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Lezniak  J. A.  Webber  W. R. 《Solar physics》1974,37(2):477-482
Quasi-periodic solar emission has been observed with a radio spectrograph operating at 18–28 MHz during weak decametric continuum on August 22, 1972. The continuum activity was observed simultaneously on fixed frequency receivers at 18 MHz and at 26 MHz. The pulsations showed a mean period of 4 s and a sharp low-frequency cut-off at 24 MHz. Spectral characteristics of these and similar pulsations observed by other workers are examined and shown to be consistent with an interpretation based on an oscillating magnetic flux tube in the solar corona.  相似文献   

The mechanisms of energy dissipation in the atmosphere for magnetospheric substorm energy sources are examined quantitatively, and the height-integrated energy budget is determined for average auroral conditions. Under steady-state conditions (1) at least 60% of the energy deposited by typical auroral particle bombardment heats the neutral atmosphere; about 11% maintains the enhanced level of ionization. Only about 4% is radiated in the visible, near i.r., and near u.v. spectral regions, which are detectable by ground-based and airborne observations, and 6% is known to be radiated in the medium and far u.v. spectrum. Another 3% of the energy is expended in maintaining enhanced electron and ion temperatures, bremsstrahlung radiation, and long-wave radio emissions. This leaves about 16% of the energy unaccounted for; it is argued that the bulk of this energy must reside in extreme u.v. radiation originating from highly excited atomic, molecular, and ionic states. Both laboratory and field evidence support this suggestion. (2) Orthogonal electric fields dissipate substantial energy in the atmosphere; the amount is governed by the ionospheric conductivity profile. In fact, the energy dissipated by electric fields can exceed the energy deposited by particle bombardment. About one-half of this energy goes into heating the neutral gas. (3) Plasma heat conduction is a small energy source that may have a large spatial extent. Its principal effect is heating of the electron gas, which, in turn, raises the electron temperature. Only 3% of the energy goes into radiation of OI(λ6300), the spectroscopic signature of SAR-ARCS.  相似文献   

The dynamic response of the solar atmosphere is examined with the use of self-consistent numerical solutions of the complete set of nonlinear, two-dimensional, hydromagnetic equations. Of particular interest are the magnetic energy build-up and the velocity field established by emerging flux at the base of an existing magnetic loop structure in a stationary atmosphere. For a plasma with a relatively low beta ( = 0.03) the magnetic energy build-up is approximately twice that of the kinetic energy, while the build-up in magnetic energy first exceeds but is eventually overtaken by the kinetic energy for a plasma with an intermediate beta ( = 3). The increased magnetic flux causes the plasma to flow upward near the loop center and downward near the loop edges for the low beta plasma. The plasma eventually flows downward throughout the lower portion of the loop carrying the magnetic field with it for the intermediate beta plasma. It is hypothesized that this latter case, and possibly the other case as well, may provide a reasonable simulation of the disappearance of prominences by flowing down into the chromosphere (a form of disparition brusque).The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.Now at the School of Science and Engineering, The University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville, Alabama 35807.  相似文献   

Bespalov  P. A.  Savina  O. N. 《Astronomy Letters》2015,41(10):601-605
Astronomy Letters - We discuss the connection of the formation and properties of solar atmosphere transition region characterized by a steep electron temperature gradient with electrostatic...  相似文献   

It is proposed that a large temperature inversion exists in the atmosphere of Titan due to absorption of solar radiation by small “dust” particles. A very simplified preliminary analysis indicates that this inversion model can expain the high infrared brightness temperatures in the absence of a greenhouse effect.  相似文献   

