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Safe disposal of wastes produced due to the process of decontamination in and around Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant is an urgent requirement. The purpose of this study was to develop a sealing material which can be used as an engineered barrier for a final disposal facility for the soils and wastes contaminated by radioactive cesium. The analyses conducted based on 4-m-thick sealing layer revealed that the hydraulic conductivity of the sealing material needs to be kept below 5.0?×?10?10?m/s to avoid the seepage of contaminants below the environmentally safe limits. Sealing material was developed using marine clay–bentonite mixture and the engineering characteristics were examined. The results of laboratory experiments showed that, with the addition of bentonite, the hydraulic conductivity equal to or less than 5.0?×?10?10?m/s was achieved when the effective consolidation stress is equal to or more than 27?kPa. From the tests for adsorption properties for cesium, it was found that the sealing material showed the significant capacity of adsorption for cesium in seawater. It was concluded that the construction of waste disposal facility on the sandy seafloor is feasible using the sealing layer proposed in this study.  相似文献   

Research and development in ocean engineering, particularly in the areas of deep ocean drilling and platform construction, have progressed remarkably in the past few decades. By and large, instrumentation for biological ocean research, in comparison, remains simplistic. A brief review of marine biological sampling devices is provided, indicating the relative inadequacies of marine bio-instrumentation. Equipment for plankton, benthos, and nekton sampling has been improved in recent years compared to that available for nannoplankton. Nevertheless, there are limitations even in the best of these devices, and improvements in sampling gear would benefit ocean biology significantly. Precise sample collection of surface slicks, water column, and ocean sediment is mandatory for biological assessment of environmental impact. The necessary sampling gear is either not available or under development and, in cases where the instrumentation is available, it is, in general, either limited in application or not entirely reliable. As an example, increasingly, the ocean serves as the receptor of discharge from sewage outfalls, deep water disposal, and ocean dumping. Thus assessment of biological impact is required, particularly in light of the increasing frequency of reports of survival of bacteria and viruses pathogenic for man in those regions of the world oceans significantly affected by these activities. Improved instrumentation for aseptic sample collection and retrieval of water, sediment, and biota for quantitative, as well as qualitative, microbiological analyses are needed. Developments in baromicrobiology have been rapid, but improved instrumentation is needed. Even though aseptic collection of deep ocean water samples is possible, sediment sample collection for microbiology is still accomplished by coring or grab devices, with no instrument yet available for quantitative undisturbed sample collection without contamination from water column microorganisms.  相似文献   


From September 1975 to April 1976 offshore production Platform V in South Pass, Block 28 (East Bay, Louisiana), was instrumented to measure the effect of storm waves on the soft sediments typical of the Mississippi delta (in a project given the acronym SEASWAB). A portion of this project consisted of four identifiable units of instrumentation (see note): (1) an accelerometer package buried 1 m in the sediment to measure three‐dimensional sediment accelerations and an associated pressure transducer, which measured wave‐induced pressures; (2) an array of instruments that included a wave staff, electromagnetic current meter, and a pressure transducer to examine various relationships between wave properties; (3) a wave‐, current‐, and wind‐measuring station 3.35 km inshore of Platform V to determine the transformation of the waves as they moved over the sediments; and (4) a transponder buried in the mud, the position monitored so that long‐term mudflow could be measured. The direct measurement of seafloor oscillations required the unique instrumentation of the accelerometer system. Three Bruel and Kjaer 8306 accelerometers mounted at right angles to each other made possible the measurement of small oscillations (~0.01 m) at low frequencies (0.1–0.3 Hz). The acoustic method of measuring long‐term mudflow was subject to problems associated with sound propagation in shallow water. The range of the system was found to be 2.74 km, apparently independent of depth. Multiple returns received after single interrogations of the transponder decreased the accuracy of the system.  相似文献   

