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Abstract: The landscape in the vicinity of Scott Base is one of the most singular of landscapes in the already unique environment of the Ross Sea Region of Antarctica. A rich history of human endeavour together with a broad range of physical features such as volcanoes, various glacial landforms, polar beaches and the Dry Valleys with their own glaciers, sand dunes and patterned ground must make it one of the most fascinating areas on earth. This paper highlights some of the more notable of these landscape features.  相似文献   

Absolute gravity values were measured with a portable absolute gravimeter A10 in East Antarctica, for the first time by the Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition. This study aims to investigate regional spatiotemporal variations of ice mass distributions and associated crustal deformations around Syowa Station by means of repeated absolute gravity measurements, and we obtained the first absolute gravity value in Southern Langhovde on the Antarctic Continent. The average absolute gravity value at the newly installed benchmark AGS01 in Langhovde (obtained on 3 February 2012) was 982535584.2 ± 0.7 μgal (1 [μgal] = 1 × 10?8 [m/s2]), which was in agreement with the gravity values obtained by the past relative gravity measurements within 1 mgal. In addition, the average absolute gravity value obtained at AGSaux in Syowa Station was consistent with both previous absolute gravity values and those obtained by simultaneous measurements using an FG5 gravimeter, owing to adequate data corrections associated with tidal effects and time variations in atomic clock frequencies. In order to detect the gravity changes associated with the ice mass changes and other tectonic phenomena, we plan to conduct absolute gravity measurements at AGS01 again and at other campaign sites around Syowa Station as well in the near future, with careful attention paid to the impacts of severe environmental conditions in Antarctica on gravity data collection.  相似文献   

summary . A new catalogue of gravity data from Kenya has been prepared and is briefly described here. New Bouguer anomaly maps have also been compiled and a copy is included.  相似文献   

Summary. An earthquake of magnitude ( M b) 4.5 has been located by the International Seismological Centre, near 81°S, 37°E in the continental platform of east Antarctica, about 1200 km from the coast of Dronning Maud Land, and 500 km from the Pole of Inaccessibility. The event was found by the Centre's 'search' procedure, which is undertaken with a deliberate delay of about two years. It occurred on 1982 November 4, and its position is well determined from five stations in Antarctica, and four farther afield. This is the first earthquake definitely located in the interior of the Antarctic continent, although there have been some earlier less well established claims, and other earthquakes have occurred near the coast, or associated with areas of volcanism or ice movement.  相似文献   

Earlier views regarding the relative insignificance of Antarctic science have been rudely shattered by recent developments. The International Geophysical Year (IGY) of 1957–1958 represented a major turning point for research in Antarctica, even if it is a mistake to believe that no useful scientific work was performed during the pre-IGY period. The IGY provided a sound foundation for the development of Antarctic scientific activity in a wide range of disciplines, including glaciology, atmospheric sciences and medicine. The intrinsic value of research in Antarctica is reinforced by its relevance to an improved understanding of global environmental systems; stratospheric ozone depletion was first identified at Halley base station. Minerals, as yet unproven, have highlighted the conservation problems inherent in the utilization of any Antarctic resources. Marine living resources are at present under threat of over-exploitation in some areas. The 1990s hold the promise for a brighter scientific future for Antarctica, but only as long as the Antarctic Treaty system continues in operation.  相似文献   

史久新 《极地研究》2018,30(3):287-302
本文介绍了近期南极冰架-海洋相互作用的研究进展。冰架底部融化速率大于前缘崩解通量,成为南极冰盖质量损失的首要途径。冰架下的海洋按照底部融化驱动因素的不同,可以分为由高密度陆架水驱动的冷冰腔和由变性绕极深层水驱动的暖冰腔。威德尔海的菲尔希纳-龙尼冰架和罗斯海的罗斯冰架属于冷冰腔,占南极冰架总面积的2/3,却只贡献了15%的净融化;东南太平洋扇区阿蒙森海和别林斯高晋海等若干属于暖冰腔的小型冰架,虽然只占南极冰架总面积的8%,却贡献了超过一半的冰架融水。以往看做冷冰腔的东南极托滕冰架和埃默里冰架,也相继发现有变性绕极深层水进入冰腔并造成底部融化。冰架对海洋有冷却和淡化的作用。冷冰腔输出的冰架水具有海洋中最低的温度,对南极陆架水性质乃至南极底层水的形成都有影响。冰架融化加剧,可能是近期观测到的南极底层水淡化的原因。  相似文献   

