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城市化进程对北京地区降水的影响分析   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
李书严  马京津 《气象科学》2011,31(4):414-421
用北京20个基本气象站1978—2009年的日降水观测资料以及北京地区水文总站遍布全市的82个雨量站资料,讨论了北京地区降水分布的特征及其城市效应的影响。得到如下结论:(1)北京地区降水量的贡献以中雨以上降水为主。30多年来各级降水除了中雨趋势不明显以外,其他都呈现减小趋势。北京地区降雨量的减少,主要是由于大雨以上量级雨量减少所造成的。(2)近30 a来整个区域降水日数呈减少趋势:西部、西北部及北部山区降水日数较多,越靠近城区降水日数越少。(3)当大尺度降水系统较弱或者局地性强降水系统时,城市效应明显,即相对于区域平均而言,城区及下风方局地降雨增加;而大尺度天气系统较强时,城市效应基本被掩盖。(4)从强降水分布看,1980s以后随着城市化进城加快,短时强降雨局地性特征明显,降雨分布不均,降雨中心的面积和强度明显缩小。这种分布可以在城市热岛分布特征上得到一些合理的解释。  相似文献   

The investigations on the dynamics of the PBL have been developed in recent years. Some authors emphasized macro-dynamics and others emphasized micro-structure of the PBL. In this paper, we study and review some main characteristics of the wind field in the PBL from the view point connecting the macro-dynamics and micro-structure of the PBL, thus providing the physical basis for the further research of the dynamics and the parameterization of the PBL.  相似文献   

This review of the last three years of progress in the understanding of wind profiles and the structure of turbulence in the planetary boundary layer is divided into three parts. The first part, by N. E. Busch, deals with the atmospheric surface layer below 30 m. It is shown that the Monin-Oboukhov similarity hypotheses fail at low frequencies and large wave-lengths, probably due to mesoscale influences. Also, it is suggested that the neutral surface layer is a poor reference state in some respects, because the structure of turbulence in unstable conditions is quite different from that in stable stratification. The second part, by H. Tennekes, is concerned with the intermittency of the dissipative structure of turbulence and its effects on the velocity and temperature structure functions. It is shown that the modified Kolmogorov-Oboukhov theory, which attempts to explain the consequences of the dissipative intermittency, is unable to predict the shape of the temperature structure functions. The third part of this review, by H. A. Panofsky, deals with wind profiles and turbulence structure above 30 m. It is shown that between 30 and 150 m, surface-layer formulas can be used, if such mesoscale effects as changes of terrain roughness are taken into account where needed. Experimental data on turbulence above 150 m are quite sparse; some of the current scaling laws that can be used in this region are described.  相似文献   

The diurnal variations of gaseous pollutants and the dynamical and thermodynamic structures of the atmospheric boundary layer (ABE) in the Beijing area from January to March 2001 are analyzed in this study using data from the Beijing City Air Pollution Observation Field Experiment (BECAPEX). A heavy pollution day (22 February) and a good air quality day (24 February) are selected and individually analyzed and compared to reveal the relationships between gaseous pollutants and the diurnal variations of the ABL. The results show that gaseous pollutant concentrations exhibit a double-peak-double-valley-type diurnal variation and have similar trends but with different magnitudes at different sites in Beijing. The diurnal variation of the gaseous pollutant concentrations is closely related to (with a 1-2 hour delay of) changes in the atmospheric stability and the mean kinetic energy in the ABL.  相似文献   

A numerical model developed by Pandolfo was used to compute changes in temperature resulting from changes in the physical characteristics of the surface due to urbanization and from the addition of radiatively active pollutants, such as a carbonaceous aerosol, that are characteristic of urbanization and industrialization. The model was simplified here by (1) omitting advection, and (2) by holding the pollutant concentration constant in time. The results show that changes in the physical properties of the surface, and not pollutants are the dominant factors in creating the urban heat island. Changes in the vertical thermal structure are caused by changes in the surface temperature near the surface and by the presence of pollutants at higher levels.  相似文献   

