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The anthropogenic impact on the biomass of coastal plankton communities caused by submerged disposal of urban sewage waters (dumping) was studied. The observations were carried out in August–September of 2002–2004 in Mamala Bay (Oahu Island, Hawaii) using satellite and sea truth methods. An analysis of the variability of the integral indicators of the water column determined on the basis of shipborne measurements allowed us to divide them into two groups: the elements most sensitive to the pollution (heterotrophic bacteria (H-Bact), the phototrophic cyanobacteria Synechococcus spp. (SYN), and chlorophyll a (CHLa)) and the elements that manifested episodic positive dependence on the inflow of the polluted waters (heterotrophic unicellular eukaryotes, small unicellular algae, the phototrophic green bacteria Prochlorococcus spp., as well as the total biomass of microplankton). It was shown that the submerged wastewater disposal in the region of the diffuser of the dumping device led to an insignificant (1.2–1.4 times, on the average) local increase in the integral biomass of H-Bact, SYN, and in the content of CHLa. A similar but sharper (1.5–2.1, on the average) increase in these parameters was found in the water layers with maximal biomasses. The possible pathways of disposed waters (under the pycnocline, at its upper boundary, and in the entire mixed layer) were analyzed on the basis of studying the vertical displacement of the biomasses of H-Bact, SYN, and prochlorophytes. The possibility of using the optical anomalies distinguished from satellite data as markers of anthropogenic eutrophication caused by dumping was confirmed. Application of such markers depends on the water transparency and on the shapes of the curves of the vertical distribution of autotrophic organisms.  相似文献   

This paper presents the main results of processing the data obtained in the study of hydrophysical processes during multidisciplinary monitoring of the anthropogenic impact on the coastal basin of Mamala Bay (Oahu Island, Hawaii). The results of the hydrophysical measurements carried out in August–September of 2002–2004 using stationary moorings and dropped and towed ship sensors were analyzed as the initial data. On the basis of these measurements, spatiotemporal, statistical, and spectral characteristics of different hydrophysical parameters of the marine envrionement in the basin of Mamala Bay were calculated, including three-dimensional components of the velocity vectors, the spectra of different components of velocities, the spectra of temperature fluctuations, and the characteristics of internal waves. The variability of the temperature fields and the correlation of the tidal phenomena with the temperature measurements and fluctuations caused by internal waves were analyzed. The materials and methods of the oceanographic studies and the results of the analysis of the meteorological and hydrological conditions are presented. The results obtained are used for a multidisciplinary analysis of the satellite and sea truth data.  相似文献   

大亚湾红树林区底相大型动物的群落   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
吴启泉  郑凤武 《台湾海峡》1992,11(2):161-166
本文据1987~1989年实地调查资料,研究了大亚湾红树林区底栖生物的种类组成与数量分布。结果表明,分布于湾顶5种红树林内的底栖生物70种,主要由多毛类(23种)、软体动物(23种)、甲壳动物(12种)和星虫动物(8种)组成;平均生物量219.77g/m~2,平均栖息密度281个/m~2;在数量上以软体动物的腹足类占优势。文中应用群落结构指数进行分析,并与九龙江口的作了比较。  相似文献   

Large sediment deposits on the reef front around Oahu are a possible resource for replenishing eroded beaches. High-resolution subbottom profiles clearly depict the deposits in three study areas: Kailua Bay off the windward coast, Makua to Kahe Point off the leeward coast, and Camp Erdman to Waimea off the north coast. Most of the sediment is in water depths between 20 and 100?m, resting on submerged shelves created during lowstands of sea level. The mapped deposits have a volume of about 4?×?108?m3 in water depths less than 100?m, being thickest off the mouth of channels carved into the modern insular shelf, from which most of the sediment issues. Vibracore samples contain various amounts of sediment of similar size to the sand on Oahu beaches, with the most compatible prospects located off Makaha, Haleiwa, and Camp Erdman, and the least compatible ones located in Kailua Bay. Laboratory tests show a positive correlation of abrasion with Halimeda content: samples from Kailua Bay suffered high amounts of attrition, but others were comparable to tested beach samples. The common gray color of the offshore sediment, aesthetically undesirable for sand on popular tourist beaches, was diminished in the laboratory by soaking in heated hydrogen peroxide.  相似文献   