陈杰 《极地研究》1999,10(1):27-34
1IntroductionAstheearliestcolonizersofterestrialhabitatsontheearth,theocurenceoflichensmaybedatedfromtheEarlyDevonian(Taylore...  相似文献   

Sand dune movement in the Victoria Valley, Antarctica   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We use vertical aerial photographs and LiDAR topographic survey data to estimate dune migration rates in the Victoria Valley dunefield, Antarctica, between 1961 and 2001. Results confirm that the dunes migrated an average of 1.5 m/year. These values are consistent with other estimates of dune migration from cold climate deserts and are significantly lower than estimates from warm deserts. Dune migration rates are retarded by the presence of entrained ice, soil moisture and a reversing wind regime. Dune absorption, merging and limb extension are apparent from the time-series images and account for significant changes in dune form and the field-scale dune pattern. Dune-field pattern analysis shows an overall increase in dune-field organization with an increase in mean dune spacing and a reduction in total crest length and defect density. These data suggest that dunes in other cold desert environments on Earth, Mars or Titan, that may also have inter-bedded frozen laminae, still have the potential to migrate and organize, albeit at lower rates than dunes in warm deserts.  相似文献   

吴时国,罗又郎,王有强,陆钧,郑范,孙绍先Holoceneglacial-marinesedimentationinthePrydzBay,Antarctica¥WuShiguo;LuoYoulang;WangYouqiang;LuJun;Zheng...  相似文献   

The content and distribution of biogenic silica were investigated in sedi- ment cores from Prydz Bay,Antarctica,during the CHINARE-18/21.cruise.The re- sults show that the content of biogenic silica(BSiO_2) is ranged from 4.89% to 85. 41%,and the average content of biogenic silica is 30.90%,the highest value oc- curred at theⅣ-10 station.The profile of BSiO_2 in sediment is contrast to that of sili- cate in the interstitial water.The content of biogenic silica and organic carbon in the surface sediments in the central area of Prydz Bay gyre were much higher than those in other area,and closely related to the Chla content and primary productivity of phyto- plankton in the surface water column.  相似文献   

近20年来中国人口重心与经济重心的演变及其对比分析   总被引:83,自引:9,他引:83  
徐建华  岳文泽 《地理科学》2001,21(5):385-389
采用近20年来中国各省(市、区)的人口、GDP、工业、农业、第三产业的产值及消费额数据,计算出其各年的重心坐标,定量表示出中国近20年来人口、GDP、工业、农业、第三产业及消费重心的动态演化过程。在此基础上分析了中国人口、经济发展、生活水平区域差异的动态变化及其之间的关系,以及各要素动态演化的驱动因子。结果表明:近20年来,中国人口重心表现为缓慢地向西南方向移动;GDP、工业、第三产业和消费额重心向东南方向移动。与中国几何中心比较,区域差异在总体上是扩大了;与人口重心相比较,东西方向呈不平衡态势发展,南北方向则开始趋于平衡;而农业重心则表现为无规律性变化。  相似文献   

谢泽林  王召民 《极地研究》2017,29(3):368-377
通过分析再分析资料与站点观测资料的差异评估了普里兹湾区域5 套再分析资料的风速、风向以及 温度产品。这5 套再分析资料包括欧洲中心再分析资料(ERA-I)、日本25 年再分析资料(JRA-25)、日本55 年再分析资料(JRA-55)、美国国家环境预报中心再分析资料(CFSR)和美国国家航空航天局再分析资料 (MERRA)。采用的观测资料来自两个人工观测站和三个自动气象站。月平均和季节差异分析结果表明, Mawson 站点再分析资料的风速一般小于站点风速, 其他站点再分析资料一般风速过大, 所有的站点风向与 再分析资料风向差异不大, 再分析资料的2 m 温度总体低于人工观测站的温度, 自动站和再分析资料的差 异则没有一致的差异特征。通过6 h 风速资料对比, 发现当Mawson 站点风速低于5 m·s–1 时, 再分析资料偏 高, 当站点风速高于15 m·s–1 时, 再分析资料偏低, 且该站点记录的极端强风次数远多于再分析资料。  相似文献   

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