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《Gondwana Research》2000,3(1):55-63
Ultrapotassic rock is reported for the first time from the polycyclic Eastern Ghats belt, India, near Borra, Visakhapatnam district, Andhra Pradesh. The rock, consisting of leucite, kalsilite, Khyphen;feldspar, graphite, apatite together with diopside, meionite and phlogopite, occurs as thin vein and veinlets in diopsidite, in close spatial association with a granulite facies carbonate ensemble of massive dolomitic carbonate rock and calc silicate granulite. It was emplaced in the midhyphen;crust along late ductile shear zones. Subsequent to its emplacement, the ultrapotassic melt with liquidus leucite interacted with the granulite wall rock, incorporating at least 40% of the crustal components mainly as Si, Al, Mg and Ca. After necessary correction of the crustal contaminant, the recalculated K2O/Na2O ratio of ∼12 (molar) and K2O/Al2O3 ratio of ∼1 (molar) in the bulk rock composition indicates that the Borra ultrapotassic melt has a lamproitic affinity. However, it is significantly modified as well, particularly being impoverished in mafic liquidus phases and depleted in incompatible (excepting Rb, Th and U) and compatible trace elements, compared to an average lamproite. Leucite later underwent subsolidus decomposition to Khyphen;feldspar + kalsilite intergrowths. The emplacement of the ultrapotassic melt posthyphen;dates an early ultra high temperature metamorphism and also the 1000 Ma Grenvillian metamorphism in the Eastern Ghats Belt and is possibly of Panhyphen;African age. The extensive Khyphen;feldspathisation in the Eastern Ghats belt could also be linked with this ultrapotassic melt.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2003,6(2):215-229
Interpretation of satellite data in combination with regional field traverses, delineating the major structural features such as the Nagavali and Vamsadhara Shear Zones and associated fold patterns, provides a synoptic picture of the regional tectonic framework of the central part of the Eastern Ghats Mobile Belt. The complex geology of the study area can broadly be grouped into three distinct deformational events. D1 fabrics represented by near flat-lying gneissic foliations, paralleling the lithological banding are best preserved in low strain domains and are related to Middle to late Archaean thrusting (3000-2600 Ma). The second deformational event D2 is characterized by the development of shear zones and associated mylonitic fabrics and magmatism probably during 1450-850 Ma. The Pan-African thermal (500-550 Ma) overprint is restricted to shear zones in the form of reworking. Regionally, the central part of the Eastern Ghats Mobile Belt can be divided into five distinct structural domains based on structural geometry of folds, foliations and lineations. A three-dimensional block diagram of the Nagavali and Vamsadhara Shear Zones involving fold-thrust tectonics associated with westward thrusting is presented here. A correlation of Pan-African Shear Zones in adjacent continents wrapping around the Archaean Dharwar Craton in the reconstruction of Rodinia and East Gondwana supercontinent suggests an east-west convergence.  相似文献   

The Proterozoic Eastern Ghats Mobile Belt along the east coast of India shares a thrusted lower contact with the surrounding cratons. The thrust, known as the Terrane Boundary shear zone, is associated with two large lateral ramps resulting in a curved outline on the northwestern corner of the mobile belt. The Eastern Ghats Mobile Belt is divided into two lithotectonic units, the Lathore Group and the Turekela Group, based on their lithological assemblages and deformational history. On the basis of published data from a Deep Seismic Sounding (DSS) profile of the Eastern Ghats crust, the Terrane Boundary Shear Zone is considered to be listric in nature and acts as the sole thrust between craton and mobile belt. The Lathore and Turekela Groups are nappes. With this structural configuration the NW part is described as a fold thrust belt. However, the thrusting postdates folding and granulite metamorphism that occurred in the Eastern Ghats, as in the Caledonide type of fold thrust belt of NW Scotland. The Terrane Boundary Shear Zone is interpreted to be contiguous with the Rayner-Napier boundary of the Enderby Land in a Gondwana assembly.  相似文献   