Large sediment deposits on the reef front around Oahu are a possible resource for replenishing eroded beaches. High-resolution subbottom profiles clearly depict the deposits in three study areas: Kailua Bay off the windward coast, Makua to Kahe Point off the leeward coast, and Camp Erdman to Waimea off the north coast. Most of the sediment is in water depths between 20 and 100 m, resting on submerged shelves created during lowstands of sea level. The mapped deposits have a volume of about 4 × 108 m3 in water depths less than 100 m, being thickest off the mouth of channels carved into the modern insular shelf, from which most of the sediment issues. Vibracore samples contain various amounts of sediment of similar size to the sand on Oahu beaches, with the most compatible prospects located off Makaha, Haleiwa, and Camp Erdman, and the least compatible ones located in Kailua Bay. Laboratory tests show a positive correlation of abrasion with Halimeda content: samples from Kailua Bay suffered high amounts of attrition, but others were comparable to tested beach samples. The common gray color of the offshore sediment, aesthetically undesirable for sand on popular tourist beaches, was diminished in the laboratory by soaking in heated hydrogen peroxide.  相似文献   

The results of a study performed before and after the discharge of an ocean outfall off Mõkapu Point, Oahu, Hawaii, from 1975 to 1979 show large increases in the number of species and abundance of fish around the outfall site. The construction of the outfall afforded new rock substratum for the attachment of algae and sessile animals which attracted large aggregations of fish. During a 112 year period there were no significant community structure 1–5 km from the outfall when measured by similarity indices. No significant changes in algal biomass occurred between samplings.Similarity indices may be better indicators of fish community change than diversity indices since the former reflect changes in the relative abundance of species in common and large temporal changes in a community structure may occur without changing the value of its diversity index. Morisita's (1959) similarity index has greater sensitivity to the changes in fish community structure than the index derived by Sorensen (1954) due to emphasis on the relative abundance of dominant species.  相似文献   

Subtidal seaweed communities of the northern coast of KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) have not been studied before. At Sodwana Bay, we tested the hypotheses that the seaweed communities would (1) differ floristically with depth, (2) be more species-rich in shallower water, (3) show similar biomasses within the depth range sampled and (4) be affected (biomass and/or species composition) by sand. Samples were collected (using SCUBA) from reefs ('sites') at depths of about 1m, 7m, 10m, 15m and 26m. Each sample comprised all macroscopic (non-crustose) seaweeds within a 25cm × 25cm quadrat (five quadrats per depth). Environmental factors, including percentage sand cover and depth, were recorded. The seaweed communities were mainly compact turfs; a total of 82 Rhodophyta, 14 Chlorophyta and eight Phaeophyta were recorded. Ordination (canonical correspondence analysis) and classification (Twinspan) of the data showed clear differences in the floristic composition (either as species biomass or presence/absence) with depth, mainly between shallow subtidal communities (0.5–1.0m depth) and those at intermediate depths (5.5–15.0m), followed by the deepest communities (25.7–29.0m) and those at intermediate depths. The shallow samples showed the greatest species diversity. Total seaweed biomass decreased significantly with depth and percentage bare (seaweed-free) substratum increased significantly with depth, possibly because of lower wave action, light penetration, or different grazing patterns. Sand (as percentage sand cover) also affected seaweed community composition, but this showed no pattern with depth. The algal communities on these reefs at Sodwana Bay showed exceptional α-diversity, with 104 taxa (>20% of the recorded KZN flora) occurring in the total sample area of only 1.56m2. The seaweed communities of northern KZN are structurally and floristically similar to those of other tropical coral reefs around the world.  相似文献   

