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A review is presented of the ocean circulation along Australia’s southern shelves and slope. Uniquely, the long, zonal shelf is subject to an equatorward Sverdrup transport that gives rise to the Flinders Current - a small sister to the world’s major Western Boundary Currents. The Flinders Current is strongest near the 600 m isobath where the current speeds can reach 20 cm/s and the bottom boundary layer is upwelling favourable. It is larger in the west but likely intermittent in both space and time due to possibly opposing winds, thermohaline circulation and mesoscale eddies. The Flinders Current may be important to deep upwelling within the ubiquitous canyons of the region.During winter, the Leeuwin Current and local winds act to drive eastward currents that average up to 20-30 cm/s. The currents associated with the intense coastal-trapped wave-field (6-12 day band) are of order 25-30 cm/s and can peak at 80-90 cm/s. Wintertime winds and cooling also lead to downwelling to depths of 200 m or more and the formation of dense coastal water within the Great Australian Bight and the South Australian Sea. Within the Great Australian Bight, the thermohaline circulation associated with this dense water is unknown, but may enhance the eastward shelf-edge, South Australian Current. The dense salty water formed within Spencer Gulf is known to cascade as a gravity current to depths of 200 m off Kangaroo Island. This dense water outflow and meanders in the shelf circulation also fix the locations of a sequence of quasi-permanent mesoscale eddies between the Eyre Peninsula and Portland.During summer, the average coastal winds reverse and surface heating leads to the formation of warm water in the western Great Australian Bight and the South Australian Sea. No significant exchange of shelf water and gulf water appears to occur due to the presence of a dense, nutrient-rich (sub-surface) pool that is upwelled off Kangaroo Island. The winds lead to weak average coastal currents (<10 cm/s) that flow to the north-west. In the Great Australian Bight, the wind stress curl can lead to an anticyclonic circulation gyre that can result in shelf-break downwelling in the western Great Australian Bight and the formation of the eastward, South Australian Current. In the east, upwelling favourable winds and coastal-trapped waves can lead to deep upwelling events off Kangaroo Island and the Bonney Coast that occur over 3-10 days and some 2-4 times a season. The alongshore currents here can be large (∼40 cm/s) and the vertical scales of upwelling are of order 150 m (off Kangaroo Island) and 250 m (off the Bonney Coast).Increasing evidence suggests that El Nino events (4-7 year period) can have a major impact on the winter and summer circulation. These events propagate from the Pacific Ocean and around the shelf-slope wave-guide of West Australia and into the Great Australian Bight. During winter El Nino events, the average shelf currents may be largely shut-down. During summer, the thermocline may be raised by up to 150 m. The nature and role of tides and surface waves is also discussed along with uncertainties in the general circulation and future research.  相似文献   

In this paper we summarise the photo-physiological responses of phytoplankton to upwelling of macronutrients in mesoscale eddies in the subtropical North Atlantic (EDDIES project, Sargasso Sea) and subtropical North Pacific (E-FLUX project, Hawaii). The observations, obtained on two sets of cruises over 2 years, occupied six cyclonic eddies and two mode-water eddies. The photosynthetic physiological parameters were measured using a bench-top fluorescence induction and relaxation (FIRe) system and a submersible in situ fast repetition rate fluorometer (FRRF) deployed on an undulating towed vehicle. Both of these instruments were used to provide highly sensitive and well-resolved data on community responses. The responses are dependent on both the type of eddy and its stage of development. Our results indicate that, while cyclonic eddies in the Atlantic and Pacific can increase primary photosynthetic production early in their development, mode-water eddies in the subtropical North Atlantic can support patchy blooms of large diatoms for long periods of time (more than 3 months).  相似文献   

This article concerns an interrelation between the sea levels and the western boundary flow near a tectonic boundary in a local zone in the Northwestern Pacific. In this zone, sea level variations at stations located on the coast facing the Pacific are studied to find the interrelation between variations of the Kurosio flow as an index of the distance of the flow axis off a specific coast. The result is discussed after data processing of the monthly means of the sea levels, and a notice is taken of variations caused by active crustal upheavals during a seismic event, a local earthquake.  相似文献   

