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Plant remains, including both mega and micro collected from the middle part of the Tharumsa Foramtion (early Miocene) are described for the first time from the Tharumsa village of the Kargil district, Jammu and Kashmir to reconstruct the palaeoenvironment. They indicate their affinities with Broussonetia of the Moraceae and Abies, Cedrus and Pinus of the Pinaceae. Their presence indicates warm and moist tropical to sub-tropical climate in the Kargil area during the depositional period against the cold and dry climate prevailing at present.  相似文献   

对马达加斯加新发现的宝石矿物草莓红绿柱石矿床的地质考察和研究发现,矿体属典型的复杂的锂-铯-钽型稀有金属晶洞花岗伟晶岩。出露于花岗岩的上部,沿片麻岩理呈脉状产出,宽十余米,产状170°~180°∠45°~55°。交代作用明显,带状构造发育,由矿体边缘至中心部位可分为6个带。草莓红绿柱石主要分布于石英-微斜长石带至石英核内,为伟晶岩晚期形成的矿物,与锂云母、叶钠长石、多色电气石、锂辉石和烟水晶等伴生。矿化富集与钾钠长石化、锂云母化直接有关。晶体,多呈不规则块状、六方板柱状或螺柱状;是由晚期富Li-Cs的热液交代变质而成。  相似文献   

Some plant remains are described from the Laisong Formation (Barail Group) of Thoubal and Senapati districts of Manipur. The flora is diverse comprising gymnospermous, monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous forms and indicates tropical to subtropical climate in the vicinity of the area during the deposition of the host rocks.  相似文献   

J. C SHENG 《地质学报》1949,(Z1):105-109,178
INTRODUCTIONThe specimens described in the present paper were collected in 1939 by the late Mr. T. Y. Hsu and Mr. C. S. Pien from the Maping limestone exposed E of Tuikoshan, Chengkung district, Central Yunnan. All specimens belong to Zellia, a subgenus of Pseudoschwagerina; three forms may be referred to known subspecies while two are new.  相似文献   

广西宁明组植物化石中黄铁矿及其沉积意义   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对化石中的黄铁矿进行研究,有助于明确生物的化石化过程以及期间的沉积微环境。利用光学显微镜和扫描电镜,对广西宁明组植物化石中保存的黄铁矿进行了分析,发现离散型单晶和成群的莓状体共同保存。单晶绝大多数为无规则至球状体,晶棱不明显,表面可见凹点;少数为八面体,晶棱明显,表面光滑;单晶直径为0.79~1.58 μm;莓状体为圆球状,粒径为7.23~14.95 μm,S/Fe原子个数比的均值为1.54。莓状体的粒径大小和变化幅度均处于低值段,其S/Fe原子个数比值小于2,结果均说明当时植物体上、下表皮间为一种贫氧的水体环境,并在短时间内形成了莓状体。植物化石上、下表皮间由于未保存组织结构,而被大量的、近似层状分布的黄铁矿单晶和莓状体充填,结果支持了化石内莓状体形成与有机质降解之间存在着必然联系。  相似文献   

KINGKOO CHAO 《地质学报》1942,(Z2):203-206
正 This short paper is meant to record the discovery of the interesting genus, Melonechinus, in eastern Kuangsi, China. It is well known that most species of the genus are found in the St. Louis limestone of the Meramec group in North  相似文献   

鄂西晚泥盆世含磷鲕状铁矿石中磷的赋存状态与形成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
柴辛娜  李明  金振民  高山 《地球科学》2011,36(3):440-454
广泛分布于我国南方泥盆纪地层的"宁乡式"铁矿储量巨大, 然而含磷高严重制约了该类型铁矿的开发利用.铁矿石中磷的赋存状态是设计该类型铁矿"提铁降磷"方案的理论基础, 是开发该铁矿首先要了解的问题.充分利用湿化学全岩分析、电感耦合等离子体质谱分析等全岩元素分析, 扫描电子显微镜、X射线衍射等物相分析, 电子探针微分析、激光剥蚀电感耦合等离子体质谱分析等微区分析技术, 对鄂西晚泥盆世含磷鲕状铁矿石中磷的赋存状态、物质来源与磷矿物形成过程进行了初步探讨.铁矿石中的含磷矿物主要为碳氟磷灰石, 分别以短柱状磷灰石晶体颗粒(65%以上粒径小于20 μm)、磷灰石内碎屑(粗砂至极粗砂级, 集中形成透镜状或带状层理)以及鲕粒中与赤铁矿相互包裹的凝胶状磷灰石(层厚度10~50 μm)3种形式存在.磷灰石晶体是在孔隙水中重结晶而生成, 磷质可能来源于晚震旦世地层的磷块岩; 磷灰石内碎屑是古海水体中原位化学沉积的产物, 磷质可能来源于古海周边的大陆; 鲕粒中凝胶状磷灰石也是原位化学沉积的产物, 但与铁质沉积位置相同, 并与富铁的鲕绿泥石混合或相互包裹形成鲕粒.   相似文献   

