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Submarine groundwater discharge(SGD)is being increasingly recognized as a significant source of nutri-ent into coastal waters,and generally comprises two components:submarine fresh groundwater dis-charge(SFGD)and recirculated saline groundwater discharge(RSGD).The separate evaluation of SFGD and RSGD is extremely limited as compared to the conventional estimation of total SGD and associated nutrient fluxes,especially in marginal-scale regions.In this study,new high-resolution radium isotopes data in seawater and coastal groundwater enabled an estimation of SGD flux in a typical marginal sea of the Yellow Sea.By establishing 226Ra and 228Ra mass balance models,we obtained the SGD-derived radium fluxes,and then estimated the SFGD and RSGD fluxes through a two end-member model.The results showed that the total SGD flux into the Yellow Sea was equivalent to approximately 6.6 times the total freshwater discharge of surrounding rivers,and the SFGD flux accounted for only 5.2%-8.8%of the total SGD.Considering the nutrient concentrations in coastal fresh and saline groundwater,we obtained the dissolved inorganic nutrient fluxes(mmol m-2 yr-1)to be 52-353 for nitrogen(DIN),0.21-1.4 for phosphorus(DIP),34-226 for silicon(DSi)via SFGD,and 69-262 for DIN,1.0-3.9 for DIP,70-368 for DSi via RSGD,with the sum of nutrient fluxes equaling to(1.8-9.3)-fold,(1.3-5.6)-fold and(2.0-9.5)-fold of the riverine inputs.Compared to the conventional estimation of the total SGD flux,the nutrient fluxes derived from the separation of SFGD and RSGD were(1.6-2.1),(1.6-1.8)and(4.0-4.9)times lower for DIN,DIP and DSi,respectively,indicating that the estimates by separating SFGD and RSGD could be conservative and representative results of the Yellow Sea.Furthermore,we suggested that SGD played an important role in nutrient sources among all the traditional nutrient inputs sources,providing 15%-48%,33%-68%and 14%-43%of the total DIN,DIP and DSi input fluxes into the Yellow Sea,and the high nutrient stoichiometric ratios(i.e.,DIN/DIP)in SGD probably contributed to the increasing ratios in the Yellow Sea.In addition delivering large amounts of nutrient into the Yellow Sea,SGD would create primary productivity of 10-49,1.6-6.8 and 8.8-42 g C m-2 yr-1 based on N,P and Si,which were equivalent to 5.2%-27%,0.9%-3.7%and 4.7%-23%of the total primary productivity,respectively.In par-ticular,the SFGD-derived DIN flux can be converted to primary productivity of 4.2-28 g C m-2 yr-1 thus demonstrating the disproportionately large role of SFGD in ecological environment of the Yellow Sea rel-ative to its flux.Therefore,we conclude that SGD,particularly SFGD,plays an important role as a nutrient source for the Yellow Sea,and not only affects nutrient budgets and structures but also enhances the pri-mary productivity.  相似文献   

Natural radionuclides as tracers of coastal biogeochemical processes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents an overview of the ways that natural radionuclides have been used as tracers of biogeochemical processes occurring in the coastal ocean. The radionuclides involved include those in the uranium and thorium decay series and those produced in the atmosphere by the interaction of cosmic rays with atmospheric gases (i.e., cosmogenic radionuclides). The property of radioactivity provides a chronometer with which to measure the rates of oceanic processes, and the fundamental biogeochemical behavior of the radionuclide determines which process(es) it may be used to trace. Examples from recent research will be presented in the talk.  相似文献   

王一清  吴自军 《地质论评》2022,68(1):2022020008-2022020008
海底地下水排泄(submarine groundwater discharge,SGD)不仅是全球水循环的重要组成部分,也是各种溶解化学物质由陆向海输送的重要而隐蔽通道。本文在分析全球海洋锶来源的基础上,综述了多种岩性含水层条件下SGD锶的地球化学行为及其控制因素,并利用已有的SGD通量和高分辨率全球岩性数据,计算出更为保守和精确的SGD锶通量及同位素组成,确认了SGD是海洋贫放射成因锶的重要来源之一,起到平衡河流输入的富放射成因锶的作用。  相似文献   