Benthic Nutrient Recycling in Port Phillip Bay, Australia   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Benthic chamber measurements of the reactants and products involved with biogenic matter remineralization (oxygen, ammonium, nitrate, nitrite, phosphate, silicate, TCO2and alkalinity) were used to define solute exchange rates between the sediment and overlying water column of Port Phillip Bay, Australia. Measurements at various sites throughout the bay, conducted during the summers of 1994 and 1995, indicate that the variability in flux values within a site is comparable to year-to-year variability (±50%). Four regions of the bay were distinguished by sediment properties and the northern region was identified as having 3–30 times greater nutrient regeneration rates than the other regions. Benthic recycling accounted for 63 and 72% of the annualized N and P input, respectively, to the entire bay as determined by summing benthic, dissolved riverine, atmospheric and dissolved effluent sources. However, bay-wide sedimentary denitrification accounted for a loss of 63% of the potentially recyclable N. This fraction is higher than many other coastal regions with comparable carbon loading. Denitrification efficiency is apparently not enhanced by benthic productivity nor by bio-irrigation. The rate of bio-irrigation is negatively correlated with denitrification efficiency. Bio-irrigation was studied using radon-222 and CsCl spike injection chamber measurements. Radon fluxes from sediments in Port Phillip Bay were enhanced over the diffusive flux by 3–16 times. The modelled rate of loss of Cs from chamber water was positively correlated with radon flux enhancement results. Both methods identify regions within Port Phillip Bay that have particularly high rates of non-diffusive pore-water overlying water solute exchange.  相似文献   

The intertidal zone of tropical islands is particularly poorly known. In contrast, temperate locations such as California's Monterey Bay are fairly well studied. However, even in these locations, studies have tended to focus on a few species or locations. Here we present the results of the first broadscale surveys of invertebrate, fish and algal species richness from a tropical island, Oahu, Hawaii, and a temperate mainland coast, Central California. Data were gathered through surveys of 10 sites in the early 1970s and again in the mid‐1990s in San Mateo and Santa Cruz counties, California, and of nine sites in 2001–2005 on Oahu. Surveys were conducted in a similar manner allowing for a comparison between Oahu and Central California and, for California, a comparison between time periods 24 years apart. We report a previously undocumented richness of intertidal species in both locations: 516 for Oahu and 801 for Central California. Surprisingly, when differences in search efforts are controlled, overall (alpha) diversity appears to be similar between locations, although site level (beta) diversity is much higher in California. Species richness in California generally increased along a wave exposure gradient and distance from an urban area. Much higher numbers of both invasive and endemic species were found on Oahu. In California, more invertebrate species were found in the 1990s, likely due to an improvement in taxonomic resources since the 1970s, and species composition was different in the two surveys due to the high incidence of rare species. Although some southern species increased in number between the two time periods and some northern species decreased, we detected little evidence of change favoring southern or northern species. These results are in line with recent findings that water temperatures in the Monterey Bay have been in a cooling trend since the 1980s, in contrast to many locations elsewhere in the world.  相似文献   

Sediment samples were collected at stations along cross-shelf transects in Onslow Bay, North Carolina, during two cruises in 1984 and 1985. Station depths ranged from 11 to 285 m. Sediment chlorophyll a concentrations ranged from 0·06 to 1·87 μg g−1 sediment (mean, 0·55), or 2·6–62·0 mg m2. Areal sediment chlorophyll a exceeded water column chlorophyll a a at 16 of 17 stations, especially at inshore and mid-shelf stations. Sediment ATP concentrations ranged from 0 to 0·67 μg g−1 sediment (mean, 0·28). Values for both biomass indicators were lowest in the depth range including the shelf break (50–99 m). Organic carbon contents of the sediments were uniformly low across the shelf, averaging 0·159% by weight. Photography of the sediments revealed extensive patches of microalgae on the sediment surface.Our data suggest that viable benthic microalgae occur across the North Carolina continental shelf. The distribution of benthic macroflora on the North Carolina shelf indicates that sufficient light and nutrients are available to support primary production out to the shelf break. Frequent storm-induced perturbations do not favour settling of phytoplankton, an alternative explanation for the presence of microalgal pigments in the sediments. Therefore, we propose that a distinct, productive benthic microflora exists across the North Carolina continental shelf.  相似文献   