一九四九年详查铜陵铜官山鸡冠山区域时,在狮子山铜矿之氧化带内见有橄榄绿色之矿物生於石英脉之晶硐及裂缝内,该脉系穿插於三叠纪石灰岩及闪长岩侵入体之富含柘榴在接触带中,近处有白钨矿及黄铜矿,经室内吹管分析及显微化学试验,知其兼含铜钨,又作简单物理性检定,发浅蓝色萤光,後经陈四箴先生之定量分析,证明其为钨铜钙矿,在中国系初次发现,其成分与智利等处所产相彷,此系次生矿物,大致原生铜矿物受地表氧化时,含铜溶液与白钨矿相遇即可生成。  相似文献   

一九四九年详查铜陵铜官山鸡冠山区域时,在狮子山铜矿之氧化带内见有橄榄绿色之矿物生於石英脉之晶硐及裂缝内,该脉系穿插於三叠纪石灰岩及闪长岩侵入体之富含柘榴在接触带中,近处有白钨矿及黄铜矿,经室内吹管分析及显微化学试验,知其兼含铜钨,又作简单物理性检定,发浅蓝色萤光,後经陈四箴先生之定量分析,证明其为钨铜钙矿,在中国系初次发现,其成分与智利等处所产相彷,此系次生矿物,大致原生铜矿物受地表氧化时,含铜溶液与白钨矿相遇即可生成。  相似文献   

高阳煤矿主采太原组9-10-11#煤层,矿区内断层、陷落柱发育,奥陶系灰岩溶裂隙水是威胁矿井安全开采的主要水源。据井下突水资料及地面水文地质勘探成果,总结出奥陶系峰峰组岩溶裂隙含水层的赋存特征:①从垂向上看,一段以泥灰岩、石膏、硬石膏为主,为相对隔水层,二段由青灰色及黑色厚层状泥晶、粉晶灰岩组成,钻探可见岩溶裂隙,富水性中等;②从水平方向上看,西部埋藏较浅区富水性明显强于中、东部深埋区,且在向斜轴部出现滞流区;③水位西高东低,相差近300m;④顶部存在隔水层段,隔水层厚度一般3.09~34.01m;⑤水位和水化学特征对比发现,峰峰组与马家沟组含水层没有水力联系;⑥地下水总体自西向东,自北向南径流,侧向径流排出井田外。该研究为煤矿底板水的防治提供了依据。  相似文献   

On the Occurrence of Silician Magnetites   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract: About 120 specimens of magnetite from various localities are examined by an electron microprobe analyzer. Magnetites containing more than one weight percent of silica but lack of any other components than ferrous and ferric iron, called silician magnetites in the present paper, are recognized in 23 skarn, one vein and one thermally metamorphosed massive sulfide deposits. Thus it is confirmed that this mineral occurs in nature much more frequently than so far expected. Besides silician magnetites, magnetites with appreciable amounts of Al2O3, CaO, MgO and other components along with silica, are also recognized in some skarn deposits. Magnetites with such unusual compositions are found only in hydrothermal environments, and it is suggested that precipitation mechanisms seem to be responsible for their formation.
In silician magnetites, excess electric charge brought by the replacement of ferric iron in tetrahedral site by silicon, could be compensated by the replacement of ferric iron in octahedral site by ferrous iron, known as γ–Fe2SiO4 component. The natural occurrence of silician magnetites, however, gives no positive support to the existence of this component at crustal pressures. Instead a preliminary Mössbauer experiment demonstrates that one silician magnetite has a maghemite –like structure by the omission of ferrous iron from octahedral site.  相似文献   

The Phu Kradung Formation of the Mesozoic Khorat Group is deposited by meandering river system. Floodplain deposits in the Nong Bua Lamphu section, northeastern Thailand contain paleosols with abundant calcretes. Calcretes occur within about 60 horizons in the studied section. Occurrences of calcretes are related with traces of life, such as roots and burrows. Microstructures of calcretes are mixture of biogenic and non-biogenic origin. It is suggested that the calcrete formation in the Phu Kradung Formation was affected by abundant biological activity.  相似文献   

