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A new experimental model has been designed to simulate the influence of a natural fracture network on the propagation geometry of hydraulic fractures in naturally fractured formations using a tri-axial fracturing system. In this model, a parallel and symmetrical pre-fracture network was created by placing cement plates in a cubic mold and filling the mold with additional cement to create the final testing block. The surface of the plates will thus be weakly cemented and form pre-fractures. The dimension and direction of the pre-fractures can be controlled using the plates. The experiments showed that the horizontal differential stress $\Updelta \sigma$ and the angle $\Updelta \theta$ between the maximum horizontal principal in situ stress and the pre-fracture are the dominating factors for the initiation and propagation of hydraulic fractures. For $\Updelta \theta = 90^\circ$ and $\Updelta \sigma \ge 2{\text{ MPa}}$ or $\Updelta \theta = 60^\circ$ and $\Updelta \sigma \ge 4{\text{ MPa}}$ , the direction of the initiation and propagation of the hydraulic fractures are consistent with or deviate from the normal direction of the pre-fracture. When the hydraulic fractures approach the pre-fractures, the direction of the hydraulic fracture propagation will be consistent with the normal direction of the pre-fracture. Otherwise, the hydraulic fracture will deflect and perpendicularly cross the parallel and symmetric pre-fracture network. For $\Updelta \theta = 90^\circ$ and $\Updelta \sigma < 2{\text{ MPa}},\,\Updelta \theta = 60^\circ$ , and $\Updelta \sigma < 4{\text{ MPa}}$ or $\Updelta \theta = 45^\circ$ and $\Updelta \sigma = 4 - 8{\text{ MPa}}$ , before the hydraulic fracture and the pre-fractures intersect, the direction of the hydraulic fracture propagation remains unchanged, and the pre-fractures open or dilate when the hydraulic fracture propagates to the intersection point, forming a complicated hydraulic fracture network with the propagation region of the overall hydraulic fracture network taking the shape of an ellipse. In this condition, the complexity level of the hydraulic fracture is controlled by the net pressure, the compressive normal stress acting on the pre-fractures, the shearing strength and the cohesion strength of the planes of weakness. The conclusions of this research are inconsistent with the formulation of the approach angle that has been widely accepted by previous studies. The principle of hydraulic fracture propagation is that it follows the least resistance, the most preferential propagation, and the shortest propagation path.  相似文献   

Multistage fracturing of the horizontal well is recognized as the main stimulation technology for shale gas development. The hydraulic fracture geometry and stimulated reservoir volume (SRV) is interpreted by using the microseismic mapping technology. In this paper, we used a computerized tomography (CT) scanning technique to reveal the fracture geometry created in natural bedding-developed shale (cubic block of 30 cm × 30 cm × 30 cm) by laboratory fracturing. Experimental results show that partially opened bedding planes are helpful in increasing fracture complexity in shale. However, they tend to dominate fracture patterns for vertical stress difference Δσ v  ≤ 6 MPa, which decreases the vertical fracture number, resulting in the minimum SRV. A uniformly distributed complex fracture network requires the induced hydraulic fractures that can connect the pre-existing fractures as well as pulverize the continuum rock mass. In typical shale with a narrow (<0.05 mm) and closed natural fracture system, it is likely to create complex fracture for horizontal stress difference Δσ h  ≤ 6 MPa and simple transverse fracture for Δσ h  ≥ 9 MPa. However, high naturally fractured shale with a wide open natural fracture system (>0.1 mm) does not agree with the rule that low Δσ h is favorable for uniformly creating a complex fracture network in zone. In such case, a moderate Δσ h from 3 to 6 MPa is favorable for both the growth of new hydraulic fractures and the activation of a natural fracture system. Shale bedding, natural fracture, and geostress are objective formation conditions that we cannot change; we can only maximize the fracture complexity by controlling the engineering design for fluid viscosity, flow rate, and well completion type. Variable flow rate fracturing with low-viscosity slickwater fluid of 2.5 mPa s was proved to be an effective treatment to improve the connectivity of induced hydraulic fracture with pre-existing fractures. Moreover, the simultaneous fracturing can effectively reduce the stress difference and increase the fracture number, making it possible to generate a large-scale complex fracture network, even for high Δσ h from 6 MPa to 12 MPa.  相似文献   