The variability of the parameters of semidiurnal internal tides in Mamala Bay (Oahu Island, Hawaii) was investigated using the experimental data obtained with ADCP bottom current profilers and ther-mistor strings. It was stated that the size, shape, and orientation of the orbits, as well as the sign of the rotation of the orbital currents, are rarely similar to those characteristic of progressive internal waves on a rotating Earth. It is supposed that such unusual features of the orbital currents are related to the interference of the waves that arrive from the straits rimming Oahu Island and to the waves that, under favorable conditions, are episodically generated at the shelf edge of Mamala Bay. Due to the fact that the floor inclinations of the shelf in the bay are supercritical for semidiurnal internal tides, the local generation of internal tides is poorly efficient.  相似文献   

Benthic macrofauna–habitat associations in Willapa Bay, Washington, USA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Estuary-wide benthic macrofauna–habitat associations in Willapa Bay, Washington, United States, were determined for 4 habitats (eelgrass [Zostera marina], Atlantic cordgrass [Spartina alterniflora], mud shrimp [Upogebia pugettensis], ghost shrimp [Neotrypaea californiensis]) in 1996 and 7 habitats (eelgrass, Atlantic cordgrass, mud shrimp, ghost shrimp, oyster [Crassostrea gigas], bare mud/sand, subtidal) in 1998. Most benthic macrofaunal species inhabited multiple habitats; however, 2 dominants, a fanworm, Manayunkia aestuarina, in Spartina, and a sand dollar, Dendraster excentricus, in subtidal, were rare or absent in all other habitats. Benthic macrofaunal Bray–Curtis similarity varied among all habitats except eelgrass and oyster. There were significant differences among habitats within- and between-years on several of the following ecological indicators: mean number of species (S), abundance (A), biomass (B), abundance of deposit (AD), suspension (AS), and facultative (AF) feeders, Swartz's index (SI), Brillouin's index (H), and jackknife estimates of habitat species richness (HSR). In the 4 habitats sampled in both years, A was about 2.5× greater in 1996 (a La Niña year) than 1998 (a strong El Niño year) yet relative values of S, A, B, AD, AS, SI, and H among the habitats were not significantly different, indicating strong benthic macrofauna–habitat associations despite considerable climatic and environmental variability. In general, the rank order of habitats on indicators associated with high diversity and productivity (high S, A, B, SI, H, HSR) was eelgrass = oyster ≥ Atlantic cordgrass ≥ mud shrimp ≥ bare mud/sand ≥ ghost shrimp = subtidal. Vegetation, burrowing shrimp, and oyster density and sediment %silt + clay and %total organic carbon were generally poor, temporally inconsistent predictors of ecological indicator variability within habitats. The benthic macrofauna–habitat associations in this study can be used to help identify critical habitats, prioritize habitats for environmental protection, index habitat suitability, assess habitat equivalency, and as habitat value criteria in ecological risk assessments in Willapa Bay.  相似文献   

Corals in the Eastern Pacific extend south from the Gulf of California to Ecuador and oceanic Chile, and west from Colombia to Clipperton Atoll. Nevertheless, large stretches of the Mexican Pacific remain fundamentally unstudied. Therefore, to assess the current conditions of coral communities, a coastal fringe ~300 km long (17°40′ N, 101°39′ W to 16°46′ N, 99°49′ W) was surveyed within the Southern Mexican Pacific, between 2005 and 2009. Fifteen stony coral species were identified at 13 coral communities and six Pocillopora‐dominated fringing reefs, with Pocillopora verrucosa and Pocillopora damicornis the primary contributing taxa. Reef development was identified in embayments or behind rocks or islands that offered shelter from northern and northwestern winds. Observations of Pocillopora effusus, Pocillopora inflata, Porites lobata, Pavona clavus, and Pavona varians expanded the species known geographic ranges by several degrees of latitude, suggesting reef building fauna comprised a mixture of widespread and relatively rare Eastern Pacific corals. Results indicated greater live coral cover in the Ixtapa‐Zihuatanejo area (15–73%) than in the Acapulco localities, which had high algal dominance; the reefs in the latter region exhibited high erosion. Regional differences are likely the result of long‐standing anthropogenic pressures around Acapulco since 1950, when it became an important tourist destination. This paper is the first detailed report of ecologically stressed corals and coral reefs from the state of Guerrero on the Mexican Southern Pacific coast.  相似文献   

