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The Porto Alegre region, Southern Brazil, comprises a fractured aquifer system constituted by pre-Cambrian granitic and gneissic rocks, and a porous aquifer system formed by Cenozoic muddy–sandy to sandy sediments. A model is presented for the origin of the fluoride in the groundwater of the fractured aquifer system, based on ionic interrelations, a statistical analysis of physicochemical parameters and geochemical modeling. The fluoride is present at levels of up to 6.13 mg/L in groundwater and it arises due to the dissolution of secondary fluorite filling fractures in the granitic and gneissic rocks. The dissolution of fluorite occurs at the same time as calcite and dolomite solubilization. The statistical analysis identified three chemically distinct groups (named 1, 2 and 3) and two subgroups (1A and 1B) of groundwater in the fractured aquifer. The most significant differences between these groups are the different concentration ranges of fluoride, calcium, bicarbonate, magnesium, total dissolved solids and chloride and pH values, as well as the correlations between them. The compositional evolution of each groundwater group is governed mainly by how much high-salinity groundwater from the porous aquifer system is mixed with them and the different thermodynamic equilibrium conditions of calcite, dolomite and fluorite.  相似文献   

Arsenic and fluoride in a loess aquifer in the central area of Argentina   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The objective of this study is to analyze the geochemical conditions associated with the presence of arsenic (As) and fluoride (F) in the phreatic aquifer of Coronel Moldes, in the central sector of the Argentine Chacopampean plain. The studied aquifer is composed of silty sand sediments of aeolian origin, typically loess-like sediments. The geochemical composition of water varies from sodium bicarbonate to sodium sulfate-chloride water. As contents range from low concentrations, below detection level, to 250 μg/l. High values of F (up to 12 mg/l) were recorded. A high As–F correlation was found (R 2 = 0.84). The pH varied from 7.31 to 8.85 and the nitrates reached concentrations up to 200 mg/l, indicating an oxidant environment. The highest values of As and F agreed with sodium bicarbonate waters as well as with the highest values of pH recorded. There was a high correlation between As and F as well as between As and the Na/Ca ratio. The composition and texture of loess, low permeability and hydraulic gradients together with the geochemical features of sodium bicarbonate waters are proper conditions for the mobilization of As and F in groundwater in the central area of Argentina.  相似文献   

The assessment of groundwater vulnerability to pollution aims at highlighting areas at a high risk of being polluted. This study presents a methodology, to estimate the risk of an aquifer to be polluted from concentrated and/or dispersed sources, which applies an overlay and index method involving several parameters. The parameters are categorized into three factor groups: factor group 1 includes parameters relevant to the internal aquifer system’s properties, thus determining the intrinsic aquifer vulnerability to pollution; factor group 2 comprises parameters relevant to the external stresses to the system, such as human activities and rainfall effects; factor group 3 incorporates specific geological settings, such as the presence of geothermal fields or salt intrusion zones, into the computation process. Geographical information systems have been used for data acquisition and processing, coupled with a multicriteria evaluation technique enhanced with fuzzy factor standardization. Moreover, besides assigning weights to factors, a second set of weights, i.e., order weights, has been applied to factors on a pixel by pixel basis, thus allowing control of the level of risk in the vulnerability determination and the enhancement of local site characteristics. Individual analysis of each factor group resulted in three intermediate groundwater vulnerability to pollution maps, which were combined in order to produce the final composite groundwater vulnerability map for the study area. The method has been applied in the region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace (Northern Greece), an area of approximately 14,000 km2. The methodology has been tested and calibrated against the measured nitrate concentration in wells, in the northwest part of the study area, providing results related to the aggregation and weighting procedure.  相似文献   

