useful water resource.  相似文献   

Hydraulic tests and geophysical logging performed in the Palisades sill and the underlying sedimentary rocks in the NE part of the Newark Rift Basin, New York, USA, confirm that the particular transmissive zones are localized within the dolerite-sedimentary rock contact zone and within a narrow interval below this contact zone that is characterized by the occurrence of small layers of chilled dolerite. Transmissivity values determined from fluid injection, aquifer testing, and flowmeter measurements generally fall in the range of 8.1E-08 to 9.95E-06 m2/s and correspond to various scales of investigation. The analysis of acoustic and optical BHTV images reveals two primary fracture sets within the dolerite and the sedimentary rocks—subhorizontal fractures, intersected by subvertical ones. Despite being highly fractured either with subhorizontal, subvertical or both fracture populations, the dolerite above and the sedimentary rocks below the contact zone and the zone with the layers of chilled dolerite are significantly less conductive. The distribution of the particular conductive intervals is not a function of the two dominant fracture populations or their density but rather of the intrusion path of the sill. The intrusion caused thermal fracturing and cracking of both formations, resulting in higher permeability along the contact zone.  相似文献   

Lysimeter-percolate and well-hydrograph analyses were combined to evaluate recharge for the Masser Recharge Site (central Pennsylvania, USA). In humid regions, aquifer recharge through an unconfined low-porosity fractured-rock aquifer can cause large magnitude water-table fluctuations over short time scales. The unsaturated hydraulic characteristics of the subsurface porous media control the magnitude and timing of these fluctuations. Data from multiple sets of lysimeters at the site show a highly seasonal pattern of percolate and exhibit variability due to both installation factors and hydraulic property heterogeneity. Individual event analysis of well hydrograph data reveals the primary influences on water-table response, namely rainfall depth, rainfall intensity, and initial water-table depth. Spatial and seasonal variability in well response is also evident. A new approach for calculating recharge from continuous water-table elevation records using a master recession curve (MRC) is demonstrated. The recharge estimated by the MRC approach when assuming a constant specific yield is seasonal to a lesser degree than the recharge estimate resulting from the lysimeter analysis. Partial reconciliation of the two recharge estimates is achieved by considering a conceptual model of flow processes in the highly-heterogeneous underlying fractured porous medium.  相似文献   

Labat  C.  Larroque  F.  de Grissac  B.  Dupuy  A.  Saltel  M.  Bourbon  P. 《Hydrogeology Journal》2021,29(5):1711-1732

Geological deformations like anticlines have a prominent role in aquifer system functioning. Structural deformations control erosion patterns, areas of nondeposition, lateral facies variations and thickness variations. The nature and geometry of geological bodies have a major impact on the aquifers and interconnections between them. To characterize these features and to quantify their influence on overall hydrogeological functioning, a multidisciplinary approach is proposed at a local scale. In southwestern France, the Aquitaine Basin contains a regional multilayered aquifer system affected by numerous anticlines. The Villagrains-Landiras anticline is a major anticline of the Aquitaine Basin, and near its axis is the subcropping Cenomanian aquifer; thus, the Cenomanian aquifer has potential for drinking water supply. An extensive research program was developed, including reconnaissance drilling, water level measurements, geochemical analyses, and petrophysical tests, and the results were combined with existing data. This integrated work precisely defined the complex architecture of the aquifer and confining units linked with the uplift and the polyphase erosion of the anticline. It resulted in the characterisation of the deposits’ geometries, lithology, and aquifer properties. The areas of aquifer interconnection have been defined and recharge flows have been estimated. A new groundwater circulation pattern constrained by isotopic water residence times was developed. A new geological model was built, which enables a rethink of the local functioning of the aquifer targeted for drinkable-water supply, but also it allows an understanding of the importance of anticline structure on the recharge conditions of the aquifers of this regional multilayered aquifer system.


