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The origins and sedimentary features of grainfall-, avalanche-, and ripple-produced strata have been studied experimentally in a wind sedimentation tunnel. Rate of deposition, wind velocity and wind duration have been shown to control specific sedimentary features of these types of strata. Grainfall-produced strata were deposited on a horizontal surface, and surfaces sloping up to the angle of initial yield for dry sand (about 34°). Thickness of a grainfall-produced stratum depended upon rate of deposition and duration of a specific wind event. Grainfall-produced strata were both non-graded and graded. Graded strata were produced by changes in wind velocity which controlled size of sand in transport and flying distances of individual grains. Distinctive features of grainfall-produced strata are: (a) gradual thinning, or tapering downwind (e.g. down the simulated slipface and across the simulated interdune; (b) extreme variability of thickness from less than 1 mm (wind gusts of a few seconds) to 10 cm or more (sustained gusts). Aeolian avalanche-produced strata were formed when grainfall-produced strata steepened above the angle of initial yield and sheared downslope. A rapid transition in sedimentary features from top to bottom of the slipface characterized avalanche-produced strata of the slump degeneration type in dry sand derived from grainfall deposition. Fadeout laminae formed near the top of the simulated slipface and about 1 m farther down the slipface were flame structures and drag folds. Near the base of the slipface, the avalanche truncated and then overrode grainfall-produced deposits. Distinctive features of avalanche-produced strata for a 2.5 m long slipface are the deformation structures, a thickness of 1 or 2 cm, sandflow toes, and steep dip (34°). Each avalanche-produced stratum was roughly tabular in cross-section parallel to wind direction, with gradual pinchout upslope. Aeolian ripple-produced strata were deposited on horizontal surfaces, and surfaces sloping to as much as 28°. Thickness of a ripple-produced stratum depended upon rate of deposition, morphology of the ripple, and rate of ripple migration. A maximum thickness of several centimetres was observed for a single ripple-produced stratum. Shape and attitude of ripple foresets was controlled by ripple morphology. Distinctive features of aeolian ripple-produced strata are: (a) presence of ripple foresets; (b) abrupt changes in thickness of a stratum or pinchout over downwind distances of a few centimetres; (c) low average foreset-to-diastem angle (10–15°); (d) low ripple-climb angle (<10°).  相似文献   

Lithic artifacts buried in the soil profile may be transported to the surface during tillage‐induced kinetic sieving, differential erosion, or swell–shrink cycles of clays and become part of a rock fragment mulch. Archaeologically, these manifestations are recognized as surface scatters. Although artifacts at the soil surface are difficult to relate to the local stratigraphic context, surface assemblages may provide information on lithic industries and the archaeological significance of sparsely explored regions. Through in situ investigation of surface material in 60 1 × 1 m2 plots in the Tembien district in the northern Ethiopian highlands, we show that rock fragment mulches can contain a significant number of lithic artifacts and we provide evidence for mid‐Pleistocene occupation of a site. Considering that severe rill and gully erosion may be a threat to the archaeological heritage and that well‐dated African Middle Stone Age sites are rare, we conclude that the region deserves more attention for archaeological research. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The Central Asian Arid Zone (CAAZ) located in the temperate desert belt of the Northern Hemisphere is one of the most important sources for global aeolian dust and aerosol. It is widely acknowledged that aeolian dust plays a vital role in the Earth system through participating in the energy and material budget of the planet. Except for the existed natural desert areas, the newly human-induced deserts that originally used to be the bed of terminal lakes (like the Aral Sea, Caspian Sea, Balkhash Lake, etc.) are becoming the much more significant sources for aeolian dust/salt in this region. Dust and associated aerosols have complex impacts on local ecological system and human health for its special chemical composition. In recent years, a slight declining trend of dust storm frequency in the region was reported, which may be explained by the weakened human disturbances in desert areas or climate variations. The dust dynamics in the CAAZ represent considerable variations in both spatial and temporal distribution, which makes it harder to forecast the dust events and mitigate its damages to ecosystems and social economics. Nevertheless, there is not much evidence of its climatic and environmental impacts both on the regional and global scales. Therefore, further related studies and regulation measures in the region are essential and emergent, as well as the strengthening cooperation between the associated countries and organizations.  相似文献   

