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长江口柱状沉积物中甾醇的组成特征及其地球化学意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
吕晓霞  翟世奎 《海洋学报》2006,28(4):96-101
通过对长江口两个柱状沉积物中有机质的GC-MS分析,检出C27-C29甾烷醇、C27Δ5,C28Δ7和C29Δ22甾烯醇以及C30Δ22烯醇(4α,23,24-三甲基-5α-胆甾-22-烯醇)7种主要甾醇生物标志化合物.8站位沉积物中以陆源输入为主的C29甾醇的相对丰度最高,在17站位深层沉积物中也以C29甾醇为主,而其表层沉积物中则是以海洋浮游动物输入为主的C27甾醇的相对丰度最高.在所有的样品中甾醇都经历了较强的加氢还原作用,相同碳数的甾烷醇的相对丰度远远高于其相对应的甾烯醇的相对丰度.随着沉积深度的增加,甾烯醇的加氢还原作用越强,且由于两个站位不同的沉积环境,8站位甾烯醇的加氢还原作用更强.  相似文献   

深海沉积物岩心锕放射系核素的γ谱测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用HPGeγ能谱法测定了一个东太平洋沉积物岩心的锕放射系核素^227Ac、^231Pa、235U。探讨了γ谱方法测定锕系各个核素的适用条件。对岩心中各个核素深度分布特征及其所蕴含的海洋学意义进行了研究。  相似文献   

东太平洋海隆深海热液区沉积物古菌多样性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用PCR-RFLP方法对东太平洋海隆深海热液区3个站位沉积物中的古菌多样性进行了初步研究.结果显示,从古菌16S rRNA基因文库中随机挑取的296个阳性克隆分属奇古菌门(Thaumarchaeota,47.64%)、广古菌门(Euryarchaeota,44.93%)、泉古菌门(Crenarchaeota,6.77%)和未分类古菌(0.68%),其中优势菌群为奇古菌门的亚硝化侏儒菌属(Nitrosopumilus,35.47%)和广古菌门的热原体纲(Thermoplasmata,27.03%),DHVE3、DHVE5、DHVE6、MBGB和MBGE类群在沉积物样品中也均有发现.另外,3个站位沉积物中古菌类群组成存在差异,S5-TVG1站位样品文库的97个古菌克隆分属奇古菌门(49.48%)、广古菌门(49.48%)和泉古菌门(1.03%),S14-TVG10站位样品文库的103个古菌克隆由奇古菌门(84.47%)和广古菌门(15.53%)组成,S16-TVG12站位样品文库的96个古菌克隆包括广古菌门(71.88%)、泉古菌门(19.79%)、奇古菌门(6.25%)和未分类古菌(2.08%).研究结果表明,东太平洋海隆深海热液区沉积物中古菌多样性丰富,存在着许多新的古菌菌群;不同站位古菌菌群结构以及多样性存在差异,这与其所处环境的热液活动密切相关.  相似文献   

Results of the analyses of the water column and sediments of the Bermuda Platform for Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn are presented. The major process controlling the water column concentrations is physical mixing of open ocean waters with inshore waters, which are polluted by a wide range of diffuse inputs. Sedimentation within the inshore waters plays a lesser, but significant, role as do fluxes from the sediments of Fe and Mn and possibly phytoplankton uptake of Zn. Concentrations within the sediments are controlled by the formation of trace metal enriched clay/organic particles in the inshore areas and their subsequent redistribution by sediment resuspension, except for Fe and Mn which are largely associated with clay lattices.  相似文献   

Clay minerals in seven shallow water (100 to 600 m deep) dredged samples and in two deep-sea (3,000 to 5,000 m deep) core samples near West Antarctica were investigated by X-ray diffraction analyses. Variation of montmorillonite concentration appears to be closely related to volcanic activity. Chlorite is the most dominant constituent in most of the dredged samples, though it is not a principal component in core samples. Illite concentration is negatively correlated to that of montmorillonite. Kaolinite is found in four out of seven dredged samples near and around the Antarctic Peninsula while the content of kaolinite in two deep-sea cores from the Pacific-Antarctic Basin and the Indian-Antarctic Basin is more abundant than in the dredged samples. The clay mineral composition in the latter two basins may be closely related to volcanic activity and mechanical weathering products near and on Antarctica.  相似文献   