The study reports the age evolution of groundwater as it flows from the recharge area through a regional alluvial aquifer system in North Gujarat-Cambay region in western India. Radiocarbon (14C), 4He and 4He / 222Rn dating methods have been employed. Sediments from a drill core in the Cambay Basin were also analysed for uranium (U) and thorium (Th) concentrations and the measured values have been used to estimate the 4He and 222Rn production rate for groundwater age calculations. Additionally, factors controlling the distribution of 222Rn, 4He and temperature anomalies in groundwater, vis-à-vis their relation to the tectonic framework and lithology of the study area, have also been examined.The multi-isotope study indicated a reasonable correspondence in groundwater age estimates by the three methods employed. The groundwater 14C ages increased, progressively, in the groundwater flow direction: from the foothills of Aravalli Mountains in the east, and reached a value of ∼35 ka towards the region of lowest elevation, linking Little Rann of Kachchh (LRK)-Nalsarovar (NS)-Gulf of Khambhat (GK) in the western part of the study area. In this region, groundwater ages obtained for free flowing thermal wells and springs employing 4He and 4He / 222Rn systematics are in the order of million years. Such anomalous ages are possibly due to enhanced mobilisation and migration of ‘excess helium’ from hydrothermal circulation vents along deep-seated faults. Excluding such anomalous cases and considering all uncertainties, presently estimated 4He and 4He / 222Rn groundwater ages are in reasonable agreement with 14C age estimates in the Cambay Basin for helium release factor (ΛHe) value of 0.4 ± 0.3. The 4He method also indicated west-southwards progression of groundwater ages up to ∼100 ka beyond the Cambay Basin.Large ‘excess helium’ concentrations are also seen to be generally associated with anomalous groundwater temperatures (> 35 °C) and found to overlie some of the basement faults in the study area, particularly along the east and the west flanks of the Cambay Basin. Groundwater 222Rn activities in most of the study area are 800 ± 400 dpm/l. But, a thermal spring at Tuwa on the east flank of the Cambay Basin, having granitic basement at shallow depth, recorded the highest 222Rn activity (∼63,000 dpm/l).  相似文献   

The effects of climate change on the groundwater systems in the Grote-Nete catchment, Belgium, covering an area of 525 km2, is modeled using wet (greenhouse), cold or NATCC (North Atlantic Thermohaline Circulation Change) and dry climate scenarios. Low, central and high estimates of temperature changes are adopted for wet scenarios. Seasonal and annual water balance components including groundwater recharge are simulated using the WetSpass model, while mean annual groundwater elevations and discharge are simulated with a steady-state MODFLOW groundwater model. WetSpass results for the wet scenarios show that wet winters and drier summers are expected relative to the present situation. MODFLOW results for wet high scenario show groundwater levels increase by as much as 79 cm, which could affect the distribution and species richness of meadows. Results obtained for cold scenarios depict drier winters and wetter summers relative to the present. The dry scenarios predict dry conditions for the whole year. There is no recharge during the summer, which is mainly attributed to high evapotranspiration rates by forests and low precipitation. Average annual groundwater levels drop by 0.5 m, with maximum of 3.1 m on the eastern part of the Campine Plateau. This could endanger aquatic ecosystem, shrubs, and crop production.  相似文献   

The Grand Forks aquifer, located in south-central British Columbia, Canada was used as a case study area for modeling the sensitivity of an aquifer to changes in recharge and river stage consistent with projected climate-change scenarios for the region. Results suggest that variations in recharge to the aquifer under the different climate-change scenarios, modeled under steady-state conditions, have a much smaller impact on the groundwater system than changes in river-stage elevation of the Kettle and Granby Rivers, which flow through the valley. All simulations showed relatively small changes in the overall configuration of the water table and general direction of groundwater flow. High-recharge and low-recharge simulations resulted in approximately a +0.05 m increase and a –0.025 m decrease, respectively, in water-table elevations throughout the aquifer. Simulated changes in river-stage elevation, to reflect higher-than-peak-flow levels (by 20 and 50%), resulted in average changes in the water-table elevation of 2.72 and 3.45 m, respectively. Simulated changes in river-stage elevation, to reflect lower-than-baseflow levels (by 20 and 50%), resulted in average changes in the water-table elevation of –0.48 and –2.10 m, respectively. Current observed water-table elevations in the valley are consistent with an average river-stage elevation (between current baseflow and peak-flow stages).
Resumen El acuífero de los Grand Forks, situado al sur de la Columbia Británica central (Canadá) ha sido utilizado como lugar de estudio para modelar la sensibilidad de un acuífero a los cambios en la recarga y el caudal de los ríos de acuerdo con escenarios previstos de cambio climático en la región. Los resultados sugieren que las variaciones en la recarga al acuífero bajo los diversos escenarios, que han sido modelados en régimen estacionario, tienen un impacto mucho menor en las aguas subterráneas que los cambios en el caudal de los ríos Kettle y Granby, que discurren por el valle. Todas las simulaciones muestran diferencias relativamente pequeñas en la configuración regional de los niveles freáticos y en la dirección general del flujo subterráneo. Las simulaciones de recarga elevada y baja causan un incremento de 0,05 m y un decremento de 0,025 m, respectivamente, en los niveles del acuífero. Los cambios de la elevación del río, simulados para reflejar niveles de flujo mayores que los valores pico (en un 20% y un 50%) resultan en cambios medios de los niveles del acuífero de 2,72 m y 3,45 m, respectivamente. Los cambios simulados en la elevación del río para flujos inferiores al caudal de base (en un 20% y en un 50%) provocan descensos en los niveles de 0,48 y 2,10 m, respectivamente. Los niveles actuales del acuífero en el valle son coherentes con una elevación media del nivel en el río (entre el caudal de base actual y los picos de caudal).