Due to the low permeability of many shale reservoirs, multi-stage hydraulic fracturing in horizontal wells is used to increase the productive, stimulated reservoir volume. However, each created hydraulic fracture alters the stress field around it, and subsequent fractures are affected by the stress field from previous fractures. The results of a numerical evaluation of the effect of stress field changes (stress shadowing), as a function of natural fracture and geomechanical properties, are presented, including a detailed evaluation of natural fracture shear failure (and, by analogy, the generated microseismicity) due to a created hydraulic fracture. The numerical simulations were performed using continuum and discrete element modeling approaches in both mechanical-only and fully coupled, hydro-mechanical modes. The results show the critical impacts that the stress field changes from a created hydraulic fracture have on the shear of the natural fracture system, which in-turn, significantly affects the success of the hydraulic fracture stimulation. Furthermore, the results provide important insight into: the role of completion design (stage spacing) and operational parameters (rate, viscosity, etc.) on the possibility of enhancing the stimulation of the natural fracture network (‘complexity’); the mechanisms that generate the microseismicity that occurs during a hydraulic fracture stimulation; and the interpretation of the generated microseismicity in relation to the volume of stimulated reservoir formation.  相似文献   

地应力的差异性对劈裂注浆的裂缝扩展有着重要的影响。针对油页岩原位裂解区止水,本文提出定向射孔与劈裂注浆相结合的新方法,引导裂缝扩展。根据油页岩参数,利用RFPA软件,分析有无射孔对裂缝扩展的影响,并进一步分析地应力差异对有射孔时裂缝扩展的影响。结果表明,与无射孔注浆相比,有射孔注浆可定向劈裂并减小注浆压力;当x方向应力大于y方向应力时,射孔之间产生的大量裂缝将射孔连通形成帷幕;当x方向应力小于y方向应力时,随着应力差异的逐渐变大,裂缝扩展逐渐从x方向向y方向偏转,直到应力差异成为影响裂缝扩展的主要因素,射孔之间才未形成裂缝且不能连通。此研究成果可为油页岩原位裂解区止水工程提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Rockburst is a violent rock failure process which poses a significant threat to human safety in mining and tunneling construction. Although many in situ investigations provided valuable insights on the rockburst mechanism, the failure and rock fragmentation process during a rockburst cannot be fully examined on the site. In this paper, a modified triaxial rock testing apparatus is employed to investigate the rockburst behavior of oriented sandstone. A high-speed camera is used to record the crack propagation and the ejection of rock fragments on the unloading surface. The microscopic characteristics of the fragments generated from the rockburst tests are observed using the scanning electron microscope (SEM) imaging technique. The trajectory sketches are drawn to calculate the initial velocities of the rock fragments ejected based on the photographs taken by the high-speed camera. The results show that the mass and velocity of fragments are the two main parameters for the identification of the energy-transferring process in the rockburst test. When the bedding orientation is perpendicular to the unloading surface, the rockburst is controlled by the specimen’s strength. However, when the bedding orientation is parallel to the unloading surface, the rockburst is dependent on the structural stability of the specimen.  相似文献   

The production efficiency of shale gas is affected by the interaction between hydraulic and natural fractures. This study presents a simulation of natural fractures in shale reservoirs, based on a discrete fracture network (DFN) method for hydraulic fracturing engineering. Fracture properties of the model are calculated from core fracture data, according to statistical mathematical analysis. The calculation results make full use of the quantitative information of core fracture orientation, density, opening and length, which constitute the direct and extensive data of mining engineering. The reliability and applicability of the model are analyzed with regard to model size and density, a calculation method for dominant size and density being proposed. Then, finite element analysis is applied to a hydraulic fracturing numerical simulation of a shale fractured reservoir in southeastern Chongqing. The hydraulic pressure distribution, fracture propagation, acoustic emission information and in situ stress changes during fracturing are analyzed. The results show the application of fracture statistics in fracture modeling and the influence of fracture distribution on hydraulic fracturing engineering. The present analysis may provide a reference for shale gas exploitation.  相似文献   

In the present study, fracture initiation and propagation from a pre-existing plane interface in a Brazilian disc is investigated using a finite-discrete element combined method. Different fracture patterns, depending on the frictional resistance of the pre-existing crack or interface, are observed from the numerical simulation. It is found that when there is no or very little frictional resistance on the surfaces of the pre-existing crack, the primary fractures (wing cracks), which are tensile in nature and are at roughly right angles to the pre-existing crack, start from the tips of the pre-existing crack. As the friction coefficient increases, the wing cracks’ initiation locations deviate from the crack tips and move toward the disc center. Secondary fractures, which are also tensile in nature, initiate from the disc boundary and occur only when the length of the pre-existing crack is sufficiently long. The secondary fractures are roughly sub-parallel to the pre-existing crack. The failure load is found to be influenced by the friction coefficient of the pre-existing crack. A 38 % failure load increase can result when the friction coefficient changes from 0 to 1. A good understanding of the fracture initiation and propagation in the forms of primary and secondary fractures provides insight into explaining some fracture patterns observed underground.  相似文献   

