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Phenocrysts of phlogopite from a micaceous kimberlite contain finely interlayered serpentine. These phenocrysts occur in the kimberlite groundmass and are altered along the mica layers and are slightly deformed. Lizardite is the predominant serpentine mineral, but chrysotile and mixed structures also occur. The lizardite occurs as lamellae within phlogopite, oriented such that (001) layers of the two minerals are parallel and the [100] direction of lizardite is parallel to the [100] or 110 directions of phlogopite. The serpentinized regions of phlogopite are localized and extensive along the (001) layers. Chrysotile fibers and chrysotile-like curled serpentine occur within regions of disrupted material, and polygonal structures occur in folded lizardite lamellae. Textural relations suggest three events: 1) replacement of phlogopite by lizardite, 2) deformation of the phenocrysts, and 3) partial transformation of the lizardite to chrysotile-like structures. Deformation features include openings along (001), folds, and regions of disrupted or broken material. The folded and broken material consists of lamellar lizardite and phlogopite, indicating that lamellar replacement preceded deformation. Intergrowths of lizardite and curled serpentine are associated with cleavage openings and voids in disrupted material, suggesting that a partial transformation of lizardite to chrysotile occurred within openings created by deformation. Clay minerals also occur within phlogopite as either a minor product of serpentinization or of late-stage alteration.  相似文献   

The Burro Mountain ultramafic complex, Monterey County, California, consists of dunites and peridotites which are partially or wholly serpentinized. Primary minerals in both rock types are olivine, enstatite, diopside, and picotite which upon alteration yield chrysotile, lizardite, brucite, magnetite, talc, tremolite, and carbonate. Electron microprobe analyses show that enstatite, En85.8 to En90.8, alters to “bastite” composed only of lizardite (5.0–12.0 weight percent FeO), whereas olivine, Fo90.8 to Fo91.6, forms lizardite+chrysotile+brucite with or without magnetite. The chrysotile ranges from 3.0 to 5.0 weight percent FeO, the brucite from 16.0 to 43.0 weight percent FeO. As Serpentinization proceeds, the alteration products are enriched in FeO relative to MgO. Serpentinization probably originates in a changing \(P_{O_2 }\)-T environment by two different reactions:
  1. (a)
    Olivine+enstatite+H2O+O2?Mg, Fe+2 chrysotile+Mg, Fe+3, Fe+2 lizardite with or without magnetite.  相似文献   

On Silica Activity and Serpentinization   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Serpentinites have the lowest silica activity of common crustalrocks. At the serpentinization front, where olivine, serpentine,and brucite are present, silica activities (relative to quartz)are of the order of 10–2·5 to 10–5, dependingon the temperature. Here we argue that this low silica activityis the critical property that produces the unusual geochemicalenvironments characteristic of serpentinization. The formationof magnetite is driven by the extraction of silica from theFe3Si2O5(OH)4 component of serpentine, producing extremely reducingconditions as evinced by the rare iron alloys that partiallyserpentinized peridotites contain. The incongruent dissolutionof diopside to form Ca2+, serpentine, and silica becomes increasinglyfavored at lower T, producing the alkalic fluids characteristicof serpentinites. The interaction of these fluids with adjacentrocks produces rodingites, and we argue that desilication isalso part of the rodingite-forming process. The low silica activityalso explains the occurrence of low-silica minerals such ashydrogrossular, andradite, jadeite, diaspore, and corundum inserpentinites or rocks adjacent to serpentinites. The tendencyfor silica activity to decrease with decreasing temperaturemeans that the presence of certain minerals in serpentinitescan be used as indicators of the temperature of serpentinization.These include, with decreasing temperature, diopside, andraditeand diaspore. Because the assemblage serpentine + brucite marksthe lowest silica activity reached in most serpentinites, thepresence and distribution of brucite, which commonly is a crypticphase in serpentinites, is critical to interpreting the processesthat lead to the hydration of any given serpentinite. KEY WORDS: serpentinization; serpentinites; silica activity; oxygen fugacity; rodingites; magnetization of serpentinites  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2003,335(10-11):825-852
Serpentinites are an important component of the oceanic crust generated in slow to ultraslow spreading settings. In this context, the MOHO likely corresponds to a hydration boundary, which could match the 500 °C isotherm beneath the ridge axis. Textures from serpentinites sampled in ridge environments demonstrate that most of the serpentinization occurs under static conditions. The typical mineralogical association consists of lizardite ± chrysotile + magnetite ± tremolite ± talc. Despite the widespread occurrence of lizardite, considered as the low temperature serpentine variety, oxygen isotope fractionation suggests that serpentinization starts at high temperature, in the range of 300–500 °C. The fluid responsible for serpentinization is seawater, possibly evolved by interaction with the crust. Compared with fresh peridotites, serpentinites are strongly hydrated (10–15% H2O) and oxidized. Serpentinization, however, does not seem to be accompanied by massive leaching of major elements, implying that it requires a volume increase. It results in an increase in chlorine, boron, fluorine, and sulfur, but its effect on other trace elements remains poorly detailed. The presence of serpentinites in the oceanic crust affects its physical properties, in particular by lowering its density and seismic velocities, and modifying its magnetic and rheological properties. Serpentinization may activate hydrothermal cells and generate methane and hydrogen anomalies which can sustain microbial communities. Two types of hydrothermal field have been identified: the Rainbow type, with high temperature (360 °C) black smokers requiring magmatic heat; the low temperature (40–75 °C) Lost City type, by contrast, can be activated by serpenintization reactions. To cite this article: C. Mével, C. R. Geoscience 335 (2003).  相似文献   