A process-oriented, quasi-geostrophic, barotropic model has been developed with the aim of studying the relative importance of wind and topographic forcing on oceanic eddy generation by tall, deep water islands. As a case study, we chose the island of Gran Canaria. Topographic forcing was established using different intensities (weak, medium, strong, and very strong) for the oceanic current incident to the island. Wind forcing was introduced to simulate the mean wind curl observed in atmospheric tall island wakes. As observed from in situ data, the resulting wind curl consists of two cells of opposite sign which become a complementary source of vorticity at the island lee. The intensity and the shape of the two cells depend on the strength of the incident wind against the obstacle. The oceanic model was forced at three different wind (trade winds) speeds which correspond to weak, medium and strong wind intensities. Results from several numerical experiments show that in those periods where the incident wind is in the medium–strong range and the incident current speed is low (low Reynolds number), the wind forcing is the trigger mechanism for oceanic eddy generation. Eddies are spun off from the island for a lower Reynolds number (Re)/intensity of the oceanic flow (Re = 20) when compared with only topographic forcing (Re > 60). However, when the current speed is strong (high Reynolds number), the vorticity input by the wind is quickly advected by the oceanic flow and does not contribute to oceanic eddy generation. When only wind forcing is considered, only two stationary eddies are generated in the island wake. In this case, eddies of opposite sign are not sequentially spun off by the island and a Von-Kármán-like eddy street is not developed downstream of the island. Therefore, the main mechanism responsible for the development of an eddy street is the topographic perturbation of the oceanic flow by the island flanks. The wind over the island wake acts only as an additional source of vorticity, promoting the generation of an eddy street at a lower intensity of the incident oceanic flow, but not being capable of generating an eddy street without the topographic forcing.  相似文献   

This article concerns an interrelation between the sea levels and the western boundary flow near a tectonic boundary in a local zone in the Northwestern Pacific. In this zone, sea level variations at stations located on the coast facing the Pacific are studied to find the interrelation between variations of the Kurosio flow as an index of the distance of the flow axis off a specific coast. The result is discussed after data processing of the monthly means of the sea levels, and a notice is taken of variations caused by active crustal upheavals during a seismic event, a local earthquake.  相似文献   

对处于南海西边界位置(11°49.930′N,110°00.20′E),深度为636m的观测点,2006年4月27日~2007年7月7日的海流和温度连续观测资料进行分析,得到以下结论:(1)观测期间温度具有明显的季节变化和日变化,平均值为7.4℃。(2)海流能量主要集中在南北方向上,具有显著的年变化。2006年5~6月,2006年8~11月及2007年1月北向流速占优,其他月份南向流速占优。(3)长期海流资料的调和分析表明,该海区潮汐类型属不规则全日潮;显著分潮为Sa、O1、K1和M2,潮流椭圆均作逆时针旋转,其中Sa和O1往复特性较强。Sa和K1分潮长轴与等深线平行,指向南北方向;而M2分潮长轴基本与等深线垂直;O1分潮长轴则指向西北-东南方向。(4)对逐月海流资料分别进行调和分析,得出O1和K1顺时针旋转的结果;该海区全日潮最显著,主要分潮的潮流椭圆要素随时间变化明显。(5)观测期间,观测海域多发中尺度涡:2006年6月15~29日观测点,东北方向的暖涡逐渐减弱并接近观测点,导致了日平均温度逐渐升高和余流V分量由强渐弱的变化特征。2006年12月12~19日观测点东侧发展了一个准静止冷涡,垂向范围300~800m,由于观测点处于冷涡的边缘,造成了温度变化平稳、海流V分量的南向流动随着涡的削弱而明显减小的变化特征。  相似文献   

Mesoscale eddies, which are mainly caused by baroclinic effects in the ocean, are common oceanic phenomena in the Northwest Pacific Ocean and play very important roles in ocean circulation, ocean dynamics and material energy transport. The temperature structure of mesoscale eddies will lead to variations in oceanic baroclinity, which can be reflected in the sea level anomaly (SLA). Deep learning can automatically extract different features of data at multiple levels without human intervention, and find the hidden relations of data. Therefore, combining satellite SLA data with deep learning is a good way to invert the temperature structure inside eddies. This paper proposes a deep learning algorithm, eddy convolution neural network (ECN), which can train the relationship between mesoscale eddy temperature anomalies and sea level anomalies (SLAs), relying on the powerful feature extraction and learning abilities of convolutional neural networks. After obtaining the temperature structure model through ECN, according to climatic temperature data, the temperature structure of mesoscale eddies in the Northwest Pacific is retrieved with a spatial resolution of 0.25° at depths of 0–1 000 m. The overall accuracy of the ECN temperature structure is verified using Argo profiles at the locations of cyclonic and anticyclonic eddies during 2015–2016. Taking 10% error as the acceptable threshold of accuracy, 89.64% and 87.25% of the cyclonic and anticyclonic eddy temperature structures obtained by ECN met the threshold, respectively.  相似文献   