An in situ method of estimating the effective diffusion coefficient for a chemical constituent that diffuses into the primary porosity of a rock is developed by abruptly changing the concentration of the dissolved constituent in a borehole in contact with the rock matrix and monitoring the time-varying concentration. The experiment was conducted in a borehole completed in mudstone on the campus of the University of the Free State in Bloemfontein, South Africa. Numerous tracer tests were conducted at this site, which left a residual concentration of sodium chloride in boreholes that diffused into the rock matrix over a period of years. Fresh water was introduced into a borehole in contact with the mudstone, and the time-varying increase of chloride was observed by monitoring the electrical conductivity (EC) at various depths in the borehole. Estimates of the effective diffusion coefficient were obtained by interpreting measurements of EC over 34 d. The effective diffusion coefficient at a depth of 36 m was approximately 7.8×10?6 m2/d, but was sensitive to the assumed matrix porosity. The formation factor and mass flux for the mudstone were also estimated from the experiment.  相似文献   

We consider a series of hydrogeophysical techniques that provide a multiscale investigation of the water content in the vadose zone and of the perched aquifer at the experimental site of “La Soutte” in the Vosges Mountains (France). It is located in a catchment area where several springs and streams occur along fractured volcanic and weathered plutonic rocks. The site is the object of a long-term study that uses both continuous and repeated measurements to monitor hydrogeological processes. The main results from AMT and DC resistivity techniques allow the determination of a high-resolution 3D resistivity model over a large range of depths (from 100 to 103 m). We discuss their use and propose a hydrogeological model (porosity, water conductivity and water content). We also use MRS and GPR for a detailed investigation of the shallow part of the catchment that consists of soil and weathered rocks of highly varying thickness (0 to 15 m). MRS is used to map the thickness and total water volume content by unit surface of the saturated weathered zone. It also yields estimates of the vadose zone thickness through the depth to the top of the saturated zone. Moreover, we show results from GPR CMP measurements that yield estimates of the water content and porosity in the shallowest layer (0–30 cm) by simple interpretation of the ground direct wave.  相似文献   

Continuous records of discharge, specific conductance, and temperature were collected through a series of storm pulses on two limestone springs at Fort Campbell, western Kentucky/Tennessee, USA. Water samples, collected at short time intervals across the same storm pulses, were analyzed for calcium, magnesium, bicarbonate, total organic carbon, and pH. Chemographs of calcium, calcite saturation index, and carbon dioxide partial pressure were superimposed on the storm hydrographs. Calcium concentration and specific conductance track together and dip to a minimum either coincident with the peak of the hydrograph or lag slightly behind it. The CO2 pressure continues to rise on the recession limb of the hydrograph and, as a result, the saturation index decreases on the recession limb of the hydrograph. These results are interpreted as being due to dispersed infiltration through CO2-rich soils lagging the arrival of quickflow from sinkhole recharge in the transport of storm flow to the springs. Karst spring hydrographs reflect not only the changing mix of base flow and storm flow but also a shift in source of recharge water over the course of the storm.
Resumen Se ha registrado en continuo la descarga, conductancia específica y temperatura de una serie de episodios de tormenta en dos manantiales en calizas ubicados en Fort Campbell, en el oeste de Kentucky/Tennessee (Estados Unidos de América). Se ha analizado muestras de agua recogidas en breves intervalos de tiempo durante los episodios de tormenta, determinando el calcio, magnesio, bicarbonato, carbono orgánico total y pH. Se ha superpuesto quimiogramas de calcio, índice de saturación en calcita y presión parcial de dióxido de carbono en los hidrogramas de las tormentas. La concentración de calcio y la conductancia específica se comportan de forma similar y presentan un mínimo que coincide también con un pico del hidrograma o que se retrasa ligeramente con respecto a él. La presión de dióxido de carbono sigue aumentando en la rama de recesión del hidrograma y, como consecuencia, disminuye el índice de saturación de la rama de recesión del hidrograma. Se interpreta que estos resultados son debidos a la infiltración dispersa a través de suelos enriquecidos en dióxido de carbono que retrasan el flujo rápido desde la recarga en los sumideros hasta su afloramiento en los manantiales. Los hidrogramas en manantiales kársticos reflejan no sólo la mezcla cambiante del flujo de base y el de tormenta, sino también el cambio en el origen del agua de recarga durante el curso de la tormenta.

