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以2008年7月20-22日一次高原低涡东移出高原例,利用MM5中尺度模式进行数值试验,分析冷空气和南北风强度变化对低涡维持和发展的影响以及对伴随的强降水过程的影响,探讨高原低涡发展维持机制和降水发生机制.分析结果表明:对流层中低层冷空气势力强弱较南北风场变化对降水落区和强度、低涡维持和发展,以及涡区物理量特征都有着更大的影响.适度的冷空气入侵有利于低涡的维持与发展,而过强的冷空气入侵,不利于辐合上升运动的维持,并降低大气的饱和程度,使高原低涡强度迅速减弱,过程降雨量明显减少.  相似文献   

在多年来对自动气象站架设和安装工作的实践基础上,针对高原地理环境及天气的主要特点,对自动气象站防雷技术问题进行了研究和应用,详细介绍了高原防雷特点及应用,提出了一套高原自动气象站雷电防护设计方案。  相似文献   

为探讨潜热加热对高原涡发展的作用并加深对水汽与高原涡垂直结构及发展变化关系的认识。应用NCEP(1°×1°)再分析资料,通过大气热源诊断计算,分析2005年5月1~4日和2005年6月23~28日两次高原涡的垂直结构及生命史特征。通过比湿、涡度、Q2等诊断量的对比分析发现:高原涡在东移发展过程中,涡柱内水汽含量上升、涡度明显加强,水汽、涡度上传明显,两者在垂直方向的大值中心有较好的同步性。高原涡未下坡前,水汽通过凝结释放潜热的方式加热大气,高原涡暖中心结构明显。高原涡下坡过程中,其涡度和垂直速度均整层陡增,高原涡区域水汽含量下降,潜热加热作用减弱,暖中心结构消失。因此,大气中水汽的含量和垂直分布状况直接影响凝结潜热作用的发挥,凝结潜热对高原涡发展作用主要表现在高原涡下坡前和下坡后期,是高原涡下坡后是否继续东移发展的重要影响因素。  相似文献   

2008年,河南省煤田地质局一队第五工程处立足青海煤勘市场,克服高原恶劣气候和环境条件,充分发挥地勘人不怕吃苦、艰苦奋斗的精神,取得了显著的经济效益和社会效益,在巍巍的青藏高原上树立了一座“特别能吃苦、特别能战斗、特别能忍耐、特别能奉献”的丰碑。  相似文献   

高原季风对500hPa中纬度西风带活动的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用1948--2008年NCEP/NCAR逐月再分析资料和1958—2007年中国560站夏季降水资料,设计了一个区域西风指数,探讨了高原夏季风和500百帕中纬度西风带活动的时间一频率多层次年际、年代际时间尺度变化特征以及对我国夏季降水的影响。结果表明:高原夏季风对区域西风带活动具有显著的影响,近61年来,两者总体变化趋势相反,前者增强后者减弱。除了都具有1—2年、27—28年和线性趋势变化的共同周期外,还呈现出各自的周期变化,并且均发生过一次年代际气候跃变现象,前者发生在20世纪70年代中期,后者发生在80年代中期,高原夏季风由偏弱转为偏强,区域西风由偏强转入偏弱,在跃变前后两者各种周期的时间尺度和强度存在明显的不同。如果排除1—2年周期的不确定性,预计接下来高原夏季风将直接进入偏弱期,区域西风指数可能在3—4年后才转入偏强期,并且高原夏季风会比区域西风指数提前发生突变,对区域西风指数具有一定的指示意义。高原夏季风不仅自身对我国夏季降水产生重要的作用,同时,它通过影响中纬度西风带的活动,间接地影响着我国的夏季降水。  相似文献   

岩溶关键带水文地球化学过程的研究对于科学认识其内部的演化环境与结构特征具有重要意义。岩溶水是水-岩作用后主要的信息载体, 定量分析其水化学特征及成因是揭示岩溶关键带含水系统介质环境与水动力条件的有效手段。以滇中高原岩溶关键带3个典型岩溶含水系统为研究对象, 通过对不同含水系统出露的岩溶泉进行野外采样与室内测试, 综合采用数理统计分析、水化学图解、离子比例系数与水文地球化学模拟等方法, 深入剖析了各含水系统岩溶水水化学组分特征、成因作用和含水层介质特性, 并对关键带中水循环与水化学的内在联系及规律进行了探讨。结果表明: ①HCO3-、Ca2+是各含水系统岩溶水中含量最高且来源稳定的离子组分, Mg2+是控制各含水系统水化学类型异化的关键因素; ②碳酸盐岩类的岩石风化、矿物溶解是各含水系统内岩溶水化学组分特征的主要成因作用, 岩溶水对华宁水系统含水层的溶蚀作用仍在发生, 阳离子吸附交替与硅酸盐岩类的风化溶解是区域岩溶水中Na+、K+的重要来源; ③区域岩溶的发育强度、岩溶含水层的出露条件及含水介质岩性与连通性共同塑造了滇中高原岩溶关键带不同含水系统地下水化学特性。研究成果丰富了对滇中高原岩溶关键带水文地球化学过程的认识, 为区域岩溶水资源的开发、利用与保护提供基于水化学的证据支撑。   相似文献   

