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In this study, from the travel time data recorded in the Tianshan passive seismic array experiment, we present the P-wave velocity structure of the upper mantle down to 660 km along the Kuqa-Kuitun pro-file in terms of seismic tomography technique. Based on the P-wave velocity model, we derive the corresponding 2D upper mantle density model. The 2D small-scale convection of the upper mantle underneath the Tianshan Mountains in China driven by the density anomalies is simulated using the hybrid finite element method combining with the marker-in-cell technique. The main features of the upper mantle convection and the reciprocation between the convection and mountain building are in-vestigated. The results manifest that (1) in the upper mantle underneath the Junggar basin and North Tianshan exists a counterclockwise convection, which scale is ~ 500 km; (2) underneath the Tarim ba-sin and South Tianshan exists a clockwise northward convection, which is relatively weak; (3) the convective velocity at the top of the upper mantle underneath the Tianshan Mountains in China should not be less than 20 mm/a, while considering the dependent of convective velocity on the viscosity; (4) the northward extrusion of the Tarim block plays a key role in the Cenozoic Tianshan mountain building and the present-day tectonic deformation of the Tianshan range is related closely to the upper mantle convection; and (5) the northward subduction of the Tarim block does not influence obviously the up-per mantle convection.  相似文献   

熊熊  单斌  王继业  郑勇 《地球物理学报》2010,53(7):1594-1604
上地幔小尺度对流是控制区域地球动力学过程的主要机制之一,蒙古—贝加尔地区的一些区域动力学过程被认为与上地幔小尺度对流相关.本文目的在于利用重力资料研究蒙古—贝加尔地区的上地幔小尺度对流,并探讨其与构造动力学的关系.基于区域均衡重力异常与上地幔小尺度对流的相关方程,本文利用区域均衡重力异常资料反演了蒙古—贝加尔地区上地幔小尺度对流流场及作用于岩石层底部的应力场.结果显示,蒙古—贝加尔地区地幔流场及对流应力场呈现非常复杂的图像,流场及应力场分布与地表构造具有很好的相关性.西伯利亚地台和蒙古褶皱带下地幔流场和对流应力场均较弱,这与这些地区现今较弱的构造活动性是一致的.贝加尔裂谷区下存在地幔上升流,对流应力场呈拉张状态,但应力场的幅值较小(约8 MPa),表明地幔对流不是贝加尔裂谷开裂的主要控制因素.Hangay高原、阿尔泰和戈壁—阿尔泰下存在地幔上升流,对流应力场为拉张状态,这一方面可能构成Hangay高原隆升的深部动力机制,另一方面,也为Amurian板块西边界划分提供了动力背景.  相似文献   

Gravitational field models derived from satellite tracking and surface gravity data have been used to derive the forces in the earth's mantle under Asia. Based on studies of tectonic forces from these models, a subcrustal stress field under China has been obtained. The stresses are due to mantle convection. According to the stress patterns, the east and west China blocks and five seismic zones are identified. The tensional stresses exerted by the upwelling mantle convection flows under the crust of Tibet seem to be related to the Tibetan uplift. The compressional orogenic region from the southern tip of Lake Baikal, through Tien Shan, Hindu Kush and the Himalayas to northern Burma appears to be connected with the downwelling mantle convection flows. It is found that the directions of the subcrustal stresses under China are disposed perpendicularly to the major fault systems and seismic belts. The results of stress calculations show that the crust of north China should be in compression and that stresses within it should be sufficient to form the Shansi Graben and Linfen Basin Systems and fracture the lithosphere. This gives a possible explanation of why strong earthquakes occurred in north China which is an isolated narrow region of highest seismicity far from plate boundaries. The tensional stress fields, caused by the upwelling mantle convection flows, are found to be regions of structural kinship characterized by major concentrations of mineral and metal deposits in China.  相似文献   

