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鹤岗富力煤矿冲击地压的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

受大寒岭倒转背斜的影响,大安山煤矿14槽煤后槽形成了极为复杂的煤层结构,其轴部及附近和两翼形成的急倾斜煤层是高应力区,具有冲击倾向性。首先用ANSYS有限元软件建立了包括复杂煤层结构在内的矿山模型,利用单元生死技术模拟轴部及右翼开挖;在此基础上,分析了采场围岩的应力场和位移场,圈定了冲击地压发生的危险区域,分析了冲击地压发生的机理;预测了14槽煤后槽开采的冲击倾向性,并指出在实际开采时,必须采取防冲措施,为避免冲击地压事故的发生提供了技术支持,具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

针对冲击地压造成大量锚杆支护结构破坏问题,采用动力数值计算方法,研究冲击载荷作用下锚杆-围岩的动力耦合作用与破坏机制。结果表明:(1)冲击载荷作用下锚杆与围岩振动存在明显的"时差效应",导致锚杆与围岩非同步振动,致使锚固剂承受动态剪切作用。随着锚固长度的增加锚杆与围岩的振动呈同步趋势,削弱了振动"时差效应"引起的锚固剂剪切作用,有效避免锚杆的脱粘滑移失效;(2)随着冲击速度的增大,"时差效应"导致锚杆锚固剂承受动态剪切作用被覆盖,锚杆的破坏失效模式由脱粘或杆体屈服断裂转变为锚杆与围岩统一破坏模式;(3)当冲击载荷频率接近锚固围岩体固有频率时,冲击载荷引起锚杆与围岩共振,锚杆与围岩同步振动速度幅值显著增大,可在相对较低的冲击速度下造成锚杆与围岩整体失效。远离锚固围岩体的固有频率对锚杆-围岩动力相互作用影响较小。  相似文献   

矿山冲击的地震学研究与开发   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
国家地震局地球物理研究所与中国统煤总公司北京矿务局合作,将地震学的成熟方法引入对矿山冲击的研究。在监测系统改造、分析软件包编制、震源机理研究、矿山冲击分类和冲击预测专家系统研制等方面,都取得一定进展,并展示出极广阔的应用开发前景。本文则是这些工作的综合性总结。  相似文献   

多孔金属材料是一种新型功能和结构材料,具有良好的吸能、减震和阻尼特性。根据多孔金属材料的吸能特性,研究了多孔金属材料耗散能量准则,分析了多孔金属材料应用于冲击地压巷道支护的可行性。基于多孔金属材料的耗散能量准则,首次建立了刚柔吸能支护结构模型,将多孔金属材料应用于冲击地压巷道支护结构中,并利用FLAC 3D计算软件,对刚柔吸能支护巷道冲击破坏进行数值模拟。研究结果表明,刚柔吸能支护可高效吸收冲击能量、缓冲作用荷载及大幅度提高巷道围岩的可靠程度,是防治冲击地压发生和降低动力灾害的一种有效方法。  相似文献   

微地震监测技术及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金维浚  张衡  张文辉  段心标  刘伟 《地震》2013,33(4):84-96
微地震监测技术涉及近震分析的定位和地壳结构成像, 微地震监测各种定位方法要构造不同目标函数, 地震定位问题的实质是求目标函数的极小值。 全局定位邻近算法(NA)具有不依赖于模型初始值选择, 不会收敛于局部极小值, 比传统线性近似方法有更高的精度和可靠性。 通过地震数据的震相分析, 走时拾取反演可以获得地震影响区的地震波速度结构, 目前已广泛应用于油、 气田勘探开发, 以及页岩气开发中; 矿山开采中矿震、 岩爆, 煤与瓦斯突出, 承压水突水预测; 水利工程建设坝址、 边坡稳定性和天然滑坡监测等多个领域。  相似文献   