青藏高原沙漠化所产生的风沙堆积作为一种重要局地因素,其对下伏多年冻土的具体影响目前尚未清楚。通过数值方式,模拟了红梁河沙害严重地区高温退化型多年冻土在13种厚度的干湿风积沙覆盖下10年内的变化情况。结果表明:在土体浅层,沙层越厚,地温较差越小,且干沙下地温较差变化幅度明显大于湿沙;干沙越厚,最大季节融深越小,湿沙则对最大季节融深影响微弱;积沙无论干湿,沙层越厚,冷暖季年热循环量均越小,且干沙下年热循环量变化幅度明显大于湿沙。因此,风积沙对其下伏多年冻土退化有不同程度减缓,沙层越厚,减缓作用越强,且干沙减缓多年冻土退化的能力明显强于湿沙。  相似文献   

随着我国高寒区沙漠化问题的日益严重, 由此产生的地表风沙堆积对多年冻土影响的范围和强度越来越大, 但目前风沙堆积对多年冻土温度的影响过程及机理仍不明确, 特别是缺少室内模型试验方面的研究. 通过室内试验模拟了不同厚度的积沙对多年冻土温度的影响. 结果表明:除试验箱气温为正负温过渡阶段外, 当试验箱气温为负温时期, 积沙冻土的中上层温度比无积沙冻土高, 且沙层越厚温度越高, 但均为负温, 整个土层仍对应冻结状态; 当试验箱气温为正温时期, 积沙冻土的中上层温度比无积沙冻土低, 且沙层越厚温度越低, 而正温阶段对应冻土融化时期, 积沙的降温作用可延缓冻土的融化. 在3个冻融循环周期内, 积沙冻土的底面平均温度均比无积沙冻土低, 且沙层越厚, 冻土底面温度波幅越小.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(14):1861-1876
Currently mechanisms for the onset of the widespread aeolian dust accumulation in the Chinese Loess Plateau since 8–7 Ma remain elusive. In this study, we compile 11 records of climate (14–7 Ma) and tectonic activity of the Tibetan Plateau and its adjacent areas (15–6 Ma). The results suggest that strong tectonic activity in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau has produced massive debris and dust, which was deposited in the piedmont basins and reworked by weathering and fluviolacustrine erosion. At the same time, global cooling and uplift of the Tibetan Plateau over the period of 14–7 Ma intensified the East Asian winter monsoon and westerly winds (westerlies) while weakening the Asian summer monsoon, which led to the spread of dry land vegetation and aridification in interior China. Sediments in the piedmont basins were then exposed in the aridity and transported by the westerlies to the Chinese Loess Plateau and the North Pacific. We suggest that tectonic activity in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau and shifting global climate together triggered the widespread aeolian dust accumulation in the Chinese Loess Plateau and the North Pacific since 8–7 Ma.  相似文献   

王博  杨丽雯  贾佳 《第四纪研究》2021,41(6):1645-1653

本研究选取我国西北地区典型荒漠表土和黄土-古土壤序列样品为研究对象,探讨黄土沉积物及其潜在物源区表土的原生磁性矿物浓度在不同粒级间的变化规律、黄土剖面中粒度与磁化率的关系,以验证中国黄土沉积物中磁性组分在搬运过程中是否存在分选作用及其变化规律。来自西北地区表土的地质证据表明,磁性组分主要集中于>63 μm和31~63 μm粒径组分,并以后者的含量最高;与之相对应,黄土沉积中原生磁性组分主要集中于31~63 μm粒径组分,但>63 μm粒径组分不再是主要载磁组分,其磁性显著低于31~63 μm粒径组分。同时,多个剖面的证据表明黄土沉积的原生磁化率与31~63 μm粒径组分的含量是同相位变化的,进一步支持沉积物中原生组分的磁化率受到风动力的分选作用影响。需要强调的是,沉积物原生磁化率的主要载磁粒径组分为31~63 μm的颗粒物,而并非最粗粒组分。本研究结果暗示,相较于沉积物的全样粒度,干旱半干旱地区风成沉积的磁化率在指示古风场强度方面具有潜力。


This paper represents an approach to discerning the kind of climatic signal that land snails might record. The study uses previous analyses of the Achenheim molluscs, whose time series can be compared with ice-core records or marine records. Terrestrial molluscs are characteristic of the environment in which they live, mainly mirroring prevailing climate and vegetation. As a result of this relatively close connection between biotope and mollusc assemblages, reconstructions of past environments can be made that agree generally with results from pollen analyses. In this way, malacofaunas in loess sections permit determination of environmental variability and climatic change. Loess deposits, however, correspond to a particular environment. Decreasing or increasing dust deposition affects the molluscan assemblages by altering the environmental conditions for better or for worse. The variation in the mollusc diversity index in Achenheim shows a striking correspondence with dust-flux variation. There is only a low correlation between diversity index and temperature, precipitation or moisture estimates.  相似文献   

