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A current predominant paradigm emphasizes the role of epiphytic algae for invertebrates in most seagrass food webs. However, in some intertidal Zostera noltii beds, epiphyte biomass is very low compared to microphytobenthos and seagrass biomasses. We assessed the role of microphytobenthos in a temperate intertidal Z. noltii bed by combining stable isotope and fatty acid (FA) analyses on primary producers, composite sources — suspended particulate organic matter (SPOM) and sediment surface organic matter (SSOM) — and the main macrofaunal consumers. Z. noltii showed high δ13C (−9.9‰) and high 18:2(n-6) and 18:3(n-3) contents. Microphytobenthos was slightly more 13C-depleted (−15.4‰) and had high levels of diatom markers: 14:0, 16:1(n-7)c, 20:5(n-3). Low mean δ13C (−22.0‰) and large amounts of diatom and bacteria (18:1(n-7)c) markers indicated that SPOM was mainly composed of a mixture of fresh and decayed pelagic diatoms. Higher mean δ13C (−17.9‰) and high amounts of diatom FAs were found in SSOM, showing that microphytobenthic diatoms dominate. Very low percentages of 18:2(n-6) and 18:3(n-3) in consumers indicated a low contribution of Z. noltii material to their diets. Grazers, deposit and suspension-deposit feeders had δ13C close to microphytobenthos and high levels of diatom FAs, confirming that microphytobenthos represented the main part of their diet. Lower δ13C and higher amounts of flagellate FAs – 22:6(n-3) and 16:4(n-3) – in suspension feeders indicated that their diet resulted from a mixture of SPOM and microphytobenthos. These results demonstrate that invertebrates do not consume high amounts of seagrass and highlight the main role of benthic diatoms in this intertidal seagrass bed.  相似文献   

Kelp holdfasts are highly reticulated structures which host a large diversity of small fauna. These microhabitats have been reported to play a crucial role in the biodiversity associated to kelp forest ecosystems. This study aimed at identifying trophic links and the main food sources sustaining food webs within communities associated with kelp holdfasts, through a stable isotope (δ13C and δ15N) approach. Sampling of the main invertebrates inhabiting Laminaria digitata holdfasts, and of their potential food sources, took place in February and May 2007. Stable isotope results reveal that most of the primary consumers, including filter-feeders and deposit-feeders, rely on the particulate organic matter sedimented within kelp holdfasts. Only three grazers departed from this general pattern. The correspondence between the stable isotope ratios of predators and sediment consumers indicated that this source is at the base of the main pathway through which energy and matter transit in the food web. δ15N ranges found for consumers revealed that the food web associated with kelp holdfasts is composed of 3.5 levels. In spite of the low diversity of food sources at the base of the food web, these microhabitats can therefore be considered micro-scale ecosystems, from a functional perspective.  相似文献   

This study aimed at establishing the effects of human-made physical modifications on the trophic structure and functioning of an intertidal benthic food web in Arcachon Bay (France). The main food sources and the most representative consumers were sampled on an artificial rocky dyke and its adjacent seagrass meadow. The food sources of consumers were inferred through the use of carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes. The contributions of the different food sources to the diets of the consumers were established using the Isosource mixing model. In order to reduce the range of feasible contributions, additional non-isotopic constraints were added when necessary to the outputs of this model.  相似文献   