Résumé L'aquifère de Grand Forks, situé en Colombie britannique (Canada), a été utilisé comme zone d'étude pour modéliser la sensibilité d'un aquifère à des modifications de la recharge et du niveau de la rivière, correspondant à des scénarios envisagés de changement climatique dans cette région. Les résultats font apparaître que les variations de recharge de l'aquifère pour différents scénarios de changement climatique, modélisées pour des conditions de régime permanent, ont un impact sur le système aquifère beaucoup plus faible que les changements du niveau des rivières Kettle et Granby, qui coulent dans la vallée. Toutes les simulations ont montré des différences relativement faibles dans la configuration d'ensemble de la nappe et dans la direction générale des écoulements. Des simulations de conditions de recharge forte et de recharge faible produisent respectivement une remontée de 0,05 m et un abaissement de 0,025 m, approximativement, des cotes de la nappe pour l'ensemble de l'aquifère. Des changements simulés de la cote du niveau de la rivière, pour refléter des niveaux plus hauts que ceux des pics de crues (de 20 et de 50%), produisent respectivement des remontées de la nappe de 2,72 et 3,45 m en moyenne. Des changements simulés de l'altitude du niveau de la rivière, pour refléter des niveaux plus bas que ceux de basses eaux (de 20 et de 50%), produisent respectivement des abaissements de la nappe de 0,48 et 2,10 m en moyenne. Les altitudes courantes observées de la nappe dans la vallée sont cohérentes avec une cote moyenne du niveau de la rivière (entre les niveaux courants de basses eaux et de crues).


A simulation program, which works seamlessly with GIS and simulates flows in coastal aquifers, is presented in the present paper. The model is based on the Galerkin finite element discretization scheme and it simulates both steady and transient freshwater and saltwater flow, assuming that the two fluids are separated by a sharp interface. The model has been verified in simple cases where analytical solutions exist. The simulation program works as a tool of the GIS program, which is the main database that stores and manages all the necessary data. The combined use of the simulation and the GIS program forms an integrated management tool offering a simpler way of simulating and studying saline intrusion in coastal aquifers. Application of the model to the Yermasogia aquifer illustrates the coupled use of modeling and GIS techniques for the examination of regional coastal aquifer systems.
Resumen Se ha desarrollado un modelo casi tridimensional de elementos finitos para simular el flujo de agua dulce y salada, tanto en régimen estacionario como en transitorio, en sistemas acuíferos costeros, bajo la hipótesis de separación por medio de una interfaz abrupta. Las ecuaciones del modelo han sido discretizadas mediante un esquema de Galerkin de discretización en elementos finitos. El modelo ha sido verificado en casos sencillos para los que existe solución analítica. Todos los datos necesarios se introducen y gestionan con un Sistema de Información Geográfica [SIG] por ordenador. El programa de simulación forma parte del programa de SIG, constituyendo una herramienta integrada de gestión para estudiar la intrusión salina en acuíferos costeros. La aplicación del modelo al acuífero de Yermasogia ilustra el uso acoplado de las técnicas de modelación y de SIG con el fin de examinar sistemas acuíferos costeros a escala regional.