Mean products of velocity fluctuations up to fourth order have been measured in a wind tunnel at the trailing edge of a flat plate, one side of which was covered with floor-sanding paper to produce a fully rough surface. This set-up permits easy comparison of structural parameters in smooth-wall and rough-wall boundary layers. The Reynolds-stress profiles and second-order parameters are closely the same on the rough and smooth surfaces; in particular the decrease in Reynolds shear stress near the rough surface, encountered by several other laboratory workers, was not found in the present results. The triple products are spectacularly altered for a distance of up to 10 roughness heights from the rough surface, and imply a large net rate of transport of turbulent energy and shear stress towards the surface. Comparison with other published data shows that the behaviour of this modified region depends on roughness geometry as well as on the roughness height itself; for example, the mean cube of the normal-component fluctuation remains positive (energy transport away from the surface) over sand or gravel roughness but goes negative, like the other energy-transport terms, over crop canopies.  相似文献   

Land-use practices such as deforestation or agricultural management may affect regional climate, ecosystems and water resources. The present study investigates the impact of surface heterogeneity on the behaviour of the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL), at a typical spatial scale of 1 km. Large-eddy simulations, using an interactive soil–vegetation–atmosphere surface scheme, are performed to document the structure of the three-dimensional flow, as driven by buoyancy forces, over patchy terrain with different surface characteristics (roughness, soil moisture, temperature) on each individual patch. The patchy terrain consists of striped and chessboard patterns. The results show that the ABL strongly responds to the spatial configuration of surface heterogeneities. The stripe configuration made of two patches with different soil moisture contents generates the development of a quasi- two-dimensional inland breeze, whereas a three-dimensional divergent flow is induced by chessboard patterns. The feedback of such small-scale atmospheric circulations on the surface fluxes appears to be highly non-linear. The surface sensible and latent heat fluxes averaged over the 25-km2 domain may vary by 5% with respect to the patch arrangement.  相似文献   

Double-layered structures found over the Baltic Sea are investigated using radiosoundings and lidar measurements. Situations with double-layer structures are also simulated with the regional model REMO in a realistic manner. The double layer consists of two adjacent well-mixed layers, with a sharp inversion in between.Results from radiosoundings show that the double-layer structure over the Baltic Sea mainly occurs during the autumn with thermally unstable stratification near the surface. The structure is present in about 50 % of the radiosoundings performed during autumn. The presence of the double-layer structure cannot be related to any specific wind direction, wind speed or sea surface temperature.The lidar measurements give a more continuous picture of the time evolution of the double-layer structure, and show that the top of the lower layer is not a rigid lid for vertical transport. Two possible explanations of the double-layer structure are given, (i) the structure is caused by `advection' of land boundary-layer air over the convective marine boundary layer or, (ii) by development of Sc clouds in weak frontal zones connected to low pressure systems. Also the forming of Cu clouds is found to be important for the development of a double-layer structure.  相似文献   

利用温江观测站边界层塔和探空获取的观测资料,从地表物理量的日变化、边界层的垂直结构及逐日变化这些方面分析该站夏季边界层特征,得到以下结论:(1)地表各物理量都具有明显的日变化特征,呈现一峰一谷的演变状态,其中地表热通量、动量通量、气温以及风速的峰值皆出现在午后,谷值出现在凌晨,湿度与气温日变化是反位相的。(2)近地层低层大气气温在早晚时段,随高度的增加而上升,呈逆温状态;午间时段随高度的增加而下降。9 m以下大气在午后的比湿梯度最大。风速值随着高度的增高而增大,风切变随着高度的增高而减小。(3)探空观测的边界层垂直结构显示:夏季温江站早晚边界层大气层结稳定,而午后表现为典型的混合边界层特征。大气温/湿度差异随高度增长而降低,各个时次温/湿度的差异都主要集中边界层低层,越靠近地面大气温/湿度差异越突出。8:00的温度最低,14:00最高。14:00的大气比湿最小,2:00和20:00较大。近地层风速随高度增长较快,在离地2~300 m左右高度达到一个极值,4个时次的风速差异不大。(4)地表温度、短波辐射、感热通量对边界层的高度和降水都有一定的影响。  相似文献   

