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淮河中下游洪泽湖湖泊沉积物粒度特征及其沉积环境意义   总被引:16,自引:5,他引:16  
以淮河中下游洪泽湖湖底沉积物为研究对象,将放射性核素计年与沉积物粒度分析、粒度平面分形研究以及历史文献资料相结合,初步探讨了洪泽湖湖底沉积物粒度特点及该区域近300年来的气候变化,为恢复百年尺度的气候干湿变化提供了一条新途径。研究发现,湖区气候的干湿变化大致可分为三个阶段。进一步说明沉积物粒度参数的变化不仅与自然环境改变有关,也与人类活动如黄河改道、湖泊周围建闸等关系密切。  相似文献   

通过对获取的巢湖湖泊沉积岩芯的磁化率与粒度组合特征的分析,结合孢粉及相邻其它区域的环境考古资料,得出该岩芯柱样所反映的环境变化信息。结果表明:(1)巢湖湖泊沉积物磁化率曲线在117 cm以下总体上比较平稳而略有下降,117 cm以上人类活动所导致的侵蚀作用加剧使得磁化率值异常升高;(2)本岩芯柱样117 cm以下样品的磁化率强度与粘土的百分比含量呈正相关,而与粉砂组分的百分比含量成负相关;(3)根据磁化率与粒度组合变化特征,结合孢粉分析及全新世以来区域气候变化背景,9 870 Cal a B.P.以来的巢湖流域古气候环境演变可以划分6个不同的时期:9 870~7 000 Cal a B.P.,气候呈温和略干的特点;7 000~4 750 Cal a B.P.,气候温暖湿润;4 750~2 170 Cal a B.P.,流域气候温和干燥,巢湖湖盆局部地区可能出露水面以上;2 170~1 040 Cal a B.P.,气候总体上温和湿润,但是冷暖波动明显;1 040~2 00 Cal a B.P.流域处在温凉稍湿的时期,人类活动逐渐加强;200 Cal a B.P.至今,流域总体上处于相对温暖湿润阶段。  相似文献   

云南中甸纳帕海湖泊沉积物的磁化率及环境意义   总被引:29,自引:4,他引:29  
研究区母岩特性,搬运距离和搬运营力决定了磁性矿物主要赋存在砂砾级颗粒中,纳帕海潮泊沉积物的磁化率与颗粒粒径,沉积相和有机质含量存在密切的相关关系,滨浅湖环境中砂砾级颗粒含量增加以及波浪淘洗对磁性矿物的富集作用,磁化率较高;浅湖环境中粉砂增多,砂减少,磁化率较之滨浅湖有所降低,在低能的半深湖/深湖环境中,由于缺乏磁性矿物的输入,磁化率再次降低,有机质含量很高的湖岸湖环境由于有机质的稀释作用磁化率值最低,磁化率等环境替代指标以及和北半球气候变化阶段,深海氧同位素阶段的对比,将纳帕海近6ka年来划分成6个主要的环境演化阶段,32kaB.P.(14.99m)和15kaB.P.(6.06m)分别是环境和气候变化的重要转折点,32-15ka B.P.期间出现的高湖面表明,虽然大气温度下降但有效湿度增加,全新世湖泊的急剧萎缩预示在大气温度增加的同时有效湿度降低,暖偏于构成了研究区全新世气候演化的特色。  相似文献   

呼伦湖沉积物粒度特征及其环境指示意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙华杰  臧淑英  孙德尧  张科  孙丽 《地理科学》2018,38(9):1570-1578
通过对呼伦湖湖心沉积岩芯粒度机械组成和频率分布曲线的分析,辅以210Pb年代测定,重建了1865~2016年粒度演变特征并揭示其环境指示意义。研究表明:湖心沉积物主要为粉砂和黏土,中值粒径同粗粉砂和砂组分显著正相关,在垂直剖面上表现为减小、波动变化和增大的变化趋势。应用对数正态分布函数对粒度频率曲线进行拟合,提取出大气粉尘源、湖心相标志组分和风沙尘暴组分3个环境敏感组分。粒度机械组成与环境敏感组分的垂向特征变化同历史时期的湖泊水位变化、降水量强度变化,及沙尘暴事件较为一致,能够较好的重建150 a来湖区气候干湿变化和风沙活动特征,可用于恢复区域环境变化历史。  相似文献   