At regional scales, the distribution of species and the structure of assemblages vary with latitude within many marine and terrestrial systems. The oligotrophic coastal waters of Western Australia (WA) support highly speciose and endemic assemblages, yet spatial patterns in benthic structure are currently poorly known. We examined benthic assemblage composition along a latitudinal gradient of 28.5–33.5°S and a depth gradient of 14–62 m, on subtidal reefs in warm-temperate WA. We surveyed benthos using a remotely triggered digital stills camera. In total, we sampled macroalgae and sessile invertebrates at 201 sites spread across four locations. Percent cover of coarse taxonomic groups and dominant species was estimated from over 2000 photoquadrat samples. We recorded significant differences in benthic assemblage composition between locations, and along depth gradients within each location. However, the magnitude of change with depth was not consistent between locations, and shifts in assemblage composition along the depth gradients were not as pronounced as expected. The percent cover of all dominant benthic groupings differed between locations, and several key taxa, such as the kelp Scytothalia dorycarpa, brown foliose macroalgae, hard corals and sponges, changed predictably along the latitudinal gradient. Our study adopted a coarse taxonomic, but assemblage-wide, approach to describing macrobenthic assemblages, and clear differences between locations and depths were detected. The surveys have provided baseline data on broad scale ecosystem structure against which to detect future ecological change.  相似文献   

Coastal populations of maritime countries in eastern Africa rely on fish as a primary source of protein, but baseline information on the abundance of fish communities on these coastlines is often lacking. We used baited remote underwater video stations to compare the abundance and diversity of reef fishes targeted by fishing at two sites in southern Mozambique, one at Lighthouse Reef within the Bazaruto Archipelago National Park and the other to the south at San Sebastian Reef on the San Sebastian Peninsula. Fish that are known targets of fisheries (mostly small-scale and artisanal) had an abundance that was almost three-times greater at San Sebastian Reef (80.22 ind. h–1 [SE 18.00]) than at Lighthouse Reef (29.70 ind. h–1 [SE 8.91]). Similarly, there was greater mean species richness at San Sebastian Reef (38.74 species h–1 [SE 2.79]) than at Lighthouse Reef (25.37 species h–1 [SE 3.66]). The main drivers of targeted fish abundance were habitat and depth, with shallow (<15 m) and mixed reef areas having the greatest abundance and richness. More sampling was done over sand habitat at Lighthouse Reef, which likely led to the lower abundance and species richness observed at this site; however, that finding could also be attributable to the fact that protection is provided to only a section of available coral reef habitat in a small area. Nevertheless, fish community structure was comparable between the sites, with similar proportions of carnivores (78–81%), herbivores (12–14%) and omnivores (7–8%). Our findings highlight the variation in species abundance and assemblages of coral-reef fish targeted by fishing in Mozambique and emphasise the importance of localised environmental variables as a driver of these patterns. To ensure maximum protection of Lighthouse Reef fish communities, we recommend an extension of the no-take zone to include the entire reef complex.  相似文献   

The discharge of an effluent of high salinity from reverse osmosis desalination plants has a strong impact on marine communities. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of brine discharge over soft bottom communities along the Alicante coast (Southeast Spain) over a two year period. Changes in the infaunal assemblage were analysed using univariate and multivariate techniques. Each year we sampled along three transects at three depths (4, 10 and 15m) during winter and summer. We observed a substitution of a community characterized by the presence of Polychaeta, Crustacea and Mollusca, for another dominated by nematodes (up to 98%), in the stations closer to the discharge where salinity values exceed 39 psu.  相似文献   

