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This paper examines the soil-water behaviour of sandy soils representative of a broad area in the Duero river basin (Spain), with semi-arid bioclimatic characteristics. Soil-moisture measurements of the first 25 cm of soil profile were taken using time domain reflectometry (TDR) methodology. The infiltration process was studied by means of field experiments combining rainfall simulations and TDR techniques. Finally, a set of hydrodynamic variables was calculated in the laboratory (i.e. available soil-water content, soil-water-retention curves and hydraulic conductivity).The average available soil-water content is 0·07 cm3 cm−3, in accordance with the predominance of the sandy textural fraction (85%). The rainfall simulation experiments show that infiltration prevails over overland flow, with a steady-state infiltration rate higher than rainfall application (40mmh−1) in most cases; a low water-retention capacity was also observed. The evolution of soil-moisture over time indicates a close dependence on intra-annual rainfall variability due to the low water-retention capacity of sandy soils. With a maximum water-storage capacity of around 0·18 cm3 cm−3, the soils studied show high sensitivity to dry spells and may remain with <50% of the available soil-water content for several months during the year.  相似文献   

The Western Pyrenees presents a diffuse and moderate ( M ≤ 5.7) instrumental seismicity. It nevertheless historically suffered from strong earthquakes (I = IX MSK). The seismic sources of these events are not yet clearly identified. We focus on the Arudy (1980) epicentral area ( M = 5.1) and propose here the reactivation of early Cretaceous normal faults of the Iberian margin as a potential source. The late Cretaceous inversion of this basin, first in a left-lateral strike-slip mode and then in a more frontal convergence, resulted in a pop-up geometry. This flower structure attests of the presence of a deep crustal discontinuity.
The present-day geodynamic arrangement suggests that this accident is reactivated in a right lateral mode. This reactivation leads to a strain partitioning between the deep discontinuity that accommodates the lateral component of the motion and shallow thrusts, rooted on this discontinuity. These thrusts accommodate the shortening component of the strain. The distribution of the instrumental seismicity fits well the structural model of the Arudy basin. Whatever the compressive regional context, the structural behaviour of the system explains too the extensive stress tensor determined for the Arudy crisis if we interpret it in terms of strain ellipsoid. Indeed numerical modelling has shown that this concomitant activity of strike-slip and thrust faulting results in an extensive component that can rise 50 per cent of the finite strain.
We identify too a 25–30 km long potential seismic source for the Arudy area. The size of the structure and its potential reactivation in a strike-slip mode suggest that a maximum earthquake magnitude of ∼6.5 could be expected. The extrapolation of this model at the scale of the Western Pyrenees allows to propose other potential sources for major regional historical earthquakes.  相似文献   

Coastal planform studies are a relevant initial stage before launching detailed dynamic field experiments. The aim of this study is to define the planform characteristics of 72 Catalan pocket beaches, natural and man-made, and to determine their sheltering effect, embaymentization and their status of equilibrium. Planform measurements were performed on SIGPAC, 1:5000 orthophoto sets and wave climate was provided by Puertos del Estado (Wana model). Planform parameters were applied and coastal planview indexes were determined.The study shows that the Catalan pocket beaches display a wide range of indentation, suggesting that no single structural, tectonic or morphological control dominates their planform. The man-made pocket beaches typically display indentations which are smaller than those shown by natural pocket beaches. Headland spacing and beach area are positively correlated. The more indented bays are, the shorter their beaches become. Low-indented pocket beaches are the widest and the longest ones.Deep indentation contributes towards beach protection and energy dissipation which counteracts rip efficiency and inhibits the formation of mega-rips. Pocket beaches often show gradual and moderate alongshore changes in texture and beach morphology. One third of the Catalan pocket beaches are “sediment starved”, i.e., 60% and more of their embayed shorelines are deprived of beach sediments. Examination of the status of equilibrium demonstrates that most of the Catalan pocket beaches are in an unstable mode, with indentation ratios that are unrelated to the wave obliquity.  相似文献   