大洋橄榄岩的蛇纹岩石化研究进展评述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
橄榄岩的蛇纹石化是大洋中不可忽略的重要地质过程,近年来引起广泛关注。大洋橄榄岩的蛇纹石化主要发生在洋中脊和汇聚板块边缘等环境中,大洋蛇纹岩典型的矿物组合包括:蛇纹石±磁铁矿±滑石±水镁石±角闪石。其中蛇纹石根据其矿物的晶体结构特征可分为利蛇纹石、纤蛇纹石和叶蛇纹石3种类型;偏光显微镜下可将蛇纹石结构划分为3类:假晶结构、非假晶结构和过渡结构。橄榄岩的蛇纹石化不仅会改变岩石的物理性质,如导致岩石密度的减小和地震波速的降低、影响橄榄岩的磁性等,而且也会对橄榄岩的流变性产生重要影响。大洋超基性岩系热液系统的发现,进一步激发了研究者们对大洋橄榄岩蛇纹石化研究的兴趣。与橄榄岩蛇纹石化相关的喷口流体含有较高的H2和CH4含量,此外,蛇纹石化是一个放热反应,可以驱动热液循环,导致Lost City等中低温型热液系统的出现。  相似文献   

Previously undescribed, microscopic textures in partially serpentinized peridotite shed light on the process of serpentinization. Fracturing and fragmentation of the peridotite protolith produced a modest increase in volume and opened channels to reactive aqueous fluids. Prior to, or in conjunction with, the first appearance of serpentine, micrometer-scale grains of magnetite crystallized on the surfaces of fractures. This decoration of fracture surfaces faithfully preserved the original, angular outlines of fragments of forsterite and pyroxene through all stages of serpentinization. Simple geometric considerations indicate that the volume of a given fragment did not change during replacement. Partially serpentinized forsterite shows a penetrative, micrometer-scale, sieve or sponge texture. Fifty percent or more of the volume of optically continuous forsterite can consist of micrometer-scale perforations, filled with serpentine. This sponge texture has not been described elsewhere. The delicate connections between different parts of the same forsterite grain further support strict constant-volume replacement of the fragments. Serpentinization stopped before completion (mid-reaction) when the otherwise open, magnetite-decorated channels themselves filled with serpentine, effectively sealing the rock from further access by aqueous fluids.  相似文献   

Some of the olivine cumulates of the Ultramafic zone of the Stillwater Complex, Montana, are progressively altered to serpentine minerals and thompsonite. Lizardite and chrysotile developed in the cumulus olivine and postcumulus pyroxenes; thompsonite developed in postcumulus plagioclase. The detailed mineralogy, petrology, and chemistry indicate that olivine and plagioclase react to form the alteration products, except for H2O, without changes in the bulk composition of the rocks.  相似文献   