针对滨海-6井废弃钻井液的特点,提出了破胶-固液分离-固化的思想。通过实验优化破胶剂、絮凝剂、固化剂配方。实验结果表明:100mL废弃钻井液破胶剂加量为2g,絮凝剂为2gAS+2.5%HPAM溶液(质量分数0.1%),固液分层现象明显、出水水质透明。固化剂的加量为1.5%CJ-1、27.7%水泥、7.7%CJ-2,6.2%CJ-3。固化强度和浸出液试验表明:固化体在养护15天后平均强度3.0MPa,浸出液指标达到GB8978-1996《污水综合排放标准》二级标准。  相似文献   

By simultaneously transmitting acoustic pulses in opposite directions between two points in midocean, one can separate the effects of ocean currents on acoustic propagation from the effects of sound-speed structure. Reciprocal acoustic transmissions can therefore be used to measure ocean currents. Acoustic transceivers have been designed and built to measure the mean currents between two points separated by 300 km. The equipment functioned satisfactorily during a sbort test conducted during 1983. Preliminary analysis of that experiment has yielded differential travel times that appear reasonable, but more work is required to relate the differential travel times to meaningful ocean-current estimates.  相似文献   

文中总结了海洋压力监测仪器实验室校准的不确定度来源项,结合不确定度的评定方法,以实例阐述了海洋压力监测仪器实验室校准的不确定度的分析评定。  相似文献   

移动式海上基地连接器研究现状与发展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
移动式海上基础(MOB)由一些装有自推进装置的半潜式模块相连组成,能为货运机以及直升机提供起降、导航、维护和军需品供给。MOB的概念设计中存在一些关键技术问题有待研究。连接系统的设计就是其中之一。本文介绍了5种MOB的概念设计,并以McDemott MOB连接器为例,介绍了连接器设计准则的发展以及相应连接器设计的改进,列举了一些连接器载荷的计算方法。  相似文献   

声学地层剖面深水探测研究与开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
深水浅部地层精细探测是深海地质勘探与资源开发的重要调查内容。与浅水海域声学地层剖面探测相比,深水地层剖面探测会遇到严重的能量衰减、大数据量长时间反射序列采样、纵向地层分辨率降低以及横向空间覆盖率偏稀等问题,为解决这些问题,国外仪器商采用了不同的方法。采取重采样减少数据量会严重影响纵向分辨率;采取MultiPing技术可以很好解决横向空间覆盖率问题,但多Ping接收采用海底追踪变深度范围采集会造成反射同相轴跳跃突变,或采用短时间间隔采集会造成回波数据无法准确计算海底深度。为了解决这些技术问题,作者研究开发了相关的技术处理方法,解决MultiPing技术反射同相轴拼接改正处理和海底深度记录延迟处理,这些问题的解决为深水浅部地层精细探测提供了技术保障。  相似文献   

It has been proposed that future ocean disposal of sewage sludge from the US east coast be done at a site beyond the edge of the continental shelf. In anticipation of that, a monitoring strategy has been developed to determine the average spatial distribution of contamination. The strategy is an iterative series of measurements developed from models of sludge dispersion and settling which are based on characteristics of the disposal site and sewage sludge. Once disposal is initiated at the site, the strategy requires sampling the upper mixed layer at 36 stations, mostly within 100 km of the site, and deployment of near-bottom sediment traps along a line extending 300 km away from the site. Based on initial results, subsequent sampling locations will be selected to refine estimates of the detectable extent of sludge-derived contamination. The sludge constituents which can be used to detect sludge in water at a dilution of 106 and sludge in sediment traps when diluted by 100 with natural material include zinc, PCBs, coprostanol and spores of the bacterium Clostridium perfringens. Other synthetic organic compounds, besides PCB, may prove to be useful tracers.  相似文献   