昆特依盐湖是柴达木盆地盐湖演化和古气候研究的重要对象。前人对昆特依盐湖钻孔的年代学和地球化学组成特征开展过一些研究,但由于采样间距大,限制了对成盐演化过程的深入理解。而且,目前关于昆特依盐湖磁化率特征的研究未见报道。本文对昆特依盐湖ZK1402钻孔(35 m深)的14C年代和磁化率进行了初步研究。结果表明:(1)钻孔由含盐碎屑层和盐层的互层所组成。钻孔的低频磁化率和高频磁化率的变化极为相似。盐层的低频磁化率值低,含盐碎屑层的低频磁化率值高。低频磁化率清晰地记录到古盐湖经历了四次显著的成盐期。(2)低频磁化率和频率磁化率(百分比形式)呈负相关关系。(3)钻孔24.8 m深处的加速器质谱(AMS)14C校正年代为31780 ± 442 cal a BP,33.0 m深处的年代(19259 ± 207 cal a BP)出现倒转,表明钻孔下部的14C年龄可能受到现代碳污染而接近饱和。  相似文献   

柴达木盆地昆特依盐湖磁化率特征及古气候意义   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
昆特依盐湖是柴达木盆地盐湖演化和古气候研究的重要对象。前人对昆特依盐湖钻孔的年代学和地球化学组成特征开展过一些研究,但由于采样间距大,限制了对成盐演化过程的深入理解。目前关于昆特依盐湖磁化率特征的研究尚未见报道。对昆特依盐湖ZK1402钻孔(35 m深)的14C年代和磁化率进行了初步研究。结果表明:1)钻孔由含盐碎屑层和盐层的互层所组成。盐层的低频磁化率值低,含盐碎屑层的低频磁化率值高。低频磁化率清晰地记录到古盐湖经历了4次显著的成盐期。钻孔的低频磁化率和高频磁化率的变化极为相似。2)低频磁化率和频率磁化率(百分比形式)呈负相关关系。3)钻孔9.6 m深处的加速器质谱(AMS)14C校正年代为23 333±255 cal a BP,24.8 m深处的年代为31 780±442 cal a BP,33.0 m深处的年代(19 259±207 cal a BP)出现倒转。钻孔24.8 m和33.0 m深处的14C年龄可能被低估。  相似文献   

Southern California faces an imminent freshwater shortage. To better assess the future impact of this water crisis, it is essential that we develop continental archives of past hydrological variability. Using four sediment cores from Lake Elsinore in Southern California, we reconstruct late Holocene (3800 calendar years B.P.) hydrological change using a twentieth-century calibrated, proxy methodology. We compared magnetic susceptibility from Lake Elsinore deep basin sediments, lake level from Lake Elsinore, and regional winter precipitation data over the twentieth century to calibrate the late Holocene lake sediment record. The comparison revealed a strong positive, first-order relationship between the three variables. As a working hypothesis, we suggest that periods of greater precipitation produce higher lake levels. Greater precipitation also increases the supply of detritus (i.e., magnetic-rich minerals) from the lake's surrounding drainage basin into the lake environment. As a result, magnetic susceptibility values increase during periods of high lake level. We apply this modern calibration to late Holocene sediments from the lake's littoral zone. As an independent verification of this hypothesis, we analyzed 18O(calcite), interpreted as a proxy for variations in the precipitation:evaporation ratio, which reflect first order hydrological variability. The results of this verification support our hypothesis that magnetic susceptibility records regional hydrological change as related to precipitation and lake level. Using both proxy data, we analyzed the past 3800 calendar years of hydrological variability. Our analyses indicate a long period of dry, less variable climate between 3800 and 2000 calendar years B.P. followed by a wet, more variable climate to the present. These results suggest that droughts of greater magnitude and duration than those observed in the modern record have occurred in the recent geological past. This conclusion presents insight to the potential impact of future droughts on the over-populated, water-poor region of Southern California.  相似文献   