Résumé Lenregistrement en continu du débit, de la conductivité et de la température de leau a été réalisé au cours dune série de crues à deux sources émergeant de calcaires, à Fort Campbell (Kentucky occidental, Tennessee, États-Unis). Des échantillons deau, prélevés à de courts pas de temps lors de ces crues, ont été analysés pour le calcium, le magnésium, les bicarbonates, le carbone organique total et le pH. Les chimiogrammes de calcium, dindice de saturation de la calcite et de la pression partielle en CO2 ont été superposés aux hydrogrammes de crue. La concentration en calcium et la conductivité de leau se suivent bien et passent par un minimum correspondant au pic de lhydrogramme ou légèrement retardé. La pression partielle en CO2 continue de croître au cours de la récession de lhydrogramme de même que lindice de saturation de la calcite décroît. Ces résultats sont interprétés comme étant dus à linfiltration dispersée au travers de sols riches en CO2, décalée par rapport à larrivée de lécoulement rapide provenant de la recharge, à partir dune perte, de lécoulement de crue vers les sources. Les hydrogrammes de sources karstiques ne reflètent pas seulement le mélange variable de lécoulement de base et de lécoulement de crue, mais également un changement dorigine de leau de la recharge au cours de lépisode de crue.

Contaminant migration behaviour in the unsaturated zone of a fractured porous aquifer is discussed in the context of a study site in Cheshire, UK. The site is situated on gently dipping sandstones, adjacent to a linear lagoon historically used to dispose of industrial wastes containing chlorinated solvents. Two cores of more than 100 m length were recovered and measurements of chlorinated hydrocarbons (CHCs), inorganic chemistry, lithology, fracturing and aquifer properties were made. The results show that selecting an appropriate vertical sampling density is crucial both to providing an understanding of contaminant pathways and distinguishing whether CHCs are present in the aqueous or non-aqueous phase. The spacing of such sampling should be on a similar scale to the heterogeneity that controls water and contaminant movement. For some sections of the Permo-Triassic aquifer, significant changes in lithology and permeability occur over vertical distances of less than 1 m and samples need to be collected at this interval, otherwise considerable resolution is lost, potentially leading to erroneous interpretation of data. At this site, although CHC concentrations were high, the consistent ratio of the two main components of the plume (tetrachloroethene and trichloroethene) provided evidence of movement in the aqueous phase rather than in dense non-aqueous phase liquid (DNAPL).  相似文献   

地热田温度场分析, 不仅为地热田类型划分和热源机理研究提供科学根据, 而且可以为确定地热田有利开采区域和深度提供直接依据。本文报道了咸阳地热田13口钻孔的系统(准)稳态测温数据, 对研究区温度的垂向分布特征做了初步分析, 并据此划分了地热田水动力系统。结果表明, 咸阳地热田属于以传导为主的沉积盆地型地热田, 地温梯度为26.2~40.1 ℃/km, 平均为32.4 ℃/km。然而, 与典型的传导型地热田相比, 咸阳地热田的地温场特征又存在特殊性, 表现为钻孔温度-深度曲线分段性明显: 浅部受地表水流动对温度场的影响, 地温曲线呈现出锯齿形波动; 钻孔中上部受地表水和深部水热活动影响较小, 温度曲线为传导性地热特征; 井孔中下部测温曲线明显"下凹", 揭示了地下水沿渭河断裂侧向补给的同时使地层温度降低; 井孔下部温度随深度异常增大, 表明存在异常压力流体封存箱。测温资料揭示了咸阳地热田水动力系统在垂向上存在多层结构: 浅部为垂向重力驱动型, 中上部为正常压实型, 中下部为侧向重力驱动型, 下部为封闭型。基于咸阳地热田水动力系统的多层结构, 建议将各系统赋存的地热资源分别进行规划和开发。  相似文献   

声波测井属于地震勘探,也是原位测试技术,依据激发接收装置的不同分类也不同,目前广泛使用的是单孔检层法。这里对声波测井技术原理进行了详细说明,震源设置、测试方法和资料处理也较为详细地介绍说明,通过锤击的方式可以获取反相的剪切波记录,利用初至的时间差异,可以求取每层的剪切波速,进而获取等效剪切波速,为场地类别划分、动力学参数和卓越周期的求取提供数据,并通过实例进行了实际应用,该方法有待于进一步完善和发展。  相似文献   

