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Sixty auroral absorption substorms (30 in IQSY and 30 in IASY) have been analysed on the basis of riometer-recordings taken at some 40 stations distributed over auroral, subauroral and polar cap latitudes. Synoptic maps showing isoabsorption curves have been produced every 15 min (sometimes every 5 min) of the 60 substorms; 705 maps altogether.Some of the results of the analysis are as follows.Initiation of a substorm most frequently occurs near midnight but may occur anywhere between early evening and late morning. The time of onset becomes earlier and the latitude of onset moves equatorward as the level of magnetic activity increases.The longitude expansion velocities are contained in the range 0.7–7 km/sec except for a few extreme values which exceed 20 km/sec.The auroral absorption eastward expansion velocity is smaller than the corresponding velocity of the boundary of the region of activation of the visual aurora after break up by a factor 14?12.The expansion velocity corresponds, in general, to drift velocities of electrons of energies in the range 50–300 keV but, for the extreme speeds, electron energies around 1 MeV are needed.Expansion of the absorption in the westward direction was seen in about half of the substorms studied. In about half of these, expansion along the auroral oval could be indentified, but in almost all of these cases some expansion in the auroral zone latitudes was also seen. In about an equal number of events, expansion was confined primarily to the auroral zone.The velocity of the westward expansion was about 1 km/sec along the auroral oval (i.e. approximately equal with the speed of the westward travelling surge) but about 2 km/sec along the auroral zone.The meridional expansion velocities found agree well with those measured for visual aurora (? 1 km/sec).The variability of the behaviour of different substorms is very large. To illuminate this the following may be mentioned, in addition to what has been stated above about the statistics.Although the absorption maximum practically always moves eastward from the initiation region, exceptions have been seen in which the maximum started moving west and in a later phase went eastward.Sometimes the absorption maximum stays in the injection area or very close to it, although in most cases it moves eastward into the dayside. In extreme eases it has been found to move more than 270° in the eastward direction.There are auroral absorption substorms in which injection seems to take place in more than one area simultaneously.The observations cannot all be understood in terms of gradient and curvature drift of electrons from a small area of injection only. A broad intrusion of hot plasma from the tail into the inner magnetosphere seems to be needed.No strong dependence of particle precipitation on the illumination of the upper ionosphere by sunlight was seen. The results do, therefore, not support the hypothesis of Brice and Lucas (1971) that cold plasma density increases, originating in the ionosphere, significantly increase the precipitation rate of energetic trapped particles.  相似文献   

This paper presents a brief summary of an extensive correlative study of ATS-5 particle and magnetic field data with all-sky photographs from Great Whale River which is near the ‘foot’ of the field lines passing through the ATS-5 satellite. In particular, an effort is made to identify specific particle features with specific auroral displays during substorms, such as a westward travelling surge, poleward expansive motion and drifting patches. Some of the important findings are (i) in early evening hours, the first encounter of ATS-5 with hot plasma is associated with the equatorward shift of the diffuse aurora, but not necessarily with westward travelling surges (even when the satellite is embedded in the plasma sheet.) (ii) In the midnight sector, an injection corresponds very well to the initial brightening of an auroral arc. (iii) Specific features of morning sector auroras (for example, drifting patches) are difficult to correlate with specific particle features (gross features, but not specific).Comparing these results with particle data from low-latitude polar orbiting satellites, it is concluded that the plasma sheet near the earthward edge (consisting of plasmas injected during earlier substorms) is little affected during substorms.  相似文献   

The ground signatures of multiple onset substorms have been investigated in night-side magnetograms from low to high latitudes and in observations of auroral-zone electron precipitation. Pi 2 onsets at three widely spaced stations are used for accurate timing of each onset. It is found that an evening auroral arc brightens at the onset of each Pi 2 train, also in the case of weak pulsations before the first low-latitude positive bay onset. The latter onset is, on the other hand, associated with the initiation of a westward travelling surge, and field-aligned currents moving with the surge cause a similar westward movement of the magnetic signatures in subauroral and low-latitude magnetograms. At the arrival of a surge at an evening side observatory, the westward electrojet is displaced rapidly poleward, with a sharp increase in local bay activity and high-energy electron precipitation. The westward expansion of new activity appears as a continuous motion along the oval and is associated with a local poleward displacement of the westward electrojet. Consecutive surge initiation and low-latitude onsets do not, however, always occur progressively farther west. Thus, the development of the expansion phase consists of a series of intensifications and auroral surge formations at 10–20 min intervals. Near the time of maximum auroral-zone bay activity and apparently also when maximum westward extent is reached, the whole nighttime oval seems to be shifted poleward. Our findings are thus not consistent with the Wiens and Rostoker (1975) northward-westward stepping model. An alternative model is therefore presented based on the fundamental role of the westward travelling surge in carrying substorm activity westward along the oval. The associated field-aligned current system will perturb the pre-existing magnetospheric current wedge and cause positive bay increases at low latitudes and westward moving magnetic signatures at subauroral stations.  相似文献   