The opaque mineralogy and the contents and isotope compositions of sulfur in serpentinized peridotites from the MARK (Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Kane Fracture Zone) area were examined to understand the conditions of serpentinization and evaluate this process as a sink for seawater sulfur. The serpentinites contain a sulfur-rich secondary mineral assemblage and have high sulfur contents (up to 1 wt.%) and elevated δ34Ssulfide (3.7 to 12.7‰). Geochemical reaction modeling indicates that seawater-peridotite interaction at 300 to 400°C alone cannot account for both the high sulfur contents and high δ34Ssulfide. These require a multistage reaction with leaching of sulfide from subjacent gabbro during higher temperature (∼400°C) reactions with seawater and subsequent deposition of sulfide during serpentinization of peridotite at ∼300°C. Serpentinization produces highly reducing conditions and significant amounts of H2 and results in the partial reduction of seawater carbonate to methane. The latter is documented by formation of carbonate veins enriched in 13C (up to 4.5‰) at temperatures above 250°C. Although different processes produce variable sulfur isotope effects in other oceanic serpentinites, sulfur is consistently added to abyssal peridotites during serpentinization. Data for serpentinites drilled and dredged from oceanic crust and from ophiolites indicate that oceanic peridotites are a sink for up to 0.4 to 6.0 × 1012 g seawater S yr−1. This is comparable to sulfur exchange that occurs in hydrothermal systems in mafic oceanic crust at midocean ridges and on ridge flanks and amounts to 2 to 30% of the riverine sulfate source and sedimentary sulfide sink in the oceans. The high concentrations and modified isotope compositions of sulfur in serpentinites could be important for mantle metasomatism during subduction of crust generated at slow spreading rates.  相似文献   

Mineral-microbe interactions: a review   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The studies of mineral-microbe interactions lie at the heart of the emerging field of Geomicrobiology, as minerals and rocks are the most fundamental earth materials with which microbes interact at all scales. Microbes have been found in a number of the Earth’s extreme environments and beyond. In spite of the diverse geological environments in which microbes are found and diverse approaches taken to study them, a common thread, mineral-microbe interactions, connects all these environments and experimental approaches under the same umbrella, i.e., Geomicrobiology. Minerals and rocks provide microbes with nutrients and living habitats, and microbes impact rock and mineral weathering and diagenesis rates through their effects on mineral solubility and speciation. Given a rapid growth of research in this area in the last two decades, it is not possible to provide a comprehensive review on the topic. This review paper focuses on three area, i.e., microbial dissolution of minerals, microbial formation of minerals, and certain techniques to study mineral-microbe interactions. Under the first area, three subjects are reviewed; they include siderophores as important agents in promoting mineral dissolution, microbial oxidation of reduced minerals (acid mine drainage and microbial leaching of ores), and microbial reduction of oxidized minerals. Under the second topic, both biologically controlled and induced mineralizations are reviewed with a special focus on microbially induced mineralization (microbial surface mediated mineral precipitation and microbial precipitation of carbonates). Under the topic of characterization, the focus is on transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and electron energy loss spectroscopy. It is the author’s hope that this review will promote more focused research on mineral-microbe interactions and encourage more collaboration between microbiologists and mineralogists.  相似文献   