For a karstified limestone area in NW Vietnam, the relationship between the distribution of lineaments and borehole specific capacity is determined, resulting in the conclusion that not only the borehole geomorphological-hydrogeological position but also the lineament distribution influences the specific capacity.No significant spatial well yield patterns are evident in this highly fractured-karstified region. The supposition is that lineaments caused by geotectonic activities affect the local variability in borehole specific capacity. Sixteen pumping tests in conjunction with a comprehensive lineament analysis are used to prove this relationship. The boreholes and lineaments are classified into two groups according to their similarity in geomorphological-hydrogeological features. Lineaments tend to be less detectable in discharge areas (lowland, wide and flat valleys) in contrast to the high density in recharge areas (highland narrow-mountainous ravines). In addition, the presence of a stream network in the former can act as a recharge source to the underlain karstic groundwater system. Consequently, boreholes that are in the discharge areas with a lower density of lineaments often produce high yield. For recharge areas with a high density of lineaments, a good correlation is found between lineament density and borehole specific capacity.
Resumen El resultado ha sido la conclusión de que tanto la distribución de lineamientos como el nivel base local de erosión, i. e. la red de arroyos, influyen el rendimiento de los pozos. No hay ningún patrón evidente significativo de rendimiento de pozos según parámetros espaciales en esta región altamente karstificada y fracturada. La suposición es que los lineamientos causados por actividad geotectónica afectan la variabilidad local de rendimiento de los pozos. Se han utilizado dieciséis pruebas de bombeo en conjunción con un análisis de lineamientos amplio para descubrir la relación. Los pozos y lineamientos se han clasificado en dos grupos de acuerdo con sus similitudes en rasgos geomorfológicos-hidrogeológicos. Se tiende a detectar menos lineamientos en valles anchos y planos en contraste con la alta densidad en áreas de valles montaosos angostos. Adicionalmente, la presencia de una red de arroyos en estos últimos puede actuar como fuente de recarga del sistema de aguas subterráneas kárstico subyacente. En consecuencia, los pozos que se encuentran en el área con una menor densidad de lineamientos pero cercanos a un nivel local base de erosión frecuentemente tienen un rendimiento alto. En el caso de los valles angostos con una alta densidad de lineamientos, se ha encontrado una correlación alta entre densidad de lineamientos y rendimiento de pozos.

Résumé La relation entre la distribution des linéaments et le rendement des puits est déterminée pour une région dans le nord ouest du Vietnam composée de calcaires karstiques. La conclusion qui résulte de lanalyse de cette relation est que la distribution des linéaments ainsi que leur niveau local dérosion affectent le rendement des puits. Aucune tendance na été observée dans la distribution spatiale des puits selon leur rendement au sein de cette région karstique grandement fracturée. On suppose que les linéaments produits par lactivité géotectonique ont une influence sur la variabilité locale du rendement des puits. Les résultats de seize essais de pompage et une analyse complète des linéaments sont utilisés pour établir la relation. Les puits et les linéaments sont classés en deux groupes selon la similarité de leur caractéristiques géomorphologiques et hydrogéologiques. Les linéaments sont plus difficilement repérables dans les grandes vallées plates que dans les étroites vallées de montagne, qui présentent une densité élevée de linéaments. De plus, la présence de rivières dans les premières peut contribuer à la recharge du système découlement souterrain karstique sous-jacent. Par conséquent, les puits situés dans les régions à faible densité en linéaments, mais qui se trouvent près de linéaments à niveau local dérosion élevé présentent souvent un rendement élevé. Dans les vallées étroites ayant une grande densité de linéaments, il y a généralement une corrélation élevée entre la densité des linéaments et le rendement des puits.

Three provinces, characterized by the presence of carbonate mounds interpreted as cold-water coral banks have been reported in Porcupine Seabight, SW of Ireland and were recently subjected to many detailed studies. This contribution discusses the use of X-ray imagery and physical properties in deciphering palaeoceanographic, sedimentological and biological processes. Physical property core logging and X-ray imagery are used to identify and describe sedimentation regimes and so their respective palaeoceanographic and palaeoclimatological settings in two mound provinces, respectively the Belgica mound province and the Magellan mound province. Both provinces show at present time clear differences in the hydrodynamic environment. This study confirms that also during the past the oceanographic and sedimentological environment of both provinces differ clearly. Impacts of glacial–interglacial variations and locally derived ice rafting events (IRE), comparable with the North Atlantic Heinrich events (HE) have been recognized in both provinces. Moreover, the combination of X-ray imagery, magnetic susceptibility, gamma density and P-wave velocity makes it possible to estimate the coral content and coral distribution in unopened cores localized on top of carbonate mounds. A comparison between on-mound and off-mound cores in both provinces allowed revealing some mechanisms of mound evolution and coral growth versus time.  相似文献   