本文利用热成风适应原理,采取分解分析法对青藏高原500hpa暖性高压的生成机制作了一些定性和定量的讨论。结果表明:在扰动的水平尺度大于热成风适应的特征尺度的条件下,当源地有明显的负值非热成风涡度出现时,流场将向温度场适应,而温度场由于高原的加热作用存在暖中心或暖脊,则适应的结果在高原大气500hpa形成暖性高压,并伴随高层辐合,低层辐散及下沉运动。  相似文献   

2002年6月中旬,一支17人组成的地质调查队伍,从南方亚热带,向西北,跋涉数千公里,开进了西部雪域高原,开始了为期3年的西藏墨竹工卡——工布江达地区铜多金属矿资源评价工作。他们来自广西地质勘查总院(广西地质调查研究院)物化探院,承担了这一地质大调查援藏项目。他们第一次走进西藏,第一次走进雪域高原。 高原是美丽的,蓝天,白云,雪山,草地,展现出无比纯净圣洁的美丽;高原是神秘的,寺庙,经幡,红衣喇嘛,虔诚膜拜的藏民,空气中弥漫着宗教的神秘;高原是残酷的,悬殊的高差,稀薄的空气,险峻的高山峡谷,骤变无常的气…  相似文献   

基于层次分析法的拉市海高原湿地生态系统健康评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 本文以云南省丽江市拉市海高原湿地生态系统核心区为研究区域,利用区域生态系统功能监测指标和自然环境及人文活动因素指标,对拉市海高原湿地生态系统的健康状况进行空间综合评估分析。首先,根据当前生态系统的状况和高原湿地生态系统的特征,结合湿地保护区开展的系列生态系统功能监测项目及其指标,并充分考虑评估模型的系统性、科学性和实际操作的可行性,构建了拉市海高原湿地生态系统健康评价的指标和指标体系。然后,采用层次分析方法(AHP),融合自然综合指标、人文因素指标在内的生态系统健康综合评价模型,确定6级的生态系统健康评估标准;最后,根据空间评价模型和数据资源,对各个指标权重进行分析计算,得出拉市海高原湿地生态系统的健康状况的空间分布。研究结果表明,拉市海高原湿地的生态系统健康状况良好。按照划定的6级标准,其中,稳定区和较稳定区面积9 358.93hm2,占研究区域总面积的61%,脆弱区和较脆弱区面积为6 058.46hm2,占总面积的39%。整个研究区域内不存在很稳定区和极稳定区,这为高原湿地生态系统的综合管理及发展规划提供了依据。  相似文献   

高原低涡结构特征模拟与诊断的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用二重嵌套的非静力中尺度数值模式MM5对2005年7月28—29日的一次高原低涡过程进行了数值模拟,并利用模拟结果对此次低涡的结构进行了初步分析。结果表明:MM5模式对此次低涡过程有较好的模拟能力,模拟出的位势高度场分布和涡度场结构与实况基本吻合。此次高原低涡具有同热带气旋相似的涡眼(空心)结构和暖心结构。在流场上,高原低涡在涡眼区下层表现为辐散下沉运动,上层为辐合上升运动;而在涡心四周下层表现为辐合上升运动,上层为辐散下沉运动;在涡度场上,高原低涡下层为正涡度区,上层为负涡度区。  相似文献   

对青海高原地质职工的236例异常心电图分析发现,异常心电改变比率较高。不同年龄组异常心电图表现以SV_5增深、心电轴左偏、ST-T 改变、不完全性右束支传导阻滞、左前半支传导阻滞、心电轴右偏及QRS低电压等改变率较高为特征。在高原缺氧环境下,人体氧自由基代谢失衡,易致机体组织、器官损害老化和心、脑、肺、肾脏器等的损害。文章指出,服用“复方红景天”胶囊等抗低氧药物有利于地质职工及高原居民的健康。  相似文献   