Typical auroral events in the Martian atmosphere, such as discrete and diffuse auroral emissions detected by UV spectrometers onboard ESA Mars Express and NASA MAVEN, are investigated. Auroral electron kinetic energy distribution functions and energy spectra of the upward and downward electron fluxes are obtained by electron transport calculations using the kinetic Monte Carlo model. These characteristics of auroral electron fluxes make it possible to calculate both the precipitation-induced changes in the atmosphere and the observed manifestations of auroral events on Mars. In particular, intensities of discrete and diffuse auroral emissions in the UV and visible wavelength ranges (Soret et al., 2016; Bisikalo et al., 2017; Gérard et al., 2017). For these conditions of auroral events, the analysis is carried out, and the contribution of the fluxes of precipitating electrons to the heating and ionization of the Martian atmosphere is estimated. Numerical calculations show that in the case of discrete auroral events the effect of the residual crustal magnetic field leads to a significant increase in the upward fluxes of electrons, which causes a decrease in the rates of heating and ionization of the atmospheric gas in comparison with the calculations without taking into account the residual magnetic field. It is shown that all the above-mentioned impact factors of auroral electron precipitation processes should be taken into account both in the photochemical models of the Martian atmosphere and in the interpretation of observations of the chemical composition and its variations using the ACS instrument onboard ExoMars.  相似文献   

The effect of vertical oscillations with periods between 90 s and 300 s on a solar atmosphere governed by heat conduction and radiation loss is examined. The effect is found to be primarily a redistribution, rather than a net addition or subtraction, of energy within the low corona, mainly by long period (180 to 300 s) oscillations. The redistribution of energy is found to affect the time-averaged temperature and density profiles of such an atmosphere, particularly in the low corona. The amount of energy redistributed is found to increase with increasing period.  相似文献   

The distances over which magnetohydrodynamic waves will propagate in a non-ideal, magnetic, compressible medium, representing the solar corona structured by the presence of loops of denser material, are considered. The waves are damped by ion viscosity and electron heat conduction in a radiating, optically thin atmosphere. Waves which lose their energy of propagation in distances of less than our criterion value of 4 × 109 cm are regarded as candidates for contributing towards coronal heating. Alfvénic-type waves only dissipate in this way in weak ( 15 G) magnetic fields and when they have periods of a few seconds (210 s). Acoustic-type waves can also be dissipated and we give typical values of magnetic field strength, density and temperature for which the dissipation could occur. Dissipating acoustic-type waves have periods that range from tens to hundreds of seconds (15–225 s).Calculations show that reliable measurements of velocity amplitudes will be invaluable in deciding whether these dissipating waves can contribute to heating the corona. We suggest that the waves that survive dissipation may account for some of the observed coronal oscillations.  相似文献   

We experimentally studied the formation and collapse processes of transient craters. Polycarbonate projectiles with mass of 0.49 g were impacted into the soda-lime glass sphere target (mean diameters of glass spheres are ∼36, 72, and 220 μm, respectively) using a single-stage light-gas gun. Impact velocity ranged from 11 to 329 m s−1. We found that the transient crater collapses even at laboratory scales. The shape (diameter and depth) of the transient crater differs from that of the final crater. The depth-rim diameter ratios of the final and transient craters are 0.11-0.14 and 0.26-0.27, respectively. The rim diameter of both the transient and final crater depends on target material properties; however, the ratio of final to transient crater diameter does not. This suggests that target material properties affect the formation process of transient craters even in the gravity regime, and must be taken into account when scaling experimental results to planetary scales. By observing impacts into glass sphere targets, we show that although the early stage of the excavation flow does not depend on the target material properties, the radial expansion of the cavity after the end of vertical expansion does. This suggests that the effect of target material properties is specifically important in the later part of the crater excavation and collapse.  相似文献   

A simple one-dimensional model is presented to describe the energy budget of the tropical atmosphere. Heating of the atmosphere is associated primarily with latent energy released due to precipitation in localized regions of intense cumulonimbus activity. Air transported to upper regions of the troposphere by cumulonimbus systems is returned to the surface over a large region of descent. Heat released by subsidence is balanced primarily by emission of radiation in the infrared. The model accounts for this energy balance, exploring specifically the constraints on permissible fluxes of mass and energy.