Résumé Pour étudier un système aquifère côtier, nous avons développé un modèle aux éléments finis en quasi 3-D qui simule les écoulements deau douce et deau salée en régime aussi bien permanent que transitoire. Les équations qui les régissent sont discrétisées par un schéma de discrétisation de Garlekin aux éléments finis. Le modèle a été vérifié dans des cas simples où il existe des solutions analytiques. Toutes les données nécessaires sont introduites et gérées grâce à un logiciel de gestion de SIG. Le programme de simulation est utilisé comme un outil du logiciel de SIG, constituant ainsi un outil de gestion intégrée dont le but est de simuler et détudier lintrusion saline dans les aquifères côtiers. Lapplication du modèle à laquifère de Yermasogia illustre lutilisation couplée de la modélisation et des techniques de SIG pour létude des systèmes aquifères côtiers régionaux.

A simple, physically based method is developed in this paper to assist in the allocation of areas with high groundwater potential and for the determination of maximum allowed pumping rate to ensure proper groundwater management. This method utilizes the aquifer physical properties as well as GIS technology to accomplish this purpose. The design of this method was considered to be applicable in areas with little data, such as in most arid regions. This technique was applied to a catchment in an arid environment where qualitative as well as quantitative analyses of the results were undertaken. Locations of available groundwater and rates of maximum allowable pumping were compared with observations and experiments in the field and a good agreement was found. It was concluded that the best groundwater location was in the alluvial area, which represents only 16% of the total aquifer, which is a typical case in arid region catchments. The rate of maximum pumping was estimated to be 65 m3/h. However, to benefit 55% of the area, the maximum pumping rate should only be 40 m3/h with an average rate throughout the area (55%) of about 24 m3/h.This revised version was published online in December 2004 with corrections to the category.  相似文献   

The coastal semi-arid region of South Texas is undergoing significant growth causing an enormous burden on its limited water resources. Understanding regional-scale vulnerability of this resource is important for sustainable water resources management and land use development. In this study, DRASTIC methodology is integrated with an information-analytic technique called rough sets to understand groundwater vulnerability characteristics in 18 different counties of South Texas. The rough set theory provides three useful metrics: the strength factor which depicts how vulnerability characteristics occur over the area; the certainty factor computes the relative probabilities for various vulnerability states within a county and the coverage factor which elucidates the fraction of a specific vulnerability state present in each county. The coupling of rough sets with GIS is particularly advantageous to cluster counties exhibiting similar vulnerability characteristics and to obtain other related insights. The application of the approach indicates that the groundwater vulnerability exhibits greater variability along the coast than in the interior sections of the area. The shallow aquifer in Aransas, DeWitt, Goliad and Gonzales counties is the most vulnerable, while the aquifer in Duval, Jim Wells, Karnes, Live Oak, Nueces and San Patricio is less vulnerable. This approach should prove useful to regional planners and environmental managers entrusted with the protection of groundwater resources.  相似文献   

A regional-scale groundwater study was conducted over a 2-year period to assess the extent of nitrate contamination and source identification for southern Baldwin County, AL. Groundwater wells were sampled and analyzed for nitrate and a host of other geochemical parameters which revealed that extensive areas within aquifer zone A2 exhibited nitrate concentrations exceeding regulatory limits. Spatial iso-concentration maps of nitrate were constructed using ArcGIS software to determine the extent and severity of contamination for the aquifers underlying southern Baldwin County with the primary interest focused on the heavily utilized aquifer zone A2. Nitrate levels in the central and northeastern portion of the study area were most extensive with maximum concentrations of 63 mg/L likely resulting from agricultural inputs. Several other small regions throughout the study area exhibited elevated levels of nitrate and chloride as high as 112 and 51.1 mg/L, respectively, and sources likely vary (i.e., residential septic systems, animal waste to agriculture). With the exception of a few groundwater samples, there was no obvious correlative relationship between chloride and nitrate concentration for data collected during the 2-year period. Collectively, a general inverse relationship between nitrate concentrations and well depth was observed for the aquifer system under investigation. The study provides an initial current data set of areas impacted or most vulnerable to nitrate contamination and initial assessment of likely sources of nitrate in the region.  相似文献   

