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We investigate the impact of observed surface heterogeneities during the LITFASS-2003 experiment on the convective boundary layer (CBL). Large-eddy simulations (LES), driven by observed near-surface sensible and latent heat fluxes, were performed for the diurnal cycle and compare well with observations. As in former studies of idealized one- and two-dimensional heterogeneities, secondary circulations developed that are superimposed on the turbulent field and that partly take over the vertical transport of heat and moisture. The secondary circulation patterns vary between local and roll-like structures, depending on the background wind conditions. For higher background wind speeds, the flow feels an effective surface heat-flux pattern that derives from the original pattern by streamwise averaging. This effective pattern generates a roll-like secondary circulation with roll axes along the mean boundary-layer wind direction. Mainly the upstream surface conditions control the secondary circulation pattern, where the fetch increases with increasing background wind speed. Unlike the entrainment flux that appears to be slightly decreased compared to the homogeneously-heated CBL, the vertical flux of sensible heat appears not to be modified in the mixed layer, while the vertical flux of latent heat shows different responses to secondary circulations. The study illustrates that sufficient time averaging and ensemble averaging is required to separate the heterogeneity-induced signals from the raw LES turbulence data. This might be an important reason why experiments over heterogeneous terrain in the past did not give any clear evidence of heterogeneity-induced effects.  相似文献   

A parallelized large-eddy simulation model has been used to investigate the effects of two-dimensional, discontinuous, small-scale surface heterogeneities on the turbulence structure of the convective boundary layer.Heterogeneities had a typical size of about the boundary-layer heightzi. They were produced by a surface sensible heat flux pattern ofchessboard-type and of strong amplitude as typical, e.g., for the marginalice zone. The major objectives of this study were to determinethe effects of such strong amplitude heat flux variations and to specify theinfluence of different speeds and directions of the background wind.Special emphasis has been given to investigate the secondary circulations induced by the heterogeneities by means of three-dimensional phase averages.Compared with earlier studies of continuous inhomogeneities, the same sizeddiscontinuous inhomogeneities in this study show similar but stronger effects.Significant changes compared with uniform surface heating are only observedwhen the scale of the inhomogeneities is increased to zi. Especially the vertical energy transport is much more vigorous and even the mean emperature profile shows a positive lapse rate within the whole mixed layer. However, the effects are not directly caused by the different shape of the inhomogeneities but can mainly be attributed to the large amplitude of the imposed heat flux,as it is typical for the partially ice covered sea during cold air outbreaks.The structure of the secondary flow is found to be very sensitive to the wavelength and shape of the inhomogeneities as well as to the heatflux amplitude, wind speed and wind direction. The main controlling parameter is the near-surface temperature distribution and the related horizontal pressure gradient perpendicular to the main flow direction. The secondary flow varies from a direct circulation with updraughts mainly above the centre of the heated regions to a more indirect circulation with updraughts beneath the centre and downdraughts above it. For background winds larger than 2.5 m s–1 a roll-like circulation pattern is observed.From previous findings it has often been stated that moderate backgroundwinds of 5 m s–1 eliminate all impacts of surface inhomogeneitiesthat could potentially be produced in realistic landscapes. However, this studyshows that the effects caused by increasing the wind speed stronglydepend on the wind direction relative to the orientation of theinhomogeneities. Secondary circulations remain strong, even for abackground wind of 7.5 m s–1, when the wind direction is orientatedalong one of the two diagonals of the chessboard pattern. On the otherhand, the effects of inhomogeneities are considerably reduced, even undera modest background wind of 2.5 m s–1, if the wind direction isturned by 45°. Mechanisms for the different flow regimesare discussed.  相似文献   