四川省分布着金沙江、雅砻江、大渡河、岷江、沱江、涪江、嘉陵江和渠江等8大水系。由于金沙江、雅砻江和大渡河等流域的水电站基本处于高海拔、高地震烈度、高边坡和地质条件复杂的高山峡谷中,据相关法律法规,有必要加强水电站地震监测。经30多年的努力,8大水系共计16个电站建成专用地震监测台网并投入运行,其余56座电站的地震监测工作推进较缓,文中对四川省主要水系流域地震监测情况予以详细阐述,希望为地震监测工作推进缓慢的流域提供参考,促进地震监测工作的顺利实施。  相似文献   

煤矿采掘过程中煤岩体电磁辐射特征及应用   总被引:25,自引:3,他引:25       下载免费PDF全文
运用研制的KBD5矿用本安型电磁辐射监测仪测试了煤矿采掘过程中工作面煤岩体的电磁辐射,分析了电磁信号与采掘工艺及煤岩动力灾害危险性等的关系。研究表明,煤矿采掘过程伴随产生电磁辐射,电磁辐射是煤岩体受到采动影响后应力重新分布或变形破裂趋向新平衡的结果;有煤与瓦斯突出和冲击地压危险时,有明显的电磁异常前兆;采取防治措施后,电磁辐射显著下降。电磁辐射技术在煤矿可以用于预测煤与瓦斯突出、冲击地压等煤岩动力灾害。  相似文献   

煤矿冲击矿压监测与防治的实践与研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
煤矿冲击矿压实质是煤岩体能量积聚与释放的过程,它是一个动态的过程.因此冲击矿压的防治也应是一个动态的过程,其防治过程必须使得煤岩体中所积聚的弹性应变能达不到最小冲击能,从而防治冲击矿压的发生.电磁辐射能够反映煤岩体中所积聚的能量,卸压爆破可以释放能量.三河尖矿按此思路实施的冲击矿压动态防治技术,取得了良好的效果.  相似文献   

针对波速分层的区域岩体,在异向波速模型的基础上,对垂向上的应力波按岩体波速值大小作分段区别,推导震源应力波走时关系式,建立分层速度定位目标函数,基于此提出一种由参数准备、层速度反演、微震定位三个模块组成的分层速度定位模型SV,并采用遗传算法进行优化求解.然后,对分层速度定位模型在已构建微震监测系统的白鹤滩水电站左岸岩质边坡进行验证.微震事件重定位结果表明,分层速度定位模型定位微震事件的最大、最小和平均偏离层内错动带程度指标较单一速度模型分别降低了57.17%、36.51%和57.35%,证明了定位模型在波速分层的区域岩体微震定位应用中比单一速度定位模型更加合理可靠.  相似文献   

In downhole microseismic monitoring, accurate event location relies on the accuracy of the velocity model. The model can be estimated along with event locations. Anisotropic models are important to get accurate event locations. Taking anisotropy into account makes it possible to use additional data – two S-wave arrivals generated due to shear-wave splitting. However, anisotropic ray tracing requires iterative procedures for computing group velocities, which may become unstable around caustics. As a result, anisotropic kinematic inversion may become time consuming. In this paper, we explore the idea of using simplified ray tracing to locate events and estimate medium parameters. In the simplified ray-tracing algorithm, the group velocity is assumed to be equal to phase velocity in both magnitude and direction. This assumption makes the ray-tracing algorithm five times faster compared to ray tracing based on exact equations. We present a set of tests showing that given perforation-shot data, one can use inversion based on simplified ray-tracing even for moderate-to-strong anisotropic models. When there are no perforation shots, event-location errors may become too large for moderately anisotropic media.  相似文献   


