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Based on the model calculation of VLF hiss power flux spectrum resulting from convective beam amplification of incoherent Cerenkov whistler radiation by the beam of precipitating auroral electrons, which has been developed by Maggs (1976), we examine the altitude dependence of power flux levels. Their strong altitude dependence leads us to suggest that non-linear processes are important in determining the spectrum of VLF hiss at high altitude. It is also shown that estimated power fluxes inside the electron precipitation region at low altitude might not reach as high levels as observed when the electron beam is weak. In this case, wave propagation outside of the precipitation region will account for the high power flux levels as well as significant magnetic components of VLF hiss observed especially at low altitude. In addition, we show that the transformation of the electron beam in transit to lower altitudes, determined from Liouville's theorem, may influence appreciably VLF hiss power flux spectrum. Finally, it is pointed out that two types of VLF hiss spectrum observed at the ground level can be accounted for by the difference in strength of the electron beam.  相似文献   

The association between VLF hiss and auroral-light intensity has been studied for pulsating auroras by coordinated observations with a broad band VLF receiver and a low light level TV system viewing the N2+ ING emissions. Power spectral analyses of the VLF hiss and auroral-light intensity fluctuations display a common peak at 1.3 ± 0.3 Hz. Cross-spectral analysis shows that the times of the peaks in the auroral-light intensity fluctuations differ from those of the VLF hiss by times ranging between zero and 0.2 s. This result is shown to be compatible with a cyclotron resonance interaction in the vicinity of the equatorial plane. The periodicity of the intensity fluctuations can be accounted for by assuming the process is driven by echoing VLF hiss, which may be single-phase or three-phase.  相似文献   

The particle energy required to generate the observed VLF hiss in the Jovian magnetosphere has been computed under longitudinal and transverse resonance condition. It is shown that the minimum energy required by electrons to generate VLF hiss under the longitudinal resonance condition lies in the range of 100eV–1keV for the wave frequencies of 2–10 kHz, while the corresponding energy range for the transverse resonance condition for the same frequency range comes out to be 8 keV–40 keV. Further, the average radiated power by the erenkov process in the Jupiter's magnetosphere atL=5.6 Rj by electrons of energy 10 eV, 100 eV, and 1 keV for the wave frequency of 5 kHz has also been computed.  相似文献   

In an earlier paper the latitudinal and longitudinal structure of ionospheric current flow during a sequence of magnetospheric substorms was presented (McDiarmid and Harris, 1976). In the present paper the relationships between the electrojets, the radio aurora observed at 48 MHz and the all-sky camera-recorded visual aurora are presented for the same substorm sequence. The previously described morphology of radio aurora during substorms is confirmed and the observed relationships can be explained.  相似文献   

The resonant interaction between the whistler mode waves and the energetic electrons near the plasmapause boundary has been studied in the presence of field aligned currents which seem to exist during substorm activity. It is shown that the electrons which carry the current along the direction of the magnetic field enhance the whistler mode growth considerably if the streaming velocity is small compared to the phase velocity of the wave. It is likely that this is one of the mechanisms explaining the intense VLF emissions observed near the plasmapause during substorm activity.  相似文献   

Power-spectrum analyses have been carried out on two data sets of the geomagnetic K-index from the Athens and Sofia magnetic Observatories. For the period between 1956–1984, periodicities of about 2.8 and 6 months have been obtained. Similar results were found by the auto-correlation technique. Both periods are significant to 0.05 and 0.01 level, respectively. In our attempt to explain transient geomagnetic disturbances caused by other parameters, the K-index was correlated to cosmic-ray and aurora intensity. The best correlation coefficient between K-variations and cosmic-ray data from Athens Neutron-Monitor Station was 0.58 and between K-index and Auroral, activity index was 0.47.An attempt to interpret these periodicities and relationships has been made.  相似文献   

