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Sedimentary rocks from the northern slope of the Kuril Deep-Water Basin are examined. Four different-age lithological units are distinguished, and inferences about the probable conditions of their formation are made. The Paleogene-Lower Miocene deposits (lithological units I and II) are represented by the purest varieties of siliceous rocks, which implies their accumulation far away from the source areas under quiet hydrodynamical conditions of the waters. The composition of the microfossils suggests a relatively shallow-water marine basin. The Pliocene-Pleistocene deposits of lithological units III and IV were formed in an active hydrodynamical environment under conditions of synchronous explosive volcanism at bathyal depths. The presence of porcelanite outcrops on the continental slope of the basin, together with the micropaleontological data about the paleodepths of the sedimentation, allows us to assume that, in the region studied, the continental slope was formed as a result of vertical motions in the post-Middle Miocene time.  相似文献   

Landslide processes on the western slope of the Kuril Basin were studied using bathymetry and seismic data obtained under the international KOMEX and SSGH projects. Slope areas containing landslides, landslide blocks and mass-transport deposits were distinguished. Large-scale landslides occupying an area of more than 100 km2 are located in such areas of open continental margins as the slopes of the North Hokkaido Marginal Plateau and Terpeniya Ridge. Landslide blocks up to 2 km in size and mass-transport deposits are located in submarine canyons and fans in Terpeniya Bay. The age of landslides has been estimated as Middle Pleistocene–Holocene. Landslides are most likely triggered by seismic activity and gas saturation of sediments. Subsequent slope failure seems quite probable within the study area, and landslides capable of generating tsunamis may occur.  相似文献   

Cenozoic volcanic rocks were discovered on major rises of the inner Okhotsk Sea. In this paper, these rocks are geochemically typified, and the geodynamic conditions of their formation reconstructed. For this purpose, mineralogical and geochemical analyses as well as radioisotope age determinations were carried out. The radioisotope age determinations show that the Cenozoic volcanic rocks were formed during the Paleogene–Pleistocene. Within this period, Eocene and Plio-Pleistocene volcanic complexes are particularly prominent. Mineralogical and geochemical analyses show that the rocks belong to the calc-alkaline volcanic series. The Eocene volcanic rocks were formed under subaerial conditions, whereas the Plio-Pleistocene volcanics were formed under submarine conditions. The results of the study suggest that the Okhotsk Sea Basin was formed during the destruction of the Asian continental margin, the Eocene volcanism reflecting subaerial, the Plio-Pleistocene volcanism submarine stages of the Okhotsk Sea evolution.  相似文献   

Mesoscale eddies, particularly anticyclonic ones, are dominant features in the Kuril Basin of the Okhotsk Sea. In 1999, both surface drifter and hydrographic observations caught the same anticyclonic eddy northwest of Bussol’ Strait, which has a diameter of ∼100 km, typical surface velocity of 0.2–0.3 m s−1, and less dense core extending to a depth of ∼1200 m. Based on an idea that the generation of mesoscale eddies is caused by strong tidal mixing in and around Kuril Straits, we have conducted a series of three-dimensional numerical model experiments, in which strong tidal mixing is simply parameterized by increasing coefficients of vertical eddy viscosity and diffusivity along the eastern boundary. Initially, a regular series of disturbances with a wavelength of ∼70 km starts to develop. The disturbances can be clearly explained by a linear instability theory and regarded as the baroclinic instability associated with the near-surface front formed in the region between the enhanced mixing and offshore regions. In the mature phase, the disturbances grow large enough that some eddies pinch off and advect offshore (westward), with the scale of disturbances increasing gradually. Typical eddy scale and its westward propagation speed are ∼100 km and ∼0.6 km day−1, respectively, which are consistent with the observations by satellites. The westward propagation can be explained partly due to nonlinear effect of self-offshore advection and partly due to the β-effect. With the inclusion of the upper ocean restoring, the dominance of anticyclonic eddy, extending from surface to a depth of ∼1200 m, can be reproduced.  相似文献   