Sapphirine granulite occurring as lenses in charnockite at Anantagiri,Eastern Ghat, India, displays an array of minerals which developedunder different P-T-X conditions. Reaction textures in conjunctionwith mineral chemical data attest to several Fe-Mg continuousreactions, such as
  1. spinel+rutile+quartz+MgFe–1=sapphirine+ilmenite
  2. cordierite=sapphirine+quartz+MgFe–1
  3. sapphirine+quartz=orthopyroxene+sillimanite+MgFe–1
  4. orthopyroxene+sapphirine+quartz=garnet+MgFe–1
  5. orthopyroxene+sillimanite=garnet+quartz+MgFe–1
  6. orthopyroxene+sillimanite+quartz+MgFe–1=cordierite.
Calculated positions of the reaction curves in P-T space, togetherwith discrete P-T points obtained through geothermobarometryin sapphirine granulite and the closely associated charnockiteand mafic granulite, define an anticlockwise P-T trajectory.This comprises a high-T/P prograde metamorphic path which culminatedin a pressure regime of 8?3 kb above 950?C, a nearly isobariccooling (IBC) path (from 950?C, 8?3 kb, to 675?C, 7?5kb) anda terminal decompressive path (from 7?5 to 4?5 kb). Spinel,quartz, high-Mg cordierite, and sapphirine were stabilized duringthe prograde high-T/P metamorphism, followed by the developmentof orthopyroxene, sillimanite, and garnet during the IBC. Retrogradelow-Mg cordierite appeared as a consequence of decompressionin the sapphirine granulite. Deformational structures, reportedfrom the Eastern Ghat granulites, and the available geochronologicaldata indicate that prograde metamorphism could have occurredat 30001?00 and 2500?100 Ma during a compressive orogeny thatwas associated with high heat influx through mafic magmatism. IBC ensued from Pmax and was thus a direct consequence of progrademetamorphism. However, in the absence of sufficient study onthe spatial variation in P-T paths and the strain historiesin relation to time, the linkage between IBC and isothermaldecompression (ITD) has remained obscure. A prolonged IBC followedby ITD could be the consequence of one extensional mechanismwhich had an insufficient acceleration at the early stage, orITD separately could be caused by an unrelated extensional tectonism.The complex cooled nearly isobarically from 2500 Ma. It sufferedrapid decompression accompanied by anorthosite and alkalinemagmatism at 1400–1000 Ma.  相似文献   

The Eastern Ghats Belt (EGB), characterised by pervasive Grenvillian granulite facies metamorphism, is the host to several 950–1000 Ma old massif-type anorthosite complexes. The present work describes one such complex near Udayagiri from the northern margin of the EGB, reported for the first time as “Udayagiri anorthosite complex” (UAC). The ‘massif type’ UAC comprises mainly of anorthosite, leuconorite-olivine leuconorite and norite in the decreasing order of areal extent. Mineralogically, these rocks dominantly consist of cumulates of moderately calcic plagioclase (~An50–60), moderately magnesian intercumulus olivine (XMg: ~0.6) and orthopyroxene (XMg: 0.47 to 0.70). Metamorphic garnet (Alm: ~50 mol%) is also common in these rocks. Anorthosite and leuconorite of the UAC exhibit a moderate ‘+ve’ Eu anomaly. Norite occurs locally as schlierens and is relatively rich in Fe, P, Rb, Sr, Th, Nb, Ta, Y and REE which could be a residual melt product. These rocks exhibit both relict magmatic mineralogy and textures with a metamorphic impress manifested by the development of multilayered corona involving olivine, orthopyroxene, garnet, phlogopite, ilmenite and plagioclase during cooling of the pluton. The corona development is a result of combination of significant magmatic and metamorphic reactions which have the potential to provide important clues for deciphering the magmatic and metamorphic evolution of such plutons in ambient granulite facies conditions.  相似文献   