Results suggest that the strength of the background subsidence field in the tropics may be sensitive to surface temperature and to changes in atmospheric composition, specifically variations in the altitude distribution of H2O and changes in the abundance of greenhouse gases such as CO2. The mean level of detrainment of deep cumulonimbus clouds is found to increase with increasing surface temperature. This behavior is shown to be sensitive to atmospheric composition. The surface temperature for an atmosphere containing twice the present level of CO2 is predicted to increase by 1.4K, about 25% less than the change obtained with models in which the lapse rate of temperature is specified at lower altitudes, where assumptions of radiative equilibrium would lead otherwise to a statically unstable condition.

Buoyancy considerations suggest that there may be an upper limit to the range of permissible values for surface temperature in the tropics. Models in which the subsidence mass flux is assumed constant with respect to altitude are found to be unable to maintain buoyancy for rising air in the face of heat released by descent when surface temperatures exceed about 312K.  相似文献   

Results of electron spectrometer and cylindrical Langmuir probe measurements of ionospheric electron energy distribution in the range from about 0·2 eV to 4·0 eV are presented and discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

The energy release by Joule magnetic-field dissipation in the solar atmosphere is discussed. It is shown that the heating is unimportant in the case of granulation and intergranular space. In the case of spot features the additional temperatures Tr with the accounting of the radiation losses are no more than 30° for small new spots, 1° for the large umbrae and 300° for bright points in large umbrae. This effect gives the possibility to suggest a hypothesis on the source of temperature inhomogeneity in the spot umbra and the nature of bright points. In the chromosphere the dissipation is negligible.On leave from the Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation (IZMIRAN), U.S.S.R., Moscow region, p/o Academgorodok.  相似文献   

A study of the upper-atmosphere variations induced by solar activity was made by using 29,574 densities derived from the drag of 10 satellites in the interval 1958–1971. In a comparison of the respective merits of the Ca II-plage index and the 10.7 cm solar flux to represent the erratic (‘27 day’) component of the variation, the latter is shown to give invariably better results. The ratio ΔTδF of the temperature variations to the variations of the decimetric flux is shown to vary considerably with solar activity, but little with height or with local solar time. The time lag of the atmospheric variations behind those of the decimetric flux varies from a minimum of 0.9 day at noon to 1.6 days at midnight.  相似文献   

Shock-induced recovery experiments were performed to investigate melt formation in porous sandstones in the low shock pressure regime between 2.5 and 17.5 GPa. The sandstone shocked at 2.5 and 5 GPa is characterized by pore closure, fracturing of quartz (Qtz), and compression and deformation of phyllosilicates; no melting was observed. At higher pressures, five different types of melts were generated around pores and alongside fractures in the sandstone. Melting of kaolinite (Kln), illite (Ill), and muscovite (Ms) starts at 7.5, 12, and 15 GPa, respectively. The larger the amount of water in these minerals (Kln ~14 wt%, Ill ~6–10 wt%, and Ms ~4 wt% H2O), the higher the shock compressibility and the lower the shock pressure required to induce melting. Vesicles in the almost dry silicate glasses attest to the loss of structural water during the short shock duration of the experiment. The compositions of the phyllosilicate-based glasses are identical to the composition of the parental minerals or their mixtures. Thus, this study has demonstrated that phyllosilicates in shocked sandstone undergo congruent melting during shock loading. In experiments at 10 GPa and higher, iron melt from the driver plate was injected into the phyllosilicate melts. During this process, Fe is partitioned from the metal droplets into the surrounding silicate melts, which induced unmixing of silicate melts with different chemical properties (liquid immiscibility). At pressures between 7.5 and 15 GPa, a pure SiO2 glass was formed, which is located as short and thin bands within Qtz grains. These bands were shown to contain tiny crystals of experimentally generated stishovite.  相似文献   