海南岛双池玛珥湖全新世磁化率及其环境意义   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
罗攀  郑卓  杨小强 《热带地理》2006,26(3):211-217
海南岛双池玛珥湖沉积物磁化率高分辨率的时间序列分析表明,磁化率与粒度指标和粘土矿物含量存在相关关系,磁化率突变往往对应于沉积物的突变界面,因此与沉积相变化可以对比.磁化率与碳、氮含量呈负相关,表明湖泊的有机质生产力高时磁化率较低.多指标的对比分析进一步证明了中国热带全新世高温期为:7 200~2 700aBP,高温期从炎热而降雨量相对低的稳定时期过渡到频繁变动的气候不稳定阶段;晚全新世,尤其在2 700aBP左右,气候模式发生了重大转折,波动幅度变大,可能与厄尔尼诺-南方涛动(ENSO)活动性增强有关.海  相似文献   

Historical and recent changes in the nature of Lake Texcoco, a saline lake in Mexico, are described. These changes are particularly important since they significantly affect water supply, drainage and other urban issues in Mexico City, Mexico's largest city and capital located within the general boundaries of the lake basin and gradually sinking (mean annual sinking rate is 30 cm). After brief reviews of the present status of the lake and background geological, palaeolimnological and climatic features, human activities during historical and recent times are considered. Of particular note have been drainage basin activities, diversion of inflows, pollution and over-exploitation of groundwater and biological resources (especially fish and waterfowl). The major effects of these activities are water shortages, soil erosion, salinization, dust storms, sinking ground, poor water quality and decreased biological resources. Conservation measures are discussed.  相似文献   

内蒙古嘎顺诺尔湖泊沉积物磁化率与粒度的古环境意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
湖泊沉积物磁化率和粒度已被广泛地应用于古环境和古气候研究,但在不同地区两者的关系不同,一般与磁性矿物来源、种类和赋存粒级有关。查明磁性矿物来源和赋存状态是利用粒度和磁化率恢复古环境的重要基础。通过测定干旱区嘎顺诺尔GXN剖面湖泊沉积物的磁化率与粒度及两者的相关关系,结合代表性样品的岩石磁学特征,揭示此类地区湖泊沉积物磁性矿物来源和赋存状态,探讨它们在干旱区湖泊沉积物中所反映的环境变化信息。结果显示,剖面下部(200~105 cm)和上部(36~0 cm)沉积物磁化率与粗砂含量呈正相关,中部(105~36 cm)与粉砂含量呈正相关,表明磁性矿物主要富集于粗颗粒和较粗颗粒组分中。剖面下部和中部沉积物以顺磁性矿物为主,含少量亚铁磁性矿物(如磁铁矿+磁赤铁矿),含少量顺磁性矿物;剖面上部沉积物以亚铁磁性矿物为主(如磁赤铁矿+磁铁矿),含少量顺磁性矿物。根据嘎顺诺尔晚全新世湖泊沉积物剖面的岩性、磁化率和粒度组合特征,可将其划分为河漫滩相沉积(200~105 cm)、浅湖相沉积(105~36 cm)和滨浅湖相沉积(36~0 cm)3个阶段。该湖粒度组分中<4 μm和4~64 μm颗粒主要反映了湖泊水动力的变化,受碎屑物来源和水动力条件的控制;而河漫滩相中>64 μm粗颗粒组分的峰值是风力作用的结果。河漫滩相及滨浅湖相的磁化率高值则指示了湖面较低,水动力较强,有较多的磁性矿物随粗颗粒入湖;浅湖相的磁化率低值则指示该时期湖面较高,水动力较弱,磁性矿物随入湖粗颗粒含量的减少而降低。  相似文献   

The article presents the results of lithological and geochemical investigations of recent sediments of Lake Pusty Staw. The analysed sediments document about 300 years of the history of this lake. Historical materials indicate that significant changes in the catchment of the lake took place from the beginning of the 18th century (deforestation and afforestation) followed by 19th century tourist development, and 20th century industrialisation. The sediments were dated using the 210Pb and 137Cs method and core lithology. These made it possible to establish a reliable chronology to the year 1730. The calculated sedimentation rates ranged between 0.17 and 0.83 cm year–1. There was a period of intensified erosion caused by land clearance between 1734 and 1810, which resulted in an acceleration in sedimentation rate (0.36 cm year–1) and a change of lithological type of sediment from detritus gyttja to clayey gyttja. On the basis of Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb content in the sediments, it was determined that the beginning of pollution of the lake dates back to the 19th century and was caused probably by the existence of a health resort. A systematic increase in pollution occurred in the 20th century as a result of industrial plants. Normalised with respect to Al, the content of heavy metals in polluted sediments was from several to twenty times higher than in sediments of the preindustrial period, and a comparison of historical materials with changes of sediments in most cases made it possible to identify the direct causes of the increase in pollution.  相似文献   