北冰洋西部表层沉积物粘土矿物分布及环境指示意义   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
楚科奇海及邻近的北冰洋深水区表层沉积物中粘土矿物的分布受源区母岩和海区环流结构所制约。来自加拿大马更些河的物质富含高岭石和伊利石,对研究区东北部和北部沉积物的影响较大;来自阿拉斯加西北部的河流和海岸带物质富含绿泥石,高岭石含量变化较大,对阿拉斯加西北部近海沉积物的影响明显;来自西伯利亚的物质富含绿泥石,对研究区西部沉积物的影响较为明显。自白令海峡进入的太平洋水携带富含蒙皂石的育空河物质横穿楚科奇海陆架向北扩散,导致楚科奇海中部沉积物中的蒙皂石含量高;同时,粘土矿物自身的粒度分异在某种程度上也促使蒙脱石在离岸距离较远的中部海区富集。  相似文献   

The mathematical framework for turbulent transport in the ocean is reasonably well established. It may be applied to large-scale fields of scalars in the ocean and to the instantaneous or continuous discharge from a point. The theory and its physical basis can also provide an interpretation of passive scalar spectra. Spatial variations in the rate of turbulent transfer can be related to the movement of the center of mass of a scalar and to a formulation in terms of entrainment. The relative dispersion of a scalar with respect to its center of mass and the streakiness of the concentration field within the relative dispersion domain need to be considered. In many of these problems it is valuable to think in terms of simple models for individual streaks, as well as overall statistical properties.  相似文献   

We examined the impact of a cyclonic eddy and mode-water eddy on particle flux in the Sargasso Sea. The primary method used to quantify flux was based on measurements of the natural radionuclide, 234Th, and these flux estimates were compared to results from sediment traps in both eddies, and a 210Po/210Pb flux method in the mode-water eddy. Particulate organic carbon (POC) fluxes at 150 m ranged 1–4 mmol C m−2 d−1 and were comparable between methods, especially considering differences in integration times scales of each approach. Our main conclusion is that relative to summer mean conditions at the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study (BATS) site, eddy-driven changes in biogeochemistry did not enhance local POC fluxes during this later, more mature stage of the eddy life cycle (>6 months old). The absence of an enhancement in POC flux puts a constraint on the timing of higher POC flux events, which are thought to have caused the local O2 minima below each eddy, and must have taken place >2 months prior to our arrival. The mode-water eddy did enhance preferentially diatom biomass in its center, where we estimated a factor of three times higher biogenic Si flux than the BATS summer average. An unexpected finding in the highly depth-resolved 234Th data sets is narrow layers of particle export and remineralization within the eddy. In particular, a strong excess 234Th signal is seen below the deep chlorophyll maxima, which we attribute to remineralization of 234Th-bearing particles. At this depth below the euphotic zone, de novo particle production in the euphotic zone has stopped, yet particle remineralization continues via consumption of labile sinking material by bacteria and/or zooplankton. These data suggest that further study of processes in ocean layers is warranted not only within, but below the euphotic zone.  相似文献   

Current estimates of freshwater flux through Arctic and subarctic seas   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
As the world warms, the expectation is that the freshwater outflows from the Arctic Ocean to the North Atlantic will strengthen and may act to suppress the rate of the climatically-important Atlantic meridional overturning circulation. Hitherto, however, we have lacked the system of measurements required to estimate the totality of the freshwater flux through subarctic seas. Though observations remain patchy and rudimentary in places, we piece-together the results from recent large-scale observational programmes together with associated modelling, to establish preliminary maps of the rates and pathways of freshwater flux through subarctic seas. These fluxes are calculated according to two reference salinities, S = 34.8 to conform with the majority of estimates reported in the literature, and S = 35.2, the salinity of the inflowing Atlantic water, to calculate the freshwater balance of the ‘Arctic Mediterranean’. We find that 148 mSv of freshwater enters the Nordic Seas across its northern boundary. There it is supplemented by around 54 mSv of freshwater from Baltic runoff, Norwegian runoff, P − E and Greenland ice melt, so that the total freshwater contribution to the Nordic Seas from all sources is 202 mSv. Of this, around 51 mSv of freshwater is estimated to pass south to the deep Atlantic in the dense water overflows leaving an assumed balance of 151 mSv to leave the Nordic Seas in the upper water export through Denmark Strait. The corresponding estimate for the freshwater outflow west of Greenland is 103 mSv relative to 35.2 so that the total freshwater flux reaching the North Atlantic through subarctic seas is around 300 mSv.  相似文献   