The geological and geographical distribution of the genus Gigantopteriswas first summarized by Yabe in 1917. Fourteen years later Yoh published alist of 20 localities distributed in different provinces in China known at that timenamely Hunan, Shansi, Liaoning, Kiangsi, Fukien, Chekiang, Anhui, Yunnan  相似文献   

The first report of Triassic fossils from the province of Kwangsi wasdated in 1933 when H. C. Chang listed some Middle Triassic pelecypods collectedby J. L. Hsu from Pinhsiang in a yellowish and greenish shale interbedded withblack impure limestone. Only one form was specifically determined as Myophoriagoldfussi Alberti, others were regarded as belonging to Pectinidae and Limidae.Many well-preserved specimens of the genus Daonella were also said to be foundin a greenish and yellowish shale of Lingyun.  相似文献   

A paleokarstic zone capping the Middle Eocene dolomitic Dammam Formation delineates a regional disconformity with the overlying Mio-Pleistocene fluvial deposits in Kuwait. This formation outcrops in a quarry located in the southeast of Kuwait and occurs in the subsurface of Umm Ghudair water field, west Kuwait. Karstification has affected the upper member of the Dammam Formation, which is formed of extensively chertified, vuggy chalky biodolomicrite. Karstification is manifested by two phases: a dissolution phase that was responsible for the occurrence of surface and near surface karst features and a precipitation phase during which a karst carapace and dolocretic and calcitic pseudobreccias were developed. Petrographic investigations of both the biodolomicrites host rock and the karst lithotypes revealed a complex diagenetic history that encompasses the following diagenetic events, arranged in a chronological order: (a) replacive dolomitization, (b) precipitative dolomitization, (c) precipitative silica, (d) replacive silica, (e) karstification, (f) development of karst carapace [calcretization and calcitization (development of calcitic psuedobreccia)], (g) dolocretization (development of dolocretic psuedobreccia), (h) mild karstification, (i) calcite precipitation, and (j) silica precipitation. The development of the karst carapace at the unconformity surface between the Eocene Dammam Formation dolomicrites and the overlying Mio-Pleistocene Kuwait Group clastics has played a significant role in the hydrological characteristics of Kuwait usable groundwater resources. It is recommended that the occurrence of similar diagenetic processes within the Arabian carbonate shelf deposits be investigated.  相似文献   

五宝场沙溪庙组裂缝主要是构造缝,包括充填缝、部分充填的张开缝、溶蚀缝,局部裂缝发育处溶洞,洞密度局部0.111个/m~26.67个/m。裂缝成因主要为构造成因。五宝场盆地受来自喜山期起主导作用的来自南东方向的挤压力和其在工区南西方向派生的指向北东的应力、来自北东的挤压力及其派生的应力控制;五宝场沙溪庙组储集岩主要为灰、灰白色长石石英砂岩、长石砂岩、浅灰色长石岩屑砂岩、岩屑长石砂岩及岩屑砂岩等类型,总体上储层砂岩为脆性岩层,具有低胶结物含量,低成份成熟度,高结构成熟度的岩石学特征[8]。  相似文献   

记贵州顶效中三叠世一新的海生爬行动物   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在贵州兴义顶效绿荫村西大约150m绿荫水泥厂南面采石场出露的中三叠统杨柳并组(拉丁阶)灰黑色中薄层灰岩中发现一新的海生爬行动物-绿荫顶效龙Dingxiaosaurus luyinensisgen.et sp.nov。它的肢骨形态和结构颇为独特,股骨,胫,腓骨以及跗骨的形状和结构相似于原始的鱼龙,而趾骨形状和数目有些相似于最早的蛇颈龙,但又与所有已知的鱼龙和蛇颈类类的属种均明显不同,它是早期海生爬行动脉进化的一个比较原始而孤立的新种类,它的发现对早期海生爬行动物进化多样性的认识具有十分重要的科学意义。  相似文献   

肖县煤田位于安徽省肖县境内,东邻淮北煤田闸河矿区,西接永夏煤田,南连淮北煤田,北界徐州九里山煤田。该区为一近南北向的石炭二叠纪含煤复向斜,其东翼煤层埋藏浅,中西部埋藏较深,整个煤田为第四系所覆盖。从目前已经勘探的东翼区所获资料来看,该煤H各牌号煤的分布和煤层瓦斯的赋存有明显特征。研究该区煤的变质、煤层瓦斯的赋存以及生储盖的特点和条件,,对肖县煤则!煤成气资源的评价有很大的意义。  相似文献   

The valley of the Leiho in South Hunan has long been famous for itsnumerous coal-fields.It was Ferdinand von Richthofen~1 who first studiedthe geology of the region and discovered the well-known Gigantopterisflora in the coal measures,which was named by him the Lui-Pa-Kou  相似文献   

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