王一清  吴自军 《地质论评》2022,68(3):1079-1088
海底地下水排泄( submarine groundwater discharge, SGD)不仅是全球水循环的重要组成部分,也是各种溶解化学物质由陆向海输送的重要而隐蔽通道。笔者等在分析全球海洋锶来源的基础上,综述了多种岩性含水层条件下SGD锶的地球化学行为及其控制因素,并利用已有的SGD通量和高分辨率全球岩性数据,计算出更为保守和精确的SGD锶通量及同位素组成,确认了SGD是海洋贫放射成因锶的重要来源之一,起到平衡河流输入的富放射成因锶的作用。  相似文献   

The fate of dissolved material delivered to the coastal ocean depends on its reactivity and the rate at which it is mixed offshore. To measure the rate of exchange of coastal waters, we employ two short-lived radium isotopes,223Ra and224Ra. Along the coast of South Carolina, shore-perpendicular profiles of223Ra and224Ra in surface waters show consistent gradients which may be modeled to yield eddy diffusion coefficients of 350–540 m2s−1. Coupling the exchange rate with offshore concentration gradients yields estimates of offshore fluxes of dissolved materials. For systems in steady state, the offshore fluxes must be balanced by new inputs from rivers, groundwater, sewers or other sources. Two tracers that show promise in evaluating groundwater input are barium and226Ra. These tracers have high relative concentrations in the fluids and low-reactivity in the coastal ocean. Applying the eddy diffusion coefficients to the offshore gradient of226Ra concentration provides an estimate of the offshore flux of226Ra. Measuring the concentrations of226Ra in subsurface fluids provides an estimate of the fluid flux necessary to provide the226Ra. These estimates indicate that the volume of groundwater required to support these fluxes is of the order of 40% of the surface water flow.  相似文献   

地下水向海排泄是海陆相互作用的重要过程,它可能是陆地污染物质和营养盐排放入海的重要通道,会对近岸的海域环境产生一定的影响。它已在国外受到相当多的重视,而我国的相关研究还很少见。文中介绍了该领域的三种主要方法:原位测量方法、模型技术和示踪技术,且探讨了其发展方向及趋势。  相似文献   

用镭同位素评价九龙江河口区的地下水输入   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
为评价九龙江河口区的地下水输入量及其输送的营养盐数量,建立了天然存在的镭同位素224Ra和226Ra的质量平衡模型。镭的源项考虑了河流的输入、河流悬浮颗粒的解吸、沉积物再悬浮颗粒的解吸、沉积物扩散输入、涨潮时外海的输入和地下水的输入;镭的汇项考虑了镭的放射性衰变,以及退潮时河口水的输出。根据镭的质量平衡计算,地下水输入的镭通量约占河口区镭总输入通量的41.9%~56.9%,转换成地下水输入量为1.65亿1.83亿m3/d,该地下水输入量是河流径流输入量的4倍多。以陆源地下淡水占总的地下水输入量的10%考虑,计算获得营养盐输入通量分别为461万mol/d(DIN)、22万mol/d(DIP)、694万mol/d(DSi),它们分别约是河流输入营养盐通量的23%(DIN)、28%(DIP)、77%(DSi)。结果表明九龙江河口的地下水输入量及其所输送的营养盐相当可观,所输入的营养盐是海域富营养化的潜在影响因素,在未来的河口环境管理中应引起重视。  相似文献   

用氡-222评价五缘湾的地下水输入   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
海底地下水排泄(SGD)近年来成为陆-海相互作用的研究热点,地球化学示踪方法是其主要研究手段,尝试用天然示踪剂氡-222评价厦门五缘湾的SGD。为了评价五缘湾SGD的入海通量及其变化,对五缘湾海水中222Rn和226Ra活度、大气中222Rn活度、风速、水温和水深进行了连续2 d的测量,对沉积物进行了培养实验用以获得其222Rn扩散通量和孔隙水中222Rn活度。基于海水中222Rn通量的质量平衡,对实测的海水中222Rn活度实施了母体支持、涨落潮影响、大气逃逸损失、沉积物扩散输入、混合损失的校正,保守估计SGD输入的222Rn通量在0~126.7 Bq/(m2·h)范围内变化,对海水中222Rn的平均贡献达54%。以井水和孔隙水中222Rn的加权平均值作为SGD端元的代表,获得SGD的输入速率为0~29.3 cm/d,平均输入速率9.3 cm/d。SGD输入速率的动态变化基本围绕12 h的周期波动,是对本海域正规半日潮的具体响应。假设SGD以平均速率在五缘湾海底输入,则五缘湾海底的SGD输入量为1.86×105 m3/d。以陆源地下淡水占SGD输入量的10%考虑,五缘湾的陆源地下淡水输入量约为1.86×104 m3/d。  相似文献   