As one of the most common and dominant species in the Southern Ocean, Antarctic krill(Euphausia superba)play a significant role in food web structure and the process of energy flow. The diet of Antarctic krill in the Prydz Bay during austral summer of 2012/2013 was investigated and the ontogenetic shift in krill diet was evaluated using the stable isotope method. The nitrogen stable isotope values(δ~(15) N) of adults((2.78±0.58)‰) were much higher than those of juveniles((1.69±0.70)‰), whereas the carbon stable isotope values(δ~(13) C) of adults(–(28.26±1.08)‰) were slightly lower than those of juveniles(–(27.48±1.35)‰). Particulate organic matter(POM)from 0, 25, and 50 m depth combined(0/25/50 m) represented phytoplankton food items. The results showed that phytoplankton food items in surface water and mesozooplankton were two essential food items for Antarctic krill in the Prydz Bay during summer. POM(0/25/50 m) contributes 56%–69% and 26%–34% to the diet of juvenile and adult krill, respectively, whereas mesozooplankton composes 13%–34% and 58%–71% of the diet of juvenile and adult krill, respectively. Thus, an ontogenetic diet shift from POM(0/25/50 m), which consists mainly of phytoplankton, to a higher trophic level diet containing mesozooplankton, was detected. The capacity for adults to consume more zooplankton food items may minimize their food competition with juveniles, which rely mostly on phytoplankton food items. This suggests "diet shift with ontogeny" which may somehow help krill keep their dietary energy budget balanced and well adapted to the Antarctic marine ecosystem as a dominant species.  相似文献   

Stable isotope analyses (δ13C and δ15N) were used to evaluate the spatial variations in carbon flow from primary producers to consumers at two sites in the temperate and permanently open Kariega Estuary on the southeastern coast of South Africa during October 2005 and February 2006. One site was located opposite a salt marsh while the second was upstream of the marsh. Except for significantly enriched δ13C values of Zostera capensis and surface sediments near the salt marsh, the δ13C and δ15N signatures of the producers were similar between sites. The invertebrates were clustered into groups roughly corresponding to the predominant feeding modes. The suspension feeders showed δ13C values closest to the seston, whereas the deposit feeders, detritivores and scavengers/predators had more enriched δ13C values reflecting primary carbon sources that were likely a combination of seston, Spartina maritima and Z. capensis at the upstream site, with an increased influence of benthic algae and Z. capensis at the salt marsh site. The δ15N signatures of the consumers showed a stepwise continuum rather than distinct levels of fractionation, indicating highly complex trophic linkages and significant dietary overlap among the species. Consumers exhibited significantly enriched δ13C values at the salt marsh site, an effect that was attributed to enriched Z. capensis detritus in this region in addition to increased phytoplankton biomass in their diets compared with invertebrates living upstream. The data reinforce the concept that between-site variations in the stable isotope ratios of consumers can result not only from dietary shifts, but also from alterations in the isotope ratios of primary producers.  相似文献   

食物资源对海洋动物的生存和繁衍至关重要。海洋动物的营养生态位描述了其在海洋生态系统中的生态地位及功能, 对分析种间关系和资源分配模式、了解群落结构与功能具有重要的指示作用。本文在整理近30年来国内外相关研究的基础上, 系统归纳了当前海洋动物营养生态位研究的主要方法(胃含物分析、整体组织稳定同位素分析、脂肪酸组成分析和特定化合物稳定同位素分析)及其应用领域, 着重归纳总结了量化营养生态位宽度和重叠的生态模型, 并分析了各营养生态位评估方法的优势和局限性。同时在此基础上, 对今后研究方向提出了展望, 以期为我国海洋动物摄食生态学相关研究工作提供参考。  相似文献   

The Río de la Plata (34° 36′ S, 55° 58′ W; Argentina and Uruguay) estuary, one of the most important South American estuarine environments, is characterized by weak seasonal freshwater discharge, low tidal amplitude (<1 m), a wide and permanent connection to the sea, and a salt-wedge regime. Using stable isotope analysis, we explored the relative importance of the different sources of primary production in the food web. Our results show that phytoplankton and macrodetritus from terrestrial salt and freshwater marshes both contribute to the food web of the Río de la Plata estuary. On the basis of the sampled species, we identified four trophic levels. The clam Mactra isabelleana, the calanoid copepod Acartia tonsa, and the opossum shrimp Neomysis americana are the primary consumers. The rays Atlantoraja castelnaui and Squatina guggenheim and the shark Galeorhinus galeus are the top predators. The Río de la Plata food web shows an important input of nutrients derived from phytoplankton. Rays, sharks, and predatory gastropods reveal an important contribution of C4 plants (likely Spartina spp.). However, production derived from C3 plants is also important for some species. The fishes Brazilian menhaden, Brevoortia aurea; the stripped weakfish Cynoscion guatucupa; and the whitemouth croaker, Micropogonias furnieri, showed differences in their isotopic signatures as juveniles and adults, indicating different food sources, and they were therefore treated as different components of the food web. Our data suggest that detritus from salt and freshwater marshes is reaching the Río de la Plata estuary and can be an important allocthonous source of energy to this environment.  相似文献   