Changes in the configuration of the geomagnetic tail are known to play a fundamental role in magnetospheric substorms. Observations with the UCLA magnetometer on the eccentric orbiter OGO-5 indicate that the most pronounced changes in the midnight meridian occur in the cusp between 8 and 11 Re. In order to organize the observations it is necessary to separate effects on the tail due to the solar wind magnetic field and effects due to substorms. Provided there are no changes in the solar wind there are two distinct phases of a substorm in the near tail: a growth phase and an expansion phase. During each phase the observations depend on the location of the satellite relative to the plasma sheet boundaries. Far behind the Earth is the pure tail region which consists of the lobe and the plasma sheet. In the lobe the field magnitude is characteristically enhanced relative to the dipole. Closer to the Earth is a region of transition. The field magnitude is close to that of the dipole but its orientation is distorted forming a cusp-like field line. Near the Earth is a region of depressed field. Here the field magnitude is much less than that of the dipole, but its orientation is similar. The growth phase of a substorm appears to be the direct consequence of the onset of a southward solar wind magnetic field. In the pure tail region the lobe field begins to increase in magnitude and the plasma sheet thins. The transition region moves earthward and the field lines become more tail-like as the field magnitude increases. In the inner region of depressed field, the field magnitude decreases rapidly. The onset of the expansion phase appears to be a process internal to the magnetosphere and independent of the solar wind. In the depressed field region there is a rapid, turbulent increase in field magnitude. In the transition region there is a sudden decrease in the field magnitude and a return to dipolar orientation. In the tail region the plasma sheet expands rapidly with the field becoming quite dipolar, decreasing slowly in the lobe of the tail.  相似文献   

A small, isolated substorm with an expansion phase onset at 07:39 U.T. (±1 min) on 28 January 1983 was well observed by ground-based instrumentation as well as by low- and high-altitude spacecraft. This event period was chosen as a detailed analysis interval because of the comprehensive nature of the data coverage, and because ISEE-3 identified signatures within the distant tail (220 RE) following the substorm onset which had been interpreted as those of a plasmoid passage. In this paper we provide a comprehensive timeline of the growth, expansion, and recovery phases of the substorm. The magnetospheric energy input rates are evaluated using IMP-8 in the upstream solar wind. For the first time, DE-1 imaging sequences are used to examine auroral features during the growth and expansion phases while ISEE-3 was in the deep tail. Substorm current wedge location and expansion onset information was provided by ground-based magnetometer and geostationary orbit (particle and magnetic field) data. The plasma, energetic particle, and field signatures at ISEE-3 are considered within the framework of the near-Earth data sets. We quantitatively estimate substorm energy input and output relationships for this case and we evaluate the timing and physical dimensions of the distant tail disturbance implied by the global observations available. Overall, the present analysis provides a thorough documentation of a substorm to an unprecedented degree; most of the data support the developing paradigm of the near-Earth neutral line and plasmoid formation model. We also consider the boundary layer dynamics model of substorms as an alternative explanation of the global magnetospheric phenomena in this event, but as presented this model does not provide a superior organization of the available data sets.  相似文献   

E-region electron density profiles with high resolution in time and altitude (5 s and 2 km, respectively) measured by the EISCAT incoherent scatter radar are used to examine the conductivity changes during substorm growth, onset and expansion phases for seven substorms occurring in the local evening sector. The measurements are related to electric fields and neutral winds measured by the radar, to ground magnetometer and riometer records, and to optical features, including the westward-travelling surge and auroral bulge. Auroral features are identified using all-sky camera photographs and images from the Viking satellite. Conductances and electric fields in the zone of diffuse aurora corresponding to the westward substorm electrojet are found to be consistent with existing models. Conductances in the discrete auroral arcs marking the expanding edge of the substorm are found to be much higher, and electric fields rather lower, than previously assumed. The magnetic signatures of the discrete arcs are found to be best explained by Hall and Pedersen currents driven by a southward neutral wind, as is observed by the radar. The highest conductances observed, with Hall and Pedersen conductances reaching 120 and 48 S, respectively, are found to be associated with arcs appearing at the southern edge of activity in the vicinity of a westward-travelling surge.  相似文献   

We discuss the effects in ionospheric absorption of particle precipitation observed in the afternoon-early evening sector during substorms with onset in the midnight sector. All events considered here occurred during magnetically disturbed periods, Kp > 3. For many of the substorm events a smooth southward moving absorption bay is seen in the midnight and evening sectors about 1 h preceeding the onset. The magnetic pulsation activity is low during this preceding bay.