Chemical forms of Ba are determined in samples of suspension and sediment from the Zhujiang Estuary. Their interfacial geochemical processes are discussed. Total suspended Ba content is between 2. 4 and 40. 4 μg/L, and mostly exists in the crystalline form (43. 5%), secondly in the Fe-Mn oxidative form (23.1%). Percentages of organic, carbonate and exchangeable forms are 14. 8%, 11. l%and 7.4%, respectively. Total content of Ba in the sediment is between 158. 6 and 48. 0 ug/g. Percentages of crystalline form, Fe-Mn oxidative form and carbonate form are 78. 4% ,13. 5%and 8. 2%, respectively. Organic and exchangeable forms are not detected. The study on the mechanism of interfacial movement suggests that the salinity range of 10 is the turning point for the varied distribution of Ba. The subsidence of crystalline form affects the decrease of Ba content in suspension. The decrease mostly takes place in the salinity range lower than 10, which corresponds to the high value of Ba content in the sediment. The  相似文献   

北极深海沉积物中细菌和古菌群落结构研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在北极深海沉积物生态系统中,微生物的群落结构由有机质输入、能量的可用性及其他环境因素决定.然而,全球气候变暖及其导致的冰盖提前融化正在影响微生物的多样性.为描述北极深海沉积物中的微生物群落结构及其与环境因素的相关性,我们利用罗氏454对北极深海沉积物样品的16S rDNA扩增子进行了测序,对细菌和古菌群落的丰富度、成分、结构及其系统发育分类地位进行了描述.硫还原和化能有机营养类是细菌群落中的主要类群;而古细菌群落主要是由微生物的关系最为密切的氨氧化奇古菌门(96.66%)和产甲烷古生菌界(3.21%).这项研究描述了北极极点附近深海沉积物(> 3500米)中的微生物多样性,将为以后研究类似环境中微生物代谢过程和途径等功能分析奠定基础.  相似文献   

All the tephra layers sampled from a core in the northwest Pacific have both ortho-and clinopyroxenes as essential minerals, most of them containing hornblende and some of them biotite, zircon, apatite and olivine. Refractive indices of volcanic glass shards range between 1.49 and 1.53. Comparison of the refractive indices with those of artificial glass beads as well as the mineralogical composition of the tephra suggest that its sources are possibly acidic volcanoes in the Japanese island arc. Magnetic and crystallographic features of the ferromagnetic constituents in tephra have also shown that the tephra originated not from oceanic basalt but from acidic volcanoes.  相似文献   

Rapid shifts in past climate recorded in polar ice sheets have elicited various explanations relating to either thermohaline circulation changes by ice-rafting or natural greenhouse gas concentrations modulated by climatic conditions in the tropics. To compare the tropical paleoclimate record with the polar record, one must choose sediment cores from highly productive ocean regions. Necessarily, such regions reflect the wind records in the tropics, because high productivity is associated with upwelling driven by winds. Comparing tropical precipitation records with high-latitude records is, however, a more difficult task because sediments recording paleoprecipitation usually have low sedimentation rates, and offer coarser resolution relative to polar ice cores. Here, we present δ 18O data of three planktonic species of Foraminifera (a proxy for precipitation) from such a sediment core, spanning the past 35 ka for the equatorial Indian Ocean, which falls under the southwest monsoon (SWM) realm. Results show that minimum SWM precipitation occurred at the Last Glacial Maximum, with a subsequent increase at Termination IA. During the Holocene, SWM precipitation intensified uniformly up to the core top (∼2.2 ka b.p.), as revealed by generally decreasing δ 18O values. Variations in precipitation are consistent with climate changes recorded in polar ice sheets. Although the different resolutions of the two records preclude a rigorous comparison, abrupt cooling/warming events appear to be accompanied by sudden reduction/enhancement in (SWM) rainfall. Thus, mechanisms with time scales much shorter than a millennium, such as natural greenhouse warming (e.g., CH4 concentration), controlled by emissions from the tropics, could have played a major role in high-latitude climate change.  相似文献   

