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通过建立和谐满意度评价指标体系,结合因子分析与聚类分析剖析了四川省18个省辖市和谐满意度水平,并针对四川省目前的和谐满意度水平提出了相应的对策建议,为四川省的和谐发展提供参考依据.  相似文献   

1 我国城市化与城市信息系统的地区浪潮 对地理信息系统的社会需求.城市大于农村.沿海先于内陆。这是与国民经济发展和城市化水平相适应的。只有土地单位面积的增值或工农业产值足以承担地理信息系统的运行费用,这些城市才有可能驱动城市信息系统的开展。  相似文献   

城市土地集约利用途径探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改革开放以来,我国的城市化、工业化迎来了历史上最快的发展阶段,城市与城镇建设规模、人口规模、经济水平都得到空前的发展。1980年我国的城市化水平仅为19%,2005年上升到43%,25年间提高了24个百分点,增速是同时期世界平均水平的三倍。2007年末城市化水平达到44.9%。与中国城市化快速发展相对应的是中国经济的迅速崛起。  相似文献   

城市化是经济和社会发展的必然产物,是人类社会不断走向文明与进步的重要标志之一.我国城市化虽起步较晚,但改革开放以来,我国持续、快速、稳定的经济发展带动了城市化的快速发展.在经济带动城市化发展的同时,城市化发展也为国民经济的工业化、现代化建设提供了有力的支持和保障.然而,随着我国城市化进一步发展,城市化与土地的矛盾也更加尖锐,如何有效解决二者之间的矛盾已成为我国城市化能否持续、快速、健康发展的关键.  相似文献   

以我国首批14个沿海开放城市为研究对象,从经济、社会、环境和城乡一体化4个方面选取12个评价指标,运用主成分分析法对其城市化质量进行评价,然后采用聚类分析法和协调度模型法分析城市化质量与水平的协调性。研究表明:(1)影响沿海开放城市的城市化质量的主要因子可归结为经济社会发展水平、居民生活质量、环境保护和城乡协调发展4个因子,其中经济社会发展水平是最重要的影响因子;(2)城市化质量存在明显差异:广州、上海和大连为I类城市化质量城市,宁波、烟台、青岛、天津、秦皇岛、福州为II类,南通、湛江和温州为III类,连云港和北海为IV类;(3)城市化水平高并不代表城市化质量高,反之亦然。城市化质量和水平相协调的城市,其二者相对统一,反之则相偏离;(4)从城市化质量与城市化水平协调性看,秦皇岛、温州、福州、湛江为质量滞后型,天津为质量轻度滞后型,上海、宁波、大连、广州、南通为质量协调型,北海、青岛、连云港为质量轻度超前型,烟台为质量超前型。  相似文献   

我国城市化进程中的土地利用问题分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国经济自改革开放以来有了飞速的发展,城市化进程也有了空前的发展,城市化水平已从改革前的20%提高到2002年的39%。国内外城市学家一般把城市化的过程分为三个阶段:第一阶段(初级阶段),城市化水平在30%以下;第二阶段(中级阶段),城市化水平30%~70%;第三阶段(高级阶段),城市化水平达到70%以上。根据城市化发展规律,我国城市化已进入快速发展阶段。预计到2020年城市化水平将达到50%左右,沿海各省城市化水平可达60%以上。土地资源有限,特别是耕地稀缺是我国的基本国情。而城市的扩张需要土地资源作为支撑,当前所面临的土地利用问题或多或少都是因城市化而带来的,但是大量实例证明,城市化的推进和加速对于土地的集约利用和缓和人地矛盾有十分重要的作用。  相似文献   

沈阳城市化进程中的环境问题及城市化调控对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从1980年以来.中国城市经济有了很大的发展,人口城市化水平有了较大的提高。然而,经济和工业的快速增长对城市环境产生消极影响,中国众多的人口和快速城市化给环境造成很大压力。  相似文献   

1概述 1998年底,浙江省第十次党代会提出:必须加快城市化进程,把城市化作为我省经济社会新一轮发展的重要载体,作为实现经济发展从量的扩张到质的提高的有效途径来抓,争取用10年左右的时间,使浙江城市化水平达到50%.  相似文献   

浙江省城市化和城市土地集约利用的时空耦合关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于城市化与城市土地集约利用的综合评价指标体系,对浙江省城市化水平和城市土地集约利用进行测度,然后构建城市化水平和城市土地集约利用度的耦合协调发展度模型,采用ArcGIS10.2进行时空差异分析。结果表明:各个城市的城市化和城市土地集约利用耦合协调度都在逐年优化,协调水平较好,城市发展呈现上升态势;两者耦合协调发展水平空间差异显著,呈现出片状分区集聚的特征。北部耦合协调度高,处于协调期,南部呈东西分化状态,其中西部衢州、丽水两市处于拮抗期,东部城市大都处于磨合期。  相似文献   

