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Cheryl McEwan 《Area》1998,30(3):215-223
Summary This paper considers the gendered construction of science and scientific geography in Britain during the nineteenth century. It explores the general exclusion of women from public, institutionalized science and their location in amateur, domestic pursuits, whilst simultaneously problematizing this binary construction. Finally, the paper speculates on the legacy of the past on the gendering of contemporary physical geography.  相似文献   

Perceptible earthquakes in the United Kingdom   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary. Earthquake occurrence in the United Kingdom is analysed using Gumbel's third type asymptotic distribution of extreme values. Uncertainties in both the parameters and predictions derived from the Gumbel distribution are obtained and it is shown that an earthquake with body-wave magnitude slightly over five is the one most likely to be perceived at any point in the United Kingdom.  相似文献   

Producer Services Research in the United Kingdom   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper reviews recent research in the United Kingdom on producer services and suggests directions for further research. A recurrent theme in UK-based geographic research into producer services is the role of service activities, establishments, and trade in uneven development of the UK space economy, a role manifested in uneven provision and quality of services in peripheral regions. During the 1980s, overall growth in demand for producer services and the rapid rise in metropolitan London real estate costs reduced London's dominance, but these trends moderated by the end of the decade. In the absence of adequate government statistics, regular and standardized surveys are needed to compile a time series of service change in the United Kingdom. Directions for continued empirical research include the role of producer services in innovation and technology transfer, the implications of information technology for the location of employment in the sector, and the impacts of productivity increases on employment and wages.  相似文献   

欧美景观地理学的新进展及其启示   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文章从文化景观、景观概念、景观解释、景观与文化、景观政治学等方面阐述了欧美景观地理学的新进展。目前,欧美文化地理学正在重新整合,文化景观研究是其核心。针对景观的不同用法(艺术上的,社会科学上的),提出了4种专业化的景观解释模型。景观政治学是新文化地理学的关键建设领域,甚至有人把它当作景观解释的中心。地理学者对文学的兴趣日益增加,并将不同的文学形式看作是研究景观意义的途径。  相似文献   

自然地理学创新发展与展望   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
自然地理学自中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所建立以来一直是立所的核心学科,长期以服务国家重大需求为使命,在综合自然地理、气候、地貌、水文、土壤地理、生物地理、化学地理等各学科领域取得一批重要科技成果和进展,奠定了自然地理各分支学科在国内外的优势,为国家科技创新、区域经济社会可持续发展做出了重要贡献。本文回顾了中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所自然地理学的创新发展历程,总结了自然地理学取得的学术成就与标志性进展,并展望了中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所自然地理学未来发展,提出以陆地表层要素—过程交互作用机制,陆地表层格局动态研究,陆地表层系统过程的综合集成与模拟,陆地表层系统有序人类活动的可持续范式和调控机制为核心的发展战略。  相似文献   

Various (groups of) myths from the Pacific Islands are discussed. Generic groups considered are diluvian myths, myths involving abrupt subsidence, abrupt uplift, and simultaneous abrupt subsidence and uplift. Specific myths, recently validated, illustrate the superiority of the mythic explanation for recent volcanism over available geological information, and the possibility of myth recalling a migration which took place nearly 3000 years ago. The implications of the correct interpretation of the geographical basis of myths for an understanding of environmental change in the Pacific are explored. Particularly in a region where written history is relatively recent, myths have the potential for extending available chronologies of particular phenomena and allow consideration of issues such as the role of infrequent catastrophic events in landscape evolution and the role of (rapid) environmental change in cultural transformation to be considered more fully.  相似文献   

自然地理学综合研究理论与实践之继承与创新   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
自然地理综合研究是指将陆地表层地貌、气候、水文、植被、土壤等基本要素融为一体,研究各要素之间总的联系,研究单个要素及其周围现象之间的联系,从而揭示出陆地表层要素相互作用的过程及其形成的格局。这是认识自然地理环境形成和发展的根本途径。地理学家郑度先生,在自然地理综合研究的理论与实践的长期探索中取得开拓性成果,是当代自然地理综合研究的引领者之一。他在青藏高原自然环境的地域分异与格局研究中,构建了高原山地垂直带谱系统,阐明了高海拔区域三维地带性规律,揭示出高原独特的地生态现象及其空间格局,证实并确认高原寒冷干旱的核心区域,提出了青藏高原自然地域系统方案;在自然地域系统综合研究中,建立了适用于山地与高原的自然区划原则和方法,提出中国生态地理区域系统的新方案;在生态建设领域,强调要重视地域分异和尊重自然规律,指出干旱区土地和水资源的开发利用要重视区域发展和环境的协调;基于人类与自然界和谐的理念,他积极推动区域发展中环境伦理的研究和应用。本文回顾分析郑度先生半个多世纪以来,在自然地理学综合研究的理论与实践成果,力图从中参悟郑度先生自然地理综合研究的系统性思想以及开拓进取、探索创新的科研方法。  相似文献   