A depth profile of bacterial community structure in one deep-sea sediment core of the western Pacific "warm pool" (WP) was investigated and compared with that in a sediment sample from the eastern Pacific (EP) by phylogenetic analysis of 16S rDNA fragments. Five bacterial 16S rDNA clone libraries were constructed, and 133 clones with different restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) patterns were sequenced. A phylogenetic analysis of these sequences revealed that the bacterial diversity in a sample from the WP was more abundant than that in the EP sample. The bacterial population in the sediment core of WP was composed of eight major lineages of the domain bacteria. Among them the γ-Proteobacteria was the predominant and most diverse group in each section of WP sediment core, followed by the α-Proteobacteria. The genus Colwellia belonging to γ-Proteobacteria was predominant in this sample. The shift of bacterial communities among different sections of the WP sediment core was δ-, ε-Proteobacteria, and Cytopahga-Flexibacteria-Bacteroides (CFB) group. The ratios between them in the bacterial communities all showed inversely proportional to the depth of sediment. The sequences related to sulphate reducing bacteria (SRB) were detected in every section. The bacterial community structure in this sediment core might be related to the environmental characteristics of the surface seawater of the western Pacific WP.  相似文献   

南海北部陆坡深水区沉积物细菌多样性调查   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
王鹏  李涛 《海洋科学》2008,32(4):36-39
采用分子生物学手段,调查南海北部陆坡深水区沉积物细菌多样性.分析表明其细菌分成5个类群,变形细菌门(Proteotmcteria),厚壁菌门(Firmicutes),浮霉菌门(Planctomycetes),拟杆菌门(Cytophaga/Flexi-bacteria/Bacteroides,简称CFB)及脱铁杆菌门(Deferribacteres).分别占总体的34%,38%,18%,4%,6%.其中60%以上的克隆子与硫代谢相关,20%克隆子最相近序列来自于油污染环境,说明硫代谢是该区域物质代谢的重要组成,同时该区域有油气渗透的烃类物质存在并影响着该区域的微生物群落结构.  相似文献   

姜钊  张卫花 《海洋学报》2022,44(4):104-113
为探索印度洋深海沉积物中纯培养细菌的多样性,本文对采自印度洋12个沉积物样品进行细菌纯培养分离,共获得343株细菌。所有细菌采用16S rRNA 基因进行比对分析,鉴定为4个门:厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)、变形菌门(Proteobacteria)、放线菌门(Actinobacteria)和拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes),5个纲,13个目,26个科,39个属下的121个种。分离出的优势类群为链霉菌属(Streptomyces,分离率为16.53%)和芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus,分离率为8.26%),其中可能有12个潜在的新分类单元。研究结果表明,印度洋深海沉积环境中纯培养细菌资源丰富,潜在新物种较多;其次,分离培养方法与从海洋沉积物中获得的细菌物种多样性直接相关。  相似文献   

作者研究了钱洲深海峡谷柱状沉积物中常量元素和微量元素的垂直分布及它们的相关关系。研究表明,大多数化学元素随岩芯深度的垂直分布变化不大,且元素明显的分为两组:Ca,Sr组和Al,Fe,Ti,Mg,Ni,V,Co,Li,Rb组,该区的物质来源为多源的,即生物来源、陆源和火山源。  相似文献   