针对钻井工程常遇的层理性地层,以应力张量坐标转换关系和井孔应力集中方程为基础,引入弱面剪切滑动和岩体Mogi-Coulomb双强度准则,建立了分析层理性地层井壁稳定性的模型。对含层理弱面的典型油气储层中钻井的合理钻井液密度和安全钻井方向进行研究,结果表明:层理面的存在加剧了井壁围岩的破坏,且改变了围岩破坏的位置;水平井坍塌压力随着钻井方向变化而连续性变化,其在特定钻井方向取得最小坍塌压力;斜井取得最小坍塌压力的方位与层理面在空间中并不垂直,空间中关于主平面对称的斜井破裂压力相同;既可获得较大钻井液安全压力窗口又可取得较小坍塌压力的方向为优选钻井方向,在钻井液压力窗口变化大的倾向上钻井需严格控制钻井轨迹曲线。  相似文献   

A recently developed unconventional fracture model (UFM) is able to simulate complex fracture network propagation in a formation with pre-existing natural fractures. A method for computing the stress shadow from fracture branches in a complex hydraulic fracture network (HFN) based on an enhanced 2D displacement discontinuity method with correction for finite fracture height is implemented in UFM and is presented in detail including approach validation and examples. The influence of stress shadow effect from the HFN generated at previous treatment stage on the HFN propagation and shape at new stage is also discussed.  相似文献   

Geotechnical and Geological Engineering - The mechanism of rock fracture evolution under loading has always been the focus of rock mechanics community. In this paper, to realize the development of...  相似文献   

依据岩心观察、实验分析、录井和测井资料,研究了四川焦石坝页岩气田志留系龙马溪组下部—奥陶系五峰组海相页岩基本特征、沉积环境。龙马溪组下部—五峰组主要为黑色、灰黑色炭质页岩,形成于弱氧化—强还原环境,由含碳低硅,高碳低硅,中碳中硅、低硅,高碳高硅、中硅,富碳高硅7种岩石相构成;沉积微相可划分为深水砂泥质陆棚、深水混积陆棚、深水硅泥质陆棚、深水泥质陆棚4种;页岩沉积经历了一个较为完整的"海进—海退"三级海平面升降旋回,沉积亚相为深水陆棚沉积。研究成果为今后在四川盆地海相页岩地层寻找优质储层、深化认识焦石坝海相页岩储层特征提供了有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

裂隙网络管道模型弥散试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探求不同裂隙几何参数对裂隙网络溶质运移的影响,基于离散裂隙网络思想和优势流、沟槽流理论,建立裂隙管道网络概念模型,搭建不同管径、不同连通方式的管道网络试验装置,进行渗流和溶质运移实验。运用应用广泛的模拟软件CHEMFLO-2000建立等效多孔介质模型,拟合不同几何参数下等效弥散度,定量刻画不同管道网络几何参数对溶质运移的影响,讨论了不同管径、连通方式等与等效弥散度之间的关系。通过进一步分析得出:在连通方式相同的情况下,不同管径的管道网络等效弥散度存在差异,但是差异不大;溶质在小管径中的穿透时间短于大管径,穿透曲线缓和程度相差不大;管道网络连通方式越复杂,其等效弥散度越大、对溶质运移的影响越大、穿透曲线越缓和、路径越长,等效弥散度越大;用这种等效弥散度的方法表征管道网络对溶质运移的影响,与多孔介质弥散度具有相似性;管道数目、管道面数目与等效弥散度成正相关关系,且等效弥散度随尺度的增大而增加。  相似文献   

依据岩心观察、实验分析、录井和测井资料,研究了四川焦石坝页岩气田志留系龙马溪组下部—奥陶系五峰组海相页岩基本特征、沉积环境。龙马溪组下部—五峰组主要为黑色、灰黑色炭质页岩,形成于弱氧化—强还原环境,由含碳低硅,高碳低硅,中碳中硅、低硅,高碳高硅、中硅,富碳高硅7种岩石相构成;沉积微相可划分为深水砂泥质陆棚、深水混积陆棚、深水硅泥质陆棚、深水泥质陆棚4种;页岩沉积经历了一个较为完整的海进—海退三级海平面升降旋回,沉积亚相为深水陆棚沉积。研究成果为今后在四川盆地海相页岩地层寻找优质储层、深化认识焦石坝海相页岩储层特征提供了有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

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