In this paper, several methods of incorporating anthropogenic heat release into the boundary layer are compared. The best scheme was one that included anthropogenic heat release in both the surface energy balance equation and the thermodynamic equations. In addition, it included diurnal variations and a distribution of heat based on building concentrations. We further investigated the influence of anthropogenic heat release on urban boundary layer structure and the urban heat island, and found that the contribution of anthropogenic heat release to the urban heat island is greatest in the evening and at night, and least at noon. The daily average contribution ratio of anthropogenic heat to urban heat island intensity in the winter is 54.5%, compared with just 43.6% in the summer. Anthropogenic heat strengthens the vertical movement of urban surface air flow, changing the urban heat island circulation. It also makes the urban boundary layer more turbulent and unstable, especially in the morning and evening. The degree of influence of anthropogenic heat release on local boundary layer structure depends on its importance to the surface energy budget.  相似文献   

Ekman动量近似下中间边界层模式中的风场结构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
发展了一个准三维的、中等复杂的边界层动力学模式,该模式包含了EKman动量近似下的惯性加速度和Blackadar的非线性湍流粘性系数,它进一步改进了Tan和Wu(1993)提出的边界层理论模型。该模型在数值计算复杂性上与经典Ekman模式相类似,但由于包含了Ekman动量近似下的惯性项,使得该模式比传统Ekman模式更近于实际过程。中详细地比较了该模式与其他简化边界层模式在动力学上的差异,结果表明:在经典的Ekman模式中,由于忽略了流动的惯性项作用,导致在气旋性切变气流(反气旋性切变气流)中风速和边界层顶部的垂直速度的高估(低估),而在半地转边界层模式中,由于高估了流动惯性项的作用,结果与经典Ekman模式相反。同样,该模式可以应用于斜压边界层,对于Ekman动量下的斜压边界层风场同时具有经典斜压边界层和Ekman动量近似边界层的特征。  相似文献   

2015年11月24日至2015年12月2日北京市经历了一次严重的雾霾污染过程。本文利用这次过程期间北京325米气象塔的观测资料,对重污染天气条件下的边界层风场、温度场、湿度场和湍流特征进行了分析研究。本次污染过程并未发布红色预警,但是实际的污染形势被低估了,本文也对低估原因进行了分析。结果表明:北京地区这次污染过程主要是由偏东风和偏南风引起的,11月29日高层(280米)风速增加而低层(15m)风速并未增加,且次日高层风速大幅减小,导致了对于这次污染形势的低估。风速、湍动动能和摩擦速度与PM2.5浓度呈反相关关系。在晴天,风速随高度的增加而显著增加,但在污染严重的时期,风速从近地层到塔顶的变化不是很大。湍流动能从近地层到铁塔高层的变化并不是很明显。雾霾过程通常伴随有逆温层的出现,边界层内温度的日变化很小。在严重污染时,相对湿度接近100%,此时感热通量和水汽通量也都减小,湍流活动受到抑制,湍流活动强度的减弱又会进一步加重污染形势。  相似文献   


基于微波辐射计、微雨雷达、风廓线雷达和毫米波云雷达获得的高时空分辨率多源新型遥感探测资料,对上海梅雨期一次强降水过程(2020年6月15日)的大气热力、动力、云雨等垂直结构特征进行了分析。主要结论如下:(1)降水发生前一日(6月14日)上午,强西南风为上海地区输送了大量水汽,对流层中低层水汽明显增多、气温偏高,大气不稳定性增加,K指数在降水前10多个小时逐渐增至35℃甚至更高;降水之后,对流层低层气温下降、水汽减少。(2)此次降水过程云层较深厚,主要降水时段云层厚度基本都维持在12 km以上,最厚可达14 km,融化层位于约4.7 km高度。(3)降水各阶段对应的云雨结构特征差异较大。降水前期,强回波垂直方向集中在3 km以下,且时间上间歇出现;降水中期,云体融化层连续且稳定,强回波区持续出现,且垂直方向扩展至4 km及以上,雨滴下降速度稳定维持在6 m·s-1以上;降水后期,云顶高度下降至9 km及以下,降水回波减弱,弱降水特征明显。