破罡湖底泥重金属分布特征及潜在生态危害   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2009年7月,采用Mapinfo专题地图制作技术和Lars Hankson指数模型对破罡湖底泥中铜、铬、锌、镉和铅5种重金属污染的空间分布现状及潜在生态危害进行了研究。结果表明,①破罡湖底泥中铬、铜、锌、镉和铅的含量分别为110~145 mg/kg、51.9~68.1 mg/kg、119~155 mg/kg、1.05~1.41 mg/kg和38.0~62.1 mg/kg;其中,铜和镉的平均含量超过了《土壤环境质量标准》(GB15618-1995)二级标准限值,其他重金属平均含量则在允许范围内。②破罡湖底泥中铜与铬最大含量分布区域都出现在该湖东北部邻枞阳县处;底泥中锌和镉的分布也有一定相似性,最大锌含量和镉含量都出现在湖东北部的小合村以北处,而在湖东南部通江渠附近的锌含量和镉含量都是最小的;铜与铬和锌与镉具有协同毒性,其分布的空间重叠增加了其高含量区域的生态风险。③底泥中铅的高含量区域则出现在湖西湖滨带,汽车尾气排铅是破罡湖底泥中铅的重要来源。④破罡湖底泥中镉含量达到极强生态危害影响水平,其他4种重金属潜在生态危害轻微,由于镉的贡献,导致破罡湖底泥多种重金属潜在生态危害总体上达到很强的水平。  相似文献   

藏南沉错沉积物的粒度特征及其古环境意义   总被引:35,自引:2,他引:35  
通过对藏南沉错粒度参数的分析 ,并结合与其它环境代用指标的比较 ,可以将本地区约 1 40 0年来环境变化分为四个阶段 :约 5 93A.D.~ 82 1 A.D.是湖泊水位相对较高而且变化频繁的时期 ,反映了波动较大且比较湿润的气候状况 ;约 82 1 A.D.~ 1 343A.D.是一个较长的气候相对稳定时期 ,粒度指示该阶段湖泊扩张 ,湖面升高 ,反映了湿润的气候状况 ;约 1 343A.D.~ 1 892 A.D.是一个气候波动十分剧烈且频繁的时期 ,其中约 1 60 2 A.D.前后可能出现了一次短时间的流水突然增加 ,而在这前后各有一个浅水阶段 ( 1 343A.D.~ 1 5 1 2 A.D.和 1 670 A.D.~ 1 892 A.D.) ,反映了湖泊补给程度的减弱 ;1 892 A.D.~1 998A.D.是一个相对稳定的时期 ,湖面变化不太明显 ,而 1 892 A.D.前后具有一个明显的补给水动力减弱的变化。粒度参数所反映的湖面波动与环境变化得到了其他环境代用指标较好的支持。  相似文献   

Documenting the history of catchment deforestation using paleolimnological data involves understanding both the timing and magnitude of change in the input of erosional products to the downstream lake. These products include both physically-eroded soil and the byproducts of burning, primarily charcoal, which arise from both intentional and climatically-induced changes in fire frequency. As a part of the Lake Tanganyika Biodiversity Projects special study on sedimentation, we have investigated the sedimentological composition of seven dated cores from six deltas or delta complexes along the east coast of Lake Tanganyika: the Lubulungu River delta, the Kabesi River delta, the Nyasanga/Kahama River delta, and the Mwamgongo River delta in Tanzania, and the Nyamusenyi River delta and Karonge/Kirasa River delta in Burundi. Changes in sediment mass accumulation rates, composition, and charcoal flux in the littoral and sublittoral zones of the lake that can be linked to watershed disturbance factors in the deltas were examined. Total organic carbon accumulation rates, in particular, are strongly linked to higher sediment mass accumulation from terrestrial sources, and show striking mid-20th century increases at disturbed watershed deltas that may indicate a connection between increased watershed erosion and increased nearshore productivity. However, changes in sedimentation patterns are not solely correlated with the 20th century period of increasing human population in the basin. Fire activity, as recorded by charcoal accumulation rates, was also elevated during arid intervals of the 13th–early 19th centuries. Some differences between northern and southern sedimentation histories appear to be correlated with different histories of human population in central Tanzania in contrast with northern Tanzania and Burundi.  相似文献   

