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Pyroclastic cones along the southwest coast of Mauna Loa volcano, Hawai'i, have a common structure: (a) an early formed circular outer rim 200–400 m in diameter composed mostly of scoria and lapilli, and (b) one or more later-formed inner rims composed almost exclusively of dense spatter. The spatter activity locally fed short lava flows that ponded within the outer rims. Based on various lines of evidence, these cones are littoral in origin: relationships between the cones and associated flows; the degassed nature of the pyroclasts; and (although not unequivocal) the position of the cones relative to known eruptive vent locations on Mauna Loa. Additional support for the littoral interpretation comes from their similarity to (smaller) littoral cones that have been observed forming during the ongoing Kilauea eruption. The structure of these Mauna Loa cones, however, contrasts with that of standard Hawaiian littoral cones in that there is (or once was) a complete circle of pyroclastic deposits. Furthermore, they are large even though associated with tubefed phoehoe flows instead of 'a'. The following origin is proposed: An initial flow of tube-fed phoehoe into the ocean built a lava delta with a base of hyaloclastite. Collapse of an inland portion of the active tube into the underlying wet hyaloclastites or a water-filled void allowed sufficient mixing of water and liquid lava to generate strong explosions. These explosions broke through the top of the flow and built up the outer scoria/lapilli rims on the solid carapace of the lava delta. Eventually, the supply of water diminished, the explosions declined in intensity to spattering, and the initial rim was filled with spatter and lava.  相似文献   

Using the FLOWGO thermo-rheological model we have determined cooling-limited lengths of channel-fed (i.e. a) lava flows from Mauna Loa. We set up the program to run autonomously, starting lava flows from every 4th line and sample in a 30-m spatial-resolution SRTM DEM within regions corresponding to the NE and SW rift zones and the N flank of the volcano. We consider that each model run represents an effective effusion rate, which for an actual flow coincides with it reaching 90% of its total length. We ran the model at effective effusion rates ranging from 1 to 1,000 m3 s–1, and determined the cooling-limited channel length for each. Keeping in mind that most flows extend 1–2 km beyond the end of their well-developed channels and that our results are non-probabilistic in that they give all potential vent sites an equal likelihood to erupt, lava coverage results include the following: SW rift zone flows threaten almost all of Mauna Loas SW flanks, even at effective effusion rates as low as 50 m3 s–1 (the average effective effusion rate for SW rift zone eruptions since 1843 is close to 400 m3 s–1). N flank eruptions, although rare in the recent geologic record, have the potential to threaten much of the coastline S of Keauhou with effective effusion rates of 50–100 m3 s–1, and the coast near Anaehoomalu if effective effusion rates are 400–500 m3 s–1 (the 1859 a flow reached this coast with an effective effusion rate of 400 m3 s–1). If the NE rift zone continues to be active only at elevations >2,500 m, in order for a channel-fed flow to reach Hilo the effective effusion rate needs to be 400 m3 s–1 (the 1984 flow by comparison, had an effective effusion rate of 200 m3 s–1). Hilo could be threatened by NE rift zone channel-fed flows with lower effective effusion rates but only if they issue from vents at 2,000 m or lower. Populated areas on Mauna Loas SE flanks (e.g. Phala), could be threatened by SW rift zone eruptions with effective effusion rates of 100 m3 s–1.Editorial responsibility: J Donnelly-Nolan  相似文献   

A Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) image acquired on 23 July 1991 recorded widespread activity associated with the Episode 48 of the Pu'u 'O'o-Kupaianaha eruption of Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii. The scene contains a very large number (>3500) of thermally elevated near infrared (0.8–2.35 m) pixels (each 900 m2), which enable the spatial distribution of volcanic activity to be identified. This activity includes a lava lake within Pu'u 'O'o cone, an active lava tube system (7.9 km in length) with skylights between the Kupaianaha lava shield and several ocean entry points, and extensive active surface flows (total area of 1.3 km2) within a much larger area of cooling flows (total16 km2). The production of an average flux density map from the TM data of the flow field, wherein the average flux density is defined in units of Wm-2, allows for the chronology of emplacement of active and cooling flows to be determined. The flux density map reveals that there were at least three breakouts (>5000 Wm-2) feeding active flows, but on the day that the data were collected the TM recorded a waning phase of surface activity in this area, based on the relatively large amount of intermediate power-emitting (cooling) flows compared to high power-emitting (active) flows. The production of a comparable flux density map for future eruptions would aid in the assessment of volcanic hazards if the data were available in near-real time.  相似文献   

Lava flows from Mauna Loa and Huallai volcanoes are a major volcanic hazard that could impact the western portion of the island of Hawaii (e.g., Kona). The most recent eruptions of these two volcanoes to affect Kona occurred in a.d. 1950 and ca. 1800, respectively. In contrast, in eastern Hawaii, eruptions of neighboring Klauea volcano have occurred frequently since 1955, and therefore have been the focus for hazard mitigation. Official preparedness and response measures are therefore modeled on typical eruptions of Klauea.The combinations of short-lived precursory activity (e.g., volcanic tremor) at Mauna Loa, the potential for fast-moving lava flows, and the proximity of Kona communities to potential vents represent significant emergency management concerns in Kona. Less is known about past eruptions of Huallai, but similar concerns exist. Future lava flows present an increased threat to personal safety because of the short times that may be available for responding.Mitigation must address not only the specific characteristics of volcanic hazards in Kona, but also the manner in which the hazards relate to the communities likely to be affected. This paper describes the first steps in developing effective mitigation plans: measuring the current state of peoples knowledge of eruption parameters and the implications for their safety. We present results of a questionnaire survey administered to 462 high school students and adults in Kona. The rationale for this study was the long lapsed time since the last Kona eruption, and the high population growth and expansion of infrastructure over this time interval. Anticipated future growth in social and economic infrastructure in this area provides additional justification for this work.The residents of Kona have received little or no specific information about how to react to future volcanic eruptions or warnings, and short-term preparedness levels are low. Respondents appear uncertain about how to respond to threatening lava flows and overestimate the minimum time available to react, suggesting that personal risk levels are unnecessarily high. A successful volcanic warning plan in Kona must be tailored to meet the unique situation there.  相似文献   

A number of overflows from a large lava channel and tube system on the southwest rift zone of Mauna Loa were studied. Initial overflows were very low viscosity gas-rich phoehoe evidenced by flow-unit aspect ratios and vesicle sizes and contents. Calculated volumetric flow-rates in the channel range between 80 and 890 m3/s, and those of the overflows between 35 and 110 m3/s. After traveling tens to hundreds of meters the tops of these sheet-like overflows were disrupted into a surface composed of clinker and phoehoe fragments. After these 'a' overflows came to rest, lava from the interiors was able to break out on to the surface as phoehoe. The surface structure of a lava flow records the interaction between the differential shear rate (usually correlated with the volumetric flow-rate) and viscosity-induced resistance to flow. However, the interior of a flow, being better insulated, may react differently or record a later set of emplacement conditions. Clefts of toothpaste lava occurring within fields of clinker on proximal-type 'a' flows also record different shear rates during different times of flow emplacement. The interplay between viscosity and shear rate determines the final morphological lava type, and although no specific portion of lava ever makes a transition from 'a' back to phoehoe, parts of a flow can appear to do so.  相似文献   