贾国东  黄国伦 《地学前缘》2005,12(Z1):29-35
沿海地区海底地下水排放在北美和欧洲等发达地区受到了越来越多的重视,被认为是一个重要的海岸带陆海相互作用过程。但这一过程在我国尚未引起足够认识,有关研究极少见。海底地下水排放的研究历史不长,只是近十多年才有了快速的发展,有了越来越多的定量研究成果。其研究方法主要有水文计算法、现场实测法和地球化学示踪法,各种方法之间的对比实验是目前的热点问题。沿海地下水排放具有重要的环境意义,它可以是陆地营养物质和污染物质的一个重要排放通道,可以对海岸带环境产生一定影响。我国沿海地区应该加强有关的研究工作,为海岸带环境管理作出贡献。  相似文献   

This report summarizes research studies linking on-site waste disposal systems (OSDS) to pathogen and nutrient concentrations in groundwater with the potential to impact coastal embayments. Few studies connect OSDS to coastal water quality. Most studies examined pathogen and nutrient impacts to groundwater and omitted estimations of contaminants discharged to surface water. The majority of studies focused on nitrogen, with little information on pathogens and even less on phosphorus. Nitrogen discharged from OSDS poses the greatest threat to water quality. Vertical distance of septic tank infiltration system from the water table, septic system design, and siting remain the key components in minimizing potential impacts from OSDS for control of both pathogens and nutrients. The most comprehensive information connecting nutrient contributions from OSDS to surface water quality was the study conducted on Buttermilk Bay in Massachusetts where 74% of nitrogen to the bay was attributed to onsite disposal systems. In conclusion, further studies on the viability and transport of pathogens and nutrients through the groundwater aquifer and across the groundwater/surface-water interface are needed. Additional research on the importance of septic system design on the availability of contaminants to groundwater as well as the minimum distance between the septic system and water table necessary to protect groundwater are also indicated.  相似文献   

在沿海地区,以223Ra和224Ra为示踪剂建立的镭质量平衡模型已广泛应用于海底地下水排泄量(SGD)的研究中,然而目前国内外关于在人类活动复杂影响较大情况下的SGD研究却极为少见。本文对比研究了在有防渗墙(A区)和填海造陆(B区)两种不同人为因素影响下的龙口海岸带水体表现年龄、海底地下水排泄量及其携带的氮磷营养盐通量。结果表明,A区平均水体表现年龄为14.26 d,B区平均水体表现年龄为10.64 d。此外,B区沿岸地下水以及近岸海水中的Ra活度均普遍高于A区,而盐度低于A区。在SGD方面,A区的SGD速率为1.26~1.60 cm·d-1,B区为1.43~1.82 cm·d-1,考虑SGD在评估方法上存在一定的误差,因此两个区域的SGD速率相差不大。但与我国其他自然海域相比,这两个区域的SGD速率均处于较低水平。此外,B区的氮磷营养盐浓度普遍高于A区,而且由SGD驱动的氮磷营养盐通量不同,地下水输入的不平衡的营养盐极易改变龙口海域的营养盐结构,对海洋生态环境产生不利影响,这也进一步证实SGD在沿海生态环境以及水体污染治理中的重要地位。  相似文献   

正We collected 14 samples and 9 samples for surface water in Quan bay and the north bay of Qinglai Lake respectively,as well as 11 samples for groundwater and 3 samples for river water.First the water samples were filtered through a  相似文献   