After substorm onset near magnetic midnight the precipitation region may expand with a sharp onset at the front towards the West in spatially confined regions at high and low L-values separately with about equal velocities. The observations are consistent with a model of westward expansion of the energetic electron precipitation in two regions, aligned parallel to the auroral oval, at high and low L-values of about L 6 and L 4.8.

The westward expanding absorption activity correlates well with local magnetic variations. In magnetic pulsations PiB events are seen at high latitudes simultaneously with the westward moving onsets while at low latitudes IPDP pulsations are observed during the active part of the absorption events. Later in the substorm event a slowly varying absorption event (SVA) is sometimes observed at the lower L-values, L 3–4.  相似文献   

The convection electric field in the vicinity of the plasmapause in the midnight sector during magnetospheric substorms has been obtained on the basis of spectral analysis of Pc1 hydromagnetic (HM) waves observed at the low latitude station, Onagawa (Φ = 28.°3, Λ = 206.°8). Variations of the field are consistent for four independent substorm events studied. The calculation implies that the convection electric field increases westwards up to ~1.0 mV/m during the expansion phase of the substorms, changes polarity near the end of the expansion phase, and then points eastwards during the recovery phase.  相似文献   

In recent years, the interaction of the auroral substorms with the equatorial and mid-latitude currents has been the subject of extensive research. We introduce a new statistical technique that allows us to test at a specified significance level whether such a dependence exists, and how long it persists. This quantitative statistical technique, relying on the concepts and tools of functional data analysis, uses directly magnetometer records in one minute resolution, and it can be applied to similar geophysical data which can be represented as daily curves. It is conceptually similar to testing the nullity of the slope in the straight line regression, but both the regressors and the responses are curves rather than points. When the regressors are daily high latitude H-component curves during substorm days and the responses are daily mid- or low latitude H-component curves, our test shows significant dependence (the nullity hypothesis is rejected) which exists not only on the same UT day but also extends into the next day for strong substorms.  相似文献   

The time-sequence of polar magnetic substorms is discussed to clarify some controversies on the magnetospheric substorm model including the growth phase. The main purpose of the analyses is to examine magnetic variations in the polar cap and in low latitudes. The onset of the expansion phase is confirmed to be reasonably defined by a vector change of polar-cap magnetic disturbance, a sharp intensification of the auroral electrojet disturbance and the beginning of positive ΔH disturbance in midlatitudes near midnight. It is shown that the growth phase signatures so far proposed are consistent when the onset of the expansion phase is identified from the above mentioned features.  相似文献   

It is shown that there is no qualitative difference between weak and intense substorms. In this paper, the growth of the electrojet across the Canada meridian chain and plasma behaviors at the synchronous distance are compared in detail for a weak and intense substorm which occurred successively on 14 July 1970. The present study, together with earlier ones, shows clearly that it is incorrect to distinguish weak substorms from more intense substorms by calling the former “local” substorms or a growth phase of more intense substorms.  相似文献   

Using magnetic data from the North American IMS network at high latitudes, Pi 3 pulsations are analysed for a period of 412 continuously-disturbed days. The data were obtained from 13 stations in the Alaska and Fort Churchill meridional chains and in the east-west chain along the auroral zone. In the past, Pi 3 pulsations associated with substorms have been classified into two sub-categories, Pi p and Ps 6. However, we find that Pi 3's which have longer periods than Pi p and which are different from Ps 6 are more commonly observed than these two special types. Power spectra, coherence and phase differences are compared among the stations. Results show that noticeable differences for latitudinal dependence of period and amplitude exist among midnight, morning and late-evening Pi 3 pulsations. Results for Pi 3 occurring near midnight indicate that the periods at which the power spectral density is a maximum are longest, and the amplitude largest, near the center of the westward auroral electrojet. On the other hand, for Pi 3 pulsations occurring in the morning, the periods at which the power spectral density is a maximum are longest, and the amplitude largest, near the poleward edge of the westward electrojet. Furthermore, for Pi 3 pulsations occurring in the late evening, their periods are longer and their amplitudes larger near both the Harang discontinuity and the poleward edge of the westward electrojet than near its center. Correlations between pairs of adjoining stations are better in the polar cap than at auroral latitudes. It is also found from hodograms that the sense of polarization often varies from one station to another for the same event, and that the time duration in which the same rotational sense is maintained is shorter near midnight than in the morning and late evening. It is suggested that the source regions of the morning and late-evening Pi 3's lie on the electrojet boundaries; that is at the Harang discontinuity (in the evening) and at the poleward edge of the westward electrojet (in the morning and evening). The generation of midnight Pi 3 pulsations, centered at a location within the westward auroral electrojet appears to be associated directly with the generation of that electrojet.  相似文献   