新时代自然地理学发展的思考   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
自然地理学是地理学的基础学科,也是地理学综合研究的基石。本文在梳理自然地理学主要研究进展的基础上,思考了新时代自然地理学的发展方向。在全球环境变化驱动下,自然地理学及其分支学科在传承中得到新的发展。自然地理学近年来的研究进展主要表现为自然地理过程综合与深化、陆地表层系统集成、陆海相互作用和区域生态环境管理应用等方面。自然地理学及其分支学科的发展需要面向全球环境变化和人类需求,探索应用新技术新方法,开展多要素多过程集成研究,发展并完善地理模型,模拟和预测环境变化与可持续发展,服务于国家重大需求和政府决策。在发展过程中,亟待关注以下前沿领域与方向:①地貌学需要重点加强地貌学与全球环境变化及人类活动关系研究;②生物地理学有待深化属性地理学、全球变化生物地理学等前沿领域的探索,连接变化背景下的生物地理空间分布与人类需求;③水文学需要开展多要素、多过程、多尺度的综合集成研究,发展生态水文学、社会水文学、水文形态学等新兴学科领域;④自然地理学有待全方位介入气候变化研究,在气候变化国际重大研究计划、气候变化框架公约等方面发挥更加积极的支撑功能;⑤综合自然地理需要面向国家重大需求,聚焦人地系统耦合研究,在资源环境承载力评估、生态安全格局与生态文明建设等领域作出积极贡献;⑥自然地理学需深化耦合自然与人文要素及过程研究,建立发展复杂系统模拟模型,分析和模拟变化环境下的自然、人文要素耦合机制和陆地表层系统动态变化规律。  相似文献   

A tremendous amount of attention has been given to the aging of population that is occurring in many parts of the world. However, very little work has focused upon the aging of minority populations. Because minority populations often have greater needs for health care and fewer resources to pay for it, it is important to assess the demand for services. This paper takes an initial step in that direction by focusing upon the geographic distribution of elderly minority populations in the United States. The study is carried out at several spatial scales, and it is concluded that elderly minority populations tend to be even more segregated than their non-elderly counterparts.  相似文献   

Views and Visions of Land Use in the United Kingdom   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
As part of a national study aimed at surveying the land use and landscape of the United Kingdom, 1287 surveyors recorded their views and visions of one-kilometre grid squares in which they conducted fieldwork. This study, which took place in 1996, has links to previous national land-use surveys by L. Dudley Stamp (1950) and Alice Coleman (1976, 1977). Of the total sample, 1037 reports are from the observations of school children. Their views relate to six key questions which have been analysed using qualitative research techniques to identify categories of shared responses. Reported in frequency counts, the results highlight a degree of communality in the perceptions of the majority of young people and adults involved. They show their hopes and dreams for a cleaner and varied landscape in the future with more green space, greater provision for well-planned low density housing, and recreation facilities. At the same time their expressed concerns for the management of the environment, housing development, green space provision, recreation and leisure activities indicate a disquiet about the future. This apparent pessimism is most notable in the views for urban locations. For rural locations there is a higher expectation that things will remain more-or-less the same in 20 years time.  相似文献   

自然地理学学科体系与发展战略要点   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
自然地理学是地理科学的一门基础学科,同时也是生态学、环境科学等相关学科的科学基础。自然地理学重点研究地球表层自然环境的空间特征、演变过程及其地域分异规律,以及过去人—环境相互作用的发展过程。在社会经济和科学技术快速发展的新时期,自然地理学与综合地理学、人文地理学、信息地理学的联系更加密切和广泛。本文结合《中国学科及前沿领域发展战略研究(2021—2035)》地理科学的学科规划,分析自然地理学学科的形成过程,阐述综合自然地理学、部门自然地理学、人类生存环境学的分支学科体系,提出自然地理学及其分支学科的学科发展战略布局、优先领域发展目标和重点方向。  相似文献   

Many lowland rivers in the United Kingdom, including the Nene, Soar and Severn, have layered floodplains with a basal gravel of Pleistocene or Late glacial age and a structureless silty clay superficial unit burying the entire former floodplain. This burial is illustrated by the existence of variable, mixed and pedologically disturbed sediments and palaeo landsurfaces between the basal gravels and superficial silty clay. This paper presents a comparison of the pre- and post-late Holocene palaeo landsurfaces and palaeochannels using data from the Nene, Soar and Severn valleys. From this comparison it is argued that during the mid to late Holocene (ca 4500 yr BP to 2500 yr BP) floodplains and river channels underwent a metamorphosis. This is indicated by accelerated vertical accretion, a reduction in floodplain relative relief, changed floodplain soil conditions, a reduction in channel W/D ratios and a resultant increase in the silty clay proportion of channel perimeter sediments. There are indications that hydrological change preceded this metamorphosis but the primary cause was an increase in fine sediment supply during the later Holocene and a disequilibrium between channel bed and floodplain aggradation rates resulting in relative incision. This metamorphosis, which is explained in this paper by the proposed stable-bed aggrading-banks model (SBAB), is the key factor in the Holocene evolution of low-energy floodplain systems in the United Kingdom, upon which more subtle short-term fluctuations are superimposed.  相似文献   