粒级-标准偏差的计算可用来提取沉积序列的粒度敏感组分。采用线性粒级和对数粒级两种粒度划分方法,对青海湖东岸沙地多个风成砂-古土壤沉积剖面进行了系统分析。结果表明:粒级划分对于敏感组分提取结果具有一定的影响,对数粒级提取的粗粒敏感组分比细粒组分具有更大标准偏差,而线性粒级的提取结果则显示细粒组分对于环境变化更为敏感;两种方法提取的细粒敏感组分差异较大,而较粗组分和粗粒组分较为一致。在运用粒级-标准偏差法提取环境敏感粒度指标时,两种划分方法都能有效地提取粗粒敏感组分,而在提取细粒敏感组分方面线性粒级较对数粒级划分法能取得更好的效果。采用线性粒级-标准偏差法提取了青海湖东岸沙地风成沉积物粒度敏感组分,发现黏粒组分(0~4μm)可以作为夏季风强度变化的替代性指标,中细砂组分(144~321μm)可以指示风沙活动的强弱,极细砂组分(60~126μm)可能受局部地形的影响较大,其古气候意义有待进一步查明。  相似文献   

哈拉湖岩芯XRF扫描元素统计分析及其环境意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
青藏高原东北缘高山湖泊哈拉湖是位于季风与西风影响的交汇带的封闭深水湖泊,是区域环境和气候变化的良好记录载体。目前对该湖的研究还较少,缺乏对沉积物中元素环境意义的系统认识。通过高分辨率XRF岩芯扫描,用相关、聚类和因子分析的方法对哈拉湖沉积岩芯地球化学元素进行分析。结果显示Ti、K、Si、Al、Fe、Mn等元素变化一致,相关性高,归为同一类,即径流输入的陆源碎屑组分,反映了流域水文状况如径流量的变化。Sr、Zr元素相关性高,为赋存在粗颗粒沉积物中的元素,根据哈拉湖实际,应为冬季湖泊冰面风力搬运,反映了湖区冬季风力强度的变化。Ca元素既与径流输入元素总体变化一致,也与Sr、Zr元素显著相关,且在第一和第二主成分(径流和风力)上的载荷相当,表明哈拉湖沉积物中的碳酸盐既有粗颗粒的外源碎屑,也有湖泊自生的组分,这在利用碳酸盐进行地球化学研究时应重视,注意去除外源碎屑碳酸盐的影响。可溶元素S和Cl可能反映了入湖水量与蒸发对比情况,与湖泊盐度有关。  相似文献   

The varved sediments of the dimictic Lake Sihailongwan (Long Gang mountain area, Jilin Province, Northeast China) represent a palaeoclimatic archive which documents the local precipitation frequency during the summer monsoon, and variations in the aeolian flux of dust with their remote sources in the arid and semi-arid regions of inner Asia. Based on a detailed discussion of sediment genesis in Lake SHL, dust flux rates and palaeohydrological conditions were reconstructed on a decadal scale over the past 220 years. The aeolian influx by dry and wet deposition was quantified and characterised in its chemical composition. Photosynthetic production in the lake is positively correlated with the inflow of nutrient-rich groundwater. The groundwater discharge largely reflects the strength of the summer monsoon. Net accumulation rates for biogenic silica were determined for annually laminated sediments from the centre of the U-shaped lake basin based on sediment data. In a Si-balance model of the modern lake, the depositional flux of biogenic silica could be independently quantified on the base of hydrochemical monitoring data. Comparison of the both estimates allowed to asses the focussing of the particle flux in the lake. Though water retention in Lake SHL is rather high (ca. 30 years), changes in the hydrological conditions are sensitively recorded in the sediments because (i) nutrient-rich groundwater discharges into the productive zone of the lake, (ii) a substantial proportion of the total dissolved Si-inventory of the mixed lake (ca. 30%) is annually consumed by diatom growth, and (3) sediment accumulation is substantially focussed towards the flat bottom of the lake basin. The bulk siliciclastic sediment fraction (ca. 75 wt.%) largely originates from influx of dust of remote provenance. In sediment thin-sections, the dry-deposited dust fraction is microscopically identifiable as seasonal silt layer. Aeolian input by wet-deposition shows a distinctly higher variability than the influx of dust by dry-deposition. As diatom production, wet-deposition of dust is positively correlated with the rainfall during the summer monsoon. The inferred positive correlation between rainfall and dust flux during the summer monsoon implies that dust deposition is determined by the out-wash efficiency of mineral particles for a permanent high atmospheric dust concentration over Northeast China in the last 220 years.  相似文献   