掌握真实地温梯度对于深入了解易受温压场控制的天然气水合物赋存状态具有重要意义。在南海天然气水合物钻探区获取的地温梯度主要以海底表层的热流探针方式为主,由于海底表层尚未压实,地层物理属性多呈现高渗透性,易受到海底底流影响,导致了部分地温梯度无法推算到较深地层。而另一方面,井下原位温度测量虽然可获取真实的地温梯度,但其经济成本昂贵并且时效性低。为此本研究依据天然气水合物钻探井位单一非平衡态温度测井数据和钻井进程,在前人的数学模型基础上,尝试现场快速恢复地层地温梯度的操作,并利用有限的原位地温梯度进行对比分析。研究结果表明,该方法在一定程度上具有适用性,当测井温度变化率在较均匀层段(例如A-B段),根据测井进程可大致估算具有参考意义的原始地温梯度。但应用该方法时也须谨慎,避免使用测井温度变化率在非均匀的数据段(例如B-C段),因为模型中受到数学条件而忽略的多种不确定因素的权重,在外部参数环境波动较大时有可能增加,从而减弱了模拟过程中时间因子的主要作用量。  相似文献   

The concentrations of chlorofluorocarbons (CFC-11, CFC-12, and CFC-113) and tritium were determined in groundwater in fractured crystalline bedrock at Finnsjön, Sweden. The specific goal was to investigate the accuracy of CFC dating in such an environment, taking potential degradation and mixing of water into consideration. The water was sampled to a depth of 42 m in three boreholes along an 800-m transect, from a recharge area to a local discharge area. The CFC-113 concentration was at the detection limit in most samples. The apparent recharge date obtained from CFC-11 was earlier than from CFC-12 for all samples, with a difference of over 20 years for some samples. The difference was probably caused by degradation of CFC-11. The CFC-12 dating of the samples ranged from before 1945 to 1975, with the exception of a sample from the water table, which had a present-day concentration. Conclusions about flow paths or groundwater velocity could not be drawn from the CFCs. The comparison between CFC-12 and tritium concentrations showed that most samples could be unmixed or mixtures of waters with different ages, and the binary mixtures that matched the measured concentrations were determined. The mixing model approach can be extended with additional tracers.
Resumen Precisión en la datación de aguas subterráneas utilizando CFC en un acuífero de rocas cristalinas: datos provenientes de un sitio al sur de Suecia.Se determinaron las concentraciones de clorofluorucarbonos (CFC-11, CFC-12, y CFC-113) y de tritio en aguas subterráneas alojadas en rocas cristalinas fracturadas de Finnsjön, Suecia. El objetivo específico consistió en investigar la precisión de la datación de aguas subterráneas con CFC en este tipo de ambiente, tomando en consideración la degradación potencial y la mezcla de agua. Las muestras de agua se tomaron a una profundidad de 42 m en tres pozos ubicados a lo largo de una línea de 800 m transversal a una zona de recarga y de zona de descarga local. En la mayoría de las muestras se encontró que la concentración de CFC-113 estuvo en el límite de detección. La edad que se estimó en todas las muestras para la recarga aparente en base a CFC-11 fue más joven que la edad proveniente de CFC-12, con una diferencia de más de 20 años para algunas muestras. Esta diferencia fue causada probablemente por la degradación del CFC-11. La datación CFC-12 de las muestras varió de antes de 1945 a 1975, con la excepción de una muestra tomada en el nivel freático, la cual presentó concentración actual. No fue posible obtener conclusiones acerca de las trayectorias de flujo o la velocidad de agua subterránea a partir de los CFCs. La comparación entre las concentraciones de CFC-12 y tritio mostró que la mayoría de las muestras pueden tener composición sencilla o bien consistir de mezclas de aguas de diferentes edades. Esta comparación también permitió determinar las mezclas binarias que corresponden a las concentraciones medidas. Pueden utilizarse trazadores adicionales para ampliar el modelo de mezclas propuesto.