水力压裂是进行非常规油气储层改造,提高单井产量的必备技术.为了实现安全、高效压裂,通常使用地震检波器进行微地震监测和压裂效果评估.一般情况下,井中检波器数量较少且采集方位角较窄,难以获得准确的微地震震源位置,导致无法准确评估储层改造情况.通过将光纤永置式布设于页岩气储层水平井的套管外,我们实现了基于水平井光纤分布式声波传感(Distributed Acoustic Sensing,DAS)的全井段、宽方位、高密度水力压裂过程微振动实时监测,并进一步使用震源扫描算法对监测到的微地震有效事件进行震源位置成像.合成数据算例表明,与常规检波器技术相比,DAS技术具有以下两点优势:(1)DAS技术实现了水平井全井段监测,显著增加了监测数据的采集方位角,可以有效提升震源位置成像的空间分辨率;(2)DAS技术显著增加了监测数据的空间采样密度,可以有效提高低信噪比监测数据的震源位置成像精度.昭通页岩气储层水力压裂监测数据算例进一步验证了DAS技术的有效性,表明了宽方位、高密度的DAS数据可以获得高分辨率的震源位置成像结果,有助于提高储层改造效果评估的准确性.


We investigate fracture‐induced attenuation anisotropy in a cluster of events from a microseismic dataset acquired during hydraulic fracture stimulation. The dataset contains 888 events of magnitude ?3.0 to 0.0. We use a log‐spectral‐amplitude‐ratio method to estimate change in over a half‐hour time period where fluid is being injected and an increase in fracturing from S‐wave splitting analysis has been previously inferred. A Pearson's correlation analysis is used to assess whether or not changes in attenuation with time are statistically significant. P‐waves show no systematic change in during this time. In contrast, S‐waves polarised perpendicular to the fractures show a clear and statistically significant increase with time, whereas S‐waves polarised parallel to the fractures show a weak negative trend. We also compare between the two S‐waves, finding an increase in with time. A poroelastic rock physics model of fracture‐induced attenuation anisotropy is used to interpret the results. This model suggests that the observed changes in t* are related to an increase in fracture density of up to 0.04. This is much higher than previous estimates of 0.025 ± 0.002 based on S‐wave velocity anisotropy, but there is considerably more scatter in the attenuation measurements. This could be due to the added sensitivity of attenuation measurement to non‐aligned fractures, fracture shape, and fluid properties. Nevertheless, this pilot study shows that attenuation measurements are sensitive to fracture properties such as fracture density and aspect ratio.  相似文献   

水力压裂对速度场及微地震定位的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
水力压裂是页岩气开发过程中的核心增产技术,微地震则广泛用于压裂分析、水驱前缘监测和储层描述.微地震反演过程中,用于反演的速度模型往往基于测井、地震或标定炮资料构建,忽略了压裂过程中裂缝及孔隙流体压力变化对地层速度的影响.本文首先基于物质守恒、渗流理论和断裂力学模拟三维水力压裂过程,得到地下裂缝发育特征和孔隙压力分布.继而根据Coates-Schoenberg方法和裂缝柔量参数计算裂缝和孔隙压力对速度场的影响,得到压裂过程中的实时速度模型.最后利用三维射线追踪方法正演微地震走时和方位信息,并采用常规微地震定位方法反演震源位置及进行误差分析.数值模拟结果表明,检波器空间分布影响定位精度,常规方法的定位误差随射线路径在压裂带中传播距离增加而变大,且不同压裂阶段的多点反演法与单点极化法精度相当.  相似文献   