Benthic foraminifers from a core of bottom sediments obtained in the Deryugin Basin at a depth of 1750 m were examined. Three distinct benthic foraminiferal assemblages that replaced one another throughout the last 26000 years were recognized. The assemblage dominated by Alabaminella weddellensis, Uvigerina auberiana, and Cassidulina translucens dwelled here from 26 to 24 ky B.P. The sediments of the glacial period between 26 and 12.18 ky B.P. contain no benthic foraminifers. The composition of the sediments suggests the existence of active bottom vents of gas-bearing fluids during that time. The dominance of Brizalina spissa, Uvigerina peregrina, and Cassidulina laevigata is characteristic of the period from 12.18 to 7 ky B.P., when the productivity of the surface waters in the region was high, and warm, poorly oxygenated waters spread over the bottom of the basin. During the past 7 000 years, the bottom conditions in the sea were similar to the present-day conditions and an assemblage with the dominance of Gyroidina orbicularis, Uvigerina auberiana, and Cassidulina teretis developed in the region.  相似文献   

Benthic foraminifera are investigated in sediment core LV28-34-2 (53°51.971′N, 146°47.499′E, sea depth 1431 m, core length 965 cm). The distribution of foraminifera is studied in coarse-grained (>0.125 mm) sediment fractions of 191 samples taken with a step of 5 cm. The core covers the interval from oxygen isotope stage (OIS) 6 up to the Holocene. The foraminiferal assemblages of the penultimate (OIS 6) and last (OIS 5d-2) glaciations are characterized by low abundances and prevalence of Uvigerina auberiana. The specific structure of the OIS 6 assemblages differs from the last glaciation ones by the mass presence of Cassidulina teretis, which characterizes low temperatures and a high influx of organic matter to the sea floor. The major factor responsible for the weak development of benthic foraminifers during the glacial time is the deficiency of food resources. The foraminiferal assemblage of the interglacial optimum (OIS 5e) is composed of both calcareous and agglutinated species (Martinottiella communis).The inflow of Pacific waters was probably more intensive, the bioproductivity was higher, and the critical carbonate compensation depth was shallower at that time than during the glaciations. During the deglaciation, the quantity and structure of the foraminiferal assemblages reflected two pulses of warming (terminations 1B and 1A) with an intervenient cooling event (Younger Dryassic). The assemblages of warm periods were characterized by exclusively high foraminiferal abundances, which sharply decreased during the Younger Dryassic cooling. The specific structure of the foraminiferal assemblage during deglaciation was relatively uniform, being composed of only calcareous taxa typical of highly productive areas of the ocean. The paleoenvironmental conditions were similar to the conditions of the interglacial optimum (OIS 5e), although the preservation of calcareous tests is better. In the Holocene sediments, the concentration of benthic foraminifera is substantially lower than during the deglaciation, which is explainable by their dilution in the sediments by diatoms; the composition of the foraminiferal assemblages is similar to that of their glacial counterparts.  相似文献   

An integrated (petrographical and micropaleontological) study of the sedimentary cover samples dredged from the lower slopes of the Kuril deep-sea basin was carried out. The Pliocene-Pleistocene sediments are mainly represented by tuffaceous sedimentary rocks (tuffites, tuffaceous muds, tuffaceous diatomites, tuffaceous silts, tuffaceous sandstones, etc.). Significant admixtures of pyroclastic matter, especially of volcanic glasses, indicates that the sedimentation process was accompanied by explosive volcanism. The data obtained give evidence about the intensification of the tectonomagmatic regime within the region under study during the Pliocene-Pleistocene time. By the beginning of the Pliocene, a deep-sea basin with a well-manifested continental and/or island slope and a narrow shelf already existed. The Pliocene-Pleistocene deposits accumulated in a cold well-aerated deep-sea basin under oxic conditions and downslope sediment transport.  相似文献   

Recent exploration revealed the high potential for hydrocarbon in the deepwater sags, Pearl River Mouth Basin, northern South China Sea. This paper reports its Cenozoic sedimentary evolution through backstripping of high precision depth data of interpreted sequence boundaries. Local backstripping parameters were mapped based on well and geophysical data. Sensitivity analysis indicates that the reliability of decompaction results were largely improved by using the local porosity parameters and the lithological parameters that vary with grid nodes. Maps of sedimentation rates of 17 sequences from 65 Ma to the present were constructed, showing the spatial–temporal variation of the sedimentation rate. Three rapid depositional stages, 65–32, 29–23.3, 18.5–10.5 Ma, and three slow depositional stages, 32–29, 23.3–18.5, 10.5–0 Ma, were identified with abrupt changes of sedimentary patterns. The three rapid depositional stages were in accord with syn-rifting stage, the first post-rifting depositional stage, and the second post-rifting depositional stage, respectively. And the three slow depositional stages were in keeping with three tectonic events respectively. Several significant sedimentary discontinuities at 32, 23.3 and 10.5 Ma were observed and discussed. The comparison between the study area and the ODP Site 1148 at 32–23.3 Ma indicates that before ~29 Ma the ODP Site 1148 was at similar sedimentation regime as that in the Baiyun and Liwan sags, but significant diversity appeared after ~29 Ma, when a large quantity of terrigenous sediments was trapped by strong post-rifting subsidence in the Baiyun and Liwan sags and could not reach the lower slope areas. Study revealed that the most rapid accumulation from 18.5 to 17.5 Ma might be mainly owing to the large sediment supply during this strong monsoon period.  相似文献   