Periods of relatively uniform plate motion were interrupted several times throughout the Cenozoic and Mesozoic by rapid plate reorganization events [R. Hey, Geol. Soc. Am. Bull. 88 (1977) 1404-1420; P.A. Rona, E.S. Richardson, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 40 (1978) 1-11; D.C. Engebretson, A. Cox, R.G. Gordon, Geol. Soc. Am. Spec. Pap. 206 (1985); R.G. Gordon, D.M. Jurdy, J. Geophys. Res. 91 (1986) 12389-12406; D.A. Clague, G.B. Dalrymple, US Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap. 1350 (1987) 5-54; J.M. Stock, P. Molnar, Nature 325 (1987) 495-499; C. Lithgow-Bertelloni, M.A. Richards, Geophys. Res. Lett. 22 (1995) 1317-1320; M.A. Richards, C. Lithgow-Bertelloni, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 137 (1996) 19-27; C. Lithgow-Bertelloni, M.A. Richards, Rev. Geophys. 36 (1998) 27-78]. It has been proposed that changes in plate boundary forces are responsible for these events [M.A. Richards, C. Lithgow-Bertelloni, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 137 (1996) 19-27; C. Lithgow-Bertelloni, M.A. Richards, Rev. Geophys. 36 (1998) 27-78]. We present an alternative hypothesis: convection-driven plate motions are intrinsically unstable due to a buoyant instability that develops as a result of the influence of plates on an internally heated mantle. This instability, which has not been described before, is responsible for episodic reorganizations of plate motion. Numerical mantle convection experiments demonstrate that high-Rayleigh number convection with internal heating and surface plates is sufficient to induce plate reorganization events, changes in plate boundary forces, or plate geometry, are not required.  相似文献   

In the last decade, significant progress has been made toward understanding how plate tectonics is generated from mantle dynamics. A primary goal of plate-generation studies has been the development of models that allow the top cold thermal boundary layer of mantle convection, i.e. the lithosphere, to develop broad and strong plate-like segments separated by narrow, weak and rapidly deforming boundaries; ideally, such models also permit significant strike-slip (toroidal) motion, passive ridges (i.e. pulled rather than pried apart), and self-consistent initiation of subduction. A major outcome of work so far is that nearly all aspects of plate generation require lithospheric rheologies and shear-localizing feedback mechanisms that are considerably more exotic than rheologies typically used in simple fluid-dynamical models of mantle flow. The search for plate-generating behavior has taken us through investigations of the effects of shear weakening (‘stick-slip’) and viscoplastic rheologies, of melting at ridges and low-viscosity asthenospheres, and of grain-size dependent rheologies and damage mechanics. Many such mechanisms, either by themselves or in combination, have led to self-consistent fluid-mechanical models of mantle flow that are remarkably plate-like, which is in itself a major accomplishment. However, many other important problems remain unsolved, such as subduction intiation and asymmetry, temporal evolution of plate geometry, rapid changes in plate motion, and the Archaean initiation of the plate-tectonic mode of convection. This paper presents a brief review of progress made in the plate-generation problem over the last decade, and discusses unresolved issues and future directions of research in this important area.  相似文献   

Studies on tectonic forces from satellite-derived gravity data have revealed a subcrustal stress system which provides a unifying mechanism for uplift, depression, rifting, plate motion and ore formation in Africa. The subcrustal stresses are due to mantle convection. Seismicity, volcanicity and kimberlite magmatism in Africa and the development of the African tectonic and magnetic features are explained in terms of this single stress system. The tensional stress fields in the crust exerted by the upwelling mantle flows are shown to be regions of structural kinship characterized by major concentration of mineral deposits. It is probable that the space techniques are capable of detecting and determining the tectonic forces in the crust of Africa.  相似文献   

Water released from subducting slabs through a dehydration reaction may lower the viscosity of the mantle significantly. Thus, we may expect a low viscosity wedge (LVW) above the subducting slabs. The LVW coupled with a large-scale flow induced by the subducting slabs may allow the existence of roll-like small-scale convection whose axis is normal to the strike of the plate boundary. Such a roll structure may explain the origin of along-arc variations of mantle temperature proposed recently in northeast Japan. We study this possibility using both 2D and 3D models with/without pressure- and temperature-dependent viscosity. 2D models without pressure and temperature dependence of viscosity show that, with a reasonable geometry of the LVW and subduction speed, small-scale convection is likely to occur when the viscosity of the LVW is less than 1019 Pa s. Corresponding 3D model studies reveal that the wavelength of rolls depends on the depth of the LVW. The inclusion of temperature-dependent viscosity requires the existence of further low viscosity in the LVW, since temperature dependence suppresses the instability of the cold thermal boundary layer. Pressure (i.e. depth) dependence coupled with temperature dependence of the viscosity promotes short wavelength instabilities. The model, which shows a relatively moderate viscosity decrease in the LVW (most of the LVW viscosity is 1018∼1019 Pa s) and a wavelength of roll ∼80 km, has a rather small activation energy and volume (∼130 kJ/mol and ∼4 cm3/mol) of the viscosity. This small activation energy and volume may be possible, if we regard them as an effective viscosity of non-linear rheology.  相似文献   