Chen  Fahu  Wu  Shaohong  Liu  Hongyan  Yang  Xiaoyan  Liu  Jianbao 《地理学报(英文版)》2022,32(9):1642-1653
Journal of Geographical Sciences - Physical geography, one of the branches of geography, is the basic discipline of geographic science. And it is the scientific foundation of ecology, environmental...  相似文献   

Biogeography has many connections to people but fewer to human geography. Biogeography is connected to the four dimensions of anthropogenic global change, but most of this research is tied to land-use change. Biogeographers have studied several ways in which land use affects the patterns and dynamics of organisms, mostly in reference to remnants of habitat destruction, but the human dimensions of this relationship are more explicit in changing habitat quality. How biogeography affects land use is also studied, but research on topics such as ecosystem services needs more contributions from geographers. Feedbacks between people and the other organisms with which we live, with more fully linked models, are a general subject in which biogeographers can contribute to progress in the human dimensions of global change.  相似文献   

在全球快速城市化背景下,城市成为经济高速发展、人类活动高度集中、人地相互作用最强烈的区域,人工环境下“第二自然格局”的形成以及剧烈的城市土地利用/覆被变化效应使得城市自然地理学在城市复杂系统的研究中具有重要的理论和应用价值。本文通过对城市自然地理学的缘起、学科发展的综合分析,从学科理论体系、研究内容以及前沿发展领域等方面进行了论述,以期丰富和深化城市自然地理学研究内容,并进一步推动城市自然地理学的研究和发展。未来,城市自然地理学的研究应从以下方面开展:①关注基础理论研究,深化学科理论体系;②发展多学科的交叉视角,深化城市地表系统多要素变化研究;③聚焦城市自然—人文复杂系统,揭示自然和人文多要素间耦合机理及驱动机制;④拓宽城市服务应用领域的研究,提供城市可持续发展的多目标决策。  相似文献   

20世纪50年代以来中国综合自然地理研究进展   总被引:13,自引:5,他引:13  
回顾和评述了50年来具有中国特色的综合自然地理学的研究进展。认为今后在方法论上,需进一步强调以自下而上方法为主,以自上而下方法为辅,把所研究的部分置于整个系统之中;从研究方法和技术手段看,系统分析和综合集成的方法将得到更加广泛的应用;在研究方向方面,综合自然区划的研究正向着综合区划的方向发展。现代自然地理过程的研究将会朝微观深化和宏观综合两个方向发展,关键在于地理系统中界面过程的综合研究和实现物理、化学、生物过程的综合研究。区域自然地理研究仍是综合格局和过程,进行基础研究和应用研究的操作平台。应不断加强与人文地理学的密切结合,实现更高层次的综合研究。  相似文献   

Integrated studies of physical geography in China: Review and prospects   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Modern physical geography in China grew from Chinese traditional geography and has been profoundly influenced by the geographical disciplines of Euro-America and Russia. Since the 1950s, integrated studies of physical geography in China have made remarkable progress in the fields of comprehensive physical geographical regionalization, land studies, landscape ecology, and land surface geographical processes. During the past few decades, under the background of global change and rapid socio-economic transformation, a series of environmental and resources problems have boomed in China. To solve these problems and promote the development of integrated studies of physical geography, the following issues were proposed as research priorities: (1) coupling of land surface patterns and processes; (2) integrated research on regional responses and adaptation to global change; (3) analysis of human dimensions of the earth system; (4) ecosystem service research from a geographical perspective; (5) integration of multi-source data and model development; (6) integrated studies on unique geographical units; and (7) important global issues and relevant international programs.  相似文献   

如何实现人口、城市规模和自然地理系统的协调及可持续发展,是城市化中人地关系面临的难题。以新疆91个县域单元为研究对象,基于研究区全域、六大地貌类型和七大水系分区3个空间维度,运用位序-规模法和人口Lorenz曲线法,对城市规模体系和人口分布格局量化分析,探究了新疆城市规模分布与地貌、水系空间分布的相关性。结果表明:(1) 地貌类型区系统规模分布相关系数为0.897,水系分区系统规模分布相关系数为0.951,表明城镇规模格局与水系地理因子关系更紧密。(2) 准噶尔盆地与天山北麓诸河区是2个突出的人口分布聚集单元,同时是地理类型高度叠加区,呈现出城市规模与自然地理结合的空间极化区。(3) 新疆各自然地理单元城市人口分布的异质性表现突出,地貌类型单元内人口集疏格局鲜明,水系分区单元内人口分布相对均衡,其中天山北麓诸河区人口集聚程度较高。总体来看,新疆城市人口规模区域差异特征显著,城市规模等级结构存在断层现象,城市体系发育不成熟,建议加强中等城市规模的发展,完善新疆全域的城市格局。  相似文献   

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