T.R.K. Chetty   《Gondwana Research》2010,18(4):565-582
New data from structural mapping and tectonic evaluation in the northern parts of the Eastern Ghats Mobile Belt (EGMB-north) involving the interpretation of satellite images, field traverses, critical outcrop mapping and kinematic studies of macro- as well as microstructures of the shear zone rocks together with the geometry and disposition of Gondwana basins led to, for the first time, the elucidation of post-Grenvillian structural architecture of the terrane. This helps in assessing the sequence of successive tectonothermal events that were responsible for the origin and progressive evolution of the Permo-Carboniferous coal bearing sediments along the Mahanadi rift that forms significant in the reconstruction models of east Gondwana.The composite terrane of high-grade metamorphic rocks (EGMB-north), strikes E–W in contrast to the regional NE–SW trend of the EGMB. The structural architecture obtained from this study is controlled by the boundary shear zones and associated link shear zones. The dextral kinematic displacements along the Northern Boundary Shear Zone (NBSZ) as well as the Mahanadi Shear Zone (MSZ) and Koraput–Sonapur–Rairakhol Shear Zone (KSRSZ) were derived from multi-scale field based structural observations. A N–S structural cross-section presents a crustal-scale ‘flower structure’ across the composite terrane exposing different domains displaying distinctive internal structures with widely varying different geological evolution history and strain partitioning, separated by crustal-scale shear zones. Deep seismic imaging and gravity signatures support ‘flower structure’ model. The pervasive first formed gneissic fabrics were continuously reworked and partitioned into a series of E–W, crustal-scale shear zones.The Neoproterozoic regional dextral transpressional tectonics along the shear zones and their repeated reactivation could be responsible for initiation and successive evolution of Gondwana basins and different episodes of sedimentation. Available geochronological data shows that the structural architecture presented here is post-Grenvillian, which has been repeatedly reactivated through long-lived transpressional tectonics. The composite terrane is characterized by all the typical features of an oblique convergent orogen with transpressional kinematics in the middle to lower crust. The kinematic changes from transpression to transtensional stresses were found to be associated with global geodynamics related to the transformation from Rodinia to Gondwana configuration.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2011,19(4):565-582
New data from structural mapping and tectonic evaluation in the northern parts of the Eastern Ghats Mobile Belt (EGMB-north) involving the interpretation of satellite images, field traverses, critical outcrop mapping and kinematic studies of macro- as well as microstructures of the shear zone rocks together with the geometry and disposition of Gondwana basins led to, for the first time, the elucidation of post-Grenvillian structural architecture of the terrane. This helps in assessing the sequence of successive tectonothermal events that were responsible for the origin and progressive evolution of the Permo-Carboniferous coal bearing sediments along the Mahanadi rift that forms significant in the reconstruction models of east Gondwana.The composite terrane of high-grade metamorphic rocks (EGMB-north), strikes E–W in contrast to the regional NE–SW trend of the EGMB. The structural architecture obtained from this study is controlled by the boundary shear zones and associated link shear zones. The dextral kinematic displacements along the Northern Boundary Shear Zone (NBSZ) as well as the Mahanadi Shear Zone (MSZ) and Koraput–Sonapur–Rairakhol Shear Zone (KSRSZ) were derived from multi-scale field based structural observations. A N–S structural cross-section presents a crustal-scale ‘flower structure’ across the composite terrane exposing different domains displaying distinctive internal structures with widely varying different geological evolution history and strain partitioning, separated by crustal-scale shear zones. Deep seismic imaging and gravity signatures support ‘flower structure’ model. The pervasive first formed gneissic fabrics were continuously reworked and partitioned into a series of E–W, crustal-scale shear zones.The Neoproterozoic regional dextral transpressional tectonics along the shear zones and their repeated reactivation could be responsible for initiation and successive evolution of Gondwana basins and different episodes of sedimentation. Available geochronological data shows that the structural architecture presented here is post-Grenvillian, which has been repeatedly reactivated through long-lived transpressional tectonics. The composite terrane is characterized by all the typical features of an oblique convergent orogen with transpressional kinematics in the middle to lower crust. The kinematic changes from transpression to transtensional stresses were found to be associated with global geodynamics related to the transformation from Rodinia to Gondwana configuration.  相似文献   

In this paper, we compare the petrological histories of the Kemp Land Coast (east Antarctica), and Gokavaram area (Eastern Ghats), that were supposed to have been juxtaposed. The area around Gokavaram is dominated by different varieties of paragneisses (pelitic, quartzofeldspathic, and calcareous composition) with relatively minor amounts of orthogneisses (mafic, enderbitic, and granitic composition). The rocks were involved in three major phases of deformation, and were finally affected by localised shear movement. On the basis of reaction textures, well preserved in high Mg-Al granulites, and calc-silicate granulites, and geothermobarometric data we deduce a polymetamorphic evolution of the rocks. Following an early M1 metamorphism culminating at 9.2–9.4 kbar, > 950°C, the rocks cooled nearly isobarically down to 850°C. During a subsequent M2 metamorphism, near isothermal decompression to 5–6 kbar occurred. This was followed by near isobaric cooling down to 600–650°C. M3 is a weak amphibolite facies overprint, largely restricted to late shears, which involved hydration as well. Available radiometric data from this area can be interpreted in terms of partial resetting of U-Pb systematics in older sphenes due to M3 metamorphism at ca. 550 Ma. Despite the absence of sufficient isotopic data on the Eastern Ghats granulites, we document a remarkable similarity in the petrological history of the two supposedly erstwhile neighbours.  相似文献   