P. B. Zuo  F. S. Wei  X. S. Feng  F. Yang 《Solar physics》2007,242(1-2):167-185
The magnetic cloud boundary layer (BL) is a disturbance structure that is located between the magnetic cloud and the ambient solar wind. In this study, we statistically analyze the characteristics of the magnetic field B z component (in GSM coordinates) inside the magnetic cloud boundary layers as well as the relationship between the magnetic cloud boundary layers and the magnetospheric substorms based on 35 typical BLs observed by Wind from 1995 to 2006. It is found that the magnetic field B z components are more turbulent inside the BLs than those inside the adjacent sheath regions and the magnetic clouds. The substorm onsets are identified by the auroral breakups that are the most reliable substorm indicators by using the Polar UVI image data. The UVI data are available only for 17 BLs. The statistical analysis indicated that 9 of the 17 events triggered the substorms when BLs crossed the magnetosphere and that the southward field in the adjacent sheath region is a necessary condition for these triggering events. In addition, the SF-type BLs, which are named by their features of the B z components inside the BLs and adjacent sheath regions, can easily trigger the substorms during their passage of the magnetosphere. SF-type BLs are characterized by sustained strong southward magnetic fields persisting for at least 30 minutes in the adjacent sheath regions and at least one change in the polarity of the B z component inside the BL. In this study, 7 out of 8 such SF-type BL events triggered the substorm expansion phase, suggesting that the SF-type BLs are another important interplanetary disturbance source of substorms.  相似文献   

On the basis of the geomagnetic data of highlatitude arctic stations the development of polar magnetic substorms is examined. It is shown that there exist two current systems of the magnetic substorm: DP11 and DP12. 11 is a current system with one westelectrojet in the nighttime auroral zone. That system is peculiar to the break-up phase of a substorm. DP12 is a two-vortex current system in the polar cap with two auroral electrojets, eastward and westward, of about equal intensity. The DP12 system is typical for growth and recovery phases.There are two different types of substorm development. The first type is characterized by the DP12 system during the growth phase. The intensity of this current system increases until the explosive phase begins. The other type does not seem to be characterized by any distinct current system during the growth phase. The commencement of such a substorm is associated with a rapid explosive development of the DP12 system.A conclusion about the the different origins of the DP11 and DP12 current systems is made.  相似文献   

The location of field-aligned currents in the evening sector with respect to the auroral electrojets is examined. The tri-axial TRIAD satellite data and the simultaneous ground magnetometer data from along the Alaska meridian are analysed. It is shown that an intense upward fieldaligned current flows out from the region of the westward electrojet where discrete auroras are located. The downward flowing current exists in the region further equatorward, namely in the region of the eastward electrojet. However, the downward current is present even when there is no eastward electrojet. The boundary between the upward and the downward currents coincides, in most cases, with the boundary between the westward and the eastward auroral electrojets. Thus, the Harang discontinuity, a narrow area separating the positive and negative H bays, is the region where there is no field-aligned current.  相似文献   

Four magnetic storms were observed in February 1972, with instruments on the Explorer 45 satellite in the evening quadrant of the inner magnetosphere. The magnitude of the storms ranged from small, Dst ? ?40 γ, to moderate, Dst ? ?80 γ. During the development of the storms several substorms occurred. At the beginning of the substorms there was evidence of a partial ring current above L = 5. After the expansion phase of several substorms there was evidence of enhancement of a partial ring below L = 5. Distortions of the field in the east-west direction were observed, in conjunction with substorm expansions, that can be interpreted as due to field aligned currents flowing from the ionosphere. A substantial symmetric ring current, at L~4, developed during the largest storm. Very little additional ring current was contributed by the smallest storm. Relations between the magnetosphere inflation and ring current protons, plasmaspheric hiss, and ULF waves also measured on Explorer 45 were noted.  相似文献   