Attenuation of Scalar Fluxes Measured with Spatially-displaced Sensors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Observations from the Horizontal Array Turbulence Study (HATS) field program are used to examine the attenuation of measured scalar fluxes caused by spatial separation between the vertical velocity and scalar sensors. The HATS data show that flux attenuation for streamwise, crosswind, and vertical sensor displacements are each a function of a dimensionless, stability-dependent parameter n m multiplied by the ratio of sensor displacement to measurement height. The scalar flux decays more rapidly with crosswind displacements than for streamwise displacements and decays more rapidly for stable stratification than for unstable stratification. The cospectral flux attenuation model of Kristensen et al. agrees well with the HATS data for streamwise sensor displacements, although it is necessary to include a neglected quadrature spectrum term to explain the observation that flux attenuation is often less with the scalar sensor downwind of the anemometer than for the opposite configuration. A simpler exponential decay model provides good estimates for crosswind sensor displacements, as well as for streamwise sensor displacements with stable stratification. A model similar to that of Lee and Black correctly predicts flux attenuation for a combination of streamwise and crosswind displacements, i.e. as a function of wind direction relative to the sensor displacement. The HATS data for vertical sensor displacements extend the near-neutral results of Kristensen et al. to diabatic stratification and confirm their finding that flux attenuation is less with the scalar sensor located below the anemometer than if the scalar sensor is displaced an equal distance either horizontally or above the anemometer.  相似文献   

This paper extends previous large-eddy simulations of the convective boundary layer over a surface with a spatially varying sensible heat flux. The heat flux variations are sinusoidal and one-dimensional. The wavelength is 1500 or 4500 m (corresponding to 1.3 and 3.8 times the boundary-layer depth, respectively) and the wind speed is 0, 1 or 2 m s-1.In every case the heat flux variation drives a mean circulation. As expected, with zero wind there is ascent over the heat flux maxima. The strength of the circulation increases substantially with an increase in the wavelength of the perturbation. A light wind weakens the circulation drastically and moves it downwind. The circulation has a significant effect on the average concentration field from a simulated, elevated source.The heat flux variation modulates turbulence in the boundary layer. Turbulence is stronger (in several senses) above or downwind of the heat flux maxima than it is above or downwind of the heat flux minima. The effect remains significant even when the mean circulation is very weak. There are effects too on profiles of horizontal-average turbulence statistics. In most cases the effects would be undetectable in the atmosphere.We consider how the surface heat flux variations penetrate into the lower and middle boundary layer and propose that to a first approximation the process resembles passive scalar diffusion.The research reported in this paper was conducted while the first author was on study leave at Colorado State University.  相似文献   

The effects on the convective boundary layer (CBL) of shading due to shallow cumulus clouds are investigated. The main question is to see whether clouds are able to produce secondary circulations by shading of the surface (dynamic heterogeneities) and how these dynamic heterogeneities interact with static heterogeneities in terms of the production of secondary circulations. Also the effects of cloud shadows on cloud-field characteristics are analyzed. The effects are studied using large-eddy simulations of a cloud-topped CBL with an idealized surface. Over a homogeneous surface, shadows trigger secondary circulations with different strengths depending on the solar zenith angle \(\vartheta \), with large \(\vartheta \) favouring the development of secondary circulations. Over a static heterogeneous surface with a simple striped pattern, the strength of secondary circulations is effectively reduced by dynamic heterogeneities at small \(\vartheta \). At large \(\vartheta \), however, the effect on secondary circulations depends on the orientation of the striped static heterogeneities to the shadow-casting direction of the clouds. The influence of shadows is only small if they are cast perpendicular to the striped heterogeneity, but if stripes and the shadow-casting direction are parallel, secondary circulations are reduced in strength also for large \(\vartheta \). Shadow effects on the cloud-field characteristics vary with \(\vartheta \) as well. The results show that small \(\vartheta \) favours the development of small clouds with a reduced lifetime while large \(\vartheta \) promotes the development of larger clouds with an extended lifetime compared to non-shading clouds.  相似文献   

Land breeze is a type of mesoscale circulation developed due to thermal forcing over a heterogeneous landscape. It can contribute to atmospheric dynamic and hydrologic processes through affecting heat and water fluxes on the land-atmosphere interface and generating shallow convective precipitation. If the scale of the landscape heterogeneity is smaller than a certain size, however, the resulting land breeze becomes weak and becomes mixed up with other thermal convections like thermals. This study seeks to identify a scale threshold to distinguish the effects between land breeze and thermals. Two-dimensional simulations were performed with the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS) to simulate thermals and land breeze. Their horizontal scale features were analyzed using the wavelet transform. The thermals developed over a homogeneous landscape under dry or wet conditions have an initial scale of 2-5 km during their early stage of development. The scale jumps to 10-15 km when condensation occurs. The solution of an analytical model indicates that the reduced degree of atmospheric instability due to the release of condensation potential heat could be one of the contributing factors for the increase in scale. The land breeze, on the other hand, has a major scale identical to the size of the landscape heterogeneity throughout various stages of development. The results suggest that the effects of land breeze can be clearly distinguished from those of thermals only if the size of the landscape heterogeneity is larger than the scale threshold of about 5 km for dry atmospheric processes or about 15 km for moist ones.  相似文献   