The nature of the transition between the Zagros intra-continental collision and the Makran oceanic subduction is a matter of debate: either a major fault cutting the whole lithosphere or a more progressive transition associated with a shallow gently dipping fault restricted to the crust. Microearthquake seismicity located around the transition between the transition zone is restricted to the west of the Jaz-Murian depression and the Jiroft fault. No shallow micro-earthquakes seem to be related to the NNW–SSE trending Zendan–Minab–Palami active fault system. Most of the shallow seismicity is related either to the Zagros mountain belt, located in the west, or to the NS trending Sabzevaran–Jiroft fault system, located in the north. The depth of microearthquakes increases northeastwards to an unusually deep value (for the Zagros) of 40 km. Two dominant types of focal mechanisms are observed in this region: low-angle thrust faulting, mostly restricted to the lower crust, and strike-slip at shallow depths, both consistent with NS shortening. The 3-D inversion of P traveltimes suggests a high-velocity body dipping northeastwards to a depth of 25 km. This high-velocity body, probably related to the lower crust, is associated with the deepest earthquakes showing reverse faulting. We propose that the transition between the Zagros collision and the Makran subduction is not a sharp lithospheric-scale transform fault associated with the Zendan–Minab–Palami fault system. Instead it is a progressive transition located in the lower crust. The oblique collision results in partial partitioning between strike-slip and shortening components within the shallow brittle crust because of the weakness of the pre-existing Zendan–Minab–Palami faults.  相似文献   

The Jiloca depression, one of the largest morpho-structural units of the Iberian Range and traditionally considered as a neotectonic graben, is interpreted as a karst polje developed within an active halfgraben. This polje, 705 km2 in area, constitutes one of the largest documented poljes. Several evidences—(1) a sequence of eight-stepped levels of corrosion surfaces, (2) the reduced thickness of the basin fill, (3) fault-controlled mountain fronts with topographic scarps much higher than the structural throws—demonstrate that great part of the topographic relief of the depression has been generated by corrosional lowering rather than by tectonic subsidence. The height difference between the highest corrosion surface and the polje bottom indicate that the depression has been deepened around 300 m by corrosion processes. The initiation of the karst polje was determined by the creation of the Jiloca halfgraben by normal faults, which deformed a Pliocene regional erosion surface. The development of the polje has been controlled largely by the asymmetric structure and the slight neotectonic activity of the graben. Changes in the position of the polje bottom inferred from the slopes of the different corrosion surfaces (polje paleotopography) may have been controlled by neotectonic movements.  相似文献   

This paper analyses local differences in access to basic health services in the province of Teruel (Spain), one of the most sparsely populated areas in Europe. The demographic decline and the concentration of the remaining population in the main settlements has meant that there is a high degree of spatial fit of supply and demand and average aggregate accessibility is good. However, access costs are high for the scarce and aged population resident in the most remote villages and hamlets scattered over an extensive and tacitly ignored territory. In such circumstances the demands of the inhabitants for more attention from the public authorities, expressed through the 'Teruel Exists' movement, can be readily understood.  相似文献   

The Serra Gelada sea cliffs are carved in Mesozoic carbonate rocks belonging to the External Zones of the eastern Betic Cordillera (Alicante, SE Spain). Several normal faults with vertical slips of more than a hundred metres have played an important role in the origin of this coastline. Some previous studies propose that the present cliff morphology was mainly originated by Quaternary fault activity. However, the integration of geomorphological features, stratigraphical and sedimentological data, together with the results of the tectonic analysis of fractures occurring in Serra Gelada, and a detailed study of seismic reflection profiles carried out in the adjacent continental shelf, indicate that these normal faults were active mainly during the late Miocene. Therefore, the Serra Gelada sea cliffs represent a tectonically controlled long-term landscape. Thus, normal faults have not significantly modified the Serra Gelada relief since then. Furthermore, the northern part of the Serra Gelada cliff may be considered as an inherited pre-Quaternary relict palaeocliff since it has only undergone very little erosive recession.  相似文献   

A 27-m sequence of deposits from the Plio-Pleistocene Banyoles-Besalú lacustrine complex, at Tres Pins, N.-E. Spain, shows lithological, carbonate, pollen and spores, and ostracode-gastropod evidence of climatic and lake-level change. Upland pollen taxa from the lowermost zones 1, 3 and 5, show that the area was forested and indicate a progressive deterioration of the climate. Zone 2 (steppe vegetation) corresponds to a global glacial stage, with mild temperatures, if the comparison to modern analogues is valid. Only minor climate fluctuations occurred subsequently. Aquatic vegetation and micritic sediment facies show a pelagic environment during pollen zones 1 and 3 and a littoral one during pollen zone 5. A short-term lowering of the water level (sandy algal micrite and slightly brackish waters) occurred in zone 2, as a result of severe droughts. Subzone 2c records progressive recovery of the forest. The coarse lithology and the high carbonate content, however, continue to indicate shallow waters. The fluctuation marked by zone 4 (extensive marsh vegetation and spring waters) may be due to a lake-level decrease caused by karst activity, or by lower precipitation with only slight cooling, or more probably by a relative lake-level decrease caused by natural infilling. The sediment of pollen zone 4, a sandy algal micrite, indicates the development of a littoral bench at the core site. From pollen zone 4 to pollen zone 5 an evolution from lakeward to landward position occurred. In zone 2, droughts existed at least during the spring growing season, and probably also during the rest of the year. In subzone 2c, a shift to spring precipitation occurred. In contrast, during pollen zone 4, if there was a decrease in precipitation, it did not take place during the summer growing season.  相似文献   