Typical of Mediterranean countries, the Lebanese shoreline is well known for its littoral and offshore groundwater discharges, the so-called submarine springs. The tectonic framework of the terrain explains its interruption by dense geologic structures, i.e., fracturing, faulting, karstic routes, as well as acute dips of rock strata seaward. All of these structures serve as hydrologic agents transporting groundwater to the sea. The study aims to locate these groundwater discharges, and to interpret their geologic controls on land. For this purpose, two major lines of approach were followed. The first is an airborne thermal infrared (TIR) survey using radiometers to identify thermal anomalies, thereby determining the exact location of submarine groundwater discharges (SGDs). The second line of approach is the analysis of satellite images (Landsat 7ETM+) to delineate the geologic features that govern the mechanism of water flow, thereby determining their sources on land. Twenty-seven major SGDs were identified, 10 of these being offshore springs, the others littoral springs. The springs show a large variety of discharge configurations and extents, mainly parallel or perpendicular to the shoreline or rounded. Three major structural controls were identified to contribute to the transport of groundwater to the sea. These are karstic galleries, faults, and tilted rock strata, their contributions being 48, 37, and 15%, respectively. The SGDs associated with linear passageways, i.e., karstic galleries and faults, are connected with land aquifer formations several kilometers away from the shoreline. Moreover, the presence of impervious rock formations at many localities along the coastline results in a confined hydrologic system, promoting the flow of SGDs into the sea.  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal distribution of near-shore fresh submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) was characterised from the coastal aquifers of the Willunga Basin, South Australia, an extensive aquifer system that supports an important viticultural region. Measurements of electrical conductivity (EC) and 222Rn (radon) activity were collected at 19 sites along the coastline during the Southern Hemisphere spring (2011) and summer (2013). At each site, samples were collected from the surf zone as well asporewater from beach sediment in the intertidal zone. Surf-zone radon activity ranged from <5 to 70mBq L–1, and intertidal porewater radon ranged over two orders of magnitude (220–36 940 mBq L–1) along the Willunga Basin coastline during both surveys. Overall, surf-zone and porewater EC was lower in the spring 2011 survey than in the summer 2013 survey. Porewater EC was similar to that of coastal water at most sites along the coastline, except at three sites where porewater EC was found to be lower than coastal water during both surveys, and three sites where evaporated seawater was observed in the summer survey. Based on the patterns in radon and EC along the coastline, two sites of localised fresh SGD were identified, in addition to a groundwater spring that is known to discharge to the coast. The results indicate that near-shore fresh SGD occurs as localised seeps rather than diffuse seepage along the entire coastline. The apparent absence of groundwater discharge at most locations is also consistent with current evidence suggesting that extensive groundwater pumping within the basin has resulted in seawater intrusion across much of the coastline. These observations also suggest that previous studies are likely to have over-estimated SGD rates from the Willunga Basin because they assumed that SGD occurred along the entire coastline.  相似文献   

In the karstic regions of the Mediterranean coastal zones the groundwater discharge and its outcrops—the coastal and submarine springs—represent the most typical natural phenomena of littoral karst, the economic potential of which is significant. The case studies discussed in this paper concern the problems of freshwater tapping in karst coastal zones along the Mediterranean littoral. Owing to the geological and hydrogeological approach, the set problems and adopted solutions involve two most important tasks: (1) the regulation of groundwater flow in the tapping facilities and (2) the control system of saltwater encroachment in a larger protection zone, between the coast and the site of tapping facilities.  相似文献   

The present study focused on the estimation of submarine groundwater discharge(SGD)and the effects of nutrient fluxes due to the SGD process.The parameters of SGD such as magnitude,character,and nutrient flux in Punnakayal region of South East coast of India were evaluated using multiple tracers of groundwater inputs in 2019.It was found that the elevated values for the tracers in the study area,displayed a gradational change in the values as move from estuarine part to the offshore.Simultaneous occurrence of fresh and saline SGD is observed on the study sites.Also,indicated that the SGD fluxes ranged from 0.04 to 0.12 m^3 m^-2d^-1 at the estuary and0.03-0.15 m^3 m^-2d^-1at the groundwater site.A substantially increased value for 222 Rn activities is distinguished in the estuary to values over 312 dpm L^-1.Nutrient embellishments were generally greatest at locations with substantial meteoric elements in groundwater;however,the recirculation of saltwater through the geological formation could provide a way of transferring terrestrially-derived nutrients to the coastal zone at many places.  相似文献   