The Trinity peridotite was emplaced over metabasalts and metasedimentary rocks of the central metamorphic belt along the Devonian Trinity thrust zone. Three metamorphic events can be recognized in the Trinity peridotite: (1) antigorite (D= –63 to –65%.) formation related to regional underthrusting of the central metamorphic belt; (2) contact metamorphism associated with Mesozoic dioritic plutons; and (3) late-stage formation of lizardite ± brucite and chrysotile (D= –127 to –175%.) due to infiltration of meteoric waters. Abundant relict phases indicate incomplete reactions and strongly suggest that the availability of H2O was a controlling factor during serpentinization.Antigorite (event 1) formed as a result of infiltration into the Trinity peridotite of mixed H2O-CO2 fluids derived from the underlying central metamorphic belt. Foliation defined by magnetite veins and shear zones within antigorite serpentinites are subparallel to the Trinity thrust. The assemblage Fo + Atg + Chl + Mag ± Tr ± Carb reflects partial hydration of peridotite at 425–570° C. Talc-rich serpentinite formed along the thrust as a result of the infiltration of silica-bearing fluids. Metasomatic mass-balance calculations based on silica solubilities and the extent of antigorite serpentinization suggest that 80–175 volumes of fluid have passed through a given volume of original peridotite at the Trinity thrust.The Trinity thrust probably represents a Devonian subduction zone. Thermodynamic calculations suggest that hydration reactions account for 30–35% of the total heat released by the cooling Trinity peridotite. By analogy, similar hydration reactions are to be expected in the overlying mantle wedge of a subduction zone which act to retard cooling of the hanging wall, just as dehydration reactions delay heating of the downgoing slab. Metasomatic zones formed in peridotite at the Trinity thrust may reflect similar metasomatic processes to those proposed to occur in the mantle wedge above a subducting slab.  相似文献   

对内蒙古贺根山蛇绿岩带内3个采样点的蛇纹岩样品开展了主量、微量元素和H-O-B同位素分析,以揭示其构造属性、蛇纹石化温度和流体来源。贺根山蛇纹岩具有低Al_2O_3含量(0.2%~1.3%)、高Mg~#(89~92)特征,为难熔地幔残余。蛇纹岩的U型稀土元素配分模式、相对富集LILE和亏损HFSE的微量元素地球化学特点,反映其原岩为化学成分高度亏损的俯冲带型(SSZ)超基性岩。样品的dD值相对均一(dD=-120‰~-133‰);理论计算显示,这些蛇纹岩的H同位素组成可能是蛇绿岩剥露地表后与区域大气降水发生再平衡作用的结果。贺根山蛇纹岩的d~(18)O变化在4.3‰~9.8‰之间,反映不同地点蛇纹石化的温度存在差别:其中贺根山东样品具有相对较高的d~(18)O值(d~(18)O=7.7‰~9.8‰),蛇纹石化温度为90~130℃,同时部分样品中出现碳酸盐矿物,表明蛇纹石化作用发生在近海底环境;小坝梁样品具有最低的d~(18)O值(d~(18)O=4.3‰~5.0‰),其蛇纹石化温度在205~235℃之间;贺根山南样品的d~(18)O值变化范围较大(d~(18)O=6.0‰~9.7‰),其蛇纹石化温度在90~170℃之间。3个采样点蛇纹岩的d~(11)B值也显示出一定的变化(d~(11)B=9.1‰~14.7‰),指示蛇纹石化流体来源于脱水的蚀变洋壳和海底沉积物;理论模拟和计算结果显示,这些板片流体的d~(11)B值变化在15‰~25‰之间。  相似文献   

Wadi Sifein podiform chromite deposits, Central Eastern Desert of Egypt, are hosted by fully serpentinized peridotite that is a part of the dismembered Pan‐African ophiolite complexes. Relics of primary minerals and the chemical characters indicate that the ophiolitic rocks were derived from depleted mantle peridotite of harzburgite and subordinate dunite compositions. The mantle rocks were initially formed at a mid‐oceanic ridge and subsequently thrust at a supra‐subduction zone. The chromite mineralization at Wadi Sifein area displays either pod‐shaped bodies with massive and lumpy chromitite appearance or dissemination of chromian‐spinel in serpentinite matrix. The podiform chromitite exhibits a very limited compositional range in terms of Cr# [Cr/(Cr + Al) atomic ratio] and Mg# [Mg/(Mg + Fe) atomic ratio]. The chromian‐spinel, however, frequently displays optical and geochemical zoning. Four zones can be identified from core to edge: inner core representing the original composition of the chromian‐spinel; narrow Cr‐rich ferritchromit zone; wide ferritchromit zone; and outer Cr‐magnetite/magnetite zone. The zonation of chromian‐spinel is interpreted to be a result of serpentinization rather than magmatic or metamorphic processes. The geochemical data obtained from the chromitite and chromian‐spinel was statistically processed using discriminant and R‐mode factor analyses. Two trends, minor and major, were achieved considering the formation of ferritchromit. The minor trend is controlled by the redistribution of trivalent cations, where Cr2O3 increased on the expense mainly of Al2O3 and to less extent Fe2O3 to form zone II during the peak of serpentinization. The major trend of alteration, however, is explained by the exchange between Mg‐Fe2+ rather than Cr, Al, and Fe3+ to form zone III. Kammererite formation was accompanied the formation of zones III and IV at a 314°C temperature of formation.  相似文献   

