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通量贡献区是研究地—气间碳水热通量特征的重要内容之一。本文利用FFP(Flux Footprint Prediction)模型分析了2022年6月至2023年5月上黄站通量塔通量贡献区最大贡献度位置距塔体的距离(xcmax)、累计贡献达80%的最大延伸距离(x80)及其覆盖面积(S80)的时空特征及其影响因素。研究结果显示:(1)上黄站通量贡献区总体向东南方位延伸为主,西部次之,但夏季西部的通量贡献同样重要。此外,夜间和白天通量均以东南方向的贡献为主,但相对夜间,白天西部的通量贡献有所增加。(2)季节间通量贡献区的xcmax(8.25~14.42 m)、x80(169.38~235.23 m)和S80(24413.18~74723.86 m2)存在明显的差异。夜间xcmaxx80S80明显大于白天。(3)通量贡献区延伸方向的季节(昼夜)间差异主要受风向变化影响,而xcmaxx80S80的季节(昼夜)间的差异主要是由风速差异导致。研究结果有助于评估涡动通量塔的空间代表性,控制碳水热通量数据质量,理解通量变化特征,同时可服务于通量观测尺度拓展。


Carbon dioxide, latent and sensible heat fluxes were measured by means of the eddy covariance method above a mountain meadow situated on a steep slope in the Stubai Valley in Austria, based on the hypothesis that, due to the low canopy height, measurements can be made in the shallow equilibrium layer where the wind field exhibits characteristics akin to level terrain. In order to test the validity of this hypothesis and to identify effects of complex terrain in the turbulence measurements, data were subjected to a rigorous testing procedure using a series of quality control measures established for surface-layer flows. The resulting high quality dataset comprised 36% of the original observations, the substantial reduction being mainly due to a change in surface roughness and associated fetch limitations in the wind sector dominating during nighttime and transition periods. The validity of the high quality dataset was further assessed by two independent tests: (i) a comparison with the net ecosystem carbon dioxide exchange measured by means of ecosystem chambers, and (ii) the ability of the eddy covariance measurements to close the energy balance. The net ecosystem CO2 exchange measured by the eddy covariance method agreed reasonably well with ecosystem chamber measurements. The assessment of the energy balance closure showed that there was no significant difference in the correspondence between the meadow on the slope and another one situated on flat ground at the bottom of the Stubai Valley, available energy being underestimated by 28% and 29%, respectively. We thus conclude that, appropriate quality control provided, the eddy covariance measurements made above a mountain meadow on a steep slope are of similar quality as compared to flat terrain.  相似文献   

Micrometeorological measurements (including eddy-covariance measurements of the surface fluxes of sensible and latent heat) were performed during the LITFASS-2003 experiment at 13 field sites over different types of land use (forest, lake, grassland, various agricultural crops) in a 20 × 20 km2 area around the Meteorological Observatory Lindenberg (MOL) of the German Meteorological Service (Deutscher Wetterdienst, DWD). Significant differences in the energy fluxes could be found between the major land surface types (forest, farmland, water), but also between the different agricultural crops (cereals, rape, maize). Flux ratios between the different surfaces changed during the course of the experiment as a result of increased water temperature of the lake, changing soil moisture, and of the vegetation development at the farmland sites. The measurements over grass performed at the boundary-layer field site Falkenberg of the MOL were shown to be quite representative for the farmland part of the area. Measurements from the 13 sites were composed into a time series of the area-averaged surface flux by taking into account the data quality of the single flux values from the different sites and the relative occurrence of each surface type in the area. Such composite fluxes could be determined for about 80% of the whole measurement time during the LITFASS-2003 experiment. Comparison of these aggregated surface fluxes with area-averaged fluxes from long-range scintillometer measurements and from airborne measurements showed good agreement.  相似文献   

In a horizontally homogeneous atmosphere, the calculation of thevertical fluxes of mass, momentum, and heat from point measurementsare to lowest order calculated as the standard eddy covariance.Additional terms primarily related to the mean vertical velocity areadded to improve the accuracy of the calculation. A review ofprevious work is undertaken. The fluxes are reformulated beginningwith the equations of conservation of mass, momentum, and energy. Aformula for the mean vertical velocity is found that is accurate tothe ideal gas approximation. Relations are developed between fluxesat different heights. In addition to the relations for fluxes ofmass, sensible heat, and latent heat, the fluxes of momentum andturbulent kinetic energy are also considered.  相似文献   