A large number of blowouts and playas occur in the marginal sectors of the aeolian deposits located in the southern sector of the Duero Depression (Tierra de Pinares) in Spain. The blowouts are relict landforms that were developed on sand sheets by deflation during dry periods with lower vegetation cover and a deeper water table. The studied blowouts form complexes of NW–SE and NNW–SSE elongated hollows with accompanying dunes up to 4 km long in the leeward margins. Some hollows host lakes or swampy areas related to a shallow water table. The dunes formed by NE–ENE winds show steep windward slopes and gentle leeward slopes. The studied playas, with prevalent NNW–SSE orientations, result from the aeolian excavation of terrace deposits and the underlying marly bedrock. It is probable that the formation of these depressions in an initial stage was related to deflation processes affected preferentially NNW–SSE sandy channels perpendicular to the dominant wind direction. The precipitation of salts in the playas generates aggregates of clay particles (peloids) that are easily removed by the wind. Once the bottom reached the substratum, the deepening of the depressions progressed by the deflation of particles produced by weathering of the argillaceous bedrock.  相似文献   

The landscape of today's central Iberian Peninsula has been shaped by ongoing tectonic activity since the Tertiary. This landscape comprises a mountain ridge trending E–W to NW–SE, the Central System, separating two regions of smooth topography: the basins of the rivers Duero and Tajo. In this study, we explore interrelationships between topography and tectonics in the central Iberian Peninsula. Regional landscape features were analysed using a digital elevation model (DEM). Slope gradients and slope orientations derived from the DEM were combined to describe topographic surface roughness. Topography trend-surfaces inferred from harmonic analysis were used to define regional topographic features. Low roughness emphasizes the smooth nature of the basins' topography, where surfaces of homogeneous slope gradient and orientation dominate. High roughness was associated with abrupt changes in gradient and slope orientation such as those affecting crests, valley bottoms and scarp edges present in the mountain chain and in some deep incised valleys in the basins. One of the applications of roughness mapping was its capacity to isolate incised valley segments. The area distribution of incised rivers shows their prevalence in the east. On a regional scale, the topographic surface can be described as a train of NE–SW undulations or waves of 20 km wavelength. These undulations undergo changes in direction and interruptions limited by N–S-trending breaks. E–W and NE–SW troughs and ridges clearly mark structural uplifts and depressions within the Central System. These structures are transverse to the compressive NW–SE stress field that controlled the deformation of the central Iberian Peninsula from the Neogene to the present. They represent the upper crustal folding that accommodates Alpine shortening. N–S breaks coincide with Late Miocene faults that control the basins' sedimentation. Further, associated palaeoseismic structures suggest the recent tectonic activity of N–S faults in the eastern part of the Tajo Basin. Apatite fission track analysis data for this area suggest the occurrence of a significant uplift episode from 7 to 10 Ma which induced the river incisions appearing in the roughness map. N–S and NE–SW faults could be seismogenic sources for the current moderate to low seismic activity of the east Tajo Basin and southeast Central System. Although N–S fault activity has already been established, we propose its significant contribution to shaping the landscape.  相似文献   

用无定型磷酸钛和磷酸在175℃,约3MPa气压下,合成的晶形细微化合物,即二水合二磷酸氢钛[TI(HPO_4)_2·2H_2O],是一种层状结构的无机离子交换剂。在酸性和中性介质中其溶解度极小,对于钾、锂碱金属离子具有很好的交换吸附效应。以聚丙烯腈的二甲基甲酰胺溶液为粘合剂,压制成型,装制成色谱柱,以LiNO_3溶液为原料,HCl为洗脱剂,合理截取洗脱流分并测得~6Li和~7Li的单级分离因数为1.023,获得了文献中尚未报道过的结果。  相似文献   

We present a new surface velocity field for Baja California using GPS data to test the rigidity of this microplate, calculate its motion in a global reference frame, determine its relative motion with respect to the North American and the Pacific plates, and compare those results to our estimate for Pacific–North America motion. Determination of Pacific Plate motion is improved by the inclusion of four sites from the South Pacific Sea Level and Climate Monitoring Project. These analyses reveal that Baja California moves as a quasi-rigid block but at a slower rate in the same direction, as the Pacific Plate relative to North America. This is consistent with seismic activity along the western edge of Baja California (the Baja California shear zone), and may reflect resistance to motion of the eastern edge of the Pacific Plate caused by the 'big bend' of the San Andreas fault and the Transverse Ranges in southern California.  相似文献   

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