Key aspects of deep-ocean fluid dynamics such as basin-scale (residual) and tidal flow are believed to have changed over glacial/interglacial cycles, with potential relevance for climatic change. To constrain the mechanistic links, magnitudes and temporal succession of events analyses of sedimentary paleo-records are of great importance. Efforts have been underway for some time to reconstruct residual-flow patterns from sedimentary records. Attempts to reconstruct tidal flow characteristics from deep-sea sediment deposits, however, are at a very early stage and first require a better understanding of the reflection of modern tides in sediment dynamics. In this context internal (baroclinic) tides, which are formed by the surface (barotropic) tide interacting with seafloor obstacles, are believed to play a particularly important role. Here we compare two modern deep-sea environments with respect to the effect of tides on sediment dynamics. Both environments are influenced by kilometre-scale topographic features but with vastly different tidal forcing: (1) two sites in the Northeast Atlantic (NEA) being surrounded by, or located downstream of, fields of short seamounts (maximum barotropic tidal current velocities ~5 cm s?1); and (2) a site next to the Anaximenes seamount in the Eastern Mediterranean (EMed) (maximum barotropic tidal current velocities ~0.5 cm s?1). With respect to other key fluid-dynamical parameters both environments are very similar. Signals of sedimentary particle dynamics, as influenced by processes taking place in the bottom boundary layer, were traced by the vertical water-column distribution of radioactive disequilibria (daughter/parent activity ratios≠1) between the naturally occurring, short-lived (half-life: 24.1 d) particulate-matter tracer 234Th relative to its very long-lived and non-particle-reactive parent nuclide 238U. Activity ratios of 234Th/238U<1 in water samples collected near the seafloor indicate fast 234Th scavenging onto particles followed by fast settling of these particles from the sampled parcel of water and, therefore, imply active sediment resuspension and dynamics on time scales of up to several weeks. In the Northeast Atlantic study region tides (in particular internal tides) are very likely to locally push total current velocities near the seafloor across the critical current velocity threshold for sediment erosion or resuspension whereas in the Eastern Mediterranean the tides are much too weak for this to happen. This difference in tidal forcing is reflected in a difference of the frequency of the occurrence of radioactive disequilibria <1 between total 234Th and 238U: In the near-bottom water column of the Northeast Atlantic region 59% of samples had detectable 234Th/238U disequilibria whereas at the Eastern Mediterranean site this fraction was only 7% (including a few disequilibria >1). The results of this study, therefore, add to the evidence suggesting that tides in the deep sea of the open oceans are more important for sediment dynamics than previously thought. It is hypothesised that (a) tide/seamount interactions in the deep open ocean control the local distribution of erosivity proxies (e.g., distributions of sediment grain sizes, heavy minerals and particle-reactive radionuclides) in sedimentary deposits and (b) the aforementioned topographically controlled sedimentary imprints of (internal) tides are useful in the reconstruction of past changes of tidal forcing in the deep sea.  相似文献   

Sediment samples from two 40-m cores drilled in two different sedimentological environments in the Gulf of Trieste (Northern Adriatic), i.e. in the salt marsh of Sečovlje and in the inner part of the Bay of Koper, were taken for geochemical analysis of organic matter. The organic geochemical analysis comprised the analyses of organic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus contents and the analyses of amino acid and hexosamine nitrogen and total carbohydrate contents in the samples. Parallel analyses of carbon and oxygen isotopic composition in calcite, and of the granulometric and mineralogical composition of the samples were performed.Depth variations of the distribution pattern of organic carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, amino acids, hexosamines and carbohydrates in the cores indicate temporal variability of organic matter deposition and transformations in a changing fluvial-brackish-marine environment in the past. The results also provide information on paleoecological changes in the Gulf during Quaternary sedimentation processes. It appears that the marine environmental conditions in the past were not markedly different from those of the present day.  相似文献   

罗源湾口柱状沉积物中的甲藻孢囊   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过时福建罗源湾口海域KMZK5柱状沉积物中甲藻孢囊的分析,共鉴定出15属30种甲藻孢囊,对比发现这30种甲藻孢囊是该湾以前未被记录的种类.其中12种是附近海域也未曾发现的种类,6种为有毒种类:缘亚历山大藻、小型亚历山大藻、塔玛亚历山大藻、具剌膝沟藻、链状裸甲藻、锥状斯氏藻,同时对甲藻孢囊的主要属种和有毒种类的丰度、分布在垂直方向上的变化特征进行了初步研究。  相似文献   