To assess the potential of stable isotope ratios as an indicator of fish migration within estuaries, stable isotope ratios in important zooplankton species were analyzed in relation to estuarine salinity gradients. Gut contents from migratory juveniles of the euryhaline marine fish Lateolabrax japonicus were examined along the Chikugo River estuary of the Ariake Sea, which has the most developed estuarine turbidity maximum (ETM) in Japan. Early juveniles in March and April preyed primarily on two copepod species; Sinocalanus sinensis at lower salinities and Acartia omorii at higher salinities. Late juveniles (standard length > 40 mm) at lower salinities preyed exclusively on the mysid Acanthomysis longirostris until July and complementarily on the decapod Acetes japonicus in August. These prey species were collected along the estuary during the spring–summer seasons of 2003 and 2004, and their carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios (δ13C and δ15N) were evaluated. The δ13C values of prey species were distinct from each other and were primarily depleted within and in close proximity to the ETM (salinity < 10); S. sinensis (−26.6‰) < Acanthomysis longirostris (−23.3‰) < Acartia omorii (−21.1‰) < Acetes japonicus (−18.5‰). The overall gradient of δ13C with salinity occurred for all prey species and showed minor temporal fluctuations, while it was not directly influenced by the δ13C values in particulate organic matter along the estuary. In contrast to δ13C, the δ15N values of prey species did not exhibit any clear relationship with salinity. The present study demonstrated that δ13C has the potential for application as a tracer of fish migration into lower salinity areas including the ETM.  相似文献   

魁蚶(Anadara broughtonii)是我国北方重要的经济贝类,筏式养殖是其主要的生产方式。2014年5月至2015年1月,测定了不同季节灵山湾筏式养殖魁蚶及其3种潜在食物源(表层颗粒有机物SPOM、底层颗粒有机物BPOM和附着微藻AM)的碳氮稳定同位素(δ13C和δ15N),结合胃含物分析研究了海区食物源结构的季节变化对魁蚶食物组成的影响。结果显示,魁蚶及其食物源的稳定同位素比值均存在明显的季节差异,魁蚶的δ13C值(-19.6‰~-19.2‰)介于SPOM (-23.3‰~-21.8‰)、BPOM (-22.1‰~-21.2‰)和AM(-17.0‰~-16.0‰)之间,δ15N值范围集中在8.7‰~9.9‰。冬季魁蚶的δ13C值最低,δ15N值则最富集。水体颗粒有机物(主要由浮游植物组成)是魁蚶的主要食物来源(60.0%~77.8%),以夏季的饵料贡献率最高;海区再悬浮作用使BPOM的贡献率始终维持在较高水平(30.8%~47.1%);而养殖网笼上的附着微藻也可为魁蚶提供约22.1%~40.0%的食物。研究揭示了筏式养殖魁蚶可以混合滤食颗粒有机物和附着微藻,附着微藻是其重要的食物补充。  相似文献   

We estimated the composition of two food sources for the cultured pearl oyster Pinctada fucata martensii using stable isotopes and stomach content analysis in the coastal areas of the Uwa Sea, Japan. The δ13C values of oysters (−17.5 to −16.8‰) were intermediate between that of particulate organic matter (POM, −20.2 to −19.1‰) and attached microalgae on pearl cages (−13.0‰). An isotope mixing model suggested that oysters were consuming 78% POM (mainly phytoplankton) and 22% attached microalgae. The attached microalgal composition of the stomach content showed a strong resemblance to the composition of that estimated through the isotope mixing model, suggesting preferential utilization of specific components is unlikely in this species. These results indicate that P. fucata martensii feed on a mixture of phytoplankton and attached microalgae, and that the attached microalgae on pearl cages can serve as an important additional food source.  相似文献   