A model is developed that unifies vigorous hotspots with global-scale mantle convection and plate tectonics. The convection dynamics are assumed to generate flow patterns that emerge as closely packed polygonal cells in approaching the asthenosphere, and whose geometry is completely determined by a defining set of vigorous hotspots. Overlying viscously coupled rigid plates are driven with unique velocities (Euler vectors) at which the area integral of the shear forces is zero; these velocities are dynamically stable. The computed plate velocities, resulting from convection based on 15 hotspots, are compared with the velocities of plate motion models AM1-2 (Minster andJordan, 1978) and HS-NUVEL1 (Gripp andGordon, 1990), which combine transform fault geometries, magnetic anomalies and seismic data. The comparison shows a striking agreement for a majority of the plates. Geophysical implications of this numerical exercise are discussed.  相似文献   

George Helffrich discusses the links between seismology and geochemistry in the Bullerwell Lecture 2005, delivered at the annual meeting of the European Union of Geosciences in Vienna.  相似文献   

In numerical models of convection incorporating migration of a simulated subduction zone, the main descending flow lags far behind the migrating trench, and a geoid low is associated with the main descending flow. This provides physical plausibility for the suggestion by Chase and Sprowl that present very long-wavelength (degree 2–4) geoid lows are associated with Mesozoic trench locations, and suggests further that the present long-wavelength geoid, deep mantle structure and hotspot distribution may be straightforward consequences of plate evolution since the Upper Paleozoic.  相似文献   

天山造山带南北分别于塔里木盆地和准噶尔盆地相接,经历古生代时期超级大陆裂解、南北天山洋裂开、洋盆持续扩张、洋壳俯冲消减、陆陆碰撞缝合过程及中新生代陆内再造山构造调整,是现今世界上较为活跃的陆内造山带,成为国内外大陆动力学研究的热点地带.在综合分析地质学、地球物理(地震剖面、重力异常、地震层析)、地球化学、岩石学及天文学...  相似文献   

地震层析成像研究清晰给出了地球深部俯冲板片的大尺度形态,但与俯冲过程相关的地幔流动特征仍不明确.在俯冲地幔楔系统中,前人观测到了与海沟平行和垂直的快波偏振方向.本文研究了西北太平洋俯冲板片在地幔过渡带中停滞形成的"大地幔楔"中的各向异性特征.对具有长期稳定观测数据的MDJ台站SKS震相和区域深源地震的直达S波震相进行了...  相似文献   


The hydrodynamic equations for thermal convection in a plane layer of viscous, heat conducting fluid are scaled using the normalization of Ostrach (1965) in which the magnitude of the non-dimensional group τ = gαd/cp determines the importance of compression work and viscous dissipation in the energy balance of the flow. A linear asymptotic theory valid in the limit τ → ∞ is constructed for the Bénard problem and this is shown to be analogous to Couette flow between contra-rotating cylinders. For sufficiently large τ the flow becomes penetrative. This fact is illustrated for homogeneous fluids by the numerical integration of a set of coupled 1st order differential equations, both for the Bénard and internally heated configurations. The effect of viscosity and thermal conductivity in-homogeneity on the depth of penetration of the main cell in the circulation pattern are assessed and it is concluded that such interactions may be sufficient to effectively limit the depth extent of mantle convection. Finally a discussion of the effect of phase transitions is given following the technique of Busse and Schubert (1971).  相似文献   

The geoid shows an antisymmetric departure from the spheroid of best fit. A single zero-elevation contour divides its surface into nearly equal strips in one of which the elevation is everywhere positive and in the other everywhere negative. These two areas are interleaved roughly like the strips covering a tennis ball. This pattern may indicate global single-cell convection in the mantle. It is argued that on this convection hypothesis, the upcurrents underlie the low-geoid strip, although the opposite view could be supported. No simple relation is to be expected between the proposed whole-mantle convection and plate motions, because other constraints act on plates and because the asthenosphere will partially decouple the whole-mantle motions from the lithosphere. However, the proposed whole-mantle convective system is consistent with rapid northwestward motion of the Pacific plate, with fast spreading of the East Pacific Rise and with slow spreading of the North Atlantic Ridge. Seismological velocity anomalies in the mantle, while highly relevant to whole-mantle convection, do not at present decide for or against the hypothesis here advanced.  相似文献   