Summary ?In order to further understand the land–atmosphere interactions and increase the predictability of climate models, it is very important to investigate the effects of land-surface heterogeneities. In this paper, we considered roughness-length and stomatal-resistance heterogeneities in the regional climate model RegCM2 (Giorgi et al., 1993) that employs BATS (Dickinson et al., 1993) as the land surface scheme. In representing the subgrid heterogeneities, a computationally efficient method, which is a combination of the mosaic approach and the analytical type of the statistical-dynamical approach, is applied. The method is also characterized by converting the probability distribution of fundamental variables to probability distributions of derived quantities. By using the 3-month observational data of 1991 Meiyu season over China, we conducted coupled-model experiments, and found that: (i) For the whole model domain, the consideration of the two heterogeneities, in which intrapatch variability plays a very important role, greatly affects the simulations for the surface flux, wind, temperature and precipitation fields. (ii) The temperature and heat fluxes are quite sensitive to the heterogeneities, which displays the following rule: for a sub-region, the mean sensible heat flux decreases, the mean latent heat flux increases, and the mean surface temperature decreases with the increase of the heterogeneities. Furthermore, the mean latent heat flux is more sensitive to the heterogeneities than the mean sensible heat flux. (iii) It seems that the influence of stomatal-resistance heterogeneity on the latent heat flux is greater than that of roughness-length heterogeneity. Therefore, it is necessary to appropriately represent subgrid land-surface heterogeneities so as to improve regional climate modeling. Received June 19, 2001; Revised January 21, 2002  相似文献   

The large-eddy simulation mode of the Weather Research and Forecasting model is employed to simulate the planetary boundary-layer characteristics and mesoscale circulations forced by an ideal urban heat island (UHI). In our simulations, the horizontal heterogeneity of the UHI intensity distribution in urban areas is considered and idealized as a cosine function. Results indicate that the UHI heating rate and the UHI intensity heterogeneity affect directly the spatial distribution of the wind field; a stronger UHI intensity produces a maximum horizontal wind speed closer to the urban centre. The strong advection of warm air from the urban area to the rural area in the upper part of the planetary boundary-layer causes a more stable atmospheric stratification over both the urban and rural areas. The mesoscale sensible heat flux caused by the UHI circulation increases with UHI intensity but vanishes when the background wind speed is sufficiently high $(>$ 3.0  $\mathrm{{m\,s}}^{-1})$ .  相似文献   

Summary The dynamical effect of land surface heterogeneity on heat fluxes in the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) is investigated using numerical simulations with a non-hydrostatic model over a wide range of grid resolutions. It is commonly assumed that mesoscale or dynamical fluxes associated with mesoscale and convective circulations simulated by a high-resolution model (subgrid (SG) model) on the subgrid scale of a climate model (large-scale (LS) model) represent additional processes in the ABL, which are not considered by the turbulence scheme of the LS-model, and which can be parameterized using the SG-model. The present study investigates the usefulness of this methodology for small-scale and large-scale idealized heterogeneities using a SG-model resolving mesoscale or even microscale circulations to compute the mesoscale fluxes on the scale of the LS-model. It is shown that the dynamical transports as derived from the SG-model should not be used to correct the parameterized turbulent fluxes of the LS-model. The reason is that the subgrid circulations simulated by the SG-model interact with the fields of wind and scalars in the ABL, which results in reduced turbulent fluxes in the ABL. Thus the methodology of previous studies to use mesoscale/dynamical fluxes for the correction of flux profiles simulated by climate models seems to be questionable.  相似文献   