作为深海工程应用中一种新型的拖曳嵌入式系泊基础,法向承力锚与目前新型的深水绷紧索系泊方式结合,在深水条件下的优势非常明显.综合比较了新型拖曳锚、吸力锚以及桩锚在施工、性能以及经济性等多方面的特点.提出了开展新型拖曳锚研发的若干关键技术.在对国外的实验研究现状进行综合评述的基础上,重点介绍了在构建新型拖曳锚模型实验平台方面取得的成果,涉及模型水槽、拖曳与回收系统、测量系统、模型锚板设计以及拖曳-系泊转换机构等关键技术.  相似文献   

原位观测是海洋环境观监测与安全保障的基础手段,对提升海洋环境时空变化规律的认识和数值预报水平起着至关重要的作用。但是实施基于原位观测的海洋环境保障措施存在覆盖范围有限、观测成本高昂,以及非常时期实施困难等问题。随着海洋强国战略的深入推进,未来国家海洋利益空间将不断拓展,海洋环境保障的立体性、复杂性、未知性将不断增强,这对系统化、信息化、智能化的海洋环境保障提出了更高要求。当前有效解决方案之一是通过实施环境适应性保障对有限的原位观测资源布局进行优化设计,最大化海洋环境观测网建设效益。本文系统介绍了美国海军在海洋环境适应性保障建设方面的成果与经验,通过海上试验展现了实施海洋环境适应性保障措施的必要性和优越性,随后梳理了高分辨率海洋水文环境数值模拟技术、海洋水文环境适应性观测敏感区诊断技术、无人移动平台协同组网观测技术及无人移动平台观测资料同化技术等海洋环境适应性保障建设涉及的关键技术及其发展现状,最后总结了我国在海洋环境适应性保障建设方面的研究进展。作为一项复杂的系统工程,海洋环境适应性保障将有助于颠覆传统海洋环境保障模式,牵引我国海洋环境保障装备发展,推动相关研究领域理论和技术进步,对我国海洋环境保障体系建设产生深远影响。  相似文献   

Desalination plants generate notable (>1,000 s m3) quantities of hypersaline brine which potentially affect the biological communities in the receiving area. We assessed whether proximity to a brine discharge point located off Gran Canaria (Canary Islands, eastern Atlantic) altered patterns in the abundance and assemblage structure of subtidal, soft-bottom, meiofauna. Samples were collected twice (May 2008 and January 2009) at 0, 15 and 30 m away from the brine discharge point, corresponding to a change in salinity from 45 to 36. Proximity to the brine discharge point affected overall meiofaunal abundances: lowest abundances were observed at 0 m (64.55 ± 39.86 ind 10 cm−2, mean ± SD) than at 15 (210.49 ± 121.01 ind 10 cm−2) and 30 m (361.88 ± 102.64 ind 10 cm−2) away from the brine discharge point. This pattern was particularly notable for the most conspicuous meiofaunal groups: nematodes and copepods, and meiofaunal assemblage structure also differed with varying proximity to the brine discharge point. Although multivariate techniques identified changes in salinity as a relevant driver of patterns in meiofaunal assemblage structure with varying proximity to the brine outfall, a shift in particle size composition between May 2008 and January 2009 also contributed to explain differences in meiofaunal abundances and assemblage structure with varying proximity to the brine discharge point. Hence, meiofauna can be considered a suitable tool to monitor environmental impacts derived from the discharge of hypersaline effluents on subtidal, soft-bottom, assemblages if potential confounding drivers, i.e. here temporal changes in particle size composition, are accounted for to avoid possible confusing interpretations.  相似文献   

The authors report on the development and use of an impedance probe to measure the volume fraction of air (void-fraction) in bubble plumes generated by breaking waves. The void-fraction gauge described was found to be most useful in the initial period after breaking when large void-fractions prevail. The authors describe the instrumentation at length and report on its use in the laboratory and in the field. The instrument is found to be capable of rendering the space-time evolution of the void-fraction field from controlled laboratory breaking waves. Field results show measurements of void-fractions (up to 24%) which are several orders of magnitude greater than time averaged values previously reported. Preliminary measurements show that the fraction of breaking waves per wave is dependent on significant wave height and wind speed. The dependence on wind speed is compared with data of previous investigators. Underwater video photography from the field shows the formation and evolution of distinct bubble plumes and the presence of large bubbles (at least 6-mm radius) generated by breaking  相似文献   