H. Walden 《Ocean Dynamics》1959,12(4):141-152
Zusammenfassung Visuelle Beobachtungen der Bordwetterwarten auf den Fischereischutzbooten Meerkatze und Poseidon sowie auf dem Fischereiforschungsschiff Anton Dohrn werden statistisch bearbeitet, um Feststellungen über die Art der Seegangsabnahme bei abflauendem Wind zu treffen. In ähnlicher Weise werden Beobachtungen des in der Deutschen Bucht stationierten Feuerschiffes P 8 untersucht. Trotz großer Streuung der Einzelwerte lassen sich vorläufige quantitative Zusammenhänge zwischen Seegangsabnahme und den die Seegangseigenschaften beeinflussenden Faktoren ermitteln.
Essay at a statistical investigation of the properties of the wind generated sea at decreasing wind
Summary Visual observations of the meteorological stations on board the fishery protection vessels Meerkatze and Poseidon as well as on board the fishery research vessel Anton Dohrn are statistically elaborated with a view to determine the nature of decreasing sea at decreasing wind. In a similar way, observations from the light vessel P 8 in the German Bight are investigated. Though the variations of the individual values are quite appreciable it is possible to discern the existence of provisional quantitative correlations between the decrease of the sea and those factors influencing the properties of the sea.

Essai d'étudier d'une manière statistique les propriétés de la mer du vent en présence d'un vent affaiblissant
Résumé Des observations visuelles faites par les stations météorologiques à bord des navires garde-pêche «Meerkatze» et «Poseidon» ainsi qu'à bord du navire explorateur de pêche «Anton Dohrn» sont étudiées d'une manière statistique pour déterminer la nature de l'apaisement de la mer du vent en présence d'un vent affaiblissant. Les observations du bateau feu «P 8» dans la baie Allemande sont soumises à une étude analogue. Bien que les valeurs individuelles varient considérablement entre elles, on peut constater la présence des corrélations préliminaires quantitatives entre l'apaisement de la mer du vent et les facteurs influant sur les propriétés de la mer du vent.

Herrn Dr. Richard Becker bin ich für die Erstellung der statistischen Unterlagen zu Dank verpflichtet. Der Deutsche Wetterdienst hat die Untersuchung durch die Bereitstellung von Geldmitteln zur Durchführung der statistischen Arbeiten unterstützt.  相似文献   

Summary Applying the methods of computing N(h) profiles to scalar product spaces provides a more general view of the differences between the individual ionospheric models, which enables a better selection of the optimum model.
u n¶rt; m¶rt;uu ama N(h) nu nmama a nu¶rt;u anauam u ¶rt; a au ¶rt; m¶rt;u uu ¶rt;u, m nm nmm uam nmua ¶rt;.

17 mmu u uma uu 1976. anua 5 ¶rt;numu mauumu u¶rt;a mu u m na Pn, Pg, Sn u Sg. u¶rt; numm muam u mum ma¶rt;am¶rt;a ¶rt; uu mmu n¶rt;naam nu m m uamm aumm. ¶rt;am nu m mmu maua.  相似文献   

Summary Topographic effects on tidal strains and tilts are studied using a homogeneous elastic spherical model. Expressions for local perturbing strains and tilts are derive das functions of the physical and geometrical parameters of the model. It is demonstrated that tidal tilts are affected more by the topography than tidal strains.
n ¶rt;¶rt; n u ¶rt;u u¶rt;a uu a mmu a nuu ¶rt;auu u a. ¶rt; au, nuau a uau nuu ¶rt;au u a auumu m uuu umuu naam ¶rt;u. aa, m uau nuu a uau nuu ¶rt;au.

a aamaa ¶rt;uaua mu ¶rt;n nauuu a mu mu u ¶rt;uau uma am. m muu mam, m au¶rt;mu u au uuu am a mnuuu nau ¶rt;au. a a mu na an¶rt; aumuu mum ama, m am um m nu¶rt;u au u uu au¶rt;m ua.  相似文献   

Summary We search for the effects of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) sector boundary crossing (SBC) in upper stratospheric ozone. The SBUV data (Nimbus-7) at the 10, 3 and 1 hPa levels are analysed for latitudes 45° N and 55° N for winters of the period December 1979 to December 1982. An effect of the IMF SBC wos only found at the 10 hPa level. These first results concerning the IMF SBC effect in upper stratospheric ozone are rather preliminary.
¶rt;m uu nu mau () nam aum n () a mam. SBUV ¶rt;a (u-7) a nm ¶rt;au 10, 3 u 1a aauum ¶rt; um 45° u 55° . . ua nu¶rt;a ¶rt;a 1979 – ¶rt;a 1982. m uu a¶rt; m a 10a. mu n mam n uuu a mam m n¶rt;aumu.

