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The use of dissolved organic matter fluorescence as a tracer of river-sea mixing was examined in two South Carolina estuaries. Fluorescence declined linearly with seawater dilution in laboratory mixing studies, and also behaved conservatively in an estuary where a single river emptied into a bay. Fluorescence-salinity relationships were also studied in another estuary where a piedmont river (high suspended sediment, low fluorescence) and a coastal plains river (low sediment, high fluorescence) mixed with ocean water. The factor of 2 or greater difference in fluorescence between the two rivers allowed their relative contribution to the estuarine water mass to be distinguished. Petroleum hydrocarbons, measured in estuarine water at 0·7-1·8 μg l−1 concentrations, contributed negligibly to water fluorescence.  相似文献   

The generation of tidal asymmetries is clarified via numerical integration of the one-dimensional equations for channel geometries characteristic of shallow estuaries. Channels without tidal flats develop a time asymmetry characterized by a longer falling than rising tide. This behavior is enhanced by strong friction and large channel cross-sectional area variability over a tidal cycle. Resulting tidal currents have a shorter, intense flood and a longer, weak ebb (flood-dominant). Addition of tidal flats to the channels can produce a longer rising tide and stronger ebb currents (ebb-dominant), if the area of tidal flats is large enough to overcome the effects of time-variable channel geometry. Weaker friction with flats can also produce this asymmetry.Despite the physical complexity of these systems, essential features of estuarine tidal response can be recovered from one-dimensional models. Shallow estuaries are shown to have a system response leading to stable, uniform senses of tidal asymmetry (either flood- or ebb-dominated, due to phase-locking of forced tidal constituents), with down-channel development in magnitude of asymmetry. These concepts are illustrated by modeling idealized representations of tidal channels at Nauset Inlet, MA, and Wachapreague Inlet, VA, which have flood- and ebb-dominance, respectively.  相似文献   

Isolates of the dinoflagellate Gonyaulax tamarensis were established from benthic cysts or motile cells collected along the north-western Atlantic coast from the Bay of Fundy to Long Island. All clones were grown under the same conditions and assayed in a blind test for toxin content and composition. Differences in toxin content (μmouse unit per cell) spanning two orders of magnitude were found, with decreasing toxicity from north to south. Some isolates had undetectable toxin levels. The low toxicity of southern strains of G. tamarensis may explain the historical absence of paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) in areas where cysts and motile cells have been reported. The cause of the observed geographic pattern is unknown, but is does suggest that there may be an environmentally-determined southern limit to the regional PSP problem.Qualitative data on the toxin composition of some clones indicate that saxitoxin, neosaxitoxin and gonyautoxins -II, -III and -IV are generally present. A more quantitative approach (i.e. one which examines each isolate for all of the 12 Gonyaulax toxins) is needed to fully utilize the potential of toxin composition in discriminating between strains.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton community composition, productivity and biomass characteristics of the mesohaline lower Neuse River estuary were assessed monthly from May 1988 to February 1990. An incubation method which considered water-column mixing and variable light exposure was used to determine phytoplankton primary productivity. The summer productivity peaks in this shallow estuary were stimulated by increases in irradiance and temperature. However, dissolved inorganic nitrogen loading was the major factor controlling ultimate yearly production. Dynamic, unpredictable rainfall events determined magnitudes of seasonal production pulses through nitrogen loading, and helped determine phytoplankton species composition. Dinoflagellates occasionally bloomed but were otherwise present in moderate numbers; rainfall events produced large pulses of cryptomonads, and dry seasons and subsequent higher salinity led to dominance by small centric diatoms. Daily production was strongly correlated (r = 0·82) with nitrate concentration and inversely correlated (r = −0·73) with salinity, while nitrate and salinity were inversely correlated (r = −0·71), emphasizing the importance of freshwater input as a nutrient-loading source to the lower estuary. During 1989 mean daily areal phytoplankton production was 938 mgC m−2, mean chlorophyll a was 11·8 mg m−3, and mean phytoplankton density was 1·56 × 103 cells ml−1. Estimated 1989 annual areal phytoplankton production for the lower estuary was 343 gC m−2.  相似文献   

Data collected in 1953 and 1954 by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service were statistically analyzed to ascertain where and when fish eggs and larvae are most abundant on the southeastern U.S. continental shelf. The results are related to some oceanographic processes that might affect the survival of larval fish. Along-shelf differences in numbers of eggs and larvae are minimal compared with differences that occur across the shelf. Highest numbers of fish larvae are found on the outer shelf during fall, winter and spring, but larvae are evenly distributed across the shelf in summer.Upwelling strongly influences the dynamics of plankton production on the outer shelf, and thus during most seasons of the year upwelling may be the most important process controlling the amount of food available to larval fish. During winter and spring, mean winds do not favor shoreward transport of larval fish from the outer shelf if the larvae are located in near-surface waters. Thus, during these seasons variability of winds on the ‘event’ time scale may be more important to onshore and offshore transport of larval fish than the mean strength and direction of monthly or seasonally averaged winds.  相似文献   