Ground observations of Pi 2 geomagnetic pulsations are correlated with satellite measurements of plasma density for three time intervals. The pulsations were recorded using the IGS network of magnetometer stations and the plasma density measurements were made on board GEOS-1 and ISEE-1. Using the technique of complex demodulation, the amplitude, phase and polarisation characteristics of the Pi 2 pulsations are observed along two meridional profiles; one from Eidar, Iceland (L = 6.7) to Cambridge, U.K. (L = 2.5) and the other from Tromso, Norway (tL = 6.2) to Nurmijarvi, Finland (L = 3.3). The observed characteristics of the Pi 2 pulsations are then compared with the plasma density measurements. Close relationships between the plasmapause position and the position of an ellipticity reversal and a variation in H component phase are observed. A small, secondary amplitude maximum is observed on the U.K./Iceland meridian well inside the position of the projection of the equatorial plasmapause. The primary maxima on the two meridians, in general occur close to the estimated position of the equatorward edge of a westward electrojet. Using the plasma density measurements, the periods of surface waves at the plasmapause for two intervals are estimated and found to be in good agreement with the dominant spectral peaks observed at the ground stations near the plasmapause latitude and within the plasmasphere. The polarisation reversal, together with phase characteristics, spectral evidence and the agreement between the theoretical and observed periods leads to the suggestion that on occasions a surface wave is excited on the plasmapause as an intermediate stage in the propagation of Pi 2 pulsations from the auroral zone to lower latitudes.  相似文献   

The auroral infrasonic wave (AIW) substorm morphologies are compared for two trans-auroral zone stations, Inuvik, N.W.T. Canada (70°·4 dip lat) and College, Alaska (64°·6 dip lat), that lie along the same magnetic meridian with a north-south separation of 738 km. Statistical studies of the number of AIW received at College over a 5 yr period and at Inuvik over a 2 yr period as well as studies of individual auroral substorms observed at both stations have shown that in the morning sector many more AIW are observed at College than at Inuvik. This difference is related to the changing location of the westward auroral electroject with local time (Weins and Rostoker, 1973). The distribution of frequency of occurrence of AIW horizontal trace velocity Vη is presented for College data together with a discussion of the effects on the distribution of (1) source speed, (2) wind shear, (3) geometry of the AIW mach cone with respect to the observing station, (4) the filtering of AIW with high ray path apogees and (5) the decrease in AIW amplitude with increasing mach number.  相似文献   

This paper expands the earlier results of Rostoker and Samson (1981), who noted that there are two latitudinal areas of Pi 2 localization near the high latitude, substorm enhanced electrojets. The detailed study presented here outlines the morphology of the polarizations of the Pi 2's in and near the westward travelling surge. There are two latitudinal areas of Pi 2 localization. A poleward Pi 2 predominates within the surge and to the East, whereas an equatorward Pi 2 predominates equatorward and West of the surge. These Pi 2 localizations appear to correlate with the substorm enhanced westward and eastward electrojets respectively. However, the maximum in the Pi 2 power does not always coincide with the center of the electrojet. The poleward Pi 2 has largest amplitudes to the East of the head of the westward travelling surge. This Pi 2 shows a latitudinal polarization reversal from clockwise on the equatorside (viewed down on H-D plane) to counterclockwise on the poleside of a latitudinal demarcation line, which occurs just poleward of the initial breakup. This demarcation line is usually equatorward of the most poleward expansion of the surge. To the West of the surge front, where the equatorward Pi 2 predominates, there is again a latitudinal polarization reversal but in this case the polarization is counterclockwise equatorward and clockwise poleward of the demarcation line. This demarcation is equatorward of that for the poleward Pi 2, and appears to lie at the latitude of the initial breakup. Consequently, the westward travelling surge appears to mark the longitudinal transition from equatorward to poleward Pi 2. The elliptical polarization of the Pi 2's is most likely caused by azimuthai (longitudinal) expansion of the field-aligned currents in the surge, in association with reflection of the field-aligned current pulses from northern and southern high latitude ionospheres.  相似文献   

It is shown that the magnetic field of an enhanced dynamo current in the dayside boundary layer and of the connected circuit can quantitatively account for the equatorward shift of the cusp region which is observed during the expansive phase of magnetospheric substorms.  相似文献   

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