William H. Smyth  M.C. Wong 《Icarus》2004,171(1):171-182
Two-dimensional model calculations (altitude and solar zenith angle) are performed to investigate the impact of electron chemistry on the composition and structure of Io's atmosphere. The calculations are based upon the model of Wong and Smyth (2000, Icarus 146, 60-74) for Io's SO2 sublimation atmosphere with the addition of new electron chemistry, where the interactions of the electrons and neutrals are treated in a simple fashion. The model calculations are presented for Io's atmosphere at western elongation (dusk ansa) for both a low-density case (subsolar temperature of 113 K) and a high-density case (subsolar temperature of 120 K). The impact of electron-neutral chemistry on the composition and structure of Io's atmosphere is confined primarily to an interaction layer. The penetration depth of the interaction layer is limited to high altitudes in the thicker dayside atmosphere but reaches the surface in the thinner dayside and/or nightside atmosphere at larger solar zenith angles. Within most of the thicker dayside atmosphere, the column density of SO2 is not significantly altered by electrons, but in the interaction layer all number densities are significantly altered: SO2 is reduced, O, SO, S, and O2 are greatly enhanced, and O, SO, and S become comparable to SO2 at high altitudes. For the thinner nightside atmosphere, the species number densities are dramatically altered: SO2 is drastically reduced to the least abundant species of the SO2 family, SO and O2 are significantly reduced at all altitudes, and O and S are dramatically enhanced and become the dominant species at all altitudes except near the surface. The interaction layer also defines the location of the emission layer for neutrals excited by electron impact and hence determines the fraction of the total neutral column density that is visible in remote observation. Electron chemistry may also impact the ratio of the equatorial to polar SO2 column density deduced from Lyman-α images and the north-south alternating and System III longitude-dependent asymmetry observed in polar O and S emissions.  相似文献   

Ten spectrograms of T Vul at a dispersion of 8.47 Å mm–1 have been used for an analysis of the parameters of stellar atmosphere during its pulsation cycle. A differential curve of growth method relative to the Sun has been used to evaluate atmospheric parameters. The range in exc is from 0.88 to 1.00. Mean abundances for twenty elements have been estimated relative to [N Fe]. A deficiency by a factor of 2.4 has been found ins-process elements with respect to those formed by thee-process.  相似文献   

The deposition of energetic electrons in Jupiter's upper atmosphere provides a means, via auroral observations, of monitoring electron and plasma wave activity within the magnetosphere. Not only does particle precipitation indicate a potential change in atmospheric chemistry, it allows for the study of episodic, pronounced flux enhancements in the energetic electron population. A study has been made of the effects of such electron injections into the jovian magnetosphere and of their ability to provide the source population for variations in diffuse auroral emissions. To identify the source region of precipitating auroral electrons, we have investigated the pitch-angle distributions of high-resolution Galileo Energetic Particle Detector (EPD) data that indicate strong flux levels near the loss cone. The equatorial source region of precipitating electrons has been determined from the locations of Galileo's in situ measurements by tracing magnetic field lines using the KK97 model. The primary source region for Jupiter's diffuse aurora appears to lie in the magnetic equator at 15-40 RJ, with the predominant contribution to precipitation flux (tens of ergs cm−2 s−1 sr−1) stemming from <30 RJ. Variability of flux for energetic electrons in this region is also important to the irradiation of surfaces and atmospheres for the Galilean moons: Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto. The average diffuse auroral precipitation flux has been shown to vary by as much as a factor of six at a given radial location. This variability appears to be associated with electron injection events that have been identified in high-resolution Galileo EPD data. These electron flux enhancements are also associated with increased whistler-mode wave activity and magnetic field perturbations, as detected by the Galileo Plasma Wave Subsystem (PWS) and Magnetometer (MAG), respectively. Resonant interactions with the whistler-mode waves cause electron pitch-angle scattering and lead to pitch-angle isotropization and precipitation.  相似文献   

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