荒漠绿洲边界层结构的数值模拟   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
陆-气相互作用和中小尺度天气系统的研究中,水平不均匀边界层和水平不均匀地表的强迫作用都是重要的物理过程.本文用已建立的陆面过程与大气边界层耦合模式(BLCM),较详细地研究了草地周围为荒漠(半沙漠)的地表植被不均匀而造成的边界层结构特征和局地环流及其昼夜变化.通过边界层顶影响自由大气不同尺度的运动.模式结果揭示出最强的上升和下沉运动是发生在荒漠-草地间动力和热力不连续的界面附近,且呈现出不对称性.  相似文献   

不同边界层参数化方案对东亚夏季风气候模拟的对比研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
用WRF v3.2.1中尺度预报模式和NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,对比研究了WRF模式中5个不同边界层参数化方案对东亚夏季风气候的模拟效果。结果表明:WRF模式对各边界层参数化方案均较为敏感,采用不同的边界层参数化方案对模拟区域内的夏季降水、气温、环流等气候要素均可产生明显影响。选取MYJ方案和QNSE方案对500 h Pa夏季平均环流的模拟效果较好,YSU方案和QNSE方案对夏季平均日降水量模拟与再分析资料更吻合,YSU方案和MYNN2.5方案对中国东部2 m气温的模拟结果较好。不同边界层参数化方案模拟结果都显示出由于副热带高压偏强,使副热带高压第2次北跳后停留时间过短,导致长江中下游降水偏少,华北地区降水增多。通过比较YSU和QNSE边界层方案,发现YSU方案相比QNSE方案的降水差异,是由于850 h Pa水汽输送造成的。在中国大部分地区YSU方案的2 m温度比QNSE方案高,并且地面2 m气温和降水存在一定对应关系。因此合理选取边界层参数化方案可以提高数值模拟的准确性。  相似文献   

The structure of thunderstorm in the atmospheric boundary layer in Beijing area is analysed by using three-year data of tower. It is indicated that the outflow current of the thunderstorm in the lower layer is a sort of density current. An area of evident wind direction shear is found at about half an hour to one hour before the arrival of the gust front.The maximum intensity of the shear can reach 0.35sec-1.The inner structure within the density current is also very complicated. At the nocturnal stable boundary layer in summertime, the development of the convective motions is often triggered due to the instability of the Kelvin-Helmholtz wave.  相似文献   

An observational study of the structure of the nocturnal boundary layer   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In an effort to describe the basic vertical structure of the nocturnal boundary layer, observations from four experiments are analyzed. During the night, the depth of significant cooling appears to increase with time while the depth of the turbulence and height of the low level wind maximum tend to remain constant or decrease with time. Since the inversion layer extends above the low level wind maximum and shear is small in the region of the low level jet, the Richardson number reaches a maximum at the jet level and then decreases again with height. As a result, turbulence is observed to be a minimum at the height of the low level wind maximum and then increases again above this height.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.Part of this work was performed while a visiting scientist at Oregon State University.  相似文献   

二维正方晶格光控太赫兹波调制器   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
2006年冬季在南京北郊盘城利用系留气球探测系统、自动气象站等仪器对雾日和非雾日的边界层进行了监测,对比分析了两者的边界层结构。结果表明,非雾日主要为单层贴地逆温,并时常出现短时的双层结构,雾发展成熟时逆温则脱离地面。与非雾日相比,雾日平均雾顶之上温度日较差增大,雾顶之下则减小。平均风速的时间—高度分布在雾日和非雾日类似,在稳定性边界层中风速随高度出现一个或者两个极大值区。温度和比湿在非雾日没有显著的对应性,而在雾体内具有较好的对应关系,在雾顶升降过程中反相关。较强的逆温、较低的温度和较小的近地层风速是南京冬季成雾的背景条件。  相似文献   

城市化效应对北京市短历时降水特征的影响   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
对北京城区和郊区的自动气象站的部分小时降水量资料进行了分析和概率分布的拟合,结果为:小时降水量适用对数-Weibull分布模式拟合;中到大雨时,城市效庆对下风区的短历时降水雨量增加影响最明显;而在市中心,短历时降水暴雨的发生概率和强度增加最显著。  相似文献   

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