The groundwater discharge zone of central Australia is marked by a chain of playas extending 500 km from Lake Hopkins in Western Australia through Lake Neale, Lake Amadeus and numerous smaller playas to the Finke River in the Northern Territory. This great valley is devoid of surface drainage, and the playas and their associated landforms and chemical sediments are a result of groundwater transmission, and discharge from a large regional flow system. The valley contains extensive groundwater calcrete deposits, which are commonly silicified. The playas contain gypsum and glauberite deposits resulting from the evaporative concentration of discharging groundwater to 250 g/1total dissolved solids. Thin gypcrete crusts have developed on the playa margins and islands as a result of induration of bordering gypsum dunes. Diagenetic changes in the calcrete and gypcrete are caused by dissolution and reprecipitation through groundwater movement.

Calcrete and gypcrete samples from playas near Curtin Springs, NT, dated by electron spin resonance (ESR) — calibrated by 14C dates on calcrete and the uranium content of gypcrete — are mostly in the range 8000–16 000 years BP, and are evidence of groundwater discharge conditions similar to those of the present day. Calcrete in the vadose zone, above the present water‐table, gives ESR dates in the range 22 000–27 000 years BP suggesting episodes of high intensity rainfall at that time. Phreatic calcrete, below the water‐table, with ages in the range 34 000–75 000 years BP, provides evidence of older episodes of calcretization.

The ESR and 14C dates for the chemical sediments suggest that this groundwater flow system has been an important feature in the region for much of the Late Quaternary. Although there are problems with the interpretation of ESR dating for chemical sediments with diagenetic alteration, the technique shows promise as a dating tool.  相似文献   

A methodology for the characterization of deep carbonate aquifers has been developed and applied to El Maestrazgo Jurassic aquifer in Castellón, Spain. Characterization of these aquifer formations, located at more than 300 m deep, consisted of a previous phase of compilation, analysis and synthesis of the existing information about the area, followed by a coordinated combination of different speciality studies: geology, stratigraphy, structural analysis, hydrogeology, hydrochemistry, geophysics and remote sensing. Geological studies included geological mapping, definition of stratigraphical units and facies and structural analysis. The aim of the hydrogeology study was to define aquifer formations, recharge area, aquifer points inventory and groundwater flow directions for the establishment of piezometric and water quality observation nets. Special techniques were applied, like thermal infrared aerial images and the evaluation of submarine groundwater discharge by means of natural radium isotopes. Hydrochemical techniques, including majority elements characterization and stable isotopes (18O, 2H and 3H) determination, allowed classifying hydrochemical facies and establishing a renewal pattern for water within the system. Geophysics was useful in determining the aquifer geometry, the features of the basement and the petrophysical characteristics of the geological formations. Preliminary results show an important tectonic complexity and the possibilities for groundwater uses in the area of study.  相似文献   

主要从水文地球化学的角度,以鄂尔多斯盆地白于山以南地区白垩系地下水的水化学水平分带和地表水基流水化学特征为主要依据,结合地质构造格局及岩相古地理条件,分析研究了该区白垩系地下水的补、径、排条件.认为该区白垩系地下水水化学场存在一个由东、北、西南向中部的水平分带,愈向盆地中部水质愈复杂、TDS愈高.马莲河基流水质的沿途变化规律反映出其接受东西两侧地下水的补给.说明鄂尔多斯盆地南区的东部地区和西南部地区为地下水补给区,而中心地带为地下水排泄区,最终经马莲河排出区外.天环向斜轴部和马莲河谷是南区汇集东西两侧地下水的排泄通道.  相似文献   

为了解大柴旦盐湖地下水排放通量,测试了深部热水、浅层地下水、河流水、盐湖表层水中镭同位素(223 Ra、224 Ra、226 Ra和228 Ra)的活度值.研究结果表明湖水中223 Ra、224 Ra、226 Ra和228 Ra的活度值,在盐度较低时随着盐度的增加而升高,当盐度大于168.99‰时,则随着盐度的增加而降...  相似文献   

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