动力定位系统发展状况及研究方法   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:21  
动力定位系统(Dynamic Positioning System)是一种闭环的控制系统,其采用推力器来提供抵抗风、浪、流等作用在船上的环境力,从而使船尽可能地保持在海平面上要求的位置上,其定位成本不会随着水深增加而增加,并且操作也比较方便。本文对动力定位系统发展及各组成部分进行了介绍,以期对动力定位系统有个比较完整的认识。  相似文献   

The large amount of wastes is generated in metropolitan area where population is heavily concentrated. As a result, treatment of wastes became a social problem and geotechnical problems related to landfill have emerged in Korea. Settlement behavior of waste landfill is similar to behavior of peat that possesses relatively small time-dependent secondary compression alongside large initial compression. A number of researchers published their own settlement computations. However, accurate computation method for waste-reclaimed landfill has yet to be determined as the settlement mechanism is very complicated. Hence, it is important to examine the accurate settlement behavior of reclaimed ground by comparing the material properties from laboratory test and field monitoring and comparing the results with the theoretical equation. This study determines the consolidation coefficients according to the change of organic contents through the total volume reduction in fresh waste layer and initial void ratio change and examines the feature of settlement in each load stage. Moreover, the article attempts to investigate the characteristics of consolidation of the relevant reclaimed landfill and to determine the suitability of the equation by comparing the variables in theoretical equations obtained from the laboratory test and field monitoring. Moreover, to verify the compression characteristics of the waste-reclaimed landfill upon loading, consolidation test results were analyzed to conduct index study on the consolidation characteristics of the waste-reclaimed landfill.  相似文献   

We develop methods for automatic environmental monitoring of disposal sites on the deep ocean floor using chemical sensor arrays and statistical hypothesis testing. Such sites have been proposed to relocate dredge materials from harbors and shipping channels. The transport of pollutants is modeled as a diffusion process, and the measurement and statistical models are derived by exploiting the spatial and temporal evolution of the associated concentration distribution. We derive two detectors, the generalized likelihood ratio (GLR) test and the mean detector and determine their performance in terms of the probabilities of false alarm and detection, The results are applied to the design of chemical sensor arrays satisfying criteria specified in terms of these probabilities, and to optimally select a number of sensors and time samples. Numerical examples are used to demonstrate the applicability of our results  相似文献   

连云港陆桥经济发展问题研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
从全球发展大势来看,以连云港为东桥头堡直抵荷兰鹿特丹的新亚欧大陆桥,连接亚欧两洲,对世界物流将产生巨大影响。从全国发展大势来看,连云港在东部开放、西部开发的战略中处于特殊地位。在地理位置上,连云港是沿海和沿桥的结合部。优势和特点具体表现在:一是亚欧大陆桥呈东西双向开放,连接亚欧两大国际市场,是一条国际贸易通道;二是新亚欧大陆桥沿线交通运输网络立体化,综合  相似文献   

橄榄蚶的性腺发育和生殖周期研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
橄榄蚶(Estellarca olivacea)隶属于软体动物门,瓣鳃纲,列齿目,蚶科,橄榄蚶属,俗名为珠蚶,橄榄蚶生活在潮间带和潮下带水深20m左右的泥沙质海底,分布于菲律宾、日本和我国沿海[1],福建省的罗源、连江、平潭一带盛产[2],橄榄蚶滋味鲜美,常烫熟或腌渍食用,是重要的经济贝类之一近年来,由于环境污染和滥采滥捕等因素,资源已经急剧减少为了开发橄榄蚶养殖业,保护橄榄蚶资源,对其性腺发育规律及繁殖周期进行了研究,这具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

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