风积沙地基装配式偏心基础抗拔试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乾增珍  鲁先龙  丁士君 《岩土力学》2013,34(4):1097-1102
在毛乌素沙漠中开展装配式偏心基础在上拔、上拔+水平力组合荷载作用下的现场试验研究。根据试验加载过程中监测的基础顶部位移、地表竖向位移及基础底板土压力数据,分析基础顶部的荷载-位移特性,研究装配式偏心基础的抗拔承载机制。结果表明,(1)在上拔、上拔和水平力组合作用下,基础顶部上拔和水平位移曲线均呈二阶段的承载特性;(2)当仅受上拔荷载作用时,基础偏心引起的附加弯矩,使得基础底板产生偏转,基础及底板上覆部分沙土自重抵抗上拔荷载,而在上拔和水平力组合荷载工况下,基础偏心引起的附加弯矩小,与上拔荷载工况相比,基础极限抗拔承载力提高8.7%,即在组合荷载工况下装配式偏心基础能够发挥更多的沙土来抵抗上拔荷载;(3)根据装配式偏心基础的抗拔承载机制,引入外荷载合力作用线与支架作用线之间的夹角δ来反映水平荷载对装配式基础抗拔破坏因子的影响,其影响规律为装配式基础的抗拔破坏因子随δ增加而降低。  相似文献   

Sediment data from the Bahamian Santaren carbonate drift reveal the variability of trans‐Atlantic Saharan dust transport back to about 100 ka bp (Marine Isotope Stage 5·3) and demonstrate that carbonate drifts are a valuable pelagic archive of aeolian dust flux. Carbonate drift bodies are common around tropical carbonate platforms; they represent large‐scale accumulations of ocean‐current transported material, which originates from the adjacent shallow‐water carbonate factory as well as from pelagic production, i.e. periplatform ooze. Subordinately, there is a clay‐size to silt‐size non‐carbonate fraction, which typically amounts to less than 10% of the sediment volume and originates from aeolian and fluvial input. Sedimentation rates in the 5·42 m long core GeoHH‐M95‐524 recovered 25 km west of Great Bahama Bank in the Santaren Channel ranges from 1·5 to 24·5 cm ka?1 with lowest values during the last glacial lowstand and highest values following platform re‐flooding around 8 ka bp . These sedimentation rates imply that carbonate drifts have not only the potential to resolve long‐term environmental changes on orbital timescales, but also millennial to centennial fluctuations during interglacials. The sediment core has been investigated with the aim of characterizing the lithogenic dust fraction. Laboratory analyses included X‐ray fluorescence core scanning, determination of carbonate content and grain‐size analyses (of bulk and terrigenous fraction), as well as visual inspections of the lithogenic residue; the age model is based on oxygen isotopes and radiocarbon ages. Data show that the input of aeolian dust in the periplatform ooze as indicated by Ti/Al and Fe/Al element ratios abruptly increases at 57 ka bp , stays elevated during glacial times, and reaches a Holocene minimum around 6·5 ka bp , contemporary to the African Humid Period. Subsequently, there is a gradual increase in dust flux which almost reaches glacial levels during the last centuries. Grain‐size data show that the majority of dust particles fall into the fine silt range (below 10 μm); however, there is a pronounced coarse dust fraction in the size range up to 63 μm and individual ‘giant’ dust particles are up to 515 μm in size. Total dust flux and the relative amounts of fine and coarse dust are decoupled. The time‐variable composition of the grain‐size spectrum is interpreted to reflect different dust transport mechanisms: fine dust particles are delivered by the trade winds and the geostrophic winds of the Saharan Air Layer, whereas coarse dust particles travel with convective storm systems. This mode of transport ensures continuous re‐suspension of large particles and results in a prolonged transport. In this context, grain‐size data from the terrigenous fraction of carbonate drifts provide a measure for past coarse dust transport, and consequently for the frequency of convective storm systems over the dust source areas and the tropical Atlantic.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The vertical and horizontal distributions of aeolian mass flux were measured at Oceano Dunes, California, and these data were used to evaluate a numerical model of saltation. Grain‐size analyses showed that the distributions of the modal sediment size class corresponded closely to those of the total sediment population, and modelling thus focused on replicating the distributions of the mean grain size. Although much previous work has assumed that the mean launch speed of saltating particles varies in proportion to shear velocity, simulations using a constant mean launch speed were found to yield the closest approximations to the mass flux distributions observed in the field. Both exponential and gamma distributions of launch velocity produced realistic simulations, although the latter approach required the inclusion of an additional reptation component to achieve good results. A range of mean launch angles and an equivalent sphere correction were also found to generate comparable results, providing the other input parameters could be varied freely. All the modelling approaches overestimated the proportion of mass flux occurring at the bottom of the vertical distributions, and underestimated the proportion occurring at the upwind end of the horizontal distributions. No theoretical shortcoming that would account for these small, but systematic, discrepancies could be identified, and experimental error thus represents a more plausible explanation. The conclusion that mean grain launch speeds are essentially constant and independent of shear velocity suggests that the additional kinetic energy extracted by grains under more energetic wind conditions is largely transferred to the bed, and that increases in the transport rate are therefore driven primarily by the ejection of additional grains. It is suggested that the kinetic energy of rebounding grains is constrained by the ability of the bed to resist deformation, equivalent to a plastic limit. Hence, grains of larger mass (diameter) rebound from the bed at lower speeds, and follow shorter, lower trajectories, as has been widely observed previously.  相似文献   