On Frequency Response Corrections for Eddy Covariance Flux Measurements   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1  
Several potentially significant errors are noted in published frequency-response corrections for eddy-covariance flux measurements.  相似文献   

北京325米气象塔上CO2梯度观测数据质量控制与评价   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
近些年涡度相关系统在城市通量研究中得到了广泛应用,因城市下垫面的特殊性和复杂性,以及系统观测原理和仪器精度存在着局限性,使得结果存在10%以上偏差,故必须对原始观测数据进行质量控制和评价。本文对北京325 m气象塔七层高度上的CO2(二氧化碳)、能量等通量进行了长期观测,研究了涡度相关技术在城市环境通量观测中的适用性,设计出了一套适合于复杂城市下垫面上的涡度相关系统资料前处理和质量控制方案,并对比了不同修正方案效果。分析结果表明,城市下垫面环境中计算CO2通量的最优周期为30 min;二次坐标旋转法优于平面拟合法;频率响应修正后的感热通量提高5.21%,潜热通量和CO2通量均提高9.42%。空气密度脉动修正Liu法(Liu,2005)优于WPL法(Webb et al.,1980);湍流谱在惯性副区满足-2/3次方定律,协方差谱满足-4/3次方定律。经过这套前处理和质量控制方案,原始数据中有79%能够用于基础研究,该质量控制与评价体系可为复杂城市下垫面通量研究提供参考。  相似文献   

We measured the surface energy budget of an Alpine grassland in highly complex terrain to explore possibilities and limitations for application of the eddy-covariance technique, also for CO2 flux measurements, at such non-ideal locations. This paper focuses on the influence of complex terrain on the turbulent energy measurements of a characteristic high Alpine grassland on Crap Alv (Alp Weissenstein) in the Swiss Alps during the growing season 2006. Measurements were carried out on a topographic terrace with a slope of 25 inclination. Flux data quality is assessed via the closure of the energy budget and the quality flag method used within the CarboEurope project. During 93% of the time the wind direction was along the main valley axis (43% upvalley and 50% downvalley directions). During the transition times of the typical twice daily wind direction changes in a mountain valley the fraction of high and good quality flux data reached a minimum of ≈50%, whereas during the early afternoon ≈70% of all records yielded good to highest quality (CarboEurope flags 0 and 1). The overall energy budget closure was 74 ± 2%. An angular correction for the shortwave energy input to the slope improved the energy budget closure slightly to 82 ± 2% for afternoon conditions. In the daily total, the measured turbulent energy fluxes are only underestimated by around 8% of net radiation. In summary, our results suggest that it is possible to yield realistic energy flux measurements under such conditions. We thus argue that the Crap Alv site and similar topographically complex locations with short-statured vegetation should be well suited also for CO2 flux measurements.  相似文献   

Two almost identical eddy covariance measurement setups were used to measure the fogwater fluxes to a forest ecosystem in the “Fichtelgebirge” mountains (Waldstein research site, 786 m a.s.l.) in Germany. During the first experiment, an intercomparison was carried out with both setups running simultaneously at the same measuring height on a meteorological tower, 12.5 m above the forest canopy. The results confirmed a close agreement of the turbulent fluxes between the two setups, and allowed to intercalibrate liquid water content (LWC) and gravitational fluxes. During the second experiment, the setups were mounted at a height of 12.5 and 3 m above the canopy, respectively. For the 22 fog events, a persistent negative flux divergence was observed with a greater downward flux at the upper level. To extrapolate the turbulent liquid water fluxes measured at height z to the canopy of height hc, a conversion factor 1/[1+0.116(zhc)] was determined. For the fluxes of nonvolatile ions, no such correction is necessary since the net evaporation of the fog droplets appears to be the primary cause of the vertical flux divergence. Although the net evaporation reduces the liquid water flux reaching the canopy, it is not expected to change the absolute amount of ions dissolved in fogwater.  相似文献   