Résumé Précision de la datation au CFC dans un aquifère rocheux-fracturé: données dun site du sud de la Suède.Les concentrations en chlorofluorocarbones (CFC-11, CFC-12, CFC-113) et entritium ont été déterminées dans leau souterraine dun massif fracturé à Finnsjön en Suède. Le but de cette étude est de mieux cerner la précision de la méthode de datation au CFC dans ce type denvironnement hydrogéologique, tout en considérant déventuels phénomènes de dégradation et de mélange deaux. Leau a été échantillonnée à une profondeur de 42 mètres dans trois forages alignés sur 800 mètres entre une zone de recharge et une zone de déversement. Les concentrations en CFC-113 sont dans la plupart des échantillons à la limite de détection. Pour tous les échantillons, la date de la recharge établie avec le CFC-11 est antérieure à la date établie avec le CFC-12. La différence entre les deux dates peut dépasser 20 ans et sexplique—probablement—par la dégradation du CFC-11. Les dates de recharge de la nappe mesurées au CFC-12 sont comprises entre 1945 et 1975, excepté pour un échantillon qui possède une concentration actuelle. Il nest pas possible de tirer des conclusions concernant la direction des écoulements et la vitesse de leau souterraine. La comparaison entre CFC-12 et tritium montre que des échantillons pourraient être soit le résultat du mélange deaux dâges différents, soit des échantillons non-mélangés. Dans le cas dun mélange binaire, les rapports du mélange composant la concentration mesurée sont déterminés. Lapproche par modèle de mélange peut être étendue à des traceurs additionnels.

The effects of constant-head pumping on a well over a period of 1 year have been monitored and the results used in the research of a potential alternative for the attainment of sustainable yield. Sustainable yield is frequently related to the response of drawdown during a pumping test at constant-rate, which sometimes involves a difficult choice of conceptual model to be used to analyse the pumping results. The experiment, carried out on a well that taps a fractured aquifer in Italy, recorded the aquifer’s response to pumping, compared with the response of springs. From the trends in discharge variation with time, the period and magnitude of the recharge and the stored water volume at the beginning of the depletion period can be evaluated, and the discharge rate during the same depletion period can be predicted. A sustainable yield can be derived based on the water volume extracted during the depletion period rather than on the prediction of drawdown over a long time. The experiment also highlights the stability of water quality extracted from the well, and where this criterion is important, in some cases, the constant-head pumping can represent an alternative method of groundwater exploitation.  相似文献   

Groundwater inflows into tunnels constructed in fractured bedrocks not only constitute an important factor controlling the rate of advancement in driving the tunnel but may pose potential hazards. Drawdowns caused by tunnel construction may also induce geotechnical and environmental impacts. Here we present a numerical methodology for the dynamic simulation of the hydrogeological transient conditions induced by the tunnel front advance. The methodology is based on the use of a Cauchy boundary condition at the points lying along the tunnel according to which water discharge, Q, is computed as the product of a leakage coefficient, , and the head difference, (Hh), where H is the prescribed head at the tunnel wall and h is the hydraulic head in the fractured rock in the close vicinity of the tunnel. At a given position of the tunnel, is zero until the tunnel reaches such position when it is assigned a positive value. The use of step-wise time functions for allows an efficient and accurate simulation of the transient hydrogeological conditions at and around the tunnel during the excavation process. The methodology has been implemented in TRANMEF-3, a finite element computer code for groundwater flow in 3D fractured media developed at the University of A Coruña, Spain, and has been used to simulate the impact of a tunnel on the groundwater system at the Äspö island (Sweden). This tunnel was constructed to access an underground laboratory for research on radioactive waste disposal. The large amount of available data at this site provides a unique opportunity to test the performance of the numerical model and the proposed methodology for tunnel advance. With just minor calibration, the numerical model is able to reproduce accurately the measurements of inflows into the tunnel at several reaches and hydraulic heads at surface-drilled boreholes. These results obtained at the Äspö site lead us to conclude that accurate predictions of the transient hydrogeological responses induced by tunneling works in fractured bedrocks, can be achieved provided that a sound hydrogeological characterization of large-scale fracture zones is available.  相似文献   

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