软弱围岩隧道取消系统锚杆的现场试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在软弱围岩隧道中,提出初期支护结构由钢架+喷射混凝土+钢筋网+锁脚锚杆+纵向连接筋组成,即取消系统锚杆用钢架联结处的锁脚锚杆代替。以包家山隧道为依托工程,采用现场试验的方法,选取2个试验段,进行锁脚锚杆取代系统锚杆后,有、无拱部锚杆的对比试验研究。对比试验的内容包括:隧道初期支护的净空收敛、围岩压力、钢架应力、喷射混凝土应力、锚杆轴力和纵向连接筋应力等。研究结果表明:2个试验段初期支护变形趋于稳定,结构受力安全,说明取消系统锚杆不影响初期支护结构的安全与稳定;拱部锚杆有受拉,也有受压,但受力都不大,最大拉应力仅为钢材极限强度的11.8%,其支护作用不明显;锁脚锚杆大部分受拉,最大值达到191 MPa,钢架支护作用明显,在支护体系中发挥着重要作用。取消系统锚杆减少了施工工序,降低了工程造价,缩短了工序循环时间,有利于及早封闭围岩以形成完整的支护结构。经济价值和社会效益显著。  相似文献   

Eight techniques to quantify the deposition of aeolian dust on horizontal surfaces were tested in a wind tunnel. The tests included three theoretical techniques and five measurement techniques. The theoretical techniques investigated were: the gradient technique, the inferential technique without grain-shape correction, and the inferential technique corrected for grain shape. The measuring techniques included the following surrogate surfaces: a water surface, a glass surface, a metal surface, a vertical array of metal plates, and an inverted frisbee filled with glass marbles. The efficiency of the techniques was investigated for the sediment as a whole (all grain sizes together) as well as for a large number of grain sizes extending from 1 to 104 μm. The surrogate surfaces showed more or less comparable catch efficiencies, although the water surface nearly always caught the highest quantities of dust and the marble-filled frisbee and the vertical array of metal plates the lowest quantities of dust. The dust fluxes calculated by theoretical methods were markedly different from those obtained by direct measurements. The fluxes calculated by the inferential technique approximated those of the direct measurements only for grain sizes between 30 and 40 μm. For smaller and coarser grains, deviations from the measured fluxes were high. The gradient method, in its turn, provided extremely low calculated fluxes for grains in all size classes investigated. The latter technique was not considered very reliable for the dust used in the tests.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(1-2):230-242
The grain-size distributions (GSDs) of loess–paleosol sequences may provide valuable information on provenance, transport and paleoclimate variability, and consequently, a wide range of methods to extract genetic information from loess GSDs has been proposed. Here it is shown that a genetically meaningful decomposition of a series of Late Quaternary loess grain-size records extending across the Chinese Loess Plateau can be accomplished with the end-member modelling algorithm (EMMA). The unmixing results in conjunction with loess accumulation rate estimates reveal that two contrasting dust supply patterns were active over the Loess Plateau during the last glacial–interglacial cycle: (i) a background sedimentation pattern that was dominant during interglacial periods, especially over the central and southern parts of the Loess Plateau, is reflected by the constant flux of the fine-grained loess component, (ii) an episodic, highly variable dust input pattern, that was dominant during glacial periods throughout the Loess Plateau and noticeable during interglacial periods mainly over the northern Loess Plateau and almost disappearing over the southern Loess Plateau, is reflected in the admixture of two coarse-grained loess components. A genetic interpretation and the paleoclimatic significance of the mixing model are provided by comparison of the modelled end members with modern dust samples in terms of their GSD and flux rates.  相似文献   