The LOMROG 2007 expedition targeted the previously unexplored southern part of the Lomonosov Ridge north of Greenland together with a section from the Morris Jesup Rise to Gakkel Ridge. The oceanographic data show that Canadian Basin Deep Water (CBDW) passes the Lomonosov Ridge in the area of the Intra Basin close to the North Pole and then continues along the ridge towards Greenland and further along its northernmost continental slope. The CBDW is clearly evident as a salinity maximum and oxygen minimum at a depth of about 2000 m. The cross-slope sections at the Amundsen Basin side of the Lomonosov Ridge and further south at the Morris Jesup Rise show a sharp frontal structure higher up in the water column between Makarov Basin water and Amundsen Basin water. The frontal structure continues upward into the Atlantic Water up to a depth of about 300 m. The observed water mass division at levels well above the ridge crest indicates a strong topographic steering of the flow and that different water masses tend to pass the ridge guided by ridge-crossing isobaths at local topographic heights and depressions. A rough scaling analysis shows that the extremely steep and sharply turning bathymetry of the Morris Jesup Rise may force the boundary current to separate and generate deep eddies.  相似文献   

热带印度洋和太平洋海气相互作用事件的协调发展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对次表层海温距平的分布和变化的分析表明,在热带印度洋和太平洋都存在海温距平的偶极子模态,即在赤道附近大洋东、西两个部分的海温距平在不少年份呈反符号分布。进一步分析表明,两大洋海温距平的偶极子模态间有密切的联系。在分析它们和850hPa纬向风距平后指出,正是Walker环流异常把两大洋的海温距平变化联系起来。  相似文献   

Tuna fisheries in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean are among the most valuable resources in the region. These fisheries, worth an estimated $4.1 billion each year, play a pivotal role in supporting incomes and development goals in the region. However, due to the twin, and potentially inter-related effects of harmful fishing practices such as the use of fish aggregating devices, overcapacity, and fisheries subsidies, many of these tuna fisheries are currently at risk of over-exploitation—putting the livelihoods of countless local fishers at risk. This study finds that government fisheries subsidies in the region represent 37% of the ex-vessel value of tuna fisheries in the region. Fuel subsidies are estimated at US$ 335 million and non-fuel subsidies are estimated at US$ 1.2 billion for the year 2009. Developed countries are responsible for more than half of the subsidies spent in the predominantly developing region, underlying the fact that the majority of tuna value extracted from the national waters of developing countries in the region benefit larger, developed countries. The total resource rent, or return to society, from tuna fisheries, once adjusted for subsidies is a net negative US$750 million in 2009. Fisheries subsidies are enabling foreign fleets to operate at sub-market rates, putting local fleets out of competition for their own fishery resources.  相似文献   

Near-bottom currents play important roles in the formation and dynamics of deep-water sedimentary systems.This study examined the characteristics and temporal variations of near-bottom currents, especially the tidal components, based on two campaigns(2014 and 2016) of in situ observations conducted southeast of the Dongsha Island in the South China Sea. Results demonstrated near-bottom currents are dominated by tidal currents, the variance of which could account for ~70% of the total current variance. Diurnal tidal currents were found stronger than semidiurnal currents for both barotropic and baroclinic components. The diurnal tidal currents were found polarized with predominantly clockwise-rotating constituents, whereas the clockwise and counterclockwise constituents were found comparable for semidiurnal tidal currents. It was established that diurnal tidal currents could induce strong current shear. Baroclinic tidal currents showed pronounced seasonal variation with large magnitude in winter and summer and weak magnitude in spring and autumn in 2014. The coherent components accounted for ~65% and ~50% of the diurnal and semidiurnal tidal current variances,respectively. The proportions of the coherent and incoherent components changed little in different seasons. In addition to tidal currents, it was determined that the passing of mesoscale eddies could induce strong nearbottom currents that have considerable influence on the deep circulation.  相似文献   