The flux footprint, that is the contribution per unit emission from each element of the upwind surface area to measurement of the vertical flux of a passive scalar, is calculated for fluxes estimated by micrometeorological profile techniques. It is found that the upwind extent of the footprint for concentration-profile flux estimates is similar to that of the footprint for eddy-covariance flux measurements, when the eddy-covariance measurement is made at a height equal to the arithmetic mean of the highest and lowest profile measurement heights for stable stratification or the geometric mean for unstable stratification. The concentration-profile flux footprint depends on the ratio of the highest to the lowest measurement height, but is insensitive to the number of measurement levels. The concentration-profile flux footprint extends closer to the measurement location than does the 'equivalent eddy-covariance flux footprint, and the difference becomes more pronounced as the ratio of the profile measurement heights increases. The flux footprint for the Bowen-ratio technique is identical to that for a two-level profile measurement only for very limited circumstances. In the more general case, a flux footprint cannot be defined for the Bowen-ratio technique and the uniform upwind fetch required for representative flux measurements depends on the specific spatial distribution of surface fluxes.  相似文献   

The deposition fluxes of inorganic compounds dissolved in fog and rain were quantified for two different ecosystems in Europe. The fogwater deposition fluxes were measured by employing the eddy covariance method. The site in Switzerland that lies within an agricultural area surrounded by the Jura mountains and the Alps is often exposed to radiation fog. At the German mountain forest ecosystem, on the other hand, advection fog occurs most frequently. At the Swiss site, fogwater deposition fluxes of the dominant components SO42− (0.027 mg S m−2 day−1), NO3 (0.030 mg N m−2 day−1) and NH4+ (0.060 mg N m−2 day−1) were estimated to be <5% of the measured wet deposition (0.85, 0.70 and 1.34 mg m−2 day−1, respectively). The corresponding fluxes at the forest site (0.62, 0.82 and 1.16 mg m−2 day−1, respectively) were of the same order of magnitude as wet deposition (1.04, 1.01 and 1.36 mg m−2 day−1), illustrating the importance of fog (or occult) deposition. Trajectory analyses at the forest site indicate significantly higher fogwater concentrations of all major ions if air originated from the east (i.e. the Czech Republic), which is in close agreement with earlier studies.  相似文献   

Experience of long term flux measurements over tall canopiesduring the last two decades has revealed that the eddy flux of sensible plus latentheat is typically 30% smaller than the available radiant energy flux. This failureto close the energy balance is less common close to the surface over short roughnessbut is still sometimes seen, especially in complex topography. These observationscast doubt on the results obtained from long term flux studies where daily and annualnet ecosystem exchange is usually the small difference between large positive andnegative fluxes over 24 h. In this paper we investigate this problem by examiningsome fundamental assumptions entailed in analysis of surface exchange by the eddyflux method.In particular, we clarify the form and use of the scalar conservation equation thatunderlies this analysis and we examine the links between averaging period androtation of coordinates in the situation where coordinates are aligned with thewind vector. We show that rotating coordinates so that the x axis is alignedwith the mean wind vector has the effect of high pass filtering the scalar covariance,¯wc, such that contributions to the aerodynamic flux from atmosphericmotions with periods longer than the averaging period are lost while those of shorterperiod are distorted.We compare the effect of computing surface exchange by averaging many shortperiods, in each of which the coordinates are rotated so that the mean verticalvelocity is zero (the method currently adopted in most long-term flux studies),with analysis in long-term coordinates and show a systematic underestimationof surface exchange in the former case. This is illustrated with data from threelong-term forest field sites where underestimations of sensible and latent heatfluxes of 10–15% averaged over many days are seen.Crucial factors determining the loss of flux are the averaging period T, themeasurement height and the content of the scalar cospectrum at periods longerthan T. The properties of this cospectrum over tall canopies in both homogeneousand complex terrain are illustrated by measurements at our three sites and we see thatover tall canopies on flat ground in convectiveconditions, or on hilly sites in near neutralflow, the scalar cospectra have much more low frequency contentthan classical surface-layerspectral forms would predict. We believe that the filtering of this low frequencycovariance by the averaging-rotation operations in common use is a large contributoryfactor to the failure to close the energy balance over tall canopies.  相似文献   