Carbon and Nitrogen stable isotopes and stomach contents analyses were used to investigate an estuarine fish food web and identify the contribution of these two methods to the knowledge and understanding of the food web's structure and its functioning. The nine most abundant fish species during the warm period in the Gironde estuary (southwest France, Europe) are examined. Observation of the stomach contents reflects a variety of feeding modes between fish species that consume a diverse assortment of prey, with limited dietary overlap. Nevertheless, when regarding the whole fish community, few prey species dominate the stomach contents. Nitrogen isotope ratios indicate a high intraspecific variability inducing an interspecific covering of the signatures. However, a tendency to δ15N enrichment according to the trophic position of the species studied was observed. Fish assemblages show a trend towards enrichment of their carbon isotopic signatures from the upper estuary (−20.8 ± 1.8‰) towards the lower estuary (−18.3 ± 1.6‰). But whatever the capture zone considered, most of the individual δ13C values for each fish analysed are comprised between −22 and −16‰. Only few specimens, belonging to migratory amphihaline species, have significantly lighter values.  相似文献   


Stable isotopes of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) were studied in 11 stream communities in the Waikato region of New Zealand. From comparisons of mean δ13C and δ15N values, food webs in the shaded, forest streams were clearly based on allochthonous material (conditioned leaf litter and terrestrial invertebrates). Autotrophs in forest streams were not a significant C source for the food webs. However, the C source of food webs in the unshaded pasture streams appeared to be a mixture of allochthonous and autochthonous material. Conditioned leaf litter appeared to contribute to the pasture stream food webs, and the δ13C and δ15N of some samples of epilithic diatoms indicated their consumption by invertebrates in pasture streams. Fish ate a wide range of aquatic invertebrates; longfinned eels (Anguilla dieffenbachii) and banded kokopu (Galaxias fasciatus) also had a large proportion of terrestrial invertebrates in their diet. Filamentous green algae were found only at pasture sites, where they were sometimes abundant. The wide range of δ13C values of filamentous green algae (‐18.8 to ‐29.7‰) complicated understanding of their role in the stream food webs. The δ13C values of Cladophora were related to water velocity, with more 13C‐enriched values in pools than in runs (‐23.2‰ in pools, mean velocity 0.12 m s?1; ‐28.1‰ in runs, mean velocity 0.24 m s?1). Crayfish and the gastropod mollusc Potamopyrgus appeared to be the only invertebrates to eat filamentous green algae.  相似文献   

Stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes were used to assess site fidelity of Solea solea and Solea senegalensis juveniles, to investigate food web interactions and to determine the dominant nutrient pathways in two nursery areas in the Tagus estuary, Portugal. Samples of water from the main sources and from the nursery areas and respective saltmarsh creeks were collected for isotope analysis, as well as sediment, benthic microalgae, saltmarsh halophytes, S. solea, S. senegalensis and its main prey, Nereis diversicolor, Scrobicularia plana and Corophium spp. While site fidelity was high in 0-group juveniles, it was lower for 1-group juveniles, possibly due to an increase in mobility and energy demands with increasing size. Analysis of the food web revealed a complex net of relations. Particulate organic matter from the freshwater sources, from each nursery's waters and saltmarsh creeks presented similar isotopic composition. Sediment isotopic composition and saltmarsh halophytes also did not differentiate the two areas. All components of the food web from the benthic microalgae upwards were isotopically different between the nursery areas. These components were always more enriched in δ13C and δ15N at the lower nursery area than at the nursery located upstream, appearing as if there were two parallel trophic chains with little trophic interaction between each other. A mixture of carbon and nitrogen sources is probably being incorporated into the food web. The lower nursery area is more dependent upon an isotopically enriched energy pathway, composed of marine particulate organic matter, marine benthic microalgae and detritus of the C4 saltmarsh halophyte Spartina maritima. The two nursery areas present a different level of dependence upon the freshwater and marine energy pathways, due to hydrological features, which should be taken into account for S. solea and S. senegalensis fisheries and habitat management.  相似文献   

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