Using large-eddy simulation (LES), the effects of mesoscale local surface heterogeneity on the temporal evolution of low-level flows in the convective boundary layer driven by two-dimensional surface heat-flux variations are investigated at a height of about 100 m over flat terrain. The surface variations are prescribed with sinusoids of wavelength 32 km and varying amplitudes of 0, 50, 100, and 200 W m $^{-2}$ . The Weather Research and Forecasting numerical model is used as a mesoscale-domain LES model that has a grid spacing fine enough to explicitly resolve energy-containing turbulent eddies and a model domain large enough to include mesoscale circulations. Mesoscale circulations induced by the two-dimensional surface heterogeneity may undergo a flow transition and an associated spectral energy cascade, which has been found previously but only with one-dimensional surface heat-flux variations. Over a strongly heterogeneous surface prescribed with a two-dimensional sinusoid of amplitude 200 W m $^{-2}$ , the domain-averaged variance of the horizontal wind component initially grows rapidly, then undergoes a flow transition and subsequently rapidly decays. With a background wind, the induced mesoscale circulations are inhibited in the streamwise direction. However in the spanwise direction, somewhat stronger mesoscale circulations are induced, compared with those with no background wind. The background wind attenuates the significant reduction of the low-level temperature gradient by the fully-developed mesoscale horizontal flow. Spectral decomposition reveals that this rapid transition also exists in the mesoscale horizontal flows induced by the intermediate surface heterogeneity prescribed with a sinusoid of amplitude 100 W m $^{-2}$ . However the transition is masked by continuously growing turbulence.  相似文献   


The effects of small‐scale surface inhomogeneities on the turbulence structure in the convective boundary layer are investigated using a high‐resolution large‐eddy simulation model. Surface heat flux variations are sinusoidal and two‐dimensional, dividing the total domain into a checkerboard‐like pattern of surface hot spots with a 500‐m wavelength in the x and y directions, or 1/4 of the domain size. The selected wind speeds were 1 and 4 m s‐l, respectively. As a comparison, a simulation of the turbulence structure was performed over a homogeneous surface.

When the wind speed is light, surface heat flux variations influence the horizontally averaged turbulence statistics, including the higher moments despite the small characteristic length of the surface perturbation. Stronger mean wind speeds weaken the effects of inhomogeneous surface conditions on the turbulence structure in the convective boundary layer.

Results from conditional sampling show that when the mean wind speed is small, weak mean circulations occur, with updraft branches above the high heat flux regions and down‐draft branches above the low heat flux regions. The inhomogeneous surface induces significant differences in the turbulence statistics between the high and low heat flux regions. However, the effect of the surface perturbations weaken rapidly when the mean wind speed increases. This research has implications in the explanation of the large‐scale variability commonly encountered in aircraft observations of atmospheric turbulence.  相似文献   

A complete yearly record (1988) of surface measurements is used to examine the atmospheric diurnal secondary circulations over the entire area of Hong Kong in conjunction with spatial and temporal variations of surface temperature, wind speed and rainfall. Evidence of atmospheric diurnal secondary circulations is found at 10 sites. The occurrence of a summer morning rainfall maximum over the coast results from the interaction of the large-scale summer monsoon and local mesoscale secondary circulations. The afternoon onshore secondary circulation accelerates the advection of warm, humid unstable air and, coupled with the upward orographic lifting, produces enhanced rainfall along windward mountain ridges.Dynamical and scaling considerations suggest that the blocking effect is negligible and the primary forcing mechanism is land-sea temperature difference, but terrain effects are also important. Although the secondary circulation system's strength and timing vary, the circulation behaves like a classic sea-land breeze circulation, complicated by superimposed mountain-valley breezes.  相似文献   

Evaluation of Two Energy Balance Closure Parametrizations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A general lack of energy balance closure indicates that tower-based eddy-covariance (EC) measurements underestimate turbulent heat fluxes, which calls for robust correction schemes. Two parametrization approaches that can be found in the literature were tested using data from the Canadian Twin Otter research aircraft and from tower-based measurements of the German Terrestrial Environmental Observatories (TERENO) programme. Our analysis shows that the approach of Huang et al. (Boundary-Layer Meteorol 127:273–292, 2008), based on large-eddy simulation, is not applicable to typical near-surface flux measurements because it was developed for heights above the surface layer and over homogeneous terrain. The biggest shortcoming of this parametrization is that the grid resolution of the model was too coarse so that the surface layer, where EC measurements are usually made, is not properly resolved. The empirical approach of Panin and Bernhofer (Izvestiya Atmos Oceanic Phys 44:701–716, 2008) considers landscape-level roughness heterogeneities that induce secondary circulations and at least gives a qualitative estimate of the energy balance closure. However, it does not consider any feature of landscape-scale heterogeneity other than surface roughness, such as surface temperature, surface moisture or topography. The failures of both approaches might indicate that the influence of mesoscale structures is not a sufficient explanation for the energy balance closure problem. However, our analysis of different wind-direction sectors shows that the upwind landscape-scale heterogeneity indeed influences the energy balance closure determined from tower flux data. We also analyzed the aircraft measurements with respect to the partitioning of the “missing energy” between sensible and latent heat fluxes and we could confirm the assumption of scalar similarity only for Bowen ratios $\approx $ 1.  相似文献   