Diatoms were studied in the KOMEX LV28-34-2 sediment core from the northwestern Sea of Okhotsk. The interval from the penultimate glacial to the Holocene was subdivided into stratigraphic units based on the distribution of biogeographic groups and individual index species. The analysis of the diatom assemblages indicated that, during the Last Glacial Maximum, of the Deryugin Basin was regularly covered with extensive seasonal ice of at least 70% concentration for a minimum of 6–7 months per year. Cold subarctic water from the adjacent open Pacific could have reached as far as the northwestern sea area.  相似文献   

Several coeval volcanogenic complexes indicating synchronous volcanic events in the Sea of Japan and the Sea of Okhotsk are defined. Volcanics from different-age complexes of the Sea of Okhotsk show many features in common and are attributed to the Pacific type of calc-alkaline series. They were formed in geodynamic settings of the active continental margin and point to its origination on the continental crust of the fragmented Asian continent margin. The volcanic rocks developed in the Sea of Japan reflect different rifting stages. The initial stage was marked by an eruption of calc-alkaline lavas (Paleocene-Eocene complex). At the stage of the marginal-sea spreading, erupted volcanics of the middle Miocene-Pliocene complex were melted from the depleted mantle and magmatism terminated by an eruption of postspreading Pliocene-Holocene volcanics melted from the enriched mantle EM I. Along with the differences, the magmatism in the Sea of Japan and Sea of Okhotsk has some features in common. In both cases, the sialic component of the lithosphere substantially influenced the magma generation.  相似文献   

Oceanology - The hydrological and hydrochemical data of surface and bottom waters of Academy Bay were obtained on two POI FEB RAS cruises carried out from July 11 to 14, 2016 and from September 15...  相似文献   

The origin and evolution history of the Curonian Spit in the Baltic Sea are discussed based on geological and geomorphologic data. Evidence of the correlation between the spit formation stages and the Holocene sea level oscillations is presented. The ledges of moraine basement and marine accumulative features formed a single barrier. Its subsequent transformation occurred under the influence of the wave-related lithodynamic and eolian processes.  相似文献   

The study of foraminifers from sediments accumulated during the last 30 ky revealed their similar distribution in the central and marginal parts of the Deryugin Basin, which implies similar environmental changes throughout this morphological structure. The lack or extreme taxonomical impoverishment of the benthic foraminiferal assemblages during the Last Glacial Maximum indicates a combination of several factors: the significant deterioration of the parameters controlling their bioproductivity in response to the general cooling; the development of anoxic bottom conditions; and, probably, the unfavorable influence of cold barite-methane seeps on the geochemical parameters of the bottom waters. The weaker activity of these seeps in the central part of the basin during the Holocene is evident from some deviations in the structure of the benthic foraminiferal assemblages against the background of their general taxonomic similarity.  相似文献   

南海发育了广泛的碳酸盐台地,具有分布面积广和时空变化大的特点。南海碳酸盐台地的生命演化史总体上经历了萌生期、扩展期、繁盛期、淹没期和残留期等演化阶段。根据近年来国内外关于南海地质地球物理研究进展,发现南海碳酸盐台地是伴随着华南陆缘张裂、陆海巨变而萌生,台地基底往往发育在两个共轭陆缘伸展地块的伸展断块构造高地。随着大陆岩石圈进一步伸展、减薄和地幔剥露等过程,台地经历了晚渐新世末至早中新世初的萌生,到中中新世的勃发。此外,张裂和扩张期的岩浆构造也成为台地发育的重要控制因素,比如构造沉降提供了台地生长的可容纳空间,构造掀斜作用、断裂作用和前陆盆地前沿挤压褶皱的迁移控制了台地各单元厚度、沉积相和地震反射终止特征在横向上的变化,构造控制的相对海平面控制了不同级序生物礁碳酸盐台地的沉积旋回,而晚中新世构造作用导致半封闭边缘海的形成和大量碳酸盐台地淹没。最后,10.5Ma半封闭边缘海的形成,造成南海海盆古海洋环境的巨大变化,限制了台地的广泛发育,仅残留了数量少、面积小的现代孤立碳酸盐台地。  相似文献   