Pelitic rocks were thermally metamorphosed at the contact of the Chimakurthy mafic-ultramafic igneous complex, Eastern Ghats Belt, India. The rocks show progressive change in mineralogy from biotite-sillimanite-quartz-garnet-K-feldspar (association I, 150 m from the intrusive contact) to garnet-spinel-cordierite-K-feldspar-sillimanite (association II, 20–30 m from the intrusive contact) to cordierite-K-feldspar-(cordierite-orthopyroxene-K-feldspar symplectite after osumilite)-spinel-FeTiAl oxides with/without garnet (associations III and IV, 5 m from the intrusive contact), and finally to spinel-orthopyroxene-cordierite-K-feldspar (association V, xenoliths). Oxide mineral clots in associations III and IV resemble emery-type rocks. Initial mineral reactions involved biotite-dehydration melting with partial segregation of the melt. Down-temperature mineral reactions were largely diffusion controlled and preservation of symplectitic and coronitic textures in microdomains is common. Interpretation of reaction textures in relevant petrogenetic grids for the sytems KFMASH and FMAS and combined with geothermobarometry suggest that the pelitic rocks were thermally metamorphosed at c. 6 kbar pressure along a heating-cooling trajectory within the temperature interval between c. 750 °C and c. 1000 °C. Received: 20 October 1996 / Accepted: 17 June 1997  相似文献   

A suite of metapelitic, basic and quartzofeldspathic rocks intruded by enderbitic gneiss from the southernmost tip of the Eastern Ghats Belt, India, and metamorphosed at c. 750–800  °C, 6  kbar, were subjected to repeated ductile shear deformation, hydration, cooling and accompanying alkali metasomatism along narrow shear zones. Gedrite-bearing assemblages developed in the shear zones traversing metapelitic rocks. Interpretation of the reaction textures in an appropriate P–T  grid in the system FMASH, an isothermal–isobaric μ H2O– μ Na2O grid in the system NFMASH, and geothermobarometric data suggest a complex evolutionary history for the gedrite-bearing parageneses. Initially, gedrite-bearing assemblages were produced due to increase in μ Na2O at nearly constant but high μ H2O accompanying cooling. Gedrite was partially destabilized to orthopyroxene+albite due to progressively increasing μ Na2O. During further cooling and at increased μ H2O a second generation of gedrite appeared in the rocks.  相似文献   

The massif-type anorthosite complex at Bolangir in the northern part of the Eastern Ghats belt occurs in a milieu of predominantly supracrustal granulite-grade rocks. The massif is separated from the host gneisses by coarse-grained garnetiferous granitoid gneisses which are interpreted as coeval crustallyderived melts. Melanocratic ferrodiorite rocks occur at the immediate contact with the anorthosite massif which they intrude in cross-cutting dikes and sheets. The emplacement age of the anorthosite diapir and the associated igneous suites is deemed to be pre-D2. Recrystallization of the igneous assemblages of the ferrodiorite suite (750–800°C, 7–8kbar, ) during a period of near-isobaric cooling from the igneous crystallization stage to the regionalP-T regime led to extensive development of coronitic garnet at the interface of plagioclase phenocrysts with the mafic matrix assemblage (opx + fay + cpx + ilm ± amph, bio). Abundant accessory phases are zircon, apatite and thorite. The mafic phases have extremely ferrous compositions (XFe gar: 0.93-0.87, fay: 0.90-0.87, opx: 0.80-0.60, cpx: 0.70-0.47, amph: 0.81-0.71) reflecting the low Mg-number (16-8) of the rocks. Compared to worldwide occurrences of similar rocks, the Bolangir ferrodiorites (SiO2 36–58 wt.%, FeO*: 39-10 wt.%) are characterized by exceptionally high concentrations of HFSE and REE (TiO2: 4.8-1.0 wt.%, P2O5: 1.7-0.5 wt.%, Zr: 5900-1300 ppm, Y: 240-80 ppm, La: 540-100 ppm, Ce: 1100-200 ppm, Yb: 22-10 ppm, Th: 195-65 ppm). Well defined linear variation trends for major and trace elements reflect progressive plagioclase accumulation towards the felsic members of the suite. The ferrodiorites are interpreted to represent residual liquids of anorthosite crystallization which after segregation and extraction from the ascending diapir became enriched in HFSE and REE through selective assimilation of accessory phases (zircon, monazite, apatite) from crustal felsic melts. Ferromonzodioritic rock presumably formed through hybridization between the ferrodiorite and overlying felsic melts.  相似文献   

