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Trace metal contents of whole bodies of mussels are presented. The metal concentrations are correlated with each other and variations between individuals and sexes with season and stage in sexual cycle are discussed.  相似文献   

Although the hinterland of the Solway Firth contains deposits of a variety of non-ferrous metals, and coal and steel industries grew there during the industrial revolution, the trace metal content of sediments in the firth is low, and the Solway is the last major unpolluted estuary in Britain.  相似文献   

The intertidal mussel Mytilus californianus is a useful indicator of anthropogenic inputs of several trace metals off southern California. Highest metal concentrations were measured in the digestive glands, and no significant differences attibutable to sex were found for this tissue. The distribution of lead appears to be dominated by diffuse inputs, while those of copper, chromium, and silver are most related to urban point sources. No distinct pattern was observed for nickel or zinc.  相似文献   

Hong Kong has a population of between four and five million and is becoming increasingly industrialized. Already there are some 19,000 factories concentrated in a few densely populated areas and most of the effluent and sewage is discharged untreated into the sea. Elevated heavy metal concentrations have been recorded in the receiving waters. Lead has 160 times and cadmium 180 times the concentration found in the open ocean.  相似文献   

The distribution of zinc, manganese, nickel, copper and cadmium in water and biological material has been measured in the southern North Sea and Straits of Dover, and off the north-east coast of England. These investigations provide baseline values against which future pollution changes can be measured.  相似文献   

Cadmium, lead and copper have been determined in the dissolved and particulate phase for surface waters of the northern North Sea. Dissolved cadmium and copper show concentration gradients associated with salinity fronts which mark the boundary between coastal and ocean waters; lead does not. The particulate phase is shown to represent only a small fraction of the total metal concentration. Processes likely to be responsible for the observed distribution are discussed.  相似文献   

A preliminary survey of seven trace metals in three species of oyster from the Knysna estuary, South Africa, has been carried out. The results which were obtained indicate that this area is as yet unpolluted and provide base-line levels against which future trace-metal pollution can be measured. Two species of oyster are being grown at a number of sites as part of a long-term programme to monitor trace-metal levels in the estuary.  相似文献   

Marine sediments are the ultimate recipient of nearly all trace metals introduced by man into aquatic ecosystems. This study examined the amounts and distribution of six trace metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn) in sediments of Raritan Bay, apolluted estuary. The highest levels of these metals found in Raritan Bay were: Cd-15, Cr-260, Cu-1230, Ni-50, Pb-985, Zn-815. Three metals regimes within Raritan Bay are readily apparent. An area of high values extends across the Bay from the mouth of the Raritan Riverand Arthur Killinto Sandy Hook Bay. This is bounded on the south and northeast by areas of somewhat lower concentrations. An area of relatively low concentrations, near background values, occupies the region at the mouth of the Bay between Sandy Hook peninsula and Coney Island, New York. Metals values from Raritan Bay are compared with other areas and with a few exceptions, the Raritan Bay maximum levels were similar in magnitude to those of areas in Corpus Christi Harbour (U.S.A), Severn Estuary (U.K.), Deep Sea and Florida Lakes, River Blyth (U.K.), dump sites off New York City, various basins off South California, and in Long Island Sound.  相似文献   

The Euvoikos gulf, and the strait of Euripos therein, is a restricted embayment on the eastern coast of Greece having a significant, unusual tidal phenomenon and receiving some domestic, trade and industrial wastes from the town of Chalkis and several coastal industries. The purpose of the present work was to study the influence of the tidal current and the anthropogenic inputs on the distributions of several trace elements (namely, Pb, Cu, Zn, Cr, Fe, Mn and Ni) in the seawaters (as dissolved and particulate species) and the sea-bottom sediments. Thorough mixing, resuspension and transport of fine particles and direct discharges are the major mechanisms affecting the distribution patterns.  相似文献   

Concentrations of chromium, copper, lead, nickel and zinc in superficial sediments in New York Bight are ten to a hundred times greater near waste disposal areas than in uncontaminated sediments. Some wastes are transported by currents north-east towards Long Island and south-east along the Hudson Submarine Valley.  相似文献   

A great variety of man's activities on the coast result in metal contamination of the sea. Investigations at three sites, two in Florida and one in Bermuda reveal trace metals in sediments. In all three cases these accumulations can be ascribed to local human activities, though their nature varies widely from one site to another.  相似文献   

Zinc, copper, cadmium, nickel, lead and mercury concentrations were examined in 48 species of algae from the Great Barrier Reef. In general the data showed considerable inter- and intra-specific variation with mean levels for each metal ranging from 0.27 to 38.6; 0.74 to 11.2; 0.08 to 2.2; 0.41 to 46.1; <0.45 to 6.7, and 0.005 to 0.320 μg g−1 dry weight, respectively. Not-withstanding this, levels of all metals were substantially lower than reported values for algae from metal contaminated environments. The green alga, Chlorodesmis fastigiata, was the only species examined which was abundant at all study sites and, as a consequence, was considered to be the most suitable candidate for continued surveillance studies in the area.  相似文献   

Various octocorallian and scleractinian corals from within the Great Barrier Reef Province were analysed for zinc, copper, cadmium, nickel and lead by atomic absorption spectroscopy. Of the two coral groups, the octocorals accumulated significantly greater amounts of all detectable metals. The soft coral, Sarcophyton sp., revealed distinct inter-locational differences for zinc, copper and cadmium. The potential of this genus for monitoring trace metal pollution in tropical reef waters is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Eight L- and one LL-group chondrites were selected for a major and trace element content study of their metals by instrumental neutron activation techniques. The elements Ni, Co, Fe, Cu, As, Ga, W, Au and Ir were determined. For each meteorite three metallic fractions were analyzed: (1) coarse, >100 mesh; (2) intermediate, 100–200 mesh; (3) fine, <200 mesh. The composition of the metals varies considerably with grain size, as a result of a preferential concentration of kamacite in the coarse and of taenite in the intermediate and fine fractions.A third metallic component, consisting of very fine plessitic inclusions, was observed in chondrules of equilibrated chondrite types 5 and 6. This component is probably responsible for the decrease of Ni, Cu, Ga and Au observed in the fine metallic fractions of the equilibrated chondrite types.W, as well as Ga, increases in the bulk metals with the petrologic type, suggesting that a substantial amount of this element, as already observed for Ga by previous authors, is not in the metal, but in some silicate phases in the lower metamorphic petrologic types 3 and 4.Ir is always concentrated in the fine metallic fractions of all meteorites, independent of petrologic type, suggesting the presence of a fine-grained metallic component enriched in this element.  相似文献   

The content of trace metals (Fe, Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb and Cr) in the Ligurian Coastal Area were acid leached and analysed by the atomic absorption method. In the stations in front of Genoa, with the maximum organic carbon content, Cr, Cu and Pb show a significant correlation between the leachable fraction with cold reagents and the organic carbon content of the sediment. Significant linear correlations of metals to total Fe were obtained for unpolluted sediments.  相似文献   

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