An evolving convective Arctic planetary boundary layer (PBL) containing longitudinal roll vortices (rolls) was observed with aircraft data during the 1983 Marginal Ice Zone Experiment and the 1984 Arctic Cyclone Experiment.The PBL is observed to grow rapidly as the very cold and dry air flows off the ice over the relatively warm water. There is very large sensible heat flux, a result of the large surface-air temperature differences. Coherent structures were identified in these PBL's by use of power, coherence squared and phase spectra of the data. A systematic method of separating the rolls from organized thermal plumes was devised, based on theoretical characteristics for roll circulations and the resulting modified mean wind profile. The rapid mixing by the rolls aids in the establishment of equilibrium and an observed adiabatic modified mean Ekman layer. Rolls that form in a thermally neutral atmosphere over ice have different characteristics than those that appear in the unstable stratification over water. The rolls become increasingly more convective in character with distance from the ice edge. They have aspect ratios (wavelength/PBL height) that decrease with distance from the ice edge in agreement with linear theory. This is in contrast to the cloud street wavelength to inversion height ratio which is observed to increase downwind from the ice edge.  相似文献   

Landscape heterogeneity that causes surface flux variability plays a very important role in triggering mesoscale atmospheric circulations and convective weather processes. In most mesoscale numerical models, however, subgrid-scale heterogeneity is somewhat smoothed or not adequately accounted for, leading to artificial changes in heterogeneity patterns (e.g., patterns of land cover, land use, terrain, and soil types and soil moisture). At the domain-wide scale, the combination of losses in subgrid-scale heterogeneity from many adjacent grids may artificially produce larger-scale, more homogeneous landscapes. Therefore, increased grid spacing in models may result in increased losses in landscape heterogeneity. Using the Weather Research and Forecasting model in this paper, we design a number of experiments to examine the effects of such artificial changes in heterogeneity patterns on numerical simulations of surface flux exchanges, near-surface meteorological fields, atmospheric planetary boundary layer (PBL) processes, mesoscale circulations, and mesoscale fluxes. Our results indicate that the increased heterogeneity losses in the model lead to substantial, nonlinear changes in temporal evaluations and spatial patterns of PBL dynamic and thermodynamic processes. The decreased heterogeneity favor developments of more organized mesoscale circulations, leading to enhanced mesoscale fluxes and, in turn, the vertical transport of heat and moisture. This effect is more pronounced in the areas with greater surface heterogeneity. Since more homogeneous land-surface characteristics are created in regional models with greater surface grid scales, these artificial mesoscale fluxes may have significant impacts on simulations of larger-scale atmospheric processes.  相似文献   

Boundary-Layer Adjustment Over Small-Scale Changes of Surface Heat Flux   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Four months of eddy correlation data collected over a grass field and a nearby sage brush community are analyzed to examine the adjustment of the boundary-layer structure as it flows from the heated brush to the snow-covered grass. The grass site includes a 34-m tower with seven levels of eddy correlation data. The midday heat flux over the snow-covered grass and bare ground surfaces is often downward particularly with melting conditions, while the corresponding heat flux over the brush is almost always upward. For most of these cases, a stable internal boundary layer over the snow is well defined in terms of vertical profiles of the buoyancy flux over the snow-covered grass. The stable internal boundary layer is generally embedded within a deeper layer of flux divergence corresponding to increasing upward heat flux with height above the internal boundary layer. With thin snow cover, the surface heat flux over the grass is weak upward due to heating of grass protruding above the snow so that the flow adjusts to a decrease of the upward surface heat flux in the downwind direction. This common case of an adjusting boundary layer contrasts with the formation of an internal boundary layer due to a change of sign of the surface heat in flux the downwind direction. The adjustment of the boundary layer to the decrease of the surface heat flux leads to vertical divergence of the upward heat flux in contrast to the usual heated boundary layer over homogeneous surfaces. The consequences of the cooling due to the vertical divergence of the heat flux are discussed in terms of the heat budget of the adjusting and internal boundary layers.  相似文献   