Udalov  A. A.  Vedenin  A. A.  Chava  A. I.  Shchuka  S. A. 《Oceanology》2019,59(6):931-940
Oceanology - The benthic fauna of Oga Bay (Kara Sea, Novaya Zemlya archipelago) was studied in 2015–2016 during the R/V Akademik Mstislav Keldysh expeditions. Five grab stations at depths of...  相似文献   

象山港人工鱼礁海域浮游动物群落生态变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2011 年7 月和2012年7月在象山港人工鱼礁区及其邻近海域进行了浮游动物及主要环境因子调查, 根据采集的浮 游动物样品的分析鉴定及其它环境因子测试结果,对调查海域的浮游动物群落进行研究。结果表明,象山港人工鱼礁区及其 邻近海域有浮游动物8 大类36 种,优势种为短尾类幼体(Brachyura larvae)、汤氏长足水蚤(Calanopia thompsoni)、真刺唇 角水蚤(Labidocera euchaeta)、太平洋纺锤水蚤(Acartia pacifica) 等。运用箱线模型检验,两个航次鱼礁区浮游动物生物量 无显著差异性,与对照区相比,2012 年鱼礁区明显较高;浮游动物丰度则出现明显的差异(2011 较大),与对照区相比,则 鱼礁区无明显差异性;多样性和均匀性变化一致,且出现显著差异(投礁后,多样性明显升高,且高于对照区)。典型相关 分析(Canonical correlation analysis, CCA)结果表明,鱼礁区浮游动物群落关键参数(丰度、种类数、Shannon-Wiener多样 性、Pielou均匀度)与环境因子(水深、DO)之间存在极显著的相关性(r=0.962 7)。  相似文献   

为探讨泉州湾洛阳江口桐花树和秋茄2种红树林生境的大型底栖动物群落是否存在明显差异,于2011年4月至2012年1月对2种红树林生境的大型底栖动物进行了季度定量调查.结果表明:4个季度在2种红树林生境定量取样获得大型底栖动物49种,其中多毛类15种,腹足类8种,甲壳类15种,鱼类3种,昆虫2种,刺胞动物、扁形动物、纽形动物、星虫动物、寡毛类和双壳类各1种.寡鳃齿吻沙蚕(Nephtys oligobranchia)、短拟沼螺(Assiminea brevicula)、弧边招潮蟹(Uca arcuata)、指海葵(Actinia sp.)等在2种生境均有较高的栖息密度,可口革囊星虫(Phascolosoma esculenta)是2种生境的常见种,但栖息密度不高.虽然秋茄生境的大型底栖动物平均生物量高于桐花树生境,但桐花树生境的大型底栖动物群落的物种数、栖息密度、多样性指数(H’)、均匀度指数(J)和丰富度指数(d)均高于秋茄生境.单变量双因素方差分析(Two-way ANOVA)表明,2种红树林生境的大型底栖动物群落的多样性指数和均匀度指数有显著的季节差异、生境差异以及生境×季节差异.聚类分析表明,2种红树林生境的大型底栖动物群落组成的相似性较高,其原因是它们所处的潮区相同、沉积物类型相似和底质粒径相近.  相似文献   

In this study, seawater samples were collected from Goseong Bay, Korea in March 2014 and viral populations were examined by metagenomics assembly. Enrichment of marine viral particles using FeCl3 followed by next-generation sequencing produced numerous sequences. De novo assembly and BLAST search showed that most of the obtained contigs were unknown sequences and only 0.74% of sequences were associated with known viruses. As a result, 138 viruses, including bacteriophages (87%), viruses infecting algae and others (13%) were identified. The identified 138 viruses were divided into 11 orders, 14 families, 34 genera, and 133 species. The dominant viruses were Pelagibacter phage HTVC010P and Roseobacter phage SIO1. The viruses infecting algae, including the Ostreococcus species, accounted for 9.4% of total identified viruses. In addition, we identified pathogenic herpes viruses infecting fishes and giant viruses infecting parasitic acanthamoeba species. This is a comprehensive study to reveal the viral populations in the Goseong Bay using metagenomics. The information associated with the marine viral community in Goseong Bay, Korea will be useful for comparative analysis in other marine viral communities.  相似文献   

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