为探索深海孔隙水中稀土元素的生物地球化学循环过程,对太平洋菲律宾海九州-帕劳海脊东、西两侧的两个钻孔沉积物进行了高精度的孔隙水采样工作,分析了主、微量元素和稀土元素的地球化学特征,并对稀土元素的浓度、配分模式以及分馏特征进行了详细的讨论。结果表明:这两个钻孔沉积物均处于氧化环境,表现出海水-沉积物界面和浅层孔隙水(2.5~20 cm)中相对富集轻稀土和中稀土,而中层(25~60 cm)和深层沉积物(>65 cm)孔隙水中则相对富集重稀土元素的特征。初步推断有机质和锰(氢)氧化物的分解和吸附作用是造成孔隙水中稀土元素分馏的主要因素。相比于九州-帕劳海脊的东、西两侧海域,孔隙水中的稀土元素浓度和分馏程度存在一定的差异,周围环境中的矿物组成和锰(氢)氧化物等是其主要的控制因素,但是研究区域深海孔隙流体并不能为海洋贡献稀土元素。  相似文献   

Concentrations of Se in the pore-water and in the solid phase, and the concentrations of other diagenetic constituents (Fe, Mn, phosphate, ammonium and I) in pore-water, were determined in a sediment core from a 350-m deep station in the lower St. Lawrence Estuary. The concentration of dissolved Se in pore-water was 2.1 nmol kg−1 at the surface of the core, increasing to a maximum of 7.6 nmol kg−1 at a depth of 12 cm, and thereafter decreasing gradually with depth. This profile is similar to the profiles of Fe and phosphate, whose concentration maxima occur around 10 cm. The concentration of total sedimentary Se remained almost constant with depth (≈ 0.75 mg kg−1); however, a significant enrichment of oxalate-leachable Se was observed in the top 2 cm. The sedimentary cycling of Se appears to be closely related to that of Fe: adsorption of Se onto Fe oxyhydroxide at or near the sediment-water interface, release of the adsorbed Se by the reduction of Fe oxyhydroxide, and removal by formation of ferroselite (FeSe2) at depth. The pore-water flux of Se was estimated by two different methods, firstly from the pore-water gradient, and secondly by applying a box model to the oxalate-leachable solid-phase Se data. The methods agree well both giving values for the flux of 0.11 nmol cm−2 year−1. This agreement suggests that the loss of labile Se in the sediment is balanced by the upward flux of dissolved Se.  相似文献   

南黄海EY02-2孔碳酸盐含量特征与沉积物来源   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
南黄海中部泥质区EY02—2孔柱样碳酸盐含量在0~34.55%之间变化,呈现为大西洋型CaCO3溶解旋回;冰后期以来碳酸盐高含量与高碳酸盐的现代黄河和废黄河物质有关;而末次间冰期碳酸盐极高含量与贝壳含量有关。  相似文献   

A sediment sample was collected from a deep-sea hydrothermal vent field located at a depth of 2 951 m on the Southwest Indian Ridge. Phylogenetic analyses were performed on the prokaryotic community using polymerase chain reaction(PCR) amplification of the 16 S rRNA and nifH genes. Within the Archaea, the dominant clones were from marine benthic group E(MBGE) and marine group I(MGI) belonging to the phyla Euryarchaeota and Thaumarchaeota, respectively. More than half of the bacterial clones belonged to the Proteobacteria, and most fell within the Gammaproteobacteria. No epsilonproteobacterial sequence was observed. Additional phyla were detected including the Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Planctomycetes, Acidobacteria, Nitrospirae, Chloroflexi, Chlorobi, Chlamydiae, Verrucomicrobia, and candidate divisions OD1, OP11, WS3 and TM6, confirming their existence in hydrothermal vent environments. The detection of nifH gene suggests that biological nitrogen fixation may occur in the hydrothermal vent field of the Southwest Indian Ridge. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that only Clusters I and III NifH were present. This is consistent with the phylogenetic analysis of the microbial 16 S rRNA genes, indicating that Bacteria play the main role in nitrogen fixation in this hydrothermal vent environment.  相似文献   

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