Data integration is challenging where there are different levels of support between primary and secondary data that need to be correlated in various ways. A geostatistical method is described, which integrates the hydraulic conductivity (K) measurements and electrical resistivity data to better estimate the K distribution in the Upper Chicot Aquifer of southwestern Louisiana, USA. The K measurements were obtained from pumping tests and represent the primary (hard) data. Borehole electrical resistivity data from electrical logs were regarded as the secondary (soft) data, and were used to infer K values through Archie’s law and the Kozeny-Carman equation. A pseudo cross-semivariogram was developed to cope with the resistivity data non-collocation. Uncertainties in the auto-semivariograms and pseudo cross-semivariogram were quantified. The groundwater flow model responses by the regionalized and coregionalized models of K were compared using analysis of variance (ANOVA). The results indicate that non-collocated secondary data may improve estimates of K and affect groundwater flow responses of practical interest, including specific capacity and drawdown.
Résumé  L’intégration de données entre en jeu lorsque plusieurs niveaux intermédiaires d’assistance sont nécessaires pour corréler données primaires et secondaires de diverses manières. Le présent article décrit une méthode géostatistique qui intègre les mesures de conductivité hydraulique (K) et les données de résistivité électrique, afin d’estimer plus efficacement la distribution de K dans l’Aquifère Supérieur de Chicot, au sud-ouest de la Louisiane (Etats-Unis). Les mesures de K sont issues des pompages d’essai et représentent les données primaires (“dures”). Les données des diagraphies de résistivité électrique ont été considérées comme des données secondaires (“molles”), à partir desquelles les valeurs de K ont été déduites, par la loi d’Archie et l’équation de Kozeny-Carman. Un pseudo semi-variogramme croisé a été développé afin de pallier à l’absence de colocalisation des données de résistivité. Les incertitudes sur les semi-variogrammes automatiques et sur les pseudo semi-variogrammes croisés ont été quantifiées. Les réponses du modèle d’écoulement des eaux souterraines aux modèles régionalisés et co-régionalisés de K ont été comparés, par les analyses de variance (ANOVA). Les résultats montrent que les données secondaires non-colocalisées peuvent améliorer les estimations de K, et affecter efficacement les réponses des écoulements souterrains, y compris les débits spécifiques et les rabattements.

Resumen  La integración de datos es un gran desafío cuando existen diferentes niveles de apoyo entre datos primarios y secundarios que es necesario correlacionar de varias maneras. Se describe un método geoestadístico el cual integra mediciones de conductividad hidráulica (K) y datos de resistividad eléctrica para tener una mejor estimación de la distribución de K en el Acuífero Chicot Superior del suroeste de Luisiana, Estados Unidos de América. Las mediciones de K se obtuvieron de pruebas de bombeo y representan los datos primarios (duros). Los datos de sondeos de resistividad eléctrica se consideraron como datos secundarios (suaves) y se usaron para inferir valores de K a través de la ley de Archie y la ecuación de Carman-Kozeny. Se desarrolló un pseudo semivariograma cruzado para enfrentar la falta de colocación de datos de resistividad. Se cuantificaron las incertidumbres en los auto-semivariogramas y en los semivariogramas cruzados. Las respuestas del modelo de flujo de agua subterránea por los modelos coregionalizados y regionalizados de K se compararon usando el análisis de varianza (ANOVA). Los resultados indican que los datos secundarios no colocados pueden mejorar los estimados de K y afectar las respuestas de flujo de agua subterránea de interés práctico, incluyendo capacidad específica y descenso.

Finding the location of groundwater dependent ecosystems (GDEs) is important in determining the extent of restrictions that need to be placed upon the abstraction of groundwater. Remote sensing was combined with geographical information system (GIS) modelling to produce a GDE probability rating map for the Sandveld region, South Africa. Landsat TM imagery identified the areas indicating the probable presence of GDEs and GIS assisted in their delineation. Three GIS models were generated: a GIS model predicting landscape wetness potential (LWP model) based on terrain morphological features; the LWP model was modified to highlight groundwater generated landscape wetness potential (the resulting GglWP model); and a groundwater elevation model was interpolated, combining groundwater level measurements in boreholes in the region with digital elevation model data. Biomass indicators generated from Landsat were classified and combined with the GIS models, followed by field verification of riverine and wetland GDEs. The LWP model provided the most accurate results of the three models tested for GDEs in this region.
Zahn MünchEmail:

A steady state groundwater flow simulation model was developed using available well data and general hydrogeological and geological information, for the Afram Plains area, Ghana. The hydrochemistry of groundwater from wells in the area was then evaluated to determine its suitability for irrigation and domestic uses. The assessment of the irrigation quality of groundwater from this area was based on salinity (EC) and sodium adsorption ratios (SAR), residual sodium carbonate (RSC), and permeability indices (PI). The simulation model reveals that groundwater in the Afram Plains area generally flows from the midsections in the neighborhood of Tease and surrounding areas, where significant recharge takes place, to the outer regions and discharges into the Volta Lake in the southern and eastern sections of the area. Flow magnitude and piezometric maps suggest that there is probably of less potential for groundwater extraction for sustainable irrigation in the central regions of the area, when compared to the other discharge areas. This study reveals that more than 70% of the samples analyzed fall within the C2–S1 category, referring to the medium level salinity and low sodium. Medium salinity waters may be used for irrigation on coarse textured soils with good permeability. About 15% of the data fall within the C3–S2 category, referring to water of high salinity and medium sodicity. High salinity, medium sodicity irrigation water cannot be used on fine-grained soils where drainage is restricted. This is because restricted flow is likely to result in the accumulation of salts in the root zones of crops, leading to salinity and soil clogging crisis. About 3% falls within the C3–S3 (high salinity, high sodicity) category. This category requires special soil management including improved drainage, heavy leaching and the use of chemical amendments on the water. Only one point plots within the extreme salinity–sodicity range. Concentrations of fluoride, arsenic and other natural elements in the area generally fall well within the world health standards for domestic water.  相似文献   

Mapping of hard rock aquifer system and artificial recharge zonation were carried out in an area of 325 km2 in parts of the Perambalur District, Tamil Nadu, India. This district has been declared as one of the over-exploited regions in Tamil Nadu by the Central Groundwater Board. To raise the groundwater level, suitable recharge zones were identified and artificial recharge structures are suggested using geomatics technology in the present study. To this end, various thematic maps concerning lithology, soil, geomorphology, land use, land cover, slope, lineament, lineament density, drainage, drainage density and groundwater depth level were prepared. Fissile hornblende gneiss (244 km2) covered most of the study area followed by charnockites (68 km2). Structural hills and rocky pediments characterize the major geomorphological features in the targeted area, and are followed by deep moderated pediments. The area is mostly used as crop and fallow land, followed by scrub land and deciduous forest. In the study area, the slopes are predominantly very gentle (142 km2) and nearly level (66 km2) ones. Besides, Groundwater level data of 58 wells have been generated, in which the minimum and maximum depth were 3 and 28 m respectively. Integration under the GIS environment has been carried out using all the thematic layers to identify the groundwater prospect zone through the introduction of weight and rank methods. Integrated output performances were classified into very poor, poor, moderate, good and excellent categories. All these classes were further divided into two groups as suitable and non-suitable area for the selection of recharge sites. Hard rock fractures were mapped as lineaments from satellite images, and besides that, rose diagram was also generated to find out the trend of the fracture. Furthermore, fracture data of 146 numbers have been collected using Brunton compass to generate rose diagram and were correlated with the rose diagram derived from lineaments. The present study significantly brought up a few areas such as Ammapalayam, Melapuliyur, Senjeri and around Siruvachur for artificial recharge.  相似文献   

Mapping of hard rock aquifer system and artificial recharge zonation were carried out in an area of 325 km^2 in parts of the Perambalur District,Tamil Nadu,India.This district has been declared as one of the over-exploited regions in Tamil Nadu by the Central Groundwater Board.To raise the groundwater level,suitable recharge zones were identified and artificial recharge structures are suggested using geomatics technology in the present study.To this end,various thematic maps concerning lithology,soil,geomorphology,land use,land cover,slope,lineament,lineament density,drainage,drainage density and groundwater depth level were prepared.Fissile hornblende gneiss(244 km^2)covered most of the study area followed by charnockites(68 km^2).Structural hills and rocky pediments characterize the major geomorphological features in the targeted area,and are followed by deep moderated pediments.The area is mostly used as crop and fallow land,followed by scrub land and deciduous forest.In the study area,the slopes are predominantly very gentle(142 km^2)and nearly level(66 km^2)ones.Besides,Groundwater level data of 58 wells have been generated,in which the minimum and maximum depth were 3 and 28 m respectively.Integration under the GIS environment has been carried out using all the thematic layers to identify the groundwater prospect zone through the introduction of weight and rank methods.Integrated output performances were classified into very poor,poor,moderate,good and excellent categories.All these classes were further divided into two groups as suitable and non-suitable area for the selection of recharge sites.Hard rock fractures were mapped as lineaments from satellite images,and besides that,rose diagram was also generated to find out the trend of the fracture.Furthermore,fracture data of 146 numbers have been collected using Brunton compass to generate rose diagram and were correlated with the rose diagram derived from lineaments.The present study significantly brought up a few areas such as Ammapalayam,Melapuliyur,Senjeri and around Siruvachur for artificial recharge.  相似文献   