砾石覆盖紫色土坡耕地水文过程   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
紫色土中砾石分布广泛,地表常为砾石覆盖,砾石覆盖对土壤水文过程有着重要影响。试验小区(2 m×1 m)为坡度23°的坡耕地, 试验降雨强度为(53.9±2.8)mm/h、 (90.8±6.1)mm/h和(134.3±14.9)mm/h, 砾石覆盖度为0%,11%,20%,33%和42%。通过原位人工模拟降雨试验,定量研究了不同降雨强度下砾石覆盖对降雨入渗、地表产流及壤中流产流的影响。结果表明:砾石覆盖对入渗过程影响显著,稳定入渗速率及稳定入渗系数与砾石覆盖度呈正相关关系,3种降雨强度下,稳定入渗系数分别为47.70%~86.59%,30.61%~82.83%、17.76%~77.44%,42%砾石覆盖度小区的稳定入渗速率分别是裸露小区的1.95~4.94倍;地表砾石覆盖延迟地表产流、减少地表径流量,地表产流时间随着砾石覆盖度的提高呈增加趋势,地表径流速率及地表径流系数随砾石覆盖度的增加而降低,相对地表径流系数与地表砾石覆盖度呈指数负相关关系;地表砾石覆盖促进壤中流的发生、增加壤中流量,壤中流产流时间随着砾石覆盖度的增加逐渐缩短,壤中流径流速率及壤中流径流系数随地表砾石覆盖度的增加而提高,相对壤中流径流系数与地表砾石覆盖度呈指数正相关关系。  相似文献   

动静载组合破碎脆性岩石试验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
赵伏军  李夕兵  冯涛 《岩土力学》2005,26(7):1038-1042
介绍了动静载组合破碎岩石试验系统及原理,确定了动静载荷破岩凿入力的一般形式。通过改变静压、冲击能的大小,应用硬质合金刀具对花岗岩、砂浆块进行了静压-冲击组合破碎试验。结果表明:组合载荷破碎岩石的深度、体积随静压和冲击能增加而增加,破岩比能则随之下降。试验得出破碎花岗岩、砂浆块的合理动静载荷组合分别为(63 J, 2 100 N)、(35.15 J, 1 200 N)。  相似文献   

连续降雨下不同砾石含量工程堆积体土壤侵蚀   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
为探究砾石对工程堆积体土壤侵蚀的影响与其作用机制,通过室内模拟降雨研究了连续降雨下不同砾石含量的重壤质堆积体水蚀过程。结果表明:①堆积体砾石含量增加,坡面产流历时延长,产流率线性减小,土壤剥蚀率降低;②连续降雨下,堆积体所含砾石主要通过对坡面产流历时、坡面产流率、砾石覆盖率的多重影响发挥减沙作用,主成分回归方程可表达多个变量与平均土壤剥蚀率的关系;③一定砾石含量下,堆积体坡面砾石覆盖率随表土的剥离而增大,导致土壤剥蚀率呈指数函数递减趋势,并与累积土壤侵蚀总量存在较好的函数关系。工程堆积体所含砾石对土壤侵蚀程度的削减可为生产建设项目下垫面水土保持治理提供重要参考。  相似文献   

The hazard rate, the number of fracture occurrences per unit time, which has been obtained from laboratory experiments of rock fracture, is obtained for the earth's crust by analysing the statistical distribution of geodetically-observed ultimate strain. The associated hazard function has two coefficients, A and B, to be determined. Comparison of the coefficients obtained by the results of rock-fracture experiments with the geodetically determined ones discloses that B is independent of the size-effect. It is therefore concluded that, if A is estimated from the statistics of the geodetically observed ultimate strain and B is obtained from fracture experiments of rock forming a local part of the crust, the probability of a local large-scale earthquake occurrence can be estimated.  相似文献   

Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering - An indirect scheme to measure radial strains on competent rock cylinders and joint deformations in jointed specimens subjected to conventional triaxial...  相似文献   

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