A superposed-epoch method is used to investigate the occurrence of spread-F at Huancayo relative to days of high sunspot activity and also relative to days of high geomagnetic activity. A good correlation is found between days of high Ap index and high spread-F occurrence for a pre-sunrise interval of a few hours. When 3-hourly kp indices are used they show a peak value approximately 6 hr prior to an above-average occurrence of spread-F. It is suggested that this pre-sunrise spread-F is associated with ionospheric height rises which are produced by travelling disturbances, initiated in polar regions at times of high geomagnetic activity.  相似文献   

A superposed-epoch method is used to investigate the occurrence of spread-F at Huancayo relative to days of high sunspot activity and also relative to days of high geomagnetic activity. A good correlation is found between days of high Ap, index and high spread-F occurrence for a pre-sunrise interval of a few hours. When 3-hourly Kp indices are used they show a peak value approximately 6 hr prior to an above-average occurrence of spread-F. It is suggested that this pre-sunrise spread-F is associated with ionospheric height rises which are produced by travelling disturbances, initiated in polar regions at times of high geomagnetic activity.  相似文献   

The variation of the geomagnetic activity index, Ap, at the IMF sector boundaries (+ to ? and ? to +) has been studied for three solar cycles, separating the data into vernal and autumnal equinoxes. It has been found that at the Hale boundary, geomagnetic activity index, Ap, shows a sharp increase compared to that around the non-Hale boundary.  相似文献   

As a sequel to our recent identification of the high-speed stream as the candidate structure in the solar wind at 1 AU, that is primarily responsible for the geomagnetic disturbances occasionally noticed after disparition brusques (DBs) of solar filaments (Sastri et al., 1985), we report here that the streams, inferred to be recurrent in our earlier study, were consistently preceded by a stream interface, as expected of corotating streams. This observation substantiates the role of corotating streams of coronal hole origin in the apparent link between DBs and geomagnetic activity, and strengthens the view that DBs are not a unique source of geomagnetic activity.  相似文献   

A careful correlation analysis is made between various types of solar activity as observed at photospheric levels and the daily variations of the geomagnetic Kp-index which, in turn, is a measure of the solar wind speed. We find that in no case does a significant enough correlation exist to pin-point a physical relation between some aspect of photospheric activity and the solar wind speed. It is concluded that the physical processes that do determine the wind speed occur at coronal heights.  相似文献   

D. Djurović  P. Pâquet 《Solar physics》1996,167(1-2):427-439
An oscillation with a period around 5.5 years is identified as being common to the geomagnetic field, the Earth's rotation, and solar activity variations. The large extrema of the cross-correlation functions and their oscillatory character are considered to be indicators of a physical relation between geophysical and solar phenomena.  相似文献   

A newly developed direction finding (DF) technique for auroral hiss based on the measurement of time differences of wave arrival was carried out in 1978 at Syowa Station (geomag. lat. -70.4°), Antarctica and its two slave unmanned observing points located at about 20 km distances from Syowa. The auroral hiss signals (0.3–100 kHz) received at the two spaced points were transmitted to Syowa by a wide-band telemeter of 2 GHz. The arrival time difference of auroral hiss between Syowa and each spaced point was automatically determined by cross-correlating the waveforms of the received signals, and then the incident and azimuthal angles were measured with an accuracy of about 10°.It has been found that the new DF technique can determine localized exit regions at the ionospheric level which show rapid temporal movements. A comparison of the DF results with ground-based auroral data has shown that impulsive type auroral hiss with a wide-band frequency range has not emerged from the whole region of a bright aurora but from some localized regions of bright electron auroras at the ionospheric level, and that the arrival directions of auroral hiss change rapidly in accordance with the auroral movements.  相似文献   

Mendoza  B.  Lara  A.  Maravilla  D.  Valdés-galicia  J.F. 《Solar physics》1999,185(2):405-416
We analyse data of magnetic flux emergence for solar cycles 21 and 22, Helios 1 interplanetary shocks for cycle 21, and sudden storm commencements (SSCs) for cycles 11–22. A dominant variation of 3-year periodicity was found for all three phenomena during cycles 21 and 22. This indicates a correlation and a possible influence of the rate of solar magnetic flux emergence to produce the interplanetary phenomena studied in this work; in particular, the suggested role of coronal mass ejections as a means by which magnetic flux and stresses are taken out of the corona seems to be plausible. When taking cycles 11–22 in SSCs, the main periodicity changes to around 4 years; this may be an indication of flux emergence rate variations over the cycles.  相似文献   