Regional geochronological studies indicate that mid-Cretaceous plutonism (the Hohonu Suite at 110 Ma) in the Hohonu Batholith, Western Province of New Zealand, occurred during a period of rapid tectonic change in the SW Pacific portion of Gondwana. The 30–40 m.y. preceding Hohonu Suite magmatism were dominated by the subduction-related plutonism of the Median Tectonic Zone volcanic arc. Between 125–118 Ma there was a major collisional event, inferred to be the result of collision between the Median Tectonic Zone and the Western Province. This collision resulted in melting of the Median Tectonic Zone arc underplate and generation of a distinctive suite of alkali-calcic granitoids, termed the Separation Point Suite. At 110 Ma there was another pulse of magmatism, restricted to the Buller terrane of the Western Province, and including the Hohonu Suite granitoids. This was followed almost immediately by extension, culminating in the opening of the Tasman Sea some 30 m.y. later. The Hohonu Suite granitoids overlap temporally with the last vestiges of collisional Separation Point magmas and the onset of crustal extension in the Western Province, and thus represent magmatism in a post-collisional setting. Hohonu Suite magmas are typically calc-alkaline, but retain a chemical signature which suggests that the earlier Separation Point Suite magmas and/or sources were involved in Hohonu Suite petrogenesis. A model is proposed in which rapid isothermal uplift, resulting from the post-collisional collapse of continental crust previously thickened during the Median Tectonic Zone collision, caused melting of lower continental crust to generate the Hohonu Suite granitoids. In this example, granitoid composition is a consequence of the composition of the source rocks and the conditions present during melting, and no geochemical signature indicative of the tectonic setting during magmatism is present.  相似文献   

The Serra da Graciosa Granites and Syenites comprise five distinct plutons in the Brasiliano/Pan-African Graciosa A-type Province, southern Brazil. Six petrographic series can be identified in these plutons: (1) Alkaline series 1, composed of amphibole-bearing alkali feldspar syenites with varied mafic mineralogy and quartz contents, from alkali feldspar syenites with calcic amphibole, clinopyroxene, olivine and allanite to alkali feldspar quartz syenites with sodic–calcic amphibole and chevkinite–perrierite and to alkali feldspar granites with sodic amphibole; (2) Alkaline series 2, characterized by amphibole-bearing alkali feldspar granites, with limited modal variations but amphibole compositions also varying from calcic to sodic; (3) Alkaline series 3, of limited occurrence, which includes alkali feldspar syenites with olivine and clinopyroxene and no amphibole; (4) Aluminous series 1, of widespread occurrence, with various petrographic facies of biotite granites with amphibole; (5) Aluminous series 2, characterized by alkali feldspar granites with biotite and only minor amphibole; (6) Monzodiorites, typically with biotite, calcic amphibole and augitic clinopyroxene, partially mingled with granitic magmas. The mafic minerals present are, in general, Fe-rich with correspondingly low Mg and Al contents. In Alkaline series 1, amphiboles crystallized in progressively more oxidizing and alkaline conditions, while in Alkaline series 2, the initial conditions were somewhat more oxidizing and shifted to reducing in the final stages. In Aluminous series 1 and Aluminous series 2, amphiboles are calcic and comparatively homogeneous. The amphiboles in the monzodioritic rocks, while also homogeneous, are more Mg-rich and show compositions quite distinct from the calcic varieties in the other associations, and this is also the case for clinopyroxene. Mg# in biotite decreases from the monzodioritic rocks to Aluminous series 1 and further to Aluminous series 2. Contrasting evolution of the various associations suggests that several coeval magmatic series are present in the Serra da Graciosa granites.  相似文献   