The knowledge of the velocity model in microseismic jobs is critical to achieving statistically reliable microseismic event locations. The design of microseismic networks and the limited sources for calibration do not allow for a full tomographic inversion. We propose optimizing a priori velocity models using a few active shots and a non‐linear inversion, suitable to poorly constrained systems. The considered models can be described by several layers with different P‐ and S‐wave velocities. The velocities may be constant or have 3D gradients; the layer interfaces may be simple dipping planes or more complex 3D surfaces. In this process the P‐ and S‐ wave arrival times and polarizations measured on the seismograms constitute the observed data set. They are used to estimate two misfit functions: i) one based on the measurement residuals and ii) one based on the inaccuracy of the source relocation. These two functions are minimized thanks to a simulated annealing scheme, which decreases the risk of converging to a local solution within the velocity model. The case study used to illustrate this methodology highlights the ability of this technique to constrain a velocity model with dipping layers. This was performed by jointly using sixteen perforation shots recorded during a multi‐stage fracturing operation from a single string of 3C‐receivers. This decreased the location inaccuracies and the residuals by a factor of six. In addition, the retrieved layer dip was consistent with the pseudo‐horizontal trajectories of the wells and the background information provided by the customer. Finally, the theoretical position of each calibration shot was contained in the uncertainty domain of the relocation of each shot. In contrast, single‐stage inversions provided different velocity models that were neither consistent between each other nor with the well trajectories. This example showed that it is essential to perform a multi‐stage inversion to derive a better updated velocity model.  相似文献   

We study the stability of source mechanisms inverted from data acquired at surface and near‐surface monitoring arrays. The study is focused on P‐wave data acquired on vertical components, as this is the most common type of acquisition. We apply ray modelling on three models: a fully homogeneous isotropic model, a laterally homogeneous isotropic model and a laterally homogeneous anisotropic model to simulate three commonly used models in inversion. We use geometries of real arrays, one consisting in surface receivers and one consisting in ‘buried’ geophones at the near‐surface. Stability was tested for two of the frequently observed source mechanisms: strike‐slip and dip‐slip and was evaluated by comparing the parameters of correct and inverted mechanisms. We assume these double‐couple source mechanisms and use quantitatively the inversion allowing non‐double‐couple components to measure stability of the inversion. To test the robustness we inverted synthetic amplitudes computed for a laterally homogeneous isotropic model and contaminated with noise using a fully homogeneous model in the inversion. Analogously amplitudes computed in a laterally homogeneous anisotropic model were inverted in all three models. We show that a star‐like surface acquisition array provides very stable inversion up to a very high level of noise in data. Furthermore, we reveal that strike‐slip inversion is more stable than dip‐slip inversion for the receiver geometries considered here. We show that noise and an incorrect velocity model may result in narrow bands of source mechanisms in Hudson's plots.  相似文献   

For years, severe rockburst problems at the Lucky Friday mine in northern Idaho have been a persistent safety hazard and an impediment to production. An MP250 based microseismic monitoring system, which uses simple voltage threshold picking of first arrivals, has been used in this mine since 1973 to provide source locations and energy estimates of seismic events. Recently, interest has been expressed in developing a whole waveform microseismic monitoring system for the mine to provide more accurate source locations and information about source characteristics. For this study, we have developed a prototype whole-waveform microseismic monitoring system based on a 80386 computer equipped with a 50 kHz analog-digital convertor board. The software developed includes a data collection program, a data analysis program, and an event detection program. Whole-waveform data collected and analyzed using this system during a three-day test have been employed to investigate sources of error in the hypocenter location process and to develop an automatic phase picker appropriate for microseismic events.Comparison of hypocenter estimates produced by the MP250 system to those produced by the whole-waveform system shows that significant timing errors are common in the MP250 system and that these errors caused a large part of the scatter evident in the daily activity plots produced at the mine. Simulations and analysis of blast data show that analytical control over the solutions is strongly influenced by the array geometry. Within the geophone array, large errors in the velocity model or moderate timing errors may result in small changes in the solution, but outside the array, the solution is very sensitive to small changes in the data.Our whole-waveform detection program picks event onset times and determines event durations by analysis of a segmented envelope function (SEF) derived from the microseismic signal. The detection program has been tested by comparing its arrival time picks to those generated by human analysis of the data set. The program picked 87% of the channels that were picked by hand with a standard error of 0.75 milliseconds. Source locations calculated using times provided by our entire waveform detection program were similar to those calculated using hand-picked arrival times. In particular, they show far less scatter than source locations calculated using arrival times based on simple voltage threshold picking of first arrivals.  相似文献   

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