Summary The magnetovariational data of 143 stations distributed over the eastern margin of the Bohemian Massif, over the Brunovistulicum and the West Carpathian sector were analysed to obtain transfer functions of the geomagnetic field. Methods of multivariate coherence analysis (spectral domain approach) and of impulse response (time domain approach) were employed. Complex induction vectors were estimated and contour maps of transfer functions were computer generated. Analysing their spatial distribution, we mapped the zones of anomalous induction and interpreted them in terms of electrical conductivity structure with its tectonic implications.
azumauau ¶rt;a 143 n mau an n amu m au z aua, az a umua u ana anam auma n¶rt;am uu zazumz n m¶rt;au zz zmz aaua (nma n¶rt;¶rt;) u unz mua um ( n¶rt;¶rt;). mu mama n u¶rt;u ma u nm am uuu n¶rt;am u. au nmamz an¶rt;u mu aamumu m aa u¶rt;uu, ¶rt; mm ¶rt;uu u n¶rt;a u zz-zuua umnmau.

Contribution No. 105/90, Geophysical Institute, Czechosl. Acad. Sci., Prague.  相似文献   

Summary The paper deals with the computation of spherical harmonic coefficients from surface measurements of the magnetic or gravity field of the Earth when the measurements are distributed regularly. The Fourier representation of associated Legendre functions which this procedure makes use of, then enables the harmonic analysis to be transformed to Fourier analysis which has better numerical properties.
ama na ama uu uu uum n nm uu aum uuaumau n u a, ¶rt;a mu uu an ammu ma. ¶rt;mau n a¶rt; , m unm mm n¶rt;¶rt;, nm nmauu aau naam aau , m a¶rt;am uu uumu mau.

a au au a ¶rt;am m ¶rt;uauu n¶rt;nu mau nua am u nu uu, m n amu n nua n uau mua mu.  相似文献   

Summary The magnetic moments of Uranus and Neptune have been predicted using different scaling laws of planetary magnetism. The predictions for Uranus cover a broad band of values from very weak magnetic fields (tidal relations) to moderate fields (thermal convection hypothesis). Therefore, the direct measurements of this field by Voyager 2 (January 1986) will be very important for testing the individual hapotheses.
a m ama a ¶rt; amua nam ¶rt;a n aum m nam a a nm. aa n¶rt;nmu nuu mu, ¶rt;m u¶rt;am a aum n a nmu aa u u a nmu nma.

Presented at the Fifth Scientific Assembly of IAGA in Prague 1985.  相似文献   

Summary The present paper is an attempt to demonstrate the fact that misleading information about the thermodynamic structure of shallow cumulus fields is obtained when standard isobaric level (SIL) data input is used. The 1-D cumulus model serves as the main tool of examination and the reference input data are those of significant levels (SL) in soundings. The computed cloud tops (SIL) exceeded (SL) tops in nearly 80% of the cases and the excesses are more than 1 kilometre in 25% of the cases. Some discrepancies were also found in potential stability analysis. The local changes in equivalent potential temperature may be seriously affected and even falsified. The important role of high resolution in studies of mesoscale phenomena was again accentuated.
mam mum ¶rt;aam, m u am u¶rt; ¶rt;a unam ¶rt;a ma¶rt;am uauu (SIL), m num uauu m¶rt;uau mm mu n. ¶rt;m, una nu u¶rt;auu, m ¶rt;a ¶rt; aa, a am n ¶rt; au unm ¶rt;a au ¶rt;aa. auma u a ¶rt; SIL n¶rt;m n au 80% a, a 25% a ¶rt;a a 1 . au ma ma nu aau nmua mumu. aQj uu uam nmua mnam m m aum ua. n¶rt;uam aa aua nmu nu uuu u a.