We have extended our previous study of coronal holes, solar wind streams, and geomagnetic disturbances from the declining phase (1973–1975) of sunspot cycle 20 through sunspot minimum (1976) into the rising phase (1977) of cycle 21. Using daily He I 10830 Å spectroheliograms and photospheric magnetograms, we found the following results:
  1. As the magnetic field patterns changed, the solar atmosphere evolved from a structure having a few, large, long-lived, low-latitude coronal holes to one having numerous small, short-lived, high-latitude holes (in addition to the polar holes which persisted throughout this 5-year interval).
  2. The high-latitude holes recurred with a synodic rotation period of 28–29 days instead of the 27-day period already known to be characteristic of low-latitude holes.
  3. During 1976–1977 many coronal holes were intrinsically ‘weak’ in the sense that their average intensities did not differ greatly from the intensity of their surroundings. Such low-contrast holes were rare during 1973–1975.
An updated Bartels display of the occurrence of holes, wind speed, and geomagnetic activity summarizes the evolution of their characteristics and interrelations as the sunspot cycle has progressed. Long-lived, low-latitude holes have become rare but remain terrestrially effective. The more common high-latitude holes are effective only when the Earth lies at a relatively high heliographic latitude in the same solar hemisphere.  相似文献   

Series of 110 years of sunspot numbers and indices of geomagnetic activity are used with 17 years of solar wind data in order to study through solar cycles both stream and shock event solar activity. According to their patterns on Bartels diagrams of geomagnetic indices, stable wind streams and transient solar activities are separated from each other. Two classes of stable streams are identified: equatorial streams occurring sporadically, for several months, during the main phase of sunspot cycles and both polar streams established, for several years, at each cycle, before sunspot minimum. Polar streams are the first activity of solar cycles. For study of the relationship between transient geomagnetic phenomena and sunspot activity, we raise the importance of the contribution, at high spot number, of severe storms and, at low spot number, of short lived and unstable streams. Solar wind data are used to check and complete the above results. As a conclusion, we suggest a unified scheme of solar activity evolution with a starting point every eleventh year, a total duration of 17 years and an overlapping of 6 years between the first and the last phase of both successive series of phenomena: first, from polar field reversal to sunspot minimum, a phase of polar wind activity of the beginning cycle is superimposed on the weak contribution of shock events of the ending cycle; secondly, an equatorial phase mostly of shock events is superimposed on a variable contribution of short lived and sporadic stable equatorial stream activities; and thirdly a phase of low latitude shock events is superimposed on the polar stream interval of the following cycle.  相似文献   

The purpose of the paper is to present the statistical characterictics of mid-latitude VLF emissions (both unstructured hiss and structured emissions) based on the VLF data obtained at Moshiri in Japan (geomag. lat. 35°; L = 1.6) during the period January 1974–March 1984. Local time dependence of occurrence rate and the association with geomagnetic disturbances have been studied for both types of emissions. Both types (unstructured and structured) of mid-latitude VLF emissions are found to have definite correlations with geomagnetic disturbances. Then, the time delay of the emission event behind the associated geomagnetic disturbance has enabled us to estimate the resonant electron energy for VLF hiss to be 5 keV at L = 3–4 and that for structured VLF emissions to be considerably larger, such as 20 keV at L 4. Combined considerations of these estimated resonant energies, theoretical electron drift orbits and the local time dependences, allow us to construct the following model to explain the experimental results in a reasonable way. Electrons in a wide energy range are injected during disturbances around the midnight sector, followed by the eastward drift. Lower energy ( 5 keV) electrons tend to drift closer to the Earth, resulting in the dawnside enhancement of VLF hiss within the plasmasphere. Further, these lower energy electrons are allowed to enter the duskside asymmetric plasmaspheric bulge and to generate VLF hiss there. On the other hand, higher energy (20 keV) electrons tend to drift at L shells farther away from the Earth and those substorm electrons are responsible for the generation of structured VLF emissions around dawn due to an increase of plasma density from the sunlit ionosphere. However, such higher energy electrons are forbidden from entering the duskside of the magnetosphere and so we cannot expect a duskside peak in the occurrence of structured VLF emissions, which is in agreement with the experimental result.  相似文献   