地震成因综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从地质、地球物理、地球化学和能量等方面分析了地震的成因。源于地核地幔的流体携带大量热能,为岩浆起源、地震形成和地热田提供了充足的能量,然而岩石聚集的应变能不足以产生中等以上的地震。大地震(M≥6.0)绝大部分分布在海沟、火山岛弧和大陆裂谷带等拉张性构造带,如环太平洋海沟、东印度洋海沟、大洋中脊、非洲裂谷、地中海-黑海-里海-波斯湾、欧亚大陆中部的伊塞克湖-阿拉湖-乌布苏湖-库苏古尔湖-贝加尔湖裂谷。流体在地球深部物质运动、地壳运动、地震和火山活动中扮演着重要作用。全球到处发育的隐爆角砾岩表明隐爆作用的普遍性。深部流体向上运移、向地表逃逸的过程中发生爆炸,在地球内部产生了不同震级和震源深度的地震。因此,隐爆应该是产生地震的主要机制。地震成因的隐爆模型不仅能够更好地解释不连续、各向异性的非弹性介质中发生的各类地震,譬如中深源震、震群、慢地震和非双力偶性地震等,而且能够更好地诠释全球地震、火山和地热带在空间上的吻合以及隐爆角砾岩型矿藏的形成。  相似文献   

The review presented covers: (a) historical introduction; (b) some analytical comments; (c) some peculiarities of the As geochemistry in environment; (d) an estimation of coal Clarke value of As; (e) some coals enriched in As; (f) mode of As occurrence in coal; (g) factors influencing the As distribution in coal matter and coal bed; (h) genetic topics; (i) some topics related to environmental impact of As by the coal combustion.The World average As content in coals (coal Clarke of As) for the bituminous coals and lignites are, respectively, 9.0±0.8 and 7.4±1.4 ppm. On an ash basis, these contents are higher: 50±5 and 49±8 ppm, respectively. Therefore, As is a very coalphile element: it has strong affinity to coal matter — organic and (or) inorganic but obligatory authigenic. The coalphile affinity of As is like that for Ge or S.There is strong regional variability of As distribution due to geologic variability of the individual coal basins. For example, bituminous coals in Eastern Germany, Czech Republic and SE China are enriched in As, whereas the coals in South Africa or Australia are very depleted compared to coal Clarke of As. In general, some relationship exists between As content and its mode of occurrence in coals. Typically, at high As content, sulphide sites dominate (pyrite and other more rare sulphides), whereas at low As content, Asorg dominates, both being authigenic. A contribution of the terrigenic As (in silicates) is usually minor and of the biogenic Asbio (derived from coal-forming plants) is poorly known.Both organic and inorganic As can exist not only as chemically bound form but also in the sorbed (acid leacheable) arsenate form. With increasing coal rank, sorbed exchangeable arsenate content decreases, with a minimum in the coking coals (German data: the Ruhr coals).Relations of As content in coal to ash yield (or its partitioning in sink–float fractions) and to coal petrographic composition are usually complicated. In most cases, these relations are controlled by main site (form) of As — Aspyr or Asorg. If Aspyr dominates, an As accumulation in heavy fractions (or in high-ash coals) is observed, and if Asorg dominates, it is enriched in medium-density fractions (or low- and medium-ash coals). Arsenic is in part accumulated in the inertinite vs. vitrinite (Asorg ?).There are four genetic types of As accumulation on coal: two epigenetic and two syngenetic: (1) Chinese type—hydrothermal As enrichment, sometimes similar to known Carlin type of As-bearing telethermal gold deposits; (2) Dakota type—hypergene enrichment from ground waters draining As-bearing tufa host rocks; (3) Bulgarian type—As enrichment resulting from As-bearing waters entered coal-forming peat bogs from sulphide deposit aureoles; (4) Turkish type—volcanic input of As in coal-forming peat bog as exhalations, brines and volcanic ash.During coal combustion at power plants, most of the initial As in coal volatilizes into the gaseous phase. At the widely used combustion of pulverized coal, most of Asorg, Aspyr and “shielded” As-bearing micromineral phases escape into gaseous and particulate phase and only minor part of Asclay remains in bottom ash. The dominant fraction of escaping As is in fly ash. Because 97–99% of the fly ash is collected by electrostatic precipitators, the atmospheric emission of As (solid phase and gaseous) is usually assumed as rather minor (10–30% from initial As in coal). However, fly ash disposal creates some difficult environmental problems because it is potentially toxic in natural waters and soils. The As leaching rate from ash disposal is greatly controlled by the ash chemistry. In natural environment, As can be readily leached from acid (SiO2-rich) bituminous coal ashes but can be very difficult from alkali (CaO-rich) lignite ashes.If the Aspyr form dominates, conventional coal cleaning may be an efficient tool for the removing As from coal. However, organic-bound or micromineral arsenic (“shielded” grains of As-bearing sulphides) are not removed by this procedure.Some considerations show that “toxicity threshold” of As content in coal (permissible concentration for industrial utility) may be in the range 100–300 ppm As. However, for different coals (with different proportions of As-forms), and for different combustion procedures, this “threshold” varies.  相似文献   