In the Vizianagaram area (E 83°29.442′; N 18°5.418′) of the Eastern Ghats Belt, India, a suite of graphite‐bearing calc‐silicate granulites, veined by syenitic rocks, developed wollastonite‐rich veins at 6–7 kbar and > 850 °C. During subsequent near‐isobaric cooling wollastonite was replaced by calcite + quartz and a graphic intergrowth of fluorite + quartz ± clinopyroxene. Titanite with variable Al and F contents is present throughout the rock. Combining the compositional variation of titanite and recent experimental data, it is demonstrated that the mineral assemblage, the composition of coexisting fluids and the mobility of Al exert a far greater control on the composition of titanite than pressure, temperature or the whole rock composition. Thermodynamically computed isothermal–isobaric logfO2– logfCO2 and logfF2– logfO2 grids in the systems Ca–Fe–Si–O–F (CISOF; calcite‐free) and Ca–Fe–Si–O–F–C–H (CISOFV; calcite‐present) demonstrate the influence of bulk rock and fluid compositions on the stability of the fluorite‐bearing assemblages in diverse geological environments and resolve the problem of the stability of titanite in fayalite + fluorite‐bearing rocks in the Adirondacks. The mineralogy of the studied rocks and the topological constraints tightly fix the logfO2, logfF2 and logfCO2 at ?15.8, ?30.6 and 4.1, respectively, at 6.5 kbar and c. 730 °C. Because of the similarity in the P–T conditions, the compositions of pore fluids in the fluorite‐bearing assemblages of the Adirondacks and the Eastern Ghats Belt have been compared.  相似文献   

Structural mapping of the Pasupugallu pluton, an elliptical intrusive gabbro-anorthosite body, emplaced into the western contact zone between the Eastern Ghats Mobile Belt and the Archaean East Dharwar Craton, along the east coast of India, reveals concentric, helicoidal and inward dipping magmatic and/or tectonic foliations. We identify a <1 km-wide structural aureole characterized by pronounced deflection of regional structures into margin parallel direction, mylonitic foliations with S-C fabrics, sigmoidal clasts, moderately plunging stretching lineations, non-cylindrical intrafolial folds, and stretched elliptical mafic enclaves in the aureole rocks. Our results suggest that the pluton emplacement is syn-tectonic with respect to the regional ductile deformation associated with the terrane boundary shear zone at the western margin of the Eastern Ghats. We present a tectonic model for the emplacement of the pluton invoking shear-related ductile deformation, rotation and a minor component of lateral expansion of magma. The intrusive activity (1450-800 Ma) along the western margin of the Eastern Ghats can be correlated with the significant event of recurring mafic, alkaline and granitic magmatism throughout the global Grenvillian orogens associated with the continent-continent collision tectonics possibly related to the amalgamation and the breakup of the supercontinent Rodinia.  相似文献   

Pseudotachylytes occur associated with mylonite and ultramylonite in the Mahanadi shear zone (MSZ) in the Eastern Ghats Mobile Belt (EGMB). The MSZ is about 200 km long curvilinear high strain zone trending WNW-ESE in its eastern part that splays out in the west. In Kantilo-Ganian segment of MSZ in northern EGMB, an interbanded sequence of granulite facies lithoassemblage has undergone ductile shearing. Kinematic studies of mylonite and ultramylonite indicate MSZ to be a NE-dipping, extensional type ductile shear zone. Non-coaxial metamorphic growth of garnet and presence of truncated sillimanite-fish in ultramylonite suggest high temperature regime during shearing. Pseudotachylytes in MSZ occur as millimetre thick layers to decimetre thick zones containing fragments of mylonite, ultramylonite and lithic clasts. Pseudotachylyte generation veins are mostly sub-parallel to C-planes and the injection veins cross-cut at high angle to these. The presence of an isotropic glassy matrix, injection features, corroded grains and dendritic microlites can be evidences for the existence of a melt phase. The composition of pseudotachylyte matrix (by EPMA) indicates silica deficiency with higher normative hypersthene, plagioclase and lower quartz compared with average whole rock composition for host. Absence of overprinting of mylonitic fabric on pseudotachylytes indicates their formation by brittle failure without passing through a plastic deformation and thus a two stage development for mylonite-ultramylonite and pseudotachylyte generation is suggested.  相似文献   

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