A Large-Scale Seasonal Modeling Study of the California Current System   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A high-resolution, multi-level, primitive equation ocean model has been used to investigate the combined role of seasonal wind forcing, seasonal thermohaline gradients, and coastline irregularities on the formation of currents, meanders, eddies, and filaments in the entire California Current System (CCS) region, from Baja to the Washington-Canada border. Additional objectives are to further characterize the meandering jet south of Cape Blanco and the seasonal variability off Baja. Model results show the following: All of the major currents of the CCS (i.e., the California Current, the California Undercurrent, the Davidson Current, the Southern California Countercurrent, and the Southern California Eddy) as well as filaments, meanders and eddies are generated. The results are consistent with the generation of eddies from instabilities of the southward current and northward undercurrent via barotropic and baroclinic instability processes. The meandering southward jet, which divides coastally-influenced water from water of offshore origin, is a continuous feature in the CCS, and covers an alongshore distance of over 2000 km from south of Cape Blanco to Baja. Off Baja, the southward jet strengthens (weakens) during spring and summer (fall and winter). The area off southern Baja is a highly dynamic environment for meanders, filaments, and eddies, while the region off Point Eugenia, which represents the largest coastline perturbation along the Baja peninsula, is shown to be a persistent cyclonic eddy generation region. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

我们用Non—Boussinesq POP海洋模式和NECP 1000 hPa的风应力和气温场资料,模拟了1960—1999年太平洋环流,结果显示:在过去的40年,热带太平洋环流变弱了,另外,由于全球变暖,由北赤道流产生的向热带西太平洋沿岸的热输送和由南赤道流产生的向南太平洋中高纬度的热输送随着时间是减弱的,而在北半球,由北赤道流产生的向中高纬度的热输送是增加的。  相似文献   

Mesoscale anticyclonic eddies in the Gulf of Alaska are an important mechanism for cross-shelf exchange of high iron, low nitrate coastal waters and low iron, high nitrate offshore waters. A Kenai eddy was sampled in September 2007, 8 months after formation. The subsurface eddy core layer contained reactive iron concentrations more than eight times greater than waters at the same depths outside the eddy. The subsurface core of the Kenai eddy (25.4≤σθ≤25.8) is suggested to be seasonally important as these waters can be brought to the surface with storm events and deep winter mixing. The deeper core layer (25.8≤σθ≤27.0) is suggested to be a source of iron to HNLC waters on a longer timescale, due to isopycnal mixing and eventual eddy relaxation. The subsurface and deeper core layers are important reservoirs of iron that can promote and sustain primary productivity over the lifetime of the Kenai eddy. In addition, dissolved and leachable particulate manganese are shown to be excellent tracers of eddy surface and subsurface waters, respectively.  相似文献   

In this study, we use existing observational datasets to evaluate 20th century climate simulations of the tropical Pacific. The emphasis of our work is decadal variability of the shallow meridional overturning circulation, which links the tropical and subtropical Pacific Ocean. In observations, this circulation is characterized by equatorward geostrophic volume transport convergence in the interior ocean pycnocline across 9°N and 9°S. Historical hydrographic data indicate that there has been a decreasing trend in this convergence over the period 1953–2001 of about 11 Sverdrup (1 Sv = 106 m3 s−1), with maximum decade-to-decade variations of 7–11 Sv. The transport time series is highly anti-correlated with sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies in the central and eastern tropical Pacific, implying that variations in meridional overturning circulation are directly linked to decadal variability and trends in tropical SST. These relationships are explored in 18 model simulations of 20th century climate from 14 state-of-the-art coupled climate models. Significant correlation exists between meridional volume transport convergence and tropical SST in the majority of the models over the last half century. However, the magnitude of transport variability on decadal time scales in the models is underestimated while at the same time modeled SST variations are more sensitive to that transport variability than in the observations. The effects of the meridional overturning circulation on SST trends in most the models is less clear. Most models show no trend in meridional transport convergence and underestimate the trend in eastern tropical Pacific SST. The eddy permitting MIROCH model is the only model that reasonably reproduces the observed trends in transport convergence, tropical Pacific SST, and SST gradient along the equator over the last half century. If the observed trends and those simulated in the MIROCH model are ultimately related to greenhouse gas forcing, these results suggest that the Bjerknes feedback, by affecting pycnocline transport convergences, may enhance warming that arises from anthropogenic forcing in the eastern tropical Pacific.  相似文献   

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