A topographical model for precipitation pattern in the Tibetan Plateau   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
As the highest and most extensive plateau on earth, the Tibetan Plateau has strong thermo-dynamic effect, which not only affects regional climate around the plateau but also temperature and precipitation patterns of itself. However, due to scattered meteorological stations, its spatial precipitation pattern and, especially, the mechanism behind are poorly understood. The availability of spatially consistent satellite-derived precipitation data makes it possible to get accurate precipitation pattern in the plateau, which could help quantitatively explore the effect and mechanism of mass elevation effect on precipitation pattern. This paper made full use of TMPA 3B43 V7 monthly precipitation data to track the trajectory of precipitation and identified four routes (east, southeast, south, west directions) along which moisture-laden air masses move into the plateau. We made the assumption that precipitation pattern is the result interplay of these four moisture-laden air masses transportation routes against the distances from moisture sources and the topographic barriers along the routes. To do so, we developed a multivariate linear regression model with the spatial distribution of annual mean precipitation as the dependent variable and the topographical barriers to these four moisture sources as independent variables. The result shows that our model could explain about 70% of spatial variation of mean annual precipitation pattern in the plateau; the regression analysis also shows that the southeast moisture source (the Bay of Bengal) contributes the most (32.56%) to the rainfall pattern of the plateau; the east and the south sources have nearly the same contribution, 23.59% and 23.48%, respectively; while the west source contributes the least, only 20.37%. The findings of this study can greatly improve our understanding of mass elevation effect on spatial precipitation pattern.  相似文献   

Since the late 1950's, many Chinese scientists have explored the remains of the Quaternary glaciation in the Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) Plateau and its surrounding mountains. In the main, 3-4 glaciations have been recognized. The largest one occurred in the Late Middle Pleistocene with piedmont glaciers, ice caps and trellis valley glaciers in many high peak regions. But here is no evidence of a unified ice sheet covering the whole plateau as described by M. Kuhle. Due to the further uplifting of the Himalayas and Qinghai-Xizang Plateau the climate became progressively drier, diminishing the extension of glaciers during the Late Pleistocene. The elevation of the snow line during the Last Glaciation was about 4,000 m on the south, east and northeast edges of the plateau and ascended to 5500 m on the hinder northwest of the plateau. The thermal effect of the big plateau massif, the sharp increase of aridity from the southeast rim to the northwest inland area and the abrupt decrease of precipitation during the  相似文献   

Since the late 1950’s, many Chinese scientists have explored the remains of the Quaternary glaciation in the Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) Plateau and its surrounding mountains. In the main, 3–4 glaciations have been recognized. The largest one occurred in the Late Middle Pleistocene with piedmont glaciers, ice caps and trellis valley glaciers in many high peak regions. But here is no evidence of a unified ice sheet covering the whole plateau as described by M. Kuhle. Due to the further uplifting of the Himalayas and Qinghai-Xizang Plateau the climate became progressively driver, diminishing the extension of glaciers during the Late Pleistocene. The elevation of the snow line during the Last Glaciation was about 4,000 m on the south, east and northeast edges of the plateau and ascended to 5500 m on the hinder northwest of the plateau. The thermal effect of the big plateau massif, the sharp increase of aridity from the southeast rim to the northwest inland area and the abrupt decrease of precipitation during the Ice Age largely account for the distribution of the Quaternary glaciers in the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau. The neglect of Chinese literature may be one of the causes accounting for M. Kuhle’s misinterpretation on the environment of the Quaternary glaciations in the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau.  相似文献   

针对似大地水准面在精化过程中不同移去-恢复高程转换模型的适用性和选取问题,基于二次曲面和EGM2008重力场模型,分别构建了RBF神经网络、多面函数和Shepard等3种类型的移去-恢复模型,结合平原和高原山区两个工程实例,通过调整高程拟合点数目进行似大地水准面拟合与精度对比。结果表明,在平原地区,EGM2008-多面函数高程模型精度略优于其他模型;在高原山区,当拟合点数较少时,基于EGM2008的移去-恢复模型精度高于基于二次曲面的移去-恢复模型,其中,EGM2008-多面函数和EGM2008-Shepard较优,而随着拟合点数目的增加,二次曲面-Shepard高程转换模型的精度优于其他模型。  相似文献   

本文认为,青海区调工作在今后相当长一段时间内,仍将以外业为工作主体。区调中应强化找矿意识。在交通不便、高寒缺氧、外业时间短的青藏高原,在学习应用新理论、新方法的同时,加强遥感地质工作、运动新的信息化工作手段,很有必要。  相似文献   