With improvements on high-pressure experimental techniques in multi-anvil apparatus and the development of new analytical tools, major progress has been made on diffusion in garnets in the past several decades. The data obtained in the experimental determination of diffusion coefficients in garnets are of fundamental importance for diffusion modeling and timescales of geological and planetary processes. In this review, we have compiled experimental data on self-diffusion (Si, O, cations), trace element diffusion (Li, Y, Ga, Cr, Sr, REEs), and interdiffusion (Ca–Fe/Mg, Si–Al) in garnet in the light of new advances and recent applications. In addition, some empirical relationships among diffusion parameters (pre-exponential factor D 0, activation energy E, ionic radius) are also discussed. We hope that this review can provide a useful data digest and guide to future study of diffusion in garnet.  相似文献   

杨康  刘巧 《冰川冻土》2016,38(6):1666-1678
冰面水文过程是冰川径流过程的重要组成部分,对于冰川运动与物质平衡具有重要影响。冰川表面在太阳辐射、冰川物理性质、冰面地形和成冰带空间分布等多种因素影响下消融,形成以冰面水系为主线,锅穴、冰裂隙、冰面湖等为端点的冰面融水输送与分配体系。深入理解冰面水文过程,掌握冰川表面融水的输送、存储与释放,对于研究短时间尺度的冰川融水径流过程、探索冰川动态响应机理具有重要意义。总结回顾了目前国内外冰面水文过程的研究现状,提出了该领域有待解决的主要科学问题。  相似文献   

Partially serpentinized dunites and wehrlites comprise the bulk of the cumulate ultramafic unit at the North Arm Mountain massif of the Bay of Islands ophiolite complex, Newfoundland. In a suite of 59 dunites and werhlites from the base of the unit, the serpentinized portions consist of lizardite + chrysotile + brucite + (accessory) magnetite. The ratio of (lizardite + chrysotile) to brucite = ~8:2 (weight percent). Petrographic observations show that most serpentinization occurred at the expense of olivine; only limited amounts of clinopyroxene were serpentized. An estimated volume increase of 32% accompanied serpentinization of the peridotites. Reconstructions of the primary modal proportions of wehrlites (made taking this volume increase into account) contain an average of 6% more clinopyroxene and 6% less olivine than do modal reconstructions that ignore the volume increase. Mass balance calculations provide no clear evidence for appreciable metasomatism of Al2O3, CaO, FeO, MgO, or SiO2 during Serpentinization. The presence of brucite, the evidence that most serpentinization occurred at the expense of olivine, and the lack of appreciable metasomatism, suggest that the primary reaction that controlled serpentinization of the peridotites is: 2Mg2SiO2 + 3H2O ? Mg3Si2O5(OH)4 + Mg(OH)2. olivine added serpentine brucite  相似文献   

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