云南抚仙湖近现代沉积速率变化研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
王小雷  杨浩  丁兆运  杨本俊  张明礼 《地理学报》2011,66(11):1551-1561
借助GPS定位,采集了云南抚仙湖不同区域的7 个沉积物柱芯。通过对抚仙湖沉积物柱芯样品的放射性核素210Pb 和137Cs 测试分析,发现所有柱芯中均存在3 个公认的137Cs 计年时标(1954 年137Cs首次沉降、1963 年全球公认的137Cs最大沉降蓄积峰和1986 年前苏联切尔诺贝利核事故产生的137Cs 沉降蓄积峰),部分柱芯中存在20 世纪70 年代中期中国大气核试验形成的1975/1976 年次级蓄积峰,分析了该次级定年时标存在的合理性。借助210Pb CRS计年模式获得了抚仙湖过去百余年来的沉积年代,与137Cs 时标计年结果相比较存在一定偏差,对两种计年结果产生差异的可能原因进行了探讨。基于210Pb 和137Cs 计年结果,结合历史文献记载得出,自19 世纪中期以来,抚仙湖各个沉积物柱芯(FX6 除外) 的沉积速率变化规律具有相似性,大致可以划分为3 个阶段:A:自然演化阶段,B:人为扰动阶段,C:人为改造阶段。这种不稳定的沉积环境与抚仙湖地区相应历史时期的人类活动有密切关系,表明人类活动是影响短时间尺度下环境变化的主要驱动力。  相似文献   

柴达木盆地东部尕海湖DG03孔岩芯粒度特征及环境意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曹广超    马海州  隆浩  陈忠  张西营  周笃筠 《中国沙漠》2008,28(6):1073-1077
对柴达木盆地东部尕海湖DG03孔岩芯沉积物的粒度特征的研究,结果表明:在12 800—11 800 cal a BP之间,DG03孔沉积物主要以砂为主,含少量的粉砂和粘土,表明钻孔地点的水动力条件比较强,湖泊水位较低,尕海地区经历了一次短暂的干旱事件,这一事件可能是该区域对全球性的YD事件的响应;全新世早中期(11 800—5 600 cal a BP),沉积物主要以粉砂和粘土为主,钻孔地点的水动力条件比较弱,湖泊水位较高,气候环境相对湿润;全新世中晚期以来(5 600 cal a BP以来),沉积物中砂粒组分含量越来越多,粉砂和粘土含量越来越少,平均粒径越来越大,钻孔地点的水动力越来越强,该区域经历了一个干旱化的过程。  相似文献   

Sedimentation fluxes of photosynthetic pigments and their derivatives, focused on the anoxygenic bacteria populations, were determined in meromictic Lake La Cruz over a three-year period using sediment traps. Bacterial settling occurs in pulses in response to lake dynamics. Two main annual events affect particle settling in Lake La Cruz: (1) Following an event of massive calcium precipitation in summer that caused water whiting, a maximum flux of chlorophyll a and derivatives towards the sediment was registered. Although whiting is accompanied by massive phytoplankton biomass sinking, it was not followed by concomitant photosynthetic bacterial sinking. (2) In contrast, the disruption of the chemocline and the contact of bacterial populations with oxygenated waters during autumn overturn provoked a destruction of the sulfur bacterial plate, causing mass mortality, registered in the settling material as photosynthetic pigments and their derivatives from phototrophic bacteria. Among the bacteriochlorophyll a oxidation products, bacterioviridin (bvir) was detected in high relative abundance in the settled material collected by sediment traps. The much increased flux of bvir after thermal overturn, associated with mass mortality of the purple sulfur bacterium, Amoebobacter purpureus, confirms the suitability of this molecule as a useful paleoindicator of the degree of oxygen exposure experienced by the purple sulfur bacteria population.  相似文献   

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