The annual loads of nutrients (TOxN equal to nitrate+nitrite; ammonium, phosphate, silicate) to all the estuaries on the mainland of the United Kingdom were estimated from data on water flow through gauging stations at the tidal limits of estuaries, and from concentration measurements under the Harmonised Monitoring Scheme of nutrient concentrations in water samples from these stations. The annual loads of nutrients showed distinct regional variations, with estuaries along the west coast of Wales and northern Scotland having much smaller loads than those along the east coast of England. The largest nitrogen loads were of TOxN, and ammonium loads were usually small in comparison. The Severn, Mersey, Humber and Thames had the highest loads, although these were small in relation to the larger continental European estuaries. Loads of TOxN per unit of catchment area were surprisingly constant (about 105 moles N km−2 y−1). The nutrient loads showed that most U.K. catchments were influenced by human activity, the majority being in the ‘ moderately influenced ’ category. Nutrient loads were also normalized for the area of each estuary, as a measure of the relative influence of nutrients on the receiving estuaries. The ratios of N:P, N:Si and P:Si in the annual loads suggested that most estuaries were likely to be, if anything, P limited rather than N or Si limited. However, crude annual loads may conceal significant seasonal variations.The spring maximum chlorophylla concentrations in coastal waters adjacent to each estuary were significantly correlated with the log total annual loads of TOxN, ammonium and phosphate (but not silicate) for each estuary, providing a direct link between a measure of the degree of biological response in coastal waters and the nutrient load through the estuaries. There were no significant correlations between spring maximum chlorophyll a concentrations and either catchment-normalized or estuary-normalized nutrient loads. There was significant correlation between catchment area-normalized loads of phosphate and an urbanization index for the catchments, but not with the catchment area-normalized loads of the other nutrients.  相似文献   

河口细颗粒泥沙有机絮凝的研究综述及机理评述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
河口海岸水域细颗粒泥沙的絮凝研究一直是人们广泛关注的课题,由于河口区水体成分较为复杂,加上水动力条件的影响,因此对絮凝的研究也是众说纷纭,本文针对河口区丰富的有机质,着重分析和综述了有机质对细颗粒泥沙粒径、表面电性质和稳定性的影响以及有机絮凝的热力学理论解释等研究成果,同时对泥沙颗粒有机絮凝的机理和有机―无机复合絮凝的模式进行了详细评述。在此基础上,结合国内有机絮凝研究现状,提出了今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

研究重力式海洋平台沉箱的表面裂纹最大深度,通过考虑沉箱有一个内表面裂纹,将问题简化为无裂纹重力式平台问题和带裂纹矩形板问题的叠加,应用有限元方法对重力式海洋平台无裂纹情形进行了静力分析,得到了与裂纹位置对应处的环向拉应力。计算裂纹矩形板的应力强度因子,得到海洋环境荷载下沉箱内表面裂纹的最大深度为0.066 8m,计算结果可供海洋平台的设计参考。  相似文献   

By coupling the three-dimensional hydrodynamic model with the wave model, numerical simulations of the three-dimensional wave-induced current are carried out in this study. The wave model is based on the numerical solution of the modified wave action equation and eikonal equation, which can describe the wave refraction and diffraction. The hydrodynamic model is driven by the wave-induced radiation stresses and affected by the wave turbulence. The numerical implementation of the module has used the finite-volume schemes on unstructured grid, which provides great flexibility for modeling the waves and currents in the complex actual nearshore, and ensures the conservation of energy propagation. The applicability of the proposed model is evaluated in calculating the cases of wave set-up, longshore currents, undertow on a sloping beach, rip currents and meandering longshore currents on a tri-cuspate beach. The results indicate that it is necessary to introduce the depth-dependent radiation stresses into the numerical simulation of wave-induced currents, and comparisons show that the present model makes better prediction on the wave procedure as well as both horizontal and vertical structures in the wave-induced current field.  相似文献   

根据文献[l]建立的底层温度(TH)与其水柱垂向平均温度()的经验关系,结合流体动力学方程和(垂向平均)热传导方程,发展了以水气温差和风速为已知量的底层温度二维数值预报模式。该模式避开了海面热量和动量输入在垂直水柱中分配的复杂物理过程而直接报出底层水温场,具有较好的实用性;此外,从试报结果看,效果令人满意。  相似文献   