城市化是经济社会发展到一定阶段的必经过程,城市化水平是衡量经济发展水平的重要标志.据江苏省海门市"十五"期间批准的各类建设用地供地数统计,2000年供地数为1030.5亩,2001年供地数为2230.5亩,2002年供地数为21 25.5亩,2003年供地数为9987亩,2004年供地数为11607亩,2005年供地数达16000多亩.  相似文献   

Equal access to education has long been a global concern and is important for rural revitalization strategy in the new era. However, little is known about the regional differences of educational resources in China, especially southwest China, where the spatial heterogeneity of human and physical geography is extremely significant. Using a dataset of primary and secondary schools of southwest China at county level in 2015, this study builds an index system to comprehensively measure the supply of educational resources, investigates the spatial pattern of educational resources via exploratory spatial data analysis(ESDA), and explores its influence factors through spatial econometrics. Results indicated that the supply level of educational resources in southwest China was relatively low; the high-high clusters of the supply of educational resources were mainly located in Sichuan Basin and the east of Western Sichuan Plateau, while the concentrated poverty-stricken areas of Guizhou and the border areas of Yunnan-SichuanGuizhou, especially Wumeng mountain area, were characterized by the low-low clusters. Furthermore, this study suggested that altitude, population density, local government revenue and rural residents' income were positively correlated with the supply of educational resources, while the negative influenceswere exerted by proportion of ethnic minority population and urbanization rate. And there were differences in the specific objects of actions of each factor. Ultimately, we proposed that village relocation and combination, as well as sustainable urbanization and regional development were practical paths to optimize the supply of educational resources in rural areas, thus promoting the modernization of agriculture and countryside.  相似文献   

The Ecological Footprint(EF) equation provides useful accounting to analyze the relationship between human activities and the environment.Knowledge of the specific forces driving EF is not fully understood but the STIRPAT model provides a simple framework for decomposing the impact of human activities on environment.We applied the EF model in Sichuan Province,China to assess the impact of human activities.The per capita EF increased by 2 fold in the 14 years between 1995 and 2008,but ecological capacity decreased in the same period,suggesting that the biologically productive area of Sichuan Province is inadequate to sustain human activities.According to the refined STIRPAT model,the hypothesized driving forces of EF include population size(P),GDP per capita(A1),quadratic term of GDP per capita(A2),percentage of GDP from industry(T1) and urbanization rate(T2).However,the multi-collinearity among these drivers could be a substantial problem which may reveal negative effect in the final results.Application of the Ridge Regression(RR) method to fit the STIRPAT model had the advantage of being able to avoid the collinearity among independent variables.The results showed that population is the principal driving force of EF variation in Sichuan Province and that urbanization and industrialization also have a positive association with the EF.Analysis of affluence elasticity(EEA) showed that the relationship betweenEF and economic growth was not curvilinear,suggesting that variation of EF does not follow an Environmental Kuznets Curve relative to economic growth in Sichuan Province.  相似文献   

Urbanization is a comprehensive concept, a trinity process that population urbanization, economic urbanization and space urbanization, is based on the interactions and mutual influences among the in which, people are the central and leading players in this process, while economic activities serve as the driving force and space is the carrier-the physical or material setting as well as the product. So the coordination among these processes is crucial for a country or region's sustainable development. China is experiencing rapid growth of cities and a surge in urban population, with the basic national condition of many people and little land, which calls for a systematic study of the issue of coordinated urbanization from theoretical, methodological and practical perspectives. Based on the concept of urbanization and non-coordination of urbanization, this article built a quantitative method to identify and evaluate the urbanization and non-coordination of urbanization, and made an empirical analysis in China between 2000 and 2008. The results show that the non-coordination overall level of China's urbanization declined during the study period, because population urbanization, economic urbanization, and space urbanization exhibited different trajectories of change. This study also reveals that performance assessment system, household registration system, and urban land expropriation system, etc., are the main affecting factors. At the end, we put forward some suggestions to achieve sustainable development of China's urbanization from the aspects of improving the local government's obiective function, imolementing the urban plalming svstem, enforcing public particination asnects and so on.  相似文献   


In order to explore the train of thought for China‘s urbanizing development and coordinated rural eco-nomic development, and to find good ways of solving rural problems through urbanization, this paper absorbs the push-and-pull forces theory and the systematic dynamic theory in the traditional population migration theories, views urbanization as a dynamic system, makes research on the push-and-pull mechanism of urbanization. The pulling power of urbanization is analyzed according to two aspects, the agglomeration effect and the radiation effect of cities. The agglomeration effect provides continuous propelling force for urbanization, and the radiation effect further accelerates the urbanization process by pushing forward the development of rural economy. Of course, the slow de-velopment of urbanization can result in the hindrance to rural economic development.  相似文献   