¶rt;m ¶rt; uuauu uum auu uu, a¶rt;a a nmunmuaa, ¶rt; n uu u. aa, m u u ¶rt;um nmu, uu n¶rt; m nm, u aaaa u aa m nmua.  相似文献   

Summary Phase velocities of Rayleigh and Love waves have been measured between the broadband seismic stations KHC (Kaperské Hory, South Bohemia) and KSP (Ksi, Lower Silesia), a profile that nearly coincides with the Interactional DSS Profile VII. The data for both wave types were separately inverted into models of shear-wave velocity versus depth. Novotný's model KHKS 82[1] for the DSS Profile VII was used as a start model. While the crustal section of Novotný's model is compatible with both of our data sets, our Rayleigh-wave data require smaller shear-wave velocities, on the average by 0.24 km/s, in the top 180 km of the mantle. The average difference between Novotný's model and our Love-wave model in that depth range is only 0.06 km/s. If our identification of the observed Love waves as the fundamental mode is correct, this result indicates the presence of polarization anisotropy in the uppermost mantle.
u a mu u a ¶rt; unu uuu mauu (an , a u) u S (, ua uu). u - S nuuum mmmm ¶rt;a¶rt; nu VII . a ¶rt; u mun m¶rt; umua ¶rt;u auumu mu nn mu. am mam¶rt;u a unaa ¶rt; S 82 m[1] ¶rt; nu VII . a am ¶rt;u m aua uu aau au ¶rt;a, ¶rt;a au ¶rt;a ¶rt; mm uu m nn — ¶rt; a 0,24 / 180 uma amuu. ¶rt;a aua ¶rt; ¶rt; m u a ¶rt; ¶rt; a m ¶rt;uanau n¶rt;mam 0,06 /. u aa u¶rt;muuau a¶rt;a a a ¶rt;ama ¶rt;a m nau, m mm mam u¶rt;ummm numuu nuau aumnuu amuu.

Summary The algorithm of iterative geophysical tomography is presented. The medium is approximated smoothly by means of B-splines. The tww-point problem of ray computation is solved with the aid of paraxial approximation. The parameters of the medium are obtained from the iterative algorithm of minimizing the quadratic form. Two numerical 2-D examples are given.
u¶rt; au umamuuu mauu. ¶rt;a annuuaa n nu nu -na. ma na aa a nu nu naaua annuauu. aam ¶rt; n a umamu aua uuauauu a¶rt;amu . am nu¶rt; ¶rt;a 2-D u nua.

Normal density earth models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Models of the Earth's density, close to thePREM model, have been derived, they reproduce the external normal gravitational field of the Earth and its dynamic flattening, and are referred to as normal density models. The Earth's surface is approximated by an ellipsoid of the order of the flattening, or of its square. Of the group of normal models sgtisfying the solution of the inverse problem, the normal density modelHME2 is recommended. The spherically symmetric density modelPREM, which was corrected in the course of solving the inverse problem, thus creating the modifiedPREM-E2 model, was used as the a priori information.
¶rt; ¶rt;u an¶rt;u nmmu uu ¶rt;uPREM (m. a. a ¶rt;u nmmu), aumau n m u¶rt;mu na¶rt;am auaumau n u. m u annuum am unu¶rt; au. uau amu a ¶rt; mam H==0.003 273 994. ma ¶rt; a ¶rt; ¶rt;m ¶rt;HME2. am anu u a ¶rt; nmmu a unaa ¶rt; a¶rt;ua umua ¶rt;PREM. ¶rt;aam ¶rt;uuau m ¶rt;u n¶rt; aauPREM-E2.

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