The features of the propagation of the tsunami of March 11, 2011 in the northeastern Pacific have been studied with the aim of revealing the degree of influence of the Kuril Islands on the penetration of the tsunami in the Sea of Okhotsk. For this, a series of computational experiments have been performed within the shallow water theory using bathymetry (1) with and (2) without the Kuril Islands. The wave heights calculated have been analyzed, and the tsunami’s magnitude and intensity in the Sea of Okhotsk have been estimated. The computational experiments performed allow assessment of a decrease in the tsunami intensity while passing the Kuril Islands.  相似文献   

Interpretation of deep 2-D multi-channel seismic data sheds insights into the geological evolution of the West Luzon Basin, Philippines. This basin is a sediment-filled trough that is located between the island of Luzon and the outer arc high of the west Luzon subduction zone. High-amplitude, low-frequency reflection bands mark the acoustic basement. The basement, at about 6 s (TWT), is dissected by normal faults with some of them being inverted in a later phase of deformation. The sedimentary successions, overlying the basement are stratified with partly chaotic structures and discontinuous reflectors. Five regional unconformities separate major stratigraphic units. Grid calculations of our seismic data reveal variations in the sedimentation pattern of the basin with a shift of the deposition centre from east to west and backwards during formation. A distinct bottom-simulating reflector is commonly observed. Because the northern boundary of the continental fragments to the South of the West Luzon Basin is unclear we speculate that the basin may be (partly) underlain by continental crust. The continental crust was affected by rifting prior to and during the opening of the South China Sea and the basin was overprinted at a later stage by a forearc structural setting when subduction was initiated.  相似文献   

南海西北部新生代沉积基底构造演化   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在综合分析地质、地球物理、地球化学、古生物学等多方面资料的基础上,将南海西北部海域控制新生代主要沉积盆地的基底划分为5个区:北部湾古生界断堑基底区、莺歌海古生界走滑拉分基底区、琼东古生界断陷基底区、西沙北古生界裂谷基底区、西沙南古生界走滑伸展基底区.通过区域地质分析,初步重建了该海域的大地构造演化历史.该海域新生代沉积基底在前新生代时期与其北面陆上云开地区和其南面的南沙地区同处于特提斯构造域中,经历过古特提斯和中特提斯的发育历程,晚古生代以来可初步分为5个阶段:(1)D-P1,古特提斯东段多岛洋体系发育阶段;(2)P2,中特提斯(古南海)开始出现、古特提斯开始消减阶段;(3)T-K1,古特提斯东段多地块缝合阶段;(4)K2-N11,现代南海形成、中特提斯(古南海)消亡时期;(6)N12以来南海扩张停止、澳大利亚板块向北俯冲挤压阶段.  相似文献   

The northern and central parts of the Okhotsk Sea form an epiMesozoic platform. The hetero-aged acoustic basement is represented by deformed geosynclinal rocks from Cretaceous to Precambrian in age. The slightly deformed sedimentary cover levelled the uneven surface of the acoustic basement, and this Upper Paleogene—Neogene cover filled up the system of the structural basins. The general NW—SE and W—E extensions of the taphrogenic horsts and grabens of the acoustic basement were formed due to extension and subsidence of the earth's crust during the late Paleogene—Neogene.  相似文献   

西沙海槽盆地处于南海北部陆坡洋陆壳过渡带,为一个分割南海北部陆架和西沙地块的新生代裂谷盆地,其沉积环境演化研究有助于进一步认识南海形成演化过程。通过南海陆坡区域地震地层对比,将西沙海槽盆地新生代以来划分出9个地层单元,采用地震线描和地震相分析方法,恢复各地层单元沉积时期的地层结构及古地貌,探讨其沉积环境演化过程。结果表明,古新世—始新世西沙海槽盆地为河流和湖泊沉积环境;渐新世—早中新世初,演变为分割南海北部陆架和西沙地块古陆、贯通琼东南盆地和西北次盆的海峡,沉积环境由滨-浅海过渡到半深海环境;中中新世以来盆地进入陆坡海槽发育阶段,晚中新世以后中央水道形成,演变为一个陆坡内深水海槽,为海流和浊流通道,整体处于半深海-深海沉积环境。  相似文献   

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