Vertical heat fluxes induced by mesoscale thermally driven circulations maycontribute significantly to the subgrid-scale fluxes in large-scale models (e.g.,general circulation models). However, they are not considered in these modelsyet. To gain insight into the importance and possible parameterisation of themesoscale flux associated with slope winds, an analytical (conceptual) modelis developed to describe the relationship between the mesoscale heat flux andatmospheric and land-surface characteristics. The analytical model allows usto evaluate the mesoscale flux induced by slope winds from only a few profilemeasurements within a domain. To validate the analytical model the resultingheat flux profiles are compared to profiles of highly resolved wind and temperaturefields obtained by simulations with a mesoscale numerical model.With no or moderate synoptic wind the mesoscale heat flux generated by the slopewind circulation may be as large as, or even larger than, the turbulent fluxes at thesame height. At altitudes lower than the crest of the hills the mesoscale flux is alwayspositive (upward). Generally it causes cooling within the boundary layer and heatingabove. Despite the simplifications made to derive the analytical model, it reproducesthe profiles of the mesoscale flux quite well. According to the analytical model, themesoscale heat flux is governed by the temperature deviation at the slope surface, thedepth of the slope-wind layer, the large-scale lapse rate, and the wavelength of thetopographical features.  相似文献   

利用非均匀地表加热的大涡模拟试验,研究了不稳定条件下地表热力非均匀性对近地层相似理论适用性的影响。结果发现,边界层的平均廓线基本不受地表热力非均匀性的影响。进一步分析发现,较大尺度的地表非均匀加热可以激发出有组织的大尺度次级环流,冷暖斑块的通量直到边界层上部才混合均匀;而当地表非均匀尺度较小时,次级环流难以形成有组织的结构,冷暖斑块的通量很快就可以混合均匀。然而,不管是哪种尺度的非均匀地表,非均匀斑块间的平流都对各斑块近地层结构产生重要影响,进而斑块近地层通量—梯度关系与相似理论产生偏差,其中风速梯度关系的偏差更为明显。最后,对目前大气模式中常用的基于相似理论的次网格非均匀地表通量参数化方法——Mosaic方法提出了改进思路。  相似文献   

A magnetic fluid laboratory model of the global buoyancy and wind-driven ocean circulation is analyzed. Magnetic fluid is attached to a horizontal cylinder rotating about a vertical axis through its center. The magnetic gravity is radially inwards and is much larger than the normal terrestrial gravitational acceleration g. Motion is driven by imposed meridional heating gradients and/or a surface wind stress. Since the fluid occupies the region from equator to pole, or perhaps some other range of latitude spanning at least 90°, such a facility allows the laboratory simulation of large scale ocean flows. The method of forming the magnetic gravity involves the use of a stack of cylindrical disk magnets, separated by spacers. Although the dominant component of the magnetic gravity is radial and axially invariant, there is a residual “anomalous gravity” that is periodic with a wavelength equal to the magnet spacing along the direction of the magnet stack. The nature of secondary circulations induced by this spatial variation of magnetic gravity will interfere with the proposed experiments on ocean circulations. In this paper we determine the size of such circulations, and compute the expected changes in stability properties of the system due to these anomalies. The spatially-periodic secondary circulations and gravity modulations can be either stabilizing or destabilizing. The physical mechanisms affecting the stability in the limits of small and large values of the Rayleigh number are extracted from the analysis.  相似文献   

The influence of surface heterogeneities extends vertically within the atmospheric surface layer to the so-called blending height, causing changes in the fluxes of momentum and scalars. Inside this region the turbulence structure cannot be treated as horizontally homogeneous; it is highly dependent on the local surface roughness, the buoyancy and the horizontal scale of heterogeneity. The present study analyzes the change in scalar flux induced by the presence of a large wind farm installed across a heterogeneously rough surface. The change in the internal atmospheric boundary-layer structure due to the large wind farm is decomposed and the change in the overall surface scalar flux is assessed. The equilibrium length scale characteristic of surface roughness transitions is found to be determined by the relative position of the smooth-to-rough transition and the wind turbines. It is shown that the change induced by large wind farms on the scalar flux is of the same order of magnitude as the adjustment they naturally undergo due to surface patchiness.  相似文献   

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