介绍了第11届PECS02国际会议上有关河口和海岸海物理海洋学研究方面的进展。包括河口动力学、河口输运、海岸动力学、海岸输运、河口海岸地貌动力学和大陆架海动力学6个部分。  相似文献   

A Deep Draft Semi-submersible (DDS) under certain flow conditions could be subjected to Vortex-Induced Motions (VIM), which significantly influences the loads on and life fatigue of the moorings and the risers. To investigate the VIM of a DDS with four rectangular section columns in waves coupled with a uniform current, a numerical study using the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method was conducted. The issues of the VIM of multi-column floaters can be conveniently converted to the issues of oscillating cylinders in fluid cross flows. This paper looks into the CFD numerical simulation of infinite cylinders having rectangular sections in a two-dimensional sinusoidal time-dependent flow field coupled with a uniform current. The resulted hydrodynamic forces and motion responses in different oscillatory flows plus currents both aligned in the same direction for the incidence of 135° of the DDS relative to the flow are compared with the ones in current only cases. The results show that the VIM response of this geometric arrangement of a DDS with four rectangular columns in a current combined with oscillatory flows is more evident than that in the current only case. The oscillatory flows and waves have the significant influence on the VIM response, forces and trajectory, in-plane motions of the DDS.  相似文献   

通过采用不同方法对东沙底质沉积物进行了土粒相对密度分析前处理,以探讨东沙底质沉积物中可溶盐、碳酸盐和有机质对其土粒相对密度的影响。结果表明,去除盐、碳酸盐和有机质后,东沙底质沉积物土粒相对密度明显降低,其中可溶盐对其土粒相对密度的影响最大。有机质含量的变化与东沙底质沉积物土粒相对密度变化的关系较大,呈负相关;而可溶盐和碳酸盐含量的变化与东沙底质沉积物土粒相对密度变化的关系则很小。  相似文献   

Behaviour of silicate, nitrate and phosphate in the Mandovi Estuary was studied during the premonsoon season. The study shows that silicate is removed from the water column while nitrate showed an internal source. This nitrate source has been identified as the wash water from an iron ore screening plant which discharges the muddy waste directly into the river. Applying mixing relations, the distribution of this nitrate both up- and downstream of the outfall has been studied. Phosphate showed very low concentrations in the low salinity region; however, its concentration increased slightly towards the higher salinity region.  相似文献   

The choice of convenient basic constituents for evaluating pH stability of aqueous systems is discussed, and two useful interaction parameters are defined and related to the buffer capacity: the interaction capacity, δ′X,Y=?pX?TOTY, and the interaction intensity, δX, Y = ?pX?pTOTY; for pH and TOTH, δH, H = ?βH?1, where βH is the pH buffer capacity. A method is presented for the computation of exact values of all interaction capacities and intensities through inversion of the Jacobian matrix of the system of non-linear equations describing the aqueous system. The major species of an aqueous system (H2O, H+, solid phases, gases, and the most abundant solute species) are shown to constitute a useful set of basic constituents for evaluation of approximate pH buffer capacities according to a simple rule: the major-minor species rule for zeroth order pH-TOTH interaction. The concepts of buffering and pH-statting are examined and contrasted; it is demonstrated that the buffer capacity of an aqueous system cannot be infinite: it is limited by the concentration of solutes in solution. The effect upon pH of variations in constituents other than H+ is described in terms of first order interactions via complex formation and solid formation; approximate formulas for calculation are derived. Higher order interactions are derived from combinations of first order ones. The pH stability of the ocean system is examined in terms of an aqueous phase model including ion-association reactions and a heterogeneous model incorporating CO2 in the gas phase, quartz, kaolinite, calcite, chlorite, and illite, in addition to the aqueous phase. There is an approximately three-fold enhancement of buffer capacity in the aqueous model as a consequence of ion-association. Only a few interaction pathways are of quantitative significance in establishing the buffer capacity. Results for the heterogeneous ocean model lend quantitative support to Sillén's notion of pH stability: the buffer capacity is about four hundred times greater than that of the aqueous phase model.  相似文献   

重力垂直梯度在解决和解释地球表层地质和地球物理问题中的作用日益明显,因而获得其模型和分布是非常必要的。利用测高卫星可以得到空间大范围高精度、高分辨率的垂线偏差、重力异常以及大地水准面数据,利用测高重力资料和地球重力场模型,采用不同方法分别计算了南海海域重力垂直梯度,并对它们进行了比较。  相似文献   

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