Processing and quality control of flux data during LITFASS-2003   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Different aspects of the quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) of micrometeorological measurements were combined to create a comprehensive algorithm which was then applied to experimental data from LITFASS-2003 (Lindenberg Inhomogeneous Terrain—Fluxes between Atmosphere and Surface: a long term Study). Eddy-covariance measurements of the latent heat flux were the main focus of the QA/QC efforts. The results of a turbulence sensor intercomparison experiment showed deviations between the different eddy-covariance systems on the order of 15%, or less than 30 W m−2, for the latent heat flux and 5%, or less than 10 W m−2, for the sensible heat flux. In order to avoid uncertainties due to the post-processing of turbulence data, a comprehensive software package was used for the analysis of experimental data from LITFASS-2003, including all necessary procedures for corrections and quality control. An overview of the quality test results shows that for most of the days more than 80% of the available latent heat flux data are of high quality so long as there are no instrumental problems. The representativeness of a flux value for the target land-use type was analysed using a stochastic footprint model. Different methods to calculate soil heat fluxes at the surface are discussed and a sensitivity analysis is conducted to select the most robust method for LITFASS-2003. The lack of energy balance closure, which was found for LITFASS-2003, can probably be attributed to the presence of low-frequency flux contributions that cannot be resolved with an averaging time of 30 min. Though the QA/QC system has been developed for the requirements of LITFASS-2003, it can also be applied to other experiments dealing with similar objectives.  相似文献   

The eddy-covariance method is the primary way of measuring turbulent fluxes directly. Many investigators have found that these flux measurements often do not satisfy a fundamental criterion—closure of the surface energy balance. This study investigates to what extent the eddy-covariance measurement technology can be made responsible for this deficiency, in particular the effects of instrumentation or of the post-field data processing. Therefore, current eddy-covariance sensors and several post-field data processing methods were compared. The differences in methodology resulted in deviations of 10% for the sensible heat flux and of 15% for the latent heat flux for an averaging time of 30 min. These disparities were mostly due to different sensor separation corrections and a linear detrending of the data. The impact of different instrumentation on the resulting heat flux estimates was significantly higher. Large deviations from the reference system of up to 50% were found for some sensor combinations. However, very good measurement quality was found for a CSAT3 sonic together with a KH20 krypton hygrometer and also for a UW sonic together with a KH20. If these systems are well calibrated and maintained, an accuracy of better than 5% can be achieved for 30-min values of sensible and latent heat flux measurements. The results from the sonic anemometers Gill Solent-HS, ATI-K, Metek USA-1, and R.M. Young 81000 showed more or less larger deviations from the reference system. The LI-COR LI-7500 open-path H2O/CO2 gas analyser in the test was one of the first serial numbers of this sensor type and had technical problems regarding direct solar radiation sensitivity and signal delay. These problems are known by the manufacturer and improvements of the sensor have since been made. The National Center for Atmospheric Research is supported by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Turbulent flux measurements both above and beneath the canopy of a boreal aspen forest are described. Velocity skewness showed that, beneath the aspen canopy, turbulence was dominated by intermittent, downward penetrating gusts. Eulerian horizontal length scales calculated from integration of the autocorrelation function or spectral peaks were 9.0 and 1.4 times the mean aspen height of 21.5 m respectively. Above-canopy power spectral slopes for all velocity components followed the -2/3 power law, whereas beneath-canopy slopes were closer to -1 and showed a spectral short cut in the horizontal and vertical components. Cospectral patterns were similar both above and beneath the canopy. The Monin–Obukhov similarity function for the vertical wind velocity variance was a well-defined function of atmospheric stability, both above and beneath the canopy. Nocturnal flux underestimation and departures of this similarity function from that expected from Monin–Obukhov theory were a function of friction velocity. Energy balance closure greater than 80% was achieved at friction velocities greater than 0.30 and 0.10 m s-1, above and below the aspen canopy, respectively. Recalculating the latent heat flux using various averaging periods revealed a minimum of 15 min were required to capture 90% of the 30-min flux. Linear detrending reduced the flux at shorter averaging periods compared to block averaging. Lack of energy balance closure and erratic flux behaviour led to the recalculation of the latent and sensible heat fluxes using the ratio of net radiation to the sum of the energy balance terms.  相似文献   