The paper analyzes previously published results of studies of detailed records of geomagnetic reversals in sedimentary and volcanic sequences of the Paleozoic in the Siberian and Eastern European platforms. It is shown that the processes of geomagnetic reversals, both in the Early Paleozoic and at the end of this era, are well described by a model in which the transitional field is controlled by an equatorial dipole. During a reversal, this dipole maintained a magnetic field at the Earth’s surface whose intensity amounted to about 20% of the intensity before and after the reversal. The equatorial dipole existed before and during the reversal and was responsible for the deviation from antipodality of paleomagnetic poles of adjacent polarity chrons (the so-called reversal bias). The position of the equatorial dipole axis during the Paleozoic correlates with the supposed geometry of convective motions in the mantle at that time.  相似文献   

Viscosity is a fundamental property of the mantle which determines the global geodynamical processes. According to the microscopic theory of defects and laboratory experiments, viscosity exponentially depends on temperature and pressure, with activation energy and activation volume being the parameters. The existing laboratory measurements are conducted with much higher strain rates than in the mantle and have significant uncertainty. The data on postglacial rebound only allow the depth distributions of viscosity to be reconstructed. Therefore, spatial distributions (along the depth and lateral) are as of now determined from the models of mantle convection which are calculated by the numerical solution of the convection equations, together with the viscosity dependences on pressure and temperature (PT-dependences). The PT-dependences of viscosity which are presently used in the numerical modeling of convection give a large scatter in the estimates for the lower mantle, which reaches several orders of magnitude. In this paper, it is shown that it is possible to achieve agreement between the calculated depth distributions of viscosity throughout the entire mantle and the postglacial rebound data. For this purpose, the values of the volume and energy of activation for the upper mantle can be taken from the laboratory experiments, and for the lower mantle, the activation volume should be reduced twice at the 660-km phase transition boundary. Next, the reduction in viscosity by an order of magnitude revealed at the depths below 2000 km by the postglacial rebound data can be accounted for by the presence of heavy hot material at the mantle bottom in the LLSVP zones. The models of viscosity spatial distribution throughout the entire mantle with the lithospheric plates are presented.  相似文献   

Spatial fields of temperature, velocity, overlithostatic pressure, and horizontal stresses in the Earth’s mantle are studied in two-dimensional (2D) numerical Cartesian models of mantle convection with variable viscosity. The calculations are carried out for three different patterns of the viscosity distribution in the mantle: (a) an isoviscous model, (b) a four-layer viscosity model, and (c) a temperature- and pressure-dependent viscosity model. The pattern of flows, the stresses, and the surface heat flow are strongly controlled by the viscosity distribution. This is connected with the formation of a cold highly viscous layer on the surface, which is analogous to the oceanic lithosphere and impedes the heat transfer. For the Rayleigh number Ra = 107, the Nusselt number, which characterizes the heat transfer, is Nu = 34, 28, and 15 in models with constant, four-layered, and p, T-dependent viscosity, respectively. In all three models, the values of overlithostatic pressure and horizontal stresses σ xx in a vast central region of the mantle, which occupies the bulk of the entire volume of the computation domain, are approximately similar, varying within ±5 MPa (±50 bar). This follows from the fact that the dimensionless mantle viscosity averaged over volume is almost similar in all these models. In the case of temperature- and pressure-dependent viscosity, the overlithostatic pressure and stress σ xx fields exhibit much stronger concentration towards the horizontal boundaries of the computation domain compared to the isoviscous model. This effect occurs because the upwellings and downwellings in a highly viscous region experience strong variations in both amplitude and direction of flow velocity near the horizontal boundaries. In the models considered with the parameters used, the stresses in the upper and lower mantle are approximately identical, that is, there is no denser concentration of stresses in the upper or lower mantle. In contrast to the overlithostatic pressure field, the fields of horizontal stresses σ xx in all models do not exhibit deep roots of highly viscous downwelling flows.  相似文献   

横向黏度变化的全地幔对流应力场初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
朱涛 《地震学报》2011,33(5):582-594
将地幔地震波速度异常转换为地幔横向黏度变化(达到3个数量级),在球坐标系下计算了瑞雷数为106、上边界为刚性、下边界为应力自由等温边界条件下的岩石层底部的地幔对流极型和环型应力场.结果表明,地幔对流极型应力场与地表大尺度构造具有良好的对应关系:俯冲带和碰撞带的应力呈现挤压状态,而洋中脊处的应力则呈现拉张状态.地幔对流环...  相似文献   

Some dynamic implications of separate convection systems in the upper and the lower mantle of the Earth are investigated. It is shown that the horizontal scale of convection cells in the lower mantle is likely to determine the scale of flow in the upper mantle. This does not preclude the nearly independent realization of convection cells with horizontal dimensions comparable to the depth of the upper mantle.  相似文献   

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