Growth of Chinese small towns is a continuing process of urbanization. By analyzing regional disparity and comprehensive development level of Chinese small towns, it is considered that town development depends mainly on the regional agriculture and social development level. Their spatial distribution is restricted by population distribution and regional economic development level. Chinese urbanization, just the same as urbanization in developed countries, is a sign of socio-economic vigour and prosperity, and is not related to social and political systems. Thus, it is worth to discuss China’s anti-urbanism with abroad scholars.  相似文献   

研究青藏高原城镇化格局的时空分异及其影响因素,有利于推动青藏高原现代人类活动时空过程的认知,对青藏高原就地就近城镇化及可持续发展具有参考意义。根据历次人口普查数据,本研究构建青藏高原县市尺度城镇化空间数据集,参考城镇化发展阶段,采用LISA空间类型划分法和空间计量回归模型,系统分析1990-2010年青藏高原内部城镇化格局的时空分异特征及影响因素。主要结论包括:① 青藏高原整体城镇化水平偏低,2017年底,青藏高原主体部分青海省和西藏自治区的常住人口城镇化水平分别为53.07%和30.8%,低于全国同期水平的58.52%,但青藏高原内不乏高水平城镇化地区,而且各地区间城镇化水平的空间差异缩小;② 青海西部柴达木盆地是高水平城镇化集聚区,羌塘地区是低水平城镇化集聚区,地级行政中心所在县市多呈现自身高、周边低的城镇化格局;③ 与内地相似,第二、三产业从业机会是推动青藏高原城镇化发展重要因素,社会公共服务资源对城镇化拉动作用开始凸显。研究结果可以为青藏高原人类活动研究和青藏高原就地就近城镇化可持续发展政策提供参考。  相似文献   

1IN T R O D U C T IO NU rbanizationand eco-environment coupling is uniqueand complex,and itsmechanisms and ruleshave pro-voked much scholarship(B RENNA,1999).More than100yearsago,HOWARD(1898)publishedG ardenC ities of Tom orrow to revealthe interrelationshibpes-tween citygrowth and itseco-environment,and he triedtodealwiththeissuewithrationalplanningway,buthefailed(BOURNE and SIMMONS,1978).However,onlysincethe1920s had thetopicspeciallybeen intensfiied.AftertheChicago schoolhad…  相似文献   

新型城镇化是以人为核心的城镇化,山东半岛城市群作为我国11个国家级城市群之一,近年来城镇化发展速度不断加快。以山东半岛城市群8个设区城市为研究对象,通过构建城市土地扩张与人口增长协调关系模型,计算8个城市的土地扩张与人口增长协调度,并根据城市土地扩张与人口增长的协调性分级标准,把1994年和2013年8个城市的土地扩张与人口增长协调性关系进行分等定级评价。结果表明:山东半岛城市群城市土地扩张与人口增长的协调性较弱,呈现出土地快速扩张态势。8个城市中有5个城市表现为土地快速扩张,其中2个城市表现为土地显著扩张,3个城市表现为土地明显扩张;人地基本协调的仅有3个,协调性空间分异明显。针对8个城市土地扩张与人口增长间不同类型的协调度,提出发展建议,促进山东半岛城市群城市土地扩张与人口增长协调发展,提高城镇化发展质量。  相似文献   

Urbanization development quality (UDQ) of urban agglomeration (UA) is one of the important indexes to evaluate if the UA urbanization speed is reasonable, if the population urbanization process is sound, if the economic urbanization process is efficient, if the social urbanization process is harmonious and fair, which is generally composed of three parts, including economic urbanization development quality, social urbanization development quality and spatial urbanization security quality. With the research of evolution rules of UDQ, through the analysis on the interactive coordination relation between UDQ and urbanization level, the paper proposes three dimensional index ball and standard value of comprehensive measures of UDQ, which is composed of three categories of indexes. By introducing Atkinson model, this paper constructs the sub-element measure model and segmental measure model of UDQ, and further makes an overall evaluation on the characteristic of UDQ of UAs in China. Results show that: 1) UDQ of UAs lied at optimization and upgrading phase during 1995–2008 and the quality was low. Population urbanization level did not reflect the UDQ of UAs; 2) the improving speed of the spatial urbanization security quality was higher than the social urbanization development quality, and the improving speed of economic urbanization development quality was the lowest; 3) the coordination between UDQ and urbanization level was not so good; 4) there was a weak correlation relation between UDQ and UA scale, and it was not true that the bigger the UA was, the better the UDQ was.  相似文献   

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