Non-stationary turbulence can invalidate eddy flux calculations. Two-hour longrecords of wind velocity, temperature and humidity are classified as stationaryor non-stationary based on the behaviour of the flux as a function of Reynoldsaveraging period; a number of indicators of stationarity are investigated. Thetwo-hour Maritime Continent Thunderstorm Experiment wind datasets are notcompletely stationary, as indicated by the lack of a spectral gap, but can beclassified as approximately stationary, when the mean wind speed is greaterthan 3.8 m s-1, or the standard deviation of true wind direction is 10°, or the ratio of horizontal wind variance to wind speed is <0.25. In the stationary case the calculated friction velocity exhibits a 7% decrease on average when the Reynolds averaging period is doubled, while data classified as non-stationaryexhibit an increase of 32%. There is little non-stationary behaviour in the kinematicheat fluxes, and is independent of the non-stationarity of the friction velocity. Thekinematic heat fluxes show small decreases (around 3%) when the Reynolds averagingperiod is doubled.  相似文献   

CO2湍流通量误差的修正和不确定性研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
目前国内外对能量和CO2涡动相关通量的测量误差的谱修正缺乏一致性,导致各测量站之间的资料对比难以进行,给全球尺度资料的合成造成很大困难。因此在强调长期CO2通量测量精度的同时,还应该注重确定对测量误差修正的首选方法和研究重点。该文主要介绍了两种用于修正测量仪器误差的谱方法;二维和三维的气流运动对通量误差的影响;资料处理中的误差;夜间CO2通量的测量问题。  相似文献   

基于涡度相关通量数据估算水稻光能利用率   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
使用涡度相关通量数据估算安徽寿县农田水稻拔节至成熟期的光能利用率,并分析光能利用率的日变化和季节变化。研究表明:光能利用率的日动态呈现先降低后升高的单峰U型曲线,即早晚值较高,中午较低;季节变化总体呈现降低趋势。日变化中,光能利用率与温度呈正相关,与吸收的光合有效辐射呈显著负相关;季节变化中,光能利用率与温度呈弱正相关。  相似文献   

涡动相关仪和大孔径闪烁仪观测通量的空间代表性   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
在对涡动相关仪和大孔径闪烁仪足迹模型进行敏感性分析的基础上,利用北京密云站2006年8月至2007年12月期间的观测资料,应用足迹模型对观测通量的空间代表性做了初步的分析.结果表明:涡动相关仪和大孔径闪烁仪的源区对风向、Monin-Obukhov长度,空气动力学粗糙度和观测高度/有效高度等因子比较敏感.密云站涡动相关仪的源区白天主要分布在仪器的西南与南面,而夜间则在东北与北面.大孔径闪烁仪的源区为西南一东北向分布.涡动相关仪各月源区形状不同,但大致分布在南北长1000 m、东两宽850 m的范嗣内,而LAS各月源区为西南一东北向分布,长约2060 m,最宽处约为620 m.对涡动相关仪通量有贡献的下垫面主要为园地(67%)和耕地(19%).其中园地的通量贡献比例在夏、秋季比较大,冬、春季稍小,而耕地则相反.大孔径闪烁仪的主要通量贡献源区为园地、耕地和居民地,通量贡献比例分别为49%,28%和11%.其中园地和耕地通量贡献率的变化趋势与涡动相关仪的观测结果一致,但没有涡动相关仪的变化明显.  相似文献   

Equations are presented to correct eddy-covariancemeasurements for both fluctuations in density andnon-zero mean advection, induced by convergence ordivergence of flow, and spatial source/sinkinhomogeneity, under steady-state and transientconditions. This correction collapses to theWebb–Pearman–Leuning expression ifthe mean vertical velocity is zero, and formally addsthe Webb–Pearman–Leuning expression to the correctionssuggested by Lee for conditions ofnon-zero vertical velocity and source/sink and meanscalar horizontal homogeneity. The equation requiresmeasurement of the mean vertical gradients of thescalar concentration of interest (air temperature,humidity, CO2) as well as an accurateestimation of the mean vertical velocity, in additionto the vertical eddy covariance of the scalar. Simplemethods for the approximation of sensor tilt andcomplex terrain flow angle are presented, to allowestimation of non-zero mean vertical velocities. Theequations are applied to data from a maize crop and aforest to give examples of when the correction issignificant. In addition, a term for thethermodynamic expansion energy associated with watervapour flux is derived, which implies that the sonictemperature derived sensible heat flux will accuratelyinclude this contribution.  相似文献   

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