The relationships between disappearing solar filaments and geomagnetic activity are examined using data obtained between 1974 and 1980. The average level of geomagnetic activity is found to increase after the disappearance of large filaments. The magnitudes of the geomagnetic disturbances depend upon the sizes and, to a lesser extent, upon the darkness of the filaments. The delays between filament disappearances and resulting geomagnetic disturbances are typically 3–6 days, corresponding to Sun-Earth velocities 580–290 km s–1. These are consistent with the observed velocities of those coronal mass ejections that are associated with disappearing filaments.The average delay is: (a) shorter for large and dark filaments than for small and faint filaments respectively; (b) shorter during solar maximum than during solar minimum; (c) dependent in a complex way upon the longitudes of the filaments. Disturbances associated with filaments with longitudes 50 ° have delays 10 days.Quieter than average geomagnetic conditions sometimes occur for several days prior to the geomagnetic disturbances that follow disappearing filaments.  相似文献   

It is suggested that recurrent and nonrecurrent geomagnetic disturbances which are related to the release of solar magnetic energy in the form of unipolar and bipolar magnetic regions respectively, are connected with the variations in the solar energy source. The true beginning of the solar cycle takes place when unipolar magnetic regions start to develop, i.e, when nuclear energy generation becomes dominant over the neutrino energy loss according to the photon-neutrino coupling theory.  相似文献   

Latitudinal characteristics of ELF hiss in mid- and low-latitudes have been statistically studied by using ELF/VLF electric field spectra (50 Hz-30 kHz) from ISIS-1 and -2 received at Kashima station, Japan from 1973 to 1977. Most ISIS ELF/VLF data observed in mid- and low-latitude include ELF hiss at frequencies below a few kHz. The ELF hiss has the strongest intensity among VLF phenomena observed by the ISIS electric dipole antenna in mid- and low-latitudes, but the ELF hiss has no rising structure like the chorus in the detailed frequency-time spectrum. The ELF hiss is classified into the steady ELF hiss whose upper frequency limit is approximately constant with latitude and the ELF hiss whose upper frequency limit increases with latitude. These two types of ELF hiss occur often in medium or quiet geomagnetic activities. Sometimes there occurs a partial or complete lack of ELF hiss along an ISIS pass.Spectral shape and bandwidth of ELF hiss in the topside ionosphere are very similar to those of plasmaspheric hiss and of inner zone hiss. The occurrence rate of steady ELF hiss is about 0.3 near the geomagnetic equator and decreases rapidly with latitude around L = 3. Hence it seems likely that ELF hiss is generated by cyclotron resonant instability with electrons of several tens of keV in the equatorial outer plasmasphere beyond L = 3.Thirty-seven per cent of ELF hiss events received at Kashima station occurred during storm times and 63% of them occurred in non-storm or quiet periods. Sixty-seven per cent of 82 ELF hiss events during storm times were observed in the recovery phase of geomagnetic storms. This agrees with the previous satellite observations of ELF hiss by search coil magnetometers. The electric field of ELF hiss becomes very weak every 10 s, which is the satellite spin period, in mid- and low-latitudes, but not near the geomagnetic equator. Ray tracing results suggest that waves of ELF hiss generated in the equatorial outer plasmasphere propagate down in the electrostatic whistler mode towards the equatorial ionosphere, bouncing between the LHR reflection points in both the plasmaspheric hemispheres.  相似文献   

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