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由于历史的原因和技术条件所限,我国一直未能实施长城资源的综合科学调查,缺乏关于其空间分布、保存状况、实际长度等方面的科学数据资料。为了摸清明长城“家底”,国家测绘局和国家文物局发挥各自优势,联合开展了长城资源调查与测量工作。按照“文物部门定性、测绘部门定量”的基本策略,提出了“影像为基、立体量测、带状建库”的总体研究思...  相似文献   

基于影像的明长城解译与判识,可在室内获得有关长城走向与基本空间分布格局。据此,文物田野调查人员可以科学制定田野调查规划以提高长城资源田野调查效率。同时,在影像上标志长城资源的田野调查成果,能够进一步提高明长城记录的科学性、正确性与准确性,确保明长城在语义与空间位置上的统一与唯一,为测量长城、制定长城保护与管理方案等奠定...  相似文献   

随着社会经济的快速发展,工程建设项目呈现爆发式增长。但是存在测绘事项审批主体多,行政审批全过程耗时长、多头测绘、重复测绘等问题,因此国务院办公厅开始推行工程建设项目审批制度改革工作。本文以工程建设项目审批制度改革为契机,利用GIS、三维可视化、大数据、云计算等技术,制定了"多测合一"工作标准规范,优化了工程建设项目"多测合一"业务流程,搭建了"多测合一"管理服务平台,并阐述了平台的特色优势。实践表明,平台在项目在线委托、多部门联合审查、成果规范化管理等方面起到了关键作用,优化了审批流程、缩短测绘时间,提高了测绘服务质量和行政审批效率。  相似文献   

多目标区域地球化学调查是针对第四纪覆盖区开展的基础性调查工作,主要目标包括基础地质、资源潜力与生态环境等三大方面。调查工作按照1:250000采样网度和采样密度,以系统开展土壤地球化学测量(近岸海域沉积物地球化学测量和湖泊沉积物地球化学测量)为主,水地球化学测量为辅,测定其中数十种无机和有机地球化学指标,编制地球化学图件及编写相应测区调查报告。  相似文献   

明长城资源调查采用了基于影像的田野调查技术.该技术主要包括两部分,一是通过影像进行田野调查任务分配、路线规划、属性和定位信息的标示;二是通过田野调查数据采集系统数字著化录了田野调查成果.历时3年的明长城资源田野调查工作证实,该技术科学、高效、可操作性强.  相似文献   

以往人们说“万里长城万里长”,但长城究竟有多长?我国测绘专家经两年风餐露宿、奔波跋涉,近日给出了答案。4月18日,国家测绘局和国家文物局在北京八达岭长城联合举行明长城长度数据发布会。最新数据显示,明长城东起辽宁虎山,西至甘肃嘉峪关,从东向西行经辽宁、河北、天津、北京、山西、内蒙古、陕西、宁夏、甘肃、青海10个省(区、市)的156个县域,总长度为8851.8公里。  相似文献   

正"在深化自然资源‘放管服’改革,优化营商环境工作中,我们制定出台工程建设项目审批联合测绘制度,减少重复测绘,减轻企业负担,提高工作效率。"6月3日,在焦作市自然资源和规划局,说起"多测合一"改革,该局调查与测绘科科长杨黎介绍说。该局实施的联合测绘规则以统一规范标准为着力点,进一步完善了联合测绘政策标准和措施规范,明确了  相似文献   

一、地形测绘数字化测图的产生和应用 关于地形测量合成图的测绘,常规的成图方法是一项脑力劳动和体力劳动结合的艰苦的野外工作,同时,还有大量的数据处理和绘图工作,成图周期较长。随着测绘科技的飞速发展,大比例尺地形测量的技术面貌发生了深刻的变化,并取得很大的成就。随着激光技术、计算机硬件和软件技术的发展,产生了测距仪、全站仪、陀螺仪等光电结合型的测绘仪器,传统的测绘方法因此发生了巨大的变化。  相似文献   

随着现代化测绘基准体系和新技术在测绘地理信息产业中的推广应用,测量标志管护工作面临新的问题与挑战。国家、省、市相继颁布"十三五"基础测绘规划,主要任务之一是加大财政资金投入,建立并维持现代测绘基准体系。如何在测绘地理信息产业和测绘新技术快速发展大环境下,管理、维护、利用好维持测绘基准体系的测量标志,发挥测量标志服务社会经济发展功能,是测量标志主管部门"十三五"期间的工作重点。该文通过调查分析枣庄市测量标志管护工作现状,指出了测量标志管护工作中存在的问题,在现代测绘基准体系建立、测量标志保护设施、单基站CORS建设、卫星导航定位连续运行基准站运行管护、测量标志动态监管系统融合等方面提出了建议。  相似文献   

地籍调查是测量和调查土地及其附着物的权属、位置、质量、数量及利用现状等专业性测绘工作。此项工作采用以往传统方式工作量大,尤其在控制测量方面,操作困难且易出错。随着现代科学技术的不断发展,GPS技术在地籍调查中已得到广泛的应用,使地籍测量从常规的手工作业程序中摆脱出来。本文重点阐述利用GPS技术进行控制测量的施测方法。  相似文献   