This study proposes an equivalent-elevation method to evaluate the integrated effects of latitude and elevation on regional and local-scale permafrost distribution in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,and to model the general permafrost-distribution patterns in regional and local-scale area.It is found that the Gaussian curve―an empirical model describing the relation between variations of altitudinal permafrost lower limit (PLL) and latitude in the Northern Hemisphere―could be applied in regional-and local-scale areas in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in a latitude-sensitive interval of 30°-50°N.The curve was then used to evaluate the latitudinal effect on permafrost distribution through transforming the latitudinal effect into a kind of altitudinal difference of PLL.This study then calculated the local equivalent-elevation value by overlaying the altitudinal difference of PLL onto real elevation at a certain location.The equivalent-elevation method was verified in an experimental subwatershed of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.However,feasibility of the method should be further tested in order to extend for future studies.The use of equivalent-elevation values can build a platform for comparing the regional general permafrost distribution in the plateau,and for basing further evaluations of local factors’ effects on regional permafrost distribution.  相似文献   

γ辐射剂量率的监测是天然放射性水平调查的重要部分,其关系到公众健康和辐射环境安全。目前中国环境γ辐射剂量率的空间分布水平的评价多基于专家经验知识,该方法不能够定量化表达γ辐射剂量率与环境因子的相互作用关系。为了进一步了解中国环境γ辐射剂量率的空间分布水平及影响其分布的机理,基于地理探测器提出了定量表达γ辐射剂量率与环境因子的相互作用关系的方法。本文首先收集了2015年全国辐射环境自动监测站的空气吸收剂量率的数据,并计算了44个地级市的年均值作为被解释变量;然后探索性分析了44个地级市的γ辐射剂量率的空间分布的规律;最后结合环境要素指标,借助地理探测器方法揭示了全国辐射剂量率的空间分布影响机理。研究发现:① 低值沿着中国黑河至南宁的沿线缓冲带分布,高值在该缓冲带两侧扩散。② 环境要素中解释力由高到底排序为:海拔高程(0.846)>气候带(0.741)>植被覆盖(0.691)>土地利用分类(0.427)>生态系统(0.419)>地形(0.101)。海拔高程一方面通过表观地球营力与地质构造,从而影响着地壳中天然辐射水平;另一方面对通过对自然环境的分布情况的影响,决定着人类生产活动的分布,进而作用到人工电离辐射源。因此影响γ辐射剂量率的空间分布的主要环境因子是综合了自然要素与人文经济活动的海拔高程。  相似文献   

The lofty and extensive Tibetan Plateau has significant mass elevation effect(MEE). In recent years, a great effort has been made to quantify MEE, with the recognition of intra-mountain basal elevation(MBE) as the main determinant of MEE. In this study, we improved the method of estimating MEE with MODIS and NECP data, by refining temperature laps rate, and dividing MBE plots, and then analyzed the spatio-temporal variation of MEE in the Plateau. The main conclusions include: 1) the highest average annual MEE of the plateau is as high as 11.5488°C in the southwest of the plateau, where exists a high-MEE core and MEE takes on a trend of decreasing from the core to the surrounding areas; 2) in the interior of the plateau, the maximum monthly MEE is 14.1108°C in the highest MBE plot(4934 m) in August; while the minimum monthly MEE appeared primarily in January and February; 3) in the peripheral areas of the plateau, annual mean MEE is relatively low, mostly between 3.0068°C–5.1972°C, where monthly MEE is high in January and December and low in June and July, completely different from the MEE time-series variation in the internal parts of the plateau.  相似文献   

Digital elevation models(DEMs) can be quickly and conveniently generated using very high resolution(VHR) satellite stereo images. Previous studies have evaluated and compared DEM accuracy based on VHR satellite stereo pairs collected by different satellite sensors. However, few studies analyzed the accuracy of a DEM based on stereo image pairs from a satellite with the same orbit and different orbits for a region with significant topographic fluctuations in the plateau area. Referring to former studies, this paper had two objectives: to generate a digital elevation model(DEM) and evaluate its horizontal and vertical accuracy over a plateau area with high relief; and to study the mapping capability of multiorbit and multitemporal stereo pair images in the plateau mountainous region. To achieve these objectives, we collected the 2015 Worldview-2 stereo image pair and another three World View-2 images acquired in 2013, 2014, and 2015. First, the 2015 DEM was obtained using a strict physical model based on along-track stereo image pairs, and the reliability of the DEM was verified with field data. Then, the images obtained in 2013, 2014, and 2015 were combined into different-orbit stereo image pairs, DEMs were produced using rational function models, and the DEMs were verified using field data and the 2015 DEM as standards. The results showed that the relief degree has a particular influence on the DEM, and the precision of the DEM decreases as the topographic relief increases. Off-nadir angles can also influence DEM accuracy, with a larger angle corresponding to a lower DEM accuracy. The research also shows that the DEM obtained from four sets of experiments meets the accuracy requirement of a 1:5,000 digital elevation map, digital line graphic(DLG), and digital orthophoto map(DOM). Among these four groups of DEMs, the one based on the 2015 stereo pairs with the same satellite achieved the highest precision.  相似文献   

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