Neogene rift system configuration for the back-arc of southwest Japan, southern rim of the Japan Sea, is argued on the basis of reflection seismic interpretation. Divergent rifting and subsequent contraction provoked by an arc–arc collisional event are manifested by the formation of faulted grabens and their inverted deformation, respectively. We identified the following four Cenozoic tectonic epochs as a decomposition process of the eastern Eurasian margin based on reliable paleomagnetic data: (1) Plate margin rearrangement on a regional left-lateral fault through southwest Japan and Sikhote Alin, which constituted a continuous geologic province before the early Tertiary differential motion; (2) Early Tertiary clockwise rotation (>20°) of the east Tan-Lu block relative to the North China block; (3) Oligocene to early Miocene divergent rifting and spreading of the Japan Sea, which divided southwest Japan from the east Tan-Lu block; (4) Middle Miocene bending and back-arc inversion of southwest Japan caused by collision with the Izu-Bonin arc. According to the estimation of relative motions during these events, a paleogeographic reconstruction is presented through Cenozoic time.  相似文献   

《China Geology》2021,4(3):487-497
This study aims to investigate the mechanisms and health risks of fluoride enrichment in groundwater in the Loess Plateau, China. By taking Dali County, Shaanxi Province, China as an example, this study obtains the following results through field investigation and the analyses of water, soil, and crop samples. (1) The groundwater can be divided into two major types, namely the Quaternary pore-fissure water and Karst water. The Karst area and sandy area have high-quality groundwater and serve as the target areas for optional water supply. The groundwater in the study area is slightly alkaline and highly saline. Meanwhile, high-fluoride groundwater is mainly distributed in the loess and river alluvial plains in the depression area of the Guanzhong Basin and the discharge areas of the groundwater, with the highest fluoride concentration exceeding seven times the national standard. (2) Fluoride in groundwater mainly originates from a natural source and human activities. The natural source refers to the fluoride-bearing minerals in rocks and soil, and the fluoride from this source is mainly controlled by natural factors such as climate, geologic setting, pH, specific hydrochemical environment, ion exchange, and mineral saturation. Human activities in modern life can be further divided into industrial and agricultural sources primarily. (3) The health risks of fluoride contamination are very high in the Loess Plateau, especially for children compared to adults. Meanwhile, the risks of fluoride exposure through food intake are higher than those through drinking water intake. The authors suggest selecting target areas to improve water supply and ensure the safety of drinking water in the study area. Besides, it is necessary to plant crops with low fluoride content or cash crops and to conduct groundwater treatment to reduce the fluoride concentration in drinking water. These results will provide a theoretical basis for safe water supply in the faulted basin areas in the Loess Plateau.© 2021 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   

Amphiboles are the main mafic minerals in most metaluminous to peralkaline alkali-feldspar granites and syenites, and they usually preserve an important record of the compositional evolution of the melts from which they crystallize. In the alkaline association of the Serra da Graciosa A-type Granites and Syenites (southern Brazil), amphibole compositions span a large range, including calcic, sodic–calcic, and sodic amphiboles. Calcic amphiboles are typically observed in the metaluminous rocks, while sodic amphiboles are characteristic of the more strongly peralkaline rocks; sodic–calcic amphiboles are found in intermediate varieties. Compositional variations record the differentiation trends within two petrographic series of the alkaline association. The overall evolution of amphibole compositions is similar in both: they reveal a progressive increase in Na and Fe3+ with differentiation (increase in alkalinity of the magmas), a characteristic shared by undersaturated peralkaline (or agpaitic) differentiation trends. In detail, however, the evolutions of the amphibole compositions in the two series are distinct. In Alkaline series 1, the cores of the crystals form a continuum from calcic to sodic compositions, with the exception of a small compositional gap within the sodic–calcic amphiboles. The rims, however, show compositions that diverge from this main trend; this divergence results from increasing amounts of the oxy-amphibole component, and reflects more oxidizing conditions at the final stages of magmatic crystallization. In Alkaline series 2, these oxidation trends are much more subtle and a reverse trend is observed in the sodic amphiboles. Sodic–calcic amphiboles are in several cases replaced by intergrowths of post-magmatic sodic amphibole and Al-poor (“tetrasilicic”) biotite.  相似文献   

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