阐述了明长城资源调查获取到的海量成果数据整合的方法:借助部件化的思想,为田野调查数据和基础地理数据的有机关联找到了合适途径。经过系统调用的测试,证明了整合结果的可用性和适用性,能为跨行业数据整合提供一定的经验。  相似文献   

陕西省明长城调查成果涉及大量的数据,为了科学合理地对这些数据进行管理,构建了陕西省明长城资源管理信息系统.本文介绍了基于GIS技术构建该系统的主要技术和方法.系统采用了两层架构设计方法,在ArcGIS Explorer平台上,利用Visual Studio进行插件式开发,实现了陕西省明长城资源管理信息系统的建设.该系统...  相似文献   

Based on the observed and NCEP reanalysis data from 1985 to 2006,the climate background and synoptic situation of fog at Great Wall Station were analyzed. It is shown that the seasonal variation of fog is controlled by the change of general circulation and local pressure field. Three favorable typical synoptic situations for fog development are found, the Front-of-A-Depression type, the Saddle-Shaped-Field type and the Passing-Weak-Cyclone type. The first one is the most important situation. Advection cooling fog is dominant at Great Wall Station, but there are other kinds of fog as well. As a result, some helpful principles for local fog forecasting are given.  相似文献   

The radioactive isotope——137 Cs is one of the important tracers for studying the physical processes and the human impacts on the environment. Based on the investigation results of the terrestrial ecosystem of Great Wall Station, Antarctica, it was shown that there are some artificial radioactive elements——137Cs in Antarctic terrestrial ecosystem. The sequence of 137Cs specific activities is as follows: crustaceous lichen>fruticose lichen>surface-moss>surface soil, and the crustaceous lichen is one of the most sensitive ways in monitoring the impact of the long-term diffusion of 137Cs on the environment.  相似文献   

The variation of visibility at Great Wall Station (GWS) was analyzed using manual observational data for the period of 1986 to 2012. Results show that the frequencies of occurrence of high (≥ 10 km) and low visibility (0-1 km) are 61.0% and 8.0%, respectively. Visibility at GWS shows an evident seasonal variation: The highest visibility between November and March, and the lowest visibility from June to October. Sea fog and precipitation are the main factors for low visibility during summer, whereas frequent adverse weather, such as falling snow, blowing snow, or blizzards, are responsible for low visibility in winter. The frequency of occurrence of low visibility has decreased significantly from 1986 to 2012. Conversely, the frequency of occurrence of high visibility has shown a significant increasing trend, especially during winter. The decreasing tendencies of fog, blowing snow, and snowfall have contributed to the increasing trend of high visibility during winter. Visibility at GWS exhibits significant synoptic-scale (2.1 to 8.3 d), annual, and inter-annual periods (2 a, 4.1 a, and 6.9 a to 8.2 a), among which the most significant period is 4.1 a. The visibility observed during 2012 indicates that instrumental observation can be applied in the continuous monitoring of visibility at GWS.  相似文献   

The relationship between cross-regional cultural landscapes does not currently receive enough attention in cultural landscape conservation. Cultural landscapes in China are faced with the crisis of fragmentation and islanding, which makes it necessary to strengthen the idea of integrated conservation. The Great Wall cultural belt in Beijing is a cross-regional linear cultural landscape in the northwest mountainous area of Beijing. With the Great Wall as a link connecting the surrounding natural, social, and cultural resources to form a banded structure, it has the typical and practical significance of integrated conservation. Based on the theory of the cultural landscape security pattern and its ‘node – setting – connection' model, this research studies the spatial structure and shaping mechanism of the Great Wall cultural belt in Beijing from the perspective of tourist flow, using Flickr geo-tagged photos and Wikiloc tracks. The results identify the core nodes and intermediate nodes of the Great Wall cultural belt in Beijing and show that it has a multicore, multi-group hierarchical nesting structure differing from the geographic space, which has groups following the evolution orbit of ‘linear string – circumnuclear star – complete network.' To explain the differences between the cultural association network(CAN) and the geospatial network(GSN), we find that the cultural associations between nodes rely on geophysical channels, including heritage corridors and traffic passages, as physical carriers, but the nodes' attraction and their setting elements, containing natural geography environments, settlements, administrative divisions, etc., change the channel resistance, so CAN and GSN present different characteristics. From the perspective of systematic and spatial network thoughts, this study has made an attempt to adopt new analysis and research methods to achieve the integrated conservation and inheritance of linear cultural landscapes in mountainous areas.  相似文献   

Gravity measurement is of great importance to the height datum in Antarctica.The absolute gravity measurement was carried out at Great Wall Station, Antarctica, using FG5 absolute gravity instrument.The gravity data was processed with corrections of earth tide, ocean tide, polar motion and the atmospher, and the RMS is within +3 x 10 -s ms-2.The vertical and horizontal gravity gradients were measured using 2 LaCoaste & Romberg (LCR) gravimeters.The absolute gravity measurement provides the fundamental data for the validation and calibration of the satellite gravity projects such as CHAMP, GRACE and GOCE, and for the high accuracy geoid model.  相似文献   

我国按传统模式自建的矿山,日渐显露出资源枯竭所带来的弊端。中国长城铝业公司矿山公司积极探索新模式办矿,即国有企业和地方联办铝矿,适应了社会主义市场经济的要求。本文从10个方面归纳了其创新优势